xt7bvq2s7k3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7k3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-01-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1984 1984 1984-01-19 2020 true xt7bvq2s7k3w section xt7bvq2s7k3w  

Vol. LXXXVI. No. 95


Admissimoicy may ammo mums

Staff Writer

The University's selective adinis
sions policy may appear lenient to
some. but several pr0spective fresh
men have been cut from l'iii\ersit_\
roles, according to administrators
and lugh school counselors

“We are talking about one out HI
six freshmen that won't be ac
cepted." said Donald Sands. asso
ciate vice chancellor for ill‘.l(lt‘llll\'

John B Stephenson. special assis
tant to the chancellor for academic
development. said he was not sure
how many freshmen would be .ii
fected He estimated that lot: to too

freshmen fall under the new policy,
based on the number of freshmen
admitted in recent years.

The new policy will begin in Fall
1984 and will require incoming fresh-
men either to have an ACT score of
25 or better if their gradepoint aver-
age is between 20 and 2.49. or if
their A(‘T score is below 11. an over
age between 3.5and 4 0

Sands said the baSic standard is
not that high. but the idea behind
the policy is to admit only those stu-
dents who can survive at a college
lei el and not "flunk out,"

“e re not depriving anyone of
ligher education.” he said "They
can enter a community college and

Curriculum to be

reviewed next month

by faculty, students

By JOII.\ \USK! Ill
SpeCial Protects lrjditni

Students and fat tilt}. iiieiiitwi's .t
have a t‘hdllit' to if“ r tiiw
ions about the l iiziei'sity s genera
studies redoirements at ttirw
ings in February

The hearings \till tie siiuiiswi'eti it).
the ('ommittee to Renew
Education a faculty and
group that is i'l)ll>lt'lt'l‘l.';fi some this
siblc changes iii ”iv [I‘ii\t‘l‘,\iit \
general studies

General \lllilit'\
broad areas «it education
include Illiililt‘lliclllt\ and
phy. physiiai "mocha
sciences. itt'VHilli ia?!i_"l.n.‘t‘.\ human
ities I‘il\i()l‘\
haviorai sciences in gm
dents must Illitli. ii: iii 'll-
eight areas iis put" .is ".e l i. v!\"'.

The hearings
the liiiiersity conitiiu'ii‘j.
held at the following tin i‘zoiis

'Feb H J pit. fit 1, to p iii
Whitehall ('lassrmiii liiiiliiiiig

IFeb l5 it lit p ii. t... tt 3:.
the Kirwan Iiicilltllllfii ominous

'l-‘eb iii 4 i‘ iii in .3 to l‘ ii. .i'
auditorium in the Health
Learning ( 'enter

John H Stephenson ctiiiiiiiiai; «it
the committee and diivctor o: the


ii» i:




tuiisist wt
Hit il'i.i~
Iii; iiisii


swan sch-ii. es .illll he



it‘ii\" ’ \4

“Ilitl. .il”t' '

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Dorm funds
under eye
of councils ‘

Staff Writer


You’ll pay.

For all those residence halls
activities, you‘ll pay $6 per se-
mester, the amount the Univer-
sity returns to the dormitories

About $1.50 of the 98 goes to
the Coordinate Government on
either North or South campm,
where it is used for area-wide
activities such as a pig rout
given by the Northside bramh.
Bob Clay, assistant dean of she
dents, said.

