xt7bcc0ttg7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0ttg7h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-04-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1984 1984 1984-04-27 2020 true xt7bcc0ttg7h section xt7bcc0ttg7h DR:



Vol. lXXXVl, No. l6]


Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

independent Since 1°71

Friday Apri|27 1984


University working
to meet hiring goals
for women, blacks

Staff Writer

[K is only about 4 percent short
ot its goal for women in administra
tton according to Nancy Ray. coor
dinator of Affirmative Action

(‘urrently women comprise 21 per
cent of the admimstratton Hlacks
comprise 4 percent The l’niyerstty
goal is to have 4.3 percent blacks
and 25 percent women

Among faculty. 25 percent are
blacks and ".58 percent women The
l'ntverstty goal for lacult} is .31
percent blacks and .11 7 percent

Despite l’K nearly meeting its hn'
tng goals "in almost every college
here. there is a need to hire women
and blacks" Ha} said

‘l’ossthly one of the reasons the
hiring goals are difficult to meet ts
because there are few women and
minorities 111 the national pool to
choose trom. and this ['ntt‘ersflj.
may or may not be able to get the
candidate since we are m compet.
non with other unn'ersntes {torts
Heathers. assistant coordinator wt
,-‘~.tttt‘n\attye :\Cll()tl_ said

ll the assessment of the number
ot women and black.» tr departmet.
(at areas shows that there is a need
to increase htrtng with respect to
job and labor availability, then l'K
will establish goals. she said "\\e
wtll establish goals appropriate to
'he tot» availability in each area and
‘tte market d\..11ldl)|lll} of wome!
and blacks tn that area," she added

\ recently implementisl \lttrma
'tH' \ctton plar. which started WM
:4 ts the ttrst reytstot. since 15W
'I‘be htrmg goals increase exet‘} 21w

.smcc Mitt. the tederal gmert.
't‘ent has requtred institutions wtth
tt‘lli't'a r‘t'i‘etlltlg bfio lll‘
’o :li-telop \ft‘trmatt'te Acttot. pro
grams Such programs are to be t:
.ictordance with l' .\ Department ill
Labor guidelines Hay said

1 K has increased its goals tor fhe
:tttmber of women and blacks 'o t-e
rttred Her} ttye years since 19?; [1.
WT: 'he 1 lllH‘t‘Sll} was required to
keep written goals and timetables

'\\e exan‘ttne annually to see it
there is a need tor rettsmt. .tntl
'het, etery ftxe years '.\e set a new
plan 1L1) said

In this office we pt'oude :rttot

t'ot‘tlt .ic's

mutton to departments ot atatlahili
t_\ of women and llldt ks tn the work
torce she said Then we ask
them to examine this tnlormatton
and set goals consistent with their
anticipated \acanctes

"(tnr Jlll) is 'o see to it that the H‘
\'l.slt)1l gets accomplished and we
work with the people tn 'he l nt‘.‘et
sit) in putting together the plan
she said

\lt'eathers works wttl.
compiling and anaty/thg data eon
certttng tobs to d:strtbnte 'tl iii-part

pt ,ntarnf.

The mallabtlttj. ot t-ttts .t; the
lege departments as well as
number ot tllltillllt‘tl tulatlts .1.""l
wontett determines the goals \l’l to:
the number of blacks and some:
lN‘lllt'f‘tl Rat sattl

those with ext-ilert'ats n tras-
college tlt‘pdl"ttlt'17ls .tt’e

ttat:'l\ ‘.\tllli' trzales Haj. satit

tit‘wtott .

ltatltttonalt'. ’t.ete are few-t
and ttttnot‘tttes in
fields stlct. as ’ltose that are htgltt;
engineering and
spet .‘aftttes

AHl’Ylt" Lt‘l“tii'.

'Ht‘ttlit‘a: stttt‘. as
-"!‘t1t1. 1‘.i-tlit'.il

.Kt‘a'lti't‘s stint

- "os' .,g "be teaching post
>..tt‘t- l’l‘t ll degrees which
A Men and nttnortttes do not

.itni‘t. .tttottttts tot 'he
tlt‘pttl'lllit'l‘l's are

'~.'l" \ttt

t‘:,r J.e\.',t;ti-.'. tar:
lf‘t‘ .'Ll‘.’ll.‘
"~ .\it\ til.
\l".s S


EI‘lt i ’.’ It! "’i

“with wise It‘m'tl
\3‘l> ls

'ttit.‘ es

1 olii‘tlt' tit
\lore ntt
it v‘ 'i-m‘. to lie t".

N m: i ~'>~

. v

:teti Yu gm.

t'l't‘ttst 'lt' II”,

l'he l"‘.t\r't‘. -. or :mnot

|tll‘;'\ '. lilt‘ ltttt
trtat'ke' tits ;.>t‘tip-non



I etltittt'W:



v M“










; Prichard lauds signs of excellence
t in English awards ceremony talk

; lh \\lll t \\ ‘Il'l‘= \\\ 'ie'mre! 'Ti‘ c.a..‘?.s ’ '\

t if t.‘ ' ' ' :ihe c. t 'tts ,n eizad

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{Lte'ttt‘zes ‘

\rset‘ :. t ' ,. \"etttpts‘~:’~

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l";tl»‘t t:


i-ttltf 't», ‘
s’ttden's an: .tnt: ttitti‘.»
letice s:

i’t‘tt'hatt‘ ..

