xt7brv0cvv5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cvv5m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1947041 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-04-apr1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-04-apr1. 1947 2011 true xt7brv0cvv5m section xt7brv0cvv5m Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, April 1, 1947. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, April 1, 1947. The following members were present: Governor S. S. Willis, Judge Richard C. Stoll, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Thomas Cutler, H. Do Pal- more, J. C. Everett, Robert C. Tway, Eldred E, Adams, Harper Gat- ton, and R. P. Hobson. President H, Lo Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Peterson, Secretary of the Board, were also present. A. Approval of Minutes. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board of Trustees of March 11, 1947, were approved as publish- ed. B. Comptroller's Report. Mr. Peterson made the usual monthly financial report and read the following summarized statement. March 31, 1947 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear President Donovan: I submit hereto attached the University Financial Report for the period of eight months ended February 28, 1947. Exhibited below are summary statements of general income and expenditures: Income: Division of Colleges (Gross) Agricultural Experiment Sta. Agricultural Extension Div. Totals Expenditures: Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Sta. Agricultural Extension Div. Totals Budget Per Cent of Estimates Income Estimates $3,665,e53,37 $2,670,181.54 72.8% 666,967.80 525,681.35 78.8 1.235,240. 76 1,172,740.76 94.9 $5, 568,061.93 4, 368 603.65 78.5 Dept.Appro- Per Cent of _priations Expenditures Estimates $2,9795,966.08 $1,731,335.22 57.8% 677,001.10 444,641.53 65.6 1,235,240.76 707,766.26 57.3 4 908 207.94 $2,883 743.01 58 8% General income of the College Division amounting to $577,327.50 has been allocated to the Plant Fund. The total general income realized during the first eight months of the fiscal year 1945-46 amounted to $3,093,370.93. The current year realization exceeded that for the corresponding period of the preceding year by 41,2%. The charges against departmental appropriations during the first eight months of the fiscal year 1945-46 were $2,145,069.51. The current year charges during the same month exceeded the prior year figure by 34.4j. Unencumbered state revolving fund balances on February 28, 1947 amounted to $912,822.93, consisting or balances to the credit of the Division of Colleges of $275,712.48 and balances to the credit or the Agricultural Experiment Station rf *537,110,45. Plant Pund expenditures during the period covered by the report amounted to $244,325.91j President H. L. Donovan iAarch 31, 1947 Page Two Changes in the unappropriated general surplus during the period covered by the report are indicated in the following statement: Unappropriated Surplus, July 1, 1946 Additions: Estimated Income (excluding Plant allocation) Gain on liquidation of prior year encumbrances and receivables Insurance Claim adjustment Deductions: Department Appropriations Increases in reserves for inventories and work accounts Unappropriated Surplus, February 28, 1947 Consisting of balances to credit of - Division of Colleges Agricultural Experiment Station $ 546,691.35 $4,990,734.43 3, 485.91 875.00 4.995.095.34 $5, 541,786. 