xt7bcc0tr040 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0tr040/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19591315 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-13-dec15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-13-dec15. 1959 2011 true xt7bcc0tr040 section xt7bcc0tr040 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, December 15, 1959. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, pursuant to adjournment of December 8, 1959. for want of a. quorum, met in the Pres- ident' s Office on the campus of the University at 9.15 a.. m. , CST, 10:15 CDT, Tuesday, December 15, with the following members present: Governor Bert T. Combs, Chairman; Robert P. Hobson, Dr.. Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. Paul. B. Hall, Floyd Wright, Dr. William C. Wilson, W. F. Foster, J. Stephen Watkins, Ben Butler, Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Harper Gatton, Wood Hannah, Sr. , Ted Gilbert, and Clifford E. Smith. Absent: Mrs. Paul G. Blazer. President Frank G, Dickey and Secretary Frank D, Peterson met with the Board. A. introduction of Mr.. Gilbert. President Dickey welcomed Mr, Ted Gilbert as a. member of the Boa-rd of Trustees. He explained that Dr. Robert R. Martin had resigned as Superintendent of Public Instruction, that Mr. Ted Gilbert had been appointed by Governor Combs to fill the remaining period of office of Dr. Martin, and that the new Superintendent of Public Instruction was ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees of the University. B. The Vice Chairman Presided. The time of the meeting having passed, and President Dickey having received a call from Governor Bert T. Combs advising that he would be a little late arriving and requesting that thle meeting proceed, Mr. Robert P. Hobson opened the meeting and proceeded until Governor Bert T. Combs arrived and assumed the chair as chairman, at I10:15 a.. m. CST. C. Approval of the Minutes. Upon motion duly made, seconded and ca rried, the minutes of the Boa.rd of Trustees on September 15, t959; and the minutes of the Executive Committee on. October 16 and November 20, 1959, were approved as published. D. Treasurer7 s; Report., Mr. Peterson submitted financial report. of the University for the four-months period ended November 30, 1959, reading the following letter of transmittal and submitting the following financial report: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXI NGTON December 7, 1959 Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Doctor Dickey: I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the Univer- sity of Kentucky for the four-months period ended November 30, 1959. This report contains a balance sheet and related financial statements which present a complete financial picture of the period for all funds of the University. The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period reflect income realized for educational and general purposes in the amount of $7, 837, 680. 72, or 54. 8% of the budget estimate of $14,299,431. 10. The expenditures, including encumbrances outstanding, amount to $5, 845, 064. 83. This represents 41. 1% of the total Current General Fund Appropriations of $14, 218, 114. 13. Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Vice President Business Administration a University of Kentucky Balance Sheet November 30, 1959 I. Current Funds: A. General- Cash in Bank Available Balance, State Approp's Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Inventories Deferred Charges Accounts Receivable Unrealized Income ASSETS $ 482, 522. 