't’ l‘:‘\i't'tit't.tt


\ H t>l t'\t.'i'1tt‘ttt‘e
\ tl‘i ' 1

,v n' >t- 7-7 «v'.‘ . ,.
lit‘llitl‘t‘tl t i” t\ “tit titt't \tt.

.1 plant he satd \n.

tutssessillfi (112‘


spea'm" t ' ' . st teztat“ .
, ..

My” ‘ \A- ll In“ 1“", _ ttti .a
. tcttt'e has a t‘cstxtns‘ti

rt.'e the spark in illltt't‘s

t v r

s...'t1ll t.v.i 3'“ A it

tttet et'r"

1 this l’rtcttarl cited a sai'w.

paring student goals 2' th: t


Older and



New B&E dean
plans to work
with research

Centenarians have become special subjects of'research for geronto/ogisls at Sam t ._ 1M 2 it»: ( enter on .1 91729

H} 1);\l{REl.l.('l.l~j.\l
Staff Writer

When ()ma Harper used to

play baseball Wllh her cousms. she
said. she watched closely for her fa»

“My father always told me. ‘You
can‘t be a nice young lady and play
baseball ' "

Playing baseball was not the only
rule Harper broke At age 16. she
threw her father a real curve. run~
mng away to marry a man 10 years
her senior.

"We ran away to Tennessee and
sent my father a message that we
were married." she said "1 had
supposedly gone out to spend the
night with a comin In those days.
they could arrest you. but I got
away without being arrested “

That was 86 years ago.

Now Harper was reminiscing A
Sign on the wall read "Happy 10an
Birthday." still hanging from her
birthday on Jan. 12. Five genera-
tions of family photographs are dis
played upon antique furniture

Harper was sitting on the end of

her bed. dressed tn ti red. tlowered
dress and talking about her lite
(lutstde the window flowers were

beginning 'o lttiutft [Ne s;1.'i>lll.'1e Hnta Harper born m l‘»«‘
coming tinting! ‘ttti was much ot her lite tn Boxing i- -

warm K} Her mother tllt‘tl t. as





d g, ‘




when Harper was ot.l_‘~ s:\ \ears
~N'he moved in with at. .1.“
uncle who cared for het ttl'l"
they had three children

ot theirown

That marriage lasted town
years and produced three k'l.

one son, horn in 190“ am
daughters. born in the: ant: 1"
Her son died in an automobgt tHi
dent at age ~12. both daughters t t:
rently are hung in Louisi tlle

Harper's work experiences Itllt‘t '
her concern for other peopm He'
first Job was operating .i menart
home in Bowling Green “M" tn.
town did not have a hospital \\.'t
the help of two nurses. Harper m" ' . » r »
into people‘s homes to offer what as .. .; - -. t. w 'l; art-w
Sistance she could in times tit :11 \twtt‘ it
ness stl- , (hi

"There wasn‘t a hospital t'litst- too-t: me '.t t
by." she said “When someone got Atttllt’ "ev'
sick.they jmt lay there and died ' e. f m

Her next job involved running ,1 tt‘arpe' s qtiltt‘ t‘ttltt'i'“ 't
dormitory for a Bowling Green bust 12.: r s ttes‘ “here she
ness college, where she was in ties? ot
charge of 75 women “hen the De


ll‘itl‘ttL'lt' lllt

gets ”hi cat‘i‘


si-.i'ttsft‘e\s :ttlll ltet‘ to! 11‘ '


pression came along. the building home ‘ietattse ot mint;

\i.it‘ .t't" "at.
t‘.t'1tt‘ \ ‘v' ,» El,
3 met

M then slt itltletl l



\l lllt'




Il\t‘ .1

N.) s sht‘
\\ hen the

he rest



' . 1
\ml life a drug sa\~ lira ttt-x i’ti
lung” t «.1'1

l‘ \V

:Csttt’t'.’ twttc' tt‘

l\1\¢ tl‘ lu-
IIHIW. mm"

tlr‘xi ls. sc.

