xt7bg7371959 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bg7371959/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1973 yearbooks ukyrbk1973 English Paragon Yearbooks, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Kentuckian 73 text Kentuckian 73 1973 2012 true xt7bg7371959 section xt7bg7371959 University Archives Margaret I. King Librery - North University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 Kentuckisn 73 University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 4 ige, nth sometime, together gg 14 with some type of spiritual meaning 29 ) 39 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Adolph, I will fear no evil. Somebody said it years ago. "I want to be the man who follows the man who follows Adolph Rupp." There was a cruel message hidden in that jest. The message said that Adolph Rupp's successor as University of Kentucky basketball coach would be destroyed. Overcome by a 42-year accumulation of success. Lost in the shadow of a legend. Torn by incessant criticism. Banished, ultimately, by worshippers of past glories who created more pressure than one man could stand up to. Then, along would come the successor's successor. But it looks like he might have to wait j . . 42 years? Because Joe Hall beat the pressure. Joe Hall beat the second-guessers. Joe Hall beat Tennessee. By God, Joe Hall even beat Austin Peay! The first season after Rupp's remarkable career ended was a mind-blower. It was losing three straight. It was losing a home opener. It was losing to Ole Miss. It was getting so bad-off that only nine straight victories could make things right, and then getting the nine straight victories ... It was fans in love with players, good vibes, players free to talk to the press . . . But mostly it was Joe Hall, and that is ironic, because the good old boy from Cynthiana had a style directly opposite from Adolph. He said the season belonged to the players. He shied away from even hinting, in any public statement, that any player had ever played a rotten game . . . although those whb attended practice regularly could tell you that his sarcasm was sharp, funny, devasting. What it comes down to is this: You can almost forget Jim Andrews mostly-successful struggle with indifference, Kevin Grevey's dramatic emergence as a super clutch scorer, Mike Flynn's agonizing fight to realize his potential, Ronnie Lyon's relentless hustle, Jimmy Dan Conner's cocky country charisma, and all the rest . . . You can almost forget it all because of what Joe Hall did, and because of what it meant. Joe Hall kept truckin'. Joe Hall never ; stopped teaching. Joe Hall paid his dues. Joe Hall took off his coat and went to war for his players. Joe Hall, for all of his smooth, slick, mild-mannered image, looked the pressure in the face and spit at it. In the end, Joe Hall did that which is universally agreed to be the hardest thing to do. He did what was expected of him. And he did it the hard way. Wow, did he do it the hard way ... Pre-season was spooky, sweaty, violent. Hall seemed to know exactly what was waiting for him and so did the players, even the sophomores. There was a fight here and there. A lot of talent and pride packed together along with aching muscles, biting criticism from the coach (for which he earned hateful stares at times), a touch of fear and dread, maybe, of what lay ahead . . . Anyway, there was a fight here and there. And drills . . . running drills, jumping drills, one-on-one combat, running backwards, running up steps . . . There was something else. Grevey, sick with the flu, stayed in the Hall home until he recovered. Conner had the squad over for dinner at his grandmother's house. Hall had the squad over for dinner at his house. Often. It was a long, hard time before they got it together. But they got themselves together first. It helped. 43 People who had no idea what Joe Hall was like decided he was faceless. It even got into the newspapers. Faceless! Like the Man From Glad, maybe? Or an absent-minded professor who sat on the bench by mistake? Or a Clark Kent without muscles? Adolph came to the Iowa game. Joe took popcorn to Der Baron's seat. "Hello, Adolph!" sang the students. Then, "Hello, Joe!" Then, Iowa beat the hell out of Kentucky. In a home opener. First time since 1962. Oh, Gawd . . . Joe looked faceless, that night. Looked like a loser, too. But a storm was building inside him. He would show that he had a face that could launch a thousand technical fouls. He had a team that was letting him down, too, and he started getting on everybody's case. It was funny sometimes. Like when Joe said