xt7bvq2s528h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s528h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1977025 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-02-apr5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1977-02-apr5. 1977 2011 true xt7bvq2s528h section xt7bvq2s528h Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentuclkv, Tuesday, April 5, 1977. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular statutory session at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) orn Tuesday, April 5, 1977, in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office, Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members answering the call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Professor Mlichael Adelstein, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Robert 0. Clark, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. John R. Crockett, Mr. John R. Gaines, Mr. George W. Griffin, Mrs. David Hermansdorfer, Dr. David A. Hull, Mr. Thomas B. Xessinger, Mr. Michael McLaughlin, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer Ramsey, Professor Paul G. Sears, Dr. John R. Woodyard. Members unable to be present were 'Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. L. D. Gorman, and Mr. Zirl Palmer. The University administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary: Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zurnwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter P. Bosomworth. Raymond R. Hornback, John T. Smith, Jack C. Blanton, and Donald B. Clapp; Dr. Robert M. Drake, Special Assist-ant to the President; and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel. Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A. Meeting Opened IMr. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2:30 o'clock. Following the invocation, pronounced by Mr. Black, the secretary called the roll and reported 16 members present. The Chairman then declared the meetina officially open for the conduct of business at 2:33 o'clock. B. Oath of Office Administered Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel of the University, administered the oath of office to Dr. David A. Hull, appointed by Gov ernor Julian Carroll for a four-year term ending December 31, 1980, and to Mr. William R. Black, reappointed by Governor Carroll as an alumnus member fcr a four-year termn ending December 31, 19180. Mr. Albert G. Clav, wvho was reappointed by Governor Carroll for a term ending December 31, 1980, was unable to be present at the meeting and the oath of office will be administered at the May rmeeting. Dr. Hull replaces Mr. james A. Sutherland whose term expired December 31, 19976. -2- C. Minutes Approved On motion made, seconded, and carried, the reading of the Minutes for the March 8, 1977, meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. D. Committee Appointments Mr. Sturgill appointed Mr. Thomas Kessinger to the Finance Committee to fill the vacancy created by the termination of Mr. Sutherland's term of office and named Dr. Hull as a member of the Medical Center committee in Mr. Sutherland's place. Mr. Black was named Chairman of the Medical Center Committee. E. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1) After briefly reviewing some of the items in his monthly report to the Trustees, President Singletary recommended its acceptance. Without objection, the Chairman received the report and ordered it filed. F. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) President Singletary noted that the recommendations in PR 2 were routine in nature and recommended approval. Without discussion on motion duly made, seconded and carried, PR 2 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) G. Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 3a) President Singletary presented the names of three individuals recommended by the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate as recipients of honorary degrees from the University of Kentucky, such degrees to be conferred at the May 8 commencement exercises. He mentioned that a fourth individual, Dr. Ray E. Marshall, Secretary of Labor, had been recommended for the honorary degree, Doctor of Letters. Since Dr. Marshall was unable to be present for the awarding of the degree, his name was being withdrawn from consideration at this time. On motion by Mr. Crockett, seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey, and passed, approval was granted to awarding the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Mr. Earl D. Wallace; the honorary degree of Doctor of Science to Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino; and the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters to Dr. Holman Hamilton. (See PR 3a at the end of the Minutes.) -3- H. Appointment of Dean of College of Communications (PR 3b) The appointment of Dr. Ramona Rush as Dean of the College of Communications and Professor of Communications, with tenure, effective on or before July 1, 1977, was recommended by Dr. Singletary. Following a brief resume of Dr. Rush's qualifications for the position by Dr. Cochran, on motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mrs. Clark and passed, Dr. Rush was appointed Dean of the College of Communications and Professor of Communications with tenure, effective on or before July 1, 1977. (See PR 3b at the end of the Minutes.) I. Appointment of Dean of College of Fine Arts (PR 3c) President Singletary recommended that Professor J. Robert Wills, Jr. be named Dean of the College of Fine Arts, effective July 1, 1977. Professor Wills has served as Chairman of the Department of Theatre Arts since 1972, and President Singletary said that it always gave him a certain degree of satisfaction to recommend an individual from inside the University for a top administration position for it spoke well of the caliber of the faculty. On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Professor Adelstein and passed, Dr. Wills' appointment as Dean of the College of Fine Arts was approved effective July 1, 1977. (See PR 3c at the end of the Minutes.) J. 1976-77 Budget Revisions (PR 4) Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Frank Ramsey, seconded by Mrs. Clark and passed, the Budget Revisions for 1976-77 as recommended in PR 4 were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.) K. Master of Civil Engineering Degree (PR 5) Prefacing his remarks by saying that the action requested in PR 5 would authorize a new degree but not a new academic program, President Singletary recommended that the Board authorize the awarding of the degree of Master of Civil Engineering to those students who satisfactorily complete the prescribed course of study in the currently existing academic program and are recommended by the University Senate. On motion of Professor Sears, seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed, authorization was given to the award of the degree of Master of Civil Engineering, as recommended in PR 5. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. ) -4- L. Associate Degree Program in Dental Hygiene (PR 6) President Singletary recommended approval for transmission to the Council on Public Higher Education the activation of the second mobile program in the Community College System leading to the degree of Associate in Applied Science in Dental Hygiene. Mr. Black moved approval of President'Singletary' s recommendation. His motion was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed without objection. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.) M. Proposed University of Kentucky Retirement Program (PR 7) At President Singletary's request, Professor Sears explained that the retirement plan as proposed in PR 7 was primarily a consolidation of the original retirement resolution and its numerous amendments and contained only three substantive changes which he explained. He moved adoption of the proposed plan. Mr. Cooper seconded his motion and it passed without objection. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.) N. Recommended Amendments to the Code of Student Conduct (SCRCR 1) Mr. Crockett, Chairman of the Board's Student Code Revision Committee, moved that the proposed revisions to the Code of Student Conduct be approved as recommended in SCRCR 1. His motion was seconded by Professor Sears and passed without dissent. (See SCRCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) 0. Meeting Adjourned After determining there was no further business to come before the meeting, Mr. Sturgill called for a motion for adjournment. Motion being duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul G. Sears, Secretary Board of Trustees (PR's 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and SCRCR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.) Office of the President April 5. 1977 PRk Members, Board of Trustees: RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT I. FUND Board Appointment Recommendation: that approval be given to the reappointment of Dr. Irvin E. Lunger as a member of the FUND Board of Directors for an additional two-year term beginning July 1, 1977 and ending June 30, 1979. Background: The Board of Trustees must approve all appointments to the Board of Directors of The Fund for the Advancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center. Dr. Lunger has been an effective and valuable member of this Board and, in order to continue to receive the benefit of his advice and counsel, his reappointment is requested. II. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the appointments and/or other changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appro- priate vice president through the President and have his concurrence. Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other administrators who are required to report their actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board approval. BOARD ACTION New Appointments Bourne, David W. A., Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy, 3/1/77 through 6/30/78. -2- Chiswell, C. Lawrence, Assistant Professor in the Community College System, joint appointment with Lexington Technical Institute, College of Allied Health Professions, and College of Dentistry, 12/1/76 through 6/30/77. Fiedler, Theodore, Associate Professor, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 6 /30/80. Hafferty, Frederic W., Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Kemper, John T., Jr., Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 1/1/77 through 6/30/78. Leichter, Steven B., Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78. Leinbach, Thomas R., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Geography, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 8/16/77. Melnik, Evelyn H., Assistant Professor*, Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, 7/l/77 through 6/30/78. O'Connor, P. J., Instructor, Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78. Wiley, Bell I. , Visiting Professor, Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 12/31/77. Williams, Melbourne A., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78. Williams, Robert H., Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 6/1/77 through 6/30/78. Non-Academic Appointments Gentry, Jefferson H., Field Coordinator, Dean's Office, College of Education, effective 3/1/77. Jones, Debbi M., Field Coordinator, Dean's Office, College of Education, effective 3/1/77. Levy, Ann, Allied Health Specialist, McDowell Cancer Network, Medical Center, effective 3/16/77. Wolf, Dean C., Extension Information Specialist for Press, Public Information, College of Agriculture, effective 4/11/77. Administrative Appointment Heller, Leonard, Assistant Dean and Director, Division of Educational Develop- ment, Office of Academic Affairs, College of Medicine, effective 3/1/77. *Special Title Series - 3 - Tenure Granted Powell, Ralph D., Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, effective 7/l/77. Promotions Amerson, Ann B., from Assistant Professor*, (without tenure), to Associate Professor*, (with tenure), College of Pharmacy, effective 6/1/77. Atwood, Ronald K., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, effective 7/1/77. Breazeale, J. Daniel, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/77. Bridges, Raymond, from Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, and Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, and Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Briggs, Wallace N., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor (with tenure), Department of Theatre Arts, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/l/77. Canon, Bradley C., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, 'with