xt7bvq2s7g7k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7g7k/data/mets.xml Oregon United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C.(Robert Chapin), 1907- Bennett, L.T. Jr. 1936 p. 3501-3559, 1 leaf (folded); 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:35/Or 3 books English Washington: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Oregon Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- Oregon Charity laws and legislation -- Oregon Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Oregon text Digest of Public Welfare Provisions Under the Laws of the State of Oregon 1936 1936 2019 true xt7bvq2s7g7k section xt7bvq2s7g7k W IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII : g" , O , WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION V f M” HARRY L. HOPKINS, ADMINISTRATOR CORRINGTON GILL I HOWARD B. MYERS, DIRECTOR ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR SOCIAL RESEARCH DIVISION 0 DIGEST OF PUBLIC WELFARE PROVISIONS ( UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF I ' OREGON — mm” easucm; ‘ JUN 1940 "V w ' ' ' twee: 53F Susi" ' ‘ ' HSTSRIES ‘ I JUNE 1. 1936 ' i , . i I ‘ I. I . r 1. B N oo ., I y, . ’ N 3:3! 3.55.5." \ m [A . U I y\,7___‘____ —_,. >77A__‘___‘/ I _3_______ / PREPARED BY ROBERT C. Lowe AND L. T. BENNETT, JR. LEGAL RESEARCH SECTION UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A. Ross ECKLMGRDINATOR OF SPECIAL INQUIRIES ,' DIVISION OF SOCIAL RESEARCH , . O {\‘V’ 0 Preface This bulletin is one of a series intended to present in abstract form the public welfare provisions of the 1mm of each of the States. The purpose of these bulletins is to give a brief review of the provisions for public assistance under the laws of the several Jurisdictions, and of the administrative agencies set up by law with 0’ reference thereto. A chart showing the organizational relationships 5:1 of the administrative agencies is included. E The possibility of error in attempting with a limited staff . ,3 and in a limited time to assemble and digest the formidable mass of material incident to such a study is frankly recognized. The coopera- ; tion of those who have occasion to use these digests in reporting any . ~ ; l errors of omission er commission noted, or in suggesting improvement L; in form or content, is invited and will be greatly appreciated. : Meanwhile it is hoped that those interested in considering a;- the reorganization or strengthening of public welfare services in the 7; several States may find the digests of practical value. C / . p , (a (3 "’12): ".3"? :- ' Blank Page(s) INDEX TO DIGEST OF WELFARE LAWS OF STATE OF OREGON Public Welfare Provisions Page General Poor Relief. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3501 Aid to Dependent Children in Their Own Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5503 Care of Dependent and Neglected Children (Institutions and Agencies) . . 3505 Blind Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3507 Old Age Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3509 Veterans' Relief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3511 Administrative Provisions Board of Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3514 State and Eastern State Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3519 Fairview Home for the Feeble—minded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3522 . State Training School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13524 State Penitentiary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3526 State School for the Blind and the Deaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3528 Blind Trade School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3530 State and Eastern State Tuberculosis Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . 3532 Industrial School for Girls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3534 State Child Welfare Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3557 State—Aided Private Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5540 Parole Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3542 State Probation Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3545 Note on State Welfare Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3546 State Relief Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3547 County Relief Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3551 Juvenile Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3552 County Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5558 Chart Showing Public Welfare Agencies Blank Page(s) Oregon 550] . DIGEST OF PUBLIC WEIFARE PROVISIONS GENERAL POOR RELIEF (a) Description of class Any poor person unable to earn a livelihood in consequence of bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy or other cause, having no relgtivea in any county in this State, or no relatives who are able or willing to maintain him. (Relatives responsible: parents, children, brothers, sisters.) 1/ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility Application is made to the County Relief Committee 2/, or to the county court. 5/ (c) Measure of responsibility Necessary maintenance and provision for sickness and burial §/; temporary relief to non—residents 4/; apprenticing of minors 5/; work— houses §/; county poor farms Z/. (d) Qualifications imposed Applicant must be a resident of the county, and have had 5 . years' self—supporting residence in the State. _S/ . (e) Incidence of financial responsibility County. 3/ (Obligation mandatory.) State reimburses counties not less than one—half the total cost of all forms of relief. 3/ . Recovery by county from estate of pauper. 2/ (f) Taxes ' State oleomargarine tax. 10/ -----—---—--—-————-—-——-————————————————~—.——_____.___._.__.__.. 1. Code Ann. (1950), See. 27-1402, 1404. 2. Laws (1955 Sp. Sess.), Ch. 55, Sec. 6. 5. Code Ann. (1950), See. 27-1406, amended by Laws (1951), Ch. 198. 4. Code Ann. (1950), See. 27-1407. 5. Ibid, Sec. 27-1405. 6. Ibid, Sec. 27—1408. 7. Ibid, Sec. 18-906. 8. Laws (1955), Ch. 455, Sec. 2. . 9. Laws (1951), Ch. 555. 10. Laws (1955), Ch. 442, Sec. 5. 5502 Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions GENERAL POOR RELIEF (Cont'd) I . . (3) Administrative agencies ‘ County Relief Committees. 11/ County courts and Boards of County Connnissioners cooperate with Relief Committees. 13/ (h) Supervisory controls State Relief Committee. 3/ O 11. Laws (1955 Sp. Sess.), Ch. 55, Sec. 6. 12. Ibid, Sec. 7. ‘ O Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 5503 . AID TO DEPENDENT CHIIDREN IN THEIR OWN HOMES (a) Description of class Any mother who has a child or children under the age of 16 years who are wholly dependent upon her for support and whose husband, the father of the child or children, is dead or is an inmate of some State or county institution or has been sentenced by a Federal judge of the district of Oregon to a Federal institution outside of the State, and is an inmate of such institution, or who, by reason of physical or mental disease, is wholly unable to work or assist in any manner in supporting his family. The provisions of this Act may be extended to apply to children between the ages of 16 and 18 years, when, in the discretion of the juvenile court having jurisdiction, such relief and assistance is deemed necessary. The provisions of this law apply to mothers of adopted children, provided the adoption is legal, in good faith, and prior to the death or incapacity of the adopting father. 1/ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility ‘ Application must be made to the juvenile or county court. 1/ There must,be filed with the application proof of death of husband, or of his condition or of his residence in an institution, and also birth records of children. 2/ (C) Measure of responsibility . Twenty dollars a month for one child, $16 a month for each additional child. Total amount given to one family may not exceed $75 per month. 1/ (d) Qualifications imposed Applicant must have residence of 3 years in the State and one year in the county. 1/ The county court may, in its discretion, transport a non—resident to the State in which he is a resident. 3/ No assistance may be granted to a child not alive at the time of or 10 months after father's commitment to an institution or his becoming unable to work. 3/ If a child over 16 years of age or a person not of the immediate family is living in the household of the applicant without contributing to its support, no aid may be given. 5/ ___________.______._____._..___.__.._..________.__.____.____.______._____ 1. Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 27—130l,amended by Laws (1935), Ch. 423. 2. Laws (1935), Ch. 423. 3. Ibid, Ch. 435. 4. Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 27-1304. 5. Ibid, Sec. 27-1305. 3504 Oregon — Digest of Public Welfare Provisions AID TO DEPENDENT CHILDREN IN THEIR OWN HOMFE (Cont'd) . (d) Qualifications imposed (Cont'd) No relief may be granted to child having property of his own or to a child not residing with his mother. é/ No assistance may be granted when applicant has deprived himself of property or income to qualify for assistance. 2/ No assistance to a mother who is not a proper person physi— cally, mentally and morally to care for children. 8/ No relief allowed during absence from county. 2/ (6) Incidence of financial responsibility County. 19/ (Obligation mandatory.) State supplements county funds. 11/ (f) Taxes Liquor tax. _12/ State sales tax. _19/ - (g) Administrative agencies . Juvenile and county courts and County Relief Committees. 14/ (h) Supervisory controls State Relief Committee. lg ______________...._________________.._______._______._______.___________ 6. Code Ann. (1930), See. 27-1306. 7- Ibid, Sec. 27-15080 8. Ibid, Sec. 27-1311. 9. Ibid, Sec. 27—1320. 10. Ibid, Sec. 27-1301,amended by Laws (1935), Ch. 423. 11. Laws (1935), Ch. 303. 12. Ibid, Ch. 428, Sec. 40. 13. Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 45, Sec. 22(b). 14. Laws (1935), Ch. 303, Sec. 2. Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 5505 . CARE OF DEPENDENT AND NEGLECTED CHILDREN (INSTITUTIONS AND AGENCIES) (a) Description of class Any person of either sex under 18 years of age who for any reason is destitute, homeless, abandoned, or dependent on the public for support. 1/ Wayward girls. 2/ Homeless orphans, and neglected children. 5/ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility Petition may be filed with the clerk or the juvenile court. 4/ Any party to the proceedings may take an appeal from an order to the juvenile court, whether temporary or permanent, to the circuit court or Domestic Relations Court (in counties having over 100,000 population). Appeals may be taken from the circuit court ' as in other cases. 5/ (0) Measure of responsibility Commitment to State institution or hospital or to reputable citizen. §/ Medical and surgical treatment. 2/ (d) Qualifications imposed No provision. . (e) Incidence of financial responsibility County pays county court expenses. 8/. (Obligation mandatory.) State pays circuit court expenses and aids institutions. 2/ { ‘ (f) Taxes No specific provision. ______________________________._________________________________________ 1. Code Ann. (1950), Sec. 55-619. 2. Ibid, Sec. 55-801. 5. Ibid, Sec. 55—901. 4. Ibid, Sec. 55-621-2. 5. Ibid, Sec. 28-847, 626. 6. Ibid, Sec. 55-626. 7. Ibid, Sec. 59-1501. 8. Ibid, 380. 53-608. 9. Ibid, Sec. 28-855. State pays $14 a month to institutions for each wayward girl, and $20 a month for each maternity or venereal case under 21 years of age. State pays $14 a month to institutions for each orphan or neglected child over 5 years of age, and $18 for each child under 5 years of age. Ibid, Sec. 59-914, as amended by Laws (1955), Ch. 291, and Ibid, Sec. 59-904, as amended by Laws (1955), Ch. 291. 5506 Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions CARE OF DEPENDENT AND NEGLECTED CHILDREN (INSTITUTIODB AND AGENCIES) (Cont'd) . (g) Administrative agencies Juvenile court (special session of county court). 10/ Probation officers. 11/ Domestic Relations Court for counties having population of over 100,000. 22/ State Board of Health administers State funds for wayward girls l5/, and for homeless orphans and neglected children. 14/ (h) Supervisory controls County Board of Visitors inspects institutions to which commitments are made. 15/ Child welfare Commission must approve and supervise all institutions to which children are committed. lé/ . State Board of Health supervises, visits, and inspects institutions which care for wayward girls, homeless orphans, and neglected children. 17/ 10. Code Ann. (1950), Sec. 55-618. 11. Ibid, Sec. 55—607, 625, 624. 12. Ibid, Sec. 28—847. in IMd,Sw.5&8%. 14. Ibid, Sec. 55—902. 15. Ibid, Sec. 55-655. 16. Ibid, Sec. 55—702, 721. 17. Ibid, Sec. 55—805, 905, 59-905. Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3507 . BLIND ASSISTANCE (a) Description of class Any needy blind person l/ who has vision in the better eye with correcting glasses of 20/200 or less or a disqualifying visual field defect. 3/ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility Whenever a County Relief Committee receives an application for blind assistance it must cause an investigation to be made to ascertain the facts supporting the application and such other information as may be required by the rules and regulations of the State Relief Committee. 3/ Determination of eyesight is made by an ophthalmalogist licensed to practice in Oregon. Upon completion of such investigation the County Relief Committee decides whether the applicant is eligible for assistance and determines the amount of such assistance and the date on which it shall begin. 3/ Any applicant whose application is denied by the County Relief Committee may be granted a fair hearing before the State Relief Committee upon his application therefor. g/ (0) Measure of responsibility Assistance must in no event exceed $30 a month, limited to funds available. 2/ . (d) Qualifications imposed Applicant must be 16 years of age, or over, and must have lost his eyesight while a resident of the State, or have had residence in the State for a period of 5 years during the 9 years immediately preceding appli- cation for assistance, the last year of which must be continuous and immediately ~ precede such application. 1/ Applicant may not be an inmate of a public institution, or in need of continuing institutional care because of physical or mental condition. Applicant may not solicit alms during period of receiving assistance. 1/ No other public relief except temporary medical or surgical assistance may be granted. E/ 1. Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 60, Sec. 3. 2. Ibid, Sec. 2. 3. Ibid, Sec. 9. 4. Ibid, Sec. 10. 5. Ibid, Sec. 13. 6. Ibid, Sec. 4. 3508 Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions BLIND ASSISTANCE (Cont'd) . (d) Qualifications imposed (Cont'd) If recipient is found incapable of taking care of himself or his money, the money may be paid to a responsible person for his benefit. 2/ Assistance is not transferable. 8/ All assistance is subject to reconsidera— tion. 9/ No assistance may be granted to any person who refuses medical, surgical or other treatment when his eyesight may be partially or wholly restored thereby. 10/ Recipient may move to another county and continue the assistance. 11/ (e) Incidence of financial responsibility State: general fund. 12/ (Obligation mandatory) 13/ Assistance paid is a claim against the estate of the recipient, provided no claim may be enforced against any real estate of a recipient while it is occupied by the surviving spouse. 14/ (f) Taxes County property tax. 15/ State sales tax. 16/ (g) Administrative ggencies . County Relief Committee. 17/ (h) Supervisory controls . State Relief Committee. 18/ _._______________.__.._.__.______.__________________________________._________ 7. Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 60, Sec. 11. 8. Ibid, Sec. 12. 9. Ibid, Sec. 14. 10. Ibid, Sec. 15. 11. Ibid, Sec. 19. 12. Ibid, Sec. 21. 13. Ibid, Sec. 5. 14. Ibid, Sec. 18. 15. Ibid, Sec. 20. 16. Ibid, Ch. 45, Sec. 22(b). Notwithstanding provisions to the contrary, the counties shall not be required to pay any portion of the assistance which is paid prior to January 1, 1937. 17. Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 60, Sec. 5. 18. Ibid, Sec. 7. Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 5509 . OLD AGE ASSISTANCE y (a) Description of class Needy individuals over 65 years of age. 2/ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility Application may be made to County Relief Committee. 5/ After investigation, the County Relief Committee decides whether the applicant is eligible for assistance, the amount and manner of paying such assistance, and the date on which it must begin. The Committee must notify the applicant of its decision in writing. Any applicant whose application is denied by the County Relief Committee must be granted an opportunity for a fair hearing before the State Relief Committee upon application therefor. 3/ (0) Measure of responsibility Assistance must in no event exceed $50 a month, limited to funds available. 2/ (d) Qualifications imposed Applicant must be a citizen of the United States, and a resi- . dent of the State for 5 years or more within the 9 years immediately preceding application and a resident of the county for one year immediately preceding date of application. Applicant must not be receiving assistance from any public institution; provided that the residence of an inmate of any fraternal, benevolent or charitable institution is the county of his residence prior to admission; provided further, that his residence in such county was continuous for one year immediately preceding admission to such v institution. Any native-born American woman who was married to an alien prior to September 22, 1922 and thereby lost her American citizenship, is eligible if otherwise qualified. _2_/ Applicant must receive no other assistance from the State or any political subdivision thereof with the exception of medical and surgi— cal aid. 5/ If the recipient of the pension or recipient's spouse becomes possessed of property or income sufficient to maintain him or them, assis— tance must be cancelled. é/ ________._____.________.__________._._.____________________________________ 1. This Act becomes operative only when funds are made available by the United States. Laws (1955), Ch. 407, Sec. 27. 2. Laws (1955 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 407, Sec. 1, as amended by Ch. 50, Sec. 1, 5. Ibid, Ch. 407, Sec. 2, as amended by Ch. 50, Sec. 2. 4. Ibid, Ch. 407, Sec. 6, as amended by Ch. 50, Sec. 5. 5. Laws (1955), Ch. 407, Sec. 7. 6. Ibid, Sec. 10. 5510 Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions OLD AGE ASSISTANCE. (Cont'd) . (d) Qualifications imposed (Cont'd) County Relief Committee may require that property of recipient be pledged as a guarantee of reimbursement. z/ (e) Incidence of financial responsibility State: general fund. 8/ (Obligation mandatory) Amount paid is a claim against the recipient and his estate and against persons liable for his support. 2/ (f) Taxes State liquor tax. 19/ State sales tax. 11/ (g) Administrative agencies County Relief Committee. E/ (h) Supervisory controls State Relief Committee. 12/ . '7. Laws (1935), Ch. 407, Sec. 19. 8. Ibid, Sec. 25, as amended by Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 50, Sec. 9. 9. Laws (1935), Ch. 407, Sec. 18, 20, as amended by Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 50, Sec. 5, 7. 10. Laws (1935), Ch. 428, Sec. 40. 11. Laws (1935 1st Sp. Sess.), Ch. 45, Sec. 22. 12. Laws (1935), Ch. 407, Sec. 2, as amended by Laws (1935 lst Sp. Sess.), Ch. 50, Sec. 2. Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 3511 ‘l’ VETERANS' RELIEF (a) Description of class Direct Relief and Burial: Indigent soldiers, sailors, and marines who served in the Union Army at any tune from April 12, 1861 to April 12, 1865, or who served in the Spanish American War, or Philippine Insurrection, or the World War between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918, or who served not less than 10 days in the Indian Wars or received permanent dis- ‘ ability while in such service; also indigent widows and minor children of such soldiers, sailors, marines and volunteers. 1/ Soldiers' Home: Honorably discharged ex-soldiers, sailors, or marines who served in the War with Germany, Spanish War, Philippine War, War of Rebellion, Mexican War, or Indian War in Oregon, Washington, or Idaho. y Wives of those admitted, married prior to November 11, 1918, if husbands served in World War, and married prior to June 27, 1905, if husbands served in other wars. 2/ WidOWS who were admitted to the Home as wives of inmates. g/ (b) Procedure for determining eligibility . Direct Relief and Burial: The commander of any veterans' post or camp must file with the county clerk the names of the officers of the post and of its relief committee, if any, and must file notice that the post or camp will under- take the relief of indigent soldiers, sailors, and marines. Statement of relief extended must be filed with the court and orders drawn by the county court or judge in favor of the commandant or captain of the post or camp. In counties having a population of 100,000 or more, the relief fund is disbursed by an officer appointed by the Board of County Commis— sioners. g/ In case there is no post or camp within any county, the county judge must undertake administration and relief. 3/ Soldiers' Home: Application to commandant of the Home or to the county Judge. 3/ ._____.________________.________.____________________________.__.__._____ . 1. Code Ann. (19:30), Sec. 66-301. 2. Ibid, 580. 67-1802- This Home has been transferred to the Federal Government. a. Code Ann. (19:50), Sec. 66-502. 4. Ibid, 860. 66-3030 3512 Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions VETERANS' RELIEF (Cont'd) . (c) Measure of responsibility Direct Relief and Burial: Funeral expenses not to exceed $100, expense of last sick- ness, and direct relief. §/ Soldiers' Home: Care of properly qualified persons. (d) Qualifications imposed Direct Relief and Burial: Applicant must have residence in the State for 3 months. fi/ Applicant must be without means of procuring the necessi- ties of life; provided that his owning property will not make him ineligible if it is not of the character to give him assistance. If he owns a home, it must not be disproportionate to the needs of the veteran and his family. 2/ Soldiers' Home: Applicant must be a citizen of the State one year imme- . diately prior to application and unable to earn a living by reason of wounds, disease, old age, or infirmities, and without adequate means of support. Application of wife must be signed by husband. g/ (e) Incidegce of financial responsibility Direct Relief and Burial: County relief fund. é/ (Obligation mandatory) Soldiers' Home: Transferred to Federal Government, but State appropriation in 1935. 2/ _____________.__._________________________._____________________________ 5. Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 66-301, 66-302. Applicants are not sent to poorhouse without the consent of commander or captain of post or camp; provision being made as far as practicable for care in the homes of the beneficiaries. Ibid, Sec. 66-305. 6. Code Ann. (19:50), Sec. 66-301. 7. Ibid, Sec. 66-305. 8. Ibid, Sec. 67-1802. 9. Laws (1935), Ch. 417, Sec. 1. Transfer pursuant to Laws (1931), Ch. 7’7. I Oregon - Digest of Public Welfare Provisions 5513 . VETERANS' RELIEF (Cont'd) (f) Taxes Direct Relief and Burial: Property tax not to exceed 2/10 and not less than 1/30 of one mill. 10/ \ Soldiers' Home: I no special provision. (g) Administrative agencies 11/ Direct Relief and Burial: Post or camp representing war in which veteran engaged. 15/ County court or in counties with a population of more than 100,000, an officer appointed by the Board of County Commis- sioners. 12/ Soldiers' Home: Transferred to Federal Government. . (h) Supervisory controls No provision. __.__________________________________.________.___________________________ 10. Code Ann. (1950), Sec. 66-301. 11. Soldiers' and Sailors' Commission: The purpose of this Commission.was to help readjust soldiers returning from the World War and get them started in civilian life again. The Governor was empowered to discon— tinue the Commission by proclamation whenever the Congress of the United States should make provision for the care and assistance of discharged soldiers, sailors and marines, which is determined to be adequate by the Governor. The original appropriation of the Commission was $100,000. The latest appropriation was $3,000 indicating that the Act providing for Veterans' Relief given here is taking over the work of the soldiers and sailors commission. Code Ann. (1930), V01. 3, Sec. 66-202, and Laws (1935), Ch. 417, sec. 1. . 12. Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 66—302. 3514 £952 ABSTRACT OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS . STATE BOARD OF CONTROL 1/ (Statutory Body) I. General Powers and Duties A (l) The Board has full authority and executive government, direction and supervision over the following institufii\n< State Hospital (for the insane) Eastern State Hospital (for the insane) Fairview Home (for the feeble-minded) State Training School (reformatory) State Penitentiary State School for the Blind State School for the Deaf State Blind Trade School State Tuberculosis Hospital Eastern State Tuberculosis Hospital State Industrial School for Girls 2/ (2) The Board makes and adopts by—laws for its guidance and for the government of the aforementioned institutions, provided such . by-laws are not inconsistent with the general laws of the State or the provisions of this Act. g/ (3) The Board appoints superintendents and other executive heads of the institutions and selects all officers and employees, except in cases where an executive head of an institution is delegated with power and authority to appoint his own superintendents and employees. The Board prescribes the duties of the executive heads Where the same are not prescribed by law and such additional duties beyond those prescribed by law, as it may deem.for the good of public service. It suspends or discharges executive heads or their subordi- nates whenever public service requires such action and fixes the salaries of all executive heads, subordinates and other officials and employees where the same are not fixed by law. g/ ________________.__________________________________________________ 1. All boards, commissions and governing authorities previously related to the institutions listed are now abolished and the State Board of Control has taken over all of their functions. Code Ann. (1950), Sec. 07—1402. 2. Code ann. (1950), see. 67—1401. 3. Ibid, Sec. 67—1403. Oregpn — Abstract of Administrative Provisions 3515 . I. General Powers and Duties (Cont'd) (4) The Board authorizes the employment of all necessary physi— cians, matrons, attendants, nurses, engineers, watchmen, messengers, clerks, guards, cooks, waiters and other officers and employees not specifically authorized and who are necessary to the successful mainte- ' nance of the several institutions, but the amounts which are expended ' for the services of such officers and employees must never be in excess of the amount which is provided therefor in the biennial appropriations for the institutions. All regular officers and employees are furnished board, lodging, heat and light at the expense of the institution to which they are attached unless such officers and employees are permitted to maintain their own establishments or live elsewhere. fi/ (5) The Board may enter into contracts for the purchase of supplies for the institutions as well as for fuel, heat, light, water, telephone, equipment, repairs, improvements, and bettennents and for the erection, completion and finishing of all new buildings or additions at the institutions. fi/ (6) The Board receives, takes, and holds property both real and personal in trust for the State or for any institution which is now or may hereafter be within its jurisdiction, and may sell, transfer, assign, set over, or convey the same, pursuant to legislative authority. It condemns land and rights of way for water pipes, sewers, telegraph, tele- phone and transmission lines and performs all legal and peaceful acts, . requisite and necessary for the successful management and maintenance of the institutions. _5/ (7) The Board has authority and power to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or other lawful method such lands, buildings and structures as may be necessary, suitable and expedient for the establishment of a poWer producing system for the generation and furnishing of steam, heat, light and power for such institutions, works and buildings which are governed, managed or administered by the Board, and other State buildings owned by the State and being used by any of its departments, and for the purpose of transmitting and receiving messages by radio, telephone, telegraph or other device or system in the transaction of any or all busi- ness of the State, or in which the State is interested. §/ (8) The Board holds regular meetings at the State Capitol on the third working day of each month and holds such other meetings as are necessary. The majority of the members of the Board constitute a quorum. ' All matters of the Board are open to the public and the Board causes to be kept a full record of all proceedings which records are always open to public inspection. The members of the Board must visit each institu- tion. 2/ _____________________________.___________________________________________ 4. Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 67—1417. 5. Ibid, Sec. 67-1408. 6. Laws (1935 Sp. 5838.), Ch. 44, Sec. 1. . 7. Code Ann. (1930), Sec. 67-1404. 3516 Oregon - Abstract of Administrative Provisions I. General P0W811§m§giglggflfifi (Cont'd) . (9) In the cases of necessary or emergency operations requir- ing the services of a specialist, and where relatives and guardians, in the judgment of the Board, are unable to pay a part or whole of the cost thereof, the Board is authorized and empowered to have such operation or Operations performed, the costs thereof to be paid from the funds of the institution concerned, g/ (10) Annually after June 30, 1935, the Board is authorized to appraise the property of the various State institutions for the purpose of ascertaining the reasonable value thereof, and is directed to employ such money as it deems expedient, the cost of such appraisals to be paid from the funds appropriated for paying the general and current expenses of such State institutions° 2/ . (11) The Board purchases on behalf of and for the State in every department, board, office, bureau or institution of every kind, all equipment, supplies, materials of every nature, and all public utility services of every kind and nature required or deemed advisable; provided this Act does not include or apply to ports or port districtsu 19/ (12) The Board, in supervisory capacity, governs the privately operated charitable and relief institutions that are approved by the State Board of Health, and such institutions receive assistance which is administered through the Board of Control. Before payment of any claims under this division, the Board of Control investigates the claimant . institutions and checks on their inmates and records. 11/ (13) The Board may transfer inmates, patients, or wards of the State institutions, to such other institutions as may be found advis— able. 12/ II» mm 9.8.13saggianpsniasnmzjaiammam0d The Board is composed of 3 members, the Governor, Secretary of State, and the State Treasurer who are ex officio members. The Cover— nor is ex officio Chairman. ;§/ 8. Code Ann, (1930), Sec. 6"7-..1417. 9. Ibid, Sec. 67~l420. Upon ascertaining the value of such property, the Board apportions each such institution its proportionate Contribution, to a sum of $25,000, to be set aside for the purpose of replacing or rebuilding any property damaged by fire, until the sum of #300,000 has been accumulated. Ibid, Sec. 67—1elli 10. Code Ann. (19:50), ooo 67—1427,, 11. Ibid, Sec. 59~901 to 915. 12. lbid, Sec. 67-230? to 2310. 13. Ibid, Sec. (37—1401o Oregon - Abstract of Administrative Provisions 3517 . II. Composition and Appointment of Governing Body (Cont'd) These officials are elected for a term of 4 years, but can- not serve more than 8 in 12 years. 14/ No remuneration is received as members of Board except traveling expenses. 15/ III. Reports Based on the reports of the heads of the various institu- tions and departments, the Board causes to be printed a comprehensive report showing the condition of each institution together with a com