17 1,419, 130.08 1,097,362.25 257,205.00 52,666.20 2, 361. 70 7,046,077.51 Total General $ 10, 357,324.91 B. Restricted- Cash in Bank Petty Cash Advances Investments Accounts Receivable $ 611,565.70 16, 762.40 1,995,068.28 8, 000. 00 Total Restricted Total Current Funds 1I. Loan Funds: Cash in Bank Notes Receivable Investments 2,631, 396. 38 $ 12,988, 721. 29 $ 33, 762.64 135, 046. 25 54, 500. 00 Total Loan Funds $ 223,308.89 III. Endowment Funds: Cash in Bank Investments $ 687.40 234, 915. 99 Total Endowment Funds $ 235,603.39 b University of Kentucky Balance Sheet November 30, 1959 Current Funds: A. General- Reserve for Dept. Req's Reserve for Inventories Reserve for Aux Enterprises Other Liabilities Appro. Balance Unappropriated Surplus: Division of Colleges Medical Center Agr. Exp. Station LIABILITIES $ 1,021,378.94 257,205.00 53, 173.77 52,666.20 8,648,934.24 $ 30,4898.03 4,621.08 288,857.65 323,966.76 $ 10, 357, 324. 91 B. Restricted: Outstanding Check Liability Restricted Funds Balances Total Restricted Total Current Funds II. Loan Funds: Principal Balances Expendable Balances $ 12,805. 23 2,618,591.15 2,631,396.38 $ 12, 988,721. 29 $ 190,867.03 32,441.86 Total Loan Fund.s $ 223,308.89 III. Endowment Funds: Principal Balances Expendable Balances $ 228,342.41 7,260.98 Total Endowment Funds Total General $ 235,603.39 C University of Kentucky Balance Sheet November 30. 1959 IV. Plant Funds: A. Unexpended Plant Funds- Available Balance, State Appro. 's Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Total Unexpended Plant Funds B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds- Cash in Bank Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer Cash on Deposit, Trustee Investments Unrealized Income ASSETS $ 15, 279, 279. 67 1,452, 861.50 $16,732,141.17 $ 2,448.34 382, 767.43 144, 327.32 289,713.78 88,635.33 Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds 907,892.20 C. Invested in Plant- Land Buildings Equipment Construction in Progress $ 3,213,336. 23 39,490, 962. 00 11, 135, 905. 36 21,495,371.88 Total Invested in Plant 75,335, 575. 47 $ 92,975,608. 84 Total Plant Funds V. Agency Funds: Cash in Bank Investments $ 20,615.27 136, 411.52 Total Agency Funds $ 157, 026. 79 d University of Kentucky Balance Sheet November 30, 1959 IV. Plant Funds: A. Unexpended Plant Funds- Reserve for Plant Req's Plant Appro. Balance Total Unexpended Plant Funds B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds- Funds Balances LIABILITIES $11,805,635.39 4, 926, 505. 78 $16,732, 141.17 $ 907,892.20 Total Retirement of Indentedness Funds C. Invested in Plant- Bonds Payable Due to Other Gov. Units Net Investment in Plant Total Invested in Plant 907, 892. 20 $ 12, 892, 500.00 17, 320. 00 62,425, 755. 47 75, 335, 575.47 Total Plant Funds $ 92, 975,608. 84 V. Agency Funds: Agency Funds Balances $ 157,026.79 Total Agency Funds $ 157, 026. 79 University of Kentucky Statement of Unrealized Income For the Current Fisacl Period Which Began July 1, 1959 and Ended November 30, 1959 GENERAL FUND Educational and General: A. Student Fees- Incidental Fees and Tuition Training School Fees Adult & Exte. Ed. Fees Total Student Fees B. State Appropriations- Division of Colleges Medical Center Geological Projects Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Service Total State Appropriations C. Federal Grants- Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Service Total Federal Grants D. Endowment Income E. Sales and Services of Educational Departments Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station Total Sales and Services of Educational Departments F. Returned Checks Total Educational and General I. Service Enterprises: Post Office III. Auxiliary Enterprises: Meli's Residence Halls Women's iResidence Halls Total Auxiliary Enterprises Total General Fund Income Estimated $ 1,328.000.00 $ 36,000.00 136, 000.00 Realized Unrealized 683,674.92 $ 15,600.00 54,955.80 644,325.08 20,400. 