69 $4,908,207.94 131,899.76 5,040,107470 $ 501,678.99 $ 17,285i58 484, 393.41 $ 501, 678.99 Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson Comptroller Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Collele Division Budget Estimate Educational and General State Appropriations Division of College College of Agriculture Summer School Repairs to Buildings Library Eauipment Sci.Lab.Equipment Engineering Equip. Home Ec. Equipment Research in Coal Vocational Ed. Subtotal Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones Act Morrill-Nelson Tch.Act Smith-Hughes (Voc.Ed.,) Int. on Land Grant Bonds Subtotal Student Fees All Colleges except Law College of Law Federal Tuition Auditors Late Registration Special Examinations Transcripts Applied Music Tr. School-El. Tr, School-1.S. Univ.Extension Subtotal Less-Amt.Allotted-to Plant (See Plant Fund- Contra) Net Student Fees $1,580,000.00 40,000.00 11J,000.00 40,000.00 11,000.00 40,000,00 22,000,00 11,000.00 ! 8,250.00 32.000.00 Realized to Date $1,251,512.50 30, 000.00 11, 000.00 40tQO.00 11,000.00 40,000.00 22,000.00 11,000.00 6,187.50 6.002.08 Unrealized Balance $328,487.50 10,000.00 2,062.50 25,997.92 $1 795 250.00 710428,7O2.08 $366 547.92 44,867.87 $ 44,867.87 42,750.00 42,750.00 32,000.00 6,002.07 25,997.93 8,644.50 4,322.25 4,322.25 $ 128,262.37 j 97,942.19 30.320.18 e 504,000600 $ 318,747.59 $185,252.41 13,700,00 9,760.80 3,939.20 395,000.00 228,402.09 166,597,91 300b00 300.00 400 00 1,281.00 881.00* 50.00 128.00 78,00* 700.00 1,288.48 588.48* 7,000.00 8,311.50 1,311,50* 8,500.00 8,033.47 466.53 16,000.00 13,824.16 2,175.84 11.000.00 7,852.71 3,147.29 $ 956,650.00 $ 597,629.80 $359,020.20 45.327. 50 45,327.50 $ 911,322.50 3 597,629.80 T313 692.70 *Income in excess of estimate, Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 College Division Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealized Balance Endowments (Current) Peabody Fund Sales and Service Locker Receipts Iisc.iIaint.and Op. Other iHisc.Receipts Rent of Insti.Prop. Rent of Residences Subtotal Total Educational & Gen. Auxiliary Enterprises & Activities Residence Halls Men Women Subtotal Allotted to Women's Halls Subtotal Post Office Total Aux.Enterprises & Activities Combined Total Student Fees Assigned (See Student Fees - Contra) Restricted Income Allocated to Plant Fund Capital Outlay Approp. Total $ 1.,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ $ 2, 6000G $ 2,156.50 $ 443.50 600.00 521.76 78.24 1,000.00 2,343.81 1,343.81* 4,000.00 4,288.00 288.00* 3,000 00 1 992.75 1 007 25 11,20.0 11,302.8 2 3 12* fio2.B47,034.87 $ 136.576.89 $ 710a 45798 $ 33 960.00 $ 37.453472 $ 3,493.72* 012,031.00 180,033. 84 31.997.16 F 245.,991.00 1 217,487,56 $ 28,503.44 70006 7 0007 00 ' 238 991.00 $ 217 487.56 $ 22 503,44 2,500.00 3,617.09 _ 1.117,09* $ 241,491.00 $ 221. 104.;5$ 0 386.35 $'t3,088, 525487 2, 357, 681. 