tenure), Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/77. Culatta, Richard, from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure) Department of Special Education, College of Education, effective 7/l/77. Gockerman, Jon P., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine (Hematology- Oncology), College of Medicine, effective 7/l/77. Greenwood, Martha F., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/77. Haley, Ted D., from Associate Professor of Mining Engineering Practice*, (with tenure), to Professor of Mining Engineering Practice,', (with tenure), Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, effective 7/1/77. Harris, Michael H., from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure), College of Library Science, effective 7/l/77. Hurley, Laurence H., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), College of Pharmacy, effective 7/1/77. Hutton, John J., Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine, promoted from Associate Professor, to Professor, Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/77. *Special Title Series -4- Jones, Arthur F., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Art, College of Arts and Sciences, effective 7/1/77. McAllister, Russell G., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/77. Mayer, Lloyd D., from Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), to Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/77. Roeckel, Irene E., from Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), to Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Rose, Jerry G., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, effective 7/1/77. Sandoval, Arturo A., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Art, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/77. Schroeder, Richard G., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Accounting, College of Business and Economics, effective 7/1/77. Steuer, Ralph E., from Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, effective 7/1/77. Utley, Joella F. , fran Assistant Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Radiation Medicine, College of Medicine, effective 7/1/77. Williams, Duane, from Assistant Professor*, (without tenure), to Associate Professor*, (with tenure), Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, effective 7/1/77. Wills, J. Robert, from Associate Professor, (with tenure), to Professor, (with tenure). Department of Theatre Arts, College of Fine Arts, effective 7/1/77. Community College System Ashland Community College Durden, Lee Roy Jr., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure', effective 7/1/77. Livingston, George D. , from Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), to Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Scott, Robert D., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System. (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. *Special Title Series - 5- Smith, Wilbur G., from Librarian III in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Librarian II in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Hopkinsville Community College Suddeath, Carl W., from Assistant Professor in the Community College Systerr, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Turner, William T., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Wilson, Nancy C., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Lexington Technical Institute Carr, Ben W. Jr., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Elliott, Ronald E., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Gooch, Peyton, from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Stice, Patsy D., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Maysville Community College Malone, Catherine W., from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Paducah Community College Barnhill, Sherry, from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College Systern, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Moss, Jacqueline, from Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), to Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Saul, Renee, from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Stewart, John, from Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. -6- Wilson, Malcolm T., from Counselor/Assistant Professor in the Community College System, (without tenure), to Counselor/Associate Professor in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Somerset Community College Rush, Pamela K., from Librarian III in the Comrmunity College System, (without tenure), to Librarian II in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Rea po intments Austin, James A., Associate Professor*, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, 7/l/77 through 6/30/73. Baumgartner, R. Paul Jr., Associate Professorx,, College of Pharmacy, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Bender, Paul A., Associate Professor-*, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 7/l/77 through 6/30/78. Cole, James S., Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Cramner, John R., Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, and Associate Professor, Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. French, Oliver H., Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, 7/l/77 through 6/30/78. Hanley, Henry G., Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Howell, Leon, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, College of Business and Economics, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Jenkins, Van Ransler, Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Leavell, Ullin W., Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Luce, Edward A., Associate Professor*, Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through-6/30/78. Matheny, James L., Associate Professor, Department of Oral Biology, College of Dentistry, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Roach, Benjamin F., Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Family Practice, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Sklar, Alan, Associate Professor*', Department of Family Practice, College of Medic ine, 7 / 1 / 77 through 6 /3 0 / 7 S. Weiler, Philip G., Associate Clinical Professor (part-time), Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Wright, Ballard D., Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Changes