xt7b8g8fj72z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fj72z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1973 1973 1973-11-12 2020 true xt7b8g8fj72z section xt7b8g8fj72z The Kentucky Kernel  

Vol. LXV No. 68
Monday, November 12, 1973

independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


Saudi Arabia
may shut oil

tap forever

Associated Press Writer

RIYADH. Saudi Arabia — King Faisal,
having shut the Arab oil tap, may never
open it again to the level required by an
energy-hungry world.

The Saudi Arabian monarch has linked
the flow of oil to a permanent settlement of
the Middle East conflict. As the leader of
oil policy in the world’s biggest reservoir,
the Arabian peninsula and the Persian
gulf, he has the power to make itstick.

U.S. diplomats here say it might take
years rather than months to satisfy the
king’s demands on Israeli withdrawal
from occupied Arab lands and a per-
manent resolution f the Palestine


News analysis

question, including the status of
Jerusalem. Even this will only insure a
return to prewar production levels, the
amount of Arab oil reaching the world
before the fourth Arab—Israeli war of

October. _
Continued on page 5

States work
to tighten
energy belts

Associated Press Writer
FROM TURNING down thermostats in
Minnesota to shutting off air conditioning
on buses in Hawaii, officials in every state
are moving to counter this winter‘s energy

Four days after President Nixon
outlined a series of steps designed to ease
the fuel shortage, an Associated Press
survey of officials in each of the 50 states
showed most had followed or were about to
follow at least some of the President’s

Among other things, Nixon suggested on
Wednesday that speed limits be lowered to
50 miles per hour, that thermostats be
lowered 6-10 degrees and that unnecessary
outdoor lighting be extinguished.

customed to chilly winters, already had
acted along those lines. A great many
others have found themselves preparing
legislation or forming advisory councils to
help them tighten their energy belts.

Continued on page 5


Grad students,


agenda items

Kernel Staff Writer

News In Brief

Iy the Associated Press
and the Israel Stat!

‘28 murdered?

0 Californians slain
0 Nixon meets GOP:
0 landfill may close
0 Kissinger in China

0 Today's weather...

FOLOWUP ACTION on the recom-
mendations from the ad hoc committee
concerning the status of graduate students
and a proposal to abolish the six-week
intersession will be main agenda items for
the University Senate today.

The Senate Council, the administrative
arm of the Senate, studied the committee
report after it was first presented to the
Senate Oct. 8.

The Council requested the Senate not to
act on five recommendations, send four to
the Graduate Council for discussion, send
one to the Code Committee for opinion and
approve the remaining suggestions.

THE COUNCIL suggested that no action
be taken on some items since such action
does not fall under the Senate’s jurisdic~

The recommendation referred to the
Student Code revision committee con-
cerned the graduate assistant's status as a
student or faculty member in certain

0 TEL AVIV — Israel has charged in a
complaint to the International Red Cross
that Syrian soldiers murdered 28 Israeli
prisoners of war, the Israeli state radio
said Sunday.

The radio said four of what it called the
28 “confirmed cases” were murders “in
cold blood.” It did not elaborate.

0 OAKDALE. Calif. -— Two nude,
decomposed bodies were found Sunday in
a remote creek bed, and authorities said
they believed they were more victims of
two men already charged with nine
murders and linked to several others.

Sheriff’s deputies from Stanislaus
County here and Maricopa County in
Arizona said they found the bodies using
information provided by Willie L.
Steelman, 28, of Lodi, Calif, and Douglas
Gretzler, 22, of New York City.

Both are in San Joaquin County Jail
charged with the execution-style slayings
last Tuesday of nine persons at a ranch
home in rural Victor.

The recommendation read: “That
graduate assistants, when teaching or
performing responsibilities related to their
assistantship come only under the aegis of
the Faculty Code. If a question arises
concerning the individual’s status as an
assistant or student, the case should be
referred to the standing graduate com-
mittee or teaching and research assistants
for determination as to whether the
faculty or student code apply."

SOME SUGGESTIONS were referred to
the Graduate Council because they con-
cern issues within the purview of the
Graduate Council. Senate action should be
delayed until that body has made

Most of the recommendations suggested
for approval concerned general action
which should be taken concerning
graduate students.

