xt7b8g8fj81x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fj81x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1981 1981 1981-10-30 2020 true xt7b8g8fj81x section xt7b8g8fj81x g ' 'r‘. . 1" i .; .3. 75', , ‘ '. r ‘- " 5 -‘ ' .. .. V, , o . ,. ,' . v" .. ’ ‘1‘ ' ' . ’.-.;~‘,S.fj’ii_ .si‘v',“ ' V’s/’zfi‘fif‘kjsflftllfiéf;gf§%£‘pi§f ”(59?in ,. .5 , , n. ~-. , ~ . ,. . ,- ~ . ~ ' ' ' - . ' 1 ’ , . .. , 3 , , ~ ~- cioiw’iinvfiirpn '- . v , ‘ , - -' , ' ». » - .. . ‘ ~ - . ’ ~-' .~.iwhpyi dawns. - . r, .9» r; ' l ~ , _. . -, ,- * . . .s “my e , ”:1qu i win .39: g . ~31 _ I .'F..’~~rrz;a;xyrgzp 3,... .1 ,. , h,’ m.-. “V- _ , .. “,WWM-_._,W,WWW’ _ . H _ ,.,m; ’ 7. ' , , s, ' i ' '"Tifijgfmfi ‘m*”~'£~:;,§;. ‘ ' 33.3% .. t. > . "3:? ‘ If: ‘ I) i“: 3” L1,»;f6‘ 1 2 W3; n; . 4 KEN 1 ”CK! HALLow-mvs l , tr: ,‘_::.r~‘ «in Today will be mostly sunny and .".‘vlfr,_;’-i.f§f:';.234 ' warms, but the weatha' will not be gf". 51%;,‘jgiifip4’; 3,4 aspleasantfa' bonucomilu. ina'eas- . .7 l' ingcloudineaswillmoveinbytanor- w {5}"; ‘ rowwithachanceofshowcs.fli¢n : , todaywillbeinthelow'm.'l‘helows l W - tonight will be in the mid and wiper . . ; I 4m.’l‘oma-rowthehighswillbeinthe ~ . . . ' upperemtoaround'lo. ' . " » . ———————-———————_____________ m p : : ' j Vol. LXXXIV, N054 An independent soldent newspaper since 1971 University of Kentucky _ . ‘ Friday, October so, 1981 Mxlngton. Kentucky . . a i ,y . t J ,, _ f _ . . omeoomln Ina lsts ‘ .r f . \ a; . r‘i i" ‘ ~ announced at pep rally - k a . l i '2 ———-—-——— Winter an Association seemed to cheerleadi ~ ”it .1- .. . .- . x , . ng squad. This rally shows I i , 2.? i ’ ' I , 1 . iv“ mw'L-PATTERSON sum up the emotions felt by the can- we do have the best cheerleaders in an} “‘8 . ..“ ._ : . , ’ 1 ’ i“. didates. “it feels very exciting," she thecounu-y,"[gsajd.“'lwrmch'n g; 1;. -‘:, "t ' \- . “ ‘ \(V ——————— fla‘rmmudmbeauxsmdem Lynn Williamsonhasdoneagreat . ’ ' .. ' a ‘ , a I f { UK’s five homecoming queen ’s n w t soror't Al ' . -- f f, " v 2 ‘ l , ’ _ ‘1‘ ,V: finalists were cm last night at the ERIC” for an rally was JHR' ”n OmUilfn'm new: ”B yen likye'bell 3:: . a ’ f ~ \A/ " annual “Wildcat Roar" held at Mer- midnight rider from radio station test while pi Kappa Alpha m the ' a . ’ -. " ‘ ~ WWW . . WAXU- Reggae sister John Bayley banner canpetition. The contuts J r , ‘ . . -. . [fl . Finalists chosen from the original openedthepoyam which included a were judged by three UK {W v ‘ ’ k if" ' p" s .. ' M ' 16 candidates were Gloria Baker, mjorette mutingahalloween skit by managers, Keith Plymale, pan] ‘ {Q . _ 7- ! . I ) y ». .) ' is, ’ Leslie DRVlS, Laura Hubbard, the dug-leaders, a yell like hell and m and Dean M Elm With ' / r 4,. "(it ‘ Kathrine Kwasny and Denys Olwan. Mme!- contut’ am a finale ap- WAXUdiscpckey Jim Fm . f ,2 ' ' The girls we" Feet“, W“ m pearencebyUKcoach FranCmi- Wildcat Roar chairman Susan Van . '~ . [ from their respective nominatins Cumithanlteduiecrowdiortbe Burensaidshewas “mmmme ' ‘ g - l \ ‘ ~. srwps in the summing crowd of support and said it was the biggest mom and the spirit of the md_ ' ‘ 1500- and mostenthusiastic group he’dseen “I’m v of to commit . . cry proud y tee . By BAR’ION BRANSCUM/Kemelswt Ea?" mm W .3” and for a pep rally since he came to UK and the dficialt way they handled . ' supnse when they heard their names nine years ago. “This has been the things "shesaid. “I’m alsoverypoud : _ Delta Gamma ghosts and other sorority spirits were out last night at the Homecoming ‘81 Wildcat Roar held at called as finalists. Some flied while most frustrating season we’ve ever of the'wa the crowd Memorial Colleslum. The event was we of the many that have been gdng on throughout the week. Along with last othersexpessed their disbelid' at hav- had .. he said. 1. We owe you Cur i andywith the wfeetedhc med) . nlylts spooks and spirits. the pep rally was haunted by head football coach P‘ran Curcl and the UK cheerleaders. The ing been lucky m to bechoserl. sonicthing. “We owe you a win.” himgel f I feel like they wholemr ally , f