xt7bcc0ttc1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0ttc1b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1983 newsletters English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Chem-news, Fall 1983 text Chem-news, Fall 1983 1983 2019 true xt7bcc0ttc1b section xt7bcc0ttc1b lhon - 1 * mews: * a . .. E;4;AlumniNewsletterPubIIshed by Department of Chemistry University of Kentucky » if -- £3 ” x . int-v , ‘ ' ' “ _. - ‘7" . -* ' Fall 1983 I I New Chalrman — Robert D. Guthrle We are Pleased that Professor Robert D. 7'" w sly; Lye/”w ‘ ions. His research has been SUPPOIted by Guthrie has accepted a four-year term as ,t/fgg/ f” several grants from the National Science Chairman of the Department, effective July ‘5.” " t ~ Foundation. He has been a member of the l, 1983. Bob received his bachelor’s degree , , r , , IUPAC Commission on Nomenclature in from Oberlin College in 1958, and PhD 2/» «,1; Z / PhysicalOrganic Chemistry. from the University of Rochester in 1962. / , , 3% ' After a post-doctoral appointment at the . - 3‘ 1 WW _ ‘ University of California at Los Angeles ' ' twig“ ' ,1: , 1963-64, he served as a lecturer there 1964- Q7. a E in z , «V» v . , 65. In 1965 he joined our faculty as an assis— ; . i ‘ ” tant professor and rose through the ranks to 14}? Vt / Vi 3,:“i * fullprofessorshipin1977. , , r, ,y ”Lame/3% ' His research interests are in the analysis of f, l Wei/4M" W WM the m1croenv1ronment of carbanions usmg mug/f! I, , W «M, electron transfer reactions and stereochem- .. i i , lama!” V ical methods. He has recently initiated a i, 1% l L 7d; ”4' _ ‘” study of the cleavage reactions of radical Dr. Robert D. Guthrie I A Message from the New Chairman It seems appropriate that I include a few Bill continues to contribute in an advisory searchers who teach are better able to see comments about our recent history and our role and has agreed to serve as Coordinator the empty spots in the framework of existing ‘ plans for the future. As some of you may of Alumni Affairs. Joe Wilson remains the theory. Sometimes a freshman’s naive know we’ve been through a tumultuous year Director of Graduate Studies where his con- ‘Why?’ or a sophomore's half-informed of trying to select a new chairperson. Both scientiousnessisa model for us all. All mem- ‘What if?’ can lead down the path toward .. internal and external candidates were con- bers of the faculty and staff have promised the clarification of old concepts and the de- sidered. We were forced to consider our me their full support. Administrative offi- velopment of new theories. For the next few goals, our resources and our priorities in cers up to and including the Chancellor years preservation of an atmosphere in I considerably greater detail than we might have indicated a willingness to help, within which teaching and research can nurture have liked. Although the experience was the limits of their resources. The next move each other is notgoing to be easy somewhat painful I believe we now look at is up to us! Our biggest single problem will be estab- the Department and our various roles in its What should we do? At the present time lishing an adequate supply of capable grad- future operation with greater realism. all twenty of our faculty members actively uate students. Graduate students are the Those of you who know me will under participate in both research and teaching. I lifeblood of our apprenticeship system of stand that I did not campaign for the chair- believe it is crucial that each of us maintains chemical education. When the level of grad- manship. Nevertheless, now that the dust this dual involvement. Professors who labor uate enrollment drops too low, research has settled, it appears that I am ‘it'. It will in the search for new knowledge regard projects start to wither and die. Loss of rev- not be easy for me to meet the high standard knowledge as a living thing. Their lectures enue, faculty embitterment, professional set by Bill Wagner and by Joe Wilson but I manifest a vitality similar to that of a proud stagnation and numerous