The Senate will also decide on a
recommendation that six-week in-
tersession be abolished. The program was
started in 1972 to allow public school

. WASHINGTON — The White House
acknowledged Sunday that President
Nixon will meet with every Republican
representative and senator in a series of
six sessions this week to discuss

A presidential spokesman also said
Nixon eventually would meet with
Democratic congressional leaders,
although no schedule for those sessions has

been set.
The spokesman said the GOP members

will be able to ask questions during the

0 LEXINGTON. Ky. — A Lexington
landfill operator warned Sunday that he
may have to curtail or possibly even halt
operations at the county’s only sanitary
landfill unless he can get more diesel fuel
this week.

Stanley Rose, the president of the
LexingtonJ-‘ayette County Land
Reclamation Co., which operates the
landfill, said hh firm needs more than its

teachers to enroll without taking courses
during their own school term.

members, it was explained that since the
public schools now end prior to the
beginning of the University’s regular
eight-seek summer session, the original
argument for the six-week session is not
longer valid.

The recommendation has the support of
Dr. Elbert Ockerman, dean of admissions
and registrar, and the various college

In 1972, 643 students attended the six-
week session and only 324 were registered
in 1973.

A selective admissions plan for the
College of Education is also on the Senate’s
agenda. The proposal establishes critieria
for admittance into the teacher’s program
in the college.

THE SUGGESTION was recommended
by the Undergraduate Co'uncil, the Senate
Council and the College of Education.

current 1,900-gallon—per-month allotment
of fuel to opeerate equipment at the waste
disposal site.

0 PEKING — Secretary of State Henry
A. Kissinger and Premier Chou En-lai met
again Sunday amid speculation their
discussions may lead to Chou’s first visit to
the United States or some other clear sign
of closer U.S.~Chinese ties.

No details were disclosed of their 3V2-
hour session in the Great Hall of the
People, the second since Kissinger arrived
in Peking Saturday from his whirlwind
Middle East peace-making mission.

...more autumn

Continued fall weather is slated
through tomorrow. Today '5 high will be in
the upper 50s with a drop tonight into the
low 40s. Tuesday will see a possible slight
increase in temperature with highs in the



The Kentucky Kernel

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The Kentucky Kernel is mailed live times weekly during the school year except during
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Check the preposals

Several of this year's proposed amendments to the code of
Student Rights and Responsibilities merit special ob-
servation before they are discussed during open hearing
Tuesday in room 245 of the Student Center.

Although the number of changes is down to 39 from 55 last
year the relative importance of these changes seems to be
greater this time. Many amendments are geared to giving
the student more responsibilities in University’s affairs,
apart from academia.

Some suggestions include:

——An additional paragraph to the introduction of the code
defining when graduate assistants fall under the faculty or
student codes. This amendment, Proposal 2, gives grad
assistants the best of two worlds. Ideally grad assistants
should be removed from this limbo between student and
faculty status and be placed in one or the other codes for

—Many of the proposals dealing with Article I in the code
( proposals 7 through 15) offer students more protection, and
give them a larger operating hand in the University’s
judicial process.

Confidential treatment

——Proposal 23 allows student test data and records to
receive confidential treament unless the student offers
consent, or a subpoena is delivered by an authority of the
law when it has been determined the information can lead
to the reduction of clear and imminent danger to an in-
dividual or group.

—Another proposal, ( No. 26) explains that students have
a right of free expression which includes demonstrating and
picketing and they are subject to local, state and federal
laws. This amendment deletes conditions set up by the

«Proposal 27 would allow students a seat on all
University administrative committees desiring student
involvement. Currently, the administration picks these
student members. This proposal, however, would allow the
president of SG to pick student members. Although it may
prove to be too cumbersome a task, for the best per-
formance of this amendment, the Student Senate should
pick student members, thus preventing the SG president
from becoming the only representative voice on campus.

Clever disguise

—Proposal 28 is a beast in Cinderella disguise. If passed
this suggestion would eliminate the necessity of University
approval for organizations. And according to a passage
of the suggestion, “all organizations, student or otherwrse,
shall have access to the use of University facilities.” The
clincher to this amendment would be the presence on
campus of Gay Lib and other groups now considered taboo
by the administration. Obviously this is one of the more
important advantageous student suggestions to surface, its
passage by the board is doubtful.

