xt7bnz80p584 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bnz80p584/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1995 1995 1995-09-29 2020 true xt7bnz80p584 section xt7bnz80p584   








By Jeff Vinson
Senior Staff ll 'i'itt'l'

Doctors 11nd nurses scurried around the emergeir
cy rootn. Patients received treatment. lt looked like a
typical day at the L'K Chandler Medical Center ~—
until the director said, “Cut."

:\ ()1 l teattt i111aded the medical center yesterda1
armed with cameras, boom mikes, make-up 11nd
props. The crew did not arrive to save lives. They
were here to do some shooting.

The “Rescue 91]" television field production crew
wrapped 11p a week's worth of taping for 11 segtnent
on 11 Kentucky man that will air later this season.

()11 lune 4, police officer Brad Oaks and his
fiancee Priscilla Kenned1, went off roading in 11
dune buggy in their hometo11 11 of Stanford K1.

\\ hile dri1ing up a hill the vehicle s brake line
broke. \\ ith no brakes, the1 careened down the hill
11nd crashed.

Neither ()aks nor Kennedy were strapped

()aks broke his neck in two place 11nd his collar
bone. Kenned1 dislocated her hip and broke her leg.
Kenned1 1111s still inside the buggy, f1ding 111 and out
of consciousness while an unconscious ()aks 1111
about (10 feet from the vehicle.

I he rescue team arr11 ed within minutes after
receiving 11 call from 11 yotmg man passing by.

“They packaged 11s 11p and carried 11s out about 11
half mile to the ambulance over rough terrain," said
Oaks, based on what people told hiln.

Show recreates UK emergency visit

The two were airlifted front .1 local hospital to the
L'K Chandler Medical Center. Doctors feared the

()aks‘ iniuries 11ere life— threatening. Hut,
d'11s later he left the hospital.

()aks famil1 said doctors g11L him .1 :11 51) L'l11'nLe
of li1ing. l’aral1sis and brain damage 11e1L also m.l|t)l
concerns. Nurse A1111 Rogers explained that ()aks
had broken bones in his neck attd that 111 most cases
the bones shear the spinal cord causing paralysis.
“Superman" star Christopher Reeves broke bones in
11 similar area she s1.1id

\ma/ingl1 ()aks did not have surgery Doctors
attached 11 halo de1ise to his head to keep his spine in
perfect alignment. lhe1 s111 it is 11 miraLlL that he
recovered so soon.

()11 \\'ednesday that same week ()aks‘ doctor told
him if he could get 11p and 11" 11lk he could go home.

"l said \\ ell help me 11p ()1ks said.

lt is this miraculous teLo1L'r1' 11nd amaling rescue
that attracted “Rescue ()1 1."

Susan Marcinkus, the associate segment producer
for the show, said the circumstances surrotmding the
accident made them decide to send the crew to Kenv
tticky. The show found otit what happened from

“ .\fter I found out e1 er11hing that happened about
the guys packing me 11nd her both out, 1111sclf not
being too small lknew the1' h1 1d 11 real hard time car»
r1ing tne out 11nd went to 11 lot of tr-oublL" ()aks said.
“l thought the1 deserved the recognition.

’Lhe crew went to Stanford earlier this week 11nd


mm Sunny and uwrm
today, high around All); clear
tonig/Jt, lot." in mid— 501',- mostly
tun/11' tomorrow, big/J ofh’l).

met“ l 'l\' will lie flyingfin‘ it.1' tltinl
t'on.1'e1'nti:1' :1 in Ii'ltt‘ll No. l i

[anvil/gran tomorrow. Story, page )

.liili/n'n t'ixitx


PHOTOS BY YfBlEN THAM I11 I'Hel 11.111

EMERGENCY .llt‘lllllt‘l'x oft/1e Rescue 9/ I tv'ttu'film

.1t'g/IIt'i/r.1jin' nn upcoming program.

rercreatcd the crash and rescue. ()aks said that
watching them tape the scene didn’t affect hint that
much. He added that it was interesting to watch
them revL'reate the crash again 11nd again until it was

finally after days of shooting. the crew wrapped
tip the program by taping the emergency room 11nd
intensive care rootn scenes at L'K.

In one scene. some of LiK’s nurses 11nd emergency

See 911 on 4


lexington tan makes earliest
appearance ill Madness line

By Jason Dattilo
S/Iom l'alitor

so he can attend the L'K-Auburn game.
L'nlike the Vallandingham family, who


Midnight Madness‘is still 16 days away.
btit one local basketball fan already has
staked out his place in line.

\\'ally Clark, 45, arrived at Memorial
Coliseum \Lednesday around 5 p.111.,
becoming the first Big Blue basketball
fanatic to line tip for the annual practice.

The Lexington resident simply parked
his gray Chevy van at 11 nearby parking
meter, gathered his lawn chair and sleeping
bag and started counting down the days
until Oct. 15, the day the UK basketball
team officially kicks offits season.

\ lifelong \Vildcat fan Clark suffered a
stroke five years ago that left him partiall1
disabled. L nable to work, he spends much
of each day sitting around his home.

“'It s something to do with my time while
the weather s still niLe," said Clark, who
was wearing a 'l'—shirt commemorating L K's
three consecutive Southeastern Conference
Tournament titles. “If I'm going to be sit—
ting around, I tnay 11s well be sitting here."

The plan is for a member ofClark's fam-
ily to relieve him for an hour each day so
Clark can return home and take a shower.

“Now if I didn't have 11 shower every
day, that would upset me real had." said
Clark, who also is looking for 11 substitute

have been first in line for the midnight
practice almost every year since 198‘).
Clark does not have a tent to protect him-
self from inclement weather conditions.

He might be tentless. But Clark, 11 for~
mer Marine who spent time in Vietnam.
said the elements don't concern him.

“lf 1ou catch 11 cold you ll get o1er it,
C lark said. ldon t worry about that."

A lifelong \"ildeat fan, he still remem—
bers sneaking into football games during
his youth b1 climbing over fences at the old
.Stoll l ield. C lark got to talk over the good
old days with longtime UK equipment
manager Bill Keightlcy, who stopped by for

“\Vhen it gets to sports, I 111 Kentucky
all thew way, nothing btit Blue," Clark said.

As far the Vallandinghams, they wel—
come the competition.

Robert Vallandingham said the reason
his family started the tradition of arriving
early was to ptit sortie spirit back into a pro-
gram saddled by NCAA probation.

“\\'e felt we‘ve accomplished what we've
set otit to do," Robert said by phone yester—
day from his home in Smithland, Ky. “\\'e
weren‘t really trying to be first this year.
“'6 just wanted to come down and camp
out and enjoy the social life."




IA" IMTOI ’10er mt?

"All“ a.“ H ill/y Clark 1mm in get a chance to cbrer on the H'ildmtx.



September 29, I 995

“If t".I\loII\ 2

SIM/It 3

o ( lilulfml1

Z (jam/t 8

(.I'u.1\'.:'rn ll 7






l It “April/I! 6


moving ahead
on loan CHIS

By Stephen Trimhle

Senior Staff l l inter


lhe L .S Se"1LtLt 1r1 of l duc'. ition 1Lster 11 critv
ici/ed Republic .111 proposals that would cut i1earl1
$1 1 billion from thL fedeial student loan progr 11111.
“.(ongress ought to bL'11oiking to increase
aLLess to .1 Lollege eduL11t1on sechtar1 of thL
L. S. Department of L duL ation l\lLll.lItl Rile1 said.
“lhe 11111iorit1 in Congress is going in the
opposite direLtion ,_ the 11 rong direction Riley
said. '
Deput1 Secretar1 \l1 ideleinL Kunin Lotnptred
the cuts on student loans to Ross Perot s famous

attack on .\.\I l.\.

“I think if you listen


closely there is .1 stiLk—
ing sound to be heard,
11nd it’s money being
sucked ottt of the pockets
ofstudents," Kunin said.

Riley, Kunin 11nd mitt-r listen close
leaders of the education there :54
department blasted the MM" sound
proposals during a tele- t0 begeard
conference with college . , ’
newspaper reporters 1'es~ and. ”57mm”
man), bemg sucked

Sen. Mttchell out oftbe

McConnell, .1 Kentucky
Republican. did not offer
either his or his party's

pocket: of
students. ”

stance oti the bills last V
night. Madololno Kunln
The House l‘iconomic deputymretmyof
11nd l'iducational ()ppor— U-S- Dept. of
ttittities Committee yes- Education



terday approved a bill by
party line that scraps the
Direct Lending program entirely.

()11 Tuesday, the Senate Labor 11nd Human
Resources Committee appro1ed .1 bill 8-7, also
along part1 lines that includes proposals that only
cap thL DireLt l L11di111.l program 11nd makes insti—
tutions p111 .1 .85 percent fee on all of their federal

lhe deeral student loan program pro1ided
about Slfs’ billion to about fotir million students
last 1ear.

The full bodies of the House and Senate have
not voted on either of the bills nor have the1
reaLhed President Bill( linton who has vowed to
veto them.

Lach bill contains about $10.8 billion in cuts
from federal student loans, btit they vary in their


See FEDERAL on 8


".8. government
shutdown out on hold

\\';\Slll.\'(i'L().\V Moving with lightning
speed, the House approved 11 bipartisan accord
yesterday that would stave off 11
government shutdown for six
weeks while parties continue tus—
sling over the budget.

I 1111'11111kers faLed 11 deadline of
Sunda1 m the first d 11 of fiscal
1006 -— to Lomplete tlie stopgap
mL asure l' ailtire mL ant facing the
politically embarrassing s'1'1eLt1'1Lle
of seeing thousands of deeral cnnmn
workers sLnt home beL 111m of

Clinton was prepared to sign it into law.

Cochran: ‘do the rlght thlng'

L( )S .~\.\'(}l’.l.l".S m In 11 thundering summation
that rocked the court,_]ohnnie Cochranjr.
exhorted 0.]. Simpson‘s mostlv black fury ’Lhurs~
day to “do the right thing" and acquit Simpson as
11 message against racism 11nd police Ittisconduct.


In the fe1ercd st1le of 11 rc1i1' al prcacrhc
C oLhran i111oked bibliLal texts. referred to tw<1 ke1
deteLt'i1es as “the twin de1ils of dec"eption and
told the spellbound lurors that fate had given them
11 chance to change history.


Bolton say: ham ‘drouod' around

l \S \'L(i \S —* Golfer Chi Chi RodrigueI has
settled his lawsuit over use of his name by a drag
queen in the mo11e“lo Mong loo [banks for
Everything. Julie .\ewmar."

Terms of the settlement were not disclosed.
Both sides wouldn't comment.

The 5—9 year— —old Rodriguez sued the producers
two weeks ago, saying use of his name by actor
lohn l eguizamo damaged his reputation.

(.ompiledfrmn u ire rrporrx.




2 Friday, September 29, I 995, Kenmkv Kernel

sun-nun; an.“ 9‘“ lacuna... ”a". . m... ,. . _ ..




Shallow brings deep guitar sound to town

Sunday night

Show ZS till—ages
By Robert Dotty

Airimlm .‘lm‘ [illum-

Once upon a time in Kansas
City there lived two l-l—year-olds
named Jason Shields and Ryan

esting: girls He found a young
lady naiiiedjulie married her and
a few years later met a drummer
named Stephen Kretsinger.

The four of them developed a
strung friendship and created
Shallow, which will be tearing up
the \Vrocklage this Sunday at 7
pm. in support of their debut
album, “3-D Stereo Trouble."

a drug—

uncomfortable circumstances can
get you into 5-D stereo trouble.‘
\Ve didn't know what the hell it

asked to headline the “Lab Stage”
for the remaining six weeks of the
tour based on their music, not on


meant, but we thought
it was the funniest
thing we ever read.“
Fiona Bloom, press
agent for Zero Hour
Records, described
Shallow's music as
“spacy, tasteful, chann—


their name. For a vir-
tually unknown band
to headline the second
stage in cities like
New York and Los
Angeles was a fantastic

The band’s signa-




















200 Bolivar St. At South Hill Station

The Reef

$1 Margaritas and
Tequllla shots





apparent heir to their
underground thrones



Smite Your};

and distortion.

In songs like “The



as king and queen of all
that is weird in music.

\’\'ith Sonic Youth's new
album, ”tubing Afar/tine, the
group has calmed down a bit. It
doesn’t rock quite as hard as on
earlier attempts, but the album is
a prime example ofindustrial art.






September 25 - 30







Monday, Sept. 25

Rise and Shine for United Way - Individual departments kick off the
week with coffee and donuts.


wishing well.

Tuesday, Sept. 26

@CUIty Club Day for United Way - Free continental breakfast for all UK
employees at the Faculty Club from 7 to 10 am. Make a donation in the


Wednesday, Sept. 27
Silent AthiQI — Phone in your bid to 323-9747 from 9 am. to 2 pm.


Thursday, Sept. 28

[.3211an Campus Fall Festival— Come by the Student Center Patio
between 11 am. and 2 pm. to enjoy food, entertainment and the Jail Bail.


Friday, Sept. 29
SQQflin' Blue er Lin/ted way- Purchase your sportin' the blue sticker for

$2 and get a free medium drink at Campus Food Service locations.


Saturday, Sept.
QK VS. Auburn - Listen for PA announcements

and radio interviews throughout the game
promoting the UK/United Way campaign.




Domigdommm... S; @265}



Diamond Sea," Sonic
Youth reaches a level of musi—
cianship that exceeds their other
attempts. But if you are a senti-
mentalist like me, you will miss
those great boot in- y-our face
riffs and beats of the old Sonic


15. Morella’s Forest - Super

16. Chemical Brothers - Exit
Planet Dust

18. Karl Hendricks Trio . Some
Girls Like Cigarettes

19. Karma to Burn 10" -
to Burn 10"

20. Various Artists - 500 Miles to












Sandbar & Grille
and mg (Rajneel-Glen-Safe)

Back by Popular Demand!

“timid in the Sand”

From Cincinnati

The Menus!

Summer Beach Blowout


Oysters on 1/2 shell -— Boiled Crawflsh —
-— Suck the Head — Eat the Tail! —

SATURDAY Sept 30!!!
$4.00 Cover




. .» .wewewwm‘*mmvmm_.~, . .


din "i

. Newton. Jason and Ryan were . .“VVC’TC “0‘ (“NY . . . , _ l
considered a [m (m the strange infested band,"_]ulie said in a news mg and also edgy. Its ahead tpre sound 15 Julie I
side because they thought guitars release, explaining the origin of punchy enough so you V Shield 5 . ethereal, I
were more important than Trans— the title of the band's album. can rump up and down childlike voice. Some- ‘
farmers and skateboards. “But we were reading this drug it you w mt to it Shallow will be times haunting, other ;

A few years laterjason discov- pamphlet one day, and at one crosses all boundaries." playing at the times sensual, it pro— l
ered something equally as inter- point it said ‘taking acid under Last summer, Shal- ikrorklage, duces a sound that’s I:
low played on Lolla- SundayIImgbt hard to fOBrget- H b Pbmfin'b d f
, Y . ; _ alooza's second sta e at . Sonic oom wi e . I ‘ y . '5 '
_.;;s;z K‘ NI’ICKY 23:33:34. 22533-21371? gt a 10ml Kansas (3%, releasing a four—song mm: In "IE "I" Shallow 29111me at the Wrorklage Sunday mgbt. I .
ax: 323.1906 show. The band 10 inch in clear yellow to continue to tour and hopefully WRFL, also features local 1; I
, E~Mailz Kernel@pop.uky.edu received an incredibly positive vinyl featuring several remixes of do some shows in Europe. favorites the Fosters and Massey E ,
Internet: response from all points and were Shallow 5 songs. Future plans are The concert, sponsored by Ferguson. Admission is $5. ;
http://www.uky.edu/KyKemel ‘
LanceVVilliams ................................................... EditorinChief oooeooooocooonoon.o.cocooono.no...coooocoocoo.ono.ccoocoooooocooso...coococo.onooooooooooooeooooooooooo l
jennifer Smith .................................................. Managing Editor 1
Brenna Reilly ........................................................... News Editor ' " ' ‘.
Jacob Clabes ...................................................... Executive Editor Maklng mu8|c at nulse The ‘09 2° album’ this week ,
April Hollon ........................................................ Campus Editor based 0" airplay ‘ 1
Matt Felice ......................................................... Editorial Editor By Brian Privefl “Junkie’s Promise” is a song byWRFL,88.1 FM" ‘
fitson DaIttilo .......................................................... Sports Editor Am Editor sung by Moore. At first the guitar 1. Air Miami- Me. Me. Me.
rian Privett .............................................................. Arts Editor IS sonicall abuswe, With high 2. Various Amy 'Klds
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Design Editor N0 group has had 3 bigger feedbaCk' renched bends and Soundtrack '
Scott Drake ......................................................... On-line Editor effect 0" mod“ n “ndergmund wails- . . 3. Superchunk - Here’s Where 3
Ashley Shrewsbury .................................... Asst. Editorial Editor music or alternative music or The" the tempo bmlds um” the Stn'ngs Come in .
Claire Johnston ........................................................ KeG Editor whatever they are calling it the-SC the drum?“ bass mm demsh' 4. SonVolt- Trace Your ticket
YtBien Thain ............................................... Photography Editor dayathan SI'Ionic Youth. d' likeI,IspmnmIg arounddeaglh other 5. Startlyer 59 - Startlyer59 ‘
- . . ver t e rrou )‘s recor in r unti you t e soun a come _ -
Tracze Pardon .......................................... I....Asst‘. Design liditor {Chum SoniS Ytiuth E crashing down, (mm ggzgkgvgmghgué t- . o paladlse.
Copy Editors .................... _] ohn Abbott, Scott Gordon, Lindsa . . . . . ' WP i. _
I .y has released some of dosed on the speed. scream Dracula Scream
Hendrix, Mary Madden, Beth McKenzre, the weirdest, most My favorite song 8. wagon Christ- throbbing ’
Eric .Million, jeff Vinson and Tiffany White obscure and best music is “The Diamond Pouch
since Lou Reed told 563-" Moore Starts 9. Various Artists - ‘Half-Cocked'
Andy \Varhol and Vel- out with a nice sweet Soundtrack g
vet Under rmund to ""510de gently "Wk 10. Love Jones - Powerful Pain ;,
LA R RY take a hike back in the , ing back and forth to Relief 5
‘ ‘60s. "08'87‘81’183’ the light guitar riff. 11_ sardina . Presents i
The group is aging, V But the song builds 12, Don Cabellero . Don I
R E D M N though. (itiitarist **** and builds, taking Gabe/[em 2 i
Thurston Moore and I . shape, losing form, 13. Various Artists- Blazing , ,
bassist Kim (Jordon ‘14 “MIMKI until it's just a churn- Longboards Soundtrack " l
appearlng TOnght at recently had a child, an Machine ing noise of feedback 14, Guv'ner- Knight Moves E_P, l E

. ‘

.. , -vw -A_..w,,. .\ - w, W.



 Kmrui'lfy Kernel, mm. September 29, I995 8





a _, _..- ...._ ~,-~..



Wildcats hoping to escape the
wrath 0f the WBII-I‘BSTBII Tigers

By Chris Easierling

Amount Spam Editor

The old adage “a game is won
on the field, not on paper” seems
relevant for Terry

den’s troops two weeks to think it
over and prepare for a run at the

SEC crown.
“\Vith the off week, what we
were able to do is to take the loss
hard," Bowden





“\\’e are looking forward to
playing Auburn," UK coach Bill
Curry said. “Auburn always has
good teams and always has certain
types of athletes."

Fans attending the game Satur—























l Bowden’s l3th— said, “and then day will get an opportunity to see
ranked Auburn have enough two of the SEC's premier tailbacks
l football team. "K V3. Alllllll'll time to get back in UK's Moe \Villiams and
; Durin the _ and have a great Auburn's Stephen Davis.
,1 reseasoréii, foot- 'KICKOFF' 7 pm tomorrow preparation.” \Villiams is leading the SEC in
1 ball gurus predict- Commonwealth Stadium. That‘s where rushing yards after running for
ed t e Tigers, in _ UK comes into 299 yards on 40 carries last week
I— i j their first year off VSERIES' Auburn leads 21'5'1' the picture. against South Carolina.
is e i 7 probation, would . \Vhen Bow- For his performance, \Villiams
1’ b d i T challenge for the 'LAST MEETlNG', AUbum den brings his was named offensive player of the
bt‘ i ' Southeastern won 4144“ Auburn 'n 1994' Tigers into week by the SEC and Sports lllus-
093' i Conference title. ' Common— trated.
556." i . Some even had "ELEVISION' WKYT (Channel wealth Stadium He was also named U.S. Postal : . 1'11. .
i . them playing in 27) tape delayed at 11 pm tomorrow. for a Service Player of the \Veek by JOSEPH REYAU Krmr/ommfmmr
, the Fiesta .BSWl 7 pm. kJCkOt-f USAITE 1day. 1 SIEPPIIIIB "P For the ll'ildmtr to slim (102:!) Auburn millwrlc Step/am Dam, bmd roar/J Bill Curry and i‘mjfrrill /
. . . I for the national hell have only Dans “ as touted by many ' « ~ _ . _ ~ . . _. . . . . . 1 . v. . . . . .
. . . . . ‘ . . . . 1 . 1 1 - j [m c rojmd AOIIHUIH’ m rep/inc 114171.11“ (”111 [um Supp, .1 [10 all! likely mm rbr mo of the .H’tlJUII after being injured
championshi , possxbly against one goal in mind — to get back on national publications as the best I” "wk Iruinrr Sum/i ("Ira/I'm
-— l Bowden’s da , Florida State coach the winning path. running back in the country, and “ u ‘5‘ ' i ' J i'
‘ BObbY Bowden. . “Kentucky has gptten plenty‘of some even touted him 35 '3 Heis- through three games this season. carries, quarterback Patrick Nix is Against the run, the Tigers are
5 Bl“ along the road t0 the Fiesta attention from U5,_ Bowden said. man I‘rophycandidate. Last year against UK, Davis establishing himselfas a top—rated only giving up 117.33 yards per
: I Bowl, Auburn ran into another “Every game is critical to us now." Auburn has certainly had its rushed for 71 yards and a touch— passer. He is listed as a leading game.
team Of Tigers from LSU- Head In the same two week SP?" that share Of great tailbacks, including down in the Tigers' 41-1-1 home candidate for the Davey O'Brien “\\'e are goin r to be playing a
coach Gerry Danardo’s Tigers put saw the Tigers drop their first former Heisman winner Bo jack» victory over the (jars, Award, given annually to the defensive team t at is a split sec—
aserious dent In AUhUFU’S national game 0f the $6350.“, .UK (2'2) 50“. former Cincinnati Bengals “\Ve haven't chosen to give nation's top quarterback. ond quicker than the other teams
, title hopes by Winning 12-6 Sept. egan a two-game Winning streak. All—Pro _lames Brooks and the Stephen a chance," Bowden said. Defensively, Auburn leads the we've played so far with the excep-
l6in Baton Rouge, La. “They’re a lot better football Philadelphia Eagles’jainesJoseph. “He's averaging more yards per SEC in scoring defense, giving up tion of Florida," Curry said.
Since that 1055. Auburn (2'1) team then 185! year," 30de 531d BUT Davis ”“1." hi“ “’1”th the carry, we just don't give it to him." an average of about 12 points per “Florida and Auburn are similar in
enjoyed an off week, glVlng Bow- of this year’s UK team. ball 3‘) times and ran for 333 yards \‘1'1111 Davis mn‘ getting many game. terms of personnel and speed.”
'I .‘O...........COCOOOCCCOOQ.0...........C........I..........00....O....COOCOOC0......D...O0.0..00.0...00......OOOC....O0.0.CO...0OC.I....‘C.................I
GAME/(3)5 SHOWStOppers
é. V '
;. VAuburn should he hopping mad when Terry VL'K tailback Moe \\'illiams set numerous
t Bowden's squad pulls into Commonwealth Stadium records last week en route to 29‘) yards rushing and
f; for tomorrow's game. The Tigers 42‘) all—purpose yards.
1 L lost their first game of the season to But \\'illiams will no longer be able
1 LSU two weekends ago. to sneak up on opposing teams, espe—
1 r If the Tigers are able to bounce . cially Auburn, who had an extra \i'eek
' E back from the upset loss and improve to prepare for the \Vildcats.
' < 5 under Bowden’s scrutinizing eye, the ()bviouslv Curry will want to go
g 1 1, No. 13 Tigers could be tough to haii- with \K'illiains early in the game. If AUBURN Stats
#81:; 5 E dle. the UK offensive line can open the y
I r KmTunKYStatS VAuburn also comes into l.exing- holes and \Villiaiiis can continue to ., __
fl . ton after enjoying an open week on explode offthe line of scrimmage, the Williams .
Bllfllllll In. M! ”I.“ mum T0 to". the schedule. The free Saturday gives (Eats offense should be able to put "“8““! Afl. M Y?“ VIM/It! TI] to"
- - Bowden and staff extra time to study some points on the board. Slephen Davis 39 233 6.0 6 36
Moe Williams 97 510 5.3 5 76 . 1 . . ‘ _ _ j 1 . .
m , R M L . 27 116 4 3 0 16 the (.ats, which could also spell trou— VAuburn also has an outstanding Fred Beasley 20 131 6,6 0 28
'1 ; ay C aunn ‘ ble for Coach Bill Curry’s squad. tailback in Stephen Davis. In fact, the Eric Hines-Tucker 5 101 20.2 2 77
. 3 Jell Speedy 28 75 2-7 1 14 VThe Cats are definitelv on a roll. Tigers' standout runner was touted " D -
I 1 - . .1 g . . 7 . . , . . ameyune Craig 5 44 8.8 0 12
1; 01319 yeaSl 2 32 1610 0 17 (.urry s team has won two consecu— as a possible Heisman Trophy candi— Kev'n McLeod 8 :12 4 0 2 9
._.. ? 1 Billy Jack Haskins 32 17 0.5 2 42 tive road games, and the team seems date coming into this season. I ‘ '
— ~ to believe it can win. But with opposing defenses stack- -
= 1’28:an . Cunn-In-m. "”3 m long But victories over Indiana and ing the line anticipating carries by "8.8””. Cmu.~Att.-ld. V" II) M!
1 . Billy Jack Haskins 21-34-1 306 1 57 South Carolina are one thing. A win Davis, Bowden has been forced m go . Patrick Nix . 56 - 84 — 1 692 2 62
1 l 1‘ JBU SDBCUY 16-43-2 140 0 17 over a Southeastern Conference curry with the P395 Consequently, [)3ng DaVls Dameyune Craig 11 ' 16 ‘1 102 2 17
1 E heavyweight like Auburn would has carried the ball just 3‘) times on Jon Cooley 1 - 1 - 0 6 O 6
1' .1" wow the Cats have actually turned the corner and the 1995 campaign,
1 E buried their ll-game losing streak deep in the annals . _ l
' 2 Receiving lino. his. m. In in. of hwtorv- , , , , WORTHnot Z 71g neceiv "9 m' V“ m“ m m"
Antonio O'Ferral 8 90 11 3 0 18 VMaybe the friendly crowd Will give the (.ats the V Tyrone 600115011 14 234 15] 0 45
Jame Tucker 8 89 “'1 0 17 extra boost they need to down the Tigers. Fan inter- Harold Morrow 14 155 11.1 1 62
, S ' est in the Auburn showdown appears high with VAuburn‘s‘ lone tie to Kentucky is the 'I‘igers' Willie (305113 12 147 1213 0 39
Craig Yeast 6 91 15-2 l 30 almost all available tickets rone. offensive coordinator Tommy Bowden, who held the 1
h . . Andy Filler 5 59 11.8 0 22
1553C Cllrils l“ 4 31 7‘8 0 14 If the “'ildcats, who haven't won at home in more same position at UK during the 1001) season. Robert Baker 5 52 10 4 0 17
