xt7b8g8fj80b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fj80b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1981 1981 1981-11-04 2020 true xt7b8g8fj80b section xt7b8g8fj80b , . .. » ~ ~ , - . a'ta'» .- “ ' ‘. “ .‘..=“;~J." ‘3‘.::>o"}'i"277azitf3‘li'5'47-'tv..‘ .' ' f7; .
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,1 Umbrellas may be an appropriate 3‘2; 71'7“
, accessory to today's attire since the f; -;
weatherman is calling for a so [13-
cent chance of rain. The temptature h '
wiu be in the high am. There will aka 4;:
be a chance of rain tonight with a low ff'r‘ii-t“ '
in the mid 505. "grit;
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nakgleXl‘I/v, No.57be An independent student newspaper since 1"] University 0' Kentucky :6":
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f . “s22. . -- _ . Bill Hoskins (above) concedes defeat in a speacll before his supporters last night at Republican headquarters at
.2}. . , -.. 6%”: “I .a. . Nicholasfille Road. Hoskins lost to Scott Baesler in yesterday's mayoral race. Baesler (left) is yeeted by well-willie“ I
- ‘ . 244m 3.. g . last night after finding out that he has been elected Lexington 's new mayor. :
f . . fie " By TODD CHILDERS/Kernel Staff ”
Baesler easily defeats HO k. f '
‘, By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS “£33" t‘f’gomred ‘Slinguf‘:"t. 312“”??quel‘8‘5lhmusmul Monday and remainsincntical condi- Baesler. said that following a short gave us the opportumty for that in— I
‘ Assistant News Editor dos . ’ d ecion S , 05mg 6 to 1 in Franklin tron. . postelection vacation, hewould meet put.” .
and canpfle ell: omrsements it: Ho’skins CounThty and2to 1 anoodford County. “NOW wehavetheoppom. mity todo with Mayor tmato to “try to make a Hoskins, who advertised heavily in
BILLFARLEY paisn y nston yor times . e New York Timea yesterday whatwesardweddo. saldBaesler. smooth transition. He’safine fellow. thelastwoeks ofthecampaign, said
Staff Writer ”Paw ““1 6‘“ ”ism“ Wm' 5.31“ "(at Brown “Splitting his na- He said he bored in four years that He and I are pretty good frienth." Baesler “ran a good race," and noted
tatlv: Larry Hopkins, ft-Lexington, ttonal imageat risk in the succes— “They (Lexington citiitens) would say _ _ that there were many factors towhich
*___—_ :3: f, [a] 123:3: margarh rite vote, :33ng whinchmif passedhoulglhave Baosler did what he said he’d do." mmwdfyogdefintegfhwgmifiw his loss couldbeattributed.
repo , was to succeed . . “ ” - l . ‘ ' '
‘ was" ”Meier saroraawam‘iiaaa ma Brawn was aaali‘iaaaaa $25353; traitors” “We m ...... mo an on. mammograms? t,
HOSkinS yesterday to Will a four-year The succession amendment, touted celebrating the returns Baosler led a Asked about Hopkins’ late surge in minds. 5‘50“}! 80' the people involved the next tyour ears to hel ' Scot
term as the next mayor of Winston. by Brown as a referendum on his ad- crowd hailing his victory last night in the race Baesler said “I never did and he got them motivated. That was master in any wa he ”£35 .. i: '
andthe controversial succession ministration, was defeated by a land- a prayer for hospitalized State think it would run like that ... We thewinninscombinationa" said y y ’
amendment, heaVlllf promoted by slide 21.295 to 14,786 in Fayette Coun- SpeakeroftheHouse William Kenton. always thought we were 10 points Coldiron cited the organization of In. Urban County Council races.
. GOV 30h" Y- Bl'OWll 1" "309'“ weeks, ty, and lost nearly 3 to 1 statewide. It who suffered a pulmonary embolism ahead.” Baesler’s campaign, which includeda eight incumbents were re-elected to
.. t g . meeting last Monday wtth precinct theismember . - tothe
Shuttle launch res but ‘ " ‘ " “WWW" mason: A- W‘s 18*
- . epe on on W83 9f Bee's son- District. Anne aboard. a name.
Harold Greene of the Central Ken- J. H. Combs, 6th District. William K. '
mm— 'l‘ruly were admittedly anxious. ed,alaunch scrub meansadelay of at day. Bedtime was at 5 pm. after a tucky Caucus, “an organization to Rice. athoistnctandCarol-Iaclnsm,
Associated Press Writer “They've got their fingers crossed least two days. steak dinner in mid-afternoon. maximize black input into political 12th DlStl'lCl~ . _ .
about the weather, that's the main “We absolutely have no problems" Before climbing into the cockpit to- races," praised the Baesler camp for John T. W1gg1nton, 20d Dish'lCt. .
~ ,__*_,_*.. ——~ thing they are concerned about now," in pre-launch activities, said launch day, they will get a 10-minute medical getting black voters to participate in 33% Lyman V- Gmge’sallth 331‘“.
~ . . ~ - - . . uno incum , so
.53“ A‘YYERAE an E 5;»— rlzhsttm. my” YE mommy's... 213?” °‘ “E :Y:.':E:Yh%2:::§'?£ashi‘: was: no a... now are?“ , °"‘
. u l? '.5 rea y 0 y again, wea (.5 An Air Force forecaster said there Rain is critical because moisture astronauts. At 4 am. they get into Greene said, “you can tell from the Ann 3 3°55 W” member-at-
permitting. The forecast for today is . - ~ that bl k ha 1 e retainedherseat
1 not good but officials maintained con- wasa 40-60 percent chanceof showers freezes on the external fuel tank and their rust-brown flying suits and N??? t M20 elpeoplt Ea lve ”3 . ‘
. fidence that a “window" would open overnight _ at the crucial time Col- the shock of launch could loosen we leave forthepad at4:40a.m. . pol lc inpu . yor ec es er See ‘Elections' NIP-EGG
{orlaunch umbia would be loaded with super- filllUHksmthall nggt damage shhthje
. Tne ship‘s complex systems and °°ld.‘“el “‘3‘ POW?” infill!”- " ‘3 ‘5' en 08 V'" ‘superco ' C (fit . f3 k K
i crew were set, but weather remained Possible that overnight rain would not 2:: “if???" 21::qu :(éxygzgreu; on Ian 0 m er en ton
‘ the wild card for the sunrise launch of delay the launch If we accumulation Fahrenheit below zero
J the vehicle that will dramatically ‘5 1955 than one-Sixteenthofaninchon Columbia’s A ll 1 t hailed as ' ' I ' ' I
aaaaa aeolian or twenty still listed as critical by doctor
I ”mic" was set for 7:30 am. EST‘ Eight alid a half minutes after llf- transportation system for the rest of
45 minutes past dawn and test to“. Columbia is to achieve orbit of the century lasted two days The se —— may be taken off sedatives and liftL two large strands, each lodged in the
manager Donald K- “Deke” Slayton Earth to become the first ship to cond attanpt aims at a 5-day 4-hour By JANET FARRAR supporting medication today, accor- pulmonary artery. Hyde described
predicted, “It’s going to 80-" make a repeat trip into space. "fissim including a few sc’iehtific SM“ “In?” ding to his surgeon. the strands as about three inches long
“The countdown is so smooth, it’s Launch managers scheduled a projects Landing is set for Monday at arndAP dispatches But Kenton, operated on to remove and approximately the diameter of a
. ; . making us a little nervous," said Bill 12:30 am. m/eeting to decide whether the start of the 84th orbit at Edwards W a blood clot from his pulmonary “little finger." The strands blocked
Z . Jones, who .shephertk the astronauts to go ahead with the Show task of Air Force Base on California's Mo- House Speaker William G. Kenton. artery, was still on a respirator the flow of blood to Kenton's lungs
. . through their tralmng. “The only pro- loading 526,000 gallons of supercold jave Desert. still in critical condition at the UK yesterday and was being kept heavily andtotheright sideofhis heart.
_' blem is the weather. ‘ fuels. Rain in the forecast would We and Truly arose Tuesday at Medical Center following seven and sedated. according to Dr. Edward P. “He was very fortunate toget tothe
Astronauts Joe Engle and Richard delayummup Once", mnkisioad- 2:40 am” just as they will launch one-half hours of surgery Monday. Todd. chiefofcardiothoracic surgery hospital when he did,“ said Hyde.
I I . . attheMedical Center. "It‘s unusual that a patient (in Ken- ’
., Todd said Kenton will remain on a ton’s condition) would live to get to
t Pu monary embolism a common afflic tion errata aa a least our a acetate mm»
- l t l t t , . _ , moredays.". . . “His (Kenton's) heart and lungs
: “mom moraines °‘ ”E” mimosa " ifi“%°&f‘“‘so§3a"§2‘d£$ “The Manama support as ware aramaa a we '
’ Kemel Contributor Almost all casesoi pulmonary an- 'nle rosultsof theembolism depend Kenifn's einbutrllgsfm was massive blood pressure are being slowly wean- presence of the embolts (blood
. . . . . ' ed as he becomes stronger.“ said clot),“said Todd. “They arebothpro
M bolism,theCecll textbook says,occur upon the Size of the clot. Very small Dr. Edward Todd chief of cardio- .t . . - -
, i . Todd. There have been no apparent gresswe]y1mprov1ng,We are keeping
when a clot breaks loose from the clots produce no damage and are thoracic surgery at the UK Medical . . . . . . . I . .
