xt7bvq2s531z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s531z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19140415 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1914-04-sep15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1914-04-sep15-ec. 1914 2011 true xt7bvq2s531z section xt7bvq2s531z Minutes of the :xecutive Cownittee - Soept. 15, 1914 The Rxecative Committee met this day, Aesers. Nicho11s Terrell and Stoll being present. MAr. Nicholls In the chair. In the -absence of Judge 'afferty Mr. Stall was elected Secretary of the M3eeting. It was stated by the committee that Prof. Vackentie destired the committee to reconsider the action fo the 3oard of Trustee2 relative to the headship of tne Department of Engl I sh. he committee determined that Inasmuch as the Board had ated on the matter after a full hearing, this commaittee could not reaopen the matter. T1he mratter of the -i.g-^c was next considered. Mr. Terrell stated that he did not belie* the Department of :ural bnginearlng had sufficient clerical force to keep the department In touch with the road engineers of the State. - It was agreed tht the President should look into this matter, and If ths clerical force was not sufficient, that he could add ouch additional clerical force se, in hi s -c-nio4 mi.;ht be deemed necessary, I President Barker stated that in his opinion Prof. Ander- son should be paid a sklary of ;34000 a year, and he recommend- ed that the committee so fix his salary. T-,ereupoon, it was moved, seconded and unanamously carried that part of the Budge t of the 'echanical 7ngineering jiepart- ment set aside for supplie be taken from the Budget and added to the salary of Prof. Anderson, Dean of that depart- ment. making his salary $4000 a year, and that Prof. Anderson be required to do all architectural work and all ot ler ser- vices for the college oropor, exclusive of tna agricultural ^Eperiment station, without any comwensation tharefor. UpDOn motion made. seconded and unnnimously carrbidi& the Budgot as amended. presented by the businees Agent, was adopted and oopy ordered filed with the mautes. Yr. Stoll sugggested that at a former meeting of the Executive Gomlttee, Judge Lafferty. Secretary of the Board, stated tqat thes Cafeteria, or Untivrsity Commons, would be operated without any expense to the Oollege; that Is to say, that tihe Colleg.; would erect a building to cost $2O00 and that tAere would be no further ox'-ense to the o llege o aPny kind In operating this Cnfeteria. Mr. Qtoll suggested that thts statament mould have been recorded in thle minates of the last meeting. as it was not done, Judge Lafferty, being present at this meeting, made the st. tement again, . o the effect that It is the plan to conduct the Cafet~ria so that a sum in savings can be made so as to meet the ep- noes of equipment to make It self sustaining. It being twelve o'clock, the 4Xgautive Goamittee. pro- ceeded to open the bailots cast for the nomination of mem- bers of the Board of Trustees a. provided by law and by the regialat' ons of the Board of Trustees. hese ballots were ope~;ad publiely In the room set apart for the use of the Board of Truestees. Besides the Eiec-atite Comimittee there were present at the opesntng of the bas 1otq: S*s.u eastle, J. D. Turner. Olite Sj6gid, Am M. Peter, J. Pelham Sobnston .eorge B. Caly. J. W. Carnahan, A. A. Dtavie. U. S. Freeman, Prof. W. S. ebb, J. S. McHargue and S. .D. Averitt. The bomittee appointed Mr. J. Pllkse Johnston and U. A. Davies to adt as tellers, and the following persons re- ei-ved the suaber of votes set beside their nazest Da S. Roberta 131 Felix Berrice 140 OeoSc B.Brock 258 John E. Brown 3s0 ?. ? Johnston, .Xr.293 taine B. Coleman 71 .. C. Anderson 70 SE B. Marks 82 A M. Cox 28 M~s. Bli:. ScAth 139 J. S. Tyl e 171 W . Brady 101 R i. Jo teaon 7 John '. icoode 115 -. C. C urt. e 88 wharlotte I81ies 1 J. 3oernear 63 rsellne Reynolds 5 Chas. 