xt7bg737167t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bg737167t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1938063 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1938-06-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1938-06-jun3. 1938 2011 true xt7bg737167t section xt7bg737167t Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Tiustees of the University of Kentucky June 3, 1938. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in President McVey's office at the University of Kentucky June 3, 1938, at 10:30 a.m., in regular meeting. Members of the Board present were Louis Hillenmeyer who, in the absence of the Chairnan and Vice-chairman of the Board, was made acting Chairman; H. S. Cleveland, D. D. Stewart, Marshall Barnes, Harper Gatton, Com- missioner of Agriculture Garth Ferguson, and J.C. Newcomb. Presi- dent McVey and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board, were present, 1. Approval of Minutes. Neither a quorum of the Board nor a quorum of the Executive Committee was present, and action on the minutes of the previous meetings of the Board and Executive Committee was deferred. How- ever, it was decided that the members present pass on the matters presented by the President, and that their action be referred to the next meeting of the Executive Committee for approval and con- firmation. 2. President's Report The President's quarterly report to the Board of Trurtees was read by him, and it was ordered recorded in the minutes. TFhe report is in words and figures as follows: QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT 1ELTING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 3, 1938 This is the first time in my recollection that the last quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the year has b3en held on Commencement day. It is hoped that the arrangement will prove satisfactory and that the members of the Board of Trustees will attend the luncheon in the new Student Union building at one o'clock. It is also hoped that they will be present when the Commencement Exercises take place this evening at 7:00 p.m. in the stadium, Comparatively few members of the Board have attended Commencement Exercises. Their presence would be an Inspiration, and at the same time they would be given an impression of the Uni- versity and what it is doing. 2. Number Receiving Degrees In the year just ending the University has held three corn- mencements: this has been customary for a number of years. At the commencement last August there were 150 degrees granted; at the February commencement 75 degrees were granted, and today 451 can- didates will receive degrees; a total of 672 fox the year. This is a very rapid growth in the number of candidates to receive de- grees in the course of a year. While the number :f degrees granted is not the final judgment upon the work of the Univerv:ity, ittnevertheless, does have some bearing. In the course of . quarter of a century the number of candidates receiving degrees Increased from 133 to the number given above. Educational Problems There are many problems associated with the educational process, problems that are created by public requirements, by the demands of various accrediting agencies, by the needs of the secon- dary schools and the services which the state university can render to the State, and by the problems which are distinctly educational in character; namely, fitting its offerings through experiments, to the needs of young neople as they go into various callings. There is much criticism of education, both public and private, but none so far-reaching as that which comes from the institutions themselves. A dissatisfaction with what is being done is a good sign, rather than otherwise, and the problem is largely one of setting up certain principles and applying them in such a way as to give the student a good background and some knowledge of exist- ing conditions as well as preparation for certain types of callings. The members of the Board are fairly familiar with the steps that have been taken in the College of Engineering to meet some of the difficulties that have arisen there for one reason or anoth- er. The general outline of the reorganization has been followed during the past two years and it is expected that such progress will be continued until the new plans are in full operation. Tne buildings which have been provided for the Engineering College are practically completed, some of them have been occupied, and fiing the summer the remainder of the quadrangle will be occupied by the Engineerirg College. For the first time in its history engin-.or- ing instruction will be under one roof. This should give it a feeling of consolidation and cooperation. The development of the new curriculum has gone on slowly. The curriculum a&opted two years ago has been modified with an increasing emphasis upon 'unda- mentals and the needs of engineering training. Staff chances have been necessitated by reducing the number in some instances, and in others, adding new members