00 81,044. 20 $ 1, 500, 000.00$ 754, 230.72$ 745,769.28 $ 6,116, 600.00 $ 3,416,600.00$ 2,700,000.00 978,500.00 525,000.00 453,500.00 187, 300. 00 167, 200.00 20, 100, 00 862,500.00 555,500.00 307,000.00 972,000.00 505,000.00 467,000.00 $ 9,116,900.00$ 5,169,300.00$ 3,947.600.00 $ 146,009.60 $ 97,581.57 $ 48,428. 03 866,791.00 497,927.00 368,864.00 1,955,811.00 988,901.20 966,909.80 $ 2,968,611.60$ 1,584,409.77$ 1,384,201.83 $ 43,919. 50 $ 8, 700.00$ 35, 219.50 $ 20,000.00 $ 15, 103.34 $ 4,896.66 650,000.00 307,524.13 342,475.87 $ 670,000.00 $ 322,627.47 $ 347,372.53 $ $ ( 1,587.24)$ _ 1,587.24 $ 14,299,431. 10$ 7,837,680.72$ 6,461,750.38 $ 4, 000.00 $ 5 3G5.40 $ ( 1,365.40) $ 224, 751.00 $ 56, 329.72 $ 168,421.28 442,674.00 25, 402.75 417,271.25 $ 667,425.00$ 81,732.47$ 585,692.53 $ 14,970, 856. 10 $ 7,924, 778.59$ 7,046,077.51 ( negative figure ) e INCOME f University of Kentucky Statement of Departmental Appropriations For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1959 and Ended November 30, 1959 I. Educational and General A. General Administrative Offices B. General Expenses- Student Services Staff Welfare General Institutional Services Total General Expenses C. Instruction and Departmental Research- College of- Agriculture and Home Economics $ 421,038.48 Arts and Sciences 2,256,459. 13 Commerce 277,810.02 Education 518,569.69 Engineering 576,712. 76 Law 132,994.66 Medicine 490,836.04 NMrsincr 34,250.00 Pharmacy 108,941.66 Graduate School 22, 825. 00 University Extended Programs 515,047.81 Departmental Encumbrances Appropriations Expenditures Outstanding Unencumbered $ 215,297. 20 $ 57,376.83 $ 2,761. 31 $ 155, 159.06 $ 337,498.09 $ 132,815.28 $ 4,886.95 $ 199, 795. 86 120, 000. 00 38,535.56 81,464.44 161,725. 87 55, 809. 19 18,464. 02 87, 452.66 $ 619,223.96 $ 227, 160.03 $ 23,350.97 $ 368,712.96 $ 164, 192. 90 876,946.38 108, 793. 93 200, 345.47 233,358.32 51, 781.74 134, 732. 23 14, 162.57 33, 451.95 8,768.47 151,453.88 $ 5,054. 01 27,952. 08 1,327.40 13,579. 16 5, 265. 49 3,865. 34 18,913. 00 170. 22 4,562. 13 185. 75 19,601.62 $ 251,791.57 1,351,560.67 167,688.69 304,645.06 338,088.95 77,347.58 337, 190.81 19,917.21 70,927.58 13,870.78 343,992.31 Total Instruction and Departmental Research $5,355,485.25 $i,977,987.84 $ 100,476.20 $ 3,277, 021.21 D. Activities Relating to Educational Departments $ 55,168.00 $ 18,011.54 $ 4,034.70 $ 33,121.76 E. Organized Research - University Research $ 190, 448. 08 $ 67,525.95 $ 26,666.47 $ 96,255.66 Agricultural Experiment Station 2, 367, 356. 00 867, 155.25 109,055.81 1,391, 144.94 Total Organized Research $2,557,804.08 $ 934,681.20 $ 135,722.28 $1,487,400.60 F. Extension and Public Services - University Extension and Public Services $ 413, 789.50 $ 14, 098.41 $ 217,622.44 $ 182,068.65 Agricultural Extension Service 2,927,811.00 1,191,192.54 9,471.73 1,727,146.73 Total Extension and Public Services $3,341,600.50 $ 1,205, 290.95 $ 227,094. 17 $ 1,909, 215.38 $ 519,336. 14 $ 232,002.47 $ G. Libraries 21, 459. 