to Poochy the referee, "Here, let me hold the towel for you," and Pooch said, "Joe, I ain't here for no damn officials' clinic," and Joe said, "I was just trying to be helpful, Poochy." Suddenly Joe had a face. A fighter's face. Hello. Joe! m ne 46 At Freedom Hall, North Carolina went ahead by 26 points. It was humiliating. UK slashed the margin to six before losing 78-70, leaving its record 1-3. Hall went onto the court, and also stomped on his suitcoat, and also lifted a scorer's book and slammed it to the floor. The crowd was ugly . . . there was a near-brawl among the players No, it didn't solve UK's prob- lems. But the Wildcats did get meaner. Yet they continued to grope about in the darkness. They lost and they even looked bad winning. If Hall was suffering, what about his athletes? Expected to win. The sophomores were wearing UK varsity blue for the first time. Stumbling about, failing .. . It was a gut-tester. MIKE FLYNN is not really a gazzelle. He just runs like one and is almost as quiet and shy. For three months he was a bundle of nerves. Then he went to war at Alabama and the tall, tough, super-quick guard that had been hiding in his head came out to play. Flynn got caught out of the dorm. But that doesn't mean he isn't QUICK. KEVIN GREVEY came off a cereal box, maybe, or a sports book for little boys. Looks, brains, talent, personality, all that. And a pure 100 per cent certified University of Kentucky shooting touch. When he began to heat up, dropping 33 points on 'Bama at Tuscaloosa and 40 on Georgia at Athens, the SEC got a bad case of worries. JIM ANDREWS had one certainty to cling to. He knew that many people would blame him for every loss. But Andrews became the certainty that UK clung to. A thoroughly pleasant, bright, frank-spoken dude. He wasn't super, just a helluva lot better than a lot of other centers. There was a touch of the day-dreamer in him. Right on! RONNIE LYONS was not all motion and dazzle. There were times when it hurt him to move at all. He had a kidney infection. He was found to be suffering from anemia. He sprained an ankle. He pulled a groin muscle. Who remembers? It is his relentless hustle that lingers in the mind, like the blurred color of a passing car. JIMMY DAN CONNER was a new kind of UK player. He seemed to be trying to mix a dancer's finesse with a brawler's bluntness, and sometimes he seemed to pull it off. Color him country-sophisticated. And in-dispensible. They don't make box scores to include some of the things J.D. did. BOB GUYETTE looks like an ancient Viking. The big guy had the sophomore blues, and foul trouble, which is often the same thing. But he kept on truckin'. Because he did, there was some truly dazzling bench relief inside him for both NCAA Regional games. RICK DREWITZ was a quizzical mixture of detached intellectual ,md devout religious student and frustrated bench-sitter. He played some and stuck it out. It wasn't easy. When a guy loves the game, he stays in there. LARRY STAMPER was the mountain man whose shooting touch was more like a crash. But in tight spots, he was there. He rebounded and played defense like most folks breathe and eat. And against Austin Peay he blew everybody's mind. But that is getting ahead of the story. RAY EDELMAN. Easterner. Son of a coach. Smart, nice guy, team player. One other thing: He can shoot. From anywhere. Cold, off the bench, on the run, he can shoot. Everyone knew he could do it because he went out and did it. Quiet Ray let his fingers do the talking. STEVE LOCHMUELLER was friendly the way guys are friendly who could snap you like a toothpick. A nice guy living in a house of muscle. A hook shot like Hagan, a rebounding attitude like the Purple Gang. He came off the bench like a runaway train. Alabama (among others) never wants to see him again. JERRY HALE kept his fan club high by running and diving and scrapping, the way he did for the Super Hicks at Floyd Central High back home in Indiana. That was in the good old days. Hale didn't play nearly as much as a college sophomore. But if UK hadn't given them a little Hale here and a little Hale there, the good old days might have come a lot sooner. G. J. SMITH collapsed in pain during the UKIT and stayed in the background after that. His outside gunning was needed, often. So was his spirit. The guy who had played in the State Tournament with a broken foot ended up with a torn-apart knee. But he'll be back; just as skinny, and gunning just as much. I This figured to be the end. Somehow they made it a beginning . . . See Vandy's Butch van Breda Kolf offering his hand to Lyons and Hall? His father's