other symptoms plan to give my best effort. It will help that parent describing a child. Conversely, re- too unpleasant to mention can occur. We 1 must find more and better students. We will positions and allowing program expansion. ready for the research-oriented courses of i be fighting to raise stipends which at present The supplies and equipment provided by their Junior and Senior years. I believe that . are simply noncompetitive. We will make a these grants relieve pressure on our ex- part of the problem originates at the high strong recruiting push emphasizing the very tremely restrictive departmental budget. school and junior high school levels. In two real educational advantages of a small but Hopefully the savings can be used to encour- more years my three children will be fin- active department. age new, exciting and fundable research ished with high school and it is my impres- , _ , directions for other faculty members and sion that their science courses, while infor- Related problems arise from our being Six . . . . . . . thus Increase our forward momentum. mationally sound, failed to illustrate the ex- faculty posmons below our maXimum num- . . . . . . . . . l The number of B.S. chemistry majors in eitement of SCientific discovery or the satis- , ber of four years ago. We could actually use . . . . . , , . our department has been in a state of grad- faction of adding pieces to the structure of about eight new people if we Wished to opti- . . . . , , ual decline for the last five to ten years. This human knowledge. During the next semes— mize faculty teaching loads. We presently . . . a; , , _ trend must be reversed. I have long felt that ter, the department Will be conSidering ways have the go-ahead to fill four posmons over . . . . . . our upper d1v1510n undergraduate program in which we can help to improve the level of the next two years. You may have seen our . . . . . . . . , , in chemistry is as strong as any in the coun- local high school education. This is a hot recent ad in C 8c E News. Some truly im- . . . . . . . . try but that we have not given enough atten- topic nationally and perhaps we can con- 6 presswe applications have been arrivmg. . . . . . . . . . _ , , . . tion to recruiting potential chemistry majors tribute in some small measure to a solution With luck Ill be Singing the praises of our . . i , , . , or to keeping the ones we have interested of the problem. « brilliant new superstars in the next issue of . . . . . through their freshman and sophomore All of thlS is surely more than you really «, Alumni News. . . ; . years. I also feel that we need to institute a wanted to know about our problems and In the past year there have been four ma- separate course sequence for bright and in- plans and probably too realistic for a mes- jor new external grants awarded to members terested freshmen and sophomores. This sage of this sort. I am essentially optimistic i of our faculty. This is the kind of progress would allow us to give them the type of spe- about our future. We have a capable and l we need to make in order toincrease the via- cial attention which is not possible when determined faculty. We are in an excellent , bility of our program. The personnel money dealing with the masses of semi-committed position to make major improvements in our in these grants will provide research assis- students typically enrolled in General and program. As the state economic picture tantships for approximately eight graduate Organic Chemistry courses. In this way we improves over the next few years we will be students per year thus freeing a corre- could show them the fun of chemistry and ready to make our move. sponding number of teaching assistantship sustain their involvement until they are This issue of the newsletter covers events “ The faculty published 21 articles in 1981 and information for the past two academic 3 .. 4 and 37 in 1982. More research proposals years 1981-82 and 1982-83. It has been a :4; 3 All» have been submitted and grants received very busy two years with frustrations and i ‘i " 5'4 )3. 