xt7bvq2s527x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s527x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19740812 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-08-nov12-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1974-08-nov12-ec. 1974 2011 true xt7bvq2s527x section xt7bvq2s527x 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, November 12. 1974.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky met in regular session at 2:00 p.mrr. (EST) on Tuesday,
November 12, 1974 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the University campus. The following members answered
the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R.
Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, and Mr. George W. Griffin. Mrs. Rexford
S. Blazer and Mr. Richard E. Cooper were absent from the meeting.
Mr. James A. Sutherland and Professor Paul Sears, members of the
Board of Trustees, attended the meeting with Professor Sears serving
as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Blazer. The University Administra-
tion was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle, Stanley Wall,
Lawrence E. Forgy, and Raymond R. Hornback; Mr. John Darsie, Legal
Counsel; and Dr. Donald Clapp, Executive Assistant to the President.
The various news media also had representatives in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order
at 2:00 p. m. Following the invocation given by Mr. William R. Black,
the secretary called the roll and reported a quorum present, and the meet-
ing was declared officially open for the conduct of business at 2:03 p.m.

       B. Minutes Approved

       Mr. Sturgill asked if there were any corrections or additions to
the Minutes of the meeting of September 17, 1974. There being none, on
motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black the reading of the Minutes
of the September 17, 1974 meeting was dispensed with and the Minutes
were approved as published.

       C. Committee Appointments Announced

       Mr. Sturgill said that although he had made committee assignments
in September through letters to the individual members of the Board he
would like to read the appointments to the Standing Committees of the
Board of Trustees into the record. (See copy of Committee Appointments
at the end of the Minutes).



       D. President's Report to the Trustees

       At Mr. Sturgill's request President Singletary reviewed in some
detail the items in PR 1, President's Report to the Trustees, and recom-
mended that the report be accepted. Without objection it was so ordered
by the Chairman.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       Noting that the members of the Executive Committee had had an
opportunity to examine the recommendations in PR 2 prior to the meeting,
President Singletary said he would be happy to answer any questions
members might have. There being none, on motion by Mr. Black, seconded
by Mr. Clay, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official
part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       F. Budget Revisions for 1974-75 (PR 4)

       President Singletary noted that there were no supplemental recom-
mendations and that the next item on the agenda was a routine recorrmenda-
tion for authorization to make certain proposed changes in the 1974-75
Budget of the University. He indicated that Dr. Clapp and Mr. Ed Carter
were present at the meeting and that either would be happy to answer any
que stions.

       There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Clay and seconded by
Mr. Griffin the revisions in the 1974-75 budget as presented in PR 4 were
authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

      G. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

      Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that the
committee had met prior to the Executive Committee meeting and had
examined and approved the Financial Recommendations as listed on the
agenda. He then moved the acceptance of the Interim Financial Report
for the three month period ending September 30, 1974. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the
end of the Minutes.)



       H. Acceptance of University of Kentucky Financial Reports
           for the Year Ended June 30, 1974, and the Report on
           Internal Accounting Controls, June 30, 1974. (FCR 2)

       Stating that the Finance Committee so recommended Mr. Clay
moved acceptance of the University of Kentucky Financial Reports for the
year ending June 30, 1974 and the Report on Internal Accounting Controls,
June 30, 1974. His motion was seconded by Professor Sears and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       I Acceptance of Audits for the Fund for Advancement of
          Education and Research in the University of Kentucky
          Medical Center, The University of Kentucky Research
          Foundation, University of Kentucky Athletic Association,
          and Health Care Collection Service, Inc. (FCR 3)

       Mr. Clay moved acceptance of audits for the Fund for Advancement
of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center,
The University of Kentucky Research Foundation, University of Kentucky
Athletic Association, and Health Care Collection Service, Inc. for the
fiscal year ended June 30, 1974. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black.
Mr. Sturgill asked if there were any questions or discussion and, there
being none, the ayes carried and it was so ordered. (See FCR 3 at the
end of the Minutes. )