a coach, so he understands. See Grevey, buried in the towel? He fouled out. What happened, see, was this: UK lost close road games to Tennessee and Vandy, but then took another trip and beat LSU and Alabama. It looked so good it was unbelievable. Until Vandy came to town and became the first SEC team since 1967 to beat UK at Lexington. Now, THAT was unbelievable. Nightmare stuff. See Jim Andrews after the Vandy loss? Congratulating Ray Maddux. Is that treason, or class? Make Jim Andrews classy all the way. He would be back, only nobody knew it that night. There was a time when whupping 'Bama up aside the head was taken for granted. But not this Crimson Tide team, his monster that C. M. Newton went down from Lexington and built like a Dr. Frankenstein. UK had caught 'Bama at home with a No. 6 national ranking and a big head and won a crazy game 95-93, but some folks said 'Bama was so good, SO GOOD, that UK would be in trouble on its own court. It is not enough to say that UK assumed a lead of 22-2 in this game. Say rather that UK took the 22-2 lead against a great basketball team. Then you get a rough idea. But if you didn't see it, man, you should apologize. President Singletary's wife, Gloria, brought us food during the wait to get in for the Tennessee game. There was some hassling with the cops. But hell, if you're waiting up to 40 hours on concrete, and you're getting paranoid, and watching dogs eat pizzas and worrying about people shoving past you . . . By this time the students had "gotten into" the team. Not because the team was suddenly a winner, with a chance to complete a "miracle comback" by beating Tennessee . . . and not even because Tennessee is THE game . . . but only because the students had gone through some stuff with the team, learned how to love the team. What makes people go through this kind of ordeal to see a GAME? There was no time or inclination to analyze our warped values. We were Kentuckians. We couldn't explain it, but we understood. BEAT TENNESSEE . . . 61 A few times, it looked like the pressure, the desire to write a storybook ending to the season, the crowd intensityokay, the crowd's lovehad turned against Joe's guys. Tightened them up, maybe. Opened the door, maybe, for a climatic disaster instead of a climatic triumph. Up to this time, remember, it had been a season with an equal number of disasters and triumphs. No way. Flynn put too much defense on Edwards and Conner put too much defense on Snow. Grevey walked out of a huddle after a timeout and hit four long jump shots in a row. How many times did Kevin do that? Anyway, it was beautiful. Andrews was beautiful. The big man everybody liked to criticize came through once again. m An NCAA Regional is a weird animal. The no-tomorrow pressure puts real static in the air. The fans in the arena are packed together tight, all hot and tired and edgy and hotel-hassled . . . Even if nothing ever happens, the hint of violence seems suspended in the air like a cloud. And the drunks, boosters, root-toot-tooters, TV crews . . . Players' families dressed in Easter-bright sort of outfits, huddling together in the hotel lobby like timid geese . . . The vibes weren't all good for the Austin Peay game. Another black-white thing, like 'Bama. APSU was a team UK "wasn't supposed to lose to." But a good team, too, with nothing to lose. "Super Fly" James Williams had so much ink and so many points. What were Joe and his guys gonna come up with this time? A crazy sort of classic. UK made, what was it, six, no seven, combacks . . . APSU made one near the end to force an overtime . . . UK then won 106-100 when Stamper (yes!) scored the last three field goals of the game . . . Andrews finally wore down APSU's super-leapers. The big guy got his points. Lyons took a knee to the stomach, lost all his wind, but came back . . . APSU and Super Fly were great. But the OVC lost this round. Hall's team would have liked to win more convincingly. But they weren't about to give it back. It was theirs. Then came Indiana . . . Indiana was more dangerous than dazzling, but we knew that already. The Hoosiers didn't care about tempo. To them, a fast break was something that happened when you looked up the floor and the other team wasn't there. Defense was Indiana's meat. They made you pay for every inch of the floor. If you got from halfcourt to your foul line, you considered it a pattern. UK started fast and jumped ahead with an old Kentucky Home running game. Then everything unwound. Nothing worked. The Hoosiers got up by 13, 15 points. It began to get embarrassing. Until . . . Until the Wildcast went to war after halftime. Until they came all the way back, not just part-way, and then tied it, and then, yes, went ahead . . . Mostly, again, because of Andrews, who for a couple of unforgettable stretches was magnificent around the basket. Indiana seized a tiny straw of momentum in the last two minutes, turned it into a club and whupped UK up aside the head with it. The story of a gutsy, truly exciting season now seemed, in the bitter aftermath of defeat, to consist only of a shot that rimmed out, a pass that slipped away, a traveling violation, an air-ball . . . 