\\ edncsdtis
\tt‘t‘td ll" ti Tt‘ylt‘u

scc P \\ l [‘1 F5. i‘dllt'

\es. indeed. nettotmed
'tght tn Klimt
ttl lllc‘ u‘llct’“




loda\ will see clouds mixed with sun
and a possibilm tit shower\ or thun-
derstorms. with highs in the 81k
There will be a slight chance of rain
this eycning Rain l|k€l\ to continue
Saturday with highs in the 80s





 2 - THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, April 27, 1984

Writings on the wall: plaques tell their part of UK’s history

By \1 |~\t not l H on liltisr piaqut-s salt] Jack blah plaques that innit itixiiigioii's his tern Wlll be used again. a master apart carefully so the sand mold is Theft is a concern with plaques
Features ritiitoi ton \tt‘t‘ chancellor tor administra toricalbuilduigs impression done in aluminum Is not disturbed On campus you can‘t haye any.
iioii Wolfgang but hhoi‘t: lll.tll.li.'.t’l' of made which canbeused repeatedly "Sometimes we have to cast tthe thing on walls that can be taken off
Hanging ot‘ :nt- t'\ft‘I v ' . hat.) on a building wasn't com the machine shop \iiti t'llt‘tils "gne When a plaque requires a likeness plaquei to times." Buchholtz said with a screw driver. Buchholtz
vitos: .ii; in titi..ti.’tes t: . - piete tllll(‘>.\ it had its dedicatory us an e\at't ilt‘selililwll .tiih e\.it't of a person. Buchholtz calls on a ”There's someknacktoit " said.
,1 bran“. piatiiit- iiianton e\plained “It was wording lit-tort- \H' «as? :l they man at IBM who works from photo t‘ox has been doing casting "for a Blanton said some students in the
The liiiyersty has . " .. the iiiiishing touch' tienerally the proofread it llllt‘i .: \ cast its graphs to carve a likeness out of number of wars ”‘lheres nobody past stole the plaque from the Ad
Loii oi placing .iettitau '. .z plaques had the name of the .it' east ' balsa wood The carving is attached else in this area who can do this ‘ ministration Building. now the 01d.
and nine: "it‘lllitllti s z ‘. tiixet' the Trustees and the presi Plaques ll‘iililt‘ ll Titiillfit‘ iisiially tothemold Buchholtz said it s a dying art est building on campm. The L'niver
-"-s‘\ T'i‘f‘ "it "t‘i111"1s iWi «1 #3? «KN “”0111 $30“ :. $4M lim'llllolt/ He‘s a fixture and a plaque by him~ sity takea stronger measures to
Quasi-“n1 wig. pimp,” ~ ' fias its pl itiue work done in said Aluminum. is tbizzpc' because self " prevent SUCh acts If you want to
' ' 's-tn' . ' ' t' i. no it l-nginwting s ma it is easiertot-ast The demand for plaques is not as remove the Sturgill plaque be pre
4 - it iii map whith also does work tot The process !h.i' produces a great as it once was lllanton said. pared to take the side of the build
in» lxiiiegtass litist toi llistoiit plaque begins with the first impres "Recently the nation hasn't been ing.’ 'hesaid
l‘reseitafioi' making the "BUT" sion made oiii oi win! It the pat that concerned" about them ['K He added that [K has photo
does not haye a plaque made for a graphed all of the plaques so they
The sand is already sticky and hutlding "as routine." Blanton said. can be reproduced “They not only
(‘ox adds water to increase its stick "only it there‘s a special reason 7 cest a lot of money but then i_\ a
mess It is beaten with wooden tam tor a donor or for someone who's historical value as well. Bucbholt/
pers to make it adhere closely to the been lll\()l\ ed in the building from said
master The sand makes the ini thecommtinity " Said Blanton ‘They re a his-tori
pression which is used to cast the "'l‘hel ast big one plaquew as for cal artifact that contributes to the
plaque in either bronze or alarm the “illiani B s‘tiiigil I lieyelopment history of the place It‘s important
num Then the frames are pulled Budding, l‘llltlllltlll/ said tothegenealogy 0ftheLniyersity '

p , Those who try for majorettes must
---'---"-'4:-- demonstrate hard work, dedication

Staff Writer

Mold maker Douglas (‘ox does the
actual casting. Buchholtz said The
impresswn is placed between two
wooden pattern frames. which are
packed with special sand from He]

Sidewalk Cafe’
and Grill

is, tit-w s be.“ 5. lie
50¢ a“ a "


EARN $100

If you Suller \Vlih spring gross allergies (Le.
sneezmg itchy eyes and nose nasal congestion),
you can earn SlO‘O by participating in a 1‘2 day
medical study during May and June. For more in-
formation pleose coll 257-5266 between i and

4 pm

Teresa Knoll a business administration treshniai; en
Joys danCing and pertorming in troiit ot a crow it
Knoll is not a rock singer or protessional actress sht-

_ ' _ , ‘ is a majorette in the [K Marching Band
NEW HORIZONS g ' . 1 She is one oi 30 to-wwoiiittiwho willtiy out a' .'p it.
I 3 .. A tomorrow at Alumni Gym tot i.‘ in iaioiette pos' . oi .\ «I t:
' 3 -_ . , twofeaturetw'irler spots
Le‘inglon 5 "ewes, underwater 5 7' 5 , ' ‘ y , "They are coming tron; Kentucky Htiio and no:
and Outdoor adventure store 7‘ . : ' ‘ Florida.” said Harry t'lark. band director
- f ' Majorettes. along with the band. are the teaturei:


. ‘ ‘ :‘ ’. tertainment during halttime .tl tootbai. games i ._:
DISCOUHlS for slUden’s: A. _ , ;- said “Majorettes are members of the l'niyt-isxt .
20°. 0" all travel packs f h , Kentucky band. and their traditiotiai rote is to .n. it tail"

