xt7bg7373r3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bg7373r3b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1995 1995 1995-03-02 2020 true xt7bg7373r3b section xt7bg7373r3b p





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Six file for



"wilBenson. markeiiriosophomore,andBrianPerltins,




an accounting junior

VDan Michalak, a management and marketing senior, and
Justin Stone. 11 political science sophomore

VAvi Weitzman, a political science junior, and Amy Aber-
nathy, an English whim


VTonyCarota, physicsjunior. andAndrewFoitz, politicalsci-
VShea Chaney, a first year law student, and Heather Henriel,
VRussell Harper, a political science senior, and Joe Bennett,

By Brenna Reilly
51.1”le ’r‘lfi‘l'

Six candidates filed to run for Student
(iovei'iiiiieiit .‘\ssi 1i'1.itioii President yester‘
day, setting in motion a month of cam»
paigiiiiig before the spi iiig elections

I ht e"lcct1oiis will beheld earlier than
usual this year Ility are scheduled for
\Iarcli 2‘) aiid it)

A mandatory meeting was held .it the
S( IA office yesterday for all candidates.

.\iiy' L‘Hliitlid 2‘itc \vliii ilid not Littt‘ ml the
meeting or was not re‘piestiittd will be
disqualified said l).liftll I)c\ oie cli. lli
man of l.lct.t1oiis board of Siipe r1isioii

(i;‘lli(lltl.llt‘\ drew foi ballot positions .it
the meeting.



l)e\'ore read the Bylaws of the S(1':\
(loiistitutiou to the candidates to familiar‘
i/e them with the rules and regulations of
c .iiiipaiuniiii'.

\II preside iiti .il candidates had to turn
11i.i 150 signature petition. l)e\ore said
be counted the signatures last night. He
said he would verify the signatures this
morning by calling people who signed the
petitions at random.

'I‘Iie candidates enrollment in the Uni-
versity must also be verified, I)e\'ore said.

l)e\'ore said candidates also had to pay
a SS fee to run and .1 S35 refundable
deposit. 'I‘lie deposit is refundable if the
candidate docs Ill 11 break any rules.


.Sr't' SGA in] 5


11‘.“ Sim/en! (,1'1171'1‘ {/1 /1'.11'ri .


DAVID PARKER I\1~7,‘ . '.I"
I"I':"11/1'Ilflil/11/111517111"til/1'./I.I.Hi'~ mm ‘11 ‘ft 1.1.11 1"!

.Hllfa’lifll err/o



Strike strikes out;
college ofler's more

ith Major League Baseball

still gridlocked in labor dis-

putes fans looking for the
i\'t iteiiiciit of suicide stjuet 7es or
the ‘.'..lriiiii of ninth inning home
iun may be forced to turn to the
next best thing --.. college baseball.
But this is really not sobad.

\t the college lL‘\f.l, fans can see
the game of baseball in its purest
form. 'I here are no overpaid pl. 11‘
crs constantly asking for more
moire y and lighter playing schi‘ d-
uIe.s I here i so are no egoti§tical
owners .‘ittcriipting . "

it. take the fans
and _, in the case
of the current
strike the play-

ers l‘HI' everything
they‘re vvorfli.

’I lie stadiums
are small. and the



crowds are some— Jason
times sparse. 'I‘lie Dani“)
bus rides to week Ahmmm NIH/’71
end games are “1",”-

long and grueling. v

and the accoiiimo—

datioiis on the road often are any-
thing but luxurious.

But these small inconveniences
do not throw college players into a
tirade of whinirw \fter all, when
was the last time a college baseb Ill
team walked out on strike l)CC‘.‘IllSt
the Days Inn on the freeway did
not have room service? It‘s new r happened. 'I'he reas
son: ( ollege players still e njoy playing the game.

\\ liile it would be naive to think 1aseball players
.oriie to college solely to have Itm the collegi iate
game still c .1'rries with it an innocence not found in
ilii‘ pros.

If all this sounds like a refreshing change of pace.
look no further than I'K‘s Shively I‘IIL’Itl at (IIiII
Ilagari Stadium where the \‘l'ildcat baseball team
pliyed the first game of its ZI‘date home schedule

It was cold and windy when the ..its took the
field, hardly perfect conditions for baseball. In fact,
the weather might have been more appropriate for
Bill (Iurry‘sfootl1all team.