'L. Strans 8 ^,, o e a tB. B Allen 46 W. G. Pickei ls J. Waller 2 E. Courtney 1 J. C. Gordon G. F. Mason 1 L t. Hamilton 2 J. R. iHamilton 1 'G. Browning 1 A, J, eance 4 . p. brown1 A. ?. underson 4 R. C. Wilson 1 Harry Stanle 1 'E t. Browoing 1 itary hodes 11 Fayette Johneon 1 L . Lewis 1 8,A. Dav~idson 4 B. Y, 11y 1 s. Ramilton 1 G. G. Downing 1 ancy H1iins 1 . h. "lien 2 W L . zpock 2 n14 Ekau~gherty 6 L. s etwi 1 ki R. Craig 2 Vaery t. Atkine s L e 'HilaInmeyer 1 a.e s .eo. Tllsdn 10S}t$lt v. D. 9urner 19 z. Hamilton 2 Margaret ing I s. T. F-Sir 17 VA. E. Johnator. 7 . R. Gnrdner I Drew tutor 2 T. C. Nesbit 54 Geo. Bryan l 3m. oese IL J. '. Carnahasn I L. Dietrich IL R *. Hailey 9 1*. Jac~k so 1 E. H. Riee 4 H. I !dward 62 U. Freeman I SL . Potttager 5 t. Lo~ers a isooerta Bewrman ( .gt e % ; Jolm Allen I Grace Goone 1 t. P. Battaile 4 M. B. Jones J. U. Hayes J. t-. "ttereon IL 4a.ry T- idlake 1 Joe Frazior 1 John ZU11bert 3 33 ,. rewli a A B. Freeman 8 H. Ingles S H1 U. shO1-. I r~- K. Frankal B. F. Lowrey Zl orence Mattox Craig Shelby T. 1. Hamilton Barry 3ullock N. W*. Hutcharaft J. W . Vlilmott Thog. R. Halin R. LI. Holl and T. R Morgan R. T, Southgate T. 3. Bryant W. C. Hobson J. J. W oods D. M. Case L. D. Threlkeld L. A. Darling Geo. Burgess J. S. Chamber W . L. Brock I 1 71 I 2 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 J. H. Kastle A. S. Bubrier H. H. Bell Brook G. B p4 Vi. G. Campbell H. Summer P. G. Gentler Geo. Smmer Geo. Bleming J. R. 3ullock Mary Schrugham W . C . k 'Il5on J. V. Lancaster Harrison Iaura1l H. Wilson T. T Dean Miss J. H. Karth W. A. Harrison Thoe. tiower The following twelve persons having received the highest number of votes, they were declared to be nominated for members of the Board of Trustees, to be voted for at the election to be held as provided in the regulations of the 3oard of TBstees heretofore adopted. Dan S. Roberts 131 George G. Brock 256 P. P. aohnston, Jr.293 J. S. Lyle 171 John W. Woods 115 Lamne B. Coleman n Felix Karrick 140 John E. Brown 310 Mrs. ki%.1. Smith3g W. R. Brady 101 E. C. Wurtl e 88 S. B. maris 82 Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the secretary of this committee, who is also Secretary of the Board of Trustees, was directed to prepare at once a short biography of each candidate as provided in the regula- tions of the Board of Trustees and to mail this bio;,raphy with the election ballot to each person entitled to a vote oa or before October 1st, 1914, and to add such other things relative thereto as are required by the said regulations of the Board of Trustees. 7he resignation of T. J. Barr, assistant inspector of mines for Kentucky was made known and he was elected as a rofessor in Min1n Engineering in the College of Mines and Ktallurgy. The election of Joseph W. Aed as assistant in- spector of Mines for Kentucky was made known and his election was ordered certified to the Governor of Kentucky by the secre- tary of the Board. It was moved, seconded and carried that no fee will be charged persons connected with the University who may matri- culate and do work in the University Glasses but such person shall take no class work so as to Interfere with the work which his employment requires. It was ordered that Ilywel Davies execute the usual bond required by the Business +ne of the University. 