3’ from external sources as shown in the section achievements. First the bad news* then the , {11¢ on News from the Faculty and Staff. « . A t ' h ‘ l "71“.” ‘ _. 3.. . . . good 5 sta ed in t e prev10us news etter, 4 __ 4 4 ‘. The eighth and ninth sympOSia on Chem- the State of Kentucky has suffered a severe .1 g ’ . . . . .1 4 .3 _ istry and Molecular Biology supported by . short fall in revenue and all state agenCIes , ’. ,o H ms. . . . . . , '~ .51 . , :1 4. KW" ’ the endowment fund in memory of Anna S. \ including the Univer51ty have suffered bud- . ,/ t a; g:~._..o . _. , . . . «3.. . g. - ._ _ ; . . Naff again were highly successful. The get cuts. It has affected our travel budget ‘\ gm «34.3w . ,w . . . . . . . NY; . «' . 3 figs , . - eighth symposmm on April 30, 1982 was on l and operating budget and capital equip- . A .’ f? . . . . ., . _: -- -. . as, We! ArtifiCial PhotosyntheSis presented by Pro- ‘ ment budget. Even worse is the freeze on va- 3; f; l ,‘ tut. g, 35,», Aggie" :* t ‘ . . . . . l . . . . . a fig _, ”‘ag 4.11/93» ‘z- t 5... fessor Melvm Calvm, UniverSIty of Califor- cant posmons which now include SIX faculty ,. ' . as. v x. t,~.-.W i . , r , . 't' th' . t th t' t rim and Dr. Joseph J. Katz, Argonne Na- POSI 10‘“ 15 year owmg 0 C re iremen 5 Dr. Ellis Brown presented the ACS Southeastern - ' - ~ of Rodney Black, Bill Plucknett, and Bill Regional Award in High School Chemistry Teaching to $153321] LaboraioryétTl: ninth, do}? 213:1 22% '4 Mrs. Dorothy S. Helms, China Grove, N.C. at the was on e ru ure an u C10“ 0 l Wagner, the transfer ofDon Sands and f’aul SERACS Meeting in Lexington November 5, 7.981. Cytochrome P-450’ presented by Professors ‘ Sears to full time administrative posmons, . . . . . and the osition vacated b Dou Naae In [mm C. Gunsalus, Univer51ty of IllinOis; . . P y . . g ' the faculty getting into the act. Two hun- David H. Dolphin, University of British Co- If addition we have lost the posmon of lecture- . . . . . . . . . dred and eighty five papers were presented lumbia;John T. Groves, UniverSity of Mich- demonstrator, one electronics technic1an, . . . . . . . . at the meeting. Earlier concerns of an im- igan and MinorJ. Coon, UniverSIty of Mich- one glassblower, and one Storekeeper. We . . . . . , pending loss turned into a profit of over igan. We welcome any suggestions you have t have been able to handle the teaching load . . . . , , $8,000 for the meeting when many late reg- for topics and speakers for future sympOSia , by increasmg the Size of classes and employ- . . . . . , _ . _ istrants appeared. and hope you Will be able to partiCipate in mg temporary v151ting faculty. these 5 osia ‘ In spite of these difficulties the Depart- The Analytical Division; Jim Holler, Jim ymp ' l ment can be proud of its achievements the Kincaid, Jim O’Reilly, and Bill Wagner, The Student Affiliates of the ACS have past two years. The Department was the hosted the Midwest Universities Analytical been especially active the past two years. ( principal source of support in organizing Chemists Conference October 8-9, 1982. They raised funds by selling books donated and sponsoring the thirty-third ACS South- Over seventy faculty from midwest Universi- by the faculty, selling doughnuts and other eastern Regional Meeting here in Lexington ties and Colleges were in attendance to ex- activities. They have used the funds to spon- November 4-6, 1981. Ellis Brown served as change informal reports on their current re- sor a competition each Spring for high General Chairman of the meeting With all search. school chemistry students. The students 2 l i come to the Department on a Saturday and and Thomas B. Nantz Scholarship Fund. In ‘news’ on the enclosed form for use in our l take a comprehensive examination equiv- addition we received a gift of $10,000 from next newsletter. Again we thank our alumni alent to a standardized final examination we C01. and Mrs. Byron T. Cook in memory of and friends who have contributed funds to . administer to our general chemistry stu- their son