54 $ 730,844.33 Plant Fund $ 52,327.50 s $ 52,327.50 525.000,00 312 5Q0.00 212.500,00 _577327.50 3 12,500.00 $ 264 827.50 *Income in excess of estimate, Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Colleg~e Division Allotted Expendi- to Date tures Encum- brances Free Balance Division of Colees Personal Services$1,091,012.50 $11,090,086.52 Ncn-Pers.Services 37, 500,00 35,433.91 Hat, & Supplies 50,000.00 38,113.53 Other Current Exp. 18,000.00 18,079.88 Capital Outlay 55,000.00 22,455.62 Subtotal $1.251,512.50 $ $ ~~925.98 6,487.71 4,421.62* 2,987.27 8.,899.20 79.88* 35,573.89 3 2,1 $ 4 5. 48,w28 2,294.17 Coll, of Agr. $ Summer School Repairs to Bldgs. Library Equip. Sci.Lab.Equip. Engineering Equip. Home Ec.Equip. Research in Coal Capital Outlay Subtotal 30,000.00 $ 11, 000.00 40,000.00 11,000.00 40, 000,00 22,000.00 11, 000.00 6,1187.50 -312, 500.00 483. 687.50 8 27, 200. 00$ $ 2,,800.00 11,000.00 40,000.00 8, 282.44 2,037.51 680.05 1,900.78 37,711.40 387.82 9,254.03 4.,230.88 8,515.09 174.69 438.67 10.,386.64 3,200.72 120.60 2.,866.18 16,000.00 66,500.00 2.30,000.00 117.012.6~6 $l1039.06 $82_55, 635. 7 8 Bankhead-Jones $ Merrill-Nelson Tch. Act Int. on Land Grant 44,867.87 $ 42, 750.00 Bonds 4,322.25 Smith-Hughes (Voc.Ed. )6, 002.07 Vocational Ed. (St. Dept. Ed. ) 6.002.08 Subtotal 13944.27 Combined Total 31.839.144.27 ~1. 30,336,64 $ 35, 943.84 6, 002.07 $ 14i 531.23 6j 806.16 4j 322.25 6A0024.08 78,2e84.63 8-32259,64 399,466.75 515107.93 8283.589.59 State Revolving Fund Balance Recei-pts to Date- z4xpendi- tures Encum- brances Free Balance College 1Fevolving$699,394.17 $237,412.23 $186, 269.46 $275,712.48 Bldg.Redemption Fund 20,416.25 _20,416.25__________ Total U71 80.42 C"5,82848 ~162'9._ U7,12 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of receipts to date. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Collee Division Depart. Aonpror. Expendi- tures Encum- brances Administration & General General Admin.Offices Bd. of Trustees $ Presidentts Office Comptroller's Office Acot.Division Purchase & Stor.Div4 Off.of Dean of UnivA Off.of Dean of Men Off.of Dean of Women Registrar's Office Personnel Office Service Men's Surv. Subtotal 1) 200.00 7,940.00 12,253.50 17: 577. 50 13, 770.00 6, 615.00 6,010.00 12, 010,00 31,848400 22, 000400 990,00 132,214.00 99.93 $ 1,100.07 4,775,63 399.00 2 755.37 7 367.15 35.38 4t,350,97 10, 775e81 6, 801.69 83) 727.13 8 4.23 4 958.64 38 945.23 2 669 77 3, 684.86 5.49 2 319.65 75,4.798 2.70 4,459.32 24,841.83 848.51 6 157.66 151069.96 2,189.48 4, 740 56 1,3l 3209 3_ 328. 29* 88,153.80 a 3, 56,4. 79 40,495.4 Student Welfare Lecture, Convoca- tions, etc. $ 2,300.00 $? $ 2,300.00 Public Health Serv. 5,230,00 5,053,65 545.84 369.49* TI4CA-YWCA Sub. 5,144-2. 00 3,464.35 _7.50 1970.15 Subtotal = 12,972.00 8 518.00 - 553.34 3,900.66 Public Relations & General Expense Promotion & Pub. $ Alumni Assn. Alumni Publications 14,526.00 $ 6,400.00 1,000.00 Catalogs, Announce- ments, Party, etc. 7,500,00 General Expense (N.O.C.) 6,500.00 Stenngraphic Bureau 7,335.00 Out-of-State Travel 6,500.00 Soldier-Alumni Postage 400,00 Adm. of State Veterans' Scholarships 1,000.00 Excess & Surplus - Property Subtotal 8,993i17 $ 3,973.55 1,164 .81 419.05 $ 65,91 302.39 5,113.78 2,360.54 467.20* 1, 910,30 2,563.75 3,025.95 1,700.51 6 093.31 3, 147.06 759.35 3345.60 424. 35 600.80 4 453,89 817,34 2,7 52.14 41^00.00 240.65 100,000.00 42,805.32 916.24 56,278,44 151a 161.0()0 70,547.38 Q 5,638.09 $ 74,975e53 Total Administrative & General Expenseg296,34'7.00 $167,.219.18 (' 9,756.22 119,371.60 *Expenditures and encumbrances in excess of approp. Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending Febru r 28, 1947 Colle e Division Depart ' Approp i Expendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance Instruction College of A & S Adm.& DivExpense Anatomy & Phy s Ancient Lan,2uages Anthro.& Archaeol. Art Bacteriology Botany Chemistry Eng.Lang.& Lit. Geology German Language History Journalism Library Science Math.& Astronomy Military Science Music Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology PubHealth & Hyg. Romance Languages Social Work Sociolog- Z0oo logr Radio Arts University Radio Sta. Geography Total-Arts and Sci. 14,063.90 26,104.00 3,460.00 13,300.00 18,403.34 59, 035.00 16,000.00 80, 394.53 80, 334.68 29,093.33 20,978.33 415,667.60 19, 813.00 14,505.00 73, 154.99 3,320.20 65,320.00 14,316.00 52, 685.00 68,360.00 35X ,445.81 46, 837.53 6,370.00 30,670.00 11,824.19 22,863.34 27,240.00 3,1440.00 9,443,4'0 11,937,31 2,343.840 6,436.38 10,659e77 28 912. 21 8,633.26 40,604.71 48, 617.36 15, 705.78 13,360.38 27,383.36 12,322.61 8,729.95 48, 611. 76 2,428.90 26,283.93 6,619.01 24,019.79 35, 555.83 20,666.86 26,464.28 3,790014 19,366.31 5,190.30 13,631.83 15,358.57 2,929.22 153i06 7,066,83 569.16 151.06 4,221,41 1,915.71 9,544.38 51.70 1,485.45 104,70 517.02 163.49 136.85 15.60 7,952.35 3,554.79 11,349.57 13.30 1,457,25 151.24 104.69 20015 6,581.28 25.52 41,4L67.44 7,099.86 1,111.60 6,294.46 7,592,51 25,901.38 5,451.03 30, 244.94 31,665.62 11,902.10 7,513,25 18, 284.24 6,973.37 5,611.56 24, 406,38 875,70 31,083.72 7,696.99 25, 110,42 21,454,60 14,765,65 18,916,00 2, 579.86 11, 152,45 6,529.20 9, 211 36 5,300.15 485.26 12,860.00 6,723.41:2 1,087.28 5,049.30 16 588.33 92 7 7.61 _ 757.16 6.083,56 $9321448.10 4$512,482.64 59,151.50 $360,813.96 Statement of Appropriaticns For the Period Ending February 23, 1947 College Division Deo'art, Aprop. College of Engineering Adrn.& Div.Expense $ 57,110.94 Lab.Supervision 22:200.00 Instruction 123,475.00 Publications Engi.neering Equipment Research in Coal 8,250.00 Engineering- Exp.Sta. 8,000.00 Total-College of' $1 Engineering $219,035.94 College of Commerce Administration $ 7,621,33 Instruction 76,553.17 Bureau of Bus.ResearchlO4369.50 Total-College of $ 94j544.00 Commerce Exi~endi- Encum- tures brances $' 31,422.40 $ 11,411.75 71, 282.18 6,597.51 $ Free Balance 19,091.03 10,788325 52,192.82 3, 275.15 132.80 4,842.05 3.325.96 4,674.04 $120,717.44 $ 6,730.31 $ 91, 588.19 $ 4,730.41 $ 671.54 $ 2,219,38 42,540.65 11.15 34,001.37 9,493.47 _ 876.03 $ 56,764.53 $ 682.69 $ 37,096.78 College of Agriculture & Home Economics Admin. & Gen.Exp. $ Agronomy Animal Industry Ent,& Botany Farm Economics Home Economics Horticulture Mkts.& Rural Fin. Short Course Animal Pathology Total-College of Agriculture 15 010.00 $ 27, 214.00 41,096,00 4,950.00 16,590.00 53, 630.00 13, 125.00 12.650.00 1. 03000 3,6B0.00 6, 120.57 14, 240.20 19,239.66 3, 133.28 6,949.08 23 391,39 6, 666.28 4, 515.64 $ 2, 2.316.42 $ 8,839,43 269.22 12,704,58 906.63 18,949.71 58.90 1,757.82 9, 640092 652,49 29,586.12 135.53 6,323.19 8,134,36 1,080.00 1,363.58 189,025.00 $ B6,572,52 4 4,022.77 $ 98,429.71 College of' Law Administration Instruction Total-College of $ 7,239.54 $ 3, 889.54 $ 995.29 $ 2, 354g,71 39I880.00 23,433,64 592.15 15.854.2. Law F-47.ll9.54 L727,3Z 18 1587.4$ 1820892 - - === - Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 College Division Depart. Approp. Expendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance College of Education Admin.