(letting jammed by .i ()Il‘Illl)li fastball is never
much fun, but it hurts even more when the tempera<
ttire dips to just above freezing.

If you are a northern school in the Southeastern
(Toiiference, however, getting started when it's still
frigid outside is necessary to keep a leg up on the

Despite the dipping mercury. alriiost 300 fans




my Stale_y'¢'i'rer./.1.y in Cliff/Iago); Sim/rum. ’Iirylurl m”, Iii/Iv. 11' il l 'K [rm/11:1:

came out to see whit (:oacli Keith .\I'.idisoii‘s WU;
sijuad had to Ullt r yesterday.

.\nd the young \\ ildc its responded by drilling the
visiting Murray St. ite Kacers -5 behind Jay
'I‘edesco's 4 RBI

It may not have bee ‘ri \\ rigley lield on a balmy
summer aftt rnoori but the (. .its played an exciting
style of base.bill f1 atiiriiig 2.1 iiiivture of aggressive
baserunriirig, power hitting, and eyeii strong pitch-

.\ot bad for .in ifteinoori s ente‘rt aiiiiiieiit

I his season, UK s baseball team should easily pro
y'ide as much entertainment as watching (liiiciriiiati
Reds ow litr \I‘arge Schott and her snooty looking
dog cheeririiroii av‘ .irietv of scabs and has licens.

“I think 1 lot more people will come out and watch
11s play, just because there are .1 lot of people from
around here that are Reds fans that still want to
watch baseball," said 'I‘edesco, the (:ats~ third base-

()ther than the fact that UK might receive some
additional support this year, ’I‘edesco said he has
more to worry about than watching grown men bick-

GREG UNS.K'11111.‘1!.1,"
Blilllllll’firi‘i. Taylor and liar/11ml 'I‘r'imlile. [with «if l"!'.ml:furi. iuz'i‘r 11/1 :.“r!/1 11 I 'I\ Han/err .l/rrmg I 'lv'li lwmrunpener :‘ii'rmy ricer \Im‘




millions oI




er ii\c’l‘
1.11.... , BlflEllup!
I don t really care
. - . V
about the strike right
now," he said. The UK baseball team
slam the weather wonitsseasonopener
will be warm again, rdayagainstMurray
And by that time te.TheCatsareyoung
sports junkies proba‘ buthungrythisseason.
bly' will be starving for $99 season preview, I'OS-
tlie traditional staple tenscheduleandplayer
umpires and fast profiles,BackPage.
balls 7‘ that only the
.\iiieric.iri pastime can

“\Vheii the weather starts getting good. I think
things will be hopping around Shively, \Iadison
said. I think people are really hungry for good base —

So look for the improved version of the nation’s
pastime coming soon to .1 cozy field near you.

.2Ii:1i:\mnr .Spmri 1.111101‘7111riri Dam/«1 1.1 11 [10/111111] Ail"
('Iltt .inp/‘nlni/I‘ 1‘.


[088 (If new financial aid database could lllll‘t transfers

By Stephen Trimble

Iii'r‘iirrlz'e I’dirm‘

\Vith a proposal to cut $312 million in student
financial aid circulating in the U. S. Home of Repre—
sentatives, a relatively small $500, 000 cut seems to
have U K financial aid officials the most worried.

Ihc Student Financial .‘\id Database is among 1‘)
program cuts approved by the .‘\ppropriations Sub-
committee on Labor, Health and Human Services
and Education last week.

“That one bothers us, and it really ought to bother
the students," said David Prater, associate director
for student financial aid.

For transfer students to receive federal aid, they
must provide transcripts from their last school show»
ing they have not defaulted on student loans.

Prater said the database project began compiling
student names and financial aid status last summer

Once the project is completed this summer Prater
said it will save transfer students sometimes four to
five weeks to process their aid applications.

Students transferring from Vi ester 1i Kentucky
University and renewing their federal aid here would

have to ask \VKU's financial aid office for transcripts,
Prater said. “\Ve can't disperse aid until we get those
transcripts," he said.

