xt7bvq2s7d59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7d59/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1939 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.); 3 volumes, 28 cm; Mimeographed; Part 3 Resettlement Administration, Soil Conservation Service, Office of the Solicitor, Weather Bureau; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/32/pt.3 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey of the Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX The Department of Agriculture, Number 32 North Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX The Department of Agriculture, Number 32 North Carolina 1939 1939 2015 true xt7bvq2s7d59 section xt7bvq2s7d59 Q g A r F A F s;,,.;alSa;sOia’iKa Q+a;LV A li it V F it A A C A T A -l · l A i l A T INVE NTO RY A A A ii V A oi { ’ » D- FEDERAL ARCHIVES E A. p L L r in the States A I it g i E igB¤AFY Q L, T g lg ”·. Y C · Q mwaaglvi QU? l<—Em**Cm R n L saunas rx A C in ~ E I The Department ol: Agriculture A V A Q No. sz NORTH CAROLINA A A l _ L - PART s A . A g U The Survey ot Federal Archives Z Works Progress Administration oi North Carolina A ; H L Raleigh ·<>¤<> g I » ` V · U ' I! ‘ i 4 V VI . > " | Y I Y h _ Q ` ` ~ _ ` ‘ V - » . ` 4 } r : ` . > \ 1 ` l` » 1 . ;` " 2 y · WZ I ` 5 E N" I ` K · ·~ 'L ' . ` 4 . i ., X ’ 2 Y 4 ‘ ' _ . A V i V ' * ` { 2 A ' Z ‘ ,. Q V I l { ` I ° ` *i ‘ -3141 ~.·•-»¤ `_ Q `A4 W INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN Tim STATES ·TVT Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects }•‘t A Works Progress Administration i t The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor _ li! SERIES ix. THE DEPARTMENT OF AeR1cULTURE ‘ N0. 32. NORTH cnnoinm. Part 3 I . :45 , iiic QQ · Raleigh, North Garolina The Survey of Federal Archives EE { Y xviii - The Survey of Federal Archives Philip M. Hamer;1National Director Emily Bridgers, Supervisor Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator May E. Campbell, State Director WORKS PROGRESS 1\.DMINlST1?JiTION F. C. Harrington, Administrator Charles C. McGinnis, State Administrator xix Page ” RESEIETEERBHFADMINISTRATION Introduction . .............. . 271 Asheville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 292 Bayboro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . 292 Beaufort, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 295 Brevard, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 294 Bryson City, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . 295 Burgaw, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 296 Charlotte, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 296 Clinton, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 297 Concord, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 298 Danbury, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . 298 Dobson, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 299 Durham, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 299 Edenton, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . .... 500 Elizabeth City, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . 502 Elizabethtown, Land Utilization Project Manager .... . 502 · Franklin, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 505 Gatesville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 505 Goldsboro, Rural Rehabilitation District Farm Management Supervisor ................ 506 Goldsboro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 507 Greensboro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 507 » Greenville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 508 Henderson, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 509 Hendersonville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . 510 Hickory, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 511 Hillsboro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 512 Jackson, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 515 Kenansville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . 515 Kinston, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 514 Laurinburg, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 515 Lexington, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 516 Louisburg, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 516 Lumberton, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 517 Marion, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 518 V Monroe, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 519 Murphy, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 519 Nashville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 520 New Bern, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 521 Plymouth, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 522 Raleigh, Regional Headqugrters .......... 522 Raleigh, Rural Rehabilitation State Director .... . . 556 Raleigh, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor ..... 557 Reidsville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 558 Rockingham, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 558 Roxboro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . Z59 Contents XX Page RESETTLEM NT ADMINISTRATION (cont.) Rutherfordton, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . 339 R Salisbury, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 540 Shelby, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . 54l Smithfield, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 54l Statesville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 343 Swan Quarter, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . 545 Trenton, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . 544 Troy, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . . 545 Warrenton, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 545 Washington, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 546 Waynesville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 549 Weldon, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . 549 Whiteville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 550 Wilkesboro, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 351 Willard, Penderlea Homesteads Resident Engineer ..... 351 Williamston, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . 552 Wilson, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . . . 552 Wilmington, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 555 Windsor, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor .... 554 Winston-Salem, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . 555 Yadkinville, Rural Rehabilitation County Supervisor . . . 356 SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE · Introduction ................ 357 Charlotte, Huntersville Project Manager ........ 358 Franklinton, Cedar Creek Project Manager . . . . . . . 361 Greensboro, Reedy Creek Project Manaper ....... 363 High Roint, Southeast Region State Coordinator ..... 365 High Roint, Deep River Project Manager ........ 367 Reidsville, Madison Project Manager ..... . . . 57O Statesville, Erosion Experiment Station ..... . . . 37l Wadesboro, Brown Creek Project Manager . . r. . . . . . 572 orricn or ren soiicrrcn .............. 577 Asheville, Acquisition rt Lands Chief Attorney . . . . . 577 Asheville, Title District No. 3 State Title Attorney . . . 378 Franklin, Title District No. 3 Title Attorney ...... 57? New Bern, Title District No, 3 Title Attorney . . . . . . 380 WEATHER BUREAU Introduction ................ 3Bl Asheboro, Cooperative Observer ..... . ..... gse Asheville, General Weather Station ......... 382 Bryson City, Cooperative Observer ......... 3R} Charlotte, General Weather Station ......... 383 Coinjock, Cooperative Observer . . , .... . . 384 Concord, Cooperative Observer . . . . . . . . . 38A Contents xxi Page WEATHER BUREAU (cont.) Cullowhee, Cooperative Observer ......... . 384 i Enfield, Cooperative Observer . . ......... 535 Gastonia, Cooperative Observer ..... . .... 585 Greensboro, General Weather Station ......... $85 Greenville, Cooperative Observer .......... 586 Hatteras, General Weather Station ....... . . $86 Hickory, Cooperative Observer .... . ..... 387 Jefferson, Cooperative Observer .... . ..... 387 Kinston, Cooperative Observer .... . ..... 588 Lumberton, Cooperative Observer . . ....... . 588 Marion, Cooperative Observer . . . .... . . . $89 New Bern, Cooperative Observer . . . . . . . . . . 389 Pinehurst, Cooperative Observer .......... 590 Raleigh, Climatological Section Center Headquarters . . . 590 Reidsville, Cooperative Observer .......... 594 Rockingham, Cooperative Observer ....... . . . 394 Salisbury, Cooperative Observer .......... 595 Scotland Neck, Cooperative Observer ....... . . 595 Shelby, Cooperative Observer . . . . ..... . . 395 Siler City, Cooperative Observer .......... $96 washington, Cooperative Observer .......... $96 Waynesville, Cooperative Observer ......... $96 Willard, Cooperative Observer . . ......... $97 Wilmington, General Weather Station ......... 397 Winston-Salem, Cooperative Observer . . . . . . . . . 402 271 RESETTIEMENT ADMINISTRATION (Farm Security`AEmiEistrati5h) The Resettlement Administration was established by Executive Order of April 30, 1935, through authority given the President by the Federal Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. It was formed to bring to- gether the emergency activities of the Federal Government relating to readjustment of the farm population to the resources of the land. The program, designed to provide considerable relief employment, had four basic aims: to aid low-income and impoverished farm families through small loans and through demonstration of improved farm management and land use practices; to withdraw areas unsuited to agricultural purposes from farm use by purchase of these problem territories and their conversion in- to suitable uses; to resettle on good land farm families who had lacked the necessary fertile land for successful cultivation; and to provide surburban housing for families of low incomes in the vicinity of indus- trial towns and cities. Emergency activities brought under one head through the establishment of the Resettlement Administration were as follows: the Division of Sub- sistence Homesteads of the Department of the Interior; the Land Policy Section of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration; the Farm Debt Ad- justment Program.of the Farm Credit Administration; the Land Program and l · the Division of Rural Rehabilitation of the Federal Emergency Relief Ad- ministration; and the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation in the several . states, . Under an Administrator and a Deputy Administrator in Washington the territory of the United States was divided into eleven Regions, later in- creased to twelve, each Region composed of states having related problems. The southern Appalachian states (Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia), forming a natural economic unit through the basic land problems of cut-over timber areas, and of communities stranded as the result of the exhaustion of natural resources, formed Region IV, with Regional Headquarters at Raleigh, N. C. The Resettlement Administration, at its inception an independent agency operating on funds appropriated to the Works Program, came into active existence about July l, 1935. Most of the organization in the field re- mained to be completed after that date. For the first few months the field units representing all divisions of the Resettlement Administration reported directly to the Administrator in Washington. But in December 1935 it was found advisable to organize the work under Regional Directors who were to be responsible for the programs in the several Regions, A Regional Director was appointed for Region IV and in general the following set-up was in operation when this survey was made, all units cooperating closely with state and local governments. THE IAND UTILIZATION DIVISION had as its basic aim the formmlating of policies and programs to better the economic relationship between the rural population and its land resources. To accomplish this aim, and more specifically for purposes of demonstration, the Division was authorized to purchase land unsuitable for crop cultivation, thereby taking such submarginal land from agricultural use, and to develop these Resettlement Administration 272 lands for suitable uses such as forestry, grazing, wildlife conserva- tion, and recreation, Certain large areas of poor lands were purchased and developed by this Division to be later turned over to the proper state agency for maintenance and public use. Certain other areas were R purchased by the Division for development or administration by other federal agencies, such as the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture. The Bureau of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce and the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture cooperated with the Land Utilization Division in phases of work pertaining to their .- services. The Division was also charged with the technical work of ac- quiring for the Resettlement Division land suitable for farming opera- . tions. land so acquired was to be used for the resettlement of farm families who were to be moved from submarginal lands. Lands so pur- chased were developed and administered under the Resettlement Division. In Region IV, after December l9§5, the administrative head of the Land Utilization Division, although reporting to Washington through the Regional Director, was an Associate Regional Director with full powers over all activities of the Division. Under htm, the following sections and units, with offices in the Regional Headquarters, operated in the field: The Land Use Planning Section was engaged in the expert study and mapping of land resources. A Land Planning Specialist assigned to each - state cooperated with the Agricultural Experiment Station and the State College of Agriculture in making studies of land use and of local eco- nomic problems. Maps showing both problem areas and areas suitable for closer settlement were prepared under the supervision of the state Land Planning Specialists, responsible directly to the Regional Specialist at Regional Headquarters, The Land Acquisition Unit, under a Supervisor, was responsible for appraising, surveying, mapping, and obtaining options on private land needed to carry out the work of the Administration. This Unit co- operated with the Legal Division in clearing obstructions to transfer of such land to the Federal Government. The Land Conservation Unit, under a Supervisor, was concerned particularly with plans for recreational areas, for land and water im- provements for the conservation of wildlife, and for conservation and restoration of natural resources. These purposes were carried out by a Regional Forester and a Wildlife Specialist. General planning of land use projects, for a time in charge of a Project Planning and Control ‘ Section, was assigned early in 1956 as an additional duty to the head of the Land Conservation Unit. Land purchases were made on the basis of the Land Use Planning Section's study of land resources and all project recommendations were submitted to the Associate Regional Director in Charge of the Land Utilization Division. The Project Development Section, under a Chief, was responsible for all conservation and resettlement construction and engineering work of the Division, employing and organizing project workers, and furnish; ing supplies necessary to the work. A Land Planning Unit, under an As- sistant to the Chief of the Project Development Section, was charged with supervisory work in carrying out plans of project developments. The Land Utilization Division operated under WPA regulations relative to labor. With the exception of the executive and technical personnel Resettlement Administration 273 who were appointed by Washington through recom endations from the Re- ' gional Office and who could constitute only five per cent of those em- ployed, all employees were drawn from the relief rolls of the WPA. Funds for supplies and personnel for each project were furnished by the , WPA on the basis of a budget prepared by the Land Utilization Division. . Projects were administered locally by a Project Manager appointed by