Pulmonary embolism, the medical walls of a vein in the leg orpelvis. The eventually dissolved by factors in the Center and the head of the team the :hgnlgcglt 3:118” £1316me mm “at”; ndwd mgvotfiai't‘y :ld
event that left State Speaker of the clot is carried through thecirculatory blood. Larger clots cause a wider operated on Kenton Monday night, tmfid thus far this been slow gstead prease mhil maihe on s repain'a'
House William Kenton in critical con- RIGHT PULMONARY ARTE said a large clot lodged in the im rovement .. ' y $285 ]w it, hay biz: bl to ng
dition, is a relatively common oc- RY pulmonary trunk With branches ex- p ~ . ' mse vos. e ve ~ a e pro-
. \ PULMONARY TRUNK . . . ironically, Kenton won reelection gresslvely decrease his medicatiom
curence. But 't rarely follows the tending into how the left and right to a seventh term from the 75th hi h used to rthi blood
. serious course that threatenedthelife \ K} \/ . ,1 AREA 01"ch pulmonary ancriS- in addition. he Dim-ct as he h mmiom in the w G “3mm sumo" s
l ofthe Lexingtonpolitician. TORIGHT I said. there were smaller clots further has my me y 1 He was ”assure "We”
" In non-medical terms, pulmonary LUNG . out in the vessels to the lungs. unogposeidl inmlzégdr: “:1 ball ot' Todd alsosald that Kenton‘s kidney
embolism occurs when a chunk of “@113 LEFI‘PULMONARY Anembolismofthis magnitude con- and had plannid to se’ek a recon: function. which was poor during ”d
1 material. taually a blood clot. looses . -. \‘ .. ARTERY 5mm” a "‘83“ medical emememy‘ fourth traight term as s ker of the immediately an" the ”a ”m h”
' in one or more of the vessels that 'g-E';'_-:::‘~.3_ \. - ' -. '.'_._ / in fact, it is the third-leading cause of "mawmmhmm improved. ”ll istooearly toknow, but .
carry blood from the hem to the 5,555.55; It ._ Est-.322 “.... __ sudden death in hospitalized patients, But Kmtmh mmam it is ironed that he will be able to
. lungs. According to a widely-med -:' ‘ -‘.-.'.':-‘ ~o mum according totheCecll textbook We to the General Assembl were one: ”m” ‘°‘“’“°“""y"' '
. medical reference. the Cecil Tex- 332-1.‘.-;;’:".-§-;;.-.-‘.-j- \ _.- -_ ‘ \a _ LUNG consequences of such a large cm~ tam Todd said add,- uymhedtdmt Meanwm'et in “mm“; "m ‘~ 1
.. , tbook of Medicine. it is the second 27‘ - ;' boltsm include a prolonged state of wan} to sound over,“ “mash-c or Majority “00' leader W H- . l
i most common lung condition in .‘;':'fj.:.’;.j-: ‘ “ht .— i shock. heart failure. heart attack and imistic because ynooplong-range Richarthon called. for an end. to l
hospitalized patients. (Pneumonia is -:-::-.-‘.-".-'-‘:' :1:'~ -. .- / other damage toorsans caused by mi- ”5 - - . P°““°3' 59mm“ WW ‘
; ...=::.::..;:.;,3,;. -. 2 J 7 . . prognosiswouldbeposslbleuntilKen- . :unil' . .
l the "‘05: common.) 5’11 :::."' 2 . . -‘ y gen deprivation. ton‘s condition impoved. Kenton 3 .tion. - . ‘ i
’ i ' In order to remember what hap— ::;":.-.-E5‘ 2'.'--.".‘3."'3".-'.2._-'- .Kenton. according to ms physl- Kenton. 40. was fished to the Speaker Bl“ Kenton and inf.” '»
, , ; clans experienced cor pulmonale: . . ly have my prayers “‘d “nth “I ‘
~ , :-2_.-.:.' 2:... -. the failure of the right side of his , . speedy recovery. Speculation about ‘7 l
shouldknow. .. Monday by the Hnergency medical , ' - - ' - - a“
All of the blood t . to the . . . 1. heart to pump adequate mount; of mid He arrived 'ous his political futureatthis timelslnap- , z
or re umllls 2-21-43. .:.:.4 blood as "5th of obstruction a the rescue sq, ‘ consci propriate and unnecessary." -: I
heartfrombelowtheslnildersflows l butsuffenngfromshortnessofhreath . . . "i 1
. . ‘ t ,. pulmonary blood flow. . Richardson saldlnapressstatement. ‘t . t
throughaseries of veinsofincreasing Sm” was performed Monday and lower chest poms. according to .. . 1
size until it reacha the urge inferior l -‘_-a; night to Zemove the clots in l 0‘ Dr. Gordon Hyde. chief of vascular “So long as Bill Kenton breathes," ‘ t
it "“3 “"- ' correcting the rishtsided heart “"3“?- . . said ”WWW?“ ‘3 “d 008” to it ' ' ”l
. -. w The inferior vena cava (in addi- : ’i' “in“ 3““ ”mm“ “mm” ‘° Hyde and the cm had mm m “SWIMMMHM' 57 - ' i
t- ' tion to the superior vena cava from '~‘.-j;.' Kenlm's organs. Accordim '0 Phi/li- . I ‘ .