       J. Acceptance of Audit for UK Credit Union (FCR 4)

       Mr. Clay moved acceptance of the audited financial statement of
the University of Kentucky Credit Union for the fiscal year ended June 30,
1974. This motion was seconded by Professor Sears and passed without
dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K. Write Offs of Uncollectible Accounts (FCR 5)

       At Mr. Clay's request, Mr. Forgy explained that the recommendation
in FCR 5 relative to Write Offs of Uncollectible Accounts was required
under procedures established by the Board for handling such accounts. He
said that accounts written off as bad debts will continue to constitute a debt
to the University and will be collected if the opportunity permits. Mr. Clay



added that the Finance Committee considered this as a ratification of
policy carried out in the past and moved approval of the recommendation
in FCR 5 to authorize the appropriate University administrative officers
to charge off, as bad debts, uncollectible accounts receivable against the
allowance for doubtful accounts. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin
and then approved. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L. Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Investment Committee, said that
ICR 1 was a routine quarterly report on changes made in investments for
the University of Kentucky and its Affiliated Corporations for the quarter
ended September 30, 1974 and moved that the report be accepted and
ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Clay and carried without dissent. (See ICR 1 at the
end of the Minutes.)

       M. Meeting Adjourned

       It having first been determined that there was no further business
to come before the meeting, on motion duly made, seconded and carried
the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. (EST).

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     Paul G. Sears, Assistant Secretary
                                     Board of Trustees

(Note: List of Committee Assignments; PRS 2 & 4; FCRs 1,2,3,4 & 5; and
ICR 1, which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)




                          Elected Committee

Executive Committee

William B. Sturgill, Chairman
Albert G. Clay
Lucile Blazer, Secretary Ex officio
Richard E. Cooper
George Griffin
William R. Black

                         Appointed Committees



Albert G. Clay, Chairman
Stanley Burlew
William B. Sturgill
Richard E. Cooper
George Griffin
James A. Sutherland

Student Code

George W. Griffin, Chairman
Albert Clay
Lawrence E. Forgy
William B. Sturgill
Thomas B. Kessinger

Medical Center

John Crockett, Chairman
Frank Ramsey
George Griffin
David Mucci
Eugene Goss
Paul Sears

Lucile Blazer, Chairman
Frank Ramsey
William R. Black
Zirl Palmer
James A. Sutherland
J. R. Woodyard


William R. Black, Chairman
Homer W. Ramsey
Michael Adelstein
Lucile Blazer
Stanley Burlew
Betty Carol Clark


Missing report(s)


                                                          Office of the President
                                                          November 12, 1974


I.   Report on Gifts and/or Grants (See Attachment)

      Recommendation: that the report on gifts and/or grants covering the
      period from July 1, 1974 through September 30, 1974 be accepted and
      made a matter of record.

      Background: The attached report represents the gifts and/or grants
      accepted by the President on behalf of the Board of Trustees for the
      three months' period ending September 30, 1974, in accordance with
      the policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on November 19, 1965.
      Acknowledgment of gifts and/or grants has been made to all donors
      by the President on behalf of the Board.

II.   Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

     Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the appointments
     and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the
     report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved
     by the administration be accepted.

     Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
     staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance
     with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
     recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
     president through the President and have his concurrence.

     Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
     appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
     or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
     the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring
     Board approval.