celebrationswillcontlnue tonightandwindout tomorrow with the homecoming game against Virginia Tech. Danya Olwan. nominated by the Curci also complimented the wasabilg success." l . F Reagan's victory may lose him stronghold with GOP ————-—— Arabia rivals his earlier congres- pieces,” and within the administra- package a much tougher battle than tofu-give and forget Packwood’s role While most attention on Wednesday j ByDONALDM.PO1‘HBERG sional triumphs on taxes and spen- tion itself —— where bickering and thoseoverthetaxandbudget cuts. in the AWACS fight or to encourage was focused on the impending _‘ AP “’th Write- dim, but this time there may be a some questionable calls early in the “The solid malanx of Republicans Senate Republicamwhowould like to AWAtS vote. Stockman was telling 1 W___ sizable casualty list. AWACS effort could force some staff certainly is shot to pieces," said GOP punish the Oregonian by forcing him the Joint Economic Committee that - “ . ' The places l0100k for the WW MMM- Sen. Rudy Boscbwitz 0‘ WW. 8 out of his campaign committee chair- “there are enormous upward ' 1. WASHINGTON — President an on Capitol Hill. where one unhap- ThcsplitinGOP ranks andthepoor hard-line opponent of the arms sale. manship, pressures” on federal spending that { Reagan’s Saute victory over his sale py senator says Reagan’s once-solid staff workwere major factors in mak- “They are undermining their ability make it unlikely Reagan can achieve ~ of AWAG: radar planes to Saudi support from the GOP “is shot to ingthefightoverthessobillimarms to achieve their economic goals,” he Supporters ofPackwood can argue his goal of balancing the budget by ‘ added. that, depite the arms sale fight, he 1984. ‘ One test of whether the resident ranks amongthemost consistent sup- 4'. flae rm to a 8 can heal the wounds in his own party porters of the president in the Senate. Within the administration, the is likely to be the case of Sen. Bob His record of support for the ad- AWACS fight is likely to revive Packwood of Oregon, a leader in the ministration would be in sharp con- speculation about the futures of W— vantages in the Middle East.” Sultan Ibn Abdel Aziz, said the vote fight agaimtthearmssalc. . trast, for example, to that .of Sen. Flichard V. Allen,theWhite House na- : t" y e . ‘ ' Reagan made the assurance in a note “proved that the us political deci- Packwood’s opposition raised Jesse Helms, the North (Farolma con- tlonal security adwser, and Secretary ________.______ after the Senate voted 52.43 Wednes- sjmjsindependentintmfaeeofena- hacklesintheWhite House becameof servative, who has differed With ofState Alexander M. Halg Jr. ’ lsrael reacted with restraint yester- day night to approve the sale. the mom pressures that tried to its intensity and also because he is Reaganfar more often. People on both sides of the arms 7.- day to US. Senate approval of the 1.1-th single us. arms export manipulate America’s foreign policy chairman of the Senate Republican Another signal of the extent of the sale fight freely complained dist in- ',~ Saudi Arabian arms sale and said it package ever. in the service of the expansionist oi, CampaignCommittee. problems facing Reagan on Capitol ternal sniping between Haig and \ expects President Reagan to emure Begin read the Reagan note and jxtlvesofaforeiy'lstate." MthintheWhitel-lotaestafflthere Hill came from Budget Director Allen made Reagan’s lobbying job .7 . the Jewish state’s security. Saudi that told m; “We hope that ‘mieSaudipeoplewllllnuioubtedly isasplitoverwhetheritwwldbebest DavidStockman. muchtougherthsnithadtobe. mien expressed “deep mfimde” these words of the pendent will he never forget this stance by the « ........ .............................