'i the head and neck) empties into the ' - " g cians' statements toreporters yuter- s c 1 . , - . 1
rightsideoftheheu-t. INFEithR ‘ ‘ .. day. the operatiai wu: apparently a t, . ., _. t
_ . w'l'herllhtsideoftheheartwmp! 1 sma 3"“ “° “ll" °‘ "W “ - ‘ i
‘ "-1. blood W the low, where it VENA CAVA damage Md developed and Keton‘s rur student's vlewaon yesterday's election see page 3. ‘ ' h " '7‘ V i
- P‘Cb “P oxygen before it n 3““ back In the above on. m. lath. Moths chest cavity from above. the ar- overall condition " ’1le WM‘ 2 V I 3
V ‘ 31:03“?de 33:.“ Circulatim. The rows denote the flow offload vouch and to hurt. Duct-1 believe Kenn-'1 Richard MCDOMM i! a "COM yet" The United Way neon its cool citinm. See story on pace 5- .. - ‘ ? ~
. tarry theblwd to embelu (dd) mumflfinwm “My“. medical student andoregular Kernel . ' .. :
I thelumareJna'denthepulmmary eava.neclotwutlenpunpedhtothepulrary “.mnm. columnist. . i‘ 3;:
2:. ' n, t a a a g n . :‘ x 4“?
. t ' ‘t" ' ' ‘ ' ' ’ ""“r‘u‘o'm'v‘r' ' ’ ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ “‘ “ “*r4aaM-«me~ra~vr~‘ " ' ‘ ' e» .. _ V . ,l , séi's".a.‘$ffl'
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. \ - - " 1 _. -- a» ”a; :f; " “a§£r€:§”a’r§l§ ‘5
i . ._ ma..- i‘- so 7.; )3" . . M 7 ~. ‘, j . . 15am “2 . ‘ ,. -. .- . ,. .* - "immortal misfits“ ~ 7 ”3a

 o - ”in .'~: » t“ ~ ‘ . «as. a C if“ its“ i ’ - ‘ ' ‘. ' . -‘, « 7' 7 i;
’ qwij‘i’ ' 4%???“ i to ‘ 7 < l A . . ‘ *‘ - ~- ”’1; . ”fight .. -‘ ‘v -'; .. .; . . . ' i
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at” ’f ' Btu slouc- am. not any note: Anne out» Use Wallace M. Mr noun .. .
51?" l i . EdiloHn-Chlel uranium Jone-Brim Sputum- mwwtor Mm ,
is; el'suaSIo Del-em »
33 . ‘ “CHM Uanulabl mun-w StcvenWJmther uoIleMlchelson Weill-ti .
- ‘ K‘ ' 1 WEWW Copy Editor monumental» mummtwux OHM-oh _ j
‘ - ‘ ' v‘ I ZN'IW‘Y m _ - 1
= -% Kernel ) e- h... totem“ .
. _, - 3 m’ enter-Newt
‘ ‘ ;_______._______._—____________—___..__
”annoyinqo: r "M .
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Memories of hostage CI‘ISIS .9. .
. I ' Mina? "'"iiiiééiéiiiifhiiiss’azzfsjsiii-'553:5.;?:E:isié5§5515z‘33::‘5533553535:53:55»Pi:5:35.::1???e:$55:5iis;3355E35;iif563E;s;5§5§5§sisifs§s§§siafszéis I .;
.I‘eVIved tOday on ann'versary @ flfiiififih‘fii . l
2::“Yesterday. December 7. 1941 —- a date In retrospect, despite the initial American fig you sure 0 cause i ‘ ,' l
which will live in infamy. - sentiments bordering on what The New hi 3‘ o O ' i
Jrumm, Mm Roosevelt Republic called “retaliatory fever... the - ‘d— f Ho : : .
. _ . Carter government was proper in its imitation if a O ammo 10“ *‘--’-‘5‘5=*=5-‘-‘~3=5=i ME I _
Today may not live In infamy, but to allow of “an enlightened police department with a g. , _
today’s second anniversary of the storming of gunman holding hostages in a building.” "gig: amund here
the US. embassy in Tehran to go unnoticed The administration knew that a military o .. .
wouldbedeleterious. mission into Iran to free the hostages would
The drama, which began Nov. 4, 1979 as a result in certain death to crewmen and ‘
band of students scaled the walls of the em- hostages both, and it also knew that the only
bassy. seizing 60 or so occupants served as a path out of the crisis would be, in the words of ,.
reminder to all that the unexpected had then-Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, “quiet, '
become the commonplace in the world. The careful and firm diplomacy,” The New , .
students, driven by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Republic said, “The wisest counsel, it seems,
fostered tyranny and terror, madness and is thecwnselofrestraint.” B ‘
. inob rule in the streets of the Iranian capital. 555:5:s:--~--~ _ an \ ‘
[the most used words in Tehran in those first In the final analysis, the crisis, although it fig? .
d’ays seemed to be. “DeathtoCarter.” . deposed an incumbent president and made - ‘e‘i‘a
The characters and events of the proceeding shambles of the lightly-taken value of “I 3.! {ii 3.1., W $~
443days resembled a finely-tuned soap opera; American honor, was handled correctly. It “skin“ A: ...-..- \( > .