& Div.Exp. Agr. Education Bur.Sch.Service Business Education Di strib, Occupations School Admin, Ed. Psychology El. Education Univ.EI. & H.S. Bureau of Curriculum Sv, Hist.of Education Home Ec.Ed, Phil. of Ed. Placement Bureau Secondary Education Trades & Industries Sumrn. Sch. Spec. Total-College of Education $ 10,590.00 29, 760i.00 18, 200.00 51 150.00 5,280.00 4, 110.00 12,386.92 5,828.60 74,784.80 12,447.25 1, 680j00 17,485.00 10; 171.92 2,830.00 9g 275400 11, 49SC 00 2,000.00 $ 6,068.31 16, 494.73 11, 750.09 3, 044.97 3,467.70 2, 859.95 4, 601.91 3, 718411 43,033.70 4,908.21 1,120.00 7,986.47 6,602.68 1,617&28 5,937i64 7 193,40 541i71 134.92 $ 4,386477 ,13 265,27 1,391.84 5,058.07 2,105.03 6.75 1,805.55 1,250.05 7,785.01 74.71 2,035.78 3,124.72 28, 626.38 157.88 7,381.16 5609,00 9,498,53 3,569.24 5.18 1,207.54 8,02 3,329.34 442.30 3,854.30 -. 1. 458.29 $233,469.49 $130.946,86 $ 5,346.32 4 97,176031 Graduate School $ 3.020.00 $ 1 786,83 $ Total-Graduate School $3? 020.00 tj187683 s 1, 233.17 Greenhouses $ 150.00 $ Botanical Garden 3,000.00 Mus eum Educational Conf. 700.00 University Press 9,940.00 UnivExtension Adm. 28,865.00 Univ.Ext.Instruction 9,930.00 Libraries 133,775.00 Bureau of Source IMaterials & Higher 150.00 599.28 951,16 20,262.12 7, 663.06 61,936.06 $ 150.00 2,850.00 94.00 6.72 8,988.84 187.35 8,415853 2,266.94 15,628.32 56,210.62 Education 4,050.00 2,363.16 1,686.84 Total Related Activ. 10,40$00 93. 924 84 $ 15 90967 80 575.49 Total-Instruction & Related Activ. $1,909,072.07 41.030. 518.84 $93,4430.70 $785.l22.53 Statement of Akopropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 College Division Depart. Anprop. Expendi- tures Encum- brances Free Balance Operation of Physical Plant Maintenance and Operations of Physical Plantt 399,851.50 $ 209,778.94 $ 60,690.18 $ 129,382.38 Total-Operation of$ 399,85150 $ 20977894 $ 60,690.18 $ 129,382.38 Physical Plant 39,5.0$29789 Auxiliary Enterprises Men's Res.Halls $ 33,960.00 Men's Hall-Annex Women' ResbHalls 211,991.00 Athletics Post Office Wcmen's Hall-Anr Total-Auxiliary Enterprises Fire Loss Replacements Combined Total iex 5;1000.00 12,450,000 11,859.42 $ 400.99 109,309.59 3,333.28 5)272.22 678.44 169,98 e 21,930.60 400,99* 13,398493 806&50 89,282,48 1s666,72 6,371.28 67844* b~~~ - 263,401.00 $ 130,853.94 $ l4j375641 $ 118,171.65 $ _127294.51 $ 14,711.81 $ 112 582,70 __2_____9-66_081__553082.71 S-178,25~j2.5f$2j64.630.86 *Expenditures in excess of approp, Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Plant Funds Depart. A22ro.2 Expendi- Encum- tures brances . Free Balanc e P.WA.- First Bond Issue P.W.A.-Second Bond Issue $ 35,872.50 $ 4,480.61 $ 15, 980.00 15, 989,41 $ 51,391,89 9. 41* Dicker House Annuity Service Building Con- struction Fine Arts Building Construction 106,000.00 475,OO0.00 448,45 16,000.00 42.30 105,509.25 64, 000.00 395, 000.00 Dairy Center Dairy Center-Miller Property Men's Residence Halls Construct ion 50 000. 