well-trained in their resoective fields, It is necessary to say that criticism has arisen both in and out of the College to the changes that have been made. In the matter of the curriculum an effort has been made to brinir thie o. courses of study up to a point where they correspond witha the best practice now being carried on in colleges of high standing. The criticism is that students of Kentucky are not sufficiently pre- pared to engage in such work as they will be expected to do, and that it is not fair to bring them under such a severe regime. Certainly, in the matter of ability, the students of the Engineering College ought to be equal to those in other institutions, and by careful adjustment in the freshman and sophomore years, ought to take the more advanced courses without difficulty. Another orob- lem has been to bring the instruction up to present-day requi. e- ments, and this has been difficult, due, in part, to the lrach ,f contact upon the part of instructors with what is going on in the world of engineering. It may be said, on the whole, that the plans which are under way at the present time are being slowly ac- cepted by the staff, students and alumni. There probably is a feeling here and there that all have not been consulted; th-t 'here is too much haste in the development of the program and that the break with the past has been too great. Criticism of this s'ort always may be expected when changes are made in an institution of learning. It is my firm belief that in another year we sh uld be well on the way toward a better situation in the Engineering Col- lege. The Library and Graduate Work Very few people realize that the graduate work of the Universi- ty has extended as far as it has. The number of students who are enrolled for graduate work is more than a thousand: this is an as- tonishing number, and much larger than in some graduate schools of greater age and better equipment. I have no doubt that this number of graduate students at the University of Kentucky will continue for a number of years until the personnel of the public schools are in possession of advanced degrees. There will be also a number of students who are seeking advanced training and will be candidates for the doctor's degree. Such a situation places heavy responsibilities upon the Uni- versity. The last legislature appropriated A30,000 a year for the ourchase of books and this should be of material help in strengthening departments that are particularly dependent upon book material for the development of their courses. It may be also that the University will receive additional sums through anoth ,r source to increase library facilities. It must be said, however, that the growth of graduate work here or elsewhere, requires -ddi- tional funds due to the necessity of maintaining a staff of (x- ceotionally well qualified men and women in the graduate flelds. The number of studdnte that can be taken care of by one instructor is very much smaller than in undergraduate work, so that the Uni- versity must look to larger support, if it is to maintain effective graduate work. 4. Social Work The field of social work has been materially expanded. by the enactment of legislation which provides for old age pensions, the care of children and the enlargement of state functions in thne field of delinquent persons. The need for well-trained individuals who can fit into this work is very great, and it Is unquestionably the duty of the University to make provision for their trLAinin gr, For a number of years, social work courses have been presented in the Department of Sociology. The standardizing agencierl in this field, the American Association of Social Workers and. t1:'3 Associa- tion of Schools of Social Work, have set up standards for institu- tions which are accredited to give at least one complete year of work. The University has not been inclined to give this w0ork in a school but preferred to carry it as a department, and this can still be done, but it is desirable to set up a department separate from the Department of Sociology. This is one of the problems which confront the University administration at the present time. Such a department will require two full time persons and an assist- ant. This does not seem possible this coming year, but it might be met in part. The Carnegie Grant The grant for a study of community music made by the Carnegie Corporation last year has been renewed for another year. A g-r*eat deal of discussion has gone on during the last ten months and. many plans have been made and much organization developed on paper. The problem here at the University has been fairly well analyzed, and during this coming year some real progress should oe made in stabilizing the progress so far made. The Music Department, like the Art Department, has been handicapped very much by lack of a better building and more space. The department is now housed in a wooden building on Euclid Avenue. The American Association of Music Schools accepted the University of Kentucky Music Department as a conditional