. indeed a late-night television series was brought 61 Americans home after a perilous W“ it sitting“ tfi? a ‘ .
Spawned from the crisis. The familiar names ordeal that could have had an unfortunate and >3» git “his %, lit“ ,0 .
crept into American vocabularies: Ghotb~ cataclysmic ending. Their landing at ’e‘h "a . - W
zadeh, BaniSadr. Dorothea Morefield, Bar- Newburgh, NY. glueda nation to its television is,“ I fig;
bara Timm, Richard Queen. sets and brought thousands out of their homes or“ . Ni
The events also brought to mind a well- towave flags and the symbolic yellow ribbons ‘ "
crafted plot: the elderly, untouchable at busloatk of unassuming heroes. For one
patriarch ruthlessly controlling the fates of all brief shining moment, there was a renewal of .
. around him while spuming all advice from patriotism perhaps more relevant than any '
others; the infighting and backbiting of those other in recent memory, . -_
attempting to undermine him; the Canadians’ But the crisis also made America aware of am My
daring smuggling of six Americans out of the its vulnerability in the world. It also forced 3
country with forged documents; the equally America to sit back an“ weighthe advantages Persons submitting letta-s and opinion cohmm to words. ondindlvidlialo submitting comments inperetm ?
danng bUt crushingly traglc rescue effort that Of melting a war versus Playmg the “’1“th the Kernel should address their comments typed and Wiring UKlDo ordriver‘s licenses. .
ended in the wreckage-strewn desert, and the game. It brought life to words spoken by triple-spaced to the editorial editor at m Journalism 'lhosewfltlng entrieolorthe “Point"eolulnn. which 4
president’s brother who might have been able Richard Nixon: Building. UK. «m. it open to anyone on campus or in the community. ; 3
. to save it all through his mysterious Libyan “If we want to be a pitiful, helpless giant, wfim mm Made n :3:th Ash or Bill atelden at mist ‘ .
co I E :tlons' we’re we“ on the way to seem to be one" telephone numbers and their majors. classification or The Kernel reserves the right to edit for grammar, ' ; .
_ .—. connection with UK. [rotten should be limited to 250 clorityandluigthandtoelimlnatelihelom material. ‘ .
.’ I‘ ' 1’ J. l . \‘I ‘. . I '13.“ 'u Ii‘ — 6‘“ - I I . .
. «Nor \. . «ya.
~ , ~. t .. r v it. o tails; he}. ministration y
on 4’ a " xiv-ssh I ’v‘if'fi' ‘ -- -
\ it." .“v \i '_ 5' \_ w . -
it a . . . (for? . too militant - the exact opposite of Eater's
~ V\ . r ,r . , I fizz/"Viv . , .5 a ,o .‘ ~ .
_; .. . 3-; . ~ , no.“ 2 “ “ V‘ ' Candidate Ronald Reagan got a lot rorisin. The result was a botched ? ,
. - g r. w ~ . - . , ssh; of political mileage from President _ paper that proved its point only
- Y; "b , ' . -- . . . 9“; Jimmy Carte's inability to put ° . tlu-oughleapoffaithlogic.
“ \t ' I \' l - 4”$\ ‘. togetheraclear.coherentandcmsis- We don’t hear much about El ,
7 i l ‘ ,/ 3.5;,“ _‘ taut foreign policy. Mr. Carter’s law-shipmlmflnnflhflem Salvador anymore. Notthnttheu'vil ‘
‘ - 'f ‘ J ‘V‘ a fin foreisnpolicywosflexibletotheu- wasunnbletondjmt_Fewwet-emm warthereisover,it‘sjmtthatthead-
' . . J h 2055, ‘ ' :3 e. t ‘ treme,chamingdaybyday,wohlan W than Mr. Gortu- when the ministration has successfully
. _ , " 2 Guam?“ 4‘ U ., ."2 or n! r“, by problem. But, as president, Mr. USSRinvadedAfghanistan. directed the attention or the media 1
. _ a“: ,? \K‘ ANGOLA . "' ‘c‘h '5 : Reagan’s (hplomacy may be suffer The Reagan adminigtrhtion m. When the Idlfllllilhflfll .
. ..‘ \‘z;1~ _}o~ ”a,” ? _ 2‘3 “ _‘ '1‘: \ ingfromjmttheopposite—itiscon- bdjemdiflerenuy,ltmtofeel waslmabletoprovethattbecivilwar
- _ ~ . _€m~/ _ I".3"“.',;i,\j" 3~, EL SW sistmttothepointofinflexibllity,and thq-e are three main truth to “rid was a direct Soviet move, it stopped .
y , .' v \ 1W. :dx-n- ‘ " . . m. ‘. perhapsbettersuitedtothecampnign affnin;(1)lfmmhamtlnt talkingaboutit. But Americanpolicy . -
. , 7/; 1. “N3. :3 C» (h ‘ n'ailthantotheo-busy. iscmtrarytoAma-icanintceotonhe there dd not mtemll‘ y change. , ’ ‘
r x 1’ . C . .7th M - -' _":'.;-—--‘a;,~\\lé;‘3‘.,l m, W {my only in m USSRisbehindit; (zilioomething Eel-enmevigoncethoénurneogon . .