00 2, 500600 47,500.00 14, 000.00 14, 000.00 96,057.00 96, 057. 00* Men's Residence Halls Construction - Retained Percentage (Liab.) Men's Residence Halls Bond Issue Telephone Exchange In- stallation Total-Plant Fund 9j 507420* 4i252, 50 9,507.20 4, ?52. 50* 64.75 37,963.45 38,028.20* $697,327.50 $128,054.28 -104 65. 65 464 621.57 *Expenditures in excess of approp. 475,,00 286,76 145.90 60.34 Statement of Unrealized, Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Experiment Station Division Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unrealized Balance State ADPropriations General Tobacco Research Service Laboratories Nursery Inspection Princeton Sub-Sta, Quicksand Sub-Sta, Horticulture Strawberry Mikg,& Lab, Dairy Cattle Improv. Subtotal Federal Funds Hatch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jones Subtotal Sales & Sorvices Serum Sales Seed inspection Fees Fertilizer Tags Feed Insp4 Tags License Fees Farm Sales Nursery Insp.Fees W.Ky.Midet Pub.Analysis Misc4 Subtotal Combined Total 55, 000.00 7,500.00 23,100.00 4,000,00 17, 600,00 17,600.00 10,000.00 1,500.00 15.000.00 42,375.00 5,865.00 17, 440.00 3,000.00 13, 650.00 13,830.00 8,455.00 1,285.00 11. 500.00 8 151.300 00 117; 4000 $ 33.900;00 $ I5,0000 $ 11,250,00 $ 3,750.00 15,000.00 11,250.00 3,750,00 6,000.00 45,000.00 15,000.00 88,327.80 66,245.85 22.081,95 S 178.327.80 $ 133,745.85 3 4_j4895 $ $ 72.97 $ 72.97* 35,000.00 19,782.06 15 217.94 l1OOO000 105,186,45 4,813.55 110,000.00 81,061.78 28,938.22 14,340.00 8,184.07 6,155,93 51,000,00 42,938.81 8)061.19 2,000.00 385,00 1*615.00 15,000.00 16,771.86 1,771.86* 152.50 152, 500 337;340g&00 274 5350804-50 Js 666.967 f80 i 525, 6 8 i 11B624 12, 625.00 1,635.00 5,660,00 1, 000.00 3,950.00 3,770.00 1,545.00 215,00 3. -500.00 *Realized in excess of estimate. Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Experiment Station Division Allotted to Date Exnendi- Encum- tures brances Free 9alance State Appropriations General Appropriation 42,375.00 Tobacco Research 5,865.00 Service Laboratory 17, 4410.00 Nursery Insp. 3,00.00 Princeton Sub-Sta. 13)65U,00 Quicksand Sub-Sta, 13:830.00 Horticulture 8,455.00 Strawberry 1aLt.& Lab. 1,285.00 Dairy Cattle Improv, 11,500G00 Subtotal )$117.*2.0O.00 Federal Funds Hatch $ 11,250,00 Adams 11,250.00 Purnell 4,5, .000 00 Bankhead-Jones 66. 2j5. 85 Subtotal ~ l33, 745. 85 Combined Total $251,145"85 $ '4,390.33 $ $ 2,015.33* 4, 609.61 5.00 1, ?J50. 39 14-,149.05 20.14 3,270.81 2,133.28 866.72 12,958.99 55.00 636,01 12 430.33 1,399.67 6$786.19 150.83 1,517.98 1,285.00 9 4,8.59 9.00 2,0-12.41 .$106,906.37 239.97 10,253.66 ' 9,500.17 $ $ 1,659.83 8,9S3.29 2,256.71 36,481 A9 8,518.51 521 8 02., '5134.0 go1 6 067.L0. 75 78_.5 &214,773.77 0 239i97 $ 36,132.11 State Revolving Fund Balances Receipts to Date Exloendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance Experiment Station $554,515.10 $195,090.45 $ 43,150.84 $316,273.81 Animal Pathology 534160.81 41.20 53,119.61 Post War Adj.Expenses 60,00000 60,000.00 Repairs & Newr Equip. 109,680.20 1,125.00 108,555.20 Abattoir Bldc,.Fund 108.41 946.58 838.17* S777,4641.52 $196 078,.'X ,^1 275 84 $537,110.45 7, '-,,.L a~ _4 4 *__ *Expenditures in excess of approp. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 23, 1947 Experiment Station Division Dept. Approp. Expendi- Encum- Free tures brances Balance Hatch Fund Admin.