and reporting to the Associate Director in Charge of Land Utilization. In the state of North Carolina two projects were developed under the Land Utilization Division, as follows: The Sandhills Land Project at Hoffman, located in parts of Richmond, Moore, and Scotland counties, is an area of submarginal land which was approved for purchase in August 1954 by the Land Policy Section of the Department of Agriculture and placed under the supervision of the Land Utilization Division when the Resettlement Administration was organized. Developments for demonstration purposes included forest development, recreational development, wildlife conservation, and general development of the area, embracing road and bridge building, construction of tele- phone lines, sewerage, water systems, power lines and fire towers, soil preparation, and soil erosion control. A forest-tree nursery furnishes seedlings for use on the project itself and in other southern areas where forest cover is essential to cut·over lands. The wildlife con- servation activities include a fish hatchery and a Pine Forest Game Farm for quail and turkey with incubator, brooder house, and food and cover » plots. The Indian Recreational Park comprises cabins, a recreation pavilion, a lake for boating and swimming, camp grounds, and trailer camps. There is also a Group Camp for the use of properly sponsored organizations. " The Jones and Salters Lake Land Project at Elizabethtown is lo- cated in Bladen County. A demonstration project, the development of this area has for its principal objective the restoration of long-leaf pine tree growth to this cut-over land. The project includes game refuges and a recreational area on Singletary Lake. Three projects in North Carolina were purchased with Resettlement Administration funds through the Land Utilization Division, but were de- veloped and administered by other agencies, as follows: The Crabtree Creek Park Project, a submarginal land purchase in Wake County, near Raleigh, was turned over to the National Park Service for development to provide recreational facilities for surrounding towns and communities. The Mattamuskeet Lake Project, a migratory bird refuge at New Holland in Hyde County, was put under the supervision of the Bureau of Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture. The strip of the Appalachian National Parkway, Blue Ridge Parkway, lying in Ashe, Allegheny, Surry, and Wilkes counties, was given over for development to the National Park Service. Projects developed under the Land Utilization Division in other states , of Region IV were as follows: ‘ Kentucky Ridge Forest, Pineville, Ky. Princeton Game Refuge, Princeton, Ky. Coalins Forest and Game Reservation, Princeton, Ky. Natchez Trace Forest, Lexington, Tenn. Chickasaw Forest, Henderson, Tenn. Wilson Cedar Forest, Lebanon, Tenn. ’Resettlement Administration 274 Overton County Project, Livington, Tenn. Appomattox—Buckingham Forest (Surrender Ground Forest), Farmville, Va , Prince Edward Project, Farmville, Va. _ Cumberland Agricultural Demonstration Project , Farmville , Va . " ` Kanawha Head, Cleveland, W. Va. Projects in other states of Region IV which were purchased with funds of the Land Utilization Division but developed or administered by other agencies than those of the Resettlement Administration were as follows; Otter Creek, West Point, Ky. Blue Ridge Parkway, Galax, Va. Lake Isom, St. Louis; MD• Montgomery Bell, Dickson, Tenn. Shelby Forest, Memphis, Tenn. Falls Creek Falls, Pikesville, Tenn. Swift Creek, Chester, Va. Chopawamsic, Qaantico, Va. Shenandoah National Park , Luray, Va . Bull Run, Manassas, Va. Wayside Parks, Richmond, Va. Other Land Utilization projects referred to in the inventory of the Regional Headquarters were proposed but never carried out. Further information relative to the above projects and also projects . of the Resettlement Division can be found in a bulletin entitled r "Project Identification Alphabetical by State" (Form RA FC 2-7) which is kept up to date and which is on file in the Regional Offices, THE RURAL RFSETTLEM NT DIVISION, under an Assistant Regional Director directly responsible to the Regional Director, was charged with initi- ating, planning, and recom ending for approval, with the cooperation of the Land Utilization Division, rural community projects for the resettle- ment of families on relief who were removed from submarginal or forest area purchases or from unprofitable privately owned farming lands; with developing, constructing, and carrying out projects in accordance with the approved plans; and with the selection of resettlement families and their establishment on the project, the latter in cooperation with the Management Division. An Economic Planning Section and a Farm Tenant Security Section for carrying out the above purposes were later com- bined. A Social Research Specialist was sent to the various projects from the Washington Division when necessary, After all plans were made by the Resettlement Division and duly approved, construction work on buildings and farms was prosecuted under the supervision of a resident engineer and staff located on the project and reporting directly to the . Construction Division in Washington. For this construction work relief labor was used under WPA regulations. Skilled workers up to five per cent could be secured from other than relief rolls, and in certain emergencies additional exemptions were allowed. THE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, under an Assistant Regional Director report- ing directly to the Regional Director, was responsible for the adminisifaee tion of community projects when construction was completed. This ad- ministration consisted of executing licensing agreements with occupants; assuming responsibility for the care and maintenance of property; col- lecting rentals or monthly payments, and turning such receipts over to Resettlement Administration 275 the Finance Division; assisting in the organization of community or co- operative associations on the projects; assisting in the adjustment of school, tax, and economic relations of the projects to the surrounding counties and states; undertaking the guidance and in some cases the support of educational and recreational facilities; and advising and * assisting in the development of industry, handicraft enterprises, trad- , ing posts, and agricultural marketing. For the execution of these ac- ”. tivities the Assistant Regional Director of the Management Division · maintained under his jurisdiction a Family Selection Section, a Mainte- nance and Collection Section, any Educational Adviser, and a Cooperative Section. The technical services of the Agricultural Extension Service were utilized in the educational guidance of farm families. The work of this Division was so closely allied with that of the Rural Resettlement Division that it was merged with the latter on April 1, 1957. Four types of Resettlement projects were developed in Region IV: com- munity farm projects, for all-time farming on family size farms, such as Roanoke Farms and Penderlea; semi-industrial com unities where home- steaders produce their own subsistence on small tracts and work part- time in industries set up on the project, such as Red House, Arthurdale, and Cumberland Homesteads; house and garden projects to demonstrate better living conditions for workers engaged in full time industry in nearby towns, such as the Newport News project for Negroes working principally in the shipyards; and the infiltration or scattered settle- ` ment type of project for full-time farmers, such as the North Carolina Farm Tenant Security Project and the Tennessee Farm Tenant Security Project. It should be noted that all relocation projects planned and developed by the Resettlement Administration, as distinct from those inherited from other agencies, were set up on a farm base for full-time farming on family-sized farms. Resettlement projects were administered from the Regional Office through Project Managers and Community Managers, located on the project, to whom applications for homes and farmsteads were made. In North Carolina two group farm and homestead projects for the re- location of farm families were developed under the Resettlement Division: Penderlea Homesteads at Willard in Pender County, and Roanoke Farms at Enfield in Halifax County. Three similar projects, Wolf Pitt Farms at Rockingham, Scuppernong Farms at Columbia, and Pembroke Farms at Pem- broke, lacking funds for development, were rented to rehabilitation clients. The North Carolina Farm Tenant Security Project at Goldsboro ’ comprises a hundred scattered tenant farms, purchased in W yne, Harnett, Johnston, and Sampson counties. Buildings having been repaired or re- placed and the farm put in good condition by the Resettlement Division, a goods loan, similar to the Rehabilitation loan, was provided for pur- chase of stock, tools, fertilizer, and other farm necessities. After a probationary rental period of five years, plans call for the sale of these farms to desirable tenants on a long term loan basis. Projects commenced or continued by the Resettlement Division in other states were as follows: Cumberland Homesteads, Crossville, Tenn. Haywood Farms, Brownsville, Tenn. Tennessee Farm Tenant Security, Jackson, Tenn. Shenandoah Homesteads, Luray, Va. Reeettiement Administration 276 Newport News Homesteads (Aberdeen Gardens), Newport News, Va. Tygart Valley Homesteads, Elkins, W. Va. ‘ Arthurdale Com unity, Arthurdale, W. Va. Red House Farms, Eleanor, W. Va. H _ Sublimity Farms, Winchester, Ky. Christian Trigg Farms, Hopkinsville, Ky. THE RURAL REHABILITATION`DIVISION, under an Assistant Regional Di- rector responsible to the Regional Director, was charged with the aid of destitute and low-income farm families through a system of supervised credit. Under the authority of the Assistant Regional Director in Charge of Rural Rehabilitation, the following offices located at Re- gional Headquarters, operated in the field: o A Farm Debt Adjustment Chief had supervision of adjustment and re- financing of farm debts, cooperating closely with the state and county Farm Debt Adjustment Com ittees. A Home Management Adviser had supervision of developing home management plans and family budgets for clients and of instructing clients in such matters as dietetics, nutrition, and food conservation and preservation. v A Rural Rehabilitation Cooperative Specialist was charged with planning community and cooperative service projects and associations for the benefit of rehabilitation and resettlement clients. The functions of the Rural Rehabilitation Division, unlike those of V the Resettlement and Land Utilization Divisions, which were administered from the Regional Office, were administered by a State Rural Rehabili- tation Director in each of the several states in the Region. Under his direct authority each state was organized into districts.~ County of- fices, each office representing from one to three counties, operated under the authority of district supervisors. The state set—up, includ- ing these district and county offices, was as follows: A State Loan Office was charged with handling all rehabilitation loans. The State Loan Officer received requests for loans and trans- mitted those approved to the State Finance Manager of the Finance and Control Division. Since credit was extended to rehabilitation clients on the basis of their acceptance of sound farm and home management plans, loans necessarily were granted only through the closest cooperation of the State Loan Office with the Agricultural Extension Service and with the home and farm management agencies under the authority of the State Director. A State Farm Management Specialist acted in an advisory capacity in the preparation of farm management plans to be carried out by the several county Rural Rehabilitation supervisors. Through these farm management plans the farmer was guided to a more economical use of_land, labor, livestock, and crops. An Associate State Director in Charge of Home Economics served as staff officer in each state office and was responsible for the home economics and social service phases of the rehabilitation program. A District Home Supervisor reported to the Associate State Director and co- operated with the District Rural Rehabilitation Supervisor. County Home Supervisors, responsible to the District Home Supervisor, aided in carry- ing out the program of the Home Economics unit which, in its contact with individual farm families, was concerned chiefly with the production and conservation of sufficient meats, vegetables, milk, and poultry necessary for the year round. Resettlement Administration 277 A A State Cooperative Specialist, reporting to the State Director, was jointly under the authority of the Director and the Regional Rural Rehabilitation Cooperative Specialist. The Cooperative service had charge of group loans for the purchase upon a cooperative basis of pure- bred breeding animals, farnimochinery, and home equipment too expensive i for individual purchase. Loans were also made for the organization of community or cooperative projects such as medical, dental, or veterinary associations, seed-improvement associations, pest-control associations, ~ equipment-center associations, and fruit-and vegetable-purchasing associations. A A State Farm Debt Adjustment Supervisor was jointly under the authority of the State Director, to whom he reported, and the_Regional Debt Adjustment Chief, whom he represented in the state of his juris~ . diction. He was technically responsible for the work of the District Farm Debt Adjustment Supervisors and the local County Farm Debt Adjust- ment Committees in the adjustment or composition of the debts of dis- tressed farmers. A State Farm Debt Adjustment Committee, appointed by the governor of the state concerned, as were the Qpunty Committees, served as a com ittee at large to hear reports and act in an advisory capacity in all farm debt adjustment matters. The County Committees were active in investigating individual debt problems and in acting as conciliators between debtor and creditor. The services of these state and county committees were voluntary, but three dollars a day was allowed when necessary for traveling expenses. The Rural Rehabilitation Division was served by County Rural Rehabil- itation Advisory Committees who approved clients for rehabilitation loans. Six district offices operated in North Carolina for the several counties, as follows: District l: Headquarters Office, Asheville Counties: Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, Mitchell, McDowell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Watauga, y and Yancey. ' District 2: Headquarters Office, Troy Counties: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Cabarrus, Catawba, Cleveland, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Gaston, lredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Rowan, Stanly, Surry, Union, Wilkes, and Yadkin. District 3: Headquarters Office, Raleigh Counties: Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Durham, Granville, Guilford, Orange, Person, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Vance, and Wake. District 4: Headquarters Office, Fayetteville Counties: Anson, Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Moore, New Hanover, Pender, Richmond, Robeson, Sampson, and Scotland. d District 5: Headquarters Office, Goldsboro Counties: Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Franklin, Greene, » Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Nash, Onslow, Pamlico, Warren, Wayne, and Wilson. Resettlement Administration 278 District 6: Headquarters Office, Edenton Counties: Beaufort, Bertie, Camden, Chowan, , Currituck, Dare, Edgecombe, Gates, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Northenmton, , Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, ` and Washington. With the exception of those of the Farm Management Supervisor for District 5, records of district supervisors were not surveyed. Several divisions and sections in the Regional Headquarters, also under the jurisdiction of the Regional Director, served the four above named operating divisions in their different capacities, as follows: A BUSINESS MANA