. .\‘< , N" " ,- - “M' , ~' -. ‘ " L A" “if" -~'- '0 ' ' happanthatioeonu-arytoAmerieen W views merely to _
, {,- 93 3i“ gr _.,.-_ z 7; , wf ; grim mmwdmmémdeclumed 3m interests, theUSSR instigated it; and lack of evidence. Qlite the contrary,
1L", . *— ‘ V" " ‘ K\-'\'~'1“ J's- - (3)1fsometlnnghappaisthatheon- theUSSRisolillseenuthepl-lmary
y ’ — -—\——r-~—— fearofcommumom,nndthotthe . .. .
; 49,-. o. \ " ’Wme Soviet Union was not behind every trory to American intents, the mstlgatorofdiseord. _ ,
'. -.., , DAMNiD OUTSWC AGITATOFs I a. ‘ , im H .nr. c I w“ Unitedsutercancharueitbyputting murmunenbothmwnocfli ,‘-
- ' ‘ , - thingothe thothe ted pressmeontheSovietUnion. counta-prothctiveAslonguthe . _
. . (é ° gunman ‘33” “'8?“ Thishnsfomditsenproooioninthe nuniso-auoninoisnontoeinaoneri ' .
~ 4 see ’ . plrasethatMr.Reeganwmddliketo behindeverymckintherood,itwill ~
net the putts-n of soviet-Amen beunabletodevelopamiblepolicy _,
relationozrah-aintandreeiprodty. tolihmtiomwha'efllatismttme. 1.; ‘ .
' ' 'l‘headministrationenpoctsthem Mammalian-atonement ;.- .-
blllets — doux comm-mew "*USRh-mtmiwm , -.
policy in outshone for Amcican mnwmmhfleflmlfld
' mtraint,nndtlIeUSRoh0illdnotex- ”VON“. »
pact American restraint if the Jimmy Carter-realized that. Unfor- »
Kremlin is unratninod. The old mtely,Mr.Cartsfailedtorenliae '
- . . , wordwulinhage. tintsimplybecameflieSovietswel-e
cluldcaretramingtoparentshavmg Walnut Street, mm, Kentucky u'l‘hei‘lagfootbollchampionshipo. The isflneondlt notthecaineofotn'problemsthey
. . ennui-union makes
‘- diffiailtycopingmthtlmrchlldren’s 40507. Inyeanput,theyhadagoodstu'y rennemtdoeenotmaheoneis mnetheleu were quite willing to
i read with great interest the mm" MNM'W- tileadmlnlstration'owillliuaotoat- jumpinandh'ytogainwhatever ed {
T. editorialbypoui CrayoraftintheOct. To - Joell-e- aluminum». w The Boyd Hell Haunted Home tribute all of in memo to soviet momma .
, ”Kr inndlwould particular] pron. do further support. the ”mm Thisevmtnbedfillffl‘flleunlled non-rutnint.flr.Reo¢angotalnrd Reolismliubetweontheviewod {
; . “w . hi, can an); °°“"'”“°°°“"‘°‘¥‘!P“’M“'YW stages We WeyDflve.-ndtlle°nlytlmeltwu lenonontintwilhnrpolicyonm Mr. Carterandlilr. Reagan. since »
i; ht. 12° refine. and in- sfmtohelp rehabilitateandreota-e U0 uninitiated in the Kernel was an ad Salvador. Mr. Carter "a lmoble tones the fun
i; nomads, or indivi mum families to a wholesome unit. lwould like to remind the Kernel rmbytheralmcehalls. Thee wee (and arm on) in. nmeolSovletaction,hewuimable ;.
:5; . (mild II, "Coy 'ttee MW in two MiG-CW!!! mallow with neither the money beenalflthadtionforuyeersfl‘he politiesllyleltofthemlA'r wouldhavemetSovletchollongan
it: ' northejournaliste ”WWW Komldidputairevieworticleinthe in to ovu'thww the government. MLReaganpcoistelnoooingSoviet
g" mm77,thelastwaorwhldl0f- W which the Committee epon- thelocalpepmflhyareywlolmh- pope-(Editorrnotemctuollytlurron Nearby Nicer-si- m menuy responsibility evorywhnre,howlil be
i finial figures were available. there m.Althooshwemo0innilttedto tentondoineso? inoSiflnoDeltoChioupplement)but mammrmm,“ unabletodoniwiuritwhereitmny
é war-ensureportedincidentoofdlild Wild victimsofchild abuse, the F‘riday'seditionwos “32'“?- no followup stay on who mm the wee Mandy to the m The exigtg_ ,
1 shine and neglect in Kenhlcky. Commi recognizes pointingAslmttlu'm‘h paper, game. My mum is to get more 3.1m guerrilla m lllnd Mr. W115 poocciipltlon with .