Stephen Harris Cook to provide the Department, which have been used to dents. The to students are awarded cash summer research fellowshi sfor under rad- su ort fellowshi s, e ui ment urchases, P P g PP P q P P prizes and receive credit for general chem- uate chemistry majors. A detailed seminar speakers, and refreshments for our istry if they register at the University of Ken- description of the award appears in the departmental seminars. If you wish to make ‘ tucky. The students tour our facilities and section on New Awards. contributions to the University to be used by ‘ the high school teachers attend a meeting to Recipients of the various awards are listed the Department of Chemistry, please spe- hear an address by a guest speaker. In 1982, elsewhere in this newsletter. cify that the donation is for the Chemistry 105 students participated, and there were 95 Our thanks go to those of you who re- Department Development Fund for the V in 1983. spond to our request for news which I hope unrestricted use by the Department of We are grateful for the contributions you enjoy in our Alumni News Section. We Chemistry. Donations may be sent to the from our alumni to our Development Fund are especially pleased with the response from Director of Development, William B. Stur- " which has been especially valuable during those who graduated 1930-34 to give us gill Development Building, University of I our period of retrenchment. In addition to more detailed and up- dated information on Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. i the regular alumni giving we have received their careers and reminiscences of their ex- ‘: substantial additions to the Anna S. Naff periencesatU.K. William F. Wagner \ Endowment Fund, A. S. Behrinan Fund, We hope you will take time to send us Editor ’ Spec'al News from the 1930 34 Alumni Requests were sent to the alumni of 1930- 1931 University of Illinois, replied: Thank you for 3.4 to bring us. up to date on their activities Emerson Gilmore Cobb provided the fol- asking me to give you and (my classmates an Since graduation. We apprec1ate the re- . _ . . . update on my career. I graduated from . low1ng information: M.S., Univer51ty of . . sponses from the followmg: , _ duPont in 1971 after 33; years. Since then Kentucky, 1931; Ph.D., UniverSity of North . . . . . _ . we have lived in either Wilmington or ‘ 1930 Carolina, 1941; L.H.D. Union College Newark Delaware ‘ John J. Owen received a BA. degree (KY), 1961. Teacher, Kentucky High Th ’ h “b _ 'h 1 from Transylvania in19l7. Additional tech- Schools, 1931-1940; Assistant Professor of e years ave een active Iv” trave . . . . .. . . (worldw1de), consulting, collecting and a meal studies were pursued at Ohio State, Chemistry, LouiSiana Polytechnic Institute, . . . . . ‘return to school’. The latter has been at the Wisconsm, and Kentucky, interspersed With 1940-1942; Professor and Chair, Depart— , _ , , . . . . . . . . Academy of Life Long Learning, UniverSity regular teaching duties in Junior colleges. ment ofChemistry, Dakota Wesley UniverSI- fD 1 D' . , fC , , Ed U.K. awarded an M.S. degree in 1930 (Dr. ty, 1942-1948; Special Chemical Investiga- o eIaware, “/1510? of 0.3:]??? d uca- Tuttle), and a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry tor, United Aircraft, Hartford, Connec- tion. “S a greg/i outfet b0: 1 S w :1 (2:113: x in 1934 (Dr. Barkenbus). The latter degree ticut, summers 1944 and 1945; Professor want to age. y W] e e ongs to t e , . . . . and my dog, Fred, a dachshund, sometimes i was the first Doctorate awarded by the De- and Chair, Department of Chemistry, Uni- , - - i . - - - attends class. At ALL we run the show - partment of Chemistry. My first Postdoc verSity of the PaCific, 1948-1978; Professor . . . . . . . . . . teach and learn, e.g., take such courses as Job at the Univer51ty consmted of de-rusting Emeritus, 1978—; Fulbright ViSiting lec- , l . . . . . . . . Calendars and Chronology, semantics or l and re-paintinglaboratory ring stands in the turer in chemistry, University of Peshawar, h ‘U S V' P 'd 