- m... .. .. .. ..... B - th fth b h Id Mwsmmm... W...W.............., W......:°rg............... oo tyls m 3 eye a e e 0 er “$335155 and "‘0“ Arab 5‘3“! Studi Arabia. “which is in a slate of courage Andgiveup that position." , wee on. war with lsrael, rejects the Camp The House rc'ected the sale by a . - . . The Soviets claimed the $8.5 billion David accords and fim terror in Mn of neaily 3.1 two weeks ago —————By RACHEL BERRY dullfis Hgnlloweai and the one time as clowm, cowboys saloon girls and . which include an world’s - . . n8 . year When "I“! M19 even a horse which needs two people, . . package, _ our region. A new and serious danger but without Senate rejection, the sale Staff Writer look weird 3c tr f "10“ SWWM SPY Planes, will now faces Israel —— new since the goesahead ' ary, s ange or unny. rents costumesforaboutas. ~‘ mmmg, me udi .. . ' . . —— And Camee“ Wood. (MW of At'l‘hel-‘rontporchinoievyome, spurs rms a - s resta'atitlnofwrstatehood. While mm the deal “’1" be Cambo's Costumes on Limestone - partof a US. preparation for pomible urgent“ arguedits “use. keyed “impetus for us to develop our rela- said business isboo _ . Dana Cormansald sales have doubled WWWWW'SmmddS- totheability for surprise air strikes, tims with the United States.” the Vicky Ellis an undecided “It is reall _ming. ,, . ““3 year for their Halloween t . Israeli prime Minigtq- M chem - - ~ - . - .. . '. . . y 801118 well, he ”ld- casulmes andaccessones. “It’spart- . . , ena Wild be 59'1”]! mm by Saudi prince said that would not come at fmhman, 13 going to he Minnie “Halloween means good business for . ‘ Begin,mastatementdevoidofhar- WMMMTWme Warningand the expense of our nationalism or . _ us” lybecausethercaresofewplaceam . shness.mdlcatedheexpected Reagan Control Systems planes and extra patriotism. 1t win be on an Mouse tonight. _ Katrina Phillips, a lmdnston rem“ report that Star to? tlutsefl tins merchandise. she toholdtolus pledgeto uheip lsraelre— equipment for its F—15 fighter jets. mum“ basis, to me the in- telecommunications juluor, was seen Wars characters, Superman, WW 31in thlsByltlarw: Sr; :ucmdy Pleased , talnlts militaryand technolomcal ad- The Saudi defense numsta', Prince teregtsofutetwo peopleg" dressedasaclown earlier tlusweek. Woman and Batman m the most said witch capes and hats » . _ ponder costumes for children this and Dracula faces are their most Hosklns aha/I f I ’“i' B“"”°°‘“‘“’°“"'“°’“‘ WWWMM ,. . 911988 Issues 0 mayora race type of request from UK students msmffbest."sheadded. visiting Cambo’s. . “Punk rock has been really big this Some costumes are still availabl‘ e h r ' ' 33' BRAD STURGEON the styles and inches employed by has apparently followed a threestep 'l‘heoutcomeof theelectionisby no $521-$331] mud“? $21.3 {PWthsayeezi‘ofimeCnmumi‘m- , Rem" Contributor each candidate are distinctively dif- plan similar to strategies Congres- means certainYet both campaigm black nail polish and people have Mim Piggy and somethilg that looks __________ fer-alt. sional Republican candidates used to have obviously been able to execute been buying it, (for punk rock like a blue wildcat which e can Next Tuesday Fayette County Baeslcr, winner of May's primary, unseat veteran liberal Democrats in their strategies. And with Fayette costumes) "Wood said rent .. said Lyn Richardsori ! pl of voters will elect a mayor to a four- has continued a “meet-lhe-people-in- isoo. County's heavily Democratic “More people are intersted in the ‘ singing tel eg'am “Winn” ' . yearterm.Untilthislastmonthofthe person" campaign profileBefore 'l‘heflrstphaseofthelloskinsplan registration (twoandonehalftoone makeup clowncolorsandthingsthat mm" saidtheirmoatpopular ' ‘ mayoral campaign, neither candidate election day Hauler will have visited (scheduled both prior to the primary in favor of the Democrats), Baesler's would bé accessories rather than ac- costumes which are usually med to for the Urban-County government’s ”.mhomesinthecountyandmailed and late in the summer) introduced abilitytoturnout fellow Democratsto tual costumes "he explained. deliver their telegrams have been _ x *' non-partisan top spot had created over 100,000 pieces of campaign thecandidafeandimproved his name vote against Republican Hoskim But Jean Sutton at Backstage a Cupidandthexising Bandit \ ' much interest in his respective can- literature “to (eligible) voters we recognition