’5 “mmlvmdmwamm wfimom‘fi‘afl’. ‘mm ”mm mi”? involvedvlfll'h-lllmmmmd Soviet-made arms. aluminum-e unussnnloodlnnlnmwomuor '-
F‘Ymm‘lm-WW” tionondenriyintc-vontioncnnthe “Sh‘dmm‘flu‘uxm- W-mm-MMIW tncto.ntondniininu-ntlonomcludod.dlplmtlc problem One «mot ‘
oonexpecttlnttotnltorieetower lnthecolumnuuzinaeStrikoo—No abolithnvingmtlnngtowrlteabout. hithegtmlllommtlnlll mnmjloounhumnttho
“0°- dramatic increase in incident: he Column," John Clay claims he had M k m M m then SalvadorwoootlroctSoviotmovein MidfioEutcnnatiomaremeoon-
The Citizen Child Anne Canmit 'M':“l h‘“l'""""““ "mm mm“ “W‘- “M ' ”"7 mmmmmm. thoWotcnl-lannphce. ounodwithSovletoctivitythomthon
* I nixed tecitizene ty 0' hill! and "mm" “d «wiMumpi-inhillofstaio. “mm.ur.flooundrected they are with the ion-1n; Arab-
3‘3””! mm seriou- pl'ovideupookc'obureeu. butitooemotometheloll'nllhhm o MM ammtytouthc Mm.0neeomotueums,m ,
., ' The matinee in tooluytofindthethovetineeu- M togethu-eoncltniveovlmeothotthe MLReounhothotthedomoci-atlc "
‘ Wam- IM lm-mwmmw omplorhomtheputwooit: muse-lion mflnmummmw. mmmmnodwltn -
g - , Wtoorpontlmdevotedoolelyto helpol'nretheflnanclalhtldaldmr dieSovlotSB-Ilhullihplhonthoynre ,
. ' g Mamthlimdcflld eevieeouwerdyonlymlndvldiol withtholnchdommm- ‘
. ' ' and private contribution for our u- 81.01»: COUNTY by Berke Bmthed “a “d ‘1' “m °‘ W A
L, 'l‘hefoci-otthe v late-ice. W «and and refer- chute. ,
{I ., eommitteeoefiwts on 55y gmo
fair the m. located at m Wain: a rah lino year will pull the total m" .m'AT's OWE gestures? M5 I” M M is still loornii' n-
r in Denim. The Nest is a «coin “WW3; “ll-M3 mom“ HW’ "’ m tor-ion policy- Jim
Qihgrg m ww m m m mummfamiliaoorv- Germ, . mm WW WW scum Gartc learned too Into that the
smiley“: m an ALI .’ E MN m .- g .
or; gnu”. as well u . m ed to over m. At the some dine / . WWII my I Soviets no mo lnvdvod hi , ,.
it’s .. ' a m f w bode-my con arena to eliminate / s \ e’m'm . ‘ am Ant-ripen pron-no non in ind n- . if
‘i’ m ' "molten-the. "m’ ’ "‘3 ”0"" s i loony believed. in- noun- mint t- -'
it; Quito. llnnon mouse emu, -‘, \ l _, . ' 3 tint . is o! -
“flight: the count system and oth-n huh 3—- — —— l ‘ ~ leefll W W I
Momma-moons» .... ._.i__’(? we __ _ ‘4. _ MMMMMM J
j ' 15;; “gmmgflflt Isiah or m. A as out- _‘ _I i__ . ' ‘ e- , _: hollovoolfbicd'pollcym'dh
‘ 3. ”ammo-u“ i?“- :2 mgm ”:2: i "‘ _. t— z‘tar L \ I —— L - I37 , tobonWmhtolb ,
. ofllll -. l --—e‘ _ ,4 W
. hemflmhmd ".mmeM ‘1 -.—-. “—- \ fi 1 4 '3': .II __‘-"‘n/" '
“I“.Muh-‘Ih W.u‘dy~ub:1h|\_° it —-,Z...—--—-—-'i*\ ', ‘ . i Manatee h”. ..
' . “WWW“ “Mum. I” 5 . ‘ l l I d IIII‘III.I -
, a. n it. e o o‘ e - ,
' ‘ ' ' . '- » .s, hisri'iish restrtnwihhiw‘ii‘ - ' . ‘ ‘ on t i- r
. . ' . ti: ' , ,. , " » "‘"' 219,5.3; ’1‘? . ei‘ .~' 4‘ ‘i'l “first I ' " ‘ . . ' - ' ' . '“ z‘erih :‘I’lflisi ~73: ’. .