. - of the scene when the band pt-rtt irms
10 ° Off a” merchand'se no, on “He Knoll said the majorette positions are coinpc' ' '

1°°° 0” 5CUboi (anoeing and kayak done‘ if » takes talent." she said "\Ve \e had a lo' . ,. ..
, .» group. but it still is a lot of hard work and deitit .m
We offer a complete line Of... f -' l "Dedication, being willing to work atiti the .
. . ' et alon with others are ( ualitications that it '
*SCUbO eqU'pmen' * Boahng gear , , ‘3 tgive mafiirette should hayel” Knoi; said l'tieri
* canoes *Camplng equipment 1 ‘ ot hard work and time put into om minim-t
* k * . I ~ together as a team lt‘s a Jilllll ettor‘
Kayo S BOCk pGCk'ng gear , Clark said Judges will L'tll‘lsitlt‘!‘ the .wii. r .ipin-ai'
-' ance. along with their dancing .ii‘d twii‘iiiii.’ .it».i.',t-\
t‘lark. along with Steye Moore tt\\:\lill‘.'_ iiaiiit trim Til.’ , ”mu“ ,
see us for sues. rentals. professional ‘ We
instruction, and trip bookings. I ‘ these girls have had three or ioii: years ii: t‘\IN‘l t'l’ lt s \er) tortunate tor us to have such qualitied g.r.~
.. Some have had even eight or "illit' \ ea: s i the squid who want to do this in college 't‘lai k si t.
Tryouts will consist ot a taiiiiiiiitite dance littillfa ltit§t lliiton a nursing sophomore will not tiy oi
performed to each woman s choice musii .; 7'. ‘ ' 't:;\ \t' tl She was on the squad for two \eirs beioii

‘ ute tw'irlin routine and a {l'lltl't Y'titlllllt' The last ." 'It‘tllll.lll i all n et t
2573 Regency Rd. . o . . H8 - .. .. fi , ... . . l“ d ‘ a -
. tine tonsists of the past yea. s lieai. Jaiwilt' i- . . . l ‘ill\t‘ being a majorette. but it s really titiie mi.


0” Moore Drive a routineto the women in onciioiii ~ izi..i.g she said “It's gomg to kill me not being are.

} ' 277_1234 : 9 Unce selected. mayirettes has: . .. ’ perioriimuttherewiththerestofthegirig
- '

work to learning a tilllt't‘t"'i' twinnizii eat-h \tt it (hark knoll aid "\fter performing for a wink you oi s.
said “We're always ltXtKlllL‘ to: i'._i_'oi'e'tes llist guns tit \ ad to it It gets to be fun haying allot those pt‘Htm
spend more time on then l'tluilltt‘\ that: ‘Yllo'l bani: .ook it on



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' an)»
en 0ft

in lht'
0 Ad
8 old
85 In
mt [it
. pl‘c

i.\ u


i lht-












‘7’ ~ . . NIGHT spars



Altalte's, 557 S. limestone St. Patrick McNeese (piano), tonight. 8 to lo
p.m. Classical music Saturday. 8:30 to l0 p.m.

Austin City Saloon. Woodhill Plaza. Greg Austin Band (country), tonight
and tomorrow, 9 am. to I am. $3 cover per person, $5 for couples.

“Nam LIne. MI W. Short St. Another Mule (rock, rhythm and blues).
tonight and tomorrow. 9 p m. to I am. 32 cover.

Ireedlng's. 1505 New Circle Road. Doug Breeding and the LA. Bond with
special guest Exile (country rock) tonight and tomorrow, 9 p.m. to I am.
$3 cover.

Cafe LMNOP, 337 E Main St. The Adults (out-ohtown), tonight and tomor-
row, 9 pm. to l am. $2 cover. Every Thursday is Vale of Tears night. 31

Camelot last Richmond Road Plala. Axis (rock), tonight and tomorrow. 9
pm. to I am. 52 cover per person $3 for couples.

Camelot West, l76l Alexandria Drive. Raven (rock), tonight and tomor-
row 9 pm. to l am. 32 cover per person ”for couples.

Chevy Chase Inn. Euclid Avenue. Jo Turley (pop rock), Wednesday
through Saturday, 9 pm to l o.m

Cowboys, l5l5 Russell Cove Road, Uncle Liioh (country rock). Monday
through Saturday. 9 pm. to I am. S2 cover Friday and Saturday,

Grlrlgo'l. 225 Southland Drive. Eddie Grady (country rock), tonight and
tomorrow 9pm. to l a.m

Hall's on Malls. 735 E. Main St Dave McCool (contemporary), tonight and
tomorrow, 9 pm to l a m

Hall's on the Ilver, Athens-Boonesboro Road. Andy Rucker (contempo-
rary country. tonight and tomorrow 9p m tolo.m.