—No. 37 would eliminate Article VI in its entirety. This
article is an illegal repetition of local, state and federal
laws and should be struck from the cude anyway. Hopefully
the paranoia which surrounded the demonstrations of 1970'
have finally passed on from this campus allowing the
president and the Board to strike Article VI from the code.

These are only a few of the suggestions to be presented in
the hearings Tuesday. Students sincerely interested in the
code of rights and responsibilities are urged to attend the
hearings to achieve the best results for student welfare on
this campus.



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SUPPLY . . .’


Nicholas Von Hoffman

King Features Syndicate


No proposition is more widely believed
with less solid evidence than that we have
been making a sexual revolution for
ourselves. The end of marriage, the ex-
tinction of the family unit as we've known
it in the West over the last 5,000 or more
years, has been offhandedly predicted
even by Republicans and others who ought
to know better than to be caught up un-
thinkingly in a fad.

SO COMES Playboy magazine (October
issue), of all unlikely institutions, to tell us
that the small group of skeptics were right
all along: there has been no sexual
revolution in America. Changes, yes, some
very interesting ones; but revolution, no

sirree. .
To come to these conclusrons the

magazine paid for the first massive study
of American sexual behavior to be made
since the late Dr. Alfred Kinsey’s work a
generation ago. All the study’s findings
will be published in a series of articles and
a book by Morton Hunt, but the overall
picture is laid out in this issue of Playboy,
where we read, “...liberation has not cut
sex loose from significant personal
relationships or from the institution of
marriage . . . for the great majority, sex
remains intimately allied to their deepest
emotions and inextricably interwoven with
their conceptions of loyalty, love and

The Playboy study involving 2,026
particpants, even finds that most married
people or people living together, regar-
dless of their age, “are not inclined to
grant their mates permission for overt
extramarital sex acts.” Indeed, all that
wild stuff—mate swapping, open marriage
or tribal families—is what we like to read
about others doing: “...the much-
publicized sexual practices that greatly

alter the relationship between sex and
marriage are far less common than they
are generally alleged to be....only 2 per
Cent of married males and fewer than 2 per
cent of married females have ever par-
ticipated in mate swapping with their

THE DATA from this involved and
costly study tend to reinforce the idea that
the American sexual revolution didn’t take
place in the early sixties with the mass
distribution of the pill, but right after
World War I, at the start of the 1920’s when
the upper middle class renounced the cult
of female virginity and proclaimed that
sex was as good and valuable for fun as it
was for babies. Even so, the flappers did
their playing around within the framework
of marriage, albeit sequential marriage,
just as their grandchildren now choose
monogamous relationships.

What seems to be happening is that the
revolutionary ideas of the. “liberated”
portion of the upper middle class have
been spreading out and downward through
our class system. Thus ever since Kinsey
there has been a huge jump in premarital
sex, but the Playboy study tells us we’re
not very promiscuous.

The partners, women especially, have
marriage on their mind. Nor is there
nearly so much switching around as we’ve
been led to think. Women under the age of
25 usually have but one bed partner in the
course of a year. The median number for
males in the same age group is but 1.5.
Single people aged 25 to 34 bounce around
somewhat more, but they still only sleep
with three or possibly four different mates
in the course of a year. Hardly reminiscent

of the delicious excesses of the last days of




Student Code

The Code of Student Conduct affects
each and every student at the University of
Kentucky. The effect may be direct or
indirect, but through this Code all
student’s rights and relationships with the
University are defined, limited and
regulated. The opinions and views of all
students are essential in shaping the scope
and extent of this regulatory document. So
far this year, student input into the Ad-
visory Committee on Student Code
Revision has been far from overwhelming.

On Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 3 pm. to 5
pm. and from 6 to 8:30 pm. in room 245
Student Center, the Advisory Committee

on Student Code Revision will conduct
hearings on the proposed amendments.
These hearings will provide an excellent
opportunity for further student input
regarding the Code. Personally and as a
member of the University and Student
Senates, I would urge students to attend
these hearings to express their views.
whatever they may be, concerning the
proposed Code amendments. This is an
important and effective means for
students to demonstrate their concern and
beliefs regarding the University’s
regulation of their lives.
Damon W. Harrslon, Jr.
2nd year Law school