member and set up certain requirements for ad- mission to be met in one year. One of the requirements is more space for the department. When the radio broadcasting is removed from the building, as it may be this summer, the department will have a little more room, but not enough. Some provision ought to be made to house the band elsewhere, but so far I do not know where, in view of the demand for rooms. Broadcasting The University entered into an arrangement with the Courier- Journal and Louisville Times for broadcasting time nine years a-go. The arrangement has been satisfactory, I think, on both sides, sand much progress has been made. As stated above the broadcasting studios need a great deal more room than they have at the prevent time. During the process of this development, Mr, Elmer Su.-Ir developed the idea of "listening centers" and 28 have been set up in various parts of the State in regions apart from railroads, 5. highways and electric service. These centers have been of great benefit to small areas and have brought information, interest and entertainment to hundreds of people who otherwise would have no such opportunity. Here again the program in broadcasting is hampered by lack of money -- a few thousand dollars would be hel-p- ful. It may be said that our experience in the past nine years shows that the broadcasting work has a real value and should be continued. The Building Program The building program inaugurated two years ago will be c.i- pleted this summer. The Engineering College under the direction of Dean Graham set up a staff for the making of plans and writing of specifications, the collection of materials, and construction has gone on. These buildings are well constructed: they will be of permanent value to the University. I am sure the thanks of the Board as well as its ammreciation should be extended to An Graham and his colleagues for the work which they have done. The program of construction which is now reaching completion does not end the need of buildings for the University. I have re- ferred to this from time to time and bring your attention to it again. There is great need for an additional dormitory for women. Not fewer than sixty young women failed to come to the University last fall after making reservation, when they could not get lodging under the control of the University. This conlition should not exist, and it would be possible to construct a dormitory out of the funds now being paid in interest and amortization on the men's dormitories, if these funds were supplemented by earnings of the womens dormitories. Buildings for Hoiwe Economics, Art, Commderce, the balance of the Science building, and a women's dormitory are needed. There is no way by which these buildings may be constructed though it may be possible under bills now pending in Congress for the con- struction of two or three of them. I think it should be decided at this meeting what is to be done on this matter, Certainly, the present bonded indebtedness now standing against Kinkead and Bradley Halls should be refunded, whether anything else is d- ne. Proposals have been made by different concerns to refund the es- ent debt of 174,000 at 3.6X, thus cutting the present cost of interest and amortization to about one-half of the sum n)w paid. It may be possible by dealing directly with some persons or in- surance concerns to refinance this obligation at 3%. We should know in the course of a few weeks what the government proposes to do with the P.W.A., and whether it is tossible to borrow c.ddi- tional suims from such sources. It might be possible to erect some of the needed buildings. 6. Promotion of Student Attendance It is customary in a good iany institutions to have field repre- sentatives who go about from timie to time for the purpose Hf inter- viewing high school students who may be going to college. The University of Kentucky has not done this for many years and, *r- sonally, I do not think it ought to be done by any public institu- tions. Nevertheless, the opportunities existing at the University should be brought to the attention of prospective students. Wh' iile the student body at the University has increased during the nest three years, the enrollment of freshmen in the first semester 'Las declined. In the year 1935 there were 982 freshmen; in 1936, 976; and in 1937, 927. This may be accounted for in a nub.uibr of ways: First, the cutting of N. Y. A. funds to about one-half of what they were: Second, the economic conditions in the StEt;: Third, the lack of dormitory facilities: Fourth, the elimination of freshman and sophomore courses in the first two years in the Col- lege of Education. There has been an organization at the University known as the Committee of 240, made up of two students from each county in the State. Meetings are held from time to time and students instructed about the University. The work has been quite effective. The University will send this year to every graduate of the high schools three cards, one the first of June, one the first of July, and