xt7brv0czd02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0czd02/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-01-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1995 1995 1995-01-18 2020 true xt7brv0czd02 section xt7brv0czd02  



_ 0., -.4».......-. ..‘ --u.


C ourses may dzmppem'
eventually, Swift 1111/1

By Lance Williams
slum mic lit/(1117'

LTK has been trying to raise its academic stan—
dards for the past sever ral years. and some officials sav
the effort is slowly reiiioviiiLl the need for remedial
Lducation courses.

just more than .1 decade ago. L'K had '.1 series of

”compensatt1r_v" classes which 11"'L'iL tised to help
unprepared students get read1 for colle1re— level
work. I he classes were needed then bL'L L'11use L K had
an open admissions poliL'1' w hiLli meant that anyone
who had '.1 high sLhool diploma could come to L K
said Louis Swift dean of undergraduate studies.

\\ hen 'a selecti1e admissions policv 11 as imple—
mented around th it same time period the need for
those courses declined because students l1 i1e been
more and more prepared for college work.

Ioda1 only four sections of a remedial algebri
course remain. Swift said the numbers have been
declining for the past sever ral years.

He said if incoming.r students .\(. l scores contin-
ue to improv.e the need for remedial courses may
disappear. ( 1.11'rentl1' the courses are not for college
credit. and ser1e onlv as '.1 primer for the .\l\ HI‘):

L(.1llege Algebra course

I would hope we would be '.1ble to phase (remedr
'al courses) out. Swift said. lherL are so 11111111
other needs on campus. " I

L K .s situation sets it apart from other Kentuckv
universities that have problems with remedial eduL .1'

A little more than 56 percent of freshmen who
attended public universities in fall WW needed
remedial level workin math. Si\ percent of freshmen
in public institutions needed remedial I'. nglish Ll'ass

However. at L'K those classes have been on .1
continual decline. Swift said.

“In general it s fair to say theL "1llll)t’l of our stu—
dents is going up and ther re isnt a need for some
things," he said.



SPORTS ’l‘/.ll’ .V0. 3 ll ilr/ulfa‘ take (1)] ()/L'

.111'121-mmg'1n 111 ”lei/midi: Story. ”Initial/11‘.

page J

WEATHER (flu/1111' tin/111'. lug/t

Ilt‘dl‘ 1'5; min likely 11111114111; /11:."
near 40:111111/1/Lc'l1 tumor/11:1;

high m the upper 4/11.


Remedial classes shrinking at UK




”WING "I." 811/11' r111 "Hp/11111111111111” 11] L K 1111117111 11(1”)1.".\1ILIII\ [11'/111' ("11111111111711 m 11'/111111.11. ."./1111 1.1111 [Jo/Lil
111111211111111/1' 51.1.1 11/1111111 1111/1111 1'.L"111117/111".".11dthat L K begin L'lllllllliirI/Ig flan/11.11111.

ln f.i1t. the (i11\L‘l‘nt)l s Higher Education Review
(Iotnmission recommended last fall that L'K and the
L 11111 rsit1 of l ouis1ille bLgin tr1'inLr to eliminate
their reine'diil11'liiL11tion programs

\L‘\i f.1ll.L'"ntLiiiiLr freshmen will get the first
L"h nice at 11 new program designed to help students
get .1 firm foundation in math Llasses at colleges.

th' new program will place in students in math
and s'L'iLiiLe classes 11L"Loi.ling to their .\(.I scores
and high school grades.

Richard l‘dwards de .111 oftlie( (olle re ofArts and
Sciences. said the proiect is desigiiet ito help stu—
dents get .1 positi1e st' iii in college.

[he program will appl1 onl1 to e'iiiLi'iiiLl fiL-sli
men who will be allowed 1. 1kL 1'111iitte n rLst ll thev
want to ti1 to start at '.1 higher le'1Ll lf reinLdiil
courses are needed bevond wli'at L K l1(. is .i\.1il able
Edwards said I e1ington ( oiiiiiiiiiiit' (.olle 'Lte will
work with students for the courses the 1' need

}(l\\‘.lltl\ said the program iii.'11 inakL students
prepared for the college work ahead of thL in I11. 1. .uise
it won t start them in c'ouisLs that 111.11 be T111» diffi-
cult for them.

He said the program will L'iiiphasi/e to high
sLhool instructors to get future college students piL'
pared for the work 1il1L'..id


Black leader shares agenda for city

By Stephen Trimble

['.1'1'1'11111 (’ I 1111117'

(ieorge Brown his seen a lot of. himself iii the
news since the tragic shooting death of Antonio Sul-
In an


I he bal1 ling. 4(1 year old assistant superintendent
for serviLes in L K s Physical Plant Division has
helped shape the black cominunit1 s response to the
s‘hootiiiLr 11f 1111 Ih‘ 1eat' old black man by white
police officer Sgt. I’liil \ ogel.