'Th F , basement of the old chemistry building at Pakistan, 1961-1962; adviser and lecturer, teac ' ’ lce_ rem, ents. e orgotten , . . . Men'. So, chemistry is somewhat in the .25 cents/hr. However, Dr. Tuttles effec- summer study program in chemistry, Sci- _ l . . . . . . . . background except for bourbonized ‘ tiveness in aSSisting graduate chemists to ence Foundation of India, at Poona Univer- OH l find jobs is well known, and I soon signed on sity, summer 1967; visiting professor and ad- C2H$ ' ' t _ as a research chemist with Exxon Research viser in curricular structure, Universidad I got a glimpse .Of the new. Kentucky ‘ Development Laboratories, Baton Rouge, Autonomia de Baja California, Unidad campus about two years ago- quiteaSightl 2, LA. Before leaving the campus it was my Ciencias Marinas, Ensenada, Mexico. Henry T- P°lk wrote: At the time Of my 1 pleasure to represent the graduate chemistry Member, American Chemical Society graduation “1 1931 from the University Of students at Dr. Tuttle’s retirement dinner (councillor; member committee on Kentucky Wlth a B-S~ 1“ Industrial Chem- ; (1934), to become a member of Sigma Xi, chemical education, 1973-1978); Sigma Xi, istry, 300d JObS were hard to find because 0f 1 and to present a technical paper to the Lex- Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Alpha the Great DEPTCSSIOU Wthh made today’s ington Section of the American Chemical Chi Sigma. Author, Science Series for 'FCCCSSIOH' seem mlld by comparison. Wlth Society. I am now a 50-year member of the Elementary Schools, 1946-1947. Research the 31d ofa small grant, Idld graduate work f A.C.S. on polyhydroxy compounds, carcinogenic under Dr. Charles Barkenbus and received ‘ At Exxon, my reseach was largely con- agents, chemical education. Inventor, im- my M~S- “11933. My first 10b after that was ‘ cerned with petroleum and petrochemical pregnants for porous castings for airplane as an analytical chemist at the Kentucky i processes including synthetic rubber, syn- engines. Agricultural Experiment Station. .511“de I thetic fuels, oxo alcohols, catalysts, and pat- After retirement in 1978 — chemical con- was °ff9r6d a graduate aSSISIamSPIP 3‘ C01" ‘ ent protection. Was made Section Head in sulting and consultant on chemical educa- nellUniverSity,receiv1ngmyPh.D.m1938. 1937, and Administrative Assistant in 1950, tion and active in land development with While at Cornell I made the acquaintance and was occasional consultant to Petroleum special interest in developing sites for scien- of a number of Clemson College graduates Administration for Defense, and Oil Gas Di- tific enterprises such as transistor products. who were in its graduate school. They vision, Department of Interior, 1954—55. Don B. Forman, who received his BS. painted such an attractive picture of Clem- Retired from Exxon in 1959. degree in 1931 and a M.S. degree from the son and South Carolina, in general, that 3 I v; , a . . ‘ , . l l 7; _, , , ,,,,, 7:, ,,,,,, , ,W, ,,, . ,: , 7 :J General Chemistry laboratory in Kestle Hall, @ 75135. 777/3 picture was taken before the rend/s 11.0.7 In arm/er) the right-hand door of each deal: was replaced by drawers. when 1 was offered a job at Clemson’s South and :i;131,21;,':1’1:-;:3 and nxw CELVLlY‘JL s:./st:-ms, lCCE,‘J.E”:;S on hroadscop: of the chemical in— Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 1i: Olfluiilffl over 135) patents in well: years; dustry and is a lifi: member of the Speaker’s readily accepted. In a few years 1 transferred and played 2: viral rol: in the :levelooriiruit of bureau of the American Chemical Society. to the Chemistry Department and retired polybutea; 53.33213 2: Seniori",:ts::2n‘:lz 2.3:3o r/lernbf-rship in over fifteen technical from Clemson University as Professor ciate uu'ith r..il3‘,i'1LiC ,“Licl‘iigld (formerly Sine societiesisenjoyed ‘oyDr, foung. Emeritus ofChemistry in 19741. clair) in Liafley, LL from 135E147? M: his Sn: of his most interesting hobbies is the Since retirement, along with my wife, 1 responsibili:i:s spanned a uxirl: spectrum