one the first of August. These cards will be followed by information, catalogs and booklets upon request. This rmly not be enough activity on the part of the University, but it ought to pro- duce favorable results. It may not overcome the decli.ue in fresh- man attendance, which is to be seen in various parts of the country. The increase in attendance at the University of Kentucky has been in the upper two years. Financial Situation The financial year of the University ends June 30. Conse- quently, a comnlete statement of what the situation is cannot be made at this time. I am able to say, however, that the burden thrown upon the general fund by the Department of Athletics is a very heavy one, particularly at this -ime Of the year. The income of the Department of Athletics has declined in the past two ye .rs, but the expenses have continued prett, much what they had been, It has been necessary to contribute from the general fund for sal- aries and other expenses. The costs of running the heating plant have been somevwhut heavier than were expected. The University will exceed its incorre. for this year by approximately '30,000. rihere are, however, accumulated funds that will take care of this overdraft and leave the University inside the supplemented income. Cnly ,s on, studies the budget of the University and understands all the demands made on it, does one have an idea of how difficult it is to rneet the requirements, to say nothing of the demands that are made for 7. money. The University will get on, but it is constantly him-'ered by lack of sufficient funds to meet the orogram both inside and outside the University. However, it will make progress: I can see the UniversAity steadily growing, though at times I have a feeling that mere and there, it is not going as well as it might. To keep everything up to the line of march is a great requirement and is one tiri.t is es- sential in an educational institution. The Student Union Building In any educational institution of considerable size there are many activities that go on thru the year that must be taken care of, if the institution is to meet the demands miade upon it. I have reference in this statement to various meetings which are held here at the University, many of them of considerable size. The persons who attend them come from different parts of the State, and some from outside the State. In addition to the request to W.-;use these meetings, the faculty and students have many meetings of clubs, societies and organizations that also require rooms for their meeting 7laces. Then the students ought to have a place where they could come together at odd hours during their stay on the ct's . These things all together make it not only desirable, but aL.bvst necessary to have some sort of a general rendezvous on the c;;.fi-Ous. Consequently, institutions have been building in the last tT:enty- five years what are called student union buildings. Our own in- stitution has Just completed one and opened it on Llay 14. It is a building of considerable size, costing aporoximately `250,000 including furniture. In it will be housed the cafeteria, general lounge, conference rooms and offices of some organizations and a place for parties in the ballroom of the building. Since this building is a combination one of students, alumni and citizens its management becomes an important question. The student committee has drawn up a constitution vhich has been submitted to the Board for consideration. This constitution is too long, too involved and complicated in administration, but there are many things that could be done by a student board, always with the understanding that the University must haVe the mnanage.,'erit ;of the affairs of such a plant. Everyone who has seen the building is delighted with it, and I think it is going to prove a valuable addition to the campus. The University Commons which has been conducted by the U~ni_ versity for a number of years will be operated by the College Cater- ing Company under a ten year lease authorized by the Executive Cor.- mittee. The College Catering Company will furnish the equiom nt and furniture, and it is to Day the University 5% of the gr,)-; in- come. It is hoped that the plan will work out successfully. 8. Special Appropriations It will be necessary in the course of the next month to set up a careful program for the expenditure of moneys appropriated by the legislature for the purchase of books, scientific equipment and engineering materials. The sum of $30,000 was appropriated for the first item, and $60,000 each for the other two. The lists of books are now being prepared and will be ready for consideration in the near future. About 945,000 of the money for scientific equipment should be devoted to the equipment of the nevw Biology Building now being completed. The other $15,000 should be used to provide equipment for the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Zoology. This money will be available the first of July and the purchases should be made so as to equip these