Last week. seated as thL c—o chairman ofthe (Zom—



JOSEPH an AU Knm/ .1111

““61” PAVE"! brim” (. (Hurry (. nimrilman (111» gr Br 11"): 111.111 111111111171 1'11vaiim'ndemfor 1mm L'\ m the
Uriiz'erriry .1' Phi/311111] Plum Diz'n'i'mi 1111/1 [herniq'mn ”cult to retain L K gv'mutlimro

illunln \Lti11n(.11linL'il lie'sidL tltL l\t\'. I. ll. L11
ples. Brown Lh allenged the timinLr and tliorouL'hnL
of 'a I' '.ivette ( .'otint1 coroner who ruled the shootiii"
accidciit.‘l ..

llrown. lutxiiigt11ii—I111LHItL L‘iliin (oiiiit1 lst
District LouiiLiliiian and noted bl..'11k L'oiiiinunitv
actiiist. was seated in his cluttered office in L K s
I’eterson Service Building last week when he wished
to start 1111 interview discussinLI perhaps surpris
ingly . the lack of .1 sufficient night life 111 l.L'\lllLf
ton for L'K students

()K. he s also .1 communit1 iL ti1ist hL L'spl aii's.
and wants to keep L K s bright minded L' 'niolline iit
in the Lity where he has ll\ ed all his life. save a fL 11
years at Tennessee \t: 1te L niversit1'

L pon graduating Brown said. two thirds of L K
students split town for louis1ille or out of st ..‘llt
iobs.ll1e remaining one —'tliiiil are spread through
out the state with .'1 meager fL 11 run. 11111111..r in l L'.\

“It would only be better for l.L‘,\’ltigt11n to have the
intelligencia of the students who come here to L‘ls."
Brown said. So why do they leave?

First Brown said. students are lookinLr for good
jobs and opportunities thLv can find iiiostlv LlsL
where Secondly, and related to the first. nothing
happens in this citv that is worth a It) soiiiL'tliiiig s
time or money, he said.

.\o pla1crs. hes says. No exciting downtown dis
trict. Not enough activities in Rupp '\rena.

This doesn't seem to come from '.1 pol.itici in out
courting the campus 1'.ote Brown s \otinLr Lli\lll([
lies well beyond theL campus outskirts. st1'11tin1.' it
\Iain Street and working its 11 .11' north to Ne w ( ir—
cle Road.

T here is .soiiie talk among I.C.\lll1,IIHIT residents
now of revitalizing the downtown district. Brown
said. and UK's large population 11fi_\'11llng adults is
critical to the area's siiL'L‘L'ss.

.VL‘L‘ BROWN 11!} 2


UK ofi‘ieml says war/e 15
‘lyummmg rzg/Jt along’


Most ofthe construction contracts for UK’s new
library were awarded by 1esterda1 as scheduled. a
UK official said.

All seven construction contracts for the \Villiam
T. Young I ibrary, including the preliminary site
preparation work have been agreed and signed by all
parties. said UK Vice President for Administration
George DeBin

Only one mechanical/electrical contract is pend-
ing to be signed, DeBin said adding he expects that
process to be finalized shortly

Deliin said the process is running “likea Mazda
right now. just hummin along."

\Vork crews already liave started the site prepara—
tion for the impending construction work, DeBin
said. (Ionstruction will continue for two years on the
$58 million library facility.

The construction contracts were awarded just five
weeks after local dignitaries held the official ground-
breaking ceremony for the library Dec. 6.

The groundbreaking ceremony marked the end
of a four— year commitment to build a new library at
L K to replace the aging Margaret I. King Library.
which was built in 193] with an addition built in
197 4.

I he 1992 Kentucky (veneral Assembly approved
a resolution endorsing the project. and ledng eco—
nomic support once UK had established its own
fund-raising campaign.

However, the legislature balked at the library's
$58 million price tag in the special session during
the summer that decided the state budget.

Two months later. LTK President (Iharles
“'ethington unveiled a plan to pay for the librar1

Ihe complicated plan called for LoiiibininLr the
resources L1fI16xingtr1n s c'it1 government the \.luni
ni and Athletic associations. and L K s (ieneral Mind
to pay the $41 million. That inone1 was added to the
$21 million raised privately for the librar1 s book
endowment and construction

The I exington Fayette L' rban( ountv (iovern
ment sold the $4] million bond issue for the prop ct
Dec. 8 whiLh supplies the L ni1'ersit1 Alumni .--\sso
ciation with the nLL'ded funds to p111 lor the pr11'.1eLt

The Uni1ersit1 will be paying .1 debt service on
the bond issue for the next it) years





jammy 18. I 995

o (..1111/a. 5 I}...

l 1 mi. 2 \f' 1.’ 3
i 5 4

I 1 1.1 l11'.;11m.'