31 $ 265,874.36 g University of Kentucky Statement of Departmental Appropriations For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 195.9 and Ended November 30, 1959 H. Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant Total Educational and General II. Service Enterprises- Post Office III. Auxiliary Enterprises- Men's Residence Halls Women's Residence Halls Total Auxiliary Enterprises IV. V. VI. VII. VII. Student Aid Working Capital Clearing Accounts Debt Service- Bonds Retired Debt Service-Reserve Total Departmental Appropriations Departmental Encumbrances Appropriations Expenditures Outstanding Unencumbered $ 1,554,199.00 $ 405,633.53 $ 272,021.50 $ 876,543.97 $ 14,218, 114. 13 $ 5,058, 144.39 $ 786,920.44 $8,373, 049. 30 $ 27,220.30 $ 10,913.81 $ 1.00 $ 16,305.49 $ 203,800.00 $ 146,877.09 $ 9,289.04 $ 47,633.87 414,953.00 204,326.04 15,796.58 194,830.38 $ 618,753.00 $ 351,203.13 $ 25,085.62 $ 242,464.25 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,800.00 $ $ 2,200.00 $ 75,000.00 $ ( 66,659.14) $ 129,176.44 $ 12,482.70 $ 1,787.39 $ ( 765.11 )$ 120.00 $ 2,432.50 $ 52,000.00 $ 52,000.00 $ $ $ 6,252.50 $ 6,252.50 $ $ $ 15, 003, 127.32 $ 5,412, 889. 58 $ 941,303.50 $8,648,934.24 ( negative figure ) h University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1959 and Ended Novuiiiber 30, 195D I. Unexpenviic' Plant Funds- Construction Experiment Station University of Kentucky Electrical Distribution System Holmes Hall-University Appropriation Medical School Medical School Library Acquisitions and Supplies Medical Science Building Alpha Tau Omega Building Men's New Dormitory Northern Extension Center Western Extension Center Medical Center Heating and Cooling Plant Plant Project Medical Science Building Equipment- Administration Southeastern Kentucky Extension Center Women's Dormitory Arch. Services University of Kentucky Medical Center, Hospital and Outpatient Clinic University of Kentucky Study of Utilities System University of Kentucky Roof Repairs Memorial Coliseum Reynolds Property Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs University of Kentucky Medical School Clearing University of Kentucky Medical Center Landscaping Purchase of Spindletop Farm University of Kentucky Kentucky Life Museum ( Waveland) University of Kentucky Steam and Return Line Renovation Medical Science Building and Equipment Addition of Student Union Building Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity House Sigma Chi Fraternity House Total Unexpended Plant Funds Plant Appropriations Expenditures 17,035.48 $ 33, 600. 00 44, 781.49 62,710.99 100, 000. 10 45, 027. 45 19, 163.58 335, 213. 14 45, 165a 60 30, 818. 98 ( 4,478. 56) $ 23, 635. 80 58, 492.72 77, 796. 69 1, 575. 37 2,091.70 8, 148.X43 41, 431.92 2, 329. 00 15, 853. 96 5, 671.07 5o, 844. 12 ( 16,900.00) 178, 700.46 5, 000. 00 205. 00 100, 000.00 1, 539. 18 410.46 14, 260.37 Encumbrances Balance 15,971.53 $ 5,542.51 9, 964. 20 44, 781 49 20,001.00 ( 15,782.73) 42,040. 35 8, 952. 74 14,891.69 56, 222. 56 ( 284. 65) 22, 203.41 1,411.73 8,119. 14 327, 064.71 3, 733. 68 28,489.98 962. 27 ( 52.090.67) 55,718.31 ( 31, 160. 37) 29, 723. 94 148, 976. 52 5, 000, 00 205. 00 100, 000.00 6, 500. 00 3,647,539.00 1,500 00 150, 000. 00 5, 200. 00 100, 000. 00 660,000.00 2, 0a0. 00 51 00 6, 500. 00 3, 647,539. 00 1, 500. 00 150,000.00 5, 200. 00 6,182.40 510.00 40, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 93, 817. 60 620, 000. 00 510.00 510.00 $5,651,650.42 $ 483,925.48 $ 241, 219. 16 $4, 926, 505. 78 II. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds- A. Debt Service Fund- 1st P. W. A. Bond Issue 2nd. P. W. A. Bond Issue Dormitory Revenue Bond Issue Auditorium-Field House Issue Library and Service Building Issue $ 36, 939. 60 17,993.40 24, 723. 25 63, 158. 78 80, 598. 31 $ 9, 006. 99 2, 812.50 51, 187.50 4, 040. 00 $ 36, 939. 60 8,986.41 21, 910.75 11, 971. 28 76, 558. 31 $ University of Kentucky Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1959 and Ended November 30, 1959 Plant Appropriations Expenditures Stadium Addition Issue $ 19,758.26 Dormitory Revenue Issue ( 456 Rose St. ) 6, 289 . 80 Journalism Build ng Bond Issue 29, 048. 50 Dormitory Revenue Issue ( 476 Rose St. ) 5,029.93 Student Dormitories ( University of Ky. ) 20, 154. 57 Student Dorm (Kappa Sigma) 10,921.46 Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi ) 11,863.40 Student Dorm( Phi Sigma Kappa) 10,311.62 Student Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha) 10,916.95 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1952 59,950.50 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1954 31,532. 11 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956- (Cooperstown Apartments) 201,958. 15 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956 (Six Sorority Dorl~is ) 52, 217. 00 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956 StUentL -9Dorms Reserve ) 18,750.00 Dormitory Revenue Bond of 1956 ( 336 Clifton Avenue ) 8, 324. 00 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956 ( Holmes Hall) 47,520.00 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956 ( Shawneetown ) 90,201.25 Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1957 ( 468 Rose Street ) Dormitory Revenue Bonds 342 Clifton Avenue ) Total Debt Service B. Sinking Fund Reserves with Trustee- Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1955- Res. -Holmes Hall Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1956- Res. -Shawneetown Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1952- Reserve Dormitory Revenue Bonds of 1954- Rese rve Total Sinking Fund Reserves Total Retirement of Indebtedness Funds Total Plant Fund Appropriations 8, 166. 00 $ 2,895. 25 10, 826. 25 10, 196. 25 2, 343. 75 3, 290. 90 Encumbrances Balance do $ 17,414.51 2,998.90 29,948.50 2, 134. 93 9, 328. 32 10,921.46 11,863.40 10, 311. 62 10, 916. 95 59,950.50 21,335.86 44,282. 10 1157, 676.05 20,435. 00 31, 782. 00 18,750.00 3, 135.00 5,189.09 14, 712.50 32,807.50 61,737.50 28,463. 75 6, 110. 00 2,056.00 26.00 3, 235.00 ( 3,209.00 $ 866,352.84 $ 250,246.24 $ $ 616,106.60 $ 31,340.87 $ $ $ 31,340.87 104,466.34 104,466.34 102,632.10 102,632,10 53, 346.29 53,346.29 $ 291,785.60 $ $ $ 291,785.60 $1,158,138.44 $ 250,246.24 $ $ 907,892.20 $6, 809,788.8 6 $ 734,171.72 $ 241,219.16 $5,834,397.98 i University of Kentucky Statement of Other Fund Transactions For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began July 1, 1959 and Ended November 30, 1959 Balances July 1, 1959 Receipts Disburse- ments Balances November 30, 1959 Restricted Funds: Funds Balances Loan Fund: Principal Expendable Subtotal Endowment Funds: Principal Expendable Subtotal Agency Funds: Balances Combined Totals $2,672, 181.74 $3, 347,376.91 $3,400,967.50 $2,618,591. 15 $ 109,002.58 $ 1,38334- 45 $ $ 190,867,03 39,925.60 7,292-03 191. 71 32,441. 86 $ 148,92S. 18 $ 74,572.42 $ 191.71 $ 223,308.89 $ 228, 242.41 $ 100. 00 $ $ 228,342.41 6, 851. 00 499. 98 90. 00 7,260.98 $ 235,093.41 $ 599.98 $ 90.00 $ 235,603.39 $ 163,473.05 $ 549,225. 