                            BOARD ACTION

New Appointments

Charles L. Chiswell, Assistant Professor*, Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, and Depart-
  ment of Pedodontics, College of Dentistry, retroactive August 29, 1974.
Christian Martin Christensen, Assistant Extension Professor*, Department
  of Entomology, College of Agriculture, retroactive October 15, 1974.
Clair Lloyd Hicks, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences,
  College of Agriculture, retroactive October 8, 1974.
Charles Robert Combs, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery (Ortho-
  paedics), College of Medicine, retroactive October 1, 1974.
Andrew M. Fried, Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology,
  College of Medicine, effective August 15, 1975.
Stephen J. Jay, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, College of
  Medicine, effective November 15, 1974.
John Thomas Johns, Assistant Extension Professor', Department of Animal
  Sciences, College of Agriculture, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Guillaume Jullian de la Fuente, Visiting Professor, College of Architecture,
  retroactive September 1, 1974.
Duane Miksch, Assistant Extension Professor', Department of Veterinary
  Science, College of Agriculture, retroactive October 1, 1974.
Emler A. Neuman, Instructor (Part-time), Departments of Pedodontics and
  Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Judith A. Pachciarz, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Science,
  College of Agriculture, retroactive October 15, 1974.
Wilson Sebastian, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, College of
  Medicine, retroactive November 1, 1974.
Ronald J. Seymour, Instructor-, Department of Physical Therapy, College of
  Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 16, 1974.
Larry G. Wells, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
  College of Agriculture, retroactive October 14, 1974.
Ballard D. Wright, Associate Professor (Part-time), Department of Anesthesi-
  ology, College of Medicine, retroactive November 1, 1974.
Tatsuo Yoneyama, Associate Professor (Adjunct), Department of Pathology,
  College of Medicine, retroactive October 1, 1974.

Non-Academic Appointments

Lee Balliet, Associate Director for Education, Office of Business Development
  and Government Services, College of Business & Economics, retroactive
  September 8, 1974.

*Special Title Series



Boris E. Bogatz, Director of the Training Component, Special Education
  Coordinating Office Regional Resource Center, College of Education,
  retroactive September 1, 1974.
Betty Bright, Assistant to the Director, Coordinating Office Regional Resource
  Center project, Department of Special Education, College of Education,
  retroactive July 15, 1974.
Robert J. Brooks, Direct Services Specialist, Coordinating Office Regional
  Resource Center project, Department of Special Education, College of
  Education, retroactive August 1, 1974.
Glen E. Fardig, Associate Materials Specialist, Vocational Educational
  Curriculum Development Center, College of Education, retroactive
  September 15, 1974.
Henry E. Francis, Research Chemist, Institute for Mining & Minerals Research,
  College of Engineering, retroactive September 16, 1974.
Jon S. Hesseldenz, Data Systems Specialist, Department of Special Education,
  Coordinating Office Regional Resource Center project, College of Education,
  retroactive July 1, 1974.
Norman D. Howe, Liaison Coordinator, Department of Special Education,
  Coordinating Office Regional Resource Center project, College of Education,
  retroactive September 1, 1974.
Harold Wayne Johnson, Technical Assistance Specialist, Department of Special
  Education, Coordinating Office Regional Resource Center project, College of
  Education, retroactive August 1, 1974.
Frances C. McDonie, Acting Director, Special Student Programs, COM. College
  of Medicine, retroactive October 15, 1974.
Caroline Moore, Information Specialist on Needs Assessment, Department of
  Special Education, Coordinating Office Regional Resource Center project,
  College of Education, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Munir H. Nayfeh, Research Associate, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
  College of Arts & Sciences, retroactive August 15, 1974.
Elizabeth Penick, Project Director, Differential Treatment of Alcohol Subgroups
  Grant, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, retroactive September
  1, 1974.
Robert L. Sterrett, Project Director, Area Learning Resource Center, Departmenl
  of Special Education, College of Education, retroactive September 1, 1974.
William R. Strong, Management Specialist Health Care, Office of Business
  Development and Government Services, College of Business & Economics,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Joseph C. Todd, Training Specialist, Coordinating Office Regional Resource
  Center project, Department of Special Education, College of Education,
  retroactive August 1, 1974.
Robert J. Walter, Administrative Staff Officer, Office of Dean, College of
  Medicine, retroactive September 17, 1974.
David P. Wesley, Senior Research Associate, Institute of Mining and Minerals
Research, College of Engineering, retroactive October 18, 1974.



William C. Wilson, Liaison Coordinator, Coordinating Office Regional Resource
  Center project, Department of Special Education, College of Education,
  retroactive October 15, 1974.

Appointments with Waiver of Nepotism

Carolyn Waddell, Research Assistant, Department of Pharmacology, College
  of Medicine, (wife of Dr. William J. Waddell, Professor, Department of
  Pharmacology, College of Medicine), retroactive October 19, 1974.

Administrative Appointments

M. Raynor Mullins, Chairman, Department of Community Dentistry, College of
  Dentistry, for six-year period 10/1/74 through 9/30/80.


Roy K. Jarecky, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
  College of Medicine, to Professor', (with tenure), Department of Behavioral
  Science and Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine,
  retroactive September 1, 1974.
Eric E. Spohn, Assistant Professor, Department of Allied Health Education &
  Research, College of Allied Health Professions to Associate Professor-,
  (with tenure), Department of Allied Health Education & Research, College
  of Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 1, 1974. (Retains rank
  of Assistant Professor in College of Dentistry).

Tenure Granted

Grace G. Eddison, Associate Professor*, Department of Community Medicine,
  College of Medicine, retroactive July 1, 1974.


Maurice East, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, College
  of Arts & Sciences to Associate Director, Patterson School of Diplomacy,
  College of Arts & Sciences, (with tenure), effective November 12, 1974.
William W. Ecton, Acting Dean, College of Business & Economics to Associate
  Dean, College of Business & Economics effective 1/1/75.
Arthur A. Hellebusch, Associate Clinical Professor (Part-time), Department
  of Surgery, College of Medicine, to Associate Clinical Professor (Voluntary),
  Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, retroactive July 1, 1974.

*Special Title Series


- 5-

Victor B. Gaines, Special Assistant to the President, Office of the President,
  to Employee Counselor, Office of the Vice President for Administration,
  retroactive October 7, 1974.

David R. Janssen, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education,
  College of Education, to Research Director, Area Learning Resource Center,
  Department of Special Education, College of Education, retroactive
  September 1, 1974.

Marvin R. Lutes, Associate Professor, (Part-time), Department of Prosthodontics,
  College of Dentistry, to Associate Clinical Professor (Voluntary), Department
  of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, retroactive July 1, 1974.


Joseph A. Brumfield, Plumber Foreman, Department of Plumbing, after 28
  consecutive years of service, effective November 1, 1974.
Neville M. Hulette, Auditor, Department of Regulatory Services, after 28
  consecutive years of service, effective October 28, 1974.

Post-Retirement Appointments

S. C. Bohanan, Campus Coordinator, Thailand Project, College of Agriculture,
  (Half-time), retroactive July 1, 1974.
Charles E. Bortner, Adjunct Professor, Department of Agronomy, College of
  Agriculture, retroactive July 1, 1974.
Gerald G. Daubek, Instructor, (Part-time), University of Kentucky Center at
  Fort Knox, effective December 1974.
Helmut A. Gordon, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine,
  effective July 1, 1975.
James F. Hopkins, Consultant, Clay Papers project, Graduate School, retroactive
  November 1, 1974.
Laura K. Martin, Associate Professor, College of Library Science, retroactive
  November 1, 1974.
William G. Survant, Assistant, Dean's Office, College of Agriculture, retroactive.
  November 1, 1974.
Tom F. Whayne, Professor, (Part-time), Department of Community Medicine,
  College of Medicine, retroactive November 1, 1974.

                     ADMINISTRATION ACTION

New Appointments - Lexington Campus

Jack J. Early, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.



Sister Virginia Farrell, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied
  Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Tarcy Fassas, Clinical Instructor, Department of Radiologic Technology, College
  of Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Kenneth B. Hinton, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
John D. Hoyle, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Sandra G. Kirk, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Beverly Rodgers, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Susie Runyan, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Radiologic
  Technology, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 26, 1974.
Richard Schuster, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Helen Simpson, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Helen L. Sligar, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Evangeline Ruth Snider, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied
  Health Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Lloyd A. Terrell, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Edwin Van Arsdale, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Radiologic
  Technology, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 26, 1974.
Kathryn Ann Vaughan, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Radiologic
  Technology, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive October 1, 1974.
James R. Wurts, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  October 15, 1974.
Peter Webb, Visiting Lecturer, College of Architecture, retroactive September
  1, 1974.



Elizabeth L. Browning, Instructor, (Part-time), School of Communications,
  College of Arts & Sciences, retroactive August 1, 1974.
Thomas K. Donaldson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of
  Mathematics, College of Arts & Sciences, effective January 1, 1975.
Suzanne Frank, Instructor, (Part-time), School of Music, College of Arts &
  Sciences, retroactive August 1, 1974.
Captain Keith L. Skidmore, Lecturer, Department of Military Science, College
  of Arts & Sciences, retroactive September 19, 1974.
Judith A. Alexander, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics,
  College of Business & Economics, effective January 1, 1975.
Herbert Abrams, Assistant Clinical Professor, (Voluntary), Department of
  Periodontics, College of Dentistry, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Edward Lyon, Assistant Clinical Professor, (Voluntary), Department of
  Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Edward Allen Meyer, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Restorative
  Dentistry, College of Dentistry, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Georgia C. Collins, Instructor, (Part-time). Department of Curriculum &
  Instruction, College of Education, retroactive October 1, 1974.
Jeri K. Fisher, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Health, Physical
  Education & Recreation, College of Education, retroactive August 1, 1974.
Barbara Kane, Instructor, Department of Psychology & Counseling, College of
  Education, retroactive August 15, 1974.
Pramode K. Bhagat, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
  College of Engineering, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Bettie W. McClaskey, Assistant Professor, Department of Textiles, Clothing,
  & Merchandising, College of Home Economics, effective January 1, 1975.
Helen L. Hallock, Assistant Clinical Professor, (Voluntary), Department of
  Psychiatry, College of Medicine, retroactive November 1, 1974.
Shirley L. Hughes, Assistant Professor of Social Work*, Department of Medicine,
  College of Medicine, retroactive November 1, 1974.
John W. Burkett, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Christopher E. Chambers, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Norman Horn, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy, retroactive
  October 1, 1974.
Wesley K. Marion, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Guy D. Martin, Jr., Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Douglas E. Miller, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive, October 1, 1974.

*Special Title Series



Alvin B. Porter, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Frederick J. Shainfeld, Lecturer, (Part-time), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive September 1, 1974.
Dennis Wiggins, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.
Thomas H. Wortham, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), College of Pharmacy,
  retroactive October 1, 1974.

New Appointments - Community College System

Ashland Community College
Janetta Faye Brewer, Instructor and Coordinator, Human Services Program,
  retroactive September 1, 1974.
Patrucia A. Minton, Assistant Professor, Community College System, and
  Assistant Professor, Department of Dental Hygiene, College of Allied
  Health Professions, retroactive August 1, 1974.

Hopkinsville Community College
Mary B. Boyd, Instructor, retroactive September 16, 1974.
Pamela K. Murphy, Instructor, retroactive September 1, 1974.

Jefferson Community College
Harvey D. Colgin, Visiting Assistant Professor and Chief Coordinator,
  retroactive September 16, 1974.
Ernest S. Edwards, Jr., Instructor, retroactive September 1, 1974.

Madisonville Community College
Sudesh M. Duggal, Instructor, retroactive August 26, 1974.

Prestonsburg Community College
Mazola L. Salmons, Instructor, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Sara H. Stumbo, Instructor, retroactive September 1, 1974.

Somerset Community College
Robert Lee Clark, Assistant Professor, retroactive October 1, 1974.

Joint Appointments

Henry William Hoge, Assistant Clinical Professor, (Voluntary), Department
  of Periodontics, College of Dentistry, and Department of Dental Hygiene,
  College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 10, 1974.
Kenneth E. Cox, Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Chemical
  Engineering and Institute for Mining and Minerals Research, College of
  Engineering, retroactive August 15, 1974.



Douglas M. Neuman, Assistant Professor, (Part-time), Department of
  Periodontics, College of Dentistry, and Department of Dental Hygiene,
  College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive September 1, 1974.