of Study of violins and the woods, glues, varr have been an active member of a gem and chemical research. and tl':/':loprnent. Lilith nishes, etc. used by master violin makers in mineral club, have done a lot of fishing, :1. E. ilfiaciliillin [.330C121L33 1971,73; 1;: was Cren’mna, ltaly. i‘llany have enjoyed his lec— gardening and spent much time in travelling involved with process and project :rigi- ture on Antonio Stradivari‘ Artist and around this part of the Lip-state which nae-ring for chemical, electrochsniical and Chemist, :iccoiripanied by his playing and abounds with so many lakes, streams and related procssa iridu.’:trit::;. ,n 1973 he drying/ring i,fi113f:.£21filplt of the maker. His forests and which make retirement in this fortm-d ii’l'; Leg/i1? ll. ',’r,::i,;ig:,r1t1l.,a.<;oci:.t'::s, wife, Eloise received a ill. in 1927 and a section of the country so enjoyable. in :1. to provide creative guidance in a variety 311.5). in 1935 in history from the University , David VJ. Young received membership in of disciplines froze: produm and trierket r;~ of _'i.:ritu:tl;/, Their daughter, Susan Young the Half-Century Club during a visit to the search through product and market :l:‘vrel- Larron, graduated with a 3.3. in Education University in 1981. Following is a summary OPIJl‘L‘ilt, lie has also served, as; :or::;ultant to from or. in l967 and 21 MIA. from Purdue of the extensive resume of his career: After the Haunt and Legal Lepzutiuent of Coy; it: 1959, 311’: h:3 tar/o childreri:j. ?. Carron, 97 receiving his BS. degree in 1931 he ob- Chemical Clo. 1958770. J1- and David Young Carton. Dr. Young is a tained a MS. in chemistry from UK and a jit- 1131:»; begn an gtfjrii/g mug-the; Q." the member of the Blossmoor Community Doctor of Science degree from Lexington American lngfiuittj of Chiming, 5_‘1"3/lfig a Church, and 21 32nd degree Mason, Shriner College and Conservatory (now '1'ransylr LiH'Oryfgir [\‘l‘fg‘i 21:,- pffgidg'flt 1971.73 and mm. r/iedii’ia Temple, Chicago. 6 vania) in 1935‘ During lhlfi PCFiOCl l1": tinues now as a Director at Large. in 1967 1932 WOI‘kt'tl for tllt’ Kentucky Agricultural Ex- he 1‘ccgivgtl rhi; national 3,13 Pioneering A periment Station and served as an instructor l"_x,«/ard as and the Elonor Scroll Award from Marvin Dunn after fifty years of gradua‘ in the Chemistry Department. lie worked the Chicago Chapter of hit). in 1964 he re- tion. for General Chemical Company (Division of ceived the award inventor of the ',’ear from in September, 1927, l entered the Univer‘ Allied Chemical Dye), 1936-40. From 1940— the 9,3, Commissioner of Patents and has sity of Kentucky after completing Lexington 55 he served as Senior Research Chemist at over 500 US. and foreign patents. He was Eligh School at Fourth and North Limestone 12550 Research and Engineering Co. named a Kentucky Colonel for developing Streets. 1 was ill in myjunior year and grad- (Standard of New jersey) where he concenr new industrial uses for Kentucky products. uated in 1932 with a Bachelor of Science trated heavily in polymerization of Olefins He has presented numerous seminars and degreein Chemistry. 4 After I was discharged I returned to work for the Pitman-Moore Company. I was sent to Madisonville, Kentucky, and worked at various times in four states. In the early six- ties the Dow Chemical Company purchased Pitman—Moore and I was retired at 65 years from Dow in April 1975. This completed 30 years of work in pharmaceutical sales. For the past seven years I have had seasonal sales work and travel only in 9. February and July and October. My phi- losophy of working after retiring is to enter a totally different field. My present work is jewelry and I am still travelling at 72 years. 