de- partrmcnts for the coming year. 3. Report on Maxwell Place by Mrs. McVey. Members of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky AM dear Sirs: For many years I have threatened to submit to you a report of Maxwell Place, because i am sure that you would be interested in this house that you have estab- lished on the campus at the President's home. In creat- ing a Presidentts house on the campus, I am sure that you had in mind the threefold function of its being: first, as a home to which students and faculty members could turn and where citizens of the town and State and nation could come as guests; second, as a social center for the University community; and third, as a place of rest and refreshment for your President of the University. How well those desires have been filled, I cannot say, but both the President and I are very sincere indeed in be- lieving that the charming and delightful home that you have given to us is merely a trust to be used for the students and faculty and for the citizens of Kentucky. At Maxwell Place we have always a large family with one or more nieces or cousins who are attending the Uni- versity, and with nearly always a guest or two. Ever since Maxweli Place has been the President's house, rooms on the third floor have been occupied by students attend- ing the University of Kentucky, and for the last thirteen years there have been from four to six students on the second floor of the garage. These boys are working th',ir 9. ways through college and are given these rooms on the basis of need. For the last few years, we have been requiring a certain amount of academic ability also. By this requirement, I believe that we have with us a much better type of boy than we have sometimes had. When the applications for these places come to me, I always wish that I had a dormitory of at least 100 rooms instead of, at the most, seven or eight places. During this year past I should estimate that there have been at least 10,000 people at Maxwell Place for receptions, teas, various entertainments, etc. The av- erage year, I think, would be probably conservatively e.- timated at about 6,000. Every Wednesday during the Uni- versity year, including five times in Summer School, we are at home to the faculty and students. At this time a group of men and women students are asked to assist as a nucleus, and one or more of the faculty wives or women members of the faculty is asked to pour tea. In this group of assisting students, we try to include the ho.-me- sick and ill-adjusted students. The Wednesday teas range from 15-20 guests to 110. On other afternoons and in the evenings we receive special groups. There are many guests for dinners, luncheons and breakfasts and as over-night guests. The refreshments for the occasions we try to have simple and Plentiful. The largest receptions of the year are for the Home- makers, for the Seniors, and for the Homecoming Alumni in the fall and at Commencement. This last January, when Mrs. Roosevelt was a guest on the campus, there were about 1,800 at the tea at Maxwell Place for the Homemakers. The Senior Breakfast is given usually on the morning of Alumni and Class Day. It now has over 700 mOuests. Dur- ing the year a considerable amount of food and flowers is sent from Maxwell Place to students and staff who are ill or who need some special attention. During the last year, such groups as The Kentucky Press Association, Presidents of Kentucky Colleges, Soutlnmn and National Learned Societies convening in Lexington oir at the University; alumni, seniojs, and friends at mid- year commencement; the Farm and Home Conference; Universi- ty singers; faculty groups; alumni home-coming groups; student groups; University High School Seniors and Parents; faculty and town groups; the seniors at breakfast; and State and National and City associations, clubs, and boards have come to Maxwell Place. We have also entertained convocation speakers; groups and individuals on the calir:)us or in Lexington; representatives of foundations; alumni; friends and would-be friends of the University, and the alumni in the Legislature. 10. Since May, 1937, the University of Kentucky has painted the outside woodwork of Maxwell Place and h&as installed Venetian blinds in the second floor, west side, thus completing the three-year Venetian blind plan. Last summer the drawing room and dining room were rimraper- ed and painted, Through WPA assistance, the brick wall was built around the laundry yard, and the driveways were widened and made less dangerous and more accessible. Each year the President makes certain contributions to the betterment and comfort of Maxwell Place. During this last year he has bought the hangings for the living room and has bought trees and shrubs and roses for the lawn and garden. The University is supposed to own the shades, the hangings, and the curtains. There are no curtains or hangings in the house at oresent except those in the living room and in two bedrooms; these were paid for by the President. The University also owns