Balanced budget
amendment falls short

\VASI ll\( i'l ( l.\' ln ipielti
battle. .1 lone l)L‘lil111’l".lilL’ senator \.' ~lt‘l1l.1\. llllIlt'il
ed Republican efforts to pass .- i1» .lllKK‘tl budget
constitutional .llllt'll1llllt'lll.(‘.lllli: 'l 1'
l1o.1\" on the Amt-11'. .ui [1U -pl1-

In contrast. the House unaninn 11sl1 approved
the first bill ofthc lll’l’lll ( ,onL'i'L'ss. '.1l11'. li will now
go to President (.ltiiton for his sign 111:1‘1' 'l llt‘lil1‘.l
sure requires (longress to live b1 tli.'s.1in. law 1 it

'o the Llillllil,‘

lilt‘.l\tli"t' ".1

requires other cniplo1Li's to loll-ma. and? 311111 1
signature w .is expected
\lL'aiiwhilL'. Sen. RoliL-ii ( llard l1 \\ \Xz.

in1oked .111 obsLui'L' \enatL i':.i1- tl'..ii ti: [lit'
work 1111 the bal. 1111 1' 1l111112. ct .lll‘L‘llLllilt’lil

backers of the iiiiL'n1linL-nt s.iid lllt
.lgalti today.

\iid L'1L'n longtime opponents 11111:de that
Republicans in both houses likL'l1 wiif L1iillll‘..llltl
the two thirds support 111"L'1lLdtos1nd the llit'dslll‘t‘

I‘lll ll‘

11 rlll1li'”\

.1 ke1 Lomponent ol the (1"()l (mm 11.1 \\ itli
.'\riiei".1Li to the states for ratification.
Clinton offers help to Japan

[.05 '\.\'(il",l.l'.h l'icsidL'iit (.lintoii. 111m

iiieiiiot'atiiig the (llIL"_\'L.ll' .iniiivL'isar'. 12H ilil ,.
nia‘s killci L'Jiitlitvu. ikc '.1' \lti li1
ordered .1lii1'h leve 'l 111' lL ition to
.lawn to help Iok1o L'opt 1 ith the
c'1ti.1or1lin ii1 fur . "

\ poweiful trL'iiioi l1'l1'll‘1lltil1LTlT
sL'\ L't‘al \\ L'stL't‘n Japanese L :tiL's. lope
pliiig hundreds of btiililiiiLs. 111111.31
iiiLi offiag'ng fiies and killing .'ioi'L'
than l.hllflpe11plc

\Vitli billboards featuring sLL'nL's
ofthc l‘J‘l-I \ortliridge earthquake loriiiinu .1 back
drop. (ilinton sanl he ordered l‘it'tlt‘rdl I‘llllt‘lgt‘lic'jt
.\laiiageniciit :\genc1 and ’l ranspoi'tation Depart
ment officials tolapan.

of i.s1piil.c.



llesaid the LnitL-d \t.1tes“scn1lsoi.i' pi'1~found
condolences "
“Fun to treat alcohollsm

\'l‘\\‘ WIRK \ l"i1.: .'ilii' .id'. 11s1'.l to :trip
heroin .1d litts kitk the habit ilso \\ll.ll11 1111 ll to

alLolioliL' s. its iii.1iii:...ctu.'Lt sii1l 11'111'1 i.1.. :1 kn:
it tl11' first new drum used 111 the fight
liolisiii iii nL'arl1 all 1' .H\

Rc'sL aitlici's. 11 lio 1.11111 ltidc d tliit tfiL' 1ll1'13’ nil
tre\'onL has s111111'l1L"iiLfitiiiblotkinp tiic 11.111111;
for .1l1 ohol. \.lli[l11llt'il. however. that
represent .1 bullet" in tliL battle

.lLf.l"‘.\l alL'o

=i ilitcs 1111i
”inagiL against
.I'» .1 slip

'l he (ll'llll‘\lll1lllllf1l1'tlil't‘l'. l)lll’11llt \l1 it I.
iiiacL'utiLil (.11.. said it would sell the .lruL'
pleiiiL'nt to traditional .iitoholisiii tln'i'ap1

HIE Police issue bomb warning at Eltu

R“ :l l.\l( INl) Two lioiiiL'inade ".\l.iL(1\\er
bombs" were detonated outside men‘s .loi'niit tries
at l".istL'rii Kentuckv Liiivt't'sit'v on .\l('!l1li‘i. .il
KL ntiiLlst State l’oliL'L issued 1 w .iiiiing \L'ts 1'i1la1

lh< bombs LatistiL Llieiiiitals l1 til1l1iiii'..".

