xt7bcc0ttr7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bcc0ttr7x/data/mets.xml  France  1798-08-03 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Publiciste, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Sextidi 16 Thermidor, an VI, [3 August 1798] text Le Publiciste, Sextidi 16 Thermidor, an VI, [3 August 1798] 1798 1798-08-03 2023 true xt7bcc0ttr7x section xt7bcc0ttr7x éunies an mime:

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r17111‘Il11L‘ 1111C (11:118'Ph‘a110n.

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‘1 avcc l’agrénlcntdc S. M. (111110151: ,pour


awi~t5cr am: conffirences rc-‘Jativcs a I’élalflissemcnt do l’uni‘
1111'1111Lé (IL-s paid; 8'. mawrus.

——L’cx’1:o1-s!1111ant,, Adrien D11p—1rt' , Vient dc mom‘ir
£1 App'cnzfl (‘11 81:19:13, (1311116 111.11.21111‘, (1.: poilrine, qui
1::- ‘1.:11(11'L (1.1)1111 Iong-it‘ms (1:119 1111161111. (10 langucm‘ 8!.

c 50111131111912. (1.1 1111 c3111! 510:1'1 (1:111s11n (:xi1‘1"mcd12n11c1111-11t.

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11111: 1111115011 (13111111111011,113111 11111111111: 11 y :1 (”X jcuncs
14““ 1 ‘19:)“1‘ «13-51 p! :3 b.1115 : cc 511111 pour la plupart
(11:11 I 11111111; .0” (11:? SCUM"


Le 5.7111111 (1"cxp-333‘2102r (11:3 1.1111131”); est Unfit-rt depllis
[11114911111 11‘111‘5 , 1'»; aitirc 1111. cnncours imnn-Iw: , quoiqu’il
111‘ 111:"..1‘1 ‘ ‘ (1‘11“ 111111190 (1111‘ 111111 (11,- prurhnfliuns remar—
111111111‘5, Muis 11111111121111p (11: (II‘I‘IITHX 1111 (13113113 vont 11:11»


(tom-11' Ccciiv g'111-1i1‘, sans pauvoir 1a jugcr. Cc SOllL’tIL‘S
Barbara 6111 113111111 (1“; 1‘1.,-11:‘~:<1‘.s 1i (11:5 111011111111cns d’A-
111311-19. 11 11‘111~ 121111 111‘c 311111‘5 pum‘ dil'igm‘ 1-1‘111‘8 pas ,
(1115 )‘cux 111.1111~ 51111111314“ :11'111 xpfrigncc (11-51 ‘1 , 1*. 111113
311110 (11111191111111 p:'("1i-111111111'1‘ sans 111(1116116 = 511111, 11111:
("11111115 (11112 {1111311135 (11‘ 111 111111: dus 11111615141111 1. sni‘wdcnt
dL‘YElH (‘1:x. . ~

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csz de [a répzzbligue fi‘anpaia‘e envoy/L‘s ('1 Home.

home, 10 27 thermidor, 1111'6.

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1‘111113 1‘1 111 préacnac 1105 11111191111 5111' 5011 10111111111.

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parsic 1111 011111: 38111: 1111110. . ancieuiac 11111111: 111:3 Vulsquusl
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111111111111505 1111111‘ 10113—101115 ii'i‘l‘pai‘ublus.

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