the cooking range, the frigidaire and the electrical washing machine. The other furnishings are owned by the Pres- ident. This is a sketchy report. I hope some day to give you an adequate report with statistics covering the fif- teen years that I have spent in your president's house on the campus. It is a delightful place in which to live, and although I have seen many more elaborate nresidents' houses on university campuses, I believe that this one is the best adapted that I have ever seen burr entertaining large and small groups. You have done everything in your power in purchasing and rearranging Maxwell Place to fulfill the purposes for which it was established. It is a joy and an inspiration to live in your house on the campus. I thank you for the Privilege. (Signed) Frances Jewell McVey. This was the first report made to the Trustees -n Maxwell Place and its activities. The members of the Board were greatly pleased with the report, each expressing aw)reclation thereof. On motion of Mr. Gatton, seconded by Mr. Barnes, by unanimous vote the report was ordered spread on the minutes of the meeting. The Secretary of the Board was requested to write Mrs. MoVey, ex oress- ing appreciation of the report by the members of the Board, hea;rty approval of the care of Maxwell Place by President and Mrs. lcvey, delight and pleasure because of the manner in which Mrs. M1cVey has planned and carried on activities at her home, as well a3 her interest and success in making that home a Mecca for students cand staff, and satisfaction of the members in being able to provide a home for so worthy a host and hostess. 11. 4. Financial Report. The financial report for April was filed by the Bsisiness Agent. The report was examined and ordered inserted in the mrin;ztes. Pres- ident McVey stated that it would be necessary to use contain re- serve funds that are available in order to care for addilional expenses of the budget for the present year, Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of April 1938 Previously Reported Current Month Fi cal To Date General Fund Income Fed. Appro.-Morrill- Nelson 3. Vocational Ed. Board 2 State Appro.-Sum.Sch. Special Agr. Appro. 1E State Appro.-General 49' Int. on Peabody Endow. Int. on Endow. Bonds State Appro.-Repairs to 4, 279. 98 3,050. 37 8, 000. 00 .8, 000. 00 6,981.49 1,000.00 Buildings 7;981.73 Fed. Appro. -Bankhead-Jones 23,549.94 Student Fees 253,885.94 Student Fees - Sum.Sch. 62,445.15 Student Fees - U.H.S. 9,960.00 Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch. 7,640.00 Student Fees - Un.Ext. 13,264.42 Mis. Receipts 8,114.32 Rentals 1,573.00 Men's Dormitories 16,663.82 Total 986,390.16 5,713.33 3,538.40 2,000.00 54,014.66 8,644.50 3,924.99 5,915.97 330.00 310.00 1,046.30 80.90 215.00 805.30 86,539.35 39,99!3.31 26, .588. 77 8,000.00 20,000.00 550,996.15 1,000.00 8,644.50 7,981.73 27,474.93 259,801.91 62,445.15 10,290.00 7,950.00 14,310.72 8,195.22 1,788.00 17,469.12 072,9951 Expenditures Instruction 662,862.70 Adm.,Exp. & Maint. 240,642.57 Additions & Betterments 17,634.35 Total 921,139.62 Excess of Income over Expenditures 65,250.54 84,449.27 25,864.54 3,550.89 113,864.70 747 ,l In. 97 '265,507.11 21,035,00,24 1. 035,004.;32 _37 _ _2519 12. Patterson Hall Income Board 46,871,02 Miscellaneous Receipts 56.77 Room Rent - Summer School 1,932.56 Total 48,860.35 Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Income over Ex- penditures 28,994.68 20.40 29,015.08 19,845.27 General Fund Income 1,035,250.51 General Fund Expenditures 950,154.70 Excess of General Fund Income over Expendi- tures 85,095,81 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for Gen- eral Ledger accounts (54,067.98) Accounts Payable _ (19,802.19) Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 11,225.64 Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1937 - General Fund Cash in Bank April 30, 1938 - General Fund 7,134.38 36,129.06 20,40 58. _3l3 9.46 6,6 84.82 26,550.09 100,358.55 1,135,609.06 120,999.08 1,071,1,5378 (20,640.53) 64,4L55.28 4,236,16 (49,831.82) (19.80, 19) (16,404.37) (5,178.73_ (5,178.73) 89,788.13 84.4609. 40 Experiment Station Income Hatch - Fed. Appro. Milk and Butter - Cash Receipts Beef Cattle Sales Dairy Cattle Sales Sheep Sales Swine Sales Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Horticultural Sales Seed Test Seed Inspection Rentals Miscellaneous Fertilizer - Fees Public Service - State Appropriation Public Service - Misc. Receipts 11,250.00 8,055.45 450.95 1,075.10 889.60 1,237.59 1,353.06 2,766.29 1,042.02 1,177.72 24,344.11 3,127.03 253.77 38,486.25 15,899.98 3,750.00 850.19 305.00 110.17 61.45 21.00 131.75 3,390.93 119.67 38.38 13,047.25 1,599.97 15,000.00 8,905.64 450.95 1,330.10 889.60 1, 37 59 1, -3.23 2, ,97 .74 1,063.02 1,309.47 27,755.04 3. 4S.70 51, .i3 3 50 17,499.95 18,00 106.00 13,819.20 13,819.20 60,690.22 56.77 1,932.56 62,679.55 388 00 13. Feeding Stuffs - Fees 44,106.65 Adams - Fed. Appro. 11,250.00 Serum - Sales 2,170.12 Serum - Virus Sales 101.37 Serum - Supply Sales 99.59 Serum - Misc. Sales 2