countywide. Inthesecond should be the determinim factor in costume rental agency said their out- These wondering just what towear didacies. . have targeted as most likely to get phase, Hoskins raised questions about thisrace. fits were completdy booked for this to the party might have Mm But during October. Bill Hoskins out" and vote, said Baesler’s cam- his opponent in an effort to soften Hoskins maybesecuring SW”) week. “We carry over 300‘ and they “scaring" up a costume but Phillip! “33 f""l""“‘_'l-"' M98“ Scotty palgnmanagerAnn Gordon. Baesler s support. The M m' some affluent east-end pecincts, but areal] being med." has a suggestion. “i saw a lot of poo- Baesler's positions on issues and his —————————————— which is currently underway. “Pk" Baesler carried 131 of 159 precints in Sutton said no one costume was pic (at the party) dressed as ghosts. allegedly “WWW tie with local . nod to attract “"90th eligible the primary because of his grass- more popular than another. You just use whatever you have on ”’0’ leaders. With four ‘days until anal S's W and W Baesler sup- roots efforts and high level of name Backstage, which stocks such outfits hand.“ " voters must make the decision at the y porters to Hosklm side. recognition Therehave been nosigm ally poll that counts, the fate of the By all accounts these tactics have a Baealer's efforts slacking off since , ‘ racemaybedeterminedbywhether W. hadanimpactontheraceaslloskms’ the I l / \ \ or not Hosklm’ late-chargins effort Baesler also raised more money has slowly closed the gap between it also ‘m inconceivable that I i. 9 \\ haspeakedtoosoonornot. than ins opponent in generally himselfandtheleader. However-,one discoruiected M such as former I J . , Moat opinion polls of the campaign smaller sums from more total con- Democratic party source said earlier members 0‘ the Committee of zoo / ,I f 1‘ have reported B-uler leadins tributa's. As of Oct. 2, Baesler had this week, “Hoskins peaked toosoon. low Wham mm mm, m; 3 ‘ ‘ Ma Hostil- til-ougbout the race by at raised about $202,000andlioskins had probably two or three days after the thecity's prodwelmmt financiers ‘ ._ ‘ ~ ,. least 10percent, except fortherosulls raised $1,000 according topeports fil- endorsements (from Amato and will be able to coalesce at the P0118“! . _ ‘ ' d-pounlmedyuterd-y. ed with the Kaltucky Board of Elec- Hopkins), but Baesla' has the mama“ mm,“ “an“. .. ‘ But the effectiveness of Hmklm' donnnanceneglsuy. momentum again andheseemstobe .\ ' " challerua may be the key to any But money isn't everything one pullingaway.” Even a modest or lus tin-bout of 11 . \ possibility be has of up-etflns silluld consider when assessing Consider that Baesler‘s lead loyal Democrats will probably not . ‘ _ Badminthefinalmonthoftherace political influence Baesler said.“it's snowballed from 13 percent in the unravel Baesler's lead. While most I , .. . . , lloakimclearlymuthaverecognlsed me and all the little people agaimt primary to 18 percent (according to observers predict a tumout below 50 : ‘ ' / " the necessityofdislodgllualpporten than (the political power brokers)." polls taken by the Democratic Party) percent of the County's mono eligible . ' ‘ 1'1, ’ f 7;? . . . hununleader'scampbycmfron- Baealersaidlnaprusconferencethe bythebeginningoftheautumncam- voters. GordonoftheBaesla' cam- . 3 ‘ "I; l 2.: tingBaosla's reca'd. day afla' Mayor James Amato and paign. In early October, poll results palm said her candidate will prevail ‘ l . , l t , .C; Rqardlaa of these clasha. both US. liq). Larry Hopkim jointly en- indicated Baealer’s site had slipped by at least 10 percent if 3,000 voters . \ / ii: . . candidates have maintained m- doraed Hoskins in a bipartisan press to 14 percent. Later this month thead- (as in 1917‘s landslide for Amato) ac- /‘ i / 7.; daily the same straws that each conform. vantage had diminished to slightly tuslly vote. ‘ /’ // ,‘ 1‘: . W W50" I“ forth in castrat. Hoakirl has emphasls- mdsra 10 percent Baealer lead. Some Democrats have said private i . fl ,7 3:- . .