Promotions (without Tenure)

N. K. Burki, Department of Medicine (Division of Pulmonary Disease),
  College of Medicine, from Instructor to Assistant Professor, retroactive
  November 1, 1974.
John Clayton Drake, Hazard Community College, Community College System,
  from Instructor to Assistant Professor, retroactive July 1, 1974.
Helen M. Herring, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, from
  Instructor* to Assistant Professor,:, retroactive July 1, 1974.
Linda Krefting, Department of Business Administration, College of Business
  & Economics, from Instructor to Assistant Professor, retroactive
  October 1, 1974.
Michael Minor, Department of Vocational Education, College of Education,
  from Instructor to Assistant Professor, retroactive October 1, 1974.
George A. Potratz, Department of English, College of Arts & Sciences,
  from Instructor (on terminal reappointment) to Assistant Professor,
  retroactive October 16, 1974.
Arvil Reeb, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, from Instructor*
  to Assistant Professor*, retroactive October 1, 1974.

Reappointments - Lexington Campus

College of Dentistry

Gerald Re, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Restorative Dentistry,
  College of Dentistry, (9/1/74 to 6/30/75).

College of Engineering

Arifur Rahman, Instructor, Department of Electrical Engineering, (1/1/75 to

College of Law

Susan D. Csaky, Adjunct Instructor, (9/1/74 to 12/31/74).
Edward S. Gilson, Adjunct Instructor, (9/1/74 to 12/31/74).
Joe Lee, Adjunct Instructor, (9/1/74 to 12/31/74).
Samuel Milner, Adjunct Instructor, (9/1/74 to 12/31/74).
Henry V. Pennington, Adjunct Instructor, 9/1/74 to 12/31/74).
Joe C. Savage, Adjunct Instructor, (9/1/74 to 12/31/74).

*Special Title Series




Maurice L. Archer, Assistant Professor and Acting Director, Lexington Technical
  Institute, Community College System, to Assistant Professor, Lexington
  Technical Institute, Community College System, retroactive July 1, 1974.
Henry H. Bauer, Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences,
  to Special assistant to Director, Institute for Mining & Minerals Research,
  retroactive September 15, 1974.
Larry M. Elliott, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Oral Diagnosis and
  Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry, to Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary),
  Department of Oral Diagnosis & Oral Medicine, College of Dentistry,
  retroactive July 1, 1974.
Claude Farley, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine
  to Assistant Clinical Professor (Voluntary), Department of Medicine, College of
  Medicine, retroactive July 1, 1974.
Robert Goes, Assistant Professor, (Part-time), Department of Oral Surgery,
  College of Dentistry, to Assistant Clinical Professor, (Voluntary), Department
  of Oral Surgery, College of Dentistry, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Kent Herring, Assistant Professor`, Department of Dental Hygiene, College of
  Allied Health Professions to Assistant Professor-*, Department of Allied Health
  Education & Research, College of Allied Health Professions, retroactive
  July 29, 1974.
Michael F. Hutton, Assistant Professor, Department of Endodontics, College of
  Dentistry, to Assistant Professor, (Part-time), Department of Endodontics,
  College of Dentistry, effective January 1, 1975.
Richard A. Lieboff, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development &
  Family Relations, College of Home Economics to Research Associate, Department
  of Human Development & Family Relations, College of Home Economics,
  retroactive August 1, 1974.
Edward Lee Morris, Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of Oral Surgery,
  College of Dentistry, to Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Oral Surgery,
  College of Dentistry, retroactive September 1, 1974.
Sharon Prince, Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Special Education, College
  of Education, to Instructor, (Full-time), Department of Special Education,
  College of Education, retroactive August 1, 1974.
Samuel R. Scott, Assistant Professor` and Director, Medical Outpatient Care,
Health Service, Department of Medicine and College of Medicine, to Assistant
  Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive
  September 1, 1974.
John A. Thompson, Jr., Instructor, (Part-time), Department of Prosthodontics,
  College of Dentistry, to Clinical Instructor, (Voluntary), Department of
  Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, retroactive July 1, 1974.

*Special Title Series


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Leaves of Absence

B. J. Barfield, Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture Engineering,
  College of Agriculture, sabbatical leave, full-salary, for the period
  November 1, 1974 to April 30, 1975.
Herman A. Blair, Associate Professor, (Part-time), Department of Endodontic