5 _ Bettye and l have two children and two grandchildren. , 1 would be completely remiss if I did not write that I am totally indebted to Dr. Chambers because he offered me , the opportunity to return to school; i to Dr. Barkenbus because he was the best teacher I ever had; and to Mr. Mitchell because he had great Chem/soy storeroorn in Experiment Station, (Q) 7560. /I7‘/€f7[OF/ was simpler than! perceptions and realized my potential in pharmaceutical sales. As a final note I was honored to serve as a The Great Depression was in its third year the laboratory onjuly 1, 1937. For this year casket bearer for both Dr. Barkenbus and and most graduates were unable to find of full-time work 1 received 3125.00 per Mr. Mitchell. work. 1 was fortunate to be able to continue month, completed my thesis and earned a living at home because my family had Master ofScience Degree in Biochemistry in H, Philip Orem wrote the following let- movcd from Maysville to Lexington when 1 the summer of1938. ter: In answer to your letter of March 31, was five years old. A short time afterward Mr. Owen Keller, 1982) I am always glad to receive any infor- I had begun working at the Lexington an instructor working under Mr. John mation from the Department of Chemistry Drug, which was next door to the Orpheum Mitchell, submitted his resignation and Dr. at the University of Kentucky. As you Theater, when i was in high school and most Ralph r/Iaxson asked me to take the insti‘uc— probably know, after fifty years since grad- of my working time after graduation was Lorship. I accepted only after Dr. Eviaxson uation, I now know no one connected With there. talked with the Head of the Chemistry De— the department. ‘ At the beginning of every semester after partment of the University of Iowa and ar- I graduated in 1932 with a Bachelor of ‘ my freshman year 1 worked for Dr. John S. ranged for my release from an assistantship1 Science in Industrial ‘Chemistry. I was r Chambers, Head of the Hygiene and Public had already accepted, This teaching work at appointed graduate assistant in physical Health Department. The University would U15 was on a ten month basis for which I rc- chemistry in 1933 under Dr. M. H. Bedford ‘ secure the services of many Lexington ceived 13150.00 permonth. and received a Master of Science degree in medical doctors who needed University 3tu~ 1n the summer of 1989 1 attended the 1934 doing my thesis in organic chemistry dent help to do the paper work. The male University of 1owa and in the summer of under Dr. Charles Barkenbus. I received 21 students had physical examinations in the 19410 1 attended the University of Michigan scholarship in 1934- at Penn State to do or— Armory and the female students were :xam- taking medical school physiology. ganic research under Dr. Frank Whitmore. ‘ ined in the Hygiene and Public Health By this time Mr. Mitchell and 1 had do I took a position in the research depart- ‘ quarters which were on the first floor with cided that the United States would soon be merit of The Calco Chemical Co. in 1937. l ‘ the Psychology Department in the second at war. Actually, unknown to me, he com- remained there thirteen years doing re- floor quarters. Dr. Chambers always asked posed my letter of application to pharma search and process development in azo dyes me to return each semester and to be in ceutical companies for work in sales or pro- and aromatic intermediates, advancing to 'i’ charge of the male student help. All fresh» duction. assistant chief chemist and technical super- man students were examined in one day. 1 accepted a sales position with the Pit- visor ofthe azo dye and intermeidatc shop. In the Spring of 1935 Dr. Chambers of— man—Moore Company of indianapolis and In 1950 I left Calco which had become a ,3 fered me work on a twelve month basis in his was sent to Cleveland in June 1941. Pearl division of the American Cyanamide Co. I department laboratory which was supervised Harbor was six months later and in June took a job that year with the Sloss-Sheffield by Dr. Brooks Hamilton. Beginning July 1, 19112 1 was transferred to Akron to work Steel and Iron Co. in Birmingham, Ala- 1935, I worked a half—day for which I re— northestern Ohio, Gasoline ration tickets bama in the research department. This ‘ ceived $550.00 per month; in August 1 mar- were not always available for travelling company merged with United States Pipe ried the