Balachandran, Kashi R., from Visiting Associate Professor, (without tenure), to Associate Professor, (with tenure), Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Economics, effective 7/1/77. *Special Title Series -_- Barnard, Harry V., Professor, (with tenure), and Chairman, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, named Associate Dean for Teacher Education and Certification, College of Education, 5/1/77 through 6/30/79. Retirements Brawner, R. H., Mechanic, Disabled, after 20 consecutive years of service, effective 5/1/77. Bryan, M. S., Telephone Operator. Disabled, after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 5/1/77. Duncan, Joseph G., Associate Professor, Public Information, College of Agricultur after 23 consecutive years of service, effective 7/1/77. Gilchrist. L. L. , Assistant to the Director of Athletics, Athletics, after 31 consecutive years of service, effective 7/1/77. Hamlyn, L., Nursing Assistant, Hospital Admitting, after 15 consecutive years of service, effecdive 5/4/77. Stanley, Library Tech., Libraries, after 15 consecutive years of service, effective 8/15 /77. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION New Appointments Bott, Cynthia Clarie, Visiting Librarian IV, Law Library, 2/23/77 through 6/30/77. Carland, John Michael, Assistant Professor, Department of History, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/78. Cronin, Janice, Instructor (part-time), Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, College of Education, 1/15/77 through 5/15/77. Eng, Erling W., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/77 through 5/31/717. Evensen, Paul, Visiting Instructor (part-time) Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/77 through 5/31/77. Holler, Floyd James, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, 8/16/77 through 5/15/79. Mugford, James F. , Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/3/77 through 6/30/78. Ralph, Donald E., Visiting Instructor (part-time), Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, 1/1/77 through 5/31/77. Senff, Thomas E., Assistant Professor (Applied)', School of Music, College of Fine Arts, 8/16/77 through 6/30/78. Starkey, Mary Catherine, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/8/77 through 6/30/77. *Special Title Series -8- Stovall, Larry Burton, Clinical Instructor (voluntary) . College of Pharmacy, 1/1/77 through 6/30/78. Vincent, Dorothy Marie, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), College of Pharmacy, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Wong, Paul H , Assistant Professor (part-time). Department of Restorative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, 2/1/77 through 6/30/77. Administrative Appointment. Diedrich, Donald F., Professor. (with tenure), named Acting Chairman, Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, 2/1/77 through 10/1/77. Promotions Campbell, Jacqueline, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor*', Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Cooper, William, from Librarian IV to Librarian III, Department of Special Collections, Library, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Coupal, John J., from Clinical Instructor (voluntary), to Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Department of Radiation Medicine, College of Medicine. 7/1/77 through 6/30/79. Harders, Faith, from Librarian IV, to Librarian III, Director's Office, Library, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Kennedy, Barbara Gail, from Librarian IV, to Librarian III, Acquisitions, Library, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Kirkhorn, Judith B., from Instructor', to Assistant Professor,', Department of Allied Health Education and Research, College of Allied Health Professions, 3/1/77 through 6/30/77. LaBach, J. Parker, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Maffeo, Patricia, Instructor*, to Assistant Professor:, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. O'Connor, William, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Robinson, Mary K., from Instructor;t, to Assistant Professor*', College of Nursing, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Rowe, Sharon, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Saiecinski, Irene, from Instructor, to Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Thieneman, Catherine, from Instructor", to Assistant Professor*, College of Nursing, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. *Special Title Series -9- Community College System Ashland Community College Adams, Marcella Jo, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Kitchen, Janie Ross, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Elizabethtown Community College Herman, Jo Anne, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Hill, Donna Lee, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Maples, James A., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Whelan, M. Shannon, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Henderson Community College Edwards, Jane S., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Newman, Susan M., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Siewert, Dianne, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Turner, Patricia, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/ 78. Young, Darla Jan, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Hopkinsville Community College Frising, Marjanna J., from Librarian III in the Community College System, to Librarian II in the Community College System, (with tenure), effective 7/1/77. Marshall, Fred Edward III, from Instructor 'in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. -10- Lexington Technical Institute Bradley, Robert, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Cooper, Michael, from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Rey-Barreau, Joseph A., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Thomson, Patricia C., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Maysville Community College Clayton, David N., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. McMillan, James A., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College System, 7/1/77 through 6/30/78. Thorton, James S., from Instructor in the Community College System, to Assistant Professor in the Community College Syst