68 _______ But that wasn't the story. Bobby Knight knew it wasn't. Hall's friend and fishing buddy, Knight grabbed the microphone and said, "I'd rather go fishing with you any time than play against your team." Knight doesn't say things just to be nice. And, anyway, UCLA found out about Indiana the next week. And a lot of people had found out about Joe Hall and Kentucky. It looked like Joe was here to stay. It had been a memorable first year and a damn good show. 70 Soon fades the spell, soon comes the night; Say will it not be then the same, Whether we played the black or white, Whether we lost or won the game? -Lord MaCaulay, 1842 OPPONENT OPP Michigan State 75 66 Iowa 66 79 Indiana 58 64 North Carolina 70 78 Nebraska 85 60 Oregon 95 68 Kansas 77 71 Notre Dame 65 63 Mississippi 58 61 Miss. State 90 81 Florida 95 65 Georgia 89 68 Tennessee 64 65 Vanderbilt 75 76 LSU 86 71 OPPONENT Alabama Vanderbilt Auburn Mississippi Miss. State Florida Georgia LSU Alabama Auburn Tennessee Austin Peay Indiana Record: 20-8; SEC (14-4) 95 76 88 88 100* 94 99 94 111 91 86 106* 65 OPP 93 83 57 70 87 83 86 76 95 79 81 * 100 72 Overtime 71 72 Susan Karr, Outstanding Greek Worn 1973 I t 88 I 11 92 ft 93 . M;. :;; I'll I 1 I I The Pikes won the race; Sigma Nu won the trophyfor a week or two. The trophy is now on display in Kirwan Tower. 96 Wilderness Survival Training WST began as the Free U. class "Survival" in the fall of 1970. During the past semester, more than ninety students learned roping and rappeling techniques at Indian Falls on an 85-foot cliff. Canoeing lessons began on Mill Creek Lake and ended on the Rockcastle River. 102 Earl Scruggs and The Nitty-Gritty Dirt Band Otis Singletary takes a lot of flack. From the Board of Trustees. From the students. From the state. In fact he catches hell from just about every direction. You often hear about Singletary coming here from the University of Texas where he was Vice-Chancellor. But you don't hear too much about how he organized the Job Corps working with Sarge Shriver (remember him) and Lyndon Johnson. Since he came here in 1969, he's been blamed for just about everything from ordering the national guard on campus in 1970 to misallocating "academic" funds to build a stadium in 1973. He did neither, but you'd never believe that by listening to some people. You don't hear about any of the positions he holds in national educational groups or, for that matter, about any of the educational magazines for which he serves on the editorial boards. And you definitely don't hear about some of the things he'd like to do if his hands had not been tied by people like Louie Nunn. We've seen him called the "jock" president for his interest in athletics, yet we overlook the fact that he was instrumental in the retiring of Adolph Rupp. What kind of a University president would bother to take 300 warm sandwiches to students spending a cold night in line waiting for football tickets. Who else would take the time to come to a student's birthday party and sit around and drink a few beers with him and his friends. Who would devise a plan which would invite every freshman to Maxwell Place during the year to meet the president. How many times have you walked past his house on a warm evening and seen him shooting basketball or playing horseshoes with a bunch of people (students, if you will). II would be really easy to understand the flack if Dr. Singletary fit the pattern of University presidents . . . Adron Doren, Bob Martin, etc. Somehow, though, it's good that he doesn't. Just how many times have you seen Otis Singletary when he is not talking to a student or about the University? 