xt7bvq2s7m18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bvq2s7m18/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-06-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 25, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 25, 1992 1992 1992-06-25 2020 true xt7bvq2s7m18 section xt7bvq2s7m18 UK mopping up
following storms

By Dale Greer
News Editor

A week after severe thunder-
storms caused localized flood-
ing on campus. UK officials
still are cleaning up water-
soaked basements and assessing
property damage that could sur-
pass $500,000.

”This ranks with a catas-
trophe." said John W. Hunt,
UK’s risk manager. “I would
say we‘ve got over a half mil-
lion dollars in damage, and I
mean over a half million — I
didn‘t put a maximum limit on

Although no one was injured
on campus, the Thursday eve-
ning storm brought 65 mph
winds and dumped 4 1/2 inches
of rain on Lexington, turning
parts of Limestone Street into a
river and flooding more than 35
UK buildings.

Most buildings sustained only
minor damage to carpets and
moldings, but a $30,000 trans-
former in Donovan Hall was
mined when it became partially
submerged by the flood, said
Jack Blanton. vice chancellor
for administration.

At Lexington Commmity
College, runoff from a construc-
tion site spewed layers of mud
into the basement of the Malo-
ney Building and damaged sev-

en new computers.

“It looks like a disaster area,“
said Ben Carr, chancellor for the
Community College System.

Sewer drains backed up across
campus, causing torrents of wa~
ter forceful enough to cave in a
steel door in the sub-basement
of the W.D. Funkhouser Build-
ing, Blanton said.

Some of the worst damage oc-
curred in the Central Heating
Plant on Upper Street, where
rain turned the roadway into a 5-
foot deep swimming pool.

Jack Applegate, director of the
Lexington Campus Physical
Plant Division, said pump mo-
tors and an emergency generator
were completely underwater and
now have to be repaired.

Several vehicles parked be-
hind the plant also were com-
pletely submerged, and an
$80,000 mobile dental clinic
was damaged at the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center.

At Memorial Coliseum, water
flooded into basketball coach
Rick Pitino‘s office through an
air vent in the ceiling. The
wooden floor of the basketball
court also was covered with wa-
ter, and officials aren‘t sure it
can be salvaged.

“It‘s curled around the edges,
so we'll probably let it dry and
try to sand it.“ Applegate said.

See FLOOD, Page 4

MEG SAM/Kernel Stall

UK students last week trudged through flood waters on South
Limestone Street in front of the Taylor Education Building.

Med Center developing AIDS policy

By Kyle Foster
Editor in Chief

In an attempt to deal with the
ethical and medical dilemmas of
AIDS in the healthcare environ-
ment. UK's Albert B. Chandler
Medical Center is developing its
first-ever. Medical Centerwide
AIDS policy.

Since 1988. the Medical Cen‘
ter. which includes the UK Hos-

pital and the five medical colleg-
es. has operated under guidelines
recommended by the federal Cen-
ters for Disease Control and a
Iirnited University policy imple-

mented during former UK Presi-
dent David RoselIe‘s tenure.

“We have to make sure people
don‘t get exposed to the vims and
we wanttodothatthebestway
we see how." said Phyllis Nash.
vice chancellor for academic af-
fairs at the Medical Center and
chairwoman of the current AIDS
policy committee.

Nash said that when she took
over the vice chancellor position
in March. she saw a need for a

Medical Ccnterwidc AIDS poli-
cy. which was non-existent at the


The 1988 “University Proce-
dures in Response to Issues Sur-
rounding AIDS" devotes one sec-
tion to the policies of the UK
Hospital and has two other sec-
tions applying to the hospital

See AIDS, Page 6

ThUrs‘day,'June 25, 1992

a finalist
for top job
at Missouri

By Dale Greer
News Editor

Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway is
one of five finalists for the job of
chancellor at the University of
Missouri‘s main campus in (To-

Hemenway. who said he did
not apply for
the position.
will visit the
campus next
week to meet
with school
and faculty.

“It's too
HEMENWAY early to tell if

it‘s something
I'll be interested in,“ Ilemenway
said yesterday. “I have 17 years
invested in the University of Ken-
tucky and have a great deal of af-

See HEMENWAY, Page 4

Life's not fair for UK baseball
coach Keith Madison.
Column, Page 3.


As the number of AIDS cas-
es increases. the impact of

the disease hits home — at
UK and nationWIde.

Pages 6.7.


Democratic presidential can-
didate Bill Clinton shows guts
by standing up to rapper Sis-
ter Souljah's racism.

Column, Page 10.


Diversions ........................... 5

Classifieds. .................... 1 1


 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel

Burglars break into fraternity;
Phi Psi installs security system

Stafl reports

Burglars broke into a safe a
Phi Kappa Psi Social Fraternity
last Tuesday, said UK Police
Chief W.H. McComas.

The burglars took $50 and pos-
sibly some checks made out to
the fraternity. No other valuables
were taken, although the fraterni-

ty's stereo and other equipment
were located near the safe, said
Ted Supulski. president of the fra-

“I think they were looking for
money," he said. “It's kind of
strange because we had a break-in
at the same time last year, same
room, same entry."

McComas said he believes the
burglars broke into a tool shed lo-

cated at the back of the house
then used the tools from the shed
to gain entry into the fratemity's

“I hope they come back be-
cause now we will have a sur-
prise for them,“ Supulski said.

Phi Psi has installed a new se-
curity system to prevent another

Thursday, June 25. 1992

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 , June 25, 1992

Thursday, June 25, 1992

Colleges take budget cuts


By Brant Welch
Staff Writer


Because of sharply rising at-
tendance and recent budget re-
ductions, students in UK‘s Com-
munity College System may find
it harder to take the classes they

Ben Carr, chancellor of the
Community College System, said
UK‘s 14 community colleges
will be forced to turn away stu-
dents when classes become full
because there is no money to hire
additional faculty.

“The budget cuts will stifle our
growth," Carr said. “With new
facilities and staff, we could have
a 10 to 12 percent increase in en-
rollment this fall. Now, it looks
as if we will only have a 5 to 6
percent increase, and it’s all we
can handle without the walls cav-
ing in.

“I don’t see any relief for at
least two years, and, even then, I
don’t foresee large amounts of
money for education."

The Community College Sys-
tem cut $3.3 million from it‘s
1991-92 operating budget after
the state reduced it‘s appropria-
tion to UK last fall.

Although the system was
spared from further cuts in its
1992-93 budget, the colleges are
hard-pressed even to pay for of-
fice supplies.

“The sad thing is that the bud-
get cuts have brought us down to
the bare bones," said Jerry Grein-
er, dean of students at Maysville
Community College. “It may
sound funny but sometimes we
don‘t have enough money for
stamps or typing paper."

Bob Park, dean of students at
Henderson Community College,
said the school may have to in-
crease class sizes to accommodate
more students.

“We may have to raise the num-
ber of people we have in each
class. It may also mean students
will have to take classes at times
they may not desire, but the bud-
get cuts will eventually catch up
to us," he said. “Right now, we
are trying to allocate our resourc-

Another problem the budget
cuts may pose is that more selec-
tive admissions policies may be
implemented by the community
colleges, said Larry Miller, dean
of students at Owensboro Com-
munity College.

Although the community