- Wklmmfldecum-AM edamediaorientedcampalgl that But yesta-dsy mornlmthelgx- lythisweektbataaolerwouldhsve I . l. . .. " ' ' , o o instill Harald reported In lndepen- handled Hernia with little dimculty ‘ ;- l ‘: _ ; r ‘ denipoilingfinnfoimd.inanlrvey if he had cultivated his natural ‘ ' s... .. ~' " p . IDS] e conductodonthedsyoftheAmato Dumasticpoliticalallqlanoa.As \ ‘ . "" and ilqikins amusement. a huge one partisan said this week. / , \ in. . ‘ , _. y , . amps homecoming display lsdamagad by vandals. Sea storyonpnga wage of undeclbd votes. Willi “Dania"! Me ‘0 MW ‘1] t r .. l , ‘i ,h ' , " 3. anm-orfacta-offlpercentthepoll mudunuommulityinflsad- l ‘ \ ~ £31.! ‘ ' John OrUfin reviews "The Madwomon ofCantrolParlt". sum,” revealed that Baesla tallied fl pu- ministratim should have mm- L 1/. w ; XL‘ - . .~ 4,! '_ . __ pom “Mom. at l centofthcsample. Hoskins gathered ed Inone. lint-ad ofemphuising the t 4 w. ~ - ‘ "' "‘ “"‘W""""" umtandispaoaitmnaimd similaritiuhehaswithlloakill'con- l , r \ i 7 undecided. servatives position." . \ ‘ , .. i; ' ' ‘ I {.1434 - e . - n. . ‘ . .3”: ';::c ' ' > ‘ .1 . fr? s«.~t,‘".s « h. 31.3%» into a“. ,. tuft». .~ ;~ '9“ 3312‘» *4” .‘ ”a"; -. ‘ t ‘7. 7 ' ' . - y ' ' ‘ \ c - ___.._. ° ‘ palfio‘si‘wstos‘“ gfiriw ' . *'.??i’.."-’ if? 1' “‘ i annexe . i x ’ - dam ”his _ _ A _ Wmmm - Moi . - y r - r 5 5. ' 'n- win/rue 5 re". or: "firm? 5’5: 1 t . 1 "‘ . . 14:45 V555;11§.“F"*"“thifl‘fiéi’iii‘lit? - , '~:“'-'- ‘fliéifit‘fEf“i5"°‘?‘-$I‘§“i?§15“if’hii’i’55‘7§33§E‘3?:.'Lf.fl5?‘1'“ xiii-"”3 ' t-Vév'fff‘i‘f ”~W%?$§% 1 _ ' "' 7; fififfi’fif *‘gafl ”* ‘ 1 . ,« ‘ . 5351, 54” - 5 ‘W‘iwigfié“gwgfifitgfiéfifiiwfnfi’wfs¢‘:;:3§§,55’:13. 5525;", L.‘ {757‘152‘ $11.3, ,{gj’édi f 5 . ~ ' _ ‘ iii =3: .55 55:3"; twig“ ~‘5‘. .515-“g7‘t‘ ‘3: 3’5““ 5- 5' W r' ‘ ' i ’5‘ .5 ' '5' thieuthe fefin“:ifg?7’ztxti~*i' , “.1'“ EM5 5 " .‘I'l: 2?;15‘11755; Ni V i, '19.,“ M M‘ “255155335; '2' 'N "1: ' e -L-»'~rL-l~'-J..ii-- "I .. em- . .f ‘ 1 , .4 V f ' e“ '1); (3‘48: £523.! A t\5'.:.‘._..'.....'-.'.-;Xk Y,i‘“‘."‘..‘.\> ' 3 MM' ..~::. .. a» I ‘ F ”A?! $2 ’WA ' , it '5. ' * __ _ __.___-. __________._.._______ 355% .- —-—-——--~-. ——-——~ _ ' I : in. am Stelden am. An. June- new Harris Anne Charles Lisa Wallace M. Chandler Bolin ‘ new}? . manna-rot Editorial sailor Dale G. Morton Sports Editor entertainment Editor Photo mm 3 n. ersuasw ............... - . '53 . 5. "-- J-clu Rudd uni Kadaba sieven w. miller ieelie Michelson 3"" W ;,- . ‘ 3 3 WIMMWC‘W Copy Editor . Wtwwm Mmthmmmentmnor "“e‘ Mew” I '1 i ' ‘ Kt-ZN’II’CK" Kirby Stephens ‘ . 1 _, 5 AssociataMtor-News b. .~ L___.__.————______,________.._e———_- _ , .. “5551755515 ie® 3 , A celebration for the Umvorsnty. “‘88 ; .. * --.5.-.\.\ ”(i-'- .xxnge -..,¢.-.-¢-.«.-.~\“;.; > m ' . N: 5‘55.‘ “-3' “\fi‘é‘wfl ° I ‘25-’i§5=:"2‘5ih..= ' » tit-'3 ‘w, :zi‘ -. N555»; a} :=:k:“‘".>'::'_ - happy birthday, D'- “9 9 W 5 §§§ No mommle.’ Wa one ‘5 ’" . iii;- ii ” m Tomorrow evening 53,400 people will gather students to despise them for the schmucks his? “"1 b‘ £1 rke \ ‘i‘ in Commonwealth Stadium to celebrate they are. . _ ' £5. kt??? WI 3 '9 [my nose I - ' 3 ; 30 homecoming. Aside from being homecoming Despite his busy schedule, Dr. Singletary ls v5“ 1 ’1 .- fIn and Halloween, however, tomorrow is also accessible to students. “My door is open to $455M 111a,} v 4H] I 5*: ‘2 President Otis Singletary’s birthday — 60 big people who want or need to see me,” he said, 5 (’35? ‘_ __ mu 0 er ere. e swing; m ones. A special celebration is planned to honor and although students cannot just breeze into > I '\ ”were. 3 ._ . “55$“h pt deserved. wintakeuietimetohear students out r 5 5.5;... x Dr. Singletary has stuck with UK through Dr. Singletaryhas been a staunch defender \ nose-rhino -‘-\\iic§-"M-elt98‘er.n 523% x 3 M - - - his of higher education, particularly in the wake nee trimmings 5' "5:25.. 1 thick and thin. Numerous Job offers flood , a ’ll , “a. neg w...._,,..,.,,.-._.,,.... {the .535 in office every year and yet he toms them 8“ °? 