unloading this volume on the unsuspecting public Hie Editors wish it to be distinctly understood that they will, in no way, be held responsible for what may be herein contained. Generally speaking, college annuals are not, specimens of standard writings. If this were the case it is probable that writers of such would turn their attention to other fields, less glorious perhaps, but certainly more remunerative. Neither are college annuals models of English  Grammar.     Usually they  contain  English  as  it  is   "spoke.''
If you should be interested in what we present we will be gratified; if angry, we will be amused. Gentle reader, have you ever impaled a. bug on a pin and watched it wiggle. It is a fund of amusement for allexcept the bug.
We have used a pen for the same purpose.
Perchance our witticisms may prove dull, our epics humorous or our jokes insipid. If you find such to be the case, we will be very, very, sorry for you.
li in perusing these pages, your lip should curl scornfully, close the volume until you are in a more forgiving frame of mind, for remember that ancient Sisyphus rolling his rock up a hill, had not a more unenviable experience than wethe Editors of the '"Echoes" for the year 1904.