xt7bvq2s7j4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7j4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1975 1975 1975-02-03 2020 true xt7bvq2s7j4x section xt7bvq2s7j4x \"ol. I..\'\'l ;\o 103
Monday. February it. 15)?)



(ill independent student newspaper


' K


Foot stompin' music

_ \W/

21 l'niver sifv of Kentucky

lexiiigton. Ky, 40506

.tohn Ila i1tord \lrlllnint‘tl. picked and I“ anged his way through ”Salty Dog" with
an .ictoinpaniinent of about mm in the Student (’enter Friday night. Hartford
uhispered. shouted and tapped his jinn “hile trading lines with the crowd. A

i‘eiie“ appears on page the

EPA again criticizes dam impact

I’m lhour rip-off of Bahrain
and Qatar. And if a few of our
guys get killed. too'.’ Well. that's
what they're being paid tor.

Still. we‘ll need some kind of
legitimate sounding causa helli
to satisfy the pacifists and neo-

isolationists who refuse to un
derstand that America. as a
great world power. has a

responsibility to cooperate with
distant nations by making war on
them Dr. Kissinger has already
tried out oil strangulation of the
industrial powers as a pretext.
but the argument looked a little
ratty coming from the United
States. the world‘s biggest oil

a declaration saying we‘re doing
it for the oilvless. foodAfamished
underdeveloped nations That's

Our public would be receptive
to a war tought to provide cheap.
petrochemical fertilizers for

those bags of bones in Rangla
desh and the African Sahel ’l‘\'
has already sensitized us with
pictures of the bloated tummies
and protruding ribs of wide eyed.
starving infants Don't talk about
the part the multinational
corporations have played in
bringing famine to those lands If
they just keep the film strips
running even the Quakers will

t)f course. all of this may be a
diversion The sly doctor could be
distracting us in the Persian (lull
while he meditates a (‘lA coup
d'etat in Venezuela all
knowledge of which he can

subsequently deny .o the Senate
li‘oreign Relations t‘ommittee

l.lv‘.'|“.s' llttl’l'l. though. that we
have the courage to proclaim our
what the
has in mind No
more of this humanitarian stuff
It makes cynics out of our young

This time let's _]llSl kick down
the gas station door. bust in with
guns drawn and say. “l"reeze'
This is a stickup. you mothers?"

greed. ll war is


\ichola s

Hoffman is a
King Features


Letters to the editor

Are you one of them?

Many of us are familiar with
the Yellowvliine-tllarking Read
er. We buy books which bear the
scars of their idiosyncracy

As l was waiting for my ft :ttt
Tuesday class to begin. I saw one
of them ()ne of those horrid
organisms who turn the pages in
their books into a yellow and
white checkerboard. probably
hoping the right move at
exam time it was a Yellow lane


Marking Reader ta female of the
varietyi. it exuberantly sat
perhaps reading definitely
marking Whatever lines it
considered important were given
a yellow tint

Rut the worst part was when
she took out her pen and started
taking notes in yellow Are you
a \ellow lane Marking Reader"

John Frill
Freshman. pre~med


 ’l‘lll‘) Kf'INTlt‘KY Kl‘IRNl‘Il.. Monday. February :t. Iain—.5

Earn $$$ Weekly

Monday - Saturday
9:30 a.m. — 4:45 p.m.

First-time Donors, Come In Before 3 P.M.





Banking service comparisons

(mime tor «tietks Returned (lie(k (ML-ck lashing

Charge liOll(Y


Bank of tiee I) UK $3 00
(mum. lL,L‘ studm's. 3'} 90 he!
3' l’US' (7" 200 '0 others

Account must
raver alien
itiecks holding
pernd on out 0t
state checks.

Blood Plasma Donor Center
313 E. Short Street 252-5586




think tit \l l i“: [X‘l 3(1) $400 Amount must

ll‘l inqkm

<0ver alien
‘lll'QkS, 710
day hold on
ou' of state


think Ht ltt‘t
'tl‘ “Iiitilfll't‘i


[lLtt‘lJnl mus‘
tow V alien
iiiccks, holding
period on ou' of
state i neck


W't’viil laws sum,”
H. liti's' (i

104' « ‘. at:

(our requiremen'

tru‘wrt "l‘ was! record
and balance, no r oids
i' (‘U' “9818?? (he! KS












Tuesday, January 28
1:00 — 2:00 P.M.
Alumni Gym Lounge

Unanswered questions? Ideas you want to exchange? In.
terested in meeting other students? An informal buu session
and reception will be held for women over 25 who are new to
our campus this semester. The necessary information is
printed above. Drop in and introduce your self.










ll l"J-I'w' l [All'th 'U": llllis‘y'0¢t‘7
N "us" in ii tick» ,4, any
’otung puimt 1‘
n 0L)" of state {Perk
t. __~_
1' ' " “""V l ' 4’," ‘2‘ l/U ’v‘ «mu '“(lui'f‘fl
Na' Hut ~-rep' tor iimsuaii,
is i, 'uldii g portal) on ou'
ll tsia‘e (ll§‘(.\s 0
d . ' No v. ”I. .11. not a .xm'nps'nonn m1me
, r‘. r ~. "Us r .iiei.thecks,10 ’10,
l loiuii'g per-(id on Ou
l\ if state ( necks
‘t J
The Silent artistry of Keith
K II tff '1 tb
1 WM 5 a c a, Y J3" Koeneman Berger Wlll kickoff the Six for Six
u‘ series at 8 p.mv tonight in
-\ Memorial Hall. Usmg only body
movement and space, Keith
H 9 creates a breathtaking world of
l. \’\’h h Id m ' ‘n' h illUSion and emotion in which
It‘ ere S CU you go *0 get your oney 5 art . sound isnotneeded.An extremely
accomplished mime, he has
In K \l{l~2\ (.ltlul-th ('ompam otters zoo tree person- lactors ;\ll Lexmizton hanks otter appeared nationwide, delightly
KernelStatl “rite-r alt/ed Wildcat checks to students regular passhook savings ac» ”memes “3"an '" 5'19 "0m
, , _ _ . _ , , - ‘ _ . _ only a few persons on a street
“d who open an account ot Salt oi wants at a J pet (ent interest comer '0 an overflow crowd in
tl‘ HI 'he man} st'l‘\ ices uttered more rate The} all compound interest New York's huge Cathedral oi St.
h in l‘(‘\lllt_!lltll area hanks. some |\ \lHH'l'lllX. (‘entral Bank tlilll_\' from the datethe money John the Divme. Keith's Per-
) ' . . > -
l are more comenient. less expen (Meg m” ”tum“. a holding pprmd is deposited until it is Withdrawn legatagceglikse-alt thoseupcoming
)( . I" e IX Ol' IX series,isone 0U
[ \l\l' and more student oriented m, out ”t smu- cheeks deposited and compute the interest should not miss. Y
m ”'4‘“ lllt'” l“””l""'l“l" li_\ students Second National (ll‘i’l'li‘l‘l‘ individual performance tickets
.\ telephone sur\e\ revealed tank to Trust (‘ompum is pres at $2 each and Six for Six series
”h” J” lAWHltll‘m ”ml“ ”H” with ottering a tree meal to ('entra]lianka-Trust(‘ompam' b‘JOl‘le'SIt’r'C‘Ed "B'UFBHY enough
, V ~ .- ‘ ‘ _ . . , ‘ at56,are available in Room 203 of
tree. unlimited ('llt't'lxlltfl \ et 41“} Hm. \xho ”ppm or (kipuglts sJo ii-quii es a minimum $10 opening the Student Center. They W.“ also
write up e tree pt‘l‘stitt.‘lll/t'fl H, ”Hm. m a t‘llt'ckllttl or gu\ mes deposit tor a sayings account, No be available a. the door.
i‘lH'i m. “llilt’Ullll'l‘M'th‘tll‘ll'um account at the llf'\\ Rose Street minimum sayings deposit Is re
$3 3;, h, 3.: 3:. or zoo ('hi't'ks \Il Inmmm quired h_\ the other Lexington 0 0
iii-\mmm; m." xiitlt‘l' "tree line” 'l‘hi- en tugs account ptilu'lps oi hanks Each ot the banks otter SIX 0 r SIX
tip checks imprinted \\llll name it“. WU.” hanks llad common more elaborate savings plans
