Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, December 15, 1959. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, pursuant to adjournment of December 8, 1959. for want of a. quorum, met in the Pres- ident' s Office on the campus of the University at 9.15 a.. m. , CST, 10:15 CDT, Tuesday, December 15, with the following members present: Governor Bert T. Combs, Chairman; Robert P. Hobson, Dr.. Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. Paul. B. Hall, Floyd Wright, Dr. William C. Wilson, W. F. Foster, J. Stephen Watkins, Ben Butler, Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Harper Gatton, Wood Hannah, Sr. , Ted Gilbert, and Clifford E. Smith. Absent: Mrs. Paul G. Blazer. President Frank G, Dickey and Secretary Frank D, Peterson met with the Board. A. introduction of Mr.. Gilbert. President Dickey welcomed Mr, Ted Gilbert as a. member of the Boa-rd of Trustees. He explained that Dr. Robert R. Martin had resigned as Superintendent of Public Instruction, that Mr. Ted Gilbert had been appointed by Governor Combs to fill the remaining period of office of Dr. Martin, and that the new Superintendent of Public Instruction was ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees of the University. B. The Vice Chairman Presided. The time of the meeting having passed, and President Dickey having received a call from Governor Bert T. Combs advising that he would be a little late arriving and requesting that thle meeting proceed, Mr. Robert P. Hobson opened the meeting and proceeded until Governor Bert T. Combs arrived and assumed the chair as chairman, at I10:15 a.. m. CST. C. Approval of the Minutes. Upon motion duly made, seconded and ca rried, the minutes of the Boa.rd of Trustees on September 15, t959; and the minutes of the Executive Committee on. October 16 and November 20, 1959, were approved as published. D. Treasurer7 s; Report., Mr. Peterson submitted financial report. of the University for the four-months period ended November 30, 1959, reading the following letter of transmittal and submitting the following financial report: