1ng and The GLSO NEWS
Sen/{€98 _ August 2006
A Publication of the flexingten gay and L‘esbian Services fll'ganizatien
WE AIN'T DEAD YET . . 3 "°"”""“ ””mbe”
Although some of the folks in Frankfort “TQOTEEYQEME aifllafljré .
may not approve, our community has ;':-._‘ T1773; th« n j -
definitely been showing its own unbridled ' ‘mflmgdflfefigwr .. ‘
Spin-fl On the Fourth of July, many GLBT- Th'e Louisville Trailblazerswill be holding
identified individuals showed their pride by 8 Leather SOC‘a' N'gh.‘ '“ Lex'“9t°“ at
marching in the parade with the Kentucky grossmgs, 117 N' Limestone on Sat.
Fairness Alliance (in their cute new UQUSt 5th‘- The event Wl” start at 1000
, , _ pm. This Will be a leather sootal night and
Unbridled Pride shirts), the GLBT fund raiser for The Lexington Pride
Episcopal group Integrity, and the GLSO. Center. There will be a $3.00 cover
We were well represented and supported charge and a silent auction of donated gift
by many cheering spectators in the crowd. baskets. All proceeds will be split 50—50
On Saturday, July 8'“, 45 members ofour between The Trailblazers and The GLSO
community gathered at the Community PrideCenter".
Forum with that same spirit of enthusiasm
to discuss the ways in which the Pride . . .
Center can better serve our community. Klngs ISland Prlde nght
Various brainstorming groups were formed The GLSO Pride Center is again
and asked to discuss the following selling tickets to the tenth annual King's
questions: What are the needs of our island Pride Night to be held Friday
community and how do we better fulfill evening, Sept. 29,from6pm to midnight. If
them? What are some of the reasons that you buy yourticket at the Pride Center, the
people do not utilize the Pride Center and cost is $41.99. GLSO will make a few
how do we reach out to them? What new dollars on each ticket. Tickets will be more
services would you like to see at the atthe door. Drop bythe center between10
Center? The responses were recorded am and 3 pm - call Bill at 253-3233 to be
and compiled (see Community Forum sure someone is here. For more
Update—pageZ). information about this year's event visit
Not content with just talking about the www.pkipridenight.com.
issues, 22 forum participants and other
visionaries met for a follow-up meeting to
lay plans for implementing the suggestions sums” of the mom“
generated at the forum. Upon board . .
approval, four committees will be created Unltanan
to bring innovative ideas to the \ o .
organization in the areas of Fundraising, lf+i Unlversallst
Programming, Public Relations, and Web V Church
Design. If you want to help transform the
way the Pride Center serves your of Lexington
community, contact Lindsay Mattingly at
LindsMattingly@gmail.com. Come catch a
bit of this group's contagious enthusiasm!