1457 Hughes .0}: like Ilnilfiiiifil Em 11.1.71. “Janeen: 1.2. .Lfiflo have a number of letters of commendation from his superiors in the Armed Forces and he is now successfully pursuing studies at Eastern. This petition is concurred in by the Test- ing Bureau and by the Lniversity Registraro Respectfully submitted, Earl P. Slone, Dean Dean Spivey asked the University Faculty to approve the expansion of Metallurgical Engineering 209 and Mining Engineering 209 to Metc Engr. 209a,b and Min. Engr. 209a,b. He explained that this change had been aphroved by the Graduate Faculty last year but that in some way it had been overlooked in material presented to the University Faculty. The Faculty adjourned at 5:00 p.m. i / / 1‘ “ l / 1/, /p ,,/ I,“ [c L (\ ‘ I (Al/7’ . Charles F. Elton! Secretary / - / ,(‘ .Lmitas. of. Lhe Enivleraifl Regalia. .1.“ hr" @221 9.. 1.5252 fb—I The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday, February 9, at #:00 n.m. President Dickey presided. Members absent were: A. D. Albright, L, L° Boyarsky, George B, Byers, Leo M. Chamberlain, Bernard Fitzgerald, Lyman V. Ginger*, Maurice A. Hatch, W. A. Heinz, Don R. Jacobson, Abby L, Marlatt‘, Lo L. Martin, H, F, Massey, Pete Perlman, Frank D. Peterson, G. W. Schneider9 D. G. Steele, Lawrence Thompson‘, William R. Willard, and Kenneth B, Wright. The minutes of January 12 were read and approved.