xt7brv0czh67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0czh67/data/mets.xml Woman's Club of Central Kentucky Kentucky -- Lexington Woman's Club of Central Kentucky 1902 1903 booklets English Lexington, Ky.: Woman's Club of Central Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Woman's Club of Central Kentucky Records Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs -- Periodicals Kentucky Year Book of the Woman's Club of Central Kentucky, 1902-1903 text volumes: illustrations 15-23 cm. Call Number HQ1903.K4 W653 Year Book of the Woman's Club of Central Kentucky, 1902-1903 1902 1902 1903 2021 true xt7brv0czh67 section xt7brv0czh67 mumsm’fi (flluh nf Chaim! $911111er @dfihpr lama-June was Erxittgtmt .,_ > J: PRESIDENT. Miss Eva C. Stevenson. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Mrs. J. R. Morton. RECORDING SECRETARY. _ Miss Ella Williams. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Mrs. George Norton Sharpe. TREASURER. Miss Margaref Shaw. AUDITORS. Mrs. John w. Scott. Mrs. W. L. Threlkeld. COUNTY VICE-PRESIDENTS. Minor Simpson ............................. Fayette County. Laura Clay ............................... Madison County. John E. Pach .................................. Scott County A. J. Alexander ............................ Woodford County. STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. Mrs. Hamilton Scott, Mrs. John W. Scott, Miss Margaret Payne. ENTERTAINMENT. Mrs. Wickliffe Preston, Mrs. C. Suydam Scott, Mrs. James Todd. HOSPITALITY. Mrs. Thomas Cassell. Mrs. John Y. Oldham. Mrs. C. D. Chenault. HOUSE. Mrs. Kate Cochrane, Mrs. M. E. Sage. Mrs. Matt Walton, Miss Dora Berkley, Miss Clara Cochrane. PRESS AND PUBLICATION. Mrs. Lilla Jacobs, Chairman. Miss Katherine Clay, Miss Mary Payne. DEPARTMENT OF PHILANTHROPY AND PUBLIC INTEREST. Mrs. Will D. Oldham, Chairman. COMMITTEE. Mrs. l. J. Spencer, Miss Martha McElhinney, Miss Sue B. Scott, Mrs. Mary McClintock Haydon, Mrs. Shelby Harbison, Miss Courtney Moore. SUBJECTS. The Curfew Law. Child Labor. Moral Needs of our Schools and Colleges. Consumer’s League. Mountain Work in Kentucky. Municipal Lodgings. Public Parks. Forestry. Contagious Diseases and Prevention. This Department will meet on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning November fifth. Members of the Club who are Willing to help in the work and program of the Department of Phil- anthropy and Public Interest are cordially urged to give their names to the Chairman. 41"”, . -,.-..¥_-_:;~,..- , fiwx -- a; “fly-7“.“ ”V; «..‘.-A—-a'—-‘-i» M>Ci - _. ‘ DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. Mrs. Rurlc N. Roark, Chairman. COMMITTEE. Mrs. Henry Bewlay, Prof. Anna Bourne, Mrs. M. A. Harrison, Mrs. M. A. Scovell, Mrs. Minor Simpson, Miss Margaret Shaw, Mrs. Milford White, GENERAL SUBJECT: Social Ideals in Literature. This Department will meet on the Second Wednesday of each month beginning October 8th. Fifteen minutes at each meeting will be devoted to the Round Table. The Chairman of the Department of Literature will also conduct a Study Class called a Dante Circle, which will meet in the first and third Fri» days of each month at 3:30 p. m. The Chairman urges all mem- bers of the Club Who are willing to aid in the work of the Depart- ment 01’ Study Class to give her their names as a pledge that they will assist her. M%~_~_—cb—'M.fi_ .; __ a sage)“ _,_m-~vb---W “3‘ DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL WOMEN. Miss Mary Bryan, Chairman. COMMITTEE. Miss Lizzie A. Lyle, Miss Wilhelmina Loos, Miss Katherine Cochran, Miss Lillie Sharpe, Miss Sarah McGarvey. Mrs. Mary Bradley Railey, Dr. Louise Bergman-Healy. This Department will meet on the third Wednesday of each month, beginning October 15th. All members 01 the (Jiub are invited to join it and those who are Willing to assist the Committee are urged to give their names to the Chairman, who is anxious to Justify the existence of a new Department by proving the interest taken in it by the Club members. DEPARTMENT OF CURRENT EVENTS. Mrs. L. J. Huffman, Chairman. COMMITTEE. Mrs. J. R. Morton, Miss Berry, Miss Elizabeth Scott, Miss Mary Sweeny, This Department will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month, beginning October 22nd. The meetings will take the form of a class in Current History conducted by Miss Emily Ruth Col~ lins, of Cincinnati. All members of the Club are cordially invited to join the class, the only requirement being that they give their names to the Chairman. There is active demand for tickets from persons who do not belong to the Club, and as space is limited, preference will be given to its members. There will be no extra charge for the class to those who are members of the Woman’s Club, but those outside the Club who wish to join the Class will be asked to pay three dollars for the season. or fifty cents for a single meeting. In addition to the Department meetings there Will be a regular meeting, free to all members of the Club, on the first Saturdav of each month. These meetings will be in charge of the Board of Directors and programs Will vary accordir g igmsta ances rtuni . . , to 5511530 rash (cut as; s niiie OBEthnce otiugfic Club in all clmngesunll innovations and earnestly requests each membe1 to take some part in the work of the Club during theycnr.