xt7brv0czb8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0czb8n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-09-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 13, 1984 1984 1984-09-13 2020 true xt7brv0czb8n section xt7brv0czb8n  


Vol. LXXXIX, No. 12


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University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

independent since W71

Thursday. Sept.” ill”;


Minority recruitment affected
by selected admissions policy

Managing Editor

Editor's note. This is the third in
a fourrpart series on the Universi-
ty‘s selective admissions policy and
its effects

The Universuy‘s selective admis-
sions policy has brought a whole
new meaning to minority recruit-
ment and student retention.

“When the idea (of selective ad-
missionSi first occurred. you could
sense a degree of panic on the part
of some individuals." said Alvin
Hanley. director of minority and dis-
advantaged recruitment.

Art Gallaher. chancellor for the
Lexmgton campus. said. “There is
no question that the University

to examine
test calendar

Managing Editor

The Senate (‘ouncil deCided yes—
terday to reestablish a calendar
committee to address the problem of
scheduling final examinations on a

Final exams this semester are
scheduled for Saturday Dec. 15 and
Monday the 17 through Thursday the
20 Friday Dec H was deSignated a
“dead day” when no exams will be

The action was prompted by a let-
ter from Phillip Fanwick, faculty
adviser to the Jewish student orga-
nization The letter said. "Saturday
is also the day that the Sabbath is
observed by Jews and other sects
such as the Jehovah‘s Witnesses and
is a required day of worship and
rest for those who are devout "

Robert N Bostrom. chairman of
the (‘ounc1l. said a recommendation
will be sent to faculty suggesting.
"When a student has a conflict of a
Saturday final. that the teacher
havealittle mercy "

Tim Freudenberg. student mem-
ber of the Council. said. “I wouldn‘t
want to be a Jewish student and
have to go and ask for an excep-
tion "

The L'niversuy calendar is set
many semesters in advance by a
temporary committee appomted by
the (bunch The Saturday exam
cannot be changed now because it
has been announced and printed as
an offiCial date “It's published in
the schedules.” said Bradley C
Canon. Council member. “I think
students have made plans "

Although it is too late to change
the day this semester. Council mem-
bers suggested changing the Univer-
Sity policy that allows final exams to
be held on Saturdays to avoid future

The L'niverSity rules state that
exams will be held “for five days.
normally Monday through Friday."
An exception was given for years
when Labor Day falls on Sept. 3 or

"It seems to me that the thing to
do is to alter the policy so that Sat-
urday isn‘t a formal class day."
Canon said

According to Ruby Watts. asso-
ciate registrar for data manage-
ment. Saturday is a legal class day,
“Each semester the number of days
will vary from 87 to 89 including Sat-
urday‘s." she said.

Book Report:

needs black students." The minority
population on campus is about 3.3
percent while the state‘s minority
population is 7.2 percent.

“In this case. given the social re-
sponsibility of UK. you're going to
make sure you don't put into place a
policy that would discriminate
(against minoritiesi," Gallaher

The rank order pool of the selec-
tive admissions policy is the assur-
ance for maintaining minority ad-
mission levels. Gallaher said the
pool is “weighted most heavily to
ward minorities." by placing them
higher in the pool.

Hanley also said the policy is
geared toward the needs of minority
students. “It's definitely a helpful
factor. A number of minority stu

dents will be admitted by that