xt7bnz80p61k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bnz80p61k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1998 1998 1998-11-04 2020 true xt7bnz80p61k section xt7bnz80p61k  


Say What?


The graduate with a
science degree asks.


November 4, 1998






Alanis, Beck,
U2 bring
new, old I 4




http: www.kykernel.com


“Why does it work?"

The graduate with an
engineering degree asks,
”How does it work?"

The graduate with an
accounting degree asks.
“How much will it cost?”

The graduate with a
liberal arts degree asks,
“Do you want fries with

To steal ideas from
one person is plagiarism;
to steal from many is re-

There are three kinds
of people: those who can
count and those who

Every morning is the
dawn of a new error.

Madness takes its
toll. Please have exact

There can't be a cri-
sis today; my schedule is
already full.

Diplomacy is the art
of saying, "Nice doggie,"
until you can find a rock.

Help Wanted:
telepath. You know
where to apply.

Copywight 1994
Elmer Fudd. All wights

Dain bramaged.

Department of Re-
dundancy Department

What has four legs
and an arm? A happy pit

- Source:

To think about

of the week

If a tree falls in the
forest and no one is
around to see it. do the
other trees make fun of it?

Do cemetery workers
prefer the graveyard

Do Lipton employees
take coffee breaks?

Can a storm be offi-
cially designated as a
tornado without touching
down at a trailer park?

Can atheists get in-
surance for acts of God?

Can I yell "movie" in
a crowded firehouse?

Can you be a closet

After they make Sty-
rofoam, what do they
ship it in?

Why are they called
apartments when they're
all stuck together?

How do you know
when it's time to tune
your bagpipes?

- Source:

-Iton Norton




4.? 3.2

* Election Day

own to the W

’98 1k



Miller time
lie-elected Mayor Pam Miller held up her hands in Jubilation at her victory party last night at the Radisson Hotel downtown.

W Miller; Fletcher; Banning seal campaign victories


’ ".aaaeoazr‘

t "



I t i

JAIES CRISP | itwnnsmr





Chuck Ellinger's daughter Susan comforted him
last night before he spoke at his election party.



State Sen. Ernesto Scorsone waved to a crowd
of supporters last night at the Radisson.


Scotty Baesler stumped throughout the campallll.

but his fate seemed clear by the night's end.

WM By Jessica Coy tense. The official results from state not even two hours after polling for their hard work. but was most
‘Mltmal Tax m and federal elections announced later booths closed. the atmosphere be grateful to her husband. who she said
exemptionson in the night changed the tense looks came one of celebration. campaigned door-to-door for her
9'09"” A year Of networking. fund-rais to ones ofjoy or sorrow. because as in James Brown's ”1 Feel Good" was every night for the last two months.
Pas: Fit ”18- door-to-door ViSiiS- campaign ads any election. there's always a winner. the theme song of the evening. blast Across town at the (‘ampbell
g and hard WOFk culminated in the and there‘s always a loser. ing from the speakers as Miller made House bin. liliinger was also thank-
D votes cast by Kentuckians in voting . . her way into the room to give her ac mg people; only the atmosphere was
WW0: booths across the state last-night. Miller turns the tide ceptancp speech. my 59 WNW
mezation of ' Supporters ofthe candidates run- Mayoral candidate Chuck Pieces of her concession speech ‘ bilinger s supporters stayed by
meetings of the nlng for office in [hlS year 5 919CtIODS Ellinger's v .ctory in the May 28 pri- fell to the floor as she ripped it to his side through the ups and downsof
General Assembly gathered I0 Walt. forthe FESUItS and i0 mary 'lx‘T'lOTl for Fayette County shreds. the night. Early results showed in-
n“ Ffl offer 5111390”. Win or 1050- mayor le‘i many people questioning “Because of the results of the pri- cumbent Pam 3111191“ ahead by GbOUi



‘Mu’ drives
Cats to win

Basketball team returns last night with a 103-74
exhibition thrashing of the California All-Stars



“Mu"-ve over Jeff Sheppard.
Cameron Mills and Allen Ed-
wards, fhere‘s a new top (at in
town and his name is Heshimu


When the voting booths closed at
6 pm. everyone was optimistic about
their candidate‘s chances for win. but
as the night wore on and votes contin-
ued to be tallied. optimistic faces grew

standout (‘harles ()‘Bannon.
“It's my last year. so i have
to do whatever i can to help the

team." Evans said.

UK head coach Tubby Smith
was a little more descriptive
with Evans' performance.

“His enthusiasm in infectu-

Pam Miller‘s chances for re-election.

The early evening found the gath»
ering of Miller‘s supporters at the
Radisson Plaza Hotel subdued. talk-
ing :uietly among themselves. But

mary. 1 was very unsure of what
would happen tonight.“ Miller said.
“Honestly. I worked harder on my
losing speech than my \viniimg one."

She thanked all her supporters


By Amber Scott

Sim wiiiirn

way in recovery
Abbott was

Walter Abbott. a [K so?
ciologv professor of almost
'35 years. suffered a stroke
()ct 2‘3. btit is already on his

from [K Medical (‘enter last
'l‘uesday after being treated
for a mild stroke. lie is i‘ecu»
pet atmg at home and will be

Too votes. but some showed Ellinger
pulling closer.
Vi hen one poll showed the candi»

See RESULTS on 3 3N

f Professor on the
. road to recovery

Sociology department's faculty member
should be back in classroom by spring

cumstances. lie was visiting
the hospital for a routine
coronary test when “compli-
cations developed from that
test and he suffered a mild
stroke." Skinner said.

”We were all shocked
and saddened." he said on
behalfof Abbott's colleagues.
Abbott's stroke. though un-
expected. was iiot severe or
permanently debilitating.

Strokes occur when









imagine that, while The senior forward sparkled ous .. Smith said. “Hp can im a si'irting h .. l ‘ .. , ~ . . . _
- ' ~ ' ~ « ii ‘51” iht ldl’.‘ blood su ilv to the brain is
mostly cloudy again. last night as the defending cham- team and he can be a great d" $0011. NW1 ”1“ Skinner. interrupgd.‘ said Billie Mav.
—— pions began their season witha fender. ‘ . chairman of the sociology a registered nurse at St.
Kentucky 1‘03‘74 trouncmg of the (,alifornid ‘ The ( ats Jumped out to a 12 depamiient. 'losoiib‘g ”05me Abbott‘s
Kernel Egmh- All-Stars m Rulpp Arena point “‘3.“ mm eight minutes left "He Will lll‘Ohilhli' h“ stroke was probably not se
for‘. a crowd ”f 1336"; in the first half and ended the W,“ ”1th m return in W. W”, because he was already
VMOL”m lSSUEltOSO D'Splaymg a dmymg filmy “m “a” “'“h a highlight'm' sprint: M'nwstcr." Skinner in the hospital and available
—‘ or athletic manuevers, Evans bucket by “pm” Mike Bradley. said, ”i think hl‘ wants i0 Ri‘i for immediate treatment.
ESTABLISHED IN 1892 hustled his way toa team-leading UK inbounded the ball wuh man | kmn surr back at W,” ”S in. (my and "The (VP? of stroke
INDEPENDENT 5m“: ‘97] f3 Pmtnhts {Pr :th flan“; InlelJJdmg 10 seconds left in the half. where . continue hit research." ‘
_—*—‘—“—’—"‘ In C‘ IT‘S H . W ere ‘VallS "‘1’ H. Evn‘ .. 'u . “v hl ' - ~ k,. s \ ~ 1
‘ ablmu want 1' M- l A iott s sti o (X c in ret ’ _
Hews ups? repeatedly blew by former'U(’[‘A See DEN” on 5 >>> In. “gt ”'3 mm w l. m ‘n... l under preth unusual (‘er See STROKE on 8 )>)
Call: 257-l915 or write: ..
kernelOpop.uky.edu The Stud e A.’ .
l i t i l l t i ‘
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2 I vtoucsmnimmem I momma.