LONDON—If I had written a piece
a few years ago declaring that children
were my greatest pleasure, many peo-
ple would have assumed that I was
simply being polite, dutiful, womanly
and deceitful. Now, thank goodness,
I may well be considered grossly irre-
ponsible and wicked, and may there-
fore be believed. I have been accused
several times in recent years of en-
couraging others irresponsibly to re-
produce, and would like to make it
clear that such is not here my inten-
tion. I am well aware that recom-
mending other people to have babies
may be as dangerous as recommend-
ing that they take up other unrespecta-
ble antisocial habits like drinking, buy-
ing new fast cars, smoking or property
speculation. All these pleasures are
bad for the environment in one way
or another—drinking least so, but even
drinking produces nonreturnable bot-
tles. And babies are certainly bad for
the environment. They, too, are non-

I have heard from American friends
that the antibaby movement is so well
in hand over there that they are sur-
prised to see how openly and proudly
baby shops and maternity shops still
display their wares over here: perhaps
they will end up discreetly in back
alleys, where lovecraft used to con-
ceal its offerings. That is yet to come,
but already I feel the movement, al-
ready I feel murmurs of disapproval.
It doesn't upset me very much, self-
ishly, because I got my children
already; I got them in before it
became really disreputable.

Before I had children, I never really
liked them. Some people yearn for
babies from childhood on; I was con-
vinced that they would be boring,
irritating, expensive, a drag on my
as yet undecided career, and moreover
I was convinced that my babies, if I
had any, wouldn’t like me. About all
these points except the last I was of
course as right as I was wrong. I had
never liked the sight of babies, and
although I had a doll called Violet I
didn’t like her much and was never
very nice to her. So I think I expected
a baby would be much like Violet, ex-
cept I would have to pretend to be
nice to it.

Being pregnant was horrible, I wor-
ried myself ill about eating and drink-
ing the wrong things, and fainted in
telephone kiosks. I didn’t feel much
sense of communion with the unborn,
though I know others do. Labor wasn’t
much fun either, until the last stages.
But the last stages were spectacular.
Ah, what an incomparable thrill. All
that heaving, the amazing damp slip-
pery wetness and hotness, the con-
fused sight of dark gray ropes of cord,
the blood, the baby's cry. The sheer
pleasure of the feeling of a born baby
on one’s thighs is like nothing on
earth. I didn't get enough of it with
the first one, as he was born while
I was being wheeled along to the labor
ward and everything got a bit hur-
ried, but with the second, at home in
bed, it was so lovely.

With the first one, the most amaz-
ing moment was when he was handed
to me in his little blanket, and looked
at me with his huge blue eyes. It was
utterly unexpected. There he was, a
completely and utterly different per-
son, not myself at all, somebody else,
looking at me, so much nicer in every
way than me, not at all contaminated
by my inadequacies, a whole different
person. He looked at me with such
an agreeable and knowing look. I am

convinced that he must be able to re-
member it, but he assures me that he
has forgotten, though I have often
asked him to try to recall it. He still

a page of opinion from inside and outside the University community

Having children not an ‘anfisocial' habit


Page III

has a very knowing blue eye, that
one: the other morning (this again is
another disgraceful pleasure) I felt a
child creep into my bed at about seven,
and assumed it was the little one, who
usually sets his alarm clock in order
to get, half an hour before breakfast,
in bed with me. So I ignored this com-
fortable child, as usual, and about half
past seven I rolled over to look at him
and tell him it was time to wake up,
and met, not the brown shut eye of
the small one, but the blue, bright,
open and indeed somewhat mocking
eye of the eldest. It was a shock, not
quite like the shock of birth, but along
the same lines: the unexpectedness,
the otherness. This time, he laughed
at my surprise.

After the surprising delight of birth,
other pleasures followed in their
multitudes- Feeding, smiling, gazing. I
actually remember feeling delight, at
2 o'clock in the morning, when the
baby woke for his feed, because I so
longed to have another look at him.
Comfortable holding and carrying;
babies fitted so well against one and
seemed to like it there so much, how
could one not enjoy it oneself? And
when they are a few months old, they
lie and look around and wave and
smile and undergo a constant gentle
agitation, as though they were sea
anemones, gently waving in some oth-
er element, delicately responding to
currents we cannot feel.