pressure in plastit bottles aic“exti'1'i'i:'l.



said ( apt l).1\'id \Vi'iiniis. Loiiiniaii '1: of

state 111 due special operations

The name gntn I11 poliit‘ ' the
-\-l lL'(
'.lLL'\ \11'11111'ls

app 1.11. 1.111
prankish boiiibs L’L1iilL‘sfr11lliIl11 111171'ic
vision sL'i'Ies. whose lL‘atl L'liat‘aL tL'i :‘
iiiL'lu1liiiLr bombs. from common ilt‘l is

The bombs. iii two liter soda bottle
L'o1L'rL'd \loiiday. ( Inc was hit between l’.ilii';Li ili'l
(ioiiitiionwcalth halls and the
lawn in fiont of l’aliiier llall. liKL spokt'siiian Kon

.11 t'l't‘ 1ll'-

'lIlH'T \\.is11;. flit

CAMPUS Women's Forum to give report
L'K‘s \\'omen's l‘.()l‘\ll‘.i will prescn?
report 1111 the status of women from .1 l. ni\ci'sit1 of
I.ouis\illL' task form
"I lie forum will will be lllel 111 the Student (icn
ter Small Ballroom from I 1.4; .1111. to i p 111 toli'v
l'oi' iiioie information. 1 all 3'" 11 W


Dave nets help from the mayor

.\'l"\\' YURK lf the politics thing doesn't
work out. .\l.11'or K111l11lpli(iiiiliaiiitiitghtsecwhat
David Letterman can do for him.

(itiiliani showed tip .\londa_\ on letteriiiaii's
“I ate Show" for his third appearance since taking
offiLe a little more than rum .1le

He ga1e thL' 1111diL"'nLL his lop 1ft -\iinoiincL'
iiients lhat \\ ill .\lakc \t“ \oik
L'rs (1'11 Nuts." '\inong his best
pieces of news-

VTap water now available in
“chunk1 style." (\o ”l

V( )prah is mining to Yew
Yiirk' (N11. bl

Vlctternian‘s splitting his p.11 .
check with us' (No. (1)

Vch ordinance requires one
(iap store per citiIeti' (.\'o. it For
his .\'11. 1 choice. .1 spirited (illlll‘alll pumped his fist
into the air and announced: ““'e're invading New

.l lL'sL'1lt'L l‘i



( jump/1rd fi'nm :1 "'1' 11m! ttaflI‘rftm‘I1

 2 III/dumb). 711”“le l‘. [W i. Kruunt'r Inn/11’


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TODAY 4:30

035 Graham Journalism Bldg.








Eherman’s Alley by gibbs ’N’ ‘Voigt




"andgune wake
.m me C r'y iavore.

You're rte/er too young
to view a hoig
throegh someone.










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E E E2 3, l
Arrests by UK police: ;' 1111-1111111 11-5111 '1:1:11111111
Jan. 12: 1111911111011111111w1a1'1iatd11 1311.191'L'2' .41
v V".1111.11:1111361‘1'i'r1‘11111 “11,111.1581111011'111 removy‘ed 3 ir‘iiptainan said . m1 ‘11 kw» V n M '1 1 1
t.» '.'"1.‘ ‘ _ » 1' 1'1 - . .1 11.511 1131.11.13: ”11:12.11 wt ltlll to 111111.: 1'1115'141-1111'1, Jet :1111'11
r111i WM 111"1:I111111111,I.’11'Cd1wangwn v11 1: :1. :11. 1:11:11 4a.)” ‘.'.'ri'11:
Jan. 10: 1' '11’1111'vc11 M1 .1' 1.,»111 1111"
Jan. 13: V »1~11111:d1:::'1:e .1341)? 1411;11:11111'1 01.1.1: Viatmti degree awn? 81 "1.1111111 H.
V r1 1 -. ,. ‘ _ 1.2111111: 1 1." :v11.*«.e.1.1.- 213211.111 tasty 11211111112. cmwaindrit assauited [11111111‘11C111mt Jan. 14:
M.- .' ‘ » . 1 '. ' '1 4' '1 ' . ‘. :‘; 1.1.1112,» ,1.0:cc1‘.'r1111_111ttt 5411111 V3.11 11111 11 '1 11 'wa' v.11
" ' ‘ ’ VI1'tt‘y111' Iawhiitat .111 1‘1' 35' ' '11 1 111.1.»11'
MT" r‘Fttt‘m‘l IIII‘tIr‘kl’tt 11"1"
Jan.15: V 1 11 111-c1,.'111.11" 51t'1»:1171:11 {1.11 mi :11'1.11111 V3: 1' ‘1'1n1;.":'1 ' .';.:'1' Fami'ifi 11111.11
V . ‘3 ' ‘ ‘ :' .‘1’ . I. ‘1 - '.‘ 115.1" 1M i.‘1:1’I-1'1'.':-’_}i:13 "‘ 1 . '1' " NW
' ' " . Jan. 13: =111~1»'.51,11~1'11111.1
Vi"i1'IdPg1wti1111Ia1v "L‘E‘ -' '
Jan. 16 1111111191111. 1"1L'=J’" '11 .1111 19.. 11-1 Jan. 15
V‘.‘ Vi1;1711_'1c1 ‘axuu 8111' t,‘ W1
1 7 .1. V‘1’1t'1tt'1'.. dW'JIIdIKWI'I':?"1'1.:-:"M‘, 4111151 " ~1 111 1.1.111"1.1'1'111,1--111'1'1;1'1'
V"1.' 1:1111'e.1a'1::d11 151,1 1et' 13.1.1 »'11 tot ‘ tied 'e'i; 1111111 a :‘a' 111' 1-1111: .i
Complaints filed with UK police: 1.1.11'1115'2'1-1: 1 1 a! N1 1CCI‘0ICC'3CI1ellw‘I1hrOker‘1 Wtiidth ., 11.11.1111 111111;, 11111‘ T‘rl‘wt'ci .
' 111' 1' 11.1.1." 1131.111.
Jan. 9: VSHJJWI degree 111111.11. 11111113111141.1111
V " Jan, 12 11111111115111 {11111411114111”1111.11"! 1.171 1.1%.! 1" -- Lou/11111 ({rfl‘llfll ( A [1.111. .1 rep/in.