& General Animal Husbandry Chemistry Horticulture Publ.& Library Subtotal Adams Fund Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Subtotal $ 7,650.00 $ 4,856*85 $ $ 2,793.15 1,200.00 800.00 400.00 2,500.00 1,666.66 833.34 1,200.00 8(0C.00 400.00 2,450.00 1. 466. 6G 983.34 $ 15,000.00 U 9,590.17 @ $ 5.409.83 $ 4,645.00 $ 3,096.66 $ $ 1,548.34 5,500.00 3,589.98 1,910.02 4855.00 2,306.65 2 548.35 15,000.00 $ 8, 9 93 29 $ $ 6,006.71 Purnell Fund Farm Economics Mkts.& Rural Fin. Home Economics Publ.& Library Subtotal Bankhead-Jones Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Entomology & Bot. Farm Economics Markets & Rur.Fin. Horticulture Dairy Publ. & Library Poultry Subtotal Total Federal Funds $ 29,485.00 $ 17,934,87 22,815.00 14,273.69 6,000.00 3,550,41 1,700.00 722.52 $ 60 000.00 36,481.49 $ 36,140,00 5,720,00 9,200.00 4,900.00 5,430,00 3,860.00 4,300.00 5,680,00 2,215,00 1,332.00 9.500 .00 4 8327.00 %$ $ 11,550.13 8,541,31 2, 449, 59 977,48 73,518.51 $ 21.,915,81 $ $ 14,234.19 3,271.82 2,448.18 6,154.07 3,045.93 2,104.80 2,795.20 3,295.76 2,134.24 3,564.53 295.47 2,692.84 1,607.16 3,675.13 2,006.87 935.20 1,J279,80 1,382.00 5,194.49 4,305.51 U152,802.45 $ 357024.595 10107.867.40 Q 70.4-59.60 Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Experiment Station Division Dept. APmro p. State Revolving Funds Administration $ 73,464.00 Agronomy 56j300.00 Animal ;iusbandry 13)221.50 Animal Pathology 11,790.00 Chemistry 8,328.00 Entom.& 3otany 35,280.00 Farm Economics 8,095.00 Markets 385.00 Horticulture 6,820.00 W. Ky. Sub-Station 15, O0k00 Dairy 9,!428 00 Publ.& Library 13,980.00 Creamery License 14,340.00 Feed & Fertilizer 75,000.00 Pub. Serv. Lab, 230.70 Poultry 5,020.00 Subtotal $346,682.20 Expendi- Encum- tures $? 33,557.83 $ 32,805.54 15,809.98 8,361,82 2,299.75 20,398.82 1,765,63 112. 21 4,401.34 4,958.07 9,500.19 5,315.00 7,133.16 44,523.82 brances 992.75 2,131.30 1,758.74 756.53 243.68 16.59 136.20 2,137.46 1,148,36 928.05 70.82 23, 712.23 4 l'7. 29 504.63 Q195.090,45 $ 34,.537.34 Free Balance $ 38,913.42 21,363.16 4, 347. 22* 2,671.65 5,784.57 14, 864.59 6,329.37 272.79 2,282.46 7,904.47 1,220.55* 7,736.95 7,136.02 6,763.95 230.70 368.08 $117,054.41 FIRE LOSS REPLACEMENTS 691.90 $ _ $ 691.90 State Appropr. Funds Administration Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Chemistry Entom.& Botany Markets Horticulture Home Economic s Robinson Sub-Sta. W. Ky. Sub-Sta. Dairy Dairy Catt.Improv. Pub. Serv.Lab. Poultry Subtotal Total State Funds Combined Totals $ 4,953.00 $ 13,766.59 7,460.00 7,125.71 15,105.00 8,365.94 3,600.00 2,499.96 12,917.00 7,841.98 8,680.00 5,253.28 1,500.00 11,400.00 7,709.29 540.00 17,600.00 12,430.33 17,600,00 12,958.99 6,880.00 3,363.47 15,000.00 9,188.I40 23,100,00 14,159.23 ,1'.965.00 22243.20 $151,300.00 106,906.37 $498 674.10 '301,996.82 J677 QOQL10 409,864. 34, 34,- $ 8,813.59* 334.29 6,739.06 1, 100.04 5.00 5,070,02 3,426,72 1,500.00 150.83 3,539,88 540.00 5,169.67 55.00 4,586.01 9.00 3,507.53 5,811.60 20.14= 8,920.63 2.721.80 239.97 44, 4-153S66 777.31 Q161,899.97 777.31 823-2,359.57 Exreriment Station Plant Funds Repairs and New Equip. 0 $ 1,125.00 $" 1,125.00 Animal Path.Bldg, 41.20 41. 