6°“ “m Y- 3”“ s “‘8“ “‘s- We ‘5, We"? . n ' down. Even when he was offered the chair- Circle the wagons 33d d0 what we can, he might“ ignggx § 3;, ac - - : said at the Oct. 14 “Rally to Save Higher ,xnv \\- fiftieth 3..» y. 1., J manshlp of the National Endowment for the - n . 5:255332325552335255 . . linemen .5,» to u. Arts by then President Jimmy Carter. an at- Education, .5555“ their? is no doubt ”“1" 05- 5555 with“? a. _ tractive proposition for anyone, he declined it 91mm“? “11 be "“158 We“ ‘° W‘“ the " 5‘5 555% we this Universi reach towerin' he' ts. V6 years 80. - 9““? °° "Yer f~ i u“ . ty 8 [ah the wheel offlfisvemcleofaumversity amidst “ ' i i 5 ” Many ““69"“ “n" appreciate W ‘°'- the troubled and turbulent days of 1969- We’re 5 l . tunate they are to have Dr. Singletary at the sure it has been no picnic for him and we’re a," ‘fitzfi 5555‘ if: helm Of our flagship university. Many colleges equally as sure that more 3W5 loom W n ’ Eg across the country have presidents Who. in- ahead. > % "" Q - uri stead of working unselfishly to make their We would like to tllank Dr. Singletary for , a“ g new \ 1 schools give the students the most for their working and fighting for our university and ., , /. .55 so) money, bleed the schools dry and cause the wish hima happy, happy birthday. ' . “Z 9 “F: o . . _ the pslion poicy n. Wh Persons submitting letters and opinion individuals submitting comments in person int i columns to the Kernel should address their should bring UK lbs or driver’s licenses. - . I ' and comments typed and triple-spaced to the Those writing entries for the “Point" col- ' a‘ _ editorial editor at 114 Journalism Building. nmn, which is open to anyone on campus or m N St. ”I IN“ m: UK, ”W42. in the community, should contact Chris Ash go; - or Bill Steiden at 258-5184 before submitting ' . Mr. m... new on ......, manner as hopefuls for county council clash .. dresses. telephone numbers and their ma- The Kernel reserves the right to edit for ‘ i 50': . jors, classifications or connection with UK. grammar clarity and length and to En, la“ mm m . . 5 column he hol f - ’ ott Letters should be limited to 250 words, and eliminate libelous material. reported an unusual increase in can- W gasvecommmefu’nity wifldzsrirym g- , $313.5 of ygalg lazingtonigm’lf‘: - inpolitia. Babbageahoundentanth _, Conn Council sea . - the tremendou rs ihil he and r ,. point at the column was to Helium “W “3" h“ “m“ "" nmmmeinm ‘ I a cludes 900 volunteers throughout the . 5 ‘ _ thefact thatthiscity may soon have county who distribute literature peopleasponeersinbreakingtheage W I I , w 7. in first ”year-old tit-large coune place posters in yards I 'bilte mgmwpouua, 9 5 f “ ”e ' f slim and several district coun- mmeyandmakepbonecansfortlleir “1 thinkthecommunltybas Md)“ ‘ W W \ l‘/ in}; . f diggmmmggv'g“ “n candidatelnthelasttwoweeksalone ““W‘m‘immmmi Mw me ./ a .\ .‘N N I 0‘ \$‘ impreeedm vemen - film has reached over AMpeo- energetic and intelligentnleadership ._ \ ’s, . dicatasthatyoungpeoplsarebeing without regard to age, he said. .56”,an . \5 " / @ tlk t serioul other flebyfllnnsandbiscampaipidma- u 3 i // "\ . t '4 - .. 3'3"” yuany tiomtotalaboutmwo CandithtslikemyselfandGene KIDS n,- '0‘ 5. P" .50 {$0 ‘ 0 $9; ‘ V f 5V! ‘U Wyn-ultle-tintflscanmunity. mm mm poi,“ mum” 'I‘ichenorwillhavealotofrespanibil- , W“ 5;? ,, I .“ \\ ’4‘." \, \‘JI Moreimportantly,thesenovioesin u tyonourshoulflsonceweare ’ - ~ «/ ... , p, 9‘- . ..\ / . I- m] 6 ”do mayrefertohimas littleBobBab- ,, W “m 5 W °‘ “ N? '5 \ -*= t u ‘ Mme-twin“: we" m an new in 555-5555555555- ‘5 . ' I ‘ - , . CUTWbOD , t'rl‘ov D _\o\‘\ '° if ‘ i; BobBabbaaeisanexampleoftbis Wmfiw‘m'“w' "' . ‘ b 3;] ah I , u KeenJolinsontisoo-o),8abbagehas was of Gene Tim the - STAMPS 5' l' 9’5 g); 5 ® U ml Cb ity. expedaice and f . , ,. 3'1 / , \ \\ 5 l 1 mm_ mademme ornimelfonhisown. Kemlreceivedeninta-eetingplm , s e ,5 ,5 .1 Q , . ammonites“ “remnant: '5 . r4 ., ' . . ‘ . Ba . _ a: tel-view y co umnistRic ar , . '1 . 3 1 ~\\ .‘2 («l is v ._ _ any I I Btob bbage h undisputedly the mucus local commislons and in McDonald for that day's edinmonlle . g s .. mos visibleottheyoungcandldates. 