19 $ 555,671.45 $ 157,026.79 $3,219,676.38 $3,971,774.50 $3,956,920.66 $3,234, 530.22 13 The report having been explained and members of the Boaard having been advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was authorized received and put to record. E. Annual Financial Report Submitted. Mr. Peterson distributed to members of the Board of Trustees the Annual Financial Report of the University for the year 1958-59. He called especial attention to the summary statement found on pages 5-10, He recommended that the Board members read pages 11-22 and called especial attention to Schedule 4, Statement of .7nvestments, found on pages 23 and 24. He referred members of the Board to Schedule 6, Statement of Current (General) Expenditures, found on pages 26-.30. He suggested that the mem- bers might be interested in Schedule 10 Statement of Bonds Payable, found on page 38. Schedule 12, Statement of Fixed Assets, pages 40-43, was recommended for information. Mr. Peterson expressed the desire that members of the Board read the Financia-l Report. He stated that it was presented in semi-layment s terms and compared most favorably with the financial reports of any institution of higher education in America.. Members of the Board, having ma-nifested considerable interest in the Annual Financial Report and being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the Financial Report and ordered it filed. F. Revenue Bonds Retired and Interest Coupons Pa-d Ordered D e stroyed. Mr. Peterson submitted a schedule of University of Kentucky Revenue Bonds retired and interest paid by bond issues of those returned by trustees an.d paying agents, July 1, 1.958 to June 30, 1959. Hle requested permission to submit to the Board, as a. mal.,er of record, and to request the authorization to destroy these bonds retired and the coupons paid, and that reference be made in the minutes by numbers of issued bonds and by numbers of interest coupons paid. Maturity Date Princi-Dal Bonds Interest Coupons No. On Bonds J'inclusive) University Building Revenue Bond-Seplember 19 1.939 (eond -P.W- A - March 1, 1958 39 198-204,212,236-242 267-274 September l 1958 170-176 40 170-265, 267-316 March 1, 1.959 1.77-183 41 1.77-197, 205-234, 238-265, 275 316 First P. We A, Refunding Bond-July I, 1945- July 1, 1.957 24 429. 430 January I 1958 2r 332 507 July 1, 1958 332-365 26 3332-428, 431-507 14 Maturity Date Principal Bonds Tnterest Coupons No. On Bonds (inclusive) Dormitory Revenue Bond-June 1, 1946 (Bowman Hall) December 1, 1957 23 June 1, 1958 December 1, 1958 116-.129 264, 265, 270-279, 294-303 363-372 24 116-430 25 130-255, 266-285, 3 73-430 261, 262, 287-362, Library and Service Building Revenue Bond-April 1, April 1, 1957 October 1, i957 April 1, 1958 178-201 October 1, 1958 April 1, 1959 21.5-23 1 1949 TT 217, 218, 221, 241. 242, 293, 294 17 178-182, 216-218, 221, 241, 242, 264-266, 283-285, 293, 294 18 178-201, 205-216, 219-240, 249-273, 276-279, 2 83-292, 296-490 19 205-242, 249-253, 255-263, 267-273, 276-279. 283-292, 296-490 20 215-231., 237, 238, 249-253, 255, 256, 259-263, 269-273, 2812_82, 286, 287, 29 1, 292, 296 -305, 318 334. 340, 341, 354--486 Stadium Addition Revenue Bond-April 1, 1.949 April 1, 1957 120 October 1, 1957 April 1, 1958 1 21- 1 35 October 1, 1958 journalism Building Revenue Bond-January 1, 1950 January 1, 1958 78- 88 July 1, 1958 January 1, 1959 89 -99 16 171-175, 186-190, 201-205 17 121- 3 00 1.8 121-160. 