126 DR. JAMES GLADDEN was honored twice this year for his teaching. He was one of six to receive the Alumni Association's "Great Teacher Award." On the national level, Dr. Gladden was named as the outstanding man teaching in the field of Family Relations. Of his 5000 colleagues, he was recipient of the Ernest G. Osborne Teaching Award. "It is very significant that the key word used in both awards is teachernot scholar or professor, but teacher. That is what I've intended to be. The word teacher signifies that you're personally involved with your students. This takes all of your time, and that's the way I like it." Dr. Gladden teaches Sociology courses in both the Family, and Religion and Culture. Both courses bring a wide variety of people and Dr. Gladden likes that. As many students consult with him concerning their personal problems as do those seeking academic help. Dr. Gladden left the ministry in order to work with students. "I felt preventative counseling is more important than curative, which is the case when working with older groups." Since Dr. Gladden is so involved with his students and family researching, he finds little time to write for scholarly journals. Caught in this publish-or-perish noose, Dr. Gladden is one of the lowest paid full-professors on the campus. It is a shame that such an outstanding teacher as James Gladden must be penalized for being a true educatorcatering both to the academic and personal needs of his students. The University of Kentucky needs more teachers like Dr. James Gladden. 129 You can't smoke America .to her knees." Julian Bond Education is not restricted to that magic box, The Classroom. Once outside, it may become creative. ?egjaBtagfr--: Ml _____ FOUR MORE YEARS? By Pat Schneider Once again it was election time in this country, and as before, Quinn the Eskimo slep quietly while most only half expected his arrival. It had been a long time gone, and al leasl another four years would pass before the light of day. If the issues were muffled in the election of '72 the choice was clear. The old tweedly-doo tweedly-pooh defense of apathy didn't apply to this race. The men were different in a fundamental sense that ignited many heated exchanges between friends and open warfare within families. The traditional Democratic alliance of labor, minorities and Catholics disintegrated. The Wallace vote found a new home in the Republican camp while many Democrats felt their home had been invaded by the enemy. George McGovern had taken the lead from Ed Muskie early in the winter. It mattered little that both men were liberal and had very similiar stands on most issues. Muskie was de fide acceptable to the party regulars and McGovern was de fide not acceptable, and became less acceptable the more he was heard from. Although the lead was a source of pain and embarrassment for the party regulars, there was no denying the momentum building in the McGovern campaign. Confident that his rules guaranteeing a more representative convention would nominate the best man, himself, George McGo.vern rode the spring primary trail at full gallop. (It goes without saying that even at full gallop George McGovern was little match for a president jetting to every Commie port in the name of peace.) Another presidential contender was George Wallace, a familiar face to the presidential arena, but his campaign was cut short in the spring when Arthur Bremer aimed a pistol at Wallace. And fired. The Deja vu was inescapable. Newscasters again, as before, talked of shock and disbelief. But, as before we were not shocked and we believed it. The old nausea was there even before the school rumors were confirmed by the news. Wallace survived but was paralyzed from the waist down and the country gained another anti-hero. Arthur Bremer took his place with other ig-nobles: Boothe, Oswald, Ruby, Sirhan Sir-han, and other lesser known micro-entities. Another presidential campaign had ended in bloodshed and the questions of national disease loomed much too heavy. Summer was convention time for both 146 parties and the Democratsyouth, women, and minoritiesflocked to Miami. Many thought that the healing of America would soon begin. But not before a couple of scores could be settled with the old guard politicians, best symbolized by Richard Daley who quickly found himself on the outside. Such a curious turn of history symbolized much to both sides. The wounds that were opened by this and other fights between the McGovernites and the ABM coalition would not be healed by nostalgic movies of the Kennedys or poses showing Kennedy, Humphrey, Muskie, Jackson, and McGovern embracing each other as old friends. Which indeed they were (and are) but their followers were not embracing, cooperating, or even talking. The "I got you last" sentiment was strong among the taggers and the tagged. But the business was completed and McGovern and Eagleton led the ragged troops out. Too many had mistaken beating the regulars for the real battle and too few who remembered the real