The bill still has a long way to travel on

for teachiii r, Prater said.
“That iliies‘n't sound like a lot, but you take a
dozen students here and a dozen students there, both
here and around the country, you have .i





(Iapitol Hill before the reductions are significant problem on your hands," be
approved. If it gets through the U.S. . said.
House, the bill travels to committees in the . VState Student Incentive (Irant.
US. Senate and there it is up for a vote by Londa \‘l'olaniri, the Kentucky Iligher
the full chamber, which then can be vetoed That 0716’ Education Assistance .‘\uIth}i11rity};s i‘hlilef
or a iroved b ' President (Ilinton. o ieratin ' officer, as sait t at t e 11 's
Srt)iident deernriient Association (iov- bothers “5’ and pioposalf‘to eliminate this $63.4 million
ernmental Affairs chairwoman Alison It really ought program would hurt about 1,000 Ken»
(Irabtree said last week she expects the to [701,397 tricky college students.
proposal to make it to the Senate. .rtudenti'. ” Vl)irect I ending T he bill would
As part ofa national lobbying effort for y eliminate $47 million of unused admin-
college students, she and other student D Id P i istrative funds from this program This
across the country are pushing lawmakers 1mg”! 42:; is the largest ofthe proposed c.uts
to rreduce the cuts. , , .. ‘. imdenrfinam'ialaid. \lthough UK is depending upon this
rater said losing the database system is program to deliver aid chu ks to students
one of several cuts that may have an impact next year, Prater said the cut would he

at UK. Here are $1 mic others he mentioned:
VDotiglas‘ Teachers Scholarship Program. The

proposed legislation would eliminate this program,

which provides about a dozen UK students awards

relatively harmless.

Assistant Vice (Ihancellor for .‘\dniinistration _Iiidy
Marshall said yesterday that these cuts are the result
of st iiiie surplus cash in the program.



iiiiirioiii Senate voting on
budget amendment today

\\'.\SI ll.\'(i'l I )\ l'uciiig likely defeat. Senate
RL-jirjliljiarjs set .1 sliriyyilliWii iiiit‘ liit' Ytiilay Uii {lit‘
balancedbudget amendment while vowing to revive
the issue at the height of the WW: election season if
it fails

.\Izljiii‘ity l.1‘.lil"i‘ litili Hide silaljil‘. itiaclsc'tl se\
ci'al Democrats opponents \c‘slr‘ldai for what be
c .‘lllttl .1“stuiiniiiir flipflop" on the me asurt similar to
one they suj ported .'ive.ir l"l1.()7litl( ()l’ senators
ciititi/e d Pie ‘ide ‘iit( liritoii s oppo ition

I)ole s decision to pri L(' ‘ed 1‘ 11b ivote today
two day s .llltl lit' abruptly pi istpoiicd II ..ime after
apparently nusutu‘ssiul attempts to rt‘a Ii .icompio
rinse with want-ring I)eiiiotr.u~- yiltoc‘ tull ciisure ifi‘
.llllt‘Iiylllthii' s passage Illu' Ilt'llili.l.l',‘< ‘.l‘..l the;
would support the measure only ii at spetifn'all‘.
spared Si-c'uil Security trust funds Iitiiil budget c'it

lIe co ii cded IliiI no \tlidttii s voti' l1.1.1 liecr.

I1 1..":',l End. (1212,: :li. .. l...:;:,. ' .1 2 11:.1111 deni
.piiie iit flit iiie isurc wt lilIi
two ilillilsli"tilt'ilf11!jiissi'i

\\ liilt saving lie rem. IlIlt‘I opt ti. ovt‘i"ii1ts from
De iiiotrats, I)IIIL added. ‘\\ ( lone all w. can ..


.ll “ilt‘ 1 1:1 slioi't of tlie

Court hears church-state controversy

\\"\SI ll,\'(1'ljl IN \ spirited Supreme ( ,oiir't
debate over public universities giving t.i\ money to
religious student groups showed clear divisions and
c‘lilil'i.‘li‘st.lfc‘ indecision .iiiioiig the rune justices yes

'I‘he court must decide w hctlicr' the University of
\ ir" [inia toiiiplied with the c.’oiistitutioiiill\ ic‘ijuired
scj) 11' itioii of 11111‘ 1 time tit and relinioii or singled out
.i stn.l.‘ iii 1un( liristiaii 111.111. i/iiie unfairly

Ill. 1111! yersity re‘fustd to «rive the iii.i