Clay said that a system of
checks and balances guides how
the money is spent. "It is we de-
cision of the elected student
house comcil." he said, "wludi
is made up of student
tatives, and (an) elected lard»
dent. vice president and treme-


hslls on campus have mind
feelings about how inane“!
home councils spend this;



Appalachian ('enter.
hearings will represent a
people to share ideas
.m-i :serai education

\'i'IvIlt‘ll.\')Il said at least three
ZLt'IIZIK‘I\ of the committee will be
t-i‘esivii at each hearing to "share
wine of the goals we have set. share
“"Illt : the definite plans we hau-
Iiiii'lt ..i it get some response from
thel ll;'~“l'.\lY} community "

The committee. which reports to
tw'h I'nii'ersity Senate and
tlzanccilor for the main campus
met yesterday To iron out the sched
_.le wt hearings Members also deCld‘
make a iecommendation that
.ii'; ltiiit't‘ be designated at 3 Inner
s'Y‘. wide le\el to scrutinize tran~
\Kr.ll'.‘ to ensure that I'niversity re
illlith'illt‘nI\ including gene ral
sititlms are met

i'm i‘v-minmendation came in re
1 -. ,. transcript stud; pt"
l‘tl'lllt‘ti by certain members of the
iWIIII‘JilIt‘t‘ The study. which was
lime M inspecting transcripts of
~tudeiits who have graduated. was
tlt‘sigllk‘d to determine what general
studies courses students are actually
taknig Stephenson said

The committee found some inter-
i-stiiig Lii\t‘> he said. including one
sfiitieii' who graduated after fulfil
.‘ iii; uniy two of the general studies
\tt“ll I)‘ . I‘ilL’t "

‘it‘l\li\ >
’Z the
tidbit iitl‘



M} It!

transfer in after learning if they can
make it. What we‘re really saying is
that the student should be able to
maintain a ‘C‘ average "

Sands said he hopes the policy's
effect WIII enable the University to
offer the majority of UK students a
better education, "However we hope
the average high school student is
not gomg to be frightened away." he

"We'll have to look at the long run

. whether we'll have an enrollment
drop that will hurt is." he said.
“But we hope in the future to have
more transfer students "

The new policy has been under
consideration for some time. Ste-
phenson said “If we are building to

ward excellence, it is a wise policy

In Lexington high schools, stu»
dents who failed to meet the policy's
standards are looking at the alterna-

Atha Dickenson, guidance counsel-
or at Lafayette High School. said.
“I‘ve been handing back ACT scores
this morning and I've already had
two who retook the test because
their ACT scores were below the pol-
icy's standards, And they still fell

"A lot of our kids would rather
stay in Lexmgton and always
thought they'd go to UK. and now
they have to look at the alternatives
like Lexmgton Technical Institute

which is gomg to become a commu-
mty college." Dickenson said

Bill Goodan, guidance counselor at
Henry Clay High School. expects the
policy to affect about 50 seniors
“I’ve found a few looking toward
Eastern.” he said "They're hurt
that they can't get in L'K and don't
want to tell their friends "

He said that while it is too late for
this year's students. he thinks in the
long run it will be a good p0ll(‘\
“The statistics we see show a lot
who go in and flunk. be said 'In
:he past. we've seen students choose
easier classes in the phase electives
Now students are much more con
cerned about the courses they
choose "

Gene Blaydes guidance counselor
at Tates (reek High School. agreed
that the long-run effe7
' \i'u'lt’vli-usi-s ' li'i'i'ssurii's ' lullm‘lililr's
“nil-Hut l I \‘l-f’» l"l,"iiii l2-3 I’“
5595 South Limi-

( (Il‘lll'f‘ of Limestone iiiiil I‘lui-liil


( Ity




of the year" to see if there is an actual
increase. he said.

more," said A&S Dean Michael Baer.
who said he urges faculty members to do

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A career ladder would cost from $125

million to $150 million to implement over i viitltiunl twin l‘dL'Vt’W

a period of thl years Most Of that book under contract Wllll Mat-Millan
money would come in later years, Rat Press in London. mil-(i Di-miimim
Cliff? said tion ofthe French Empire

Raismg teacher salaries and lengthen
mg the school year would cost an additio

"The book is to serve as a supple
inentary reading and should be pub
lished in 1985.“ he said

