xt7bvq2s5v13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s5v13/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1995 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 71, No. 2, December - Fall 1995 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 71, No. 2, December - Fall 1995 1995 2014 true xt7bvq2s5v13 section xt7bvq2s5v13 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ` Volume 7l Number 2 December - Fall 1995 $1% ·,- QF? °°»··.. . I · . "" ., W · Fe ri J . ·=·»·- V, ;`i ,» r.r »# `:*>» ` Z" - Il I M · ‘_4v I _* . <_ ~· » = _ . . ‘ · w a » r · . ${3912;:4 Q' { F;. ‘ , Y'. U; ‘ .. MFP =*?*m ·r~· " . · —.>?’f?’-i·" . ` . F-”*\ .2€7=¢f,I1=·*~ * i · ‘ · ·~‘?*;‘$i· · ‘·`‘` » . 4 ` I I . .ir· · ~ 3, »-’» " gey; ·e;e‘. 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Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin Us ISSN 0016-2116 Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. _ Wendover, Kentucky 41775 Subscription Price $ 5.00 a Year for Donors Subscription Price $12.00 a Year for Institutions Q Edit0r‘s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 { VOLUME 71 NUMBER 2 December Fall 1995 l` Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775. { Copyright Frontier Nursing Service, Inc,1995/All Rights Reserved ` `1 QUARTERLY BULLETIN 1 Midwifery at the Frontier Nursing Service Now, more and more A 1 ____ women are coming to the I E. » .; . ;· N; L I _. Kate Ireland Women's Clinic 4* V for their prenatal and post i g " 1 partum care because of these . ‘ ‘ ij _»__ g%g§23` ` i two midwives. Marina Alzu- garay and Betsy MacMillan Y 1 are providing the unique care , _ if gx f _l“` H that causes women to choose ._ ! a midwife attended biirh. -. T » = I Marina was born and Betsy and Marina raised in Cuba. Her professional history includes: AS degree in Nursing in 1975; Certificate as an OB/GYN Nurse-Practitioner in 1978; Certificate in Midwifery in 1981; BA in Health Science from Antioch University in Santa Barbara, California in 1984 and completed post graduate work at the University of Califomia in 1994 graduating with a MS in nurse—midwifery leadership. Marina has worked at several hospitals and also worked as a locum tenum midwife. Prior to coming to FNS she had a private practice in Santa Barbara, California doing home and hospital births. She is an acknowledged expert on the subject of labor and birth in water, a process which allows the mother to endorse her own pain through the warmth, comfort and relaxation of the water effect. She is a midwifery educator and featured speaker at conferences throughout the world. Marina joined our staff in June 1995. . Betsy MacMillan has contributed to the work of Mary j Breckinridge since 1980 when she graduated from the Frontier ' School of Midwifery and Family Nursing and began working at FNS as a midwife. She grew up in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Betsy j has an incredible story of how she became spiritually inspired to become a nurse-midwife. In looking at brochures from schools 1 across the United States, she was guided to the brochure from the I Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing with the motto I1 I l 2 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE on the front "He shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young." She * knew then that FNS was where she would go. For the last 15 years, . Betsy has totally dedicated her life to midwifery at FNS. At the Kate Ireland Women's Center, Marina and Betsy 1 along with two OB/GYN physicians who totally support mid- wifery in every aspect, are dedicated to women's healthcare. This T not only includes the care of the mother from conception until after delivery but also newbom care up to four weeks of age. Betsy and Marina focus on providing a natural environment for the mother ; during her birth by allowing siblings and other family members to be involved in the birthing process. Both CN M's are committed to midwifery service in Leslie l County. Betsy said she appreciates the fact that the spirit of Mary Breckinridge lives on in Leslie County through Mrs. Breckinridge's traditions and principals, which encourage family attended births 5 and does not disrupt the family atmosphere. T Marina says at FNS she has extensive privileges. Here, the birth center context is promoted from caring for the mother to caring for the newbom. Marina stated that in other hospitals it is extremely hard for a midwife to obtain newbom privileges. Because of FNS midwifery history she is able to provide a wide range of perinatal care. Marina says "at FNS I can truly practice full scope midwifery from natural to high risk care for both mother and child." Betsy and Marina share the same beliefs about midwifery. Marina says "at FNS, for midwifery, the history is great, the ground is fertile and all we need to do is nourish it." Betsy is the last FNS graduate to still be practicing midwifery here. Both Betsy and Marina want to commend their two OB backup physicians, Dr. Karan Baucom and Dr. Horrell Townsend, and the neonatologist, · Dr. Damodara Rajasekhar, for their skills and for their support of Mary Breckinridge's vision of midwifery. -Barb Gibson ! i I ! QUARTERLY BULLETIN 3 Field Notes ” I am pleased to announce that Mother Nature has treated Wendover kindly since my last report and the trees are still standing! Along with so much of the country we were extraordi- ‘ narily hot and dry, so much so that even the drought hardy i marigolds bowed over. October brought us some much needed rain for which we are very grateful. Q The maintenance men sta ed bus 'til mid-Se tember y Y Y P I working on the multipurpose room for the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing. Though it was not totally finished for Midwifery Bound weekend, it was usable and used it was! Everyone was delighted to have enough room for 60 people to I . . ! move about and not bump into each other. The last project for the { room will be the curtains which Wendover's head housekeeper, l Christine Collins, is awaiting to make. As I once mentioned, the ‘ maintenance guys are real pros at converting sow‘s ears - both the I Mardi classroom and this multipurpose room are really quite i spectacular. . , I I: " l I U V. ‘· I -4* U ’ ` are •~i l ` . I g .` ' ._ , gat _ x: I " ` , ill" _ New multipurpose room Along the way we've had some wonderful visits from _ folks far and wide. Jill Ash Nichols, former FNS midwife, and her Y husband Graham came from England (see miscellaneous). l l 4 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Phillip and Betty Vaughan from Califomia came for a few days while on a 50th anniversary trip for themselves. We enjoyed showing them around FNS and making various Quarterly Bulletin · articles come alive for them. Along the way, Marvin Breckinridge Patterson with John and Priscilla Becker spent a weekend here while visiting Berea College. All of us enjoyed her tales and reminiscences of the early i days of FNS. On Friday night ofthe Mary Breckinridge Festival week- end, Wendover had a reunion dinner for former professional staff. Dr. Richard Guerrant, his wife Judy and their two children at- tended along with many local practitioners. The Big House was alive with everyone swapping stories about when they were here, renewing friendships and making new ones. Hopefully, we will be able to make this an annual event. Somehow, all this coordinated with dinners for two Mid- wifery Bounds, Level III students, a dinner for Eastem Kentucky University nursing students, a Board of Governors meeting and a faculty meeting during graduation. Of course, being fall season, we've had a number of tours as well. During the Festival I was asked to give presentations about FNS to students at the Leslie High and Middle School. During the presentations, students were asked to write an essay about the FNS describing what they knew about it. The following are some excerpts from those essays. ..... Mary traveled to Leslie County, _Tg_‘f Kentucky and founded a very important es- *‘' I » ,_ . tablishment for the people of that area and sur- i g, fOl1I1diI1g Counties. Her services were highly 5 ( convenient to her patients. She and her assist- · ants traveled through harsh storms, snow, and _ ___ creeks to reach those in need. The rugged wildemess and bitter cold winter months made it difficult for patients to travel to clinics, i` so the nurses and midwives bravely traveled to them. Mrs. Breck- V inridge also engaged in child welfare. She was determined to see children live strong, stable lives. l E QUARTERLY BULLETIN 5 i l After reading this essay, try to understand that no words, no matter how large or difficult to pronounce, could ever describe the impact she had on Leslie County. She set aside most of her life [ to come and give the people of this area a second chance at life. Though she was a simple looking lady, to many, she was a miraculous blessing, a legendary heroine, and a true life saver. No l one will ever forget Mary Breckinridge. She has inspired hundreds of people through the years. Stories of her courageous actions and sacrifices have been passed along, generation after generation. ‘ She was and forever will be a legend. -Jenna Farmer, 5th grade .... I feel as if I knew Mrs. Breck- inridge. Many members of my family worked for her at Wendover. My grandpa and grandma Comett and my mom knew ,V· her personally. My mom gathered eggs i V V r with Mrs. Breckinridge many times. Grand- I pa Comett was foreman at Wendover for 42 years. He took her outside for her last walk before she died. She helped my grandpar- ents build the house I live in today. Even though I never got to meet her, I still appreciate her kindness to my family and to the mountain people. —Amber Melton Mary Breckinridge's book Wide Neighborhoods is available for purchase from the gift shop at Wendover. To order, i contact Susie Hudgins, FNS, Inc., 100 Wendover Road, Wen- dover, Kentucky 41775. -Susie Hudgins 6 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE I Beyond the Mountains I "Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience." -Francis Bacon Of Travel Because the Fall Quarterly Bulletin consisted primarily In of the annual audit of the Frontier Nursing Service, I did not write "Beyond the Mountains". Certainly the time since my last writing to you in May has been full of travel! It is always wonderful to see i friends and supporters beyond the mountains @ to have you visit 1 us in the mountains. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation In June I traveled to The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland to meet with the site visiting team from the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Foundation. Although this particular project was not funded, the Community-Based Nurse-Midwifery Education Program (CNEP) is participating in three of the RWJ projects which were funded. The Practicing Law Institute Mid-July found me at The Practicing Law Institute in New York City continuing my education in several areas of interest to the FNS. Directors of today's charitable organizations must stay current in areas such as conflicts of interest, the Prudent Investor Rule, Implementation of the Federal Accounting Stan- dards Board Statements relating to charitable giving, recent devel- Q opments in fundraising, etc. This institute was extremely well run and valuable information was imparted which we will use in planning. - Vacation in Atlantic City j_ My husband and I spent several days of August vacation in Atlantic City. We had a marvelous time, and did not lose any I money in the casinos! . QUARTERLY BULLETIN 7 ; .. ,LV., , .,VV. . V _;_ . 2 , _ - I) A _, WW; ·. g . s ; ) { i · _·` L V ·*"v " <; ‘ . `.’;};;Ti·$ ’,_"’ I · W Z { { jp ,_ A 4 ‘{ ‘ p ,, E ’” .£` ' -I L J L ` I _ il I I M .' if Q,. ` ‘_ Ir l A N W. G? ' ' V __ · _ " · , ....r·*\ . • -. . Deanna speaking at the Bluegrass Luncheon Bluegrass Committee Annual Luncheon September 13 the Bluegrass Committee held their annual luncheon meeting at the Louisville Country Club in Louisville. Many thanks to Frances (Pani) Luckett, Marjorie Vogt and Betty Christie for putting so much time and effort into this event. This year Miss Jane Leigh Powell was able to attend. So much enthu- siasm was generated! Our courier coordinator Dan Eldridge was introduced to the group. Last year four supporters from Louisville, Joy and Walter Bennett, Ruth Devine and Helena Mink visited Wendover on a day trip. This year the interest was in staying a night at Wendover. Plans were in the works when the luncheon _ ended. i CNEP in Conshocken September 26, I traveled to our CNEP office in _ Conshocken, Pennsylvania to meet with the CNEP director and .. her administrative staff. We met in Ms. Kate McHugh‘s home to i discuss creative ideas for future implementation. · Washington Committee _ Mrs. Elizabeth (Beth) Hadley,Chairman of the Washing- ton Committee, member of the FNS Board of Governors and member of the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing 8 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE I Board of Directors, and I met in Washington, DC on October 6 to discuss Washington Committee issues. Afterwards, we had tea in 5 the home of Mrs. Jefferson Patterson, Honorary Member of the . FNS Board of Govemors and past Chairman ofthe Board. Joining I us were Mrs. Isabelle Breckinridge and Mrs. John Becker. As J always, Mrs. Patterson was a gracious hostess. Mrs. Patterson visited Wendover September 22. The staff was delighted with her * visit! i Boston Committee Luncheon The Boston Committee hosted a FNS luncheon at the Dedham Country Club October 12. Miss Kate Ireland was the keynote speaker. How wonderful it was to be present with Kate. She is in excellent health and sends her thanks to all of you who have sent your prayers her way! Many thanks to Mrs. Lois Cheston, Mrs. Carolyn Coolidge, and Mrs. Arthur Perry for constituting this affair. The Boston Committee is well on the way to establishing an endowed scholarship fund for the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing. This fund will be named in honor of Mrs. Arthur Perry (Mardi Perry). It was marvelous to _ see friends Liz Dawson, Carlyle Carter, Caroline Standley, Sally . Willis (who hosted the Derby Day Party at her home for so many years), Debbie Smith, Sue Gradin, Cathie Cook and Muffin O'Brien who have for so many years upheld the work of the y Frontier Nursing Service. Over 50 people attended. I am only I sorry to be unable to thank each of you individually on these pages. Q Mrs. Breckinridge - Women 's Hall of Fame ` October 13 my daughter Sarah and I drove to Senaca Falls, New York to accept the medallion as Mrs. Breckinridge was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. This was a very . emotional time for me, for many members of Mrs. Breckinridge’s family, and the many nurse-midwives who attended the ceremony. I wish to pay special tribute to the following members of Mrs. a· Breckinridge’s family who attended the ceremony: George and L Cynthia Dunn, Pam and Graham Ellis, Louise Robson, Catherine A Ryan and Lees Breckinridge Yunits. Eighteen women were in- A ducted into the Hall of Fame on Saturday October 14. This is a i QUARTERLY BULLETIN 9 list of the inductees and a brief description of their contributions. j Virginia Apgar (1909-1974) Development of the Apgar ~ Score, a system to determine whether a newborn infant needs i special attention to stay alive. i Ann BanCroftt (1955-) The first woman to travel across T`) theice to the North Pole. i Amelia Jenks Bloomerr(1818-1895) The first woman to 5 own, operate and edit a newspaper for women. Mary Breckinridge (1881-1965) The nation's foremost pioneer in the development of American midwifery and the provision of care to the nation's rural areas as founder of the Frontier Nursing Service. Eileen Collins (1956-) The first American woman to pilot a spacecraft. Elizabeth Hanford Dole (1936-) Central to both the national campaign (serving as National Director) and the critical struggle in her home state of Tennessee, which was to become the 36th and final state to support women's suffrage, thus making the Amendment the law of the land. » Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) The only American 2 woman to found a lasting American-based religion, the Church of Christ Scientist. Ella Fitzgerald (1917-) The nation's greatest jazz and pop _ artist and an inspiration for her lifetime of good works, becoming the first woman to receive the Whitney M. Young, Jr., Award of Q the Los Angeles Urban League, for those who build bridges among Q races and generations. » Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) Her thoughts and writings inspired leaders of the women's movement. She became the editor of The Dial, the Transcendental joumal, and advocated the phi- A ( losophy of liberation and fulfillment of the highest potential of all . human beings. Matilda Joslyn Gage (1826-1898) The co-auther (with " Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony) of the first three A volumes of The History of Woman Sujjfrage. ( Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972) Her ideas helped _ encourage the development of industrial engineering curricula in l0 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE l engineering schools. Her family is recalled by humorous reminis— » cences by her children in the book Cheaper by the Dozen. . Nannerl Overholser Keohane (1940-) The first contem- _ porary woman to head both a major women's college (Wellesley) and a great research university (Duke). I Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995) Organized and founded the •· Gray Panthers. i Sandra Day O'Conner (1930-) The first woman to be named to the U.S. Supreme Court. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin (1842-1924) Best known for her central role in establishing and sustaining the role of clubs for African-American women. ‘ Patricia Schroeder (1940-) The most senior woman in Congress who has worked tirelessly to establish national family f policy. Hannah Greenebaum (1858-1942) Organized a nation- wide Jewish Women's Congress which became the National Council of Jewish Women. By request, I am printing the remarks given by the Hall of Fame at the ceremony and my acceptance speech. For the accep- tance speech I was asked not to give biographical information, but rather to talk about what Mrs. Breckinridge's life has meant to me. Ceremony remarks by Hall of Fame Mary Breckinridge, as founder of the Frontier Nursing Service, you saw a great need and your will and energy to fill that need played a transforming role in American public health and medicine. The child of a distinguished family, including a United States Vice President, your career as a public health nurse during the first World War came about after the tragic deaths of your first , husband and two children. Determined to live a useful lyfe, you ` received nurses' training and went abroad. There, you realized that the nurse-midwfe health care approach could be of We J‘· saving help to rural areas of America. J You began your great experiment in rural Leslie County, J Kentucky, underwriting the early years with your own money. _ 1 QUARTERLY BULLETIN ll L You hired and trained nurse-midwives, who traveled on horseback overmore than 700 miles each year, bringing health care to people who had never received any in their lives. Your hospital, opened · in 1928, served as a hub ofthe Frontier Nursing Service. You gave e your time to raise funds, traveling nationally to do so. And, as you ._ said so simply, "The glorious thing about it is that it worked." ’ Infant mortality declined in the face of prenatal and postnatal care; mothers learned how to care for their families and to ? improve sanitation -- and in time, Nurse Midwqcery became widely i respected. Today, the Frontier Nursing Service lives on, continu- ing to provide quality care in rural America -- and the hospital you founded now bears your name. Because you have directly contributed to the saving of thousands of lives;. because you overcame personal loss to con- tribute to the betterment of mankind; and because your vision helped improve American public health, you are inducted into the National Women ’s Hall of Fame. » Ft . J ps ML »,;` ‘*€‘. __`*> \ · :.,3. ,¢~ .*‘ . ,1,. . X ·’ . I .· >· Ek 1`°' it *`W· T? `I ° R * '¥§°is\ R S Yi‘,*?;,;; ` ,. . . - Joyce Roberts, University of Illinois ACNM president, Deanna Severance and daughter Sarah at induction ceremony 12 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Deanna 's acceptance speech I never met Mary Breckinridge. She came to the Kentucky mountains when she was 43 years old, and she died in 1965 when { I was 16 years old. All nursing students who attended Baylor University in the 1960’s heard about the Frontier Nursing Service .... the romantic image ofnurses riding through the mountains on horseback delivering babies and caring for the poor and infirmed, British nurse-midwives coming to the United States, and a school of nurse-midwy'ery far back in the Appalachian mountains. My personal We pilgrimage found me in Mrs. Breckinridge's Wen- dover home at age 41 interviewing for the position of FNS Director. Her portrait by William Draper hangs over the jireplace there. It is one of those paintings where her eyes follow you no matter where you are in the room. U there are spots on earth more enveloped in mysticism than others, then Wendover is one of those places. I returned. Since that time Mary Breckinridge and her lQ’e 's work I; have changed my ly'e. LU”e is hard, and it is harder for some beings I than others. Mary Breckinridge was an heiress. Her father a {I foreign diplomat, her grandfather vice-president of the United States under Buchanan. Yet her first husband, an apparent love match, died during their first year of marriage. Her second I marriage produced two children both of whom died, and the marriage ended in a divorce based on her husband 's adultery. But I after each tragedy, Mary Breckinridge picked herself up and set _ forth on a goal to serve others. She would become a registered , nurse, a volunteer in devastated France after World War I, and I then a nurse-midwye. Some creatures have no choices. Babies have no choice , about to whom they will be born, whether they will be born to parents who love them. Will they be fed, will they have AIDS? I I have a choice. Mary Breckinridge had a choice. She found her niche in developing a system of healthcare to improve the lives of babies, women, families. LU’e is full of choices. Some of which are , scary. I can imagine how it was in the late 1920’s. Money was coming in to support the FNS and the great depression struck. There was not enough money to pay staff British nurse-midwives QUARTERLY BULLETIN 13 came and worked for the experience, room, board, a horse and stipend. Then World War II struck and they went home. There would be no stajf Mary Breckinridge started her own school to train her own stay? for her health service in the mountains. Do the right thing, even when you are afraid - - I 've heard her voice in that house whisper to me on more than one occasion. Transcend the present circumstance and carry on, move forward. It’s not to say today 's problems are the same as those faced by Mary Breckinridge. It’s not to coopt Mary Breckinridge and say l this is what she would do. My relationship to her and her beloved l FNS has been to learn lessons of grace, love and faith. To step forward when lq"e is dwicult. To look through that telescoping lens into the kaleidoscope of the future, never knowing or controlling where the prisms will fall. To choose to serve. Thank you Mary Breckinridge for the honor of accepting i, this medallion on your behab‘ today. Thank you Women ’s Hall of _ Fame for recognizing the contributions of this great woman. l' Thankyou my beautyful daughter Sarah for sharing this gathering, ,, recognizing powerful, passionate women. Upon my retum from the induction at Senaca Falls, I * received these two notes from family members of Mrs. Breckin- , ridge who attended the ceremony. T Dear Deanna, i You did a tremendous job ofaccepting Mary Breckinridge 's ‘ medallion and speaking about her. We were proud to be there. The whole ceremony was uplyting. -Pam Ellis, niece ' Dear Deanna, 5 Thank you for such an eloquent acceptance on Aunt l Mary’s behaf It really made me quite proud of not only her _ achievements, but that her ejforts are still effecting a community and a profession thirty years after her death. Y You are obviously touched by this woman you've never l met, and that is certainly a tribute to Aunt Mary. But even more so, Deanna, it is a tribute to your own tenets, that somehow you have chosen to be visited by her character, and pursue your profession 14 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE through continuing her work. She was a very gracious woman - as was my grand mother Lees. I was only 15 whenAuntMary died and during her lQ‘e, I was . not immediately ejected by her accomplishments, unfortunately, but by her access to horses! I wanted to be a courier, like my mother had been, and spend the summer in the mountains riding i‘ horses through rain and snow and sleet. Before I came ofage to apply, jeeps had taken over. Being a courier in a jeep just didn 't have the same appeal. Some horses remained for a time, though, and my mother, my brother, and I did have at least one opportunity to ride together through the Ken- tucky hillside - in a recreational manner. I rode Marvin, I believe his name was - a big swayback. Rather ugly, but a lot of fun to ride. Even at that age, the romance of Aunt Mary’s home and work weren ’t entirely lost on me. A screened-in sort of bunk house had been added just prior to one visit, between the Big House and the nurses 's quarters and clinic. Am I remembering this correctly? I I fantasized about living there, and eating breakfast in the Big . House with all the nurses. I would have loved being a part ofthe t the camaraderie that existed. We visited not long after Aunt Mary’s death, as I recall "Brownie" was in charge at the time. I don 't remember the occasion prompting our visit, but I do recall that the tone was decidedly dUferent. The Big House was no longer Aunt Mary’s home, but the command post for the Frontier Nursing Service, as, infact, it always had been. I missed being a special visitor there, but also - for probably the first time - Aunt Mary’s contributions Q became visible to me. And I was a little embarrassed that I hadn ’t { seen them before. God save me from ever being a teenager again. -Louise Robson, great-niece I Vt Visit to Berea College Wednesday, October 18, Dr. Anne Wasson and I were , invited to lunch at the Berea College Boone Tavem by Mrs. Judy l' Stammer, Director of the Berea College Appalachian Fund. Under l Mrs. Stammer's direction the Fund provides needy programs to carry out remarkable work in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky. QUARTERLY BULLETIN I5 CNEP graduation One of the greatest days in the history of nurse—midwifery = education was October 21, 1995. On this Saturday the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing Community-Based Nurse—Midwifery Education Program graduated sixty—seven stu- ` dents in Hyden, Kentucky. This is the single largest class of nurse- midwives to graduate in the United States. 200 family members arrived in Hyden to celebrate graduation! Ms. Carol Roe, Associ- ate Professor of Nursing at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, attended graduation on behalf of Dean Joyce Fitzpatrick. _ —`%\ Q .`.· L x g ; gn *·` Q _ ` ' · — ..,, ¤_> .. *t‘ "‘ *··- rl ` · { · ~» 1 \ { 4 ,... . Y · » ap — 2;. l A Ria r f 1 `B .. r `i?*§\ . - Kitty Ernst distributing awards at graduation Bluegrass Committee members visit Wendover i Finally, I want to thank our wonderful Louisville support- { ers who came and stayed at Wendover October 24: Frances I Luckett and daugher Susan Treitz; Julia McGee; Florence Rawlei gh; i Betty Christie and daughter Betsy Penta; Frances Frost; and r Margaret Ratliff. What a wonderful time we had sitting in the y living room with a radiant, warm blaze in the fireplace. Our E kitchen staff created a wonderful meal featuring fried chicken. i When I am in this wonderful house I often feel spell bound. This iv committee has created "The Big House Fund". The purpose of the l Fund will be to care for our National Historic Landmark and ’ Kentucky treasure, Mary Breckinridge's home, the Big House. The first project, spearheaded by Mrs. Betty Christie and Mrs. 16 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Frances (Pani) Luckett, is the replacement of the dining room chairs with new, locally crafted chairs. We need twenty to forty I new chairs. As the old chairs last, supporters may receive one of them with a donation of $200.00 or more. Mrs. Julia McGee is initiating a campaign to replace the freezer in the kitchen and has ‘ already collected $1,000.00! We still need $1,400.00. From all of us at the FNS, thank you for making 1995 a grand year! — ‘ I. . ..».,. E lg I? .0 iill, if A ‘ ' i V-., Y _··,‘ ¥ a=r· » ’stsit t I ‘` a _ . S I Q ’ S'? if P . Tr » . gb, I #;;·;= ;.. V 1* » ’ ‘ ‘tt ; · V H ° at ‘‘ t f i s,” . ~ F ",t,, I . . i ; i-,, ., ». ar V l wig I ` V 4 . F 0 if lii I ` ; * ,IIc I I5 ‘ E I I;`II_ Left to right - back r0w.· Susan Treitz, Betsy Penta, Betty Christie, Dan Eldridge. Front row: Dr. Anne Wasson, Frances (Pani) Luckett, Florence Rawleigh, Julia McGee, Deanna Severance, Margaret Ratlm Frances Frost. Grant Awarded from the Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts Fifth Third Bank On June 15, 1995, The Frontier Nursing Service received " notification from Ms. Carolyn F. McCoy, Foundation Officer, that a grant of $30,000 had been awarded by the Trust Committee ofthe I Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts, Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. The check was presented to Miss Leigh Powell, Chairman of the FNS Board of Governors, by Mr. Sam Bames, President of Fifth Third Central Kentucky Trust. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 17 _ . The funds were for replacement y of 1) a postage meter at Wen- i P dover, 2)adishwasherand steam , I V t4t-» table at Mary BreckinridgeHos- g ll. ·m . pital and 3) new wiring inthe . ii ’ h , ‘ Garden House at Wendover. J ifi. H Fifth Third has man- 1 it if f 3; aged private trusts and founda- 1 t tions forover 100 years.Through 8 out this time, the income from charitable entities has support- i il. T? thousands of institutions which J work to improve their commun- , ities. Fifth Third was one of the first financial institutions in the country to estab