- , ~ . - . , . - - r ‘ aiii ~ ' , . , ., . .. > 7:: is rr . .. . .-' , i“ :e
. ' - i - a. ' ' ‘ 21‘ ‘ ‘ . ~ .' i . "v" that? :«r-‘v-‘i' »r“ ‘. .' ‘ ‘ .. ’ , ' ""9 In?» ‘ :2 ‘33": flm‘
- . ‘. we. . , , , . ~ , '- . . .~ " it“s“.tt“ 5h: at . .‘ . ‘ . . ‘ w .hslliv‘irihi’wsf -.‘i‘ Alt-i "x . "3‘5. r;
, ' . - . p , , - g . . ‘ . '~ " ’§;;'~e.==;:;:ity,;e its . - " , g z. .s

 ‘ .4 ' '. ~ " ‘ ' a ‘2 I. ‘ ° ‘ ' -,‘ 7 -’ ' i » ' '2 "- ' - 1"" ":3 "rl’tt’ii‘hfirif’dgrilt‘rk’fi’ 77.39.; f: 1:3»?
. . 1 . ~ , , , - . . 1 . - ‘ . ' , . ' , ' ' . 1 ,, ~ - . ~ '1 .’\.it.:i,5i ‘1
- . ' ' -. "'3. l' - . ' . . 1 ""1 1"- ~ . . ' "i“"fll‘.tingl‘itdfiiisj?53:55"?
_ .‘I w __ “W5 5. . ‘ .. “rem-emww-a .. . ..,...~.» W"m'~e—A . . , . .. . «staunch-m W.yt..,tl.. .a. an.-ara..'...;ai...an.‘l.,..id i :a. . ' - i. gynyfiew;
—— - Jig?"
die n
__ WW __ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wednesda Novein a- lest-3
_____________“ **— _______ "l —— .r, . a
new d Wm ' _ , 5
, n :5
t id, £5.14.
over issues such as busins. abortion and school Standing with Hussein, Reagan said, “The — «x V I I V' L
s," ’6 prayer. security and well beilu of the Hashemite Fr ' Q 1 ~ ‘ : ~ ,
_ In other votes, the subcommittee approved kinCdomofJu'danisamattel-ofhistuic and 81- 2: 51. ' _ . w ,2 ,
FRANKFORT — State Fulance Secretary legislation making it tougher for detendants with during concern to the United States. a g i , f -
George Atkins has authorized payment of 83,190 previous criminal records to be released on bail “We agree that reinforcing this friendship is a ”W » 5’ 5 i . ‘
. to a New York firm for security and by federal judges. primary goal and discussed how our relations ' ' F i .
transportation for Gov. John Y. Brown and his The panel also voted to r uire the US. Civil can be strengthened.” Reagan declared. He did ""'"' : ' ’ :
eq s i
l family between Aug. lOand Sept. :7. Rights Commission to spend up to $4 million to "0t elaborate.
; 2 Atkins’s action was required under state law study the social and economic impacts of affir- For his part, Hussein, who has met with six “—- " it." 3 ’ 5’ -
' ' became the leo'slature's Personal Service Con- mative action programs on schools and Othei‘ Presidents. said, “This Particular meeting m’ ":1 : fl » ___,.~ y" : t’
tract Review Subcommittee has not approved a businesses. at thts l’til'tiClllar time in comparison with all my "h" wt. V" ‘ 5i
i contract with the firm - Dunhill Amociates Ltd. The Senate has previomly approved anti- prevwls visits to Washington has left me more ‘ f , \ a i
; ofLarchmont, N.Y. busing legislation, but Hatch said he believes his reassured than any in the past and more conti- 1 * » f V
. i Under the contract presented to the subcom- Proposal will become the major vehicle on the dent 0f the future." He did not spell out the oh! I“. . 7. '
' - l mittee, as much as $20,000 a year may be paid to issue. reason for his optimism. ~' s .. V.
flixgoimfii’g mflflfigfl‘; WASHINGTON — The Soviet Union apparently WASHINGTON — The United States, faced with ' - , '1, ' 3' 3‘
their mpective families' while said persons thinks it could win a nuclear war With the United deteriorating hiyiways and 61'0de skies, . M i
are in New York City or areas immediately adja- Stilt” secretary °t wen” C859" Weinberg“ should emulate Japan. Western Eumpe and ' " / ‘ " ‘ ’2:
cent." “fiywte‘daull’t‘ W , told the to Canada and develop its own “bullet train" ser- ' ‘ 35,“, .. . , ~ :5.
. . a res , elnberger Sena vice between ma'or cities, 3 c ional nel .. .. "i . "
’ . mm: $532”??ng gpfishwgffxggfi Foreign Relations Committee, the United States said yesterday. J m" as pa - '. - . .. I - 33;...» :5;
Sept 24-21 ‘ " I ’ . must prepare for the mibiiity 0‘ being hit by “The construction and operation of a high- - t‘ ‘ .,.__ , ~- ' fl 3.? _
E Brown was in New York fora National Gover- moisten Single hhdea'SMke- . speed passenger rail system could play