xt7bk35m9c32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bk35m9c32/data/mets.xml Dershem, Elsie. 1921  books b92-41-26783006 English World Company, : Lawrence, Kan. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. American literature Bibliography. Outline of American state literature  / by Elsie Dershem. text Outline of American state literature  / by Elsie Dershem. 1921 2002 true xt7bk35m9c32 section xt7bk35m9c32 





      Lawrence, Kansas

       All ngbts reserved

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ALABAMA .      .     ............ .t I(
ARIZONA .      .     ............ . 14
ARKANSAS.  . . ........... . 17
CALIFORNIA  .  . ....    .... . .  . 19
COLORADO .     ...2.5..... . 2v
CONNECTICUT .     .        . 27
DELAWARE . ...... . ....              32
FLORIDA    . .. . . 33
GEORGIA. .. .       . ..             35
IDAHO  . . ..............  38.
ILLINOIS. .         .39
INDIANA . .         .43
IOWA  . . .............. 46
KANSAS  . . ............. 50
KENTUCKY . .          .55
LOUISIANA . .         .59
MAINE .                              63
MARYLAND    . .  ........... 67
MICHIGAN  . . ............ 76
MINNESOTA   . .  ........... 78
MISSISSIPPI.  .  ........... 81
MISSOURI  .  .  ............ 83




..... . . . .. . . 87
...... . . . . .. . 90
..... . . . .. . . 94
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. .  .. . ....... ..123
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     For months past I have been working on the "State
Literature of the United States." I have written hun-
dreds of letters to Librarians, to University Professors, to
State Historical Societies, and to State Superintendents of
Public Instruction. I have met with some difficulties in
the obtaining of material, for even where bibliographies
and histories of literature exist, it is not always possible
to learn of them. I have been much surprised and am
very grateful for the interest manifested in the work and
for the readiness with which replies have been given to
letters and questionnaires.
     As far as I have been able to learn, there is no book
that treats of the literature of the different states.  It is
seldom even that the state as a unit is mentioned in a
text book on American literature. However, nearly all
of the states have authors who have written books about
their state literature and as the wealth of the material and
the number of authors in the state increase, so will the in-
terest in local and state literature tend to increase. I have
found my subject a very interesting one and hope that this
little outline may serve to direct attention toward Ameri-
can state literature.
     I have been very successful in obtaining material, es-
pecially so in regard to a list of authors, so that it has
been a difficult question to know what authors to name in
so short a list as I have been able to present. The over-
lappage of states also is a difficult question. I have given
no author a residence in a state unless he has been placed
there by some state authority. I have named, insofar as I



have been able, a representative work of each author
     It will be impossible for me to make an acknow-
ledgement of all the bibliographies and histories of liter-
ature used, as they include those in the Lawrence and
Topeka Libraries, besides many loans from libraries all
over the United States.    "Who's Who in America"
gives a bibliography of the living representative authors in
the United States. "The Library of Southern Litera-
ture," published by the Martin and Hoyt Company, At-
lanta, Georgia, in I913 and "Southern Literature," by
Louise Manly, published in 1895, give a bibliography for
the following Southern states: Alabama, Arkansas,
Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mis-
sissippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Calolina, Ten-
nessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.
    It will also be impossible for me to make an ac-
knowledgement of personal help received. I am grate-
ful for the courtesies shown me by the Librarians of the
Lawrence and the Topeka Libraries. I am indebted to
Professor E. M. Hopkins, and to Professor C. G. Dun-
lap, of the University of Kansas, for helpful ideas.  I
wish especially to acknowledge my indebtedness to Pro-
fessor Selden L. Whitcomb, of the University of Kan-
sas, for helping in the work throughout the year.
    Corrections and suggestions are earnestly invited and
will be thankfully received.
                           ELSIE DERSHEM,
                                      Baldwin, Kansas.



Elsie Dershem

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The State Unit in Literature and the Authors Who Have
    Been and Are Acknowledged Leaders in American
    The state as a unit in the literature of the United
States has not been given much prominence in the past
because nearly all of the principal authors have lived in
a few states in the East. Now all of the states have
been populated and have organized governments and are
forming a literature of their own.
    Each state has civil, historical and physical conditions
which affect its literature. The character of the inhabit-
ants of the state has an influence upon state literature.
Then, too, there are the writers themselves, especially the
principal ones who influence the total state literature
more or less. The state as a unit in literature is being
emphasized by the State Historical Societies that now
collect a copy of every book that is written by its state


Alcott, Louisa May,   1832-i888     Germantown, Pa.
                  "Little Women"
Austin, Jane G., 183i-1894           Worcester, Mass.
                   "Betty Alden"
Bacheller, Irving, I859-           Pierrepoint, N. Y.
                   "Eben Holden"
Brown, Charles Brockden, 177i-i810 Philadelphia, Pa.
Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-i878 Cummington, Mlass.



Burroughs, John, i837-            Roxbury, N. Y.
             "Locusts and Wild Honey"
Cable, George W. 1844- New Orleans, La., later Va.
 Cary, Alice, I820-1871 Miami Valley, Ohio, later N. Y.
               "Pictures of Memory"
Cary, Phoebe, 1824-I871 Miami Valley, Ohio, later N. Y.
                  "Nearer Home"
Churchill, Winston, I87I-           St. Louis, Mo.
                   "The Crisis"
Clemens, Samuel L. 1835-1910         Florida, Mo.
                  "Tom Sawyer"
Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-i85i Burlington, N. J.
           "The Leather Stocking Tales"
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., i8I5-I882 Cambridge, Mass.
           "Twaso Years Before the Mast"
Dixon, Thomas, i864-                 Shelby, N. C.
              "The Leopard's Spots"
Eggleston, Edward, i837-1902           Vevay, Ind.
            "The Hoosier Schoolmaster"
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, I803-i882     Boston, Mass.
                 "Concord Hymn"
Evans, Augusta, 1835-1909           Columbus, Ga.
                   Saint E lmo"
Field, Eugene, 1850-i895            St. Louis, Mo.
                 "Little Boy Blue"
Foster, Stephen Collins, 1826-i864    Pittsburgh, Pa.
              "Old Kentucky Home"
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-17S0 Boston, Mass., later Pa.
Freneau, Philip, 1752-i832 New York City, N. Y., later
                   New Jersey
Foote, Mary Halleck, i847-                 Milton
                "Coeur d' Alene"
Fox, John, Jr., i863-1919                Kentucky
        "Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come"



Hale, Edward Everett, i822-i909      Boston, Mass.
           "The Man Without a Country"
 Harris, Joel Chandler,  i848-i908   Eatonton, Ga.
                   "Uncle Remus"
Harte, Bret, i839-I902 Albany, N. Y., later California
            "The Luck of Roaring Camp"
 Hawthorne, Nathaniel,  I804-I864     Salem, Mass.
                "The Scarlet Letter"
Holland, J. G., 18i9-i88i       Belchertown, Mass.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, i809-i884 Cambridge, Mass.
             "The Chambered Nautilus"
Howe, Julia Whard, i8i9-i910       New York City
           "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Howells, William Dean, I837- Martin's Ferry, Ohio
            "The Rise of Silas Lapham"
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859      New York City
                "The Sketch Book"
Jackson, Helen Hunt, i83i-i885      Amherst, Mass.
                  later California
Jewett, Sarah Orne, I849-I909 South Berwick, Me.
                  "Deep Haven"
Johnston, Mary, I870-                Buchanan, Va.
              "To Have and to Hold"
Key, Francis Scott, 1780-1843      BRalimore. Md.
              "Star Spangled Banner"
Lanier, Sidney, i842-i88i              Macon, Ga.
              "The Marshes of Glynn"
Larcom, Lucy, i826-i893       Beverly Foms, Mas,.
             "Outlined from Memory"
London, Jack, i876-            San Francisco, Calif.
              "The Call of the Wild"
Longfellow,Henrv WVadsworth, I807-1882 Portla nd,AI e.
             "The Song of Hiawatha"
Lowell, James Russell, i8i9-i89i Cambridge, Mass.
           "The Vision of Sir Launfal"




Markham, Edwin, i852 Oregon City, later New York
             "The Man with the Hoe"
McCutcheon, Geo. Barr,                     Indiana
              "Beverly of Graustark"
Miller, H. C.,('Joaquin") i841-       Indiana later
               "Songs of the Desert"
O'Hara, Theodore, i820-i867          Danzville, Ky.
            "The Bivouac of the Dead"
Payne, John Howard, 1792-i852      New York City
                "Home Sweet Home"
Poe, Edgar Allan, i809-i849    Boston, Mass., later
                     "V'irg inia"
                   "The Raven"
Porter, Sydney, ("O. Henry") i867-i9i0 Greensboro,
                N. C., later Texas
                "The Four Million"
Rice, Alice Hegan, i870-            Shelbyville, Ky.
        "MIrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"
Riley, James Whitcomb, 1853-i9i6   Greenfield, Ind.
              "Little Orphant Annie"
Roe, Edward Payson,i838-1888  New Windsor, N. Y.
              "Barriers Burned Awvay"
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-i919     New York City
               "The Rough Riders"
Sangster, Mlargaret, 1838-1917  Neu Rochelle, N. Y.
             "Poems of the Household"
Smith, Samuel F., i808-i895          Boston, Mass.
Stowe, Hariiet Beecher, i 8i I-I 896 Litchfield later Ohio
               "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Tarkington, Newton Booth, i869-   Indianapolis, Ind.
          "The Gentleman from Indiana"
Taylor, Bayard, i825-i878      Kenneth Square, Pa.
               "The Bedouin Song"
Thompson, Maurice, i844-I901         Fairfield, Ind.
             "Alice of Old Vincennes"




Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-i862       Concord, Mass.
Van Dyke, Henry, i852-           Germantown, Pa.
                 "The Builders"
Wallace, Lew, i827-1905           Brookville, Ind.
                   "Ben Hur"
Wescott, Edward Noyes, i847-I898     Syracuse, N. Y.
                 "David Harum"
Wiggin, Kate Douglas, i857-       Philadelphia, Pa.
          "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm"
Wilcox, Ella VWheeler, i855- Johnstown Center, Wis.
                "Poems of Passion"
Wharton, Edith, 1862-             New York City
              "The House of Mirth"
White, Stewart Edward, i873- Grand Rapids, Mich.
               "The Blazed Trail"
Whitman, Walt, I8i9-I892       Long Island, N. Y.
                "Leaves of Grass"
Whittier, John Greenleaf, i807-i892   East Haverhill
   -Selected from Histories of American Literature.



An Outline of American State Literature

 Bibliographies and Histories of Literature.
    "Alabama Women in Literature." Mary Lafayette
Robbins, 1895.
    "Annals of Alabama." Report of American His-
torical Association, x897.
    "Library of Southern Literature."
    "Literary History of Alabama." Owen's edition of
Pickett's edition of "The History of Alabama."
                LIST OF AUTHORS.
Baldwin, Joseph G.,                      Humorist.
      "The Flush Times of Alabama and
      Mississippi, 1853."
Bellamy, MIrs. Elizabeth W.,              Novelist
                 "Kamba Thorpe"
Bradley, Thomas Bibb,                         Poet
Brewer, Willis,                           Novelist
           "Children of Issachar, 1848."
Caller, Miss Mary Alice,              Critic Writer
       "Literary Guide for Home and School"
Chandron, Lewis De V.,                       Poet
            "Madam Le Marquis, I892"
Chandron, Mrs. Adelaide De Vendel,
        "Translation of Muhlbach's Joseph II
      and His Court."
Chilton, W P. Jr,                             Poet
           "Mansion of the Skies, i875"
Clayton, Mrs. Vir. V.,                Critic Writer
      "White and Black Under the Old Regime"



Clemens, Jeremiah,                        Novelist
                "Bernard Lile, 1856"
Cole, Mrs. Alice Brownlee,                Novelist
                 "Affinities, I 89o"
Creswell, Mrs. Julia Pleasant,            Novelist
                  "Aphelia, I854"
Creuse, Mrs. Mary Ann,                    Novelist
               "Cameron Hall, 1867"
Cummings, Miss Kate,                 Critic Writer
      "Journal of Hospital Life in the Confed-
      erate Army of Tennessee."
Davis, Margaret O'Brien,                  Novelist
          "Judith the Daughter of Judas."
De Leon, T. C.,
                "Crag-Nest, 1897."
Dozier, Dr. Orion T.,                        Poet
       "Foibles of Fancy and Rhymes of the
                  "Times, 1894."
Flash, H. L.,                                Poet
                  "Poems, i86o"
Hamilton, Peter J.,
         "Rambles in Historic Lands, i893"
Harrison, Mrs. Belle Richardson,
Hentz, Mrs. Caroline Lee,
                 "De Lara, i843"
Herbert, Miss Leila,                  Critic Writer
          "Homes of the First Americans"
Hilliard, Henry W.,                       Novelist
                 "De Vane, i884"
Hooper, Johnson James,
            "Simon Suggs' Adventures"
Johnson, Miss Mary,                       Novelist
              "To Have and to Hold"
Kyle, Miss Ruby Beryl
                 "Paul St. Paul"




Lentz, Mrs. Caroline.
        "The Planter's Northern Bride, 1883"
Le Vert, Octavia Walton,         Writer of Travel
               "Souvenirs of Travel"
Lloyd, Francis B.,                      Humorist
                "Rufus Saunders"
Loveman, Robert,                            Poet
                 "Poems, 1897."
Lyon, Miss Anna Bogeman,                    Poet
                "No Saint, x8go"
Magness, Edgar,                  Writer of Iravel
          "Tramp Tales of Europe, 1895"
Manly, Miss Louise,                    Biographer
              "Southern Literature"
Maxwell, Thomas,                            Poet
            "King Bee's Dream, 1875"
McConnell, Andrew M.,
             "Echoes from the Heart"
Meek, Alexander B.,
          "Songs and Poems of the South"
Oliver, Dr. S. C.,                       Novelist
Oliver, J. M.,                              Poet
            "Battle of Franklin, 1870"
Peck, Samuel Minturn,                       Poet
             "Cap and Bells, i886."
Requier, A. J.,                             Poet
                 "Poems, X86o."
Robertson, Samuel L.,                       Poet
                  "Dora, 1894."
Richardson, W. C.,                          Poet
           "Gasper a Romaunt, 1873."
Robbins, Mary Lafayette,               Biographer
           "Alabama Women in Literature"
Swain, Miss M. P.,                       Novelist
             "A Romance of the War"



Weedon, Miss Howard,                            Poet
            "Shadows on the Wall, i899."
 Whittle, Rev. W. A.,
                "Baptist Abroad, 1890"
 Wilson, Mrs. Augusta (Evans)
                      "St. Elmo"
   -Selected from "Literary History of Alabama."
 Treatment of the State in American Literature.
     "The history of Alabama embraces a large number
of writers and authors. Many of these have possessed
marked individuality and their lives and labors have re-
flected honor upon the state. Their work has been of a
high class and includes every department of literature,-
poetry, fiction, history, law, and science."-Owen's edi-
tion of Pickett's "History of Alabama."
Notes on State Literature.
     Alabama became a state during the period of the great
western expansion of the United States. With prosperity
came an increased activity in literature, especially through
the agency of the press. Probably the first literary pro-
duction of the state was a little book of poems by Wil-
liam R. Smith. Mirs. Caroline Lee Hentz was the first
writer of fiction. M\Irs. Augusta Evans and Miss MIary
Johnston are probably the two best known authors of
Alabama. Mrs. Evans' works have been translated into
French and German and an Alabama writer says of Miss
Johnston, "As a writer of fiction, she has achieved the
most remarkable literary success yet known to Southern
    -Notes from Literary History of Alabama."
      Thomas NV. Owen, Carrolton.




Use in State Schools.
     "No text book containing exclusively the work of
Alabamrna authors is studied in the schools of Alabama.
Some local authors and their -,works are presented to the
children through the initiative of wide-awake teachers."-
Willi am F. Fearin, State Superintendent of Education.

Bibliographies and Histories of Literature.
    "Arizona Historia," i909-i9iJ, has a bibliography of
-ll manuscripts and books in the Historical Collection.
The Southwest Museum in Los Angeles, Calif., publishes
a "Bibliography of Arizona." Price 3.50.
                 LIST OF AUTHORS.
Adams, Emma Hildreth.
        "Digging the Top Off"-Snort Stories.
Boudelier, A. T.,
  "The Delight Maklers,"-Story of Cliff Dwellers.
Bell, WV. A.,
           "Brigham's Destroying Angels."
Burdick, Arthur C.,
             "The Mystic Mid-Region."
Brown, James Cabell,
Boss, William,
      "Rhymes and Jingles of the Grand Canon."
Chandler. Katherine,
       "In the Reign cof the Coyote,"-Juvenile.
Conchling, Edward,
                "Picturesque Arizona"
Curtis, William E.,
     "Children of the Sun,"-Zuni Indian Notes.




Clifford, Josephine,
     "Overland Tales,"-Stories of Early Arizona.
Cones, Elliott,
        "Birds of the Colorado River Valley."
Fitch, Thomas and Anna.
             "Better Davs,"-A Novel.
Gray, Zane,
         "Heritage of the Desert,"-A Novel.
Gilman, Benjamin I.,
                  "Hopi Songs"
Hall, Sharlot M.,
           "Cactus and Pine,"-A Poem.
Henty, G. W.,
"In the Hands of the Cave Dwellers,"-Juvenile fiction.
Houghton, Emerson,
            "The Story of the Outlaw."
Hopkins, Jeune,
        "The Mysterious Hunter,"-A Story.
Jayne, Lieut. J. H.,
        "Through Apache Land,"-Juvenile.
James, George Wharton.
          "The Grand Canon of Arizona."
Jackson, Helen Hunt,
            "A Century of Dishonci."
Lomax, Prof. John,
    "Cowboy Songs"-(Collected and Compiled).
Ladd, Horatio O.,
        "Clumda,"-A Story of the Navajo.
Lummis, Charles F.,
         "The Gold Fish of Gran Chimu."
Mathews, WVashington,
                "Navajo Legends."
McGeeney, P.,
     "Down at Steen's Pass,"-Juvenile Fiction.
Poston, Charles D.,
             "Apache Land,"-A Poem.

I 5



Pierce, Lucie F.,
      "The White Devil of the Verde,"-Fiction.
Ryan, Marah Ellis,
           "Indian Love Letters,"-Fiction.
Reed, Verner, Z.
Robinson, W. H.,
            "The Man From Yesterdav."
-Selected From "The Arizona Historia'
Treatment of the State in American Literature.
    James H. Mc Clintock, of Phoenix, says: "Arizona is
a new land in the breeding of authors, though much has
been written of her by outsiders, who should be credited
to their homes, in every land under the sun. Arizona has
many features peculiar to herself and of them tons of
manuscripts have been written. But in all this she has
developed no really distinctive literature within  her-
Notes on State Literature.
    The best literary work in Arizona is being done in
the women's clubs which are found in every settlement,
however small.  Some of her best known poets are:
Sharlot Hall, Harrison Conrad, and Andrew Dowing.
Some of her other best native authors are: De Long and
Bourke, historians; Robinson, fiction writer; Poston, the
poet; and Kunze author of "Cactus and Flora"-Notes
from "Arizonia Historia."
    Merrill Freeman, Tucson.
    Sharlot M. Hall, Dewey.
    Col. J. H. McClintock, Phoenix.
    Dr. J. A. 'Munk, Los Angeles, Calif.



 Use in State Schools.
     "Arizona uses her literature in her schools for special
 Day Programs."-C. 0. Case, State Superintendent.

Bibliographies and Histories of Literature.
    "Some Living Arkansas Writers." Report of Ar-
kansas Historical Society, Volume I.
                 LIST OF AUTHORS.
Allen, Mrs. Richard,                        Helena
              "Methodist Publications"
Alexander, Rev. Samuel Caldwell,        Pine Bluff
              "The Gospel in Genesis"
Babcock, Mrs. Bernice,       Ohio, later Little Rock
          "The Daughter of a Republican"
Baxter, Wmi.,                         English, Jrk.
                   "War Lyrics"
Butler, Laura Winfield S.,                 Antoine
               "My Black Mammy"
Cappleman, Mrs. Josie F.,   Kentucky, later Lftte Rock
French, Alice (Octave Thanet)          Clover Bend
Godby, Rev. J. E.           Kentucky, later Arkansas
      "Light in Darkness, or Missions and Mis-
                  sionary Heroes"
Harrell, J. M., North Carolina, later Hot Springs, Ark.
           "Confederate Military History"
Harvey, William Hope,                      Virginia
               "Character Building"
Hempstead, Fay,                         Little Rock
                "Random Arrows"




James, Mrs. Sue L.,                    Calvert Place
        (Poet of the Arkansas Press Association)
          "The Old Plantation in Arkansas"
Loughborough, Mrs. Mary W.
            "My Cave Life in Vicksburg"
Alaffit, John Newland,
Messenger, Mrs. Lillian Rozelle,
Morgan, Tom. P., author                     Rogers
Reed, "Opie,"               Tennessee, later Arkansas
            (Editor of Arkansas Traveler)
                "The Carpet-Bagger"
Scott, Jeanne McLean,       Tennessee, later Arkansas
                "i\Iagnolia Blossoms"
Stuart, Mrs. Ruth McEnery,  Louisiana, later Arkansas
               "The River's Children"
Turrentine, Mrs Mary E.,       Jrkansas, later Texas
               "To a Mocking Bird"
Weimar, Mrs. Alice C., . Maine, later Hot Springs, Ark.
       "Where are Vineland and Norumbega"
-Selected from "Historical Collections" and "Librar-
ies of Southern Literature."
Notes on State Literature.
    Arkansan literature contains much interesting ma-
terial about the Indians and the early travels of De Soto.
For twenty years Colonel Noland was a contributor to
every leading newspaper in Arkansas and to the greater
papers of St. Louis. He wrote under the non de plume
of "Pete Whetstone" for the New York "Spirit of the
Times" under the caption of "Scenes and Characters in
Arkansas."  Alice French ("Octave Thanet,") while
not a resident of Arkansas, still spends some time there
each year and about a third of her literary work has been
prepared in her home near Clover Bend. Her "Knitters



of the Sun" and "Expiation" are Arkansas stories-Notes
from Historical Collections.
     Mfr. Clio Harper, Little Rock.
Use in State Schools.
     "There is no compilation of Arkansan literature
which is used in the public schools. The nearest approach
to this is "I\Iakers of Arkansas History," by Dr. J. H.
Reynolds, who is now President of Hendrix College, at
Conway, Arkansas." George B. Cook, Superintendent
Department of Education.
Bibliographies and Histories of Literature.
    "California Authors," T. H. Walles.
    "California Writers and Literature," Lemoke.
    "Early California Literature," H. H. Bancroft.
    "Fiction in the State Library Having a California
Coloring." A bibliography compiled by the California
State Library at Sacramento.
    "Influence of the Climate of California upon Its
Literature." Edwin Markham.
    "Literature and the Effect of California's Isolation
Upon It."  "Out West," January, 19l3.
    "Souvenir of California Poems." Mrs. M. J. Mee-
    "Story of the Files." George Wharton James.
                 LIST OF AUTHORS.

"The Hate Breeders"


Aiken, Ednah,

San Francisco



Alden, Isabella M.,                     Palo Alto
               "The Prince of Peace"
Angellotti, Marion Polk,               San Rafael
              "The Fire Fly of France"
Baniford, Mary Ellen,                East Oakland
     "Ti, A Story of San Francisco's China Town"
Barry, Richard,                         Mourovia
                   "The Bauble"
Bashford, Herbert,                   San Francisco
            "The Woman He Married"
Baum, Lyman Frank,                     Hollywood
               "The Daring Twins"
Beach, Rex,                        Lake Hopatcong
                  "The Spoilers"
Bedford, James Henry,               Santa Barbara
                 "James O'Brien"
Billings, Edward E.,                  San Gabriel
              "At the Eleventh Hour"
Brooks, Fred, Emerson,               San Francisco
              "The Land of Arcadie"
Buel, James W.,                         San Diego
              "Legends of the Ozarks"
Carlsen, Carl L.,                    San Francisco
             "The Taming of Calinga"
Carr, Sarah P.,                       Los Angeles
                "Billy To-Morrow"
Charles, Frances,                    San Francisco
            "Pardner of Blossom Range"
Cheney, John V.,                        San Diego
               "The Time of Roses"
Cheney, Warren,                           Berkeley
              "The Flight of Hellen"
Comfort, Will Livingston,            Santa Monica
            "Fate Knocks at the Door"
Coolbrith, Ina Donna,                San Francisco
                 "A Perfect Day"
Coolidge, Dane,                           Berkeley
               "The Fighting Fool"



Cooney, Percival John,                 Los Angeles
               "Dan of the Old Pueblo"
 Crandall, Charles Henry,                 Stamford
                "The Chords of Life"
 Cuetter, Mrs. McCroe,                   El Modena
               "A Prodigal Daughter"
 Daggett, Mary Stewart,                    Pasadena
                  "The Broad Isle"
 Dix, Beulah Vlarie,                     Hollywood
               "A Little Captive Lad"
Dunn, Joseph Allen,                  San Francisco
                 "Yosemite Legends"
Eastland, Florence Martin,             Long Beach
             "TMatt of the Water Front"
Eberhart, Nelle Richmond,               Hollywood
              "Idyls of the South Sea"
Foote, Mary Hallock,                  Grass Valley
        "A Touch of Sun and Other Stories"
Gilman, Dorothy F.,                      Palo Alto
              "The Bloom of Youth"
Gregory, Jackson,                         Berkeiey
                "The Short Cut"
Grinnell, Elizabeth,                      Pasadena
             "Gold Hunting in Alaska"
Hamby, William H.,                      San Diego
              "Getting and Holding"
Harriman, Alice,                       Los Angeles
        "Chaperoning Andrienne Through the
                  Yellow Stone"
Hart, Jerome Alfred,                 San Francisco
               "A Vigilante Girl!"
Hilliard, John N.                          Carmel
              "Underneath the Bough"
Hopper, James M.,                          Carmel
          "What Happened in the Night"
Howard, Clifford,                      Los Angeles




Hunting, Gardner,                      Los Angeles
               "A Hand in the Game"
Jeffers, Robinson,                          Carmel
Johnston, Elizabeth Winthrope,            Pasadena
                "Two Loyal Lovers"
Josaphare, Lionel,                    San Francisco
               "Turquoise and Iron"
Keeler, Charles A.,                        Berkeley
                   "The Victory"
Knibbs, Horace H.,                     Los J fncles
               "Songs of the Outlaws"
Knox, Jesse J.,                            Oakland
            "In the House of the Tiger"
Lawenberg, Bettie,                    San Francisco
                "A Nation's Crime"
Lichtenstein, Joy,                    San Francisco
            "For the Blue and the Gold"
Longhead, Flora Haines,              Santa Barbara
               "The Black Curtain"
Lummis, Charles F.                     Los Angeles
                "Birch Bark Poems"
Mac Gowan, Alice,                           Carmel
           "The Sword in the Mountains"
Mason, Alice Startwell,                     Carmel
              "Lickey and His Gang"
McCracken, Josephine,                   Santa Cruz
                 "Another Juanita"
McGroarty, John Stephen                 San Gabriel
               "The Mission Play"
Mleyer, George Homer,                     Alameda
Michelson, Miriam,                    San Francisco
             "Michael Thwaite's Wife"
Miller, Olive T.,                      Los Angeles
           "What Happened to Barbara"
Mora, Joseph,                         San Francisco
             "Andersen's Fairy Tales"



Older, Cora M.,                       San Fransisco
                  "Esther Damon"
Perry, Stella G. S.,                  San Francisco
Pierce, Grace Adele,                  Santa Monica
       "The Silver Cord and the Golden Bowl"
Porter, Verne H.,                      Culver City
          "George M. Cohan's Own Story"
Rideout, Henry M.,                       San Salito
                   "The Far Cry"
Runkle, Bertha,                       San Francisco
                "The Scarlet Rider"
Sabin, Eldridge Hosmer,                 Chula Vista
                  "Prince Trixie"
Sanuders, Charles F.,                     Pasadena
               "In a Poppy Garden"
Schwartz, Julia Augusta,                  La Jolla
       "When Jean and I Were Sophomores"
Sinclair, Upton,                          Pasadena
                "Silvia's Marriage"
Sinclair, Bertha M.,