battle now much cared who won. In contrast to the Democratic, the Republican convention was well-planned, ex- ecuted, and orchestrated. There were no goof-ups with needless debates or fiddle-faddle discussions. The convention had all of the excitement of a U.K. Board of Trustees meeting. The participants had memorized their parts well and the prime-time viewer would not be disappointed twice in the same summer. Enter statesman, moralist, leader, President Richard M. Nixon to take a few hours off from the affairs of state to graciously accept renomina-tion. Then off again. The duties and the burdens of the presidency allowing little time for partisan politics. The Republicans completed business as creatively as conceived. TV viewers were pleased with the prime-time agenda, and the performance, if inane, had been flawless. Lights dim. The Democrats were last left with McGovern and Eagleton leading a rag-tag bunch of powerless newcomers out of Miami to conquer GOPliath. Unfortunately the Democrat's two was cut to one when a number of stories began cracking about Eagleton's depression spells and his past medical history of electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT). 11/ a McGovern was 1000% confused by the episode and offered a $1000 reward to every American if he could be freed of this mess. But the mess got muckier and the campaign slushed full stop to allow time for some noted Democrats to fight some more among themselves. McGovern hid and Eagleton pleaded total naivete and purity (despite his earlier concealment of these treatments.) He was dropped anyway, when McGovern announced that they had agreed thai this was the "best course". An hour later, Eagleton said that he would have preferred to stay on but did not want to divide the party. A day later the Missouri loyalist said that he would not pass up the offer to be the vice-presidential candidate if he could do it again. The monsoon season set in and it rained rejections for days. Embarrassment and damage compounded. Finally the 92nd choice for running mate, Sargent Shriver, took out his John Kennedy autographed tennis racket and whipped the campaign buggy from the slime. Having quorum, the Democrats reached consensus that indeed it was Nixon who was the proper target for all future assaults, and by fall, the prairie conestoga was moving with a semblance of direction. The '72 election was not without its diplomatic problems. Nixon, happy that his opponent was only George McGovern felt he could ignore the Democratic candidate, and let the followers do the campaigning. This left one public contender and one serious contender. Unfortunately for the 148 1 former, the latter was content with the situation. Thus, the Republican campaign was formally kicked off by the number two man, house mouth Spiro Agnew, proclaiming on September 19 that the break-in at the Democratic Committee Headquarters was setup by someone attempting to embarrass the Republican party. This Agnew conclusion was prompted by the repeated questions that were surfacing concerning the break-in. A couple of weeks earlier a Federal Grand Jury had handed down indictments against G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, Jr. as well as 5 men arrested at the June 17 break-in. The Justice Department had said these indictments had ended the Watergate investigation, and At- torney General Kleindienst said the investigation by the FBI and District Attorney's office was one of the most "intensive, objective, and thorough in many years." The case was closed except for some investigation by the General Accounting Office into the handling of a $350,000 campaign contribution by the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP). McGovern accused Nixon of ordering a whitewash by the Federal Grand Jury to spare himself embarrassment in an election year, whereby Attorney General Kleindienst appeared on the Dick Cavett Show and insisted that the 7 indicted "gave orders for the raid themselves and were acting without superior authorization." 