Thompson. who was applauded by Sen
Mike {\loloney'. Ilvlexmgton. for h” Betts plans to write as long as he
stance on raising taxes. said the sales can ”I “0““ “k“ I” take Wm" “f
mix was the most fair and equitable man my neu spaper articles. all ”l “h“‘h
her to fund education, making sure that are short ‘5535'5- h“ “‘d- “and d“

all Kentuckians paid some share of the Vt‘lop them into something a. little
cost larger, more enduring “

tither taxes considered included thOse “ml“ Mild h“ lf‘i’lr ht‘ 1> at: t'xaiii
on corporate pmflb‘ personal mum“. ple (it scientist Niels Bohr s concept

tax. unmined minerals and some others, l "l complementary "3105‘ “l “hill 1
Thompsonsaid l do professionally complements yiliat

I do otherwise." he said ‘ It makes








“I can't imagine anyone yumpmg for a constantly changing hut coir
through hoops for mcreasmg taxes." sisteiit mosaic "
Thompson admitted 7—
SI 73
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t. n









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THE KENTUCKY KERNEI. My, me 1., 1m - 3

‘h n» o


Redskins and Raiders battle for gridiron title

Powerful Redskin offense
will present a major threat

The "Fun Bunch" and "The

Hardly appropriate nicknames tor
the defending Super Bowl champs
but the Washington Redskins aic
going back to the biggest spectacle
in sports and they‘re better than

This Sunday the Redskins and the
dreaded Los Angeles Raiders viiéi
meet in Super Bowl XVII to deter
mine the best team in football The
'Skins face the enviable task of be
coming the first team in 17 years to
win successtve NFL championships
after beating the Miami Dolphins :7
17 last year

The game has the potential to ltl‘
come the best .s'uper Itoul oi all
time, Neither team holds back any
thing. Football is the name of the
game and they play i: knock down.
drag 'em out. thank you \t'l‘} much

tip to this point. the leskins
have to be considered the best teaii.
in pro football tJyvners of a it: A re
cord. they have won in a big yvay
They sealed the doom of the llallas
Cowboys in a late~season .itri. nai‘
rowly defeated the San l'rzirisist-«
49ers. 24—21. iii the first round of the
NFC playoffs. and then pronip'li
destroyed the Los Angeles Rains, ’
7. in the NFC championship

They do it With a finely tuned o!
tense and a defense that at times
Seems to he made up ot eieyei
throwbacks to crormagnon Illiil‘

Behind all this is Joe Hints ‘in
best coach since Vince Lonitiart'
Gibbs was named the spout.
News coach of the year for tht on
0nd straight year this season am;
never fails to come up with a LLJH.‘
plan that‘s nothing short of tiriiliaiit

()n offense one must begii. yti'i
“The Hogs. ' the Skins iriaunirzeeizt
Offensn'e lirie Led by it} l’!’ s Russ
Grimm and Joe Jacoby a I.oii.si ii-
native and H. graduate these “logs
play Just like their nickname inipliis
downtoearth and I‘It holds ‘1 .i'
red Bookend tight mid: t'izii’ It .; t?
and Ricky Walker round oi.‘ .i Idll
ishiiig blocking ereyt

Behind these behemotiis s‘awis
the biggest flake or :iidiyidnai
take your pick .tohii Higgins \2;
honorary hog quite and honor ..;
the Redskins , Riggins I'Ilslll'il tor
347 yards on 375 carries llltl or .ii'
NFL record. scoring .74 lttlll'lliltl‘.\!i‘s
He led all scorers II“ the \H .iitli
144 points. qtiite a feat 1n ‘otia: s
world of Soyardrplus field goal kits

Higgins possesses an odd t'tIIIlil
nation of talents and “suite .\r. :I'.
Side banger by nature. he it UN .is
soon run over a (lt‘lt'llsl'vt‘ pla‘. er 1‘
look at one. but he has the speed to

' t


get ivti'sidi .li'lll break a long one
Higgins also can tatt h the bail
yyhich makes him about the biggest
threat in football today

For his yeonian efforts. Riggins
was named the Iith recipient of the
l’sf‘ll Hell Aviard recogiii/ing the out
standing player in the \H.