lllt ‘lim I>11\l 1 1111111111“ .- oi l’lii [St ta Kappa is now

11111 .illtt. 111. 11111 -n. It)! 1111 min isliip

I'Iit'1111'li1111111 1 1111111111'1it515l111h must he met inorderinr
.15111111'iit t 11- 1 I111iI1Ie I111 1' iiiiisvtemtimi IUI’ (‘l('( tinn are:

i ' ‘~ 1 ' 511.11111M.1.111111i.iitti.iti'1tiii
11. 1 ' . 1. '1' 5111111'1:15 iii their Iiii.iI sme5ti‘t
.l 'V _ ' 1 11'\ 111'13.15151'1111'5tt'151'11i111'5 .i T1111
11-11: '11 . 11' 111 111.' l 1111 111 Illt‘ 111111111 50.11 .i ‘1 .0 1x
‘-1.11.. 1 111‘: 111I1111I111 It'\t‘l (1111115115 Ullt\l(l('
I 1.111 1 1 '11111.11.111‘.1111 1111i11'iiti.it1011'
‘11 1-111111151>I11111151'5~'I.1551ti1'it.15 iltit'mI'
“.1 .11. 1* 1.. 1.12 11% 1 |.15'.\\111I: <111111111'It'1t .iii the
Il"I!'\I 11 1 trips»
’ "uit1~i.11'1115 («'1I|;)Ii'll(>tl1)I tlix' !11\\i'r (Il\.l.\l(tll

11'11tiiii'iiit'iit5 1111 either the ISA ()1 [SS
1 1 -1II«11«'111Art5.m(l\111'111115'Mm
'11.i-'I1..if« 111..i. 111‘ < 111111111I5 ('lllOlIt‘ll iii iiiii' H'tltillt‘tl

Sli11111:1511111.11111\ 111 .111 imtixitlual who mziy meet these
11'11111111111'1115 1111 151'111111'tlmtpersontinonietoltnmii7l5
l’.11111511111111111 1.11.11 ‘l.itlit'm.iti( 51 to pk R up .in

Ill (1111111 1‘11 lu' .11115i111'rt'tt Humiliation (for an
applirdtimi to be mailed) must be it‘( ('t\(‘(l no later than
Friday. Januan 27, “195. \5ltll the application due back
to the dIHHt' name-(l ()Ifi(C by I’riday, Febuary l0, l995.

Please Note it 151 ! '111'11, .i1i|)i()pl‘i.‘itt‘ to nominate yourself
.11111 in 11111 11 5.111 1.11111~\1' 111.11 you meet the ('riteria
111'11'5~..ir1 1111 1 11'1:11:1 it i5 1'5111'1 ted that you will come to the
.itmxi' 11th! 1* 111: 111.11111I11.itiim.







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iie\ er heen .iii'. 1:111 tnneert5,
(rhythm .tlttl IiItie51. 1.17.7 Hr

11115.net iii Rum) \t‘eiii."