149 The Republican campaign was, for the most part, run in such a manner. Nixon played the role of statesman and with this role maintained an above-it-all attitude, while McGovern ran all over the country urging Americans to "Come Home." The McGovern smoke-'em-out tactics failed and his resemblance to Hubie Humphrey was strengthened the harder he ran. On October 8, a month before the election, a New York Times survey predicted one of the greatest presidential sweeps in American Presidential history. This prediction and others similar to it did little to bolster the McGovern effort. In one of his few campaign stops, Nixon went to Atlanta. And Atlanta went for him. The reception was unprecedented, leaving little doubt where the Wallace vote was going. Nixon referred to his "Southern strategy" as "American strategy," asserting that he had not appealed to the nation's fears and cited his stands on bussing as proof. A plea for return to traditional moral values as a cure for everything from marital discord to liberalism capped off a stunning visit to the peach capital. Reaction in liberal corners was primarily gastric. James Reston wrote that Nixon ad- 150 in Put AmericA ToGether Aga justs his principles to fit the occasion and asserted that the puzzle about him is that he does the "day's assignment well, but there are no connecting rods between one day and the next." Reston further asserted that "these tactics are likely to win for Nixon in the short run, but defeat him and his principles of unifying and governing America in the end." Locally, both candidates had campaign offices on Main Street in Lexington. Otherwise there were no similarities. The McGovern headquarters was located in the old Lewis Family Clothing Store, which before going out of business had catered to working families. The Nixon headquarters occupied the second floor of the Phoenix Hotel. The local citizens for McGovern-Shriver had put together a minimum security office that was functional, but about as plush as the back room of the Paddock. The workers varied but only slightly. Most were young, liberal, counter-cultural idealists. There were a couple of blacks, a few middle-aged backers, and a scattering of lawyers. The automatic inclusion of these people in the steering committee attested to their scarcity. The hard-core workers were mostly newcomers to the political process and worked their guts out trying to raise a political wind for the Democratic nominee. The Republicans ran a maximum secu- rity show that included six look-alike matrons sitting properly in their matronly dresses (light green has, over the years, proven to be a favorite matronly color) handing out pamphlets to all who entered. Except us. We were greeted with scowls and queries as to our business. David Robertson had come along, and being dressed in his down-home denim jeans, jacket and boots with two cameras slung over his shoulders, drew the most piercing looks. He asked to take a few pictures in the Phoenix Roland's building which contained nothing more than partiotically decorated wall-sized pictures of Nixon, Agnew, Nunn and Labe Jackson. One matron consulted a second matron and the first told us that questions like this must be referred to the state chairman and that he would not be in towiJ until next week. Expressing our appreciation we left and went next door to the state headquarters. Our welcome here was even less hospitable. The six matrons were looking their Junior League best, but became slightly ruffled when we decided to take a look around. Before being shown the exit we viewed a wing of no less than twenty suites that were occupied by old men, telephones and paper. Money was obviously not the scarcity in the Phoenix that it was at the remodeled Lewis Family Clothing Store. 151 Although neither candidate came to Lexington, each made a state visit. Nixon came first and spoke October 26 in Ashland. It had been a generation since the last presidential candidate had come, and this was unmistakably big doings there. Three thousand crowded into Paul Blazer High School gymnasium while 25,000 gathered outside. Noting that the Paul Blazer "Bobcats" were second in football, Nixon said it was okay for the "Bobcats" to be second, but "we must never let the U.S.A. be second . . . (because) the danger of war would be tremendously increased." Oratory aside, however, the primary purpose of the visit was to boost the campaign of Louie B. Nunn, an old friend of UK students and Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. "He always found the Oval Office open then," said Nixon, "and he will in the future." 152 October 26 was a big day for Kentucky Nixon supporters, for earlier that day, national security advisor, Henry Kissinger had said that "peace was at hand" in Indochina and that a final agreement on a cease-fire and political arrangement could be reached in one more negotiating session with the North-Vietnamese "lasting not more than three or four days." Although his detractors took a somewhat jaundiced view of this eleventh hour rabbit out of the hat, state supporters were stuporous in their amazement at Nixon's political shrewdness. With the election less than two weeks away