3 '- . - ‘ ; - I? “millionth“ 1 of lmnservedasaspecialWhitc paper, ‘ . . ‘ f V b" : ,’ uqn the dectiai ( well Homeusistantasslgned' tothen-Viee Thecalla' ArtsandSciulcesjimior ,~ . \l . .‘ ‘ , ' v ” “mt “It?“ Pm'MtWalta'M ’ ,- - \ 1—: Q I - ’ ‘ i (g‘i .3 -k . council factian develop before the I onthle. Buddy Vaughan. expressed _- ,3- ‘Nfi Q? ‘t ‘V 3 3 , newly elected members take office) Babb-8e m the issues Jllt I8 dissatisfaction: with the paper’s ' : / . — ‘ ’3 \ . fl ,, 3. . mmuhehkuuieonmp-isn. cova’ageofthesthdistflctcampalui. , I , n . \ v 1 bags may become this city s . j 1‘ I my!” 9. 5 '53-'12“ 1 mumcemym pmmfledhudflisentefm. Vaughan said thatMcnoaeldandi ._ ”eh P. . é (a ’ 7' i I ‘ W |,;’\ ' mm’mmtmmmm mlm,aschief10bl).ylstftl'thexal- fgfledtocavgfldm'gwt, . . ./' \‘ die \\ .5 -, ‘ 7‘ I Ma I‘m-1m isfavoredto Wumlmnm‘ldwm' Genet Ellis,51,iilola‘ssparate QI- " .e l s w -\.\ r y 5 ”we fill batl i the __.x it} ~“4' ”4 — oneofthetlreeat-largespots cess te n General umns. : 5.. l" 535‘ \, . , w .‘1 Assembly to sentence dfim 000- Finally {Whtathastmy 1 . in . “.1“ becausedhisaggressiveandupbeat ' l- . f:- 4 , fl, . __,_ ‘ QilAh'NL T W- Atta- W118 slightly victed of public intoxication and mm: with M, u, stunned ’J .1 ‘ w "1 l hi i i Hit It Ann Ross and related “trims.” and! as dflVIIB fmmmyusociatlmwithhlmasstu— \ )s" _ a": ,x' . :35, e W former cotmcilman Pam Mills and under the ulfluence, to rehabilitation dent W praidsnt tin-ea m M0 i ‘ j a I. I - If, . ratherthanincarceration. ambecauseofhiaaga. , (W 17/ am finislnrgaheadotformercoundlman - . . [1' (andUKirofusor)BillLym 3“} Healsobadtheoffalsereclaasified Howevermmpointdoontmtiaiin .\ .1 “v” bagehas ' uplisdec- asamluhmeana'xenmckywuthe meonveraationcamemtheqtm- tion um” lmlflllmld his time 38th state to pass such a law. But “0.“ otanexperimmtal m col- . ’ my, opponents. many county inflate. whohldkept the lection system. Both undldatu, like , . . bill bottled-up In committee for eight virtually all of the dstrlct's voters. ‘ . , actively the proposal an the till! of zm ss s r! - n n 55"“555-5-W55m5-55 owners-5555......” 1 _ constitution) isllen are paid a com- theirhomepreeinct. : f : . ' mission for each thya stupector eon- vandal; said that Ellis “has bsm ) . ihiecolumninchiellynotecol- seems to go agaimt pilblic qlinlon clutterolinelpld imigbts gotduring “emu“- eflecfiveinsetflm fldolflerflethe 5; inmnatall.ttisanapoloy.'l'osome, _ here. Revealing that view doeen't thsSq-ia. “it we- iult I Brent film." Bob Curbio in Milena Park.” True ; ;‘ 'howeva,itmaybearelid. ' worry me half as much as the bagesaldinaninterview. ”Jutlike minut‘m‘ml é "l‘oputitsimpllenvenotbingto MWWMWIWW lmean, why kick poor Howard inthelstllroialdmfaboadngmatch), MM'HMWBWM ;wrltesbuittliisweek.qu-ycolum- mm:,inmyopmm,mu¢ WWWWIW Mbhmmiflnmm filedlydfllevoiclwlmed responsetothhissua,hisroaction 5 . .' nietlullowedmeeolmnninwhichhe Brown give- a wonderful pee-toe. mininthesmduiussociatim. ‘deWYm-wh Wmmhufltdr"bflid~ raised some doubt about how eom- . .min-whyhem’tdommlob. maneein“lt'stheGreat?lnnpkin, Remanbu'ingmydltyuajou- mmMWN-m Babb-so. a tee-WC “Mi MvdyElli-intend-tom- :whyhehu-hirhedlnsmoonnumy. OlarlieBrown."lutead.ofe0lnIe,I neliet.ldidaivetheiamloouim- “mmmmm “Mlmm'mmm tent the district “Ellis didn’t do 5 .- ,1 ~'wbyllehasgivenbisreadnrsablieak. could do a punk aq-viee number. tion to picking on Mic rim, m- It seam W ’3 euuamunwmmmmcn anytling but inconvenience sane . i rootlietwooottherewhoreedthle mmmummiloea llawever.’l‘hisismuallygrsatfinand fmhmm- m-Wmcmmhm‘ seniordumlnuwmvyauumd . orieJnmci-Iliminmyehinl. toi- knives in little Billy's mee notveryditilculttoeceomylhhuoet Ihwdm mm“ Wh'dmmml MomtVemon mullet-(winch . . -Actually,lilndmycll'rentwrltu's Muhateuaban.<everyonesays publlcflmmsucheasytargets. all (”min to ' uimeJisfin'tlia-believesthatthe WWIIWWMW ~ - , ;. Hoar both-some. And i have tint. ummtm'tmmhold finnfimmgrfitm't WmmmflumhI-twdfm AehlendPerlrprecint-ellotwneh . . mmwmwflneu- antheotherextmne.etonetlmei moonlit-term. W W m it Mm m an till“- ammunition-lethmridmoruid. : Muplamtiai.memsmmay Whtlmmsdiject Nimtancs,iwould|robably mm'm w.