The Low-down


Joe Torre. who
led the llew
York Yankees
to l25 wins and
I record 24th
World Series
Title, won the
Press Manner
ol the Year
yesterday. San
Diego's Bruce
Bochy came in


Keith Richards
not only has his
opinion on what
good music is,
he also sees
the demise of
"There are too
many ways to
distribute music
now." the
Rolling Stones
guitarist said.
"Who needs

Hirschfeld handed Jones a green check for $1 mil-
lion. Yesterday, he announced conditions that in-
cluded protection for him and his business from

Stocks end mixed; Dow unchanged

NEW YORK —— Stocks ended mixed yesterday
as the Dow industrials finished unchanged at
8.706.15 after drifting between a 38-point gain and
a 28-point loss. The last time the Dow ended a ses-
sion exactly where it began was on Dec. 2. 1996.
On the NYSE. gainers led losers 1,615-1,452. The
NASDAQ fell 12.47 to 1,788.44.

Astronauts retrieve sun satellite

HOUSTON Tw0 days after setting it free.
space shuttle Discovery‘s astronauts yesterday
retrieved a satellite that will help researchers
study the sun. Shuttle commander Curtis Brown
Jr. pulled up alongside Spartan. and Stephen
Robinson slowly latched onto the l 1/2-ton satel‘
lite with the shuttle robot arm. NASA expects
some 1,200 images of the sun‘s outer atmosphere
and the charged particles streaming off the sun's

Central America seeks aid

TEGUCIGALPA. Honduras W As the official
death count from Hurricane Mitch and its after-
math surged. authorities feared a lack of aid
could push the number of dead well past the esti-
mated 7,000. Pope John Paul II expressed condo-
lences yesterday and urged worldwide aid to help
Central America. The European Union today ap-
proved $7 .7 million in aid; the United States
promised $3.5 million in emergency assistance
and Canada pledged $1 million.

Albanian leader visits countryside

PRISTINA, Yugoslavia ~ Ethnic Albanian
leader Ibrahim Rugova returned to Kosovo‘s
countryside yesterday with US. envoy Christo-
pher Hill. who was anxious to show peace is re-
turning to the disputed province. The trip
marked the first time in nine years that Rugova
toured sections of a province he was elected to
lead. Rugova called his outing “the beginning of
the liberation."

The fighting between ethnic Albanians and
Serb forces ended with an Oct. 12 agreement that
averted NATO airstrikes.

Albanian leader visits countryside

NEW YORK 7‘ Director Luc Besson likes sev
crecy. which is why it’s just now being revealed
that Dustin Hoffman is going to work on
Besson‘s Joan of Arc. But it‘s still not known
what role Hoffman will be filling when he starts
shooting Monday in France. Milla Jovovich.
who was in Besson‘s The Fifth Element, has the
title role in the film, which began filming back
in June.

Compiled from wire reports.



Golden Key plans
cleanup to make
campus spotless

IyPIt Clo-


Have you ever seen trash
laying around campus and
thought, “Somebody else will
pick it up."

Now someone is.

The Golden Key National
Honor Society is sponsoring
the Clean Up Campus project
on this Saturday to pick up
trash on or near campus.

Groups will be assigned
sections of campus (via color-
coded maps) for which they
will be responsible. The
busiest areas of campus will
be targeted. such as the Stu-
dent Center and main walk-
ways. Otf-campus areas, such
as Virginia and Transcript
avenues. will also be covered.

"We wanted to do it in
conjunction with the Univer-
sity maintenance crew, but
we had trouble reaching
them,“ said Heidi Downes,
president of the Golden Key
National Honor Society.