3 1 1 7 4 4 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 I. 1 1 1914 - 1915 DEPARTMENTS BUDGET ESTIMATES. Executive ..................... Business Agent ................. egi strar....... . ean of Women................... shemi st ry ..... Physics...... .... Geology.. ... Physiology .................... Mathemati-s ............ Educatlion and Phil.... History and -ao1. Econ. . Ancient and iod. Language. English.... chool of Journalism......... College of Agriculture..... Ent. & Zool... Home Econom'c8. Mach. & Elect. Eng . Mines and Met... Civil Engineering ..... Law....*. Phy s i cal ai a' t, i O' B' Military.. Summer School.... Library.... University General ............ G roundo......... Patterson Hall ................. 30y' s dormilt ory......... Y. M. C. A. Graduate School. ...... Total ........ .......$6635. 00 . 5625.00 . 4720.00 * 585.00 .11690.00 9460.00 3070.00 . 2313.00 ........... 7885.00 . . 11800.00 . 3202.00 ........... 10035.00 ........... 6515.00 ..........* 2785.00' .... 17150.83 3415.00 ........... 6000.00 . 25240.00 ... 4865.00 . 7805.00 .... . ...o 6875.00 . 4095.00 , ,......... 1047.00 500.00 3173.00 ...... . *38985.00 .......... 1750.00 * 500.00 705.00 I.......... 1500.00 2265.00 -95.83 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 35. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 1914 1915 CLASSI1XCATION OF 3UDG2- E2,IMATES Sal a ri es,.......... Janitors and Labor.... Engineers and Firemen ...... Coal ....................... El e ct r icity ........... . ...-... Wat er...................... Ice............. Office Supplies..... Janitors Supplies.......... New Books .................. High School Magazine ....... Laboratory Equipment and Su Building Repairs........... New -Building...... Freight and Express ........ Telephone and Telegraph.... Printing and Advertising... Traveling Expenses ...... .. Association Membership..... In suran e .................. Interest........ . . Music....... .......... Grounds. ................... .... ..................O ,................. ,...................... * ,...... .............. .... ,....-. .-.. ...- ,....--................ --* .....+............ ,----................... ppli es.......... ...... ....................... ,....--..--.-...- - ......O..o......... .*e..***.** . . . $42, 055.33 7, 000.00 1, 750.00 5,500.00 3, 250.00 1 250.00 1,750.00 50 * 00 2417.00 350.00 2500.00 300.00 1 8 ,'71 5.00 1,750.00 2. 500.00 355.00 648.00 3,100.00 71,020. 00 205.60 2,060.00 2,750.00 120.00 1, 750.00 $209, 245.83 1. EXECGTIVB H. S. Barker Miss Lila B. Terry President Oecretary $5500.00 '12 payments $750.00 12 payments Office Supplies $50.00 New Equipment 150.00 Telephone & Telegraph65.00 Traveling Expenses 150 .Q $8635.00 BZSIESS AGENTcS OFFICE W. T. Lafferty Comp. $1000.00 12 payments H. Davies Business A7.gt 1500.00 12 payments J. B. Lyons Cashier 1200.00 12 payments Miss Carrie Bean Bookkeeper 660.00 12 payments Miss Emily Tapp McCann Steno. 6650.00 ).2 payments Extra UlIp 240.0O Office Supplies New Equipment Telephone and Telegraph Traveling Expenses Total 175.00 65. 