xt7brv0cwm1x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwm1x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19740621 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 21, 1974 text The Green Bean, June 21, 1974 1974 2014 true xt7brv0cwm1x section xt7brv0cwm1x R [ ;¢;2¤j;¤ L UK STAFF JQB OPENLNGS Copies of UK staff job openings T H E (listing classified vacancies on G R E E N campus) are posted on the bulletin boards in the staff lounge in each B E A N of the King Library buildings. Anyone in a library outside of KLV? w?° SOSS “°t have a°?€SS.t° UNIVERSITY or Krmmucry LIBRARIES this listing may have their likrar NEWSLETTER 6/2l/74 added to the distribution list by notifying Dotty Green in the V Director's Office. MRAE MEEIXNG IN K§OXV[}LE Ruth Brown, John Bryant, Bill Gardner, and Dotty Green attended a one day workshop sponsored by the University of Tennessee and the Office of Management Studies of ARL on the University of Tennessee's experi- ence with the Management Review and Analysis Program (MRAP). The pro- gram was divided into two parts; l) how the study was carried out, and Q) what were the results at Tennessee. Staff members who participated in various phases of the study presented the program. Several copies Of the Evaluation of the University_9fMTennessee[Kngxville Library based on their MRAP, Sept. l, 1972-May 3l,ll973, have been placed on reserve for interested staff to read. QMEUQSMAN'5 Rgpgn; As noted in a recent memorandum, my term as Ombudsman has ended early, the result of a position change. It has been my pleasure to serve the staff in this capacity. In the first six months I have handled V three cases which required consultation, interviews, investigation and a report. In addition to the above cases, I have had several staff members see me about minor problems. Those matters were resolved at that time. The number of cases requiring serious attention were few; however, the total involvement of personnel, resulting in interviews, investigations and reports, numbered near thirty. It is my sincerest hope that all parties served by this office have gained some satisfaction from our joint effort. John Bryant TEE LAT§S[ MENS Everyone can catch the latest news via Reuters now. The latest news is being posted across from the Reference Desk in MIK and outside the Bibliography Room on the bulletin board daily. This wire service is received in Inter—Library Loan on their teletypewriter. Watch for it if you aren't already doing so. J.R. _SABBATICAgS Marie Copeland and Rebekah Harleston will be on sabbatical leave from July l-December 31, 1974. Trudy Bellardo will be in charge of the Math Library during this period and Dean Trivette will be acting head of the Government Publications Department. , ..2- M ·· State University of New York at Albany —— Assistant Librarian in Circulation Services. osalaryt ·$9,300-10,225.. University of Maryland, College Park —— Assistant Director for Reader lservices. _ . Salary: $20,000 (minimum) Deadline_for application for the above jobs is July 15, 1974. University of Missouri, Columbia —— Special Materials Librarian.· - Salary: $l2,000—l4,000. For details concerning any of these positions, see Dotty Green. NEW STAFF MEMBER ‘ l * vA*‘ _ U ‘ b° “ 4 Sue Golden will begin working on a regular hourly basis in the library system next week. ·She will work half-time in the King Cataloging Department and half-time as a cataloger at the Law Library. Sue is a recent graduate of the U.K. College of Library Science. Her under- graduate degree was from Marietta College in Spanish. Sue worked for two years at Alden Library, Ohio University with OCLC cataloging. ‘.