Hyatt Regency Hotel. Lexmgton Center In Pim‘s Pub: Sherry Edwards
and Sheer Magic (top 40} tonight and tomorrow, 9 p.m. to I am. In Roots
Ed Bazel fpionoi 6 to 9 p m, tonight and tomorrow

Jetterson Davis Inn, High and Limestone streets. Spree 33 (new wave).
tonightand tomorrow 9'30p.m. to l am. 52 cover.

Lynagh's 500 Euclid Ave, The Wild West Show (traditional talk). 6 to 8
p.m.tonight No cover Mod Catherine and the Moon 009 Pirates (talk),
9 30p m. to l a m tonight and tomorrow. 82 cover.

Radlsson Plaza Hotel. Vine Center In Spirits. Daddy’s Car (rock). tonight
and tornorrow 9a m to I a m,






Chlldren of the Corn -— In Stephen Kings new film the children in a
small town take murderous revenge on grownups. (Northpark; 2, 3:45.
5 30 7'30 9:30 ll 30 and Turtlond Mall 1 30, 330.530.715.915.)
Footloose The new kid in town raises a ruckus at school in this high
school comedy Starring Kai/in Bacon and John Lithgow. (Southpark; please
coll272-661l tor show times :KERNEL RATING 4

Friday The thirteenth Part IV —- The final chapter, we can only hope.
(Fayette Mall I40 340 540 740 955 and Northpark: 2:15. 4, 5:45.
7 ‘5 9 45 ll 25 J

Greystoke ~ Ralph Richardson stars in the newest adaptation at Edgar
Rice Burroughs classic Tarxan tale {Lexington Mall. 21l0, 4:10, 7:25, 9:45.
l2'05.) KERNEL RATING 9.

Hard To Hold Rick Springfield plays a rock musician. which is quite a
challenge it you think about it (Southpark please call the theater tor
showhmes.) KERNEL RATING, 0.

Hotel New Hampshlra 4.. A dark comedy based on the book by John
Irving. {FayetteMall lift 3 30 5.35 7.45.10.)

Iceman — Timothy Hutton stars in this story about a torty-thousand-year-
old man who is lound trozen in the Arctic and thawed out by rescuers.
{Northpark 2:05. 4 05. 5’55 7 55 9'50. ”'45: and Southpark; please call
the theater for showtimes.)

Moscow On the Hudson Robin Williams stars in this contemporary
comedy about one man's declaration at independence. (Fayette Mall; US.
3.25 5.30 7.35 9:50.) KERNEL RATING: 2.

Oddball s- A teenage camp comedy. (Northpork; l:55, 3:40. 5:35. 7:35,
9 35 ll'35. Crossroads, please call the theater for showtimes.)

Police Academy A comedy about the making of a cop. Steve Gutten-
berg stars. (Northpark 210. 4:05 5-50. 7'40 9:55. “:50; and Southpark:
please call the theater for showtimes.)

Remand». The Stone —» An adventure story starring Michael Douglas
and Kathleen Turner (Turtland Moll, I. 3:l0, 5:20, 7:30. 910; and Cross-
roads. Please coll the theater tor showtimes.) KERNEL RATING: 7.

Splash ~ A man talls in love with a mermaid. (Southpark; please call the
theater tor shew times 'i

terms 0' Endeanrlent -- The Academy Award winner starring Jack Nich‘
olson and Shirley Maclaine. (Scuthpark: please call the theater tor show-

Vertigo _. Jimmy Stewart and Kim Novak star in Hitchcock‘s classic film
about a man haunted by the memory at his lover. (lexington Mall; 2. £30,
735 9'55,l2:10.,‘

Where The lays Are w An idiotic spring-break-type sex comedy. (North.
pork, 2‘20. no 6, 7:50 9:40 ”10.)

there wlII he no films at the Worshem Theater this weekend

At the Kentucky theater this weekend: Today: _. kw p.m.. "Saber.
bio." 7-30 . “East Of Eden," 9:45 p.m., "Pauline At The Beach." Midnight.
Rockers,“~ Tomorrow 7—— I:30, "Rockers." 3:3), "King at Hearts." 5:”.
"East 0' Eden," 7:45,"?oulina At The Beach," 9:”, "Harold and Maude.
Midnight, "Suburbia." Sunday — L30, “Harold and Maude" 3:”. "Pauline
At The Beach," 5:”. "Rockers," 7:30. ”East 09 Eden," 915, "King 0‘




AtttuestueentCentertheatentent'ht: —ThetswmbeaCel
Mustcum featuring songs at the lath century. Jonathan Queen will Greet
the performance which begins at I am.