Moe Williams 3 64 21.3 0 57 than a year, can shake off the curse of Common— VDue to the rotating schedule found in the SEC, ’
wealth, AUhUFh COUld see its SEC title hopes 11)‘ HUI tomorrow's UK-Auburn game will be the last show-
the window. down between the two schools until the year 30112.
Team statistics Tllll 818118068
llii Opponents Au Opponents
f 65 First downs 82 UK schedule Auburn schedule 74 First downs 55
1 39 First downs rushing 32 32 First downs rushing 25
g .
‘11 21 First downs passing 43 Sept. 2 LOUISVILLE; L, 13-10 Sept. 2 OLE MlSS,.W, 46-13 38 First downs passing 27
5 First downs by penalty 7 Sept. 9 FLOR1DA; L, 42-7 Sept. 9 UT-CHATT., w. 76-10 3 First downs by penalty 3
1 264 Total offensive plays 291 Sept. 16 at Indiana;.W, 17-10 Sept. 16 at LSU; L, 12-6 206 Total offensive plays 204
1 1197 Total yardage 1483 Sept. 23 at S. Carolina; W, 35-30 Sept. 23 Open 1408 Total yardage 1012
L 299.3 Total yards per game 370.8 TOMORROW AUBURN TOMORROW KENTUCKY 469.3 Total yards per game 3373
4-5 Average yards per play 5-1 001- 7 Open 001- 5 MlSSlSSlPPl STATE 6.8 Average yards per play 5.0
. 187 Plays rushing 145 Oct. 14 LSU . Oct. 14 FLORIDA 105 Plays rushing 117
751 Yards rushing 512 Oct. 21 at Georgia . Oct. 21 WESTERN M1CH1GAN 608 Yards rushing 352
187.8 Yards rushing per game 128.0 Oct. 28 at MiSSiSSippi St. Oct. 28 at Arkansas (in Little Rock) 202.7 Yards rushing per game 1173
37 Passes completed 83 Nov. 11 CINCINNATI Nov. 11 at Georgia 68 passes completed 47
3 Interceptions thrown 4 Nov. 18 TENNESSEE Nov. 18 ALABAMA 2 Interceptions thrown 2
. 446 Yards passmg 971 4 800 Yards passing 660
: Prof. Penny. M. Miller of the Political Science Dept. is
1 interested in identifying promising juniors as nominees for the e eren um _ f
1 Harry S. Truman Fellowship Program. Under this program for i ‘
1926'. thfi'HarrySS. Truman Foundation will award at least 90 O t 4th & 5th THE MOST UNIQUE TECHNO 8:
sc 9 ars ips. tudents who are enrolled at four-year
‘IjnSt_ltUIl0'l]iS.Will receive a maximum of $30,000 to be used , C . ' ROCK GE ROLL CLUB TO EVER HlT
uring t on senior year of undergraduate education and '
dun'ng their graduate or professional studies. ' Don t ITIISS your Chance to be heard' DOWNTOWN LEXINGTON
Em“? “mm mm Polls Will be open on South, Central , -
'be ajunior pursuing a bachelor's degree on a full-time basis & North cam US RCfCrendum is i \
who will graduate between December 1996 and August 1997. p A L M O S T N O A H
’have an average of at least a B and be in the upper founh of Oan to all StUdentS. ,
his or her class. i
‘be a US. citizen or a US. national.
‘havc selected'a major that will permit admission to a graduate res man ena e C A T A W A M P u S
program leading to a career in public service.
‘havcdemonstrated interest in a career in govcmment and related .
public service at the federal. state, or local level. EleCtlonS
‘be nominated by his or her college or university on the official 2 5 ¢
nominating materials provided by the Harry S. Tniman , ‘
Scholarship Fund. Wlll also take place on Oct. 4th & Sth THE LATEST IN DANCE MUSIC 111131111113
Interested students should come to 1615 PUT and read the The Senate election is only Open [0 r - ‘ ' ‘
Bulletin of lnfonnation as soon as possible. Prelimin F h i ' J‘ h 3 ‘ ’~ I
. applications are available in 1615 PUT and MUST BE ['65 men, ‘ .
_ ~ SUBMITTED BY MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, I995. 156 W.MA1N ST. “1’1 V N I “I A \l
' PM ' ' >
.I I
31-» m1





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