00 $5.00 $5, 625.00 3. REGI STRAR E. L. Gillis Miss Lizzie L. Graddy Miss 4aterine Owens Ixtra Help Office Supplies Po stage New Equipment Freight and Uxpress Telephone and Telegraph Traveling Expenses Total Regi strar Ass'st Reg. Steno . 2000.00 12 payments 900.00 12 payments 720.00 12 payments 250.00 250.00 400.00 fO.00 25.00 75.00 $4720.00 4. Dean of Yiomen Miss Anna J. Hamilton Dean Office Supplies New Equipment Tel ephone Traveling Expenses Total $500.00 10 payments 10.00 25.00 25.00 250 .00 $585.00 5. ARTS AND SCIErCE DE3PARTMER1T OF CHEMISTRY Dr. P. E. 'uttle Dr. R. N. Yaxeon Prof. L. C. Dansiel E. L. Georger R L. VOoubleday H. R. Bedford Edith Love Student esi stant s Office Supplies L&boratory S32ppl1es and Freight and Uxorese Tel ephone Asseciation Membership total Hd.. Prof. Prof. U In structor I St eno Equipment 2100.00 10 payments 2000.00 10 payments 1600900 850.00 850.00 1000.00 200.00 350.00 70.00 2250.00 50 * 00 50.00 20,OC0 $11. 690. 00 Less 300.00 11,390.00 6. ARTS AWV SCI-F11S PYSIC S S Prof. M. L. Pence WV. S. Webb C. N. Killebrew R. B. Bitner Merwin J. Kelly in charge Pro f. Inst ruct or N $2100.00 10 payments 1800.00 1500.00 750.00 750.00 Office Supplies Laboratory Equipment Frieght and Ex-reas Tel ephone Total 10.00 2500 .00 25.00 251- 7460 .00 0 . ARTS * BXSICS DEPART0 QT0T OF GEOLOGY A . M. M iL1er Student Assistants Miss Sue"1Aathews Dean St eno Office Supplies Laboratory Enuipment Freight and Fxpress Telephone Travel ing Total 2250.00 10 payments 90 .00 500.00 25.00 125.00 5.00 25.00 $3070.00 8. ART S AINID SC I ECE DEPRTMENT OF PHYSIOL(GY Dr. J. W. Pryor Prof. and student Acrvi sor 2250.00 10 payments Office Supplies Laboratory Equ pment and Supplies Association Membership Total 9. ARTS AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENT 0? MATHEMATICS p, p. Boyd J. M . Davi s E. L. Reesi HE. R T-owning A. N. %ordon T. R. Holecroft Student Ass'ts. Prof. in charge H Fellow Instructor 2000.00 10 payments 2000Q0O 10 payments 1600.00 1400.00 25 0 . 00 600.00 250.00 Office Supplies Laboratory Equipment Supplies Total Less charge to Education 10.00 25 .00 $8135.0o 850 .Oa 7885 .00u 10. ARTS AND SCIEN E EDUCATION Prof. J.T.C.Noe Geo. M. Baker Prof. McHenry Rhoac5 Dr. Tigert Miss Bella Witherd Summer School Teacher Department Allowances in charge Prof. State Supervisor High Schools Prof. Steno Hi story Mathemat i c B Engl i sh Office Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Tel ephone High School itagazine Traveling Expenses Total 2000.00 10 payments 1600.00 10 Payments 3000.00 12 payments 2000.00 10 payments 475.00 12 payments 500.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 50.00 300.00 25.00 300.00 550 .00 $11, 8QO.00 5.00 50.00 8 00 11 . ARTS AND SCIENGE HIST~-'RY ANID POLITICA~L 190Y0NeMY Dr. J. E. Tuthill W. E. Butt Student Assistant in charge Prof. Office Supplies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Traveling Ex-en ses and Assoc. Mem. Total Charge ducation 1900.00 10 ioymente 1200.00 250.00 7600 75.00 $ 2.00 3202.00 12. ARTS XND SCIENCE, ANCIERT AYD MODERN LANGUAGE Glanville Terrell ?.T. Jones A. 0. Zembrod Harry Cannon Miss Sara Chorn C. R. Milcher C Office Supplies Total Prof. Greek 0 Latin ad. Prof. Mod. Language Instauctor Prof. German 2000.00 10 payments 2000.00 U100 .00 1000.00 900.00 2000.00 8036.0' 0ooo.o0 10, 035i,00 13. ARTS AND SCIENCE L. L. Dantiler E. F. Farquhar C. P. Weaver Miss Anxia J. Hamilton Reuben T.Taylor Prof. It In structor $1700.00 10 payments 1600.00 1600.00 1500.00 600.00 Office Supplies Total Charge to Education $701 ii. 00 5000 65S5eOO 14. SCHOOL 0F JOURNIATQiS Enoch Grehan Margaret McLaughlin Prof. in charge Instructor 1500.00 10 payments 800.00 Office Supplies New Equipment Telephone Total 15. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURZ 150.00 500.00 35.00 $2785.00 Dr. J. a. Kastle C. P. Mathews J. J. Hooper A. E. Glilbert C. D. Bolhannon W. D. Nichols Goo. Roberts S. C. Jones Dillon S, Meyer , A, Farra Dr. p*a.ll F. T. Mciarland 3. Kinney F. W;. Roffman Leon Lsoniam Miss Tuc Ruteiraft Miss Jesse Caswell Dean Prof. 0 U a Ass't Prof. Prof. it Eae1r ci nrogi st Ass t Prof. In trv-c1sor Steno 200.00 850.00 1250 .00 1625 .00 600.00 750 .00 1000.00 1000.00 833,33 1200.00 100.00 1200.00 450.00 600.00 150 * 00 40.00 300.00 10 payments . 10 payments Office Suppli, s Laboratory Ea-aipment and Supplies Freight andi Zxpress Te.ephone Advert1 sing Student Travaling Expenses Association Membership Total 425. 00 2500.00 50.00 50 * 00 100.00 550.00 67. 0 $17,150.83 16. AQ .=Y &R ZOOLOGY B. Garman in charge Mss S5ue D. McCann Prof. C. F. Stiles Instructor Office SUP0lies Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Preight and Express Total 7G00.00 10 payments 1400.00 1000 . 00 5.00 300.00 $3415.00 i?. tOLLi;3 OF AGRICULTURN D 1PARTMENT UWE ECONOMICS Miss Mary E. Sweeney Miss Aubyn Chinn Miss Ruby Buhkman Miss Clara White Student Assi stant a Read Prof. Office Sunolles Laboratory Equipment and Supplies Freight and. Zxress Tel ephone Association Membership Total 1o0O.oo 10 1000.00d 1000.00 It 725.000 270 . 00 50.00 1915.00 10.00 25.00 35 .-0- 5*o000 0 18. MOHA IC AL -AND E CT lC -. HA" F. Paul Anderson L. K. Frankel W. E. Preeman L. Z Nollau 4. L. 2o1rine PerTy Cassidy J. R. Duncan Joe -'~ickar J. B. ilker Gordon whurman Student esistants Miss Turfier Miss Ethel Jelly Dean Prof. a Assistant a H SPt. Machite Shop ' Oood hop Instructor Steno 4000.00 2000.00 2000.00 1500.00 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 800.00 1300.00 1000.00 840.00 450 .00 720.00 360.00 12 payments 10 a H 0 a R a it a 12 a a 10 12 Payments at a Office Su-oplies Laboratroy Equtpment arid supplies Freight and express Tel ephone Traveling Exienses Association membership Total Miss M. J. McPhreson Downing 400 .00 4000.00 100.00 75.00 125.00 _a5.0-0 $24, 295.00 26 0 .00_ 25, 045.00 25. 245.00 payments N a U MI A- L.tT1 0. J. Norwood ? . J. Barr 1. P. Tashof Student Aeo etant til ss 'S. D.* 'Bentley ad. Prof. Prof. g1ning uginaeriag sgistant St eno 1000.00 10 payments igoo.oo 170.00 280.00 10 a a p Office Spplaies aeaborstorr Sqatpwm-net -ftn4 snpplte% Trsveling Account Exteneion Work Asoociation Vemberahilp Total 25.00 350.00 348&0.00 $4865 ,00 20. 5li ML V . F. Rowe Student As~i ctants it, nogrSaper Rd. ?ref. t a* Office 5Up.Plies 'laboratory, Equipment and Sop!sliez Tel1ephone Total I21 . LawL $21 00. 00 2000.00 1700.00 2 S0 .00 1 0GO 00 10 paymente a a 100.00 1 800.*00 229:1-B $?805.0O W. T. Laffortr Dean Lyman Chalkley Prof. Feur Lexington Judges and tawyers W ^s. R R chol$ Prof. W. P: oW? ean * Librarian 8tdoeut Stanograher Office %~pplies ow Equipment aad Repaire T1lephone Freight and xoress Travel ing Aosoclatton embership Total $26000.00 I 2000.00 I 1000.00 ' 1281.00 "1 228.00 180 00 I Z6.00 78.00 1000.00 80.00 80.00 10.00 28,00 12OL.-i ,0 payments 11 * n 0 M675.003 M1iYSIJL 3Z-ECa? ,. L.-'nderson miss F. 0. Stout St eaographer Assistant~ Men 860 women $540 a1500.00 10 payments 1500.00 I 100.00 50 0.00 Office Supi01ss Men $15 Wone~n$1 Laborato ry plies Aen 5:700 Women"l-3O15 Mu sic Roxer Total 350.00 $4095.00 23. Band Nsa ter 1? Ga4et Offices StOno Office sapp ies New Equipment and Supl1ies Traveling 3penses Students to V. S. OA. Maneeuvers TotFQ $360.Q0 10 paymeats 425.00 25.00 ?2.00 5.00 50.*00 50.00 AMA0 24. 'UHIS11 1"MIk Summ. sr fichool 25. IOl s t Margarnet L two AsBi stant o L ibrarian Office Supplies Nov Books Now -ttupwent and Sapp~lee New MaM.4ines Freight and lx,.ress Telephone ASSOCjtaIon Membership To talL -100O.00 12 payments :S6.00 5f.00 1000.00 1100.00 600.00 20.00 33.00 $31 73.00 4500 .00 22 26. N IVERS ITY GENERAL R. MilliFan Carpenter Janitors Direcotrs of ;lee Club Engineer and Firemen Coal Electricity Gas Wat er Ice Janitors Supplies New Dinkain- 11 Building Reopairs Freight and Express Printing Students& Traveling Expenses Association Membership In surance Interest $800.00 12 payments 700o.00 o U 200.00 10 h 1750 *00 550000 3250 .00 V250 .00 1750.00 50.00 350.00 2500.00 1750.00 50.00 3000.00 5000.00 35.00 2000.00 2750.0 0O $38,985.00 27. Improvements and iepai rs 4l750 .00 Interest and annual apyment on Raoad improvemebs charged to this account. his amounts to about $750.00. Caretaker of Grounds and teamster charged to Labor account so that a balance of about $i000.00 will be availabbe for improvements and repairs of the Grounds proper. 28. P AT T1E~RT HALL Equipment and Sepairs $500.00 29. COYI DORMITORY Mrs. S. R. Marshall Office 8upplies Total Matron $700.00 $705.00 Mr. E. L. Hall 30.. 1, Ha. -Sr-A. Secertary i.RAD11AT jCHOOL Dr. ". S. Mackseise Dean Office Suppliaa Total $2250.00 10 payments l $6.00 $2265.00 41 500100 At a meeting held by the Executive Committee of State University, in the Trustees' room on the University campus, December 1, 1914, there were- present: C. B. Nichols, R.C. Stoll, C. B. Terrell and T. L. Edelen. The Executive Committee, at the hour of twelve o'clock, proceeded to open the envelones containing the ballots cast by the members of the Alumni Association for the election of six trustees for this university. The vote was carefully tabulated and counted, resulting as ffollows: Philip Preston Johnston, Jr.., received four hundred and sixty-five (465) votes; John Edwin Brown, four hundred and sixty-one (461) votes; Joel Ervine Lyle, three hundred and seventy-six (376) votes; George Green Brock. three hundred and sixty-one (361) votes; John iesley woods, three hundred and forty-eight (348) votes; Samuel 4lackburn Marks, two humndred and ninety-eight (298) votes; Daniel Stilwell Rob- erts, two hundred and seventy-three(3t;) votes; Felix Ker- rick, two hundred and f ifty-five (255) votes- William Henry Grady, two hundred and thirty-five (235) votes; gdwarit Conrad Wurtele, two hundred and twenty-six (226) votes; Samuel Boiu Cloeman, two hundred and twenty-three (223) votes; and Mrs. Gharles Judson Smith, one hundred and eighty-nine (189) votes. Whereupon, the said Executive Committee declared Phil- ip Preston Jojnston, John Ediwin Brown, Joel Irvine Lyle, George Green B3rock, Joli# Wesley Woods. and samuel glackburn ?Yarks, duly elected., and named the first two as trustees, to serve six years; the second two, to serve four ye.irs; and the last two, to serve twi years. Ond the secietary of the Executive Committee was ordered to certify this result to the Governor of the Stabe, that commisiioas mtght be issued to them as sUc trustees. The Committee then adjourned. (lot slanCo i Sealy of the 'pxecutits Committee