xt7brv0czk7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0czk7x/data/mets.xml Thomas Merton 1964-07-18 This letter is from 2006ms071, the Thomas Merton collection. archival material 2006ms071 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Don Gold, July 18, 1964 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Don Gold, July 18, 1964 1964 1964-07-18 2023 true xt7brv0czk7x section xt7brv0czk7x ABBEY OF GETHSEMANI TRAPPI ST. KENTUCKY July 18, l96h Dear Don Gold: Since I last wrote to you I have been in touch with our Father Abbot, who has still not returned here. He wrote quite a long letter stating his objections to the idea of an article about the monastery. They are not absolutely final but they are final enough for me to stop insisting. I think the article is now out of the question. His main reason is that he has refused a dozen other magazines and will he in a bad position if he says "yes" to Holiday. Also, T think, he is not too hapey about any presentation of the monastery that will not be fully official and therefore dull enough to be totally useless. Perhaps in a couple of years the question mipht he reonened in the fonn of an article about the various monasteries of the Trannists in the United States. There are places in several states, from Masa- dmwemstonfi1%flflflm,Gmmfi%lfiflgCdiflmfiaem.Tm general View of the Order would probably be more interesting and new. I would be glee to consiéer the job, if you contact me say in 1966. But again, I promise nothing too definite. I am sorry that this project did not get off the ground. I would have enjoyed it. Cordial good wishes, ’incerely yours,