xt7bvq2s5423 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5423/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19290503 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 3, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 3, 1929 1929 2012 true xt7bvq2s5423 section xt7bvq2s5423 m Best Copy Available THE KENTUCKY KERNEL UNIVERSITY STROLLER DANCE Snturdny Night 1 in Men's Gymnasium LEXINGTON. KYM MAY HcRlns at 10 o'clock This Morning KENTUCKY OF VOLUME XIX MAY DAY .1, NUMBER 15)29 28 University Celebrates Crowning of Queen WILDCAT TO MATCH CLAWS WITH CINCINNATI University Ball Team Travel North for Real Test Will CINCINNATI TEAM HAS ENVIABLE RECORD Keen for Several Positions on Starting Squad Competition 1 Queen of the May Certificate NINE Honor Be Awarded To The University Wildcats will Jourtomorrow to ney to Cincinnati match claws with the University of Cincinnati Bearcats. Both of these 'Cat teams have shown that they have real ball clubs ths season and the game tomorrow is to be the real test for both nines. The Wildcats have the best team they have had for a number of years and the same can be said of the Cincinnati outfit. The Wildcats have lost only one game so far this season and that was' to Vanderbilt and the 'Cats came right 'back and handed the Commodores the worst beating they have received this year. Have Good Record The Cincinnati team has a record this year that most any coach would be proud of. They have wins over such teams as Michigan State and the University of Michigan, and Michigan is supposed to have one of the best teams n the Big Ten. Coach Devereaux is planning on taking his entire squad to the Queen City for tomorrow's battle, and he is having quite a bit of trouble in selecting his starting team as the competition is so close for several positions. From the way things have been eoine lately McBrayer will probably start on the mound, with Barnes on the receiving end, Cole will again cover first base and Will Ed Covington will again oe oacK at the keystone sack, after missing several games, due to a broken bone in his hand; Captain Baldy Gilb will play shortstop,, and Toth will hold down the hot corner. In the outfield, Kellog will be in left field, Kelly in right field with Trott or Layman in center, with Trott at present holding the edge. Three Students Win Sigma Delta Chi Key Jessie Sun, Donald Grote and Hugh Ellis Honored by National Fraternity Jessie Marie Sun, secretary-treasurof Chi chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, has been signally honored in receiving the Sigma Delta Chi scholarship key which will be presented at the May Day' festival. Two other University students were also awarded the key this year. They are William Donald Grote and High Brown Ellis, both members of the Kentucky chapter of the fraternity. This award is made annually by the men's International Journalistic fraternity to the senior majors in the schools and departments of journalism in the United States who have made the highest scholastic standing during their entire four years of college work. At Band Banquet If the dainty Queen of May of periods of the medieval and Tudor transported "Merrie England" were to the University of Kentucky campus today, she would witness a scene not different from the celebration of May Day in her own native village. Indeed, the participants in the celebration wear the same style of costume, and the clown and villagers perform the same antics with the same Joyous abandon of true English rustics. However, should the maid's shy glance wander to the spectators assembled to do honor to the beautiful queen, and watch the dances performed in her honor, she would grasp In fright at the change In apparel she saw She would turn to flee for there safety back to her own domain. Therefore, it behooves the young men of this university to choose one who is gallant and unafraid, who has the beauty and charm that captures a young man's fancy and brings the whole campus to her feet; who will reign supreme, for one day, at least. Petite Martha Reed, wins the honor. Today's one day that, for her, will be painted with a red letter. From her bower on Stoll field, surrounded by her maids of honor, the May Queeen will review the typical English country May Day. Perhaps she will meditate a bit upon 'origin of the festival. Know ye, that m The annual banquet of the University band will be held next Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock In the gold room of the Lafayette hotel. The final details of the program have not been arranged, but an Important feature of the evening's entertainment "Will be the presentation of a certificate of high honor to Penrose Ecton. This honor, which will be conferred for the first time this year, is to be given annually to the senior member of the band who has been the best musician during his four years in school and has had practical experience in the direction oX a band. ' Among the guests for the affair McVey, Major will be President Meredith, and the sponsors for the last two years, who are Misses Charlsie Smith ancV Mary Lewis Marvin, and Miss Leura Pettlgrew, sponsor for next year. CO-ED- S DOUBLE DEGREE COURSE IS PLAN COLLEGE PAPER Students Annual Tradition. Theta Sigma Phi, woman's national honorary journalistic sorority, has entirely published and edited this Issue of The Kernel, assisted by several women selected from the department of Journalism. For several years it has been the custom for this sorority to edit one issue of The Kernel annual, in order that may put their journalthe istic training Into practice. The members of the sorority served in the following capacities: i Editor-in-chie- f, Martha Minlhan; , managing editor, Jessie Marie Sun; assistant managing editor, Isabel Lelda Craig; associate editors, Keyes and Helen Shelton; news Lydia Roberts; sports editor, editor, Maud Van Buskirk and Kathleen Fitch; society editors, Lillian Combs I MISS MARTB?A CROUCH REED and Kathryn McWilliams; feature writers, Sara Elvove and Katherlne Miss Martha Crouch Reed, member of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority and sophomore in the College of Arts Best; exchange editor, Lucille Short. Sciences, Kentuckian Beauty, First battalion spo.isor R. O. T. C, member of Guidon, honorary sorority Women students who have done and creditable work in Journalism, and for sponsors, anil Stroller eligible, will preside as Que:n of the May Day festivities today. who were asked to assist with the Theta Sigma Phi edition of the paper are: Margaret Cundiff, Kath-eriPhelps, Lois Purcell, Emily Hardin, Melvina Pumphrey, Margaret Treacy, Henry Etta Stone, Sadie Paritz, Ellen Minlhan, Elizabeth Bllliter, Jane Warren, Edna Smith and Louise Thompson. KERNEL STAFF PREP FOR Guignol Play SEWANEE MEET Proves One of TO EDIT HERALD 'CATS Rare Beauty Miss Mary Newcomb, who has recently some to Lexington from Louisville, will give a recital of ballads and folk songs at the last meeting of the English club this year, which will be held at 4 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon in the auditorium of the Education building. Miss Newcomb is considered an authority on the subject of folklore literature, and she is at present pre- -' paring a collection of traditional bal- -i lads in Kentucky which will be published sometime in the future. She will be accompanied on the piano by Mary Grace Heavenridge. In the sixteenth century, it was the custom for the middle and humbler class of people to hie forth into the woods, early in the morning, to gather flowers and hawthorne branches and return about sunrise with all the accompanying manifestations of joy and merriment. Seeking the hawthorn was spoken of as "going a'Maying." The May-po- le was set up in the middle of the village, and after wreathing it with ribbons and flowers, the villagers gamboled around it in Innocent fun and had what Is commonly known as a "good time." The Queen of May, in the meantime, was given her seat of honor in a sort of bower near the Maypole, and if her position there was rather a lonely one the admiration she received from the whole village compensated her. From her throne the little queen (or buxom lass, as the case may be) watched the Morris dancers, the Robin Hoods, the court fool and wooden hobby horse, Just as the 1929 May Queen will see them today. But Miss 1929 will see something that the sixteenth century never dreamed of a parade of floats, rivaling all description; floats which the most fertile imaginations of campus wits and artists have conceived. After all, it takes the present to put something over on the past especially If it is something taken nay, rather, Inherited from that past. iiiSBSMMiiiii iiM'. iiA t May Obtain Two Degrees by Taking Three Years Arts and Commerce and Three Years in Law. Members of Theta Sigma Phi Publish Kernel and Uphold English Club Will Hold Last Meeting MARTHA REED TO Strollers to Hold Last Annual Dance of Spring Semester RULE OVER MAY TODAY Strollers, dramatic organization of FESTIVAL the University, will give their annual dance Saturday evening from D to 12 o'clock. Willie Willis and his band from Richmond, Va will furnish the music for the occasion. This will be the last dance of the year, and students are urged to support Strollers so that there will be money in the treasury for next year's activities. The admission is one dollar. Keys, honorary sophomore fraternity, will hold pledging exercises during intermission. Chaperones are Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Mr. Frank Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Farquhar and Mrs. M. J. Crutcher. CAPER ON Lovely May Queen to Witness Revival of Ye Olden Times By Sarah Elvove m Tuesday's Edition Will Be Coach Shively and Thirteen Published by Students of Men Leave Today for Test By Melvina Pumphrey In Tennessee; Twaddell Is Lovers of Robert Browning and Journalism from Univer sity. Unable to Compete. those who delight in tales of the The University of Kentucky track team leaves this afternoon for Se wanee, Tenn., where on Saturday, they clash with the Purples in a dual track and field meet. Last year the Wildcats cleane'd up on the team but the situation may be reversed this year since the "Hllltoppers" are reported to have a greatly improved outfit due to recruits from a star freshman squad of last year. Coach Bernie Shively has been putting his men through their paces every day this week but the track has been rather slow due to the rain. The best records turned in this week in trials were made by Owens in with a time of 10:15, the two-miwith a Thomasson In the half-mil- e time of 2:03, and McLane in the broad jump with a leap of 22 feet. With the exception of these there work has been little outstanding turned in, but it is thought that the Wildcats will be "right" when they invade the Tennessee stronghold Saturday. Twaddell, dependable wielder and relay man, is lost to the team for the remainder of the season due to a broken arm sustained in an automobile wreck last Sunday. This misfortune will hurt Kentucky's chances, although Thomasson, who has not been at his best this sea son due to sickness, is reported to be in fine condition and should lead the Sewanee boys a merry chase. Owens, Kavanaugh and Thomas son are the only members of lost year's team on the present squad. The following men will carry the blue and white to Sewanee Saturday: Thomasson, Cochran, Gib son, Harris, Ruttencutter, Urevig, Jones, Kavanaugh, Dunn, Maxson, McLane, Wieman and Owens. days of chivalry and romance have had the rare opportunity this week of actually seeing all of the colorful scenes which pass through one's mind while reading such passages, in reality before them on the stage of the Guignol theater. Robert Browning's dramatic poem, "The Flight of the Duchess," as it has been adapted for the stage by Ludo-vic- o Camoletti, is offered for the first time in America by the Guignol players, under the direction of Mr. Frank Fowler, as their final production of the season. This very worthy offering was made possible through the efforts of Prof. W. F. Galloway, of the English department, who translated the play from the Italian especially for the Guignol and whose work is in itself a real contribution to the field of dramatic art in this country. But the internal beauty of the lines is not the only reward which audiences at the presentations receive, for this is combined with beauty of costumes and settng and (Continued on Pace Five) Kampus Kat Makes Third Appearance "The Kampus Kat," only comic magazine published on the, campus of the University of Kentucky, will make its third appearance this morning. This publication is spon sored by Sigma Delta Chi, men's honorary journalistic fraternity, and members will be in front of each of the colleges to sell copies. Everyone is urged to buy a copy and read the latest news and scandal. The staff of the "Kat" has as edi tor, Edwards M. Templin; associate editors, O'Rear K. Barnes, Jess SCIENTIFIC FRATERNITY Hugh Ellis; sales man TO HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET Laughlin and ager, Hugh Adcock; advertising manThe Kentucky chapter of Sigma ager, Laurance Shropshire; assistant advertising manager, Robilt ShaXi, national honorary scientific fraternity, will hold its annual banquet ron. May 24. at the Lafayette hotel. Dr. Frank L. McVey will be the speaker of the evening. Dr, George Roberts, IMPORTANT NOTICE president of the local chapter, will preside at the banquet during which There will be an important time the election of oillcers and the neeting of the advance students initiation of new members will take in the R. O. T. C. at 7:30 TOplace. There are, at present, 60 acNIGHT. All are expected to be tive members and 15 associate memthere. bers of the Kentucky chapter. Mill Members of the staff of the Kentucky Kernel will have complete charge of the publication of the regular Tuesday morning editionof The Lexington Herald next week, according to an annual custom of several years' standing. These students will take over the beats of regular reporters, as well as editorships, make-u- p work, proof reading, and all work connected with the publishing of The Herald. Following is the staff for the stuf, dent edition of The Herald: Wilbur G. Frye; managing editor, Robert K. Salyers, of the Eastern State Teachers' College; assistant managing editor, John W. Dundon; telegraph editor, Edwards M. Templin; assistant telegraph editor, Fred Dial, of the Eastern State Teachers' College; state editor, Melvina H. Pumphrey; assistant state editors, Enos Swain, of Centre College, and W. Don Grote; city editor, William H. Glanz; assistant city editors, Beecher Adams and Jess Laughlin; sports editor, Laurassistant sports ence Shropshire; editor, Vernon Rook; society editor, Ellen Minlhan; assistant society editors, Lillian Combs Henry Etta Stone, Margaret Treacy, Emily Hardin and Margaret Cundiff; proof readers, Buell Gaskin and Warren Llndsey; feature writers, Martin Glenn and Sara Elvove; special reporters, Kern Patterson, Earl Cella, Delbert Noel, A. L. Pigman, Robert Sharon, Jessie Sun, Lois Purcell, Edna Smith, Sadie Paritz, Katherlne Phelps, Boom Bllliter, Kathleen Fitch, Hugh Adcock; reporters at large, James Boucher, John Murphy, Louise Thompson, Jane Warren, Boll Reep, Louise Thompson, Jane War ren Hayes Owens, Jack Robey, Totsy Rose Haskell Smither, Clay Brock, and Lawrence Crump. SCHEDULE OF FINALS According to an arrangement made by the University Council on Jan- uary 18, final examinations for this semester will be held during the week of May 27 to June 1. Each in structor will use the last three reci tation perJods of each class for ex Senior examinations aminations. will be given on May 20 and 21, as is stated in the catalog. A change in the general plan of enrollment in the Arts and Commerce law courses in the University has been made so that the new students who are contemplating the combined courses for the two degrees are to take first, three years in the arts and commerce college and thereafter take three years in the law school. Under this system they will be enrolled in each college three years. At the close of the first year in the law school, which is the fourth year in the University, they will be awarded their degree in arts or commerce, as the case may be, provided, prior to entering the law school they have completed all required courses for the arts or commerce degree. Seniors In other colleges who desire to take some law courses but who do not wish to complete the law school work, will be permitted to take as many as eight hours in the law school. The College of Law has made complete plans for the summer session, the first term beginning June 17, until July 20, and second term beginning July 22, and continuing through August 24. The first year subjects to be taught are Common Law Pleading (first term), by Prof. Frank H. Randall; Code Pleading (second term), by Prof. Frank H. Randall; Legal Liability (first term), by Dean Alvin E. Evans; Real Property (second term), by Prof. Roy Moreland. or Dean Evans. The second year subjects are: Equity (both terms), by Prof. Roy Moreland; or Bankruptcy the first term and Mortgages the second, by Professor Moreland or Dean Evans; ts (first term), and Legal Ethics (second term), by Prof. Lyman Chalkley. Three full semester sessions are regarded as the equivalent to one long session. A student entering in the summer may obtain a degree by attending two long sessions and three summer sessions. Girls in Physical Education Courses Will Give May Pole Dance ANNUAL PARADE IS FEATURE OF PROGRAM Seniors Wear Caps and Gowns For First Time at Morning Convocation A general convocation at 10 o'clock in the Men's gymnasium will be the first feature of the elaborate program planned by SuKy for the May Day festivities to be held on the campus Friday, May 3. Mem- bers of the senior class, clad In caps and gowns, will assemble at the Adbuilding, and from ministration there, preceded by the University band, they will march to the Men's gymnasium. Here, when all the have gathered they will be presented by Claire Dees, president of the senior class. President Frank L. McVey will address the seniors in response. Immediately following the address Omicron Delta Kappa, an honorary fraternity of outstanding senior men. of the campus, will hold their pledging exercises. The Algernon Sidney Sullivan medallions will be presented by President McVey to those who, in the Judgment of the committee, have contributed most to ithe good of the University. Directly after this the Mortar Board, honorary senior sorority, will hold their pledging exercises. The awarding of the Mortar Board scholarship cup to the freshman girl having the highest standing will be the next feature. The afternoon program will start (Continued on Page Five) Student Council Adopts New Laws Constitution Provides Election of President by Members of Council The constitution or the Men's Student Council has been revised, according to an announcement made this week by James Hester, president. The amendment does away with many of the "blanket" phrases in the constitution and is more concise in its regulations. every Under the amendments College and every class on the Uni campus win oe represented. versity The council will elect its own president and vce president next year. The man chosen must be experienced, have served on the council the year before and known its functions. The constitution Is being published at Frankfort and each student will receive a copy in his mail box, either this year or early next fall. At a meeting of the council yesterday, next year's sophomore and junior representatives were chosen from the present freshmen and sophomore members. Next Friday a call meeting of the men in each college will be held for the purpose of electing the senior representative. The president ofthefreshman class is automatically made a member each fall. Cynical Men , Sympathize As Theta Sigs Soliloquize By Jessie Marie Sun Gosh, hemlock, yes! Theta Sigs have put out The Kernel despite all predictions to the contrary, and despite the fact that, with this issue, the Alumni page becomes a thing of the past. This week The Kernel has taken on an atmosphere rather conspicus. However, the more ous with cynical eds lurked in the distance with grave doubts. For once we clipped, copy-reahead-lineand did all the other tricks of the trade without admonition from the male cohorts. We found It great sport to decide questions which have formerly been considered outside of our realm. Our versatile editor, with this edition, has proved that capability and beauty may go hand in hand. The abundance and vivacity of her energy was a potent factor in our combined effort. We have come to the conclusion, however, that everything Is not what it seems and that the cap between practice and theory Is not exactly commensurate. Perhaps Wilbur per ceived all these things by intuition because throughout the week he was most solicitous of Ills beloved paper. The race track, the tennis courts, the Kentucky bridle path, the shows, and the river seemed more enticing and alluring than ever before nevertheless, TliQta Sigs shook their heads rather consistently in the negative. There is also a pleasant side to this annual practice of the co-eto edit a paper. There Is a thrill in it a thrill quite different from the one received when riding down a scenic railway at Coney Island-diffe- rent from the one received from riding the surf at Atlantic City, or from skiing in Canada. The boys needn't feel slighted for they will have ample opportunity to prove their adeptness and journalistic ability in the editing of The Lexington Herald next week. If there are any questions they may want to ask, Theta Sigs will be glad to answer from the fullness of their experience in editing The Kernel. NOTE All typewriters which were operating when we took over the paper are still in the same condition. I)H. VANDENBOSCII IS ILL Dr Amry Vandenbosch, of the litical science faculty, underwent an operation for appendicitis Thursday morning at the Good Samaritan hospital. Dr. Vandenbosch was taken to the hospital Wednesday night. According to the report Thursday, his condition is not serious and he is resting as well as can be expected. * T?y pi? TAOE "y.'P .'Tjpppp THE KENTUCKY KERNEL TWO Best i. the Mrs. C. Mnlcolm Bullitt. Louisville: , Snrn Lynn Tucker, Laura Gill Hofffurnished and music wmmitmmtmttmnmttmtnmmtmmtmtmmmmtmmmtttmt Masqucradcrswasorchestra. Mrs. Frank Davis, Pnducnh; Mrs. T. man, Frances Ballard, Mary Huston Hnrrodsburg; Mrs. Molloy, Alice Molloy. Shoe Artisans With a Reputation Mrs. Forrest Black and Mrs. How- Curry Dcdmnn,Ashland; Miss Helen Chapter bids were sent to the E. H. Onrtrcll, ard fcak were the committee for WORKMANSHIP UNSURPASSED the campus, was attended by n Hutchcraft, Paris; Mrs. William J. men's fraternities on were present. the affair which Prices Lower Hutclilns, Bcrca; Mrs. Lewis Y. and several hundred large number of guests. Johnson, Louisville; Mrs. Preston j A number of the faculty of the ON SOUTH LIME, OFF MAIN LoUniversity and parents of the mem8mrmmttttttmttmnnmimtmtummttm::tttmittttmtttttttttttt Johnston, Lexington; Miss Lulle Zeta Tau Alpha Tea gan, Lexington; Mrs. W. N. Mc-- 1 bers of the fraternity were chaperservices, nt her home on Richmond CALENDAR Zcta Tau Alpha entertained Tucs-rin- v uariy, owensooro; Airs. unanes d, ones. t road. Friday, Mar 3 from 4;3() to fl o'clock at the Lexington; Miss Juliet Poyn-tc- r, Scabbard and Blade banquet, 6:30 chapter house on Maxwell street Annual May Day festivities, beShclbyville; Mrs. Berry Vincent hotel. o'clock, Tea for Senior Women MAY DAY IS DRESS DAY with a formal tea in honor of pa- Stoll, Loulsvlllel; Mrs. Frank Taylor, ginning with convocation at 10 Tuesday, Lafayette May 7 The Lexington branch of the Amo'clock and parade in afternoon. tronesses and mothers of the chap- Lexington; Mrs. C. J. Turck, DanStroller banquet, 7:00 o'clock, at ter members. of University SuKy Gingham Dance, 0 to 12 Chimney Corner. ville; Mrs. Frederick A. Dalls, erican Association You Women entertained with a tea on o'clock, Men's gymnasium. The house was decorated in palms Paris. Ateneo Cnstellnno banquet. 6:30 Tuesday at the homo of Miss Sarah Saturday, May 4 garden flowers and about forty o'clock at the new Chimney Corner and Blanding on Richmond road. guests were present. Spring Stroller Dance, fl to 12 tea room. Thcta SiRtna Phi Initiation The tea was given in honor of the 8 o'clock, Men's gymnasium. I Wednesday, May Those in the receiving line were: Thetn. Slgmn Phi held lnltlaton senior women of the University of 6:30 o'clock, LaBand banquet, Mrs. W. E. Davis, grand vice presi- services at the Green Tree Tea Kentucky and Transylvania College. Kappa Delta Alumnae benefit dent; Miss Bcrnlce Byland, chapter Room last week. The pledges who bridge, 2:30 o'clock, chapter house. fayette hotel. president; Mrs. Lylc Croft, chapter were initiated were Miss Kathryn Phi Beta Founders' Day banquet, May 14 Is Wedding Day Faculty Brides' Club Dance advisor; Mrs. Bettie Bedford, house McWllllams, of Lawrcnceburg, nnd G o'clock, palm room of Phoenix Maxwell and Lime J. T. SHUCK, Proprietor Miss Isabella Macomb Van Meter The Faculty Brides Club enter- mother; Miss Bess saniora ana Miss Maud Van Buskirk, of Orlando, hotel, Miss Margaret Treacy, chairhas chosen May 14 for her wedding Florida. tained delightfully last Saturday Miss Lucille Hamilton. man. to Dr. Stanley J. Leland, of Following the initiation tea was date evening at Patterson hall with an Monday, May 6 Brooklyn, N. Y. The ceremony will Dr. and Mrs. McVcy Entertain served. Delta Tau Delta Mothers' Club, 3 informal dance. Other members of Members of the present active be solemnized nt 5 p. m. in the faculty and their friends were and Mrs. McVey entertained Dr. o'clock, Delta Tau Delta house, Mrs. the New of guests. last Friday afternoon with tea at chapter and Miss Marguerite Mc- ChurchCity. Transfiguration In W. E. Davis, presiding. Miss Sarah Standing's dinner for The room was charming with Fleur Maxwell Place, honoring Miss Flor- Laughlin, faculty advisor, were York Mortar Board, following initiation de Lis, dogwood blossoms and tulips, ence Rlsley, of New York, member present. FRATERNITY ROW of the national board of Y. V. C. A. and Miss Llllie V. Cromwell, secSophomore Dance retary of the Kentucky committee, Mr. Jimmy Hayes, of Shelbyville, The sophomore dance was held Y. W. C. A. guest at the Kappa last Saturday afternoon in the Men's was a week-en- d You Flowers and candles were arranged gymnasium from 3 to 6 o'clock. Alpha fraternity house. in the dining room and sun porch. Music was furnished by Toy on school Miss Ruth McDonald visited at Social The tea tables were presided over Rhythym Kings. the Alpha XI Delta sorority house by Mrs. Preston Johnson, Mrs. WilSERVING HOURS: Mr. E. T. Riley was in charge of over the week-en- d. liam Rodes, Mrs. I. D. Best, Mrs. the arrangements. The chaperones Miss Mildred Greene spent the 9:15 Logan Shearer, Mrs. E. S. Good, were Dr. and Mrs. McVcy, Dean and Breakfast 7:15 week-en- d at her home In Paris. Miss Sarah Blanding, Mrs. Howard Mrs. P. P. Boyd, Dean Sarah G. Lunch 11:3012:45 Mrs. M. T. Patton was a weekOwen. EdBlanding, Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Dinner . 6:30 5:00 In the receiving line were Mrs. ward Farquhar,J. Miss Marguerite end visitor at the Kappa Delta soWe cater to the University trade No deposits rority house. McVey, Miss Rlsley, Miss Cromwell McLaughlin. Open between meals for sandwiches, milk, hot drinks enMessrs. Glenn Roberts, of Cinand the hostess was assisted in required from students. tertaining by Misses Margaret cinnati Wickllffe Moore, of Louisice cream and candy Mothers' Clnb of Pi Kappa Alpha ville, and Happy Chandler, of Ver Lewis, Louisa Dudley, Alice SpaldPi Kappa sailles, were visitors at the Pi Kappa Whlttinghill, The Mothers' Club of Endema ing, Alice McVey Alpha met on last Thursday at the Alpha house last week-een- d. Hamby, Mary Lydla Cleek. During the afternoon Miss Rlsley chapter house on Rose and Max- . Messrs. Thomas Whayne, of WashRent-A-C- ar ington University, and Paul O'Nan, explained the national and interna- well streets. Plans for the Improvement of the of Columbus, Ohio, were gueests at tional scope of the Young Woman's Christian Association, and Miss fraternity hoitse and other business the Alpha Gamma Epsllon house iiiiiimiiraiiiiiHiimcaiiiiiiiniiir3niiiitiiiiicatimiiiniicjiiiiiitiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiuiaic2 last week-en3145 Cromwell spoke of the work done In matters were discussed. PHONE 133 E. SHORT Kentucky to enrich the lives of girls The Alpha Gamma Epsilon fraThose present were Mrs. E. Cron-le- y Elliott, Mrs. James A. Warren, ternity wishes to announce the and young women in the small towns and rural communities of the Mrs. Alex Rose, Mrs. William Dur-bec- k, (pledging of Mr. Herman Brumfield, state. Mrs. F. M. Boone and Mrs. S. of Nicholasville. Mr. Blen Emmericks, of HenderAbout one hundred and fifty guests A. Glass. son, was a visitor at the Pi Kappa were present. YOU TO Alpha house last week-en- d. Ushers at Gulgnol The Kentucky committee of the Come Young Women's Christian AssociaThe Beta Sigma Omicron sorority Ushers for the opening performtion with office at Second and ance of the "Flight of the Duchess" wishes to announce the Initiation of Broadway, In Louisville, Ky., is com- on Monday night were Misses Jane Miss Jessie Kendall, of Elizaville. posed of the following: Mrs. Frank Calcutt, Georgetta Walker, Annette j Messrs. William Reentz, of New-poLexington, chairman; Newlln, Dorothy Monroe, Peggy Charles Norman, of Fulton; L. McVey, COOL Mrs. William B. Belknop, Goshen, Monroe, Mr. Alfred Andrews and Mr. James Pence, of New York City, and Willis, of Richmond, Va., chairman of finance; Miss Jane K. Joseph Allen. j William I were visitors at the Sigma Nu house Miss Dickie, executive secretary; last week end. Lillie V. Cromwell, associate secreAnnual Dance and Pledging tary; Miss Ruth Ashmore, Dawson Messrs. Doc. Stevenson, of WinLamp Springs; Mrs. I. D. Best, Lexington; fraternity,and Cross, honorary senior chester; Thomas Adams, Samuel held its annual formal Polk, Edward Bennett, Blanding, Lexington; Miss Sarah Robert dance and pledging services Satur- Tweedie, of Louisville, and Robert day evening in the gymnasium. Oliver, of Frankfort, were visitors Music was furnished by Preacher chosen Givens and His Wildcats orchestra. at the Kappa Sigma house on East MALTED week-enThe gymnasium was attractively Maxwell street last will attend the The following girls decorated with, paper streamers. life l The members this year chosen lor Delts Providence convention of Zeta GOLF BALLS In Tin field of he alth fen-ic- The HarGOLF CLUBS leadership and special ability, are Tau Alpha to be held this week-en- d vard University Dental School the Messrs. Frank Davidson, Thomas in Cincinnati: Misses Dorothy Mondental school connected with anv university in the United States offers Stevens, Paul McBrayer, Julian El- roe, chapter delegate; May Gordon thorough courses in all liot, Jack McGurk, O'Rear Barnes, Squires, Kathleen Carlton, Jane branches of dentistry. All modem equip-meCOKE for practical work under superClay Brock, Stanley Milward, James Ann Carlton, Rosena Rogers, Louise of men high in the profession. vision 'Rogers, Bess Sanford, Lucille HamDorman, Morris Carpenter. Write for details and admission requireilton and Peggy Monroe. The active members, the hosts, ments to Leroy II. S. Miner, Dean are Messrs. Claire Dees, Beverly HARVARD UNIVERSITY Waddell, Arthur Munyon, Waller McVEY HALL DENTAL SCHOOL Jones, Henry Maddox, Elmer Glib, Boston, Mail. Lonfwood Arc. W. W. William Glanz, James Shropshire, Carroll Byron, John W. Dundon. 1 "First Big Stop Downtown" The guest list includes Misses Mary Moore Milton, Lucille Short, 192 W. Short, Lexington Shelby Spears, Kathryn Kennedy, Willie Mastin, Lyle Walters, Eliza- Bring 'em today - get 'em tomorrow icaimiimiiicaiHiiiiiiiiicaimiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiKaiitiiiiiuiicaiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiui' beth Tinsley, Sara Warwick, Maude Van Buskirk, Mary E. Fisher, Ann Rodes, Mary Fiddler, Mary Sydney Betty Hobson, Greaves, Mary Avery Hall, Katherine Hall, Sher-le- y Grief, Mary Nell McDade, Nancy Jones, Julia Marvin, Gladys Smith, Marjorle Smith, Ann May Kathryn McWilliams, Mary Lib Brothers, Ruth Gieringer, Hazel Virginia Reeves, Benny EdBond, wards, Mary Armstrong, Millie Nelson, Charlsie Smith, Eve