20* Abattoir Bldg. _ 9 46.58 946.58* Total 78 ', 1,125.00 137.22 * *Expenditures in excess of approp, Statement of Departmental Approoriations For the Period Ending February 28,1947 Experiment Station Division Dept. Azproo. Expendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance Combined Totals of Exoeriment Station Adrmin, & Gen.Exp. Agronomy Animal Husbandry Aniizal Pathology Chemistry Dairy $ 86,067.00$ 99,900.00 39,891.50 30,090.00 33, 500.00 18,523.00 52,181.27 $ 61, 847.06 31, 344.40 20, 605.83 16, 219.84 13,79 .86 992.75$ , 131.30 1 758.74 756.53 248.68 1, 157.36 Entomology & Bot. 49,390.00 8;1947. 86 16.59 20;425,55 Farm Economics 41,440.00 23, 265.03 1,174.97 Home Economics 6,540.00 3,550.41 2,989.59 Horticulture 25, 100.00 16, 583.76 287.03 8,229.21 Mkts. & Rural Fin, 29,000.00 17,078.74 11,921,26 Poultry 19,48.5.00 11,584.98 504.63 7,395.39 Publ, & Library 19,512.00 7,504.18 928,05 11,079.77 W.Ky. Sub-Sta. 32, 600. C0 17, 91.7.06 2,192.46 12,490.48 Creamery License 14,340.00 7,K13.16 70,82 7,136.02 Feed & Fertilizer 75,000.00 44,52,382 23,712,23 6,763.95 PubServLab. 23,330.70 14,159.20 3 20.14 9,151.33 Robinson Sub-Stai 17,600.00 12,430.33 5,169,67 Animal Path4Bldg4 Abattoir Bldg, 946.58 946.58* Dairy Cattle Imprv. 15,000.00 9,188.40 5,811.60 Repairs and New Equip._ 1,125.00 1,125.00* $6762309.20 $40,810.80 35902.31 5229$596,09 Fire Loss Replacement 691.90 691 90 001.10 ^410,8l0,80 3 35,902.31 __________9 *Expenditures in excess of approp. 32,892.98 35,921.64 6,788.36 8,727.64 17, 031.48 3,566.78 Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Extension Division Budget Estimate Realized to Date Unreali zed Balance State AP&ropriation General Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones & Smith-Lever Capper-Ketcham Banlkhead-Flannagan Subtotal Combined Total $ 250,000.00 q 187,500.00 $ 62,500.00 $ 625,981.53 i 625,981.53 37,387.96 37,387.96 321. 871.27 .321, 871.27 '95406 985240.76 6250000 $61,23-5,t40.7~6 1, 172,740.76 62. 5O00.Q Statement of Federal Allotments For the Period Ending February 28, 1947 Extension Division Allotted to Date Expendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance State Appropriation General - Personal Services a 187.500,00 147.'411.57 C Federal Funds Bankhead-Jones & Smith Lever $ 625,981.53 Capper-Ketcham 37,387.96 Bankhead-Flannagan 321.871.27 Subtotal $_985 _40_77 Combined Total 1,172,740.76 8387,103.55 38,152.25 135.098.89 $560-354.69 $707,766.26 1 $238,877.98 j 764.29* 186,772.38 __________ 424,886.07 . :464a974.50 *Expenditures in excess of funds allotted. $ 40,088.43 Statement of Apuropriations For the Period Ending February 28, 194,7 Extension Division Dept. Ex--rendi- Encum- tures brances Free Balance Smith-Lever & Bankhead Jones Fund Adi.inistrati on 11, 000.00 $ 6,564.08 $ $ 4,435.92 Publications 20,950.00 4,793,90 16,156.10 Public Information 3, 14-0.00 1, 518. 77 1,G21. 23 Count'y AgEents 4.104, 785. 38 262, 363.60 142, 421.78 0ome Dem.Agents 102,18. 21 80, 770. 00 21,4 1'4. 21 Clothing 1,200,G0 329.78 370.22 Foods 2,200,00 1,171.62 1,028.38 Junior Clubs 16,900.00 7, 6983. 02 9,201.93 Agronorv 6,900.00 *it) 6'j5.9sa 2, 234.02 Dairy 4', 400.00 1,430.63 2, 969.37 Animal ilusbandry 3,300.00 2, 0Oi5. 68 1, 2 -z44. 32 Markets 3,600.00 1,923.60 1,676.40 Farm 14,.na!-: