xt7brv0cvz2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cvz2h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1936 yearbooks ukyrbk1936 English The Kentucky Kernel, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1936 text The Kentuckian 1936 1936 2012 true xt7brv0cvz2h section xt7brv0cvz2h The = KENTUCKIAN : 1936 COP Y R I G II T 1 9 3 6 Ba/il L. Baker, Editor-in-Chief (amis L. BersoTj Business Mc.k. YEAR BOOK OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PUBLISHED BY THE CLASS OF I 9 3 6 \ To Kentucky Traditions, which have made this State famous throughout the world, we dedicate The 1936 Kentuckian. The name "Kentucky" wherever mentioned is synonymous with Beautiful Women, Fast Horses, Stately Colonels, Mint Juleps, Burley Tobacco, and Sturdy Pioneers UCKY DITIONS '4 ADMINISTRATION ATHLETICS CONl Judge Mulligan wished to make his readers appreciative of Kentucky Traditions when he wrote "In Kentucky." Since that is our purpose also, we will use his poem in collaboration with our theme: FEATURES ORGANIZATIONS ACTIVITIES ENTS The moonlight is the softest In Kentucky Summer's days come oft'est In Kentucky Friendship is the strongest Love's fires glow the longest Yet, a wrong is always wrongest In Kentucky w t 1 leaving the i. 1 15 r a r y The sunshine is ever brightest In Kentucky The breezes whisper lightest In Kentucky Plain girls are the fewest Maidens' eyes the bluest Their little hearts are truest In Kentucky 3n Utemnrtam r=i Jnjitrnrtnr in tin* tbyartmimt of* (HbfiutHtnj r. iFrattk A. itogl^B iHpuiral *?taff nf tbp 9tHpettHanj Snatntrtor ttt the (Enllate nf lEttgitwrnttig Dean T. T. Jones T. T. Jones, dean of men. was born in Clay County, Kentucky. He attended (he University where he obtained his A. B. degree in 1902. being the honor graduate that year; he later went to Harvard where he obtained his Ph. 1). degree. He has been head of the Department of Ancient Languages since 1904; was acting dean of the Graduate School until 1934, when he was appointed dean of men upon the retirement of Dean Melcher. June, 1936, will mark the completion of the third year of office for T. T. Jones as dean of men of the University, and in that short period of time, he has endeared himself to everyone with whom he has come in contact. His friendship, geniality, and impartiality have made him honored and respected by all the men of the University. The two major problems which have confronted Dean Jones have been the administration of student relief work in the form of FERA and NYA, and the financial situation of the fraternities on the campus. Both projects have been handled in a very commendable manner. The fraternities were required to submit financial statements and a council composed of the presidents of all the fraternities was formed by Dean Jones. Another innovation which has been a boon to the social life of the University ate the Wednesday night dances inaugurated by the genial dean, the proceeds from which have been used to buy a piano lor the gymnasium and also add to tire Student Union Building fund. His achievements have been outstanding dining the four years spent at the University by t he Class of '36. DEANS W. D. FunkhouseRj dtiui of the Graduate School, was born in Rockport, Indiana, in 1881. He obtained his A. B. degree from Wabash College in '05, M. A. from Cornell in '12, l'h. 1). from Cornell in '16, and Sc. 1). from Wabash in '29. He has travelled around the world in his incessant search for rare and strange specimens of bugs, snakes, and dead Indians. In spite of the fact that he is married. Dr. Funkhouser has written about 300 books and scientific publications. Not being a very busy man. he was appointed chairman of the Athletic Council and secretary of the Southeastern Conference. He is a member of Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa, the Rotary Club, and many scientific organizations. Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the College of Agriculture, was born in Pekin, Illinois, in 1881. He is an expert gar-dner, and also enjoys traveling. He received his A. B. and A. B. in .Agriculture from the University of Minnesota. Before coming to the university, Dean Cooper taught at the University of Minnesota, was connected with the United States Department of Agriculture, and Director of North Dakota Better farms Association. Besides being an author of a book, he has also written several bulletins on agriculture. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Alpha Zeta, Masons, Rotary Club, and other clubs. L. J. Horlacher, assistant dean of the College of Agriculture, was born at Frankfort, Indiana, in 1894. He received his B. S. degree at Purdue in 1917. his M. S. at Kansas State College in 1919, and did graduate work at the University of Chicago. Professor Horlacher is the author of several books on livestock, and is a renowned authority on sheep. While in school Professor Horlacher was a member of Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Xi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Tau Kappa Alpha, and O. D. K. DEANS P. P. Boyd, clean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was born in Cameron, West Virginia, in 1877. He received his A. B. from Oberlin in 1898, A. M. from Park College, and M. A. and Ph. 1). from Cornell. He is married and has two daughters, Virginia and Bettie. Reading, long trips, and college sports interest him very much. Dean Boyd is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Sigma Xi, Omicron Kappa Delta, and Sigma Delta Chi, besides being prominent in various societies. He has written several articles on education and was co-author of a textbook. Before coming to Kentucky he was connected with Hanover College and Park College. Edward Wiest, dean of the College of Commerce, was born in Florida, 1878. He received his A. B. from George Washington University in 1912, his A. M. from Columbia, and his Ph. 1). From Columbia in 1916. Dean Wiest was connected with the United States Weather Bureau, has taught at the University of Vermont, and is the author of several publications. He is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa, Beta Gamma Sigma, and several academies of sciences. William S. Taylor, dean of the College of Education, since 1923, was born in Beaver Dam in 1885. He obtained his B. S. from Kentucky in '12, M. S. from the University of Wisconsin in '13, and Ph. I). From Columbia in '24. He is an ardent golfer and quite naturally, is also quite a gardener (always digging). He is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Zeta, Kiwanis Club, Masons, N. E. A., A. A. A. S., and K. E. A. Dean Taylor has written several books on education, in addition to being a member of the Federal Board of Vocational Education. 23 DEANS [ames Hiram Graham, dean of the College of Engineering, was born in Louisville in 1879. He received his 15. C. E. in '00, and C. E. in '03 from the University of Kentucky. After the armistice was signed terminating the World War. he was in charge of the engineering operations of ihe A. E. F. in France. He was awarded an office in the Legion of Honor in France and the Distinguished Service Medal by the United States. Fie is a member of the Pen-dennis Club, Masons, and Kappa Alpha. This is Dean Graham's first year at the university, but he has shown much enthusiasm in the proposed campus improvements which include the Student Union Building, remodeling Mechanical Hall, improvements on the stadium, and construction of a central heating plant. W. E. Freeman, assistant dean of the College of Engineering, is a native of Lexington. He obtained his A. B. from Transylvania in '01, B. M. E. from U. of K. in '04, and E. E. from Kentucky in '12. Dean Freeman is another member of the stall who is an ardent gardener, and strangely enough, he too is a golfer. Dean Freeman was acting dean of the College of Engineering during the past year, prior to the arrival of the new dean, Colonel Graham, and was active in the installation of a new credit system in the college. He is a member of Fan Beta Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa, A. 1. E. E., Rotary Club, and Kappa Alpha. Ai.vin E. Evans, dean of the College of Law, was born in Valley, Nebraska, in 1880. and spent his early life on the farm. He attended the University of Nebraska, where he received his A. 1>. and A. M. degrees. He then married and now has two children. Palmer and Patrica. He started his teaching career at the University of Washington, then went to the State College of Washington, University of Idaho, and later to George Washington University. He is a member of the Rotary Club, Delta Theta Phi, Kentucky Bar Association and other legal societies. 2 1 DEANS Sarah G. Blanding, dean of women and assistant professor of political science, was born in Fayette County, Kentucky, in 1898. She received her A. B. at the university and her A. M. at Columbia. Before becoming dean of women, she was instructor in physical education and assistant dean of women. She spends her summers as director at Trail's End Cam]), located on the Kentucky River. While in school, Dean Blandingwas a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and active in campus life. Site is a member of the American Association of University Women and prominent in the (ield of political science. Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, assistant clean of women, was born at Shawnee on the Delaware, Pennsylvania, and attended the University of Kentucky where she obtained her A. B. degree. Before she came to the university as a member of the faculty, she taught at East Stroudsburg and Sayrc College. She is a member of Kappa Delta l'i and Mortal-Board. Mrs. Holmes' popularity among the students of the university can probably be attributed to the fact (hat she really knows how to get along with young people, being the mother of four, Kendall. Mildred, Lillian, and [olm. all of whom have made very filic records at the university. Life's burdens bear the lightest In Kentucky The home fires burn the brightest In Kentucky While the players are the keenest Cards come out the meanest The pocket empties cleanest In Kentucky Senior Class Officers * President Elvis f. Staiir, Lexington Vice-President Ralph Hughett, Princeton Secretary Francis Kerr, Lexington Treasurer Columbus Floyd, Stanford floyd staiir kirk hughett Th e campus politicians were at the ir peak, reveling in their arguments, oating over their successful ruses, and looking crestfallen when their crafty schemes were a failure. This proved to he the last of the Old Regime elections, due to the fact that the Student Council wisely declared the subsequent elections null and void, thereby putting an end to such ractices COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE W c; ^^^^^^ Kl III \\ I Kl I I Lexington /ii \ TAU Al.l'll \ Strollers, Guignol, Glee Club, Pan-Hellenic, Y. W. C. A., Alma Magna Mater, Home Ec Club. FRANCES BROWN......Brandenburg Y. W. C. A., 4-H Club, Agricultural Society, Home Ec Club. ALICE CANNON Lexington M.I'll \ gamma delta Phi Upsilon Omicron, Alma Magna Mater, Y. W. C. A., Home Ec Club. Agricultural Society. ELOISE 1".. CARREL.......Lexington alpha xi delta Alma Magna Mater, Home Ec Club, Y. W. C. A., W. A. A. ANNA I . CHAMBERS NlCHOLASVILLE MARY C. CHAUVET......Oak Park, III. Ill I.I \ HI I I a delta Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Ec Club, Y. W. C. a. MARTHA S. CLEVELAND chi omega Versailles MARY E. COLLINS......Flemincsburg Phi Upsilon Omicron. Home Ec Club, Y. W. C. A. HERMAN W. COOTS R ! SSI.I.IATI.I.l- .M.I'M \ (.WWW Kill) Block and Bridle. 4-H Club, Agricultural Society, Alpha Zeta, Y. M. C. A., Dairy Club. Kl (.I'M- ( IT! ON. JR. l'.\ltKs\ II 1.1 Alpha Zeta. Block and Bridle, Dairy Club, Fat Stock Judging Team 1934, Dairy Judging Team 1935. W. E. DIFFORD....... delta tau delta Scabbard and Blade, Pershing Rifles, Guignol. ANNA K. EVANS .... Phi Upsilon Omicron. Home Ec Club. Louisville Lexington 30 (essie gibbs...... zeta tau alpha Y. W. C. A., Home Ec Club. ann S. GILES COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE SHjjj SOM I km I .......Lexington Home Ec Club, Y. W. C. A.. Agriculture Society, Dutch Lunch Club. GERALDINE HALL.......Lexington Home Ec Club, Y. W. C. A., Agriculture Society, Dutch Lunch Club. LOUIS HILLENMYER, JR. phi delta itii i a GLINNA HUGHES ALPHA c; \\I\IA DELTA Y. W. C A., W. A. A. ruth hunter .... chi omega Y. W. C. a., Home Ec Club. Lexington I'ikeville Somerset ianne ireland .... chi omega Y. W. C. A., W. S. G. A., Home Ec Club. Lexington JOHN W. IRVINE........Danville Alpha Zeta. Block and Bridle, Agricultural Society, Band, Tuesday Club. millie b. irvine .... delta zeta Y. W. C. A., Home Ec Club, Kernel Staff. albert l. isham..... Block and Bridle, Alpha Zeta, Chronicles. Lexing roN i.ours f. ison Perryville Harrodsburg alpha CAM MA Kilo President Alpha Gamma Rho, Student Council, President Block and Bridle. Pitkin Club. Lamp and Cross, Ken-tuckian Staff, Agricultural Society. Lances, Horticulture Club, Business Manager "K" Book. john \v. lynch Lexington 31 COLLEGE OK AGRICUL1 L'RE " ...... w l'AUL S. McCOMAS..... \1 I'll \ (. \\l \I \ Kill) Alpha Zeta, Block and Bridle. FRANK Mc.COOL Football, Y. M. C. A. I'l k u'l'a ai.i'iia CHARL'ES 1.. \l. t.KII I Block and Bridle, Agricultural Society. CECIL E. MARSH..... Al I'll \ GAM M \ riio President Agricultural Society, Dairy Club. .MAURICE H. MESHF.W Al.l'l IA GAMMA riio President Dairy Club, Block and Bridle. HELEN L. MORGAN' 111 UKI S\ ll.l.l- Koscii sk \. .M is'i Science I In i Winchesti i; Arlington London Home Ec Club. 4-H Club, Agricultural Society, Y. W. C. A., W. S. G. A. VIVIAN L. MIS IKK ISABELLE S. NADELS I FIN New 11w i \ N i w York City President Mortar Board. Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Ec Club Agricultural Society. Junior Prom Court, Pan Politikon, Y. W. C. A., Cosmopoliton Club. JAMES A. PATTERSON sigma nu LOUISE S. PAYN I, Lexington Lexington delta zeta Phi Upsilon Omicron, Pan-Hellenic, Home Ec Club, Y. W. C. A., Kernel, Agricultural Society. CLYDE M. RICHARDSON' .... ai.i'iia gamma kiio Alpha Zeta, Block and Bridle, Agricultural Society MARY L. SHEARER...... ciii omega Phi Upsilon Omicron, Y. W. C. A., German Club. Morning View Lexington PS ; win . '' 32 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE [AMES \V. SIMMON'S .... .M.I'll \ f.AMM \ RIIO Rl "I I.IA II I.I Block and Bridle, President 4-H Club, Agricultural Society, Senior Council Y. M. C. A. JOE TERRY.........Frankfort Al.l'll \ (.AM M \ KIIO Block and Bridle, Agricultural Society, Dairy Club. FRANCIS TIIORTON.....Bradfordsville ai.i'iia \] delta Y. W. C. A., Home Ec Club, Agricultural Society. JAMES D. TOY .... Debating Team. Phi Epsilon Phi. NOEL L. WATSON I 1 [anderson Scll.NCI I 111.I. \l I'll ', GAMMA KIIO Alpha Zeta, Block and Bridle, Dairy Club, Dairy Judging Team 1935, Agricultural Society. RAY W. WILSON Nl< IIOLASV1LLE & Mi COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MARY ASHER WADE AULICK Football. BAZIL L. BAKER I'l K MM' \ AI.l'l I \ Lexing 111\ I , \ IOM \ Geori.....wn Editor Kentuckian. Omicron Delta Kappa. Associate-editor Kernel, Scabbard and Blade, Captain R. O. T. c. Student Council, Lances. Strollers. Who's Who In Colleges Of America. ELIZABETH HAUTE Theta Sigma Phi, Kernel. BARBARA BECK Lebanon Lexington ai.imi \ c; \m m \ delta Guignol, Y. W. C. A. GO LI) IE BELL........Monticello AI.I'IIA delta theta Phi Beta, Phi Epsilon Phi, Y. W. C. A., W. S. G. A. COLLEGE OK ARTS AND SCIENCES FRANK BORRIES Louisville I'll! k M'I'A i All Omicron Delta Kappa, Sigma Delta Chi, Scabbard and Blade, Keys, Managing-editor of Kernel, Pan-Politikon, Captain R. O. T. C, Kentuckian Staff, Varsity Baseball, Interfra-ternity Council, Winner Charles R. Brent Memorial 1935. GEORGIA BOTKIN .... Y. W. C. A., Dutch Lunch Club, W. A. A. BETTIE BOYD..... kai'p \ k \pp \ (. wima Lexincton Lexington Mortar Board. Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa Delta Pi, Guignol, Strollers, Y. W. C. A. Senior Cabinet 1934. SuKy, Glee Club, R. O. T. C. Sponsor 1932. RICHARD HO YD Louisville SIGMA Pill EPSILON Omicron Delta Kappa, Scabbard and Blade. Associate-editor Kernel. Kentuckian Staff. SuKy, Interfraternity Council, Pan-Politikon, Lances, Pitkin Club, Glee Club, President Y. M. C. A. J. IS. BRECKINRIDGE KAPPA Mill VIRGINIA M. BROWN sigma kappa Lexington 1.1 \l\CIO\ JOSEPH E. BOURGEOIS German Club. M VRY G. BRYAN PI beta Pill Lexington 1 ,01 isville GRANVILLE B. BYRNE.....Brooksville sigma nu Lances, Patterson Literary Society, Phi Epsilon Phi, Glee Club. WALTER R. BYRNE......Russellville sigma alpha epsilon EMMA L. GARROFF Y. W. O. A. 1 I VRRODSBT RC JAMES S. CARROLL.......Lexington-delta chi Interfraternity Council, Pryor Pre-Med, Presidents Council. COLLEGE OE ARTS AND SCIENCES WILLIAM C. CAUDILL TOM CHALKLEY ...... PHI KAPPA TAU y. M. C. A., Pryor Pre-Med, German Club. Prestonsburg Ft. Mitchell MARTHA L. CHRISTIAN . Horse Cave President Mortar Board, Y. W. C. A. Senior Cabinet. French Club. JOHN CHRISTIE..... phi sigma kappa Sigma Delta Chi, Kernel Staff. WALTER CHRISTAPHER Ouincy, Mass. Irvine WILLIAM C. CLOVD, JR.....Campiiei.esvii.ee sigma alpha epsilon f ^ A 1 f Jfr f?5 j A CHARLES C. COLLINS HILL CONI.F.Y phi sigma kappa CoLSON Carlisle President Phi Sigma Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Interfraternity Council, SuKy. Strollers. Glee Club. Guignol. Intramural Junior Manager, Catholic Club, Kentuckian Staff, Kernel Staff, Lamp and Cross, Lances, Presidents Club. MARGARET CRAFT .... DELTA DELTA DELTA W. S. G. A., Y. W. C. A. DOROTHY (TR1 Is I 1 \Z Mil) M \YS\ II El k m'i'a k m'p V gam M Strollers, Guignol, Military Ball Queen. Company Sponsor R. O. T. C, Chi Delta Phi, Theta Sigma Phi. MARY DANTZLER...... kappa kappa gamm \ Phi Beta, Cwens, Glee Club, Y. W. C. A., Guignol, German Club. Lexington' JOHN D. DARNELL . Frankfort i'll i kappa tau Glee Club, Pryor Pre-Med, Y. M. C. A., Democratic Club, Kernel Staff. I 35 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Will I w; C. DAWSON Covington Pershing Rifles, Keys, Guignol, First Lieutenant R. O. T. C, Lances. AUDREY deWILDE .... Baldwin, Long Island ai.i'iia gam ma delta Guignol, CAvens, Y. W. C. A. WESLEY I.. DODGE .... DELTA TAU DELTA Y. M. C. A., Editor "K" Book. PATRICK DOOL'EY Pi Sigma Alpha. HAROLD Is. DO I SON .... sigma chi Pryor Pre-Med, Second Lieutenant O. R. C. HALI.IE E. DOWNING .... ai.i'iia delta 11ii i \ President Alpha Delta Theta, Pan-Hellenic. Monroe, Wis. M 11)1)1.esiioko Lexington Lexington DOROTHY A. DUNDON.......Paris alpha gamma delta Cwens, Y. W. C. A., Spanish Club, French Club, Freshman Award, Catholic Club, Mortar Board, Confreria de los Conquistadores, Fleus de Lis, Dutch Lunch Club. FRANCES Dl'NLAP ci 11 mi eg \ MARY E. DUNN..... delta delta delta Strollers, Y. W. C. A., Guignol. Vers ui.i i s Lexington RICHARD L. DRYE Glee Club. Y. M. C. A. ISk vdfordsville k m'p \ m.i'iia MARY E. EARLE....... kappa delta Pitkin Club, Chi Delta Phi, Phi Beta, Y. W. C. A. PHOEBE ELLIS 1 ex I \c I on Mount Olivet HI II \ 1)1 El \ delta 36 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MACK H. FIEBER Pryor Pre-Med, German Club. MARJORIE FIEBER Bronx, N. V. nicholas! ii. 1.1. delta delta 111 i.i \ Y. W. C. A., W. S. G. A., May Queen Attendant 1933, Company Sponsor 1933, Battalion Sponsor 1934, Regimental Sponsor 1935. ELBERT C. FIELDS...... Baptist Student Union, Kentucky Youth Crusade. Yerkes LEWIS FINLEY..... Pill deli \ theta President Phi Delta Theta. (AMES B. FLOYD .... Pryor Pre-Medical Society, Y. M. C. A. MARTHA FUGETT . . . . . delta delta delta Phi Beta, Mortar Board, Y. W. C. a., W. a. a. Georgetown Lexington Lexington m w V 4 k 1 ..... /I IHMi NORMAN G A RUNG Chicago, III sigm \ Al.l'll \ epsilon Editor Kentucky Kernel. Editor Sour Mash. Student Council, President Sigma Delta Chi, President Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association, Kentuckian Sports Editor, Radio Staff, Assistant Director of Athletic Publicity. MARTHA F. GILTNER Eminence ('111 omega President Chi Omega. President Pan-Hellenic, W. S. G. A., Chi Delta Phi, Y. W. C. A. MARY E. (.11.FIG AI.I'IIA CAM MA 1)1 1.1 A Guignol, Y. W. C. A. MARGUERITE GOODFRIF.NI) Y. W. C. A., W. A. A., Guignol, Pitkin Club. LOUIS GORDON Sigma Pi Sigma, German Club. EDWINA C. GOREY...... Y. W. C. A., Dutch Lunch Club, Theta Sigma Phi. Fl x.ington Newport Mr. Sum.inc. Paris 37 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES _ Ml..grf- Hi^HHHHBBl HOWARD GREENE Sigma Delta Chi. MARTHA W. HALL Ml. Si I Kl INC. MoREHEAD k u"pa kai'l'a gamma Y. W. C. A.. Guignol Orchestra. Symphony Orchestra, French Club, German Club. CLIFFORD G. HARDIN J I a/ a Kl I BUR TON HAW KINS Lexington K mm'a KAI'l'A g \ m m \ Alma Magna Mater, Girl's Glee Club, Spanish Club. Pitkin Club, Baptist Student Union, Y. W. C. A., Dutch Lunch Club, French Club. ALICE LOUISE HILLEN chi omega ANNA BAIN IIILLENMEYER delta delia delta Pan-Hellenic, Y. W. C. A. Louisville Lexington I.II.I.IAN HOLMES AI.I'IIA GAMMA DELTA Lexington Guignol, French Club, Strollers, Company Sponsor, Pitkin Club, May Queen Attendant, President Alma Magna Mater ,Y. W. C. A., Dutch Lunch Club, Beauty Attendant, Mountain Laurel Representative, W. S. G. A., Kentuckian Staff, Cwens, W. A. A. WILLIAM C. HOT TON MARY LOU HUME W. A. A., Y. W. C. A. WALTER M. HUNTER, JR. kai'l'a alpha Pryor Pre-Medical Society, Kentuckian Staff. AMES H. IRVIN Alpha Chi Sigma. sigma alpha I l'-ll on "1 KIM I Y Takes Lexington Lexington VIRGINIA JOHNSON.....Trenton, Mo. alpha gamma delta 9L mKMm 33 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES i. p. JOHNSTON Lexington Captain of Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade, President Pi Sigma Alpha, Athletic Council. SUSAN JOHNSTON Lexington OLIVER S. K.ASH KAI'l'A K M'I'A (I \M M \ Pill Sl(,\l \ K M'l \ Sigma Delta Chi. Assistant Managing Editor Kentucky Kernel, Strollers. -.SSE Kl ! I II sigma AI.I'IIA epsilon MARY(.KKNNADY cm omec \ FRANCES KERR J [opkinsville Elizabethtown Lexington Al.l'l 1 \ CAM MA DELTA Phi Beta, Mortar Board, W. S. G. A., Y. W. C. A., Guignol, Owens, Glee Club, Phi Beta Kappa. n '2 Mb* " *" I MBbbbMbbbMbMbMMI f % r *k JOHN A. KINCHELOE .... alpha tau omega Keys, Lances, Lamp and Cross. ELEANOR KNIGHT . Pleur de Lis, Y. W. C. A., Glee Club. WALTER M. LANCASTER Kernel Staff. EDWARD LANCASTER . alpha sigma pi Hakdinsbukg Lexington W. LANCASTER A. H. I.AM) phi k m'l'a tau 11 VNVILLE Lexington Lexington Lexington 39 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES f \ aBK j ii li WILLIAM I . 1.1 BIN German Club. riu in i i \ i in i \ ELSA LISLE Cynthiana Lexington Sigma Pi Sigma, Alma Magna Mater, Dutch Lunch Club, Pitkin Club, Y. W. C. A. JOHN A. LUCIAN I'lll KAI'l'A TAU Jamestown, N. Y. Strollers, Pan Politikon, Alpha Delta Sigma, Manager Varsity Tennis, Kernel Sports Editor, Kentuckian Sports Editor, Winner K. L. R. A. Sports Award. WILLIAM F. LUTHER, JR. Band, Alpha Chi Sigma, German Club. MARY MILLER AI.I'IIA xi DELTA 1 [cpkinsville MARY MARSHALL.......Lexington alpha gamma delta Guignol, y. W. c. A. Lexington JAMES H. MILLER....... u.pii \ SIGMA PHI Strollers, Band, Philharmonic Orchestra, Glee Club. BE I IT MOM I I I Frankfort Lexington Clll OMEGA Phi Beta, Cwens, Mortar Board, Y. W. C. A., Spanish Club. President French Club, Fleur de Lis, Los Conquistodores, German Club. JAMES A. MOORE California, Md. Tennis Captain, Debating Team, Glee Club, Strollers, Interfraternity Council, Keys, Lances, Omicron Delta Kappa, Patterson Literary Society, Student Council, Pan Politikon, Oratorical Champion. VIRGINIA ML RRELL Somerset deli v zeta President Phi Beta, Pan Hellenic, Cwens, Glee Club, Radio Ensemble, Pan Politikon, Mortar Board, Senior Cabinet Y. W. c. A., University Choristers. SAM I EL C. NUCHOLS, KAI'l'A AI.I'IIA OLNEY B. OWEN Versailles Glomawr 40 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES WILLIAM H. PELL.......Lewisport Pi Mu Epsilon, Sigma Pi Sigma, Kappa Delta Pi, Tau Beta Pi Slide Rule Award, White Mathematics Club, Dicker Engineering Society. ANNE PAYNE PERRY .... KAI'l'A KAI'l'A GAMMA Lexinc ion President Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pan Hellenic, President W. A. A., Y. W. C. A., R. O. T. C. Sponsor. MARY POTTS . Chi Delta Phi, Y. W. C. A. ELIZABETH E. PRATHER KAI'l'A DELTA Y. W. C. A., Spanish Club. CHARLES C. RANDALL Varsity Tennis. Carlisle Kansas City, Mo. EDITH RE ACER K VPPA KAI'l'A GAMMA 1 .exington Louisville ML ami 3m. * \ % ? F \ i ~ f 4v MA I I .YE L. RED WINE W. A. A., Y. W. C. A. Jackson FRANCES REID........Lexington Guignol, Phi Beta, Theta Sigma Phi, Chi Delta Phi. HELEN RICH Coving ion SuKy. Guignol. Glee Club, Strollers, Kernel Stall, W. A. A., W. S. G. A. ARTHUR ROPER Pryor Pre-Medical Society. Lexington LESLIE R. SCOTT.......Lexincton Band, Glee Club, Y. M. C. A.. Kernel Assistant Editor, Pitkin Club, Alma Magna Mater. ELIZABETH I. SCHOCKENCY chi omega Y. W. C. A., Alpha Delta Pi. Eminence COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES |HV Tpt.....- '. Ft KMMA GRACE SHARP W. A. A., Y. W. C. A., German Club. MALCOLM SHOTWELL alpha sigm \ phi I ,1 pnix i.n corbin President Alpha Sigma Phi. Lances, Strollers, Stage Manager Guignol, Lamp and Cross, Interfraternity Council, German Club, Assistant-Editor Kentuckian. Sigma Delta Chi, Kernel Staff. CAROLYN SMI 1 I1SO.N alpha xi delta YV. R. SPARKS...... ALPHA tau OMEGA Pryor Pre-Medical Society, Y. M. C. A. J Ioprinsville London ELVIS J. ST A H R I Ik km \n SIGMA ci Phi Beta Kappa. Rhodes Scholarship, Omicron Delta Kappa, President Senior Class. President Sigma Chi, Cadet Colonel R.O.T.C., Tennis Captain, Scabbard and Blade, Lieutenant Pershing Rifles, Lances, Lamp and Cross, Student Council, Pan Politikon, Kernel, Kentuckian, Debating. CHARLES H. STANLEY Bardstown kappa sigma Senior Intramural Manager, Lances, Interfraternity Council, Strollers, Pan Politikon. FRANK W. STARRS, Lexington k vita alpha HUGH YV. STEWART.......Rome Y. M. C. A., Varsity Rifle Team, Track, Alpha Chi Sigma. WILLIAM M. STRONG delta tau deli a Pershing Rifles, Scabbard and Blade. J ACKSON SAMUEL J. TEDESCO PHI SIGMA K \PPA Band, Interfraternity Council. CLAUDE B. TERRELL Bridgeport, Conn. Lexington Pill KAPPA tau Senior Basketball Manager, Su-Ky, President Lances. Omicron Delta Kappa, Scabbard and Blade, Phi Mu Epsilon. LOUIS M. THOMPSON Glee Club. sprincit i.i.i) COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES I.UCILE THORNTON .... KAI'l'A KAI'l'A GAM M \ Versailles Cwens. W. S. G. A., Y. W. C. A., Stephen Collins Poster Ensemble, Extension Studios, Strollers. BETTY TIKaIKYER..... Al I'll \ DELTA I III I \ Guignol, W. S. G. A., Pan-Hellenic. ELEANOR I R 1.1' I <>\V AI.I'IIA XI DELTA ( llNCINNATI, (). LlIiEK'i WILLI: Decatur, III. Y. W. C. A., W. S. G. A. MARY TRISCH..... ZETA TAU AI.I'IIA Y. W. C. A., W. S. G. A., Home Ec Club. DOROTHY WALKER......Lexington delta 1)1 1.1 A delta Strollers, Y. W. C. A., Cwens, W. A. A., W. S. G. A., Guignol. MARGARET E. WARREN.....Lexington Strollers, President W. A. A., W. S. G. A., Y. W. C. A. J* m I SAM WARREN . . . . . KAI'l'A SIGMA Omicron Delta Kappa, Su-Ky. Alpha Delta Sigma. Louisville MARY (.. WEBB Lexington Y. W. C. A., SuKy. Guignol. W. A. A., French Club, Pleur de L!s, B. S. U. Council, Alma Magna Mator, Mortar Board. Cwens. JANE A. WEBB........Lexington K M'I'A DELTA Phi Beta. Glee Club, Y. W. C. A., Pitkin Club, President Alma Magna Mater. RICHARD 11. WEI)DEE CARROLL WEISIGER, JR. DELTA TAU DELTA Alpha Delta Sigma, Guignol. CATHERINE C. WERST . . . . ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Somerset Louisv ii i i 1,1 xington COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES VIRGINIA YARIIRO I'aducaii CHARLES A. ZIMMER Lexington I'lll delta llll l"\ Interfraternity Council, Chairman Junior Prom, Strollers, Lamp and Cross, Scabbard and Blade. ALMA E. /()(.(, Charleston, West Va. COLLEGE OF COMMERCE WLLIAM ACOSTA .... I'lll KAI'l'A tau LESTER G. ANDERSON MILERD ANDERSON I'lll K M'I'A tau Captain Basketball 1936. SYLVESTER II. ANNA . Lexington Lexington Covington Ashland L. ATCHISON........Lexington phi sigma kappa Lances, Lamp and Cross, President Phi Sigma Kappa. CLARENCE T. AYRES.......Corbin Scabbard and Blade, Y. M. C. A., Football, Kentuckian Staff. J,i 1 r ^^^^^^ ^ 44 COLLEGE OF COMMERCE CARL I.. BAIRD LICHIE BARER AMES J.. BERSOT hi i.i \ delta delta alpha gamma i'll!) MOKI.an f i! Mi burkesville Shelbyville Omicron Delta Kappa. Business Manager Kentuckian, Lamp and Cross, President of C. S. e. A.. Strollers, Pan Politikon, Y. M. C. A. Senior Cabinet. Radio Starr, Associate Editor of Kernel. E. W. BOLAND, |R. Intramural Manager. LOUIS M. BROCK Strollers. WILLIS W. BROWN pin in 1.1 \ 1111 i \ Ft. Mi rcHELL Lexington I.I 1)1 ow KATHERINE L. CALLAWAY chi OMEGA Lexington Cwe"s. German Club. SuKv, W. A. A., Catholic Club, Rifle Team, Y. W. C. A. GEORGE CAMPBELL .... sigma alpha epsilon Middlesboro President Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Lamp and Cross, Basketball Manager. CHRISTINE COM I' ION DELTA DELTA DELTA W. S. G. A., Y. W. C. A. W. H. COURTNEY, JR. ... PHI DELTA THETA Keys, Strollers, Football Manager. AIAIN COX LAND ON G. CON M i. Sterling Lexington Georgetown Lexington COLLEGE OK COMMERCE w y mil Jmwm ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -- '10 BURNETT DADISMAN FRANK M. DAILEY Lexington Frankfort I'l KAI'l'A AEPII \ Student Council, Lamp and Cross, President Interfraternity Council, Scabbard and Blade. J. R. DARLINGTON BRUCF F. I).WIS delta tau 1)1 1.1 \ WILLTAM L. DAWSON .... sigma ai.i'iia epsilon D.Win DII-FORD Frankfort Lexington La Grange Louisville delta tau delta President Delta Tau Delta, President Omicron Delta Kappa, Alpha Delta Sigma, Student Council, Kernel Business Manager. DAN C. EWING.......Harrods Creek PI kappa alpha President SuKy, President Pi Kappa Alpha, Strollers. ERNEST FALL Lamp and Cross. sig.m \ ai.i'iia epsilon HELEN FINNERAN F. E. FISH JAMES W. FRIEND pi KAI'l'A alpha Fulton Versailles Lexington ROSS C. FOX........Madisonville phi kappa tau Lexington 46 COLLEGE OF COMMERCE CHARLES GATES CLARENCE B. GREEN MARSHALL W. II TON DELTA ci Lexincton Sl-IELBYVILLE Jamaica, N. Y. President Phi Mu Alpha, Delta Kappa Alpha, Interfraternity Council, Band, Lamp and Cross, Delta Kappa Alpha Award. JACK 1.111 R.\ ROBERT HENSLY Paris Burlington la m 111) \ Clll ai.i'iia President Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Alpha Delta, University Democratic Club, Kernel Staff. ROBERT I). HESS WiLMETTE, III, I'lll delta theta Lances, Interfraternity Council, Pershing Rifles, Freshman Track, Kernel, Snapshot Editor Kentuckian. o k 'Jam rfl ^^^^ VICTOR C. HOBDAY Falmouth Kentuckian Staff. Scabbard and Blade. Lieutenant-Colonel R. O. T. C, Pan Politikon, Patterson Literary Society, Pitkin Club. MARY 1). HOCKER Beaver Ham ai.i'iia xi delia CARL HOWELL.......Hodgenville sigma nu Phi Alpha Delta, Lamp and Cross, Interfraternity Council. JACK HOWARD........Lexington sigma nu President Student Council, Golf Team, Intramural Manager, C. E. A. RALPH H. HUGHETT......Princeton Omicron Delta Kappa, Scabbard and Blade, Strollers, Pitkin Club, Pershing Rifles, Kentuckian Staff, Alpha Delta Sigma, Lances, Lamp and Cross, Student Council, Captain R. O. T. C. YVILLIAM S. JETT .... PHI KAPPA TAU Phi Alpha Delta, Law Journal. Richmond COLLEGE OF COMMERCE *7 o 4ft SAMUEL C. KENNEDY......Somkrsi" SIGMA ci 11 Phi Delta Phi, Lances, Law Journal, Law School Council. ANNA I.. KIMS CHAMP EICON..... ALPHA TAU OMEGA Lamp and Cross, Band. MARY E. I UTKEMEIER Catholic Club. GATES W. McCAULEY .... sig.m \ alpha epsilon Football Manager. JACK II. McCONNEI.I..... DELTA TAU DELTA Kernel, Kentuckian, Y. M. C. A., Guignol. NlCHOL \s\tiii Lexincti Fr vnkfort Lexington Anchorage CLAYTON MARTIN ARRY A. MASON ... PI KAPPA ALPHA SuKy. Strollers, Scabbard and Blade. Perryville MORG Will I I) JOHN S. MAY......Sharer Heights, O. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Manager Basketball Team, Kernel, Kentuckian. MARY K. MORGAN Catholic Club, Dutch Lunch Club. HENRY I.. MYERS, |R. GEORGE N.W.I I. Lexington Louisville Titusville, Pa. HI I.I \ TAU DELTA 'is i / 2" 48 COLLEGE OF COMMERCE ROBERT I . NALL I [ODGl Will.I. sicm \ i'lll epsilon President Sigma Phi Epsilon, Lamp and Cross, Y. M. C. A., Guignol. AMES M. NORVELI..... Al.l'll \ tau omec \ Strollers. Persh