“ m ““1““deme nehenoreeld,"itliinlrtheeom. . heveeomethingtodowith motiva- midlbepthctWJ‘lmlsare havotostandlnlinetoattackJole. mm 1." at if,“ M mlootflo'hU-S-Mohwdmto dim-mundanoblisaflontow 5 .- j hm.a-lannus.0rboth.l’mjintnot jl-tovsramontbswayanditsesnl Blown.Anddelelldlnngwollldba ‘Mbdyimasiowdsathi" m5 m ““1- ‘m the whole district. not jut the ; , , sin. mmummmam comparabletonipportiagthamseas- mm wwwfifflfltfldmdmlm prodncthslivasin." 2 .‘Mareamillionsta‘iesoutaboutthsr-llyuuflalJlke nonmdmont.m.lm ' “hm?" ' ‘ ih-olnthemlredclty."everyedlta- intuhmdmrwr monolith-mm. ,mmwmmm,m mommmue Bmsmrtmuonflhonbrm - . , 3 gene every spine; inn-elm, the “DouGodllht?”c"Wlllemcky AndIb-m’ttnuymdeinmymind ”Mm"... "mm, W “I“ "1 Wr 1" “r 10m" Student Aioociauoo 'omi- ~. _. i nounuonbdnatoaoouundnno mahtluMM?"Yot,a¢ainl mmnmmum "° ' Mutilation!“ dent. ,5 .- hammftwlzmistswaltforin- ammonium-wheneilwmla anyhmm.aawhonnulo ~ ' . i . spin cane them. M are ”now the meaning (I lite wheel w ' 1",,_:{;_;,I; pay tit w. m wast, notllm has can’t oval cw calm“ an icoiid till-atom, desires. But l‘L‘I’M CWNTY I'D” Berke Breathed eon?” mwmmm- min-ultimo. "In 0"! “W“M‘N‘“ 05 MR w '5 ' ’ t’ii - '1'" ll I“ N say "It my M 0‘ 'l‘hm than D poll“ m, thus days and he dosm’t um try to #5:, WOW, no $7 ”036%,"? mp main lisp, so 5 tie A300? , mufibmmwd analwaylpssnhrndluilmu- nan back m. laid-a. it's WIDW souwowr Wow... mmarwaé - $0120: wigs r5' snou- hr um (well. maybe “3‘":an m. Ana tines loothell W "W ”*5”? WNW WWW” 0::er .. ,r t i5 .. TONIGHT... maxour..wv mow am not mm m.. 5%, 9“" 1 h" M W I I! m. ”In rot to vote it s “Manta-tongue: lemma “"3”“ m. n MWNMMhN-fihmbm whitewash-rial ‘ \ _g, I 1 o ‘ ' jun; Ions. neodymium ncmmmchadd splrltsmsanJ’vahaardm q ,- ‘ - ‘ ~.\ , = ‘ L- .luieeuaeinyeee-loum wieJtfieeehtuyeilupl-ti. human-mm!- , F: 5 I J F“: ’(«I' E‘ ‘ " , 5‘ anal-a. It h- It a my mmwfillflum memm.w {\ 3;: l. f. 5:: I “f I??? - i I _ mu, III-Io Ma, mam.” astuu . ,, 3 H g . ‘ .mamlm meanness-ins. m, gunman-oi ’- . ' . 3 __ 3 ' :3 g , c . il Ins as: ”h ,llmlnh- i. one hunt-oi ., w. - r\ . . I ,. ,9 i -‘ . . on... ' realm-r -W-aes. was. 5- . ‘ 4,3, ‘ ' 1‘. ‘ 5:. . ' dual “lama". bufltlmhw “be " m . 2-3:?! .5 set—1. 73:? I I l ' e c i » «5 255-54 . -., '* 5 . . . ‘ V I ' ’ ' t .7 J" A J; “l ‘ {66'}? W ‘wm‘wie . ‘ - 5 s5. 9%.”).02 ’m‘pf-L'P ”fizfltfi‘n'x“ e»: 7‘2” iii-(z... , > ‘1 "W5 " ##va e'i'ue . . . , . 5} . . ”’33 -' , » ' ., . . _ fl ‘ , . , ‘ ‘ .3 .3: §§°5$ . ' 5 5“ . . p . i, 2 '1. ~ zei’fijfijfia . E‘fly‘flzew‘ai l»‘ 5 , ' ' ' heft “‘51" $3? #5913; ' , r “ ~. . ,; . ‘~~. I " . ‘ _ 2 '7’ 2 ' ' - - :- - . I . " - 4' . 2"" ‘75- '- ~53. 2 ‘7 i‘A.if‘lffg‘z'ziiid‘rLCV‘fil’ri-"‘7‘va ' ' ',iI I'. . ,. I .. . ' ' , . . . . ’ I . 2' . _ _. '\' i‘ . ‘ 2 '25,: .-':"It:," fir," jog] 3.I%&fiif’tg‘§££~‘oa~s’ gfifi'w 5‘33; Pfiju'fifit'h‘fi‘ A5,. . THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, October so. ieei-s his A555 WWW__W__«~A_._-_A__.~—._-w.__.fl_..____A——-.—AAAA~ . W... .. e... m-.- ”WWW, W . _ .,W-_-. —AAAA—H__‘_—~_—_~AAAAw...AA.._._»VA._.——MA——~—— sh r." i ' billets — doux news roundup on page . W_-W_._WWWWWWW...WW-.. WW W _._._.--WWWW-_W_- WWW W WW_ -,-.._,_.-___-_W . . - . , W i"? All“ Of mority Ticket system adotpiate havebewmwnwcatchupmmdma while Commie until you can't our at any mm Satisfied with tisuialtion ‘ . Thisltter' in to I tell lwouldlike ddr thi lettertothe amp“) °°"°“"°°'“w“"“"“°“‘"m‘°“‘d°‘ ~ 2‘ ' Ni 9 “ liszpom gimmm .. Cha ‘9‘, he“ , s'buti Need Andwherewasalltheextramanpowersup— yourlist,tallytheamwen.lfyouhavemore Wearewritinginregardtothetwoarticles by cholas W“ man w ”9°.“ Vim ,"39‘ m T“: et mm on ' posedly hired to police the area? The most I “yea" answers than “no" answers then luck concerning basketball ticket distribution in 2 ' z 7 ’ the Oct. 22 Kernel. In his column he implied ed editorial in theOct. 27 Kernel. [was very . . . that Sadat’ , ti coul