V LDUVERSHY OF KENTUCKYIJBRARHB’NEWSLETTER No. 479 , Calendar May 10 Golden Spike Day. Anniversary of the meeting of the Union Pacific and Central — Pacific railways in 1869 at Promontory Point, G UT. May 11 Mother‘s Day. V May 12 lFlorence Nightingale, 1820-1910. . May 17 Armed Forces Day. May 18 Mt. St. Helens Eruption, 1980. May 21 Albrecht Durer, 1471~1528. May 29 Patrick Henry, 1736~1799. 9 ~ · John F. Kennedy, 1917»1963. y June 17 Nancy J. Milen, speaker at C/EKOUG dinner meeting, Harley Hotel, Lexington. I Next Green Bean issue: Friday, June 13, 1985. Deadline for inclusion: Friday, June 6, 1986. I Production Staff: Editor, Kerry Kresse; Typist, Carol Ranta; Printer, Cecil Madison. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET 1. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506-0039