Small children—toddlers, as they
are rather offensively labeled—are
well known to be extremely exhaust-
ing. How lucky for them that they
are also extremely appealing—possibly
at their most appealing, at least to
strangers. I am always surprised that
more of them don’t get battered, when
one looks at how they behave. I
think now that the pleasures of that
stage are outweighed by the pains,
though naturally I didn't think so at
the time: but looking back, I wonder
how I endured it. One is programed
to endure the most terrible things.
And at this stage I must admit that
an addiction to children is accom-
panied by the most frightful and seri-
ous disadvantages. It is all very well
to recall the good moments, but what
about all the bad times, the exhaustion,
the illnesses. the bad temper and.
worst of all, the endless. sickening

And yet it is the essence of pleas-
ure for me that it should not be con-
stant or safe, that it should not be
too easily invoked, that it should be
evanescent, easily spoiled. I’ve never
been very good at enjoying myself,
except when a great deal of effort
is involved, and I am not a relaxed
person: in those happy baby-nursing
days which I look back to with such
nostalgia, I was half the time faint
with irritation, at having to sit so
still for so long. I feel guilty if I'm
not working. I don't like playing games,
I can't sit on a beach for long With-
out a book. One of the great virtues.
for me, of having children is that they
prevent me from ever being idle. Idle-
ness destroys me: it plunges me into
such dreadful depression that I think
I'm going to stick there. Children
make one get up in the morning. they
make one shop and cook and wash and
behave reasonably normally, and
therefore whatever pleasure one gets
from them has been well-earned and
one need not feel guilty about it. From
hours of irritation and hard work one
can snatch a few good moments. and
they appear to be both a right and a

».\ .

Margaret Drabhle's latest novel is “The
Needle's Eye." These are excerpts from
an article that originally appeared in
The Sunday Times of London.




4——THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. November 12. 1913





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Student Government


Tuesday and Wednesday
November 13 8. 14

Location of Ballot Boxes

Anderson Hall
Agriculture Building
Dickey Hall

Law Building
Medical Center
Commerce Building
Complex Cafeteria
Blazer Cafeteria
Donovan Cafeteria
King Liberary
Classroom Building
Student Center


10 amt-2 p.m.

lo a.m.-2 p.m.

10 a.m.-2 p.m.

iO a.m.-2 p.m.

10 a.m.-2 p.m.

10 a.m.-2 p.m.
4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
ii a.m.-9 p.m.

10 a.m.-2 p.m.
8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Any full time undergraduate or graduate student with validated ID and

Activity Card may vote at any of the polling places regardless of School or
College. Part time students may only vote at the Student Center.
















The “high" was more than just altitude for the 80 first-time
jumpers participating in the Army-ROTC jump Sunday
(Kernel staff photo by Bruce Singleton).

Frequent quakes hit
eastern Kentucky

Kernel Staff Writer

Kentucky would seem a region
where earthquakes would rarely
be experienced, but there is an
earthquake nearly everyday in
the eastern portion of the state.

Most people think an ear-
thquake has to be felt, but to Dr.
Randy Keller, a geophysicist at
UK, it is any earth movement
that can be recorded.

the earth’s surface, generally
known as soil mechanics, are
essential to minimize earthquake

, damage to construction.

Although Kentucky has never
had a major earthquake causing
severe construction damage,
quakes from nearby states have.

The earthquake which most
affected this state was Missouri’s
New Madrid Earthquake of 1811.
Kentucky received 1,874 shocks
from this quake leaving
depressions 100 feet deep and
varying from a few feet to 100 feet
wide, still visible in Obin County.

a ”E "0

the most in DRY CLEANING


derson counties, gable ends,
parapets and nearly every brick
or stone chimney were over

A device to measure the stiff-

ness of soil at a construction site,
and what it will do under
specified circumstances, has
been developed by Dr. Bobby
Hardin, UK professor of civil

Called a resonant column, the
device simulates earthquake
vibrations on a soil sample to the
extent of collapse. This allows
construction sites to know the
withholding abilities of the soil
under earthquake conditions.

“KENTUCKY IS the only state
in the area that doesn‘t have a
seismograph station,” said
Keller, “butwe are in the process
of trying to receive funding to
establish one."

Understanding of the effects
earthquakes have directly in
Kentucky is not precise," he
added, “due to the fact the only
knowledge we receive is from
stations in surrounding states."

1m \‘


Skirts, Trousers and


2 for “1.19

1 pt. ‘ .
31C .v. attain.”

Sfluttiana Sl‘u'jiL'Dirig (Lem...


 Teaching in Louisville

UYA prepares students

Kernel Staff Writer
Students enrolling in the
education division of University
Year in Action (UYA) are being
offered an opportunity to teach at
Roosevelt Elementary and
Atkinson Elementary, two
Louisville “inner-city” schools.

The administration of
Roosevelt School is quite dif-
ferent from most Louisville
Public Schools, UYA officials
say. Instead of being run by
administrators who live outside
the school community, Roosevelt
is run by a board made up of
teachers and school personnel.

student and now a member of the
teaching staff at Roosevelt, said
her education at UK “lacked
humanism . . .My kids (students)
don’t grow in neat steps. It
doesn’t seem natural to be forced
into a pattern.”

So instead of teaching only
third or fourth graders, Cecil is
teaching students who would

normally be in grades 2, 3 or 4.
Prior to entering the UYA
program she was receiving an
education which was “too

Bonnie Cecil started teaching
at Roosevelt in January, 1972.
She believes the system at
Roosevelt is helpful to students.

“KIDS WANT to go there,” she
said. “It’s hard to get them to
leave. Carr Foster, the principal.
is very much for new teachers
implementing their own
program. They don’t want
students locked in something
that’s not right for them.”

Cecil said the children have
strong emotional needs. One
problem that has cropped up
“more than ever this year” is
racial prejudice.

Cecil teaches a class of 24
students which includes four
blacks. She said there has been
name-calling by blacks and
whites and even an occasional

“THERE IS A whole, whole lot.
of blatant open prejudice,” she

said. “They really don‘t know
why, they’ve just heard their
parents say such and such. That’s
one of the problems we have to


Roosevelt Elementary School
has nine openings for UYA
recruits next semester. Full-time
volunteers involved in the Por-
tland Area Fellowship program
receive $150 a month plus a $400
tuition allOwance a year.

The Roosevelt Elementary
School opportunity is not the only
chance for people interested in

'the University Year in Action

concept. There are opportunities
available for people in education,
psychology, social work, art or
music. All work done in the
program can be used as credit
toward a degree.

STUDENTS ARE now being
selected for work in the Roosevelt
and Atkinson Elementary School
program. Inquiries may be
directed to the Office of Ex-
periential Education, 303 Ad-
ministration Building.

Saudi Arabia may shut oil tap
unless Washington changes

Continued from page 1

THE ARABS' oil customers
will have to come up with some
pretty convincing economic
arguments to get future
production increases they so
desperately need. So far they
don’t have one, and Faisal isn’t
prepared to listen anyway until
Washington changes its pro-
Israeli stance.

Thus the outlook for the con-
sumer is bleak. Gasoline
rationing, and the shortage of
heating oil and industrial energy
will get worse before it gets
better—and it may neVer get
better unless an alternative
energy source is found.

“We’re not talking about one
cold winter but many cold win-
ters to come,” warned newly.
s. Ambassador James E.
Atkins, a leading American oil
expert who formerly headed the
office of fuels and energy in the
State Department.

Akins, who has long warned
Washington not to underestimate
the Arab oil weapon, endured a
blistering one-hour diatribe from
the king when he presented his
credentials last week. It was, he
reported later, “not entirely a
pleasant experience for me.”


—The Arab oil embargo
against the United States and
production cuts affecting Europe
and Japan will continue until
Israel withdraws from all oc-
cupied Arab lands.

——The Arabs are not prepared
even to discuss lifting those curbs
until Israeli troops begin the
withdrawal process with an
initial pullback to the Oct. 22
cease-fire lines.

—-Future production increases
will be discussed only in the
"right political atmosphere,"
after all Arab lands have been

recovered, the Palestinian
question resolved and an Arab
flag flies over the Arab quarter of


devout Moslem, told Atkins: “I
am an old man, Before I die, I
want to pray in the Mosque of
Omar,” in Jerusalem. He has
rejected proposals to in-
ternationalize the holy city.

States work to tighten
loose energy belts

Continued from page I

According to the AP survey, 31
states have directed government
employes to drive at reduced
speeds, usually 50 mph, and
have urged private motorists to
follow suit.

Thirty-four states have
deliberately coo