The activities begin at
11 am. outside the UK Book-
store. Teams will be expect-
ed to clean up their section
of campus and meet back at
the bookstore at a designat-
ed time with trash bags in

The project isn‘t expect-
ed to take much longer than
an hour. but the more people
who show up, the quicker it
will be finished. Downes

Garbage bags will be pro-
vided. but participants are en-

couraged to bring their own
gloves. The team that collects
the most trash receives

Some student organiza-
tions have already said they‘ll
participate in the project.

Alpha Kappa Psi business
fraternity is participating is
because it's always looking
for ways to increase its cam»
pus involvement. said Bryan
Kraemer, president of the fra—
ternity. Kraemer said he
plans to bring at least 20 peo-
ple to help participate.

Many students are start-
ing to notice the litter that
has been deposited on UK‘s

Animal science freshman
’I‘raver Davney said he thinks
the project will help remedy
the trash problem at UK.

“I would like to see more
cleanup going on," Davney
said. “I’m sick of seeing trash
laying around campus."

Rick Roth, the honor soci-
ety‘s adviser and an associate
professor in integrated strate-
gic communications, said he
wanted Clean Up Campus to
be a cooperative event.

"I’m not only interested
in cleaning up UK's campus.
but I‘m also interested in get-
ting other student organiza-
tions to become more in-
volved on campus," Roth

All organizations or in-
dividuals interested should
call Heidi Downes at 271-
4946, or e-mail her at
hldown00ra pop.uky.edu.



An article in the Friday‘s Kernel misspelled the name Jan
Oaks. a joint instructor in the Women's Studies Program and

English departments.

To report an error call the Kernel at 257-1915.











...‘o ‘3- .
'5‘ '" ', .j Pinney murder still unsolved
’ . g ' "i LEXINGTON — Television stations have
‘1 .. ‘ ’_ been running the fuzzy visage of a suspect found
\. . ’ on surveillance tape. but it hasn‘t helped the in-
.- ' vestigation into the slaying of UK professor Paul
' ‘ Pinney.
* . .. . The badly beaten body of Pinney. an archi-
. tecture professor. was found Nov. 2. 1997. in rural
~' Fayette County. Detectives said they think it took
. 3“. ' ‘ at least two people to dump Pinney‘s body be-
? ‘ cause he was a large man.
’ Paul Lee Barnett. 48. was initially charged
’ - with using Pinney's credit card to make two
-‘ ATM withdrawals from Pinney's account.
f - But charges were dismissed. though he has
not been ruled out as a suspect. Detective Dave
Sorrel] said.
" ‘ Pinney. 58, was last seen alive about 5 pm.
Look, About 5:17 pm. that day. someone attempted to
there are withdraw several thousand dollars front his ac-
. ‘ just two count at a cash machine behind the plaza. but got
' kinds of only $500. About 12:39 am. Nov. 3. someone With-
music ” drew another $500 from Pinney‘s account at the
it’s ‘ust same ATM.
._ 00d 1 .t, Police originally charged Barnett. a custodi-
t j - g or 1 S an in Pinney's complex. with making those with-
' crap. drawals.
ThatSWhY But about 10 minutes after the last ATM
M03811 withdrawal. the suspect in the video w who is
andBach not Barnett bought gas with Pinney‘s credit
last and card.
.' wh ou . .
.A . can¥o¥get U.S. consults IvIth Saudis on Iraq
Motrlillfees WASHINGTON ~ Warning again of a possi-
and the ble military attack on Iraq. the (‘linton adminis-
Union tration today sought the cooperation of Saudi
Ga ” Arabia. a key player in the Persian Gulf. Defense
1). Secretary William Cohen flew overnight to Saudi
. _ Arabia.
. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘m A Saudi official said King Fahd had told C0~
» - W hen that he would not permit the Arab kingdom
_ ‘~ ,_ WSW to be used as a "springboard" for attacks on Iraq.
‘ ’ ”Who” Meanwhile. Vice President Al Gore and Secre-
. what kind at. tary of State Madeleine Albright made separate
. -' W M95 It telephone calls to Crown Prince Abdallah. first in
_ ,' W “at W line to Fahd.
-’ ’ doesn't. . .
.. Jones lawyers InvalIdate offer
3 WASHINGTON Paula Jones' lawyers con-
tended that a $1 million offer to encourage her to
settle her lawsuit against President Clinton is no
. longer valid because of new conditions attached
. by New York businessman Abe Hirschfeld.
Jones‘ attorney. John Whitehead, said settlement
negotiations with Clinton's lawyers won't re-
sume until she decides whether to follow her
lawyers‘ advice to ignore the offer. On Saturday.
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6th District Mayor of Lexington
aiming-(it): 50$ Bfietcher- (R): 53% Eliminat- 49K
Bossier-(ii): 49% szficorsonHD) mi Miller. 51%