)(I iittl\
lllli lll \iii.ic tot t'ctut‘tieil U K ‘ O I le e Of Law
N9 illi‘t‘lxs \\.l\ limes! tit ll.tlll\' lll
ur i'oiiiiiii-ii‘e and ’l'rusi ('oiiipam ’ ? n
~ 0 H E E N-
“ “'" “““l "' ""' '“"""““‘ """' fl [1 all OS‘l'S rades HELLO' 8 AK Y s' M A V
tlf \t'ttlllll \atioiiat Hank \ ‘I'rust
“t1 (. mpim Hm“ .I ». Flu.“ .. '1‘ ‘-\\l I: lllll'l‘“\\ the l'imersitx Senate (‘ounCil TUESDAY NlGHT CANASTA CLUB
tt . ' t l' 1 ’ * . . - ,
amt - mm- “mm m... """""' 5““ “"""" “Hm wt (it ”We IS dime hr WOULD LIKE TWO LARGE PEPPER-
, , .. the tacult\ at taculty meetings
All ll\l'l(llilx\ll .lttiitltll .tlttl .lll(l\\\ 15..“ \l'lttl'slt't' l—‘l‘iltltis ltll' lllt‘ ’tl(l(‘tll‘ ‘ll‘t‘ ”(ll 'lll()\K(‘(l [0 'll- ONIS’ A LARGE MUSHROOM]
llll llll' ‘u. ‘oiuei t r - tin tlii "l in” 5' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
,0. t :1. :1' rt 1 ”till -m \n ”SH liillt‘th' ot l,.l\\ \\lll he posted “imp“ \Vesterticld said. Not AND A MED'UM SHR|MP-
.V (l 4 t il‘l t"('(‘ .I l” l
iod.i\ .ittei‘ lieini: ilel'ned k »- < .
"' - . t V V - ‘ ~ nimmg the guides liom the _
t, tilt/iii liiioii \..tioti.i| Link & “TM“? ”I t.ictt|t_\ grading previous scti’tcstcr is ANCHOVY PE’PPER- AND, '
ltltsl \\tll tianstei .in ti\i'ttll.t\\tt WUMHIH .. _ _ ,_ .. ll‘ . ._ 1,, t HURRY... I M LOS‘N .
1, ”Wk m ,i “N” Wm.“ H. ps}(ll()l()§,l(d } amount, 0
"(‘s count “'l'imedemands on the laculty WNW SilldOltL‘s‘. she said. and
, “ere such that the deadline was "”1“” ”5" them l" decide
l‘ H“ N'l'llt‘llfi " ”1" "”l.‘ l‘i'l‘k “Wm”; to [$01) 1 -- said Jusvph “hether tocontinuestudying law.
”will 'mrmdll} (MN m” 'Wluml Hausch. assistant dean ol‘ the ll “ 5‘.” \(tltfililH‘llli delay Th b d ll k "
\lllllt'll‘lll tiiiiils Ill .‘}ltl ai'coili‘nt college He promised grades could he L, psychological e OYS on now it:
lulu“. ‘I'MHHL "”0“” “m 5 \Hiuld lH‘ Imp-“.4 Mm“. Monday. distraction and it is “entirelr bUl their plZZOS
”ka llilllk "l ”l“ “ll“flm“ 1.“, ‘1 reasonable to“ antto start off the
ti-tpiiti's that on!) llt‘\\ accounts semester \\ith a clean slate " Will be delivered
lie illlll' to cou‘t' outside ('ltt‘t‘ks lll‘ll,,\\'5\\ I'llll': ('ttust‘tl l)\' the l"a(‘llll_\ members are aware of I
the H‘ml-‘l [tank & l'V‘N (ompan) ”5... (,1 ”my lVlN‘ “is“ \\'lll(‘h the students' problems. Rausch FREE by SHAKEY S.
MN." ”8 (mm requirements ml could not lie machine graded and N'Hd- and “RTN‘d ”W grades
elv H" "m ill ll" ( l“ m" (llNllm ; ‘ f M lilk'llll}' memiiers who have no should ht PU-‘lld Pm“ ‘0 ll“ f l 9
it past lll'lll’llll‘m” “m I" l" teaching assistants to help in beginning of the next semester Why settle or ess.
-- t ~ ' stomer‘s account . .
ven "n“ m m (u grading. Rausch explained? 277_5 774
A te\\ (,i the banks (,m-r special Faculty members extended the the l nirersily s (.ox'erning J V . ‘ ‘ V g ‘
hen student WNW“ [tank (,1 (‘mn original deadline tor grades to he Regulations stipulate that grades C
ted inercc my” in.“ personalized posted and students were not must l)(‘ completed three days . ‘
you ”ka5 m l'K students Bank ”t notified ot the change until after alter the end of a semester. But ' ’5.“ “I. N
er" Lexmgton ”HMS personalized the tact. said llehecca Westcrr medical schools and the (ollcge . . .
Wildcat checks at S] hu- too ot ticld. second year law student. a ot Law are exempt because they 2197 NIChOlaSVIlle Rd. Mm. 5250 order
'ritl them (‘eiitral Bank & 'I‘HN student senator and member of are professional schools h

11 ed



 l—'I‘lll", Kl‘iX'l‘l ('KY KENNEL. Monday. February II.




UT Space Institute
Research Assistants


Engineering, Math, Physics, Computer Science

February 6, 1975
University Placement Office
Call 258-2746 for Appointment





Field Jackets

Packs ior Books

Jungle Boots I ,
Combat Boots w)
Work Boots J

Flight Jackets
Camping Equipment
Flannel Shirts

Bike Packs

We Carry All Types

Of Army Surplus


109 N. Broadway 254-7613







Will Be In Room 251

Student Center
Monday —-
Wednesday —

Of This Week

9 A.M. To 3 P.M.


To Answer Questions
Hunter Faundation For Health Care
A Health Maintenance Organization


c/o Security Trust Bldg.
Short And Mill Sts.




Rises in cost of sugar
increase vending prices

(‘oiitinued from page I
from 16 cents per pound to 72
cents per pound. Plastic has gone
up 31 per cent and the price of gas
has doubled Even plastic soup
spoons have increased in cost 126
per cent."

However. to raise prices Macke
must receive approval from [K
and the state.

However, to raise prices Macke
must receive approval from L'K
and the state.

“To raise a product's price
Macke must first submit a
request and a detailed ex—
planation to me." said Tom
Fields. l'K directorof purchases,
“If i approve. the request is
forwarded to several other
departments of the l'niversity
and if they approve. it finally
ends up at the (‘ommonvvealth of
Kentucky‘s Division of Services.
Only after this complicated
process can {\laeke raise a
price.‘ ‘

l’Rt)B.\BI.\' .\S .\ result. l'K
vvas the last institutunin to raise
(‘okes to 30 cents

According to Ruschell. the
Macke Company received ex
elusive rights to operate vending
machines at [K hecausc they
submitted the lovvest hid

"In August of 1973 we signed a
five-year contract With Macke
\vith an option to renevx it for
three years," said ltusclietl
"included in the contract is a
provision for them to pay l'K a
set per cent of their gross From
vending machines ['K receives
18.13 per cent of the gross. from
concessions at ball games 261
per cent and from novelties sold
at ball games \\ e get 2:3 per cent "

'l‘lll‘l “HOLT-I ()l’r2l{.\'l‘lll.\'
netted l'K over 3231.000 in 1974

Some of the profits are placed
in the l'niversity‘s general tund
hut most of it is returned to the
area in which it was raised

“Almost all of theSttltitm made
trom concessions at hall games
was given to the athletic
department." said Ruschell

We've Cooked
A Big Surprise

La Rosa's

Woodhi ||
269 4668

(Rose and Euclid)
254 0587

Open 7 Days


“And almost all of the money
raised in dining areas. the
hospital and other specitic places
vvas retuned to them What vvas
left over went into the general
fund "

.\I.Tllt)l(;ll .\l\(‘K|-i
grossed over 81.143000 in 1974.
their small profit margin makes

any decrease in price
"Right now vve are making,

very little money from l'K. but I
have a personal agreement vvith
Mr Ruschell and l'lv' to pass on
any suhstantial decrease in cost
for my ravv products to the
students." said .-\rmstrong
Macke currently operates 2m
vending machines on campus as

vvell as 1.3 inicrovvave ovens and 7
money changers

machines Niacke has five
routemen that check each one
trequently In high volume areas
like the Student (‘enter. they are
checked daily Also, several
hostesses are employed to watch
the husiest locations

“llostesses are capable of
correcting niiiior malfunctions
and can operate the machines
until a regular
mechanic is make
repairs.“ said Stanley Ingram.
l'lv' super visor for Maeke. "Also,
vve have a mechanic on 24rhour
call It a does
malfunction. students should call
the nuinher on the machine "

ahle to


EPA asks corps to
reevaluate dam

(‘olitiiiiied from page I

ll”. l.Ifl'l'I’l{ concluded that
It is nnpossihle tor the coips to
tull_\ evaluate the impact ot this
protect because as the corps
stud} til the i‘i'oltiglcal ’ot t'ti

admits no systematic
\ii‘onmcntal tactoi\ t't‘.\[)tll1\1ltlt‘
tor the div erse and unique nature
ol the wage is availahle ‘

the lil’.\ also requested that
thy con
\ll'Ut'llttll and possihly cooperate
\\lll1 the \ational l’ark Serv ice lit
a more detinitne evaluation ot

corps "reevaluati-

this unique area ' The Park
N‘t‘vlk't‘ is currently conducting a
study to determine the gorge

areas potential tor designation
as a .\atioiial l..iiidiii;iik

"The Red
unique area

River gorge is a

“1”] a diverse
hiological community totiiid
novvhere else in Kentucky ‘ the
letter concluded "We

that the gorge is an area 'ahit l1


can provide us vvith .i vvealth of

intonnation ahout our natural
environment it it remains tree of
major alterations such as the ltcd

River Lake protect




Family Steak

Chopped Beet

Tossed Salad
Hot Roll with Butter
11 A.M. to4 P.M.
Monday thru Saturday

Steak House

Southland Dr.

1316 Russell
Cave Rd.


llll (tiltl's iscui'reiitlv in the
tiltlt'.\\ ot t“..'tlll.’illllL1 the l‘Tl’.-\
illllt‘hlti‘ airoi'diiie to coi'ps’
spitht'xlliall\lill'lll‘ “edigo pultlic

.ittaits l'lllt‘l

l'i-dieo \lltl then-spouse vvotild
tn sent to the l'll’.-\ hut it is no
make It

ttti\\llilt' ll) plllllH'

l‘t‘t'.tll\t' tit a \Lttl tum
[It'tttlllltl against construction ot

the 'l.tl11

the suit. tiled in l S l‘iisti'ict
tourt hy several l’ovvell t ounty
and conservation
that ”14' ('tlll
plotect lie halted
the eiivuonmeiital
,iiipacts to the area and liecausc

iiioiips. ii'uui-sts
ti o \ crs ial

because of

the tottis cost benefit tall” “as




The Kentucky Kernel


l‘u I’\~tt"1.&‘v hoiml :It .liniiiialtsiii

Hi. ltllllfl lltl\l'l‘l'\ HI hrnturky
ll'\lllxlitll hi iitutky. 'I-Mlt is mailed iive
‘iiiu m t klv during the “ Ill H'ar I'lU'pt

tltll iii.; I1Hlltl.i\\ .tlkl"\dll1 periods and twin
“I v H\ JHYHU. ‘iii \llnllltl‘f sessiili llitril
-las\ ; ‘Bidpil 1 all at 1.: \Iiuton. heritui'ky

I't.ltll\lltll by tho» kernel l’n-ss Illt founded
.i: Z‘Hi lt-nun as the (adet to 18“” and
t'iiltll‘ltt'tl imitiiiouush as the ki-ntuckv
I\i ll'll i'll I

\'l\l t?)‘~lll)c’ |ittl|ll\l10*(l “MTV!“ is Intended to
twp-1.. ll attn tun \nv tatse or misleading:
ulvi-i 'isiiie hould to imported!“ the editor‘-

III! 0

turner telephones

ltll"‘l litr‘oiial A ilitoi

.Ln If H

‘vl iiiaitiiic ttllll' \- via desk Zit' l. W
\Il‘.t‘l'L\lll}£ litisim-ss t It! lilatioi: .58 “>10
\1 iiils \'t\ 35': Mott












 ind 7

II v e

v are

It of.
ula r
i call

It the


III of





-d the

3t and

ided tn
lea df ii..-
-di IM‘.


Hartford shines tor

lty LYN Ili\(‘KI-th
Kernel Staff Writer

When John Hartford gives a concert, it's more
tIian a performance - it‘s an experience.
especially with a new performer like Severin
Brown setting the stage.

A note on the audience -~if you caught the
Steven Stills concert last year. you probably
didn‘t Iiear much over the “let‘s boogie-s“ and
the latest gossip over (‘heryl‘s newest boyfriend.
This concert was different.

MAYBE IT‘S because Bluegrass is the type of
music you either dig or not (so the audience was
selective). maybe it‘s because Hartford leaves
his communicating to his music; or maybe it‘s
because l'K has a new breed of students

whatever the reason, the crowd was the best
I'\ e ev er had the pleasure of sharing a concert

Brown took the stage and acted as though
every person in the audience was cool and neat
to know in one way or another. Although his
songs lean more towards the funny than the
serious. as a performer he gauged well when to
)tlkl‘. how much to entertain. and when to share
himself with the audience

As a result. when Hartford took the stage. the
crowd was primed and ready to get Into
Hartford's performance

Itlttl“ \' \I.St) said. interestingly enough that
both he and Hartford are getting into a new form
of meditation Maybe that's why Hartford
seemed to really enjoy performing Friday night
He also seemed thoroughly blown away; but that
is a Hartford trademark

His last concert here. two years ago. seemed
like he was just filling obligations. His music was


'down-home' crowd

good “it always is - but it lacked enthusiasm.
Not so this time. He had the crowd up and on its
feet square dancing after only 15 or 20 minutes.

IF YUL' WERE part of the crowd that saw him
Friday night, you‘re probably still a bit
embarrassed that your date caught you whisper-
ing under the spell of Hartford‘s stage directions.
“Let me be your salty dog or I won‘t be your man
at all —Honey let me be your salty dog."

Audience participation for Hartford goes a
little further than simple sing-alongs. They
include whisper—alongs. shout-alongs. stomp-
alongs. clap‘alongs and play-your-face-alongs.
Hartford went into his usual gig of playing parts
of the body like a drum and was as entertaining
as always.

After a standing ovation, Hartford announced
he was going out to play a set with J. D. Crowe
and the New South. A flood of students followed
him and stormed the Sheraton Hotel on
Richmond Road where Crowe is currently

LATER. WHEN Hartford took the stage with
Crowe. he said to the crowd, “You don’t know
how much of a treat this is to be able to come out
and play with J. I). Crowe and the New South.“
Surprised. Crowe and the New South looked at
each other. and then the audience. and just shook
their heads. Hartford obviously didn‘t realize
how much of a treat he was to have around.

The crowd kept on clapping and stomping. and
Hartford and the boys kept on playing. The
feeling in a word‘.’. it‘s “Yeah“ with a capital
“Y " Hartford, pack up your banjo in its case
with the picture of a steamboat on the
Mississippi. and come on back anytime.









ind war it WIIh YWuI‘dndldeDQO students and
‘,l'r.thI(I attendant Room and board ptiis
saint , 2’76 7394 30? .I

BABYSITTER FOR TWO children. seven
and nine. weekdays after school from 3 6
tin VWSJydrPG Liilt7547lltatter Six 30F5

WOODY‘S ls HIRING wai'resses toil and
out t-mr- tor restoutont - teen clut) Must
(”103.7 M re'soe 9 S at I20 9 Upper 25] 2066

BABYSITTER must drive 3‘) days per
Week Tl Ilshitt 272 L370af'erc 000 in 28F 3

WANTED RIDE TOand troin Green-Wine
Kitlutnlttd or (tiarleston South Carolina

Mann 14 ")7 is wil‘ pav caual shares of
i’thttISL'S tat? Part 253 3”? or Judy 255
(UN otter o I; III 'llf 7

PlllA HUT 384 Woodland Avenue
ui wrsuyPtaIalZSS 3078 Waitress waiter
Wt onworkwrthvour classschedote Appl,
u rvrsori Fooa: Opportunity Erhpliiyrv