LA . 3 r TFI -


Cafe LMNOP offers ‘alternative’ entertainment

[h MUM“ .l \\II.I.I \\l.\
Arts Ediliir

('uttl l..\l\HI‘ \[N‘t'lilllltfiS Ill i'isu
ul Llll‘il'lll(‘\ i-Ktruiirdingiiri- ii. the
word) ill llriidlifix Hurrwirt l'iiklc
simvr \iliii IS .i muiur ri-miiii tor the
succe» Ill lllt‘ iii-u I‘(‘\l.'tll.'.i.'ll night-
club Pt‘l‘lldll‘ lx-xmgtiii. has been
iiverduc tiir IIii- (slut/”s limnd ul sn-
(‘itllt'd “lit-m I'lllt‘l‘ldllllllt'li' ll‘(‘dUS€
lulu [.MMII‘ “With“; J HT F
Main 5! . hm lfl't‘ll pm kiliL’ 'iii-m in
smcr- llh «)pt'rimu luw martin .igii

\‘l'hul clw Vim-o l'iilt- l.‘il\i Il‘ spa
cmlizv m" .\ iiiupii- iii At‘t‘t‘l.‘ .iaii.
llit‘ Cluli It‘gltull‘ll .i :10 l in drug
\hl)“ lhdl .m» supr'..i‘..i- :riim
start in tmN. \ ‘lldL’ «mi .~ mi
skull} llnt‘ m ‘.\ll|(’ll raw-r. 'll't'\\t'(l as
\‘Hllnt’ll and xiiimvii itiisu-d .i.~ men
sing and (litllt't' 'ii (apt-ii ':.-..,~.i‘

'I‘llc lilllll‘iKIIifi Ililt‘l'ir‘x natures
thi‘ iitiiri-mt-miiini-d l’.ii-'.iv\iii:er
who rccci‘ill‘. print-i1 -, wirn- lit in
twi‘t‘ {ll lllt‘ Ki‘n‘uvr. PU'Vw that
lllt‘H‘ ATP 4' Win’ .1 ' gtt'tigilt‘ l0“
m Lt‘XlHL’lUIZ .\ii!".’. xi». '4 ., \(‘lilnd
llMlk .il

KK. \lhm twin: i»: f.’ .t» in wu
lhiiik (utr l.'il\i il' 2i , m .i rim: in

”HP: .\ \t‘l'v um“: i" "'l.lu\l' ll
dint-s pr-iipir i'. .i.vra.:' _.. with"
fill‘t‘lllt‘l‘lctil‘illit'll' :. '7 .\ ~,

KK l.\l\"l’ 11"”: "it X‘ijt‘c

'lii' Hui rli'n‘rx '. ..g \v-r ~‘i ixr .iti .:
numb curr‘vr.'.. ' ..i-\ I-‘ a. '.\.'..:‘
urwupx dii ‘. .. it}: .; 'i ';

lllll’ \lt‘fim.’ _: 1):. ”w‘wf‘ .

. liu\t’ Slim Aiili.

I" ilit‘i 'llt' «lll ‘v' ‘vld -' " ‘ ~.
'lil’ ”I‘llllllllt“ in. In", ."i

.i.. be Haitirzr .' .gwi : i'
.i! ».i wont ' 2' ' .-
li‘nml tn!‘ .2 r.v.".i- .'i". In
ilui "mu ‘lllllh’ ‘vz. . " "if;
.: 'ui'm‘. i'iiln‘ii 'it' "' " ‘.'v'
i'i'i’ lphwfi. H ..t-'\ ;' i ' "i

.1 fiiii ‘.i did") I l..i‘f’ '*

KK firm!» ....



“HP 1'» an”: '-. .
mt. , - w , -
KK \ 1. n ' . ..
".kt‘t‘." . - \ ._‘ y, .’
{\l\lll'.1.'l‘f MM? Li't".i L
(H. 1 ,ii

HIH' I.\l‘w"l‘ .~ " ii’ ' I» ~
',)i’.l\'.a.i t‘ ‘ '







“‘1th \l .iu. A‘!\“'. ..k?:.‘(' \ ii‘: -‘i’ 4'
imit’i‘fi .' L’f i' ‘iliifi. \"'t’t" KM
di‘l \t"".t 'uiit it”... 'izigikgp'

ii'ii.’ - ‘ . \_. li i
i 1‘ 1 ’ t I ‘ l;‘ t
Y? i‘.“ '4 ‘t l 'L '.t’t
' ik u“ ; ri i ‘ 't ' l’
i p. Y s s . a u -‘.; I

lt 1 f' » w .
l't \'i\i l' t ,i\ i
\' r ’t \ “in ix 1.
I‘ v t' in H
um? .i\ J (ii '
' \t i' ' ’ > i ",',Nl 'i

“HP Ill" t .t'\ “w "i"
\lillit‘l...l.a ‘ .- > '~ ‘i t .1. “,er
:l-LAI'TT TI'H". ’_A.' .I i‘ '. '
wridt- skip p'w: .x - mi: tzs
\llil _\t" " f 'I \t i .1"Hi
Iit~> w\':.: ir'1.‘:.i :i‘ ‘r. :' l :i m

Kh lni '. ."m‘w .ir \. .