m itmtl KERNEL commemon

Ernie Fletcher. the Republican candidate for the Sixth District “.5. Congressional seat. celebrated his win last night over Democrat Ernesto Scorsone .


Continued from page 1

dates dead even at 50 percent of
the vote. a rousing cry of "Win.
Chuck. win!" sprang up. and
the atmosphere seemed like
that ofa pep rally.

Even after Miller was re-
ported as being the official win-
ner. Ellinger's supporters did
not silence their cheers.

Ellinger entered to “For
He‘s a Jolly Good Fellow."
shaking hands. hugging. smil-
ing and greeting his campaign
supporters. He was introduced
by his volunteer coordinator
Phyllis Mossman. who sang "I
Did It My Way."

Ellinger then made a short
speech. conceding the race to

Positive in defeat. Ellinger
fought back tears: "If we're go-
ing to lose. (then) we lose with
honor. integrity and class."

Scorsone falls short

Sixth District Congression-
al candidate Ernie Fletcher
crested the last hill of the roller—
coaster race about five percent-
age points ahead of opponent
Ernesto Scorsone.

He celebrated the victory
campaign party hosted by sev—



JAMES CRISP | rcnnttsurr

Ex-Stiident Government Association president Scott Crosbie hugged Sher-
ri Wolf, of Lexington, after winning a seat on the Urban County Council.

era] hundred hearty supporters
of all ages. ranging from his
granddaughter (about a year
old) to retirees

"They‘ve (the audience)
been on a real roller-coaster
ride. back and forth” said G.
Bradford Dixon. communica-
tions manager for Fletcher’s

As Fletcher entered. known
mg at that point he‘d won. he
took a call from Majority
Leader Dick Armey.

“A great win for you. in a
couple of weeks. we'll see you

in Washington. See you on the
floor. congressman." Armey

Fletcher took the podium
with his wife at his side. He
stepped up and said. "How
sweet it is?

“In '96 they said not yet. In
‘98 they said now." Fletcher
said. "I‘ve gotten to know Ken
tuckians. They are the finest
people in the nation and the

Scorsone. who had been at
his campaign gathering since
the polls closed at 6 pm. took

his loss in stride.

"I just want everyone to
know how much each and
every one (of you) had done for
us. We have run an incredible
race. and we could not have
done it without all of you here
today.” Scorsone said.

Mary Tattengill. a commu-
nications freshman who
worked for Scorsone's purely
volunteer campaign. said she
still believes in him.

“i think Ernesto has shown
above all he is a decent honor-
able person. the negative ads by
his opponent haye only con»
tributed to voter apathy." she

Baesier? Running?

A computer glitch in the
Louisville and Jefferson County
voting tabulations kept people
waiting until after 11 pm. for
the results from that area in the
state Senate race.

People at both Scotty
Baesler's and Jim Bunning's
campaign gatherings bit their
nails all evening as conflicting
results came in every few min-
utes. some placing Baesler
ahead of Bunning. some vice

A late newscast on Channel
36 last nioght showed Dunning
giving an acceptance speech in
Northern Kentucky.

GOP tries to hold on to seats

Democrats make big push, looking at making
history by winning seats in midterm election


history. Democrats battled Re-
publicans to a standstill and
perhaps more Tuesday in
mid-term elections likely to
help President Clinton on the
eve of congressional impea