(Ilflli (ell/”Q (7fo \I1151 irtttit'tlitit‘tlit‘ iliciliti' i5

1 7 , tint llL‘III‘L’ lI\L‘tl. it‘rmii \iiitl.
l”f((fl”g [HA/[HAHN 1Ie5pite .iii .iiiiiii.il Si-III,IIIIII11.11'~
[rum PAGE 1

ltlt‘lH I11 retire the lltilltl 155111;.
l'illt lit'tiire the iiiter\ie\5
t'iiiIetl I31'1mn 55.151'1111111etletl tn
.15511me I115 ii.itiir.iI rule 11t'iieigh4
.\reti.i. I111rl1111111 .lk‘ll\'l\lll
\II .inti5itie5 .ll‘t‘ 5tht'1hiIe1l I11

ti r1 )wii

lirimii 5.111I 1111151 illlIlHI'I.llltI\
he \i'.iiit5 iiirire 1'11 1115 [ll Rum)

Ile 5.111l he liiipt‘il t1) l‘t‘lllllltl
the l.e\iiigtnii ( lit} (:(Il'li.1\\lllt'll 51111I1-m5 111 the
t’i)lllpl‘.llli\ it unrlw \\‘Itli tir'5t
claw t.itilitie5 in :l Illllkl t'l.i55
lll.ll'l\'CI‘.liL' 51ml.

But tli;it‘5 (ml) [Lll‘t ut the
prohleiii Brim ii 51-1'5. he 5.riil.
the Lexington curpnritinii
“(H'kfx \\ithiii .1“ mt I. i5i\t" 11111
t'e55 ltrllltilll”

“1,1l.l\\ telling“
t’lllli.ltt' m I.e.\'iiigIt1iii I1115me5‘5e5,
\5liieh Let-p5 uniiieii .llltl lilieks
mthm 51;!lit yet underneath

“People are hurting in this‘

“lt‘5 «llI-tIk'tllt tiir thine whn
.ire nut milking in the 5hne5 (It.
th115'e 55 I141 .lt‘t‘ lltll‘tllttf to realize
the hurt,"






11115111115115 ,1 10111111111 115
ififlific 1.1111111111151510


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UP FOR GRAB: ('K‘r H Illrer 3111,1117) ill/.l.-lmltuin [ff/u .it- ft; r a rr/w/u/il
Iw rm: fl’t‘ (Jr/1' \ i—TI :Ii'ruiy ()L‘tV‘ (Icing/ii Strum/in l 'I/Ittl'.’ I 'l\' :.1//
in: .t’ t , \li mp/‘n to lumli .i 31.1 ()le .\ lIM n/Imil.




Art/111.11 l\t tml ll trim ml.” [Jilin/t3 It. i'l'lt 3

flats to tangle with Rebels

Ole Who will fly
to 1211an UK its
first conference loss

By Brett Dawson
Spurn I'filrmr

lit a town known for its hlues,
it‘s oiily fitting that his would feel
right at home. :\nd to this point,
that certainly seems to he the case
when it comes to Memphis.

The last time the \Yildcats
journeyed to The
King's hometown,
they came home

with some hard—
ware . a third

Conference 'Iiour—
narnent champi
onship. Pitino

’l‘onight, the
tilithvranked (Iats 110772. 4-1) SH.)
head hack to .\leniphis" l’yrainid
to take on ( )le Miss (18. 14) at N.

But his needn‘t try to rekindle
the fire it flashed in rolling
through last season's conlerence
tourney. The (Eats need only to
find a way to return to the form
they showed inst last week in heat
trig Florida.

.-\nd. ilithey have hopes til-tilzlk"
ing noise in the postseason, (Ioach
Rick I’itino said yesterday. they
have to avoid at all costs” the kind
oi letdown they had in Saturday‘s


til—Tl win over

“I didn‘t
sleep after the
lilorida gatne
hecause l was so

UK (10-2,

Ilil vs. Ills Miss
Tonight, 8:08,.77111 Pyramid.
Memphis, 701)).

()ne til the
things the ( .its
did this neck \\.is
watch liliii til i )lc

lerence win oi the

onh ion

4-0 SEC)

pumped and so Probable Starters: Pts: Rob: season, a "r. ‘l
excited and G Tony Delk ‘55 34 Victory in t‘l
. ~ GJefiStteooatd 101 19 , ‘
couldn t wait to C Mark Pope 84 75 \rkansas _ Ill
get going FRodnck Rhodes :35 32 “Hold llt'\l)llt‘
33min," Pltlllt) gJaernC‘fit W lk 74 65 the l.ltt that tlit'
. ' .. , , - . osorvos: tome a 91.680111.) Walter . . _ .
said. . (.\gainst McCarty. 102; Anthony E1195". [,0 AW" l\( lit ls \lu t ll lli
Georgia) it was thdick, 35‘ Cameron Mutt-’11, 3W" Pdllllt‘li the fill cellar. .l
as il all that was 26. Allen Edwards, 1 9, Chris Harrison 1 9 \\ in .1\ oi the

out the window
and we

«lei-ending nation

were Ole Miss (5-8, 1-3 SEC) .ll champions usu

hack where we Probable Starters: Pts: Rab: ally u ill make

were before the GCedric 8m" 8‘ s'? opponents stand

Florida ""116 .. GDavrdJohnson 12.2 38 , 1 {V k ,

, F ,' FAnthonyBoone 103 46 r ”l' “”‘ “ ‘
ltven hetore FFredJohnigan 35 5.: lltitit‘t‘.