163- 170, 176_185, 191-200, 206-300 19 136- 160, 163- 170, 176-185, 1.91-200, 206 -300 16 78-121, 132-151, 154, 173, 176 17 89-154, 165 -225 18 89-154, 165-192, 175, 177-225 153, 174, 15 Maturity Date Principal Bonds Interest Coupons No. On Bonds (inclusive) Dormitory Revenue Bond (456 Rose Street) October 1, April 1, 1957 October 1, 1957 A~pril 1, 1958 October 1, ].958 35-39 April 1, 1959 Dormitory Revenue Bond (476 Rose Street) December lecember 1, 1957 June 1, 1958 December 1, 1958 15- 1o Dormitory Revenue Bond-July 1, 1952-Donovan Hall January 1, 1958 July 1, 1958 61-80 January 1, 1959 1950 Tf99, 107, 108 14 99, 105- 119 15 35-106, 109, 114-149 16 35-104, 120-149 17 40-49, 95-99 1, 1950 TT-T72, 45, 46, 69 15 15-42, 44-46, 48-76 16 15-42, 44-46, 48-76 11 61-1255 12 61-1255 13 81-1255 Dormitory Revenue (Dormitories 1November 1,s May 1, 1956 November 1, May 1, 1957 Bond-July 1, 1953 A, B, C, D, EF ) 1955 1956 November 1, 1957 May 1, 1958 47-62 November 1, 1958 5 282-330 6 282-330 7 282-330 8 214 -220, 282-33 0, 344-348, 563-565 9 214-220, 238-240, 282-330, 344-348, 370-373, 383 -3877 413, 470, 554-557, 563 -565, 569 -571, 671 10 47-213, 221-281, 331-356, 358-412, 414-562, 566-569, 572-710 11 63 -.151, 153-158, 168-213, 221-281, 333-343, 349-369, 374-412, 414-562, 566-569, 572-586, 592-670, 67?-710 Dormitory Revenue Bond-May 1, 1954-Keeneland Hall November _ , 1956 5 311, 312 May 1, 1957 6 134-137, 226, 227, 229-238, Z58-261, 291, 293 -297, 299 -301, 311, 312, 349-358 November 1, 1957 7 11-447 (This item continued on next page) 16 Maturity Date Principal Bonds Interest Coupons No. On Bonds (inclusive) Dormitory Revenue Bond-Ma-y 1, 1954-Keeneland Hall (Continued) May J., 1958 1--I 7 134-722 November 1, 1958 9 22-256, 258-310, 3 13- 722 May 1, 1959 10 448-722 Dormitory Revenue Bond-June 1, 1955 Cooperstown Apartments December 1, 1955 1. 345-349, 1214-1218 June 1, 1956 2 345-349, 910-912 1119-1128, 1.214-1218 1861-1881, 1961.1970, 1978, 1.97992067-2082 December 1, 1956 3 345-349, 910. 912 1119-11.28, 1214-1218, 1861-1879, 1984, 1985 2067-2082, 2089-20991, 2093 June 1, 1957 4 345-349, 417-421, 756, 785. 910-912, 975-984, 1i19-1128,R 1214-1218, 1861-1881, 1961-1970. 1978, 19799 1984., 1985, 2067-2091, 2093, 2731, 2754, 2755 December 1, 1957 5 345-349, 417-421, 590, 756, 785, 800-803, 910-9 1.2, 975-984, 1119-11 28, 1214-1218, 1702, 1860-1881, 19469 1947, 1.961-1970, 1978, 19799 1982-1985, 2067-20827 2089-2091, 2093, 2208-221.3, 2731, 2754, 2755 June 1, 1958 6 330-349, 352-361, 401-410, 416-4219 432-451, 467-479, 485, 486, 490-494, 530-5619 574-578, 590-606, 633-672, 678-687, 693-700, 702, 733-735, 738-785, 790-803, 820, 824-838, 847-853, 864-888, 910-912, 926, 927, 975-997, 1013-1022, 1043-1047, 1053-1062, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1119-11.28, 1175, 1176, 17 Maturity Date Principal Bonds Interest Coupons No. On Bonds (inclusive) Dormitory Revenue Bond-June 1, 1955 (Continued.) Coope rstown Apartments (Continued) June 1, 1958 (Continued) December 1, 1958 June 1, 1959 64- 102 6 1181 -1189, 1194-1199, 1214-1218, 1244-1247, 1249-1251, 1264-1273, 1301-1310, 1325, 1330-1355, 1393, 1394, 1398-1415, 1418-1420, 1423-1425? 1445-1452, 1487-1511, 1539-1543, 1546-1560, 1596-1601, 1623-1625, 1628-1632, 1658-1660, 1663-1687, 1693-1700, 170Z, !718-1722, 1748-1786, 1790, 1793-1802, 1841, 1843 -1881, 1887, 1902-1911, 1937, 19469 1947, 1961-1970, 1978- 1980, 1982-1988, 2006-2010, 2052, 2053, 2067-2082, 2089 -2091, 2093 2113-2118, 2144-2155, 2176, 2177, 2203, 2204, 2208-2213, 2219-Z268, 2328-2345, ?.391-2415, 2441-2456, 2487-2506, 2557-2576, 2582-2586, 2647-2727, 2731, 2732, 2735-2737, 27