Minutes of the University Senate, February 12, 1968 (Con't)

‘ Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, Mr. Keller Dunn, and Mr. Ray Cumberledge reported to the
a Senate on programs, progress, plans and problems of the Office of the Registrar

as circulated to the faculty under date of February 4, 1968. Following their

L presentation the Chairman thanked these gentlemen on behalf of the Senate for a

J very informative and comprehensive presentation.

1 Due to the lateness of the hour it was the consensus of the Senate that

l the Rules changes which had been placed on the agenda be moved to the March meeting.

The Senate adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

ons ‘
‘ Elbert W. Ockerman


The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 11, 1968,
[ in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Sears presided. Members absent:
Staley F. Adams*, C. E. Barnhart, David K. Blythe*, Wallace N. Briggs*, Thomas D.
Brower, Richard L. Butwell, Marion A. Carnes*, Morris B. Cierley, Wendell C. DeMarcus,
‘ Kurt W. Deuschle, Hartley C. Eckstrom, Fred Edmonds*, Thomas R. Ford*, Michael L.
as ' Furcolow*, Roy F. Gabbard*, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Art Gallaher, W. P. Garrigus,
John W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw, Ward Griffen, James F. Hopkins*, John L.
Howieson, Harris lsbell, Robert D. Jacobs*, Don R. Jacobson, William H. Jansen*,
{ Catherine Katterjohn*, Bernard D. Kern, Donald C. Leigh, J. A. Noonan*, James R.
' Ogletree, N. J. Pisacano, James H. Powell*, William R. Proffit*, John L. Ragland,
Thurlow R. Robe, Robert W. Rudd*, Dallas M. Shuffett*, Kingsley M. Stevens,

“We Wellington B. Stewart*, Paul Street, Norman L. Taylor, Roberta S. Taylor*, Lee H.
army} Townsend*, William S. Ward*, Ralph F. Wiseman*, Kenneth Wright, A. D. Albright,
‘ Steven Cook, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia Dake*, John E. Delap*, George W. Denemark,
; Ellis F. Hartford, Charles F. Haywood, Robert L. Johnson*, Robert F. Kerley,
er '?(\‘ Alvin L. Morris, John W. Oswald, Howard C. Parker, William A. Seay, William G.

fi ‘ Survant, Joseph V. Swintosky, William R. Willard*, Joseph Hamburg, William J. Tisdall*,

David R. Wekstein, Albert Balows, and Charles B. Wilson.

es. ‘ The minutes of the meeting of February 12, 1968 were approved as circulated.
F Dean Charles P. Graves, School of Architecture, presented Resolutions on the

death of John D. Ray with the recommendation that they be spread upon the minutes
The Senate approved

ttfi 0f the meeting and that a copy be sent to members of his family.
the Resolutions and stood for a moment of silence in his honor.
‘ John Ray died on February 22, 1968 at the age of 28; with his surprising
death came the end of the ability and promise he had demonstrated to the UniverSity
/1}a of Kentucky and its School of Architecture in which he served as an Ass1stant
‘5’ \ Professor.
“8 L

a design instructor from the Cranbrook

John Ray came to UK in 1966 as
While there he held the

Academy of Art where he obtained his master's degree-
Eliel Saarinen Memorial Scholarship.

*Absence explained