While the Redskins go .\.th titlitvs
twoltitiotiary one back backfield
using Higgins talent to the utmost
little .Ioe Washington is an effectiye
tool trom behind the offensive liiie
.\ niiilti talented threat \yasliiiigtoii
is a speed deiiioii to the outside and
.ii'! v‘\l i‘ilt‘tl’. glass I‘t’t't‘:‘yt‘l‘

speaking of pass I‘t'tt‘i‘xlllli thert
lite "Fur. bunt-h, led iij. ;\lll’l
t harlzt- ltrmtn \I" \Iot‘k anti ear-r;
body s layorite iittie tlitil‘ihl".
-\ly in '. iarrett

.II‘M 21;.1'. 'Tttl‘


\l'l .t.

rem-pimps nutli T: Monk .s a tiass:

Brown a .
south t art .:.'..i state led tn.

gazelle type receiver l"tl‘illllilllg es.
teptaiiia striping ability in}; not»:
lictl |l\ ll Pit .tll’l lli‘ I tillitl"> g1!" 'liig!
.11: going o.. tun lt‘lld v. .t.3. oe .i
.iig r .- er,-i xoii. .tz‘l: 'iit-.~

lair? ‘lie I‘ A”; sot. o9 "

\k.tis ottense ; 4.,bbs .ti't-r ego
-iii.ir‘erliaek .Io. I‘heisiiiaia‘i It-i‘eit
."iu' .i with”. 1'“! ‘l
we ;,>:‘.i‘.~ 4W dealt-d
'llieis!ii..:i:; :s at: ‘iil

Isrii “Avil‘tl

,s gm:

ri..sst'l 'it!
.‘ll- It 4.)” imam” fit it tit- pf.
iwiztipiet " l.’it'.sII.

,"' 'tt‘it‘fltlii'.tf‘> llt‘ ~ .

.ZHiliIJ; aluii“. ‘


\K.II.\ .ii‘l' :‘.‘>tt

Mil 'llf’ ltlllit"l \i-

the grei' \lliillii tennis

\Ios' iio'atin .inavigg 'ii.s

iiiizitli .ii‘e ilt'lt'llslw‘ litre

tui'.’ .iri: Ites'ei \lai'... -.

. .

e "Murat: t».


i , .
~tli .i.. ..

rail: ‘vlrl.’llf"

'll' slltil" ptis‘s '.

so" up I’. ugns l'
\IIV" Ito», “fig" :. .. net} .
1M yards or t‘e‘ tarrtes tlt.‘i'7}v'll‘.t' /

:ig \l.i'i. s lift: liws ttzt'zw

ohm the; in: " ‘ " ’i.llil.<

- L. . I .t. >,v.
” ii. l2 - ~ *itsl ..

.ln‘fttrr n in blittd :f
. uni take plate .‘eavtig
'rie limiter detense ,i.or;der;,'ig 1t hat
l‘fi-I skits defense xyi‘! Iciit/ vyiil
22kt '"é‘ .itea behind-ti 'lie inches
1 tren. \Iaic'is .\ller. and Kenny.
lrz‘ 'tie lti.1f‘l‘\ passing game
.'ii.i: .iie Skins Earlier in the
ii' Raider yuarterbatk .Iirn l’luti
ke” ratified the Skirts secondary
lieu. llL' out to an early to .‘t- iead be
:‘tl't 'l‘hesniarzrz engineered a iiilllds
xi i'illll'fliit'K to pull the game out
‘ w \lll'l‘. noun-yer missed that
tiiii’t's‘ All“ .it‘. ‘Yljtlr'.
. earIj seasor: games don!
:7» an .1 ‘tiiiLg :ll tht Super Rim.
\\ t:.:’ s all this. ieadziig tip to‘

Redskins 21 ltaidt rs 3.