[It \ldl“ it; x :lcirl': ,:r.t 3t Ila \i ;i

Rupp crowd says Yes to precision pcrt'iiriii.i mi:

\lt-dni-sildj. Iiifil.‘ \ \m k‘vhtt‘l'
\im 'tllt' iii {PII‘ I(\llilt'>" t".t‘l 'lt'cll 1 .r;

\‘i-x ..irui- \pi-nkcn llld>’t‘\l .ini‘.
piiqut-d ’i\.t‘~t'\ ill ILLIMK‘ :7: them
length} 'wi riiiizi' .md 1.3 rmmili'
shim \M'tlisi‘mlii} night .i‘. {upp
Mum \im Hid} haw ti-i? lllt‘ {linil‘\
at lltllllt‘ ll‘t‘lllliit‘ :th .i lii'

Hut 1hr l'lllilt'\l \l’LlYlil that ram; 1:;
the mrdruiii» nit 'llt‘ it ‘im .iudii'm-i»
members Am 'lrv cuisli zit Max
through the dam HI 'llt‘ past and min
lhc 'siirld wt hits music ‘\\i- rv
making .1 hit: ch‘iiigi‘ tur tlii- Hits Ii).
updating iiur wimd drummer ,\l.m
Whitt- said m .m Illi't‘l'Ht‘“ .it'vi‘ 1lit~
concert “t“ l‘t' m-wi' i‘i-.iil_\ \ilh
llt‘d “t ll.|\(' Ilii- dt-sirv in un Iii-
~\‘iind lllt‘ hurl/iii;

\t‘o shimmst-d much iit [llt‘ nvu
music triim [llr‘ wigs .illium named
after tho dllllllll \ catalog number
throughout lllt' i-imi‘t-rt Mtvr txw
Bugs Bunn} curtains and some lt‘cl
sing at the .iudiciicc will .i pumped
in rm-iiidiiig ill ‘ Liaiii- l: ‘i (‘5
sneaked on stage. “armed up mth .i
piccc bust ilt’M‘l‘llK‘d as i'nsmii pup
then gave the crowd .i li\‘(‘ \t'rsmn
of "lA‘iIVt‘ It

From that Illillllt‘lll on. has rc
created llh past and prim-m With it
precision reminiscent iii the group's
SlUdlU recordings .\l.l}lw the hand
tried to get a studio sound ll't‘dUM'
they recorded the concert but the
fans prohahl} wished Iii think the ct
fort was done for lmungtmi {ml}

\‘cs appeared Slllf during the
opening numbers. pld)lllfl to. not
with the audience lA-ad singer Jon
Anderson. seemingly bored from the
moment he walked on stage. paced
a perimeter of about tvm {ch as he
sangthe songs

However. Anderson ‘S vocals
echoed throughout Rupp With no
cracks or squeaks at an) moment
Mick Jagger he isn‘t But Anderson

\t'illlliL‘ .i \pt‘t "

grin-n him-d :3‘
lights ilt'\(‘t‘llilt'il mi irii um i'

llul tht- Inl‘t'l'llldllt
.i\p[\l..t li\\\t~2

that enabled grwr. l.I.\t'l\ ‘ii mei'
tiirm Iii-girls .ind spvll out \i-s llllt‘

doing an enciiri-

scrmatlc t'lashi-d :Iii- “mm min the
The band lllt‘l. mu' .m cncitrt-



M " E

Friday April "(I 1584


he“. .44. ,s

BRAIN It HARRINI\ PH hl l ~I\l‘r W






l'.t' N't: \.

"\d'!": ii; an" i'... ’ -
«36.1".4. f"“.".." \.., .'
l\t‘_\llll¢llill\l lwr‘. h.i -
't't h‘t‘},\ .h ‘ti whip-v '
chxhl i'hr:~ Nmmi :‘vxx-
't‘l't‘tl i’iilw dlli: pni'fs 2..
"\li’l'lht‘ urfl. :‘I‘xflzr: ~ 'f.’
HKQ‘ mi-i‘iiditzx “lll't‘ rmi'
:rig rampdgt- ill. in am» 'k'nw‘
cumplm limi- ~iun.i:iir'i-~ it .'
l"‘t-\iii’ ILilim cumin-v: .ii' m
\Yiiui- lllu' .i linppx tim stzi .i ';
‘zi-\\ tin iii li‘lt‘nib

\t“ lit-urn} In ll.i\l ‘.' \i 1: ' "
.iudii-nce- l‘hv t‘llllllb .l,\ll‘i
\nd the mumontun. “irrii-i‘. ‘3: -...‘
tithi-r stings such .t\ i‘hairciw
i .in lidppcn' and ”WW
Lunch Hmrt

\t-uciimcr Rabin \liiit 'in «mi
lumen-r His IJImm-r \n \" '»_
uuddr pliiiing (Lillie-it 'lii . in
“hen nnc tried to keep up mm '~ ~ xi.
tingcrs The cars hid it mid 'ri;. - "'
keeping up with lllt- wins .i.»
Rubin used the semi thrust \liiui






‘~ 4 ms xmrucxv KERNEL mm Away man








Mlckay Panama
Spot '8 Editor





Stretch driVe


‘§\\t|\i ’ hi 5 ‘\tii‘i .'\i\



Statt \Vi'itei'


in the topjo





tit't'l‘gld .34



'l‘his \ieekeiid s
(‘hampioiiships represent the last the
opportunit} tor the l'K men s teii
his team to topple a ieaiii ranked

neoi‘gia's hiahl} t‘ated
:iiipoi‘t \lieliael i’t‘l'llittl‘> it 4 iri the
third st‘l and
Ho\\e\ er \‘ai'ga lo\t the next tour
, l‘tllliifi and l’ei‘iitoi\

fiii'ed the next
3 main hi «i t._ No ‘
i l’aui \ai‘ga \
\iidi‘eu \.tl'L‘a also had at. oppor
t hunt) to gne

but he eaiiie dent: with



'l‘ennessee and Southern iiillltth
l-Idii ;tl'ti.\\ ille
\o Bo i'estx-etiiel}
l'lx'~ tinal home

ranked .\o

Last weekend the t‘ats had their
best opportuniti to heat a top 20

team, losing iiiiith ianked

i l’atil \'ai‘ga had an opportuiiit}
i to “in the matih tor l K a~ he led
‘ .\\\t‘til\il lll.\



a xtetoi')



13 and
uill he hei‘e iii



~e\ t‘l‘t‘

eramp in his lett leg late in the

third set and wound up losing to eerhed ahoiit

George Bezency. :Hi. 64. 6-4
’I‘railing +2 but leading 30 in essar}. though, as MSl' detaulted

Andre“ Yarga “in too iiiatt'hes and [K plaied “ell

enough to u in the close match



stricken Wlth the cramp “hlit‘
ehas‘ing down a Winner 1)} Helen 'l‘oda) at .’
Bezency came back and broke
Andrei/t Vargas serve to take a
commanding 5~2 lead But Andre“
\‘arga came back to break Bezeii
ot the c) 's serve and Win his own serve.
bringing the score to 54. but He
zeney pulled himselt together and
u on the final game and the match
to give the Bulldogs the \'lCl()r_\

l'K came back on Sunda) morn
ing to deteat the Mis'sissippi State
Bulldogs 3-4 at the lesington Ten
The disappointment at
the loss to Georgia didn't carr}
over as the Cats réth‘ti their Srit'
i'eeord to 276
cap (‘oaeh iX’lll‘ih Elmer} said he

the “as uorried about a lack or emo
the tough lo» to at \o '. \llluit'> and l
said the
beaten l‘K last war and \\ltil the \t'wti t \t‘t‘llt‘d

.\tlei‘ lite

Stai'kwlle .\h,\
~l0p tot‘ the tea

loss ot Andre“ \arga, he “Ab eoii

a possible upset

Emery} \Ull‘l‘lt‘.\

p in


> \\5


\\ ere not iiet‘

l'l\' \Hii host


ii in

'l'eiinessee iii the opening game or
the [K 'l‘eaiii t'hampionships and
the match itill also \t'l'H‘ a\ the
tiiial Slit‘ match or the )eai‘

l"l' .\ l’aiil \iiiiaeoiie l\ rated the
top eollegiate lt‘llllh player ill the
eouiiti‘i and is taiored to \Klll the
national t‘tl.llllplttli.\illp iii ~iiigiex

tilt'_\ lilb

\H't'kt'ltti the .‘ift' Vitltlt‘iiaiiieiil tli

‘ the iie\'

l'K il.l,\ iie\ei' had a ~lllL1it*\ '-\lll
net in the ill\lttl‘_\ ot the Nl'lt‘ l‘oui'

iiameiit _\el toat‘h timer} i~ eon




tideiit that iill\ iiia§ he the _\eai it
happens luiiiei') \.tlti Mark ltaiim

)a\iit Kee

"l “as \iori‘ied about a \ll‘i> at \o o; angles mli he ta
limerx said limerx \tvt‘wt A! llk'it I'*‘\l*'t"1\e\eediiiib
same 3151 squad had The) ll eithei in topwedet: w:


Confident men’s tennis team tangles
(,(letytjt It}, ‘\ H L 'f’ .' Vt ' t‘tiht’ - .I(Ilt)_\‘ I' ' I V a
A “ ‘ ._ *‘ ” ” today With 15th-ranked UT at home



klt ktlkt\~ -


' Kl fitni {WI '~ 'ttiiiitlt'll} [N‘t‘


t*:~ mum-“m. r’ 11.; tai‘eei‘









\Vhat '


at doing in Steve Martin’s body?

‘-'té!t‘l= ldisina (‘utwater died.
~.rtt tried to transport her

;;. iiito the hod) (ti at



“mt the guru goofed.


.: tdisiiia's soul has
uteiitall} taken over
w entire right side
Ht tier tamer.
Roger ( Obi).
it» still ("oiitrols
what's left.
m l tittillit and Roger
W thingtogether-
t: the Millie htld).


-i. s timing hisjoh.
\ using his girlfriend.

?ll\l t aii'l seem to get
.»i out ot his s}stem.
\t- matter ho“ hard

he tries.



- , NER> ”AH,OF,ME”
. ' ;; ‘J.' iHu Ale ROHNSON :i-J v.HENRY(MEK
9; an. 2‘ .PATRKK VVHilAtlS

“\1\Ktt\ll- . _ t .


\ 7:30 PM
C ourtesy of Kw»- .. . .
J ~ \ / 1 .
42),," ,“‘