that game. FJothackson ”.4 5* "l..ist plate Ill

though, [K was
8-2. And though
they suffered a 05

lapse against


Reserves: J.J Sims, 9.5. Ansu 8033;165
Robert Butler, 4 2. Jon Cantrell. 2 3 Audit:
Burnside, 18;L.J.Guolsby, 1 0.1.1aitt-itlllw'ts

TV: Channel 27 (JP. Iii»-

Ilit‘ \l'( tltlt‘\ll‘l
lllK'Jll anything."
_lt'tili Sheppard
said. u’I'he \l(‘ is

sit strongt 1hr



(ieorgia alter
leading hy 21, the (Iats still regiss
tered a lI—point win.

So what‘s the lug deal?

“\Ve made a lot of costly mis—
takes,u Rodrick Rhodes said yes-
terday ot. the C(lA game. “Down
the (road), that can hurt us. \Ve
need to realize that we can't he
doing those kind ofthings."

If they didn't realize it hefore,
l’itino made sure that he got the
point across on Sunday, when one
of ['K's two practices was a special
session called by l’itino at 1221)]

\t'.ll‘. 1.1“. l.l'~t

place team can heat the tiist plat c
team on any gin-ii night.”

But ( )le .\llss ( .oach Roh l' \ an




Illtsm ts







Team statistics minke"
UK OpponeMs
.458 Field Goal Percentage .388
.711 Free-Throw Percentage .719
.392 Three-Point Percentage .221
89.5 Points Per Game 67.7
12.7 Rebounds Per Game 36.7
156 Off. Rebounds Per Game 14.3
19 6 Assists Per Game 10.7
16 5 Turnovers Per Game 22.7 5 .
5.4 Blocks Per Game 4.6 McCarty
11.0 Steals Per Game 8.0



Tony Delk. who continues to lead the Wildcat squad with a 15.5 point per game
scoring average, and Jeff Sheppard provide one of the most athletic backcourts in
the SEC. Ole Miss guard David Johnson averages 12.6 points per contest. The
senior was a starter on last year’s 14-13 Mississippi team.


The Cats should be able to use their significant height advantage to score on the
Rebels inside. Ole Miss does not have a starter taller than 6-toot-7. 0n the other
hand, UK features 6-foot-10 players Mark Pope and Walter McCarty and 6-toot-9

UK‘s bench has accounted for an incredible 31 percent of the team's field goals this
season. McCarty, who is averaging 10.2 points a game, is a force off the Wildcat
bench. Mississippi’s J.J. Sims comes off the Rebel bench to pitch in 9.5 points a

Tonight’s game, which will be played in Memphis. is still considered a home game
for Ole Miss. Last season the Wildcats, who lead the 70-year old series with the
Rebels 80-8, won 98-64 in Louisville. The Rebels enter this year’s matchup with
UK as the last place team in the 8505 Western Division. but Ole Miss does own a

Jared Prickett on the inside.


76-71 victory over Arkansas.




F0 it tier 1




\g/ _ \ 3

Residence Life

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Office of Residence Life for
information at 257-4783.

RA Information Sessions:
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January 24th:
7 pm. and 9 p.m. at 307 Commons
. January 25th:
7 pm. and 9 pm. at Haggin Hall study area

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, You must attend an information session!





Don't Worry!

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Room 1 Frazee Hall - 257-3466


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l .iil. oi the lead

Hut point guard
\ath-im l ’11. lllllll-_\ tiit- sloppy
' L(.;\ gaine

ut‘i tlllti
. 11t't'tlt'tl \\ .ll-Lt‘

,‘lxlll‘, .l\\ .'. .l

.i; .llll\l (not)

I;.Il.' ii] "t
llIiylit ll.l'»t‘ illl‘f

"lhcrt- writ 1.,1;
n oi.‘ lat l. Illdl’lt ii

_. to he any
;ttii‘ts titlt id
this teiiri U l M‘


. .1 i "ll \yt: get .i
.gtiiitig to lie

that killer

lie .1 tough

tilll |rilzlii:'tl.)=l"ti
tllt‘ ill ll \\;
lllslll ' Milli,

tt‘iizt‘ toll. i;;.i.:‘:'