former Bettye Dean Coovcr and in positions and many days I travelled by bus. and Foundry C0. and they in turn merged September I began my graduate work under I was drafted in December 1913 and was with the Jim Walter Co. I remained in this the direction of Dr. Charles Barkenbus. sent to Camp Sibert in Alabama for basic employ for twenty-five years, retiring in Credit requirements required two years for training. Instead of bivouac I was sent to 1975 as group leader ofthc research depart- completion. Clerk School and later taught there until I ment. During this employment, I have my At this time Dr. Hamilton received a sab- was placed on duty at the Camp Butner name on two publications, and twenty-one batical leave and I was placed in charge of ConvalescentHospital in North Carolina. patents assigned to the various companies. 5 I am a member of Alpha Chi Sigma, 1942-1946: Major, Sanitary Corps, U.S. campus. It was a good preparation for my Sigma Xi, Fellow of the American Institute Army, Asst. Chief of Laboratory Service, ultimate career which embraced many of Chemists, Life member and holder of 50 49th General Hospital (U.S.A. and New different disciplines, i.e. chemistry, year certificate of the American Chemical Guinea) and Thayer General Hospital, engineering, metallurgy, geology and Society and Life Member of the American Nashville, Tenn. communication. Institute of Chemical Engineers. 1 have held 1939-1942: Chemist, Stream Pollution In— Mr, Mitchell was the freshman instructor offices in both local sections of the American vestigations Station, U.S. Public Health who started with a group of about 30 and Chemical Society and the American Insti- Service, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Now Robert A. judicially pared it down to less than one-half tute ofChemical Engineers. Taft, Sanitary Engineering Center). in number by spring. Of the large freshman l and my Wife Lydia Cleek Orem (Ken- Worked at lab as well as being in charge of group only 5 completed the 4 year C011TS€~ A tucky 1931) ““3 at 5240 Clairmont Avenue, mobile lab doing various analyses, chemical number Of those shifting to other work were g Birmingham, Alabama. Since retirement, I and bacteriological, on Ohio River and trib- thankful [0 ML MitChCll for his frank gui- have done limited consulting in the field of utaries. dance early on. organic Chemicals manufacmring- 1937-1939: Chemist, Lemanco Labs., New- Those finishing as I recall were AyreS. 1933 port, KY. Manufacture of fine organic Akin, Scott, Moore and a girl whose first ’3 Stuart Schott, Technical and Research chemicals. 2:2:11 (1:3; Barbara (Ed. last name Management Consultant, replied to our re- B-S- UUiVCISitY ofKentucky 1933 Iwas not-student enou h b - 1 d d' . - - t _ M.A. Universit ofCincinnati 1934 g to einc u e m ‘lueS‘- AS you ”“5,“ ‘maS‘ne‘ I am now re - - y . . . the ‘annual‘ offer to attend MIT for ad- ’ tired and livmg in Florida where my two Ph-D- UniverSity ofCincmnati 1936 d h . l . . h' h _ vance c emica engineering w 1c was daughters and four grandchildren are 10- 1934 available through Dr. McAdams’ friendship cated. . , Clarence Moore responded: Your request and relations with Dr. Tuttle. Rather I Attached is a resume Wthh-COVCI‘S most 0f for a few comments from 1930-1934 gained an MS. Chemical Engineering, in the’items ofinterest stnceleavmg Lexington. graduates prompts my reference to the 1936 from the University of Michigan - in Ive had a long, enjoyable and. successful group picture in the fall 1981 issue of those days the arch rival of MIT‘s Chemical career as a screntist and as technical execu- ‘Chem-news’. As a 1934 graduate (B.S. in Engineering school. Both had top notch tive. I 100k back at It With a great deal 0f Ind. Chem.) I have numerous memories faculties. personal satisfaction. related to several of the staffin the picture. From Ann Arbor I came east to Wilming- 1/74_1979 Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Doubtless I derived some of my work ton, Delaware as a ‘cowboy’ in the semi- Marine Science, University of habits f