‘1i.t'".ti‘ \"I

3"» Kv'ttt ~

Men’s and women’s indoor track begins season

Staff Writer

The ['K men‘s and vyoniens in
door track teams will open their sea
SOUS this weekend In the l\tl)4lil}
Eastman Invitational at Johnson
City. Tennessee

The invitational committee has se
lected over 150 teams. including
some of the nation‘s best. such as
Texas Christan I'niy'ersity. l'niyersi
ty of Texas El Paso. Villanova [iii
versity. University of Tennessee
and Auburn University

Last year over iioo spectators
watched the event anti about the
same number is expected this year
Many teams use the event to quality
for Nationals. The runners' times
are greatly increased because of the

ii‘.o't‘.s;1i‘tl 7.".ii‘k 'vll'iitl‘. ts tiltt's.\.lll
ot a hole "winpareii to the regular

We should have .i may difficult
time in the ionferente \ye haye too
teyi and not enough good guys 'he
res' itist hayen' develop-ti,” Don
t'oiiiine assistant indoor track
‘.U.it'h said “We shoiild htiye the
conference contenders on the men‘s
team in Mike Bunch shot put
.\I.irtit. t‘lark \ndy Ruliiiond. t'hris
Reyord and Mike McKay in the dis
tante running eyents'

'l‘he iyonieiis team will feature
. ll .\tiierit'.in Tonya lAHKt‘. \yl‘io fin»
isth fifth iii the M'-\.»\ in the too
meter hurdles. Holly Strait and
limb trapper. who could be the
best allarotind throuer in \t'.\.»\
history yvith a good senior year in

the shotptit dist tilil iavelin
according tot oil in.

Senior \Iiise \li Kai. '.y:3l in
looking tor his w-s' yea: eyer 'I. in
door track

'I in shoii'aic .' i." or .3 1' '.’l the
l.‘INt i:. Ill" l“.t>'lfl.ti. I“. .‘alioziai
Mth} said I tiepe to innproye
each inwt l l‘.‘ yt‘l_\ optimistic
about the seasoi:

Ittiring liis iiiiim: year \‘icKay tit.
ished fourth I." the ,‘sI-jt' ”l pint. to
shot for the top tti;s year In“, run
niiig yery good I lust want to do the
best Iran. "McKay said

\lt-Kay is sutfv'r.iig ri‘oin a bump
on his heel \yhich iias diagnoised as
briicitis Because of the |Il_tlll“. he
has had to cut holes :ii his running
shoes to prey ent the pressure

"The bad weather oi er t‘hristnias

Louisville Male High School player
signs with Claiborne’s UK squad

By The Associated Press

LOUISVILLE -. David Johnson. a
flanker tram Louisville's Male High
School. has committed to play foot
ball at UK. Male coach Wally ()yler

Johnson runs 40 yards in 4 4 sec
onds. He caught 26 passes for 415
yards last season and scored seven

little more.” Frederick 1. Van Len
nep of (‘ast leton Farms said

"We plan to schedule the $75.1!»
estimated t'astleton t‘up Internatione
al Stallion Stake event on that af
ternoon "

He is listed in critical condition.
but the doctors said his vital signs
remain stable.‘ Shapiro said

harden was knocked out by Acos
ta with only 38 seconds remaining in
a fight that he had dominated much
of the way The fight was the main
event on a card presented at Roller
Skateland in suburban Santee.
about 20 miles northeast of San

break slowed us down a little but yye
should be able to get back into the
groove in a couple of weeks,"
\It Kay said

senior Missy Vaughn is also
looking for her best year ever in in
.loor track Vaughn suffered a pulled
'ianistiwiig during the t‘rOss (‘ountry
season and is still nursing it back to
health yiith the use of a whirlpool
and nautilus machine

I feel I‘m not quick en