V‘s ' mgr . 1,. l tans said
lit ’11 l i":t’l lit‘ 1: 1'. . mist it: Ilit‘
(.ii~ in ‘ ltl \'l;lll‘ \lt i,oi'i.il (:ol

i‘~t‘lllll, {it lltltr'l

'ahci 'l. . llltt kw't

’. flll‘ tourt.
oft \i'kansas.

l). \lls- Max“: lit in
l .‘1‘. i.l11"iwt'll.ilil.ls'st‘.l
sit 1:1..5 'lll\ ‘ game was
.thi :i‘rl in lll' l".i l'lili ll! an
tit-ti .l.’ \ l t i'

l l.:' I liltl'dl "i purpose

‘ .1 _ \‘t'urlfis mput it
| \ i i 1125;“11.'t-l‘ti'lt‘\'l

‘ it. .-; “lint .iintiine

knows it will take a partittilath A," i l,“ ”Iridiigllli hail A: iii-rill
good night for his team to pull the y, 1 i ' ‘—
tipset. V‘ -._ iwn l’i" ~~ more
"\Ve don't ha\e the luxurx tt .1.“ «f. .1; A . t1 ( m mi.
have one or two guys hau- tiit pkmqag \nti .as' “a“,m‘g SIX:
nights and still win." Evans said on l ”Hump”: 1.. y 1,}. g, m My the
Monday. “l‘iyeryhody has to plat ( . .., '
well. \Vele \‘L‘rl capahle tit lic It “Ev y-g,‘ in gml ,. “furious
1|]gany'lititly, hut we're also \r'l'i 't 5:". WWW - 'l "l 7lutught it
capahle ol'getting heat." 1 l l p 1‘. lo l’t.llll
'l‘he (Eats know that the}. airw‘i '. \tt .-~.. l: - r" ,, i‘la‘. in ii”.
invintihle. either. l‘islic‘c'lallt aftti l l i \h ‘i
”new N
1 cv
1’ J5”:{\ /
t ‘\ p.”
1 .56..
i . - ‘z
I @(p ' t”
Team Statistics
Mississippi Opponents
.413 Field Goal Percentage .435
.606 Free-Throw Percentage .720
.268 Three-Point Percentage 314
713 Points Per Game 72 1
i 39.4 Rebounds Per Game 38.2
17.3 0ft. Rebounds Per Game 12.0
16,1 Assists Per Game 10.6
16.6 Turnovers Per Game 17.9
2.9 Blocks Per Game 3.6
8.3 Steals Per Game 8.3





t'l I



. ‘l;




7.1 .‘cnt'ls "1.1-. ' . i. ' i iii/x;

d Wilt/1' For ‘ ,; ti " 70171;" Wu": " ' "A ‘ r't’

lid/(l .‘yv't ‘tltl '1 1" ,tx. l’ ’ PM?!“

{5(,Vlltll t). t ,I’l't .11, .jif'W 1’1,’ . ‘ ' t gins

't‘lt’titl.)"~ i", i“. a”... o] ,II "t!" ,l i 11l"‘\.i,

TM“ 11 t.‘ 1‘31"." ' 'z" 1“ {it ‘t’.’ 7" .‘.t ‘0‘ t'

\"lsll the Marines from Itljfltl .i m. to Jill) pm. .11 the
Student (t‘llk‘f on /.lllll.lr\ J l, 2'4, .\ J“), 10‘) ‘7 or i ontat i
first [lei/tenant /. /. .S/i ll‘plllslxl or Sergeant (i. I), lt/hitaker
.il l-{lllll~8‘;8<4ll8(t.




 4 H'ednmlav.]unmry la, 1W“, lvmmtl'v [vi-mil

F doe v0“:

.\ lust Zi‘lll agree t/Mt Ila-federal goz'ernnu'nt 1's in a budget crisis: ll'itl) 11 national ileltt (it'll/rout $4. )' trillion and little spending con-
straint. tltt'frustration over the any Congress keeps it [males is spurring tlte n/(n'ernent-for an amendment tn the Constitution tlmt
:z'unldf'n‘t'c legislators to balance the lindget. Supporters contend that the amendment would compel budgetary umstmznt. Opponents

my tlae ”lens/(re stiller necessary budgetflaw/tiling ll '17,” down [hm/g?

A balancing act

C 0n gress needs to learn
to live wit/yin its menns

egardless of your political

persuasion, it should be clear

that the \meritau people .ire
angry, fed tip and tired of the way
government does business llouse
cleaning was finally done last
November and the (:outract with
America proposes l‘l major
changes for our country. .-\t the
top ofthe list is the balant ed bud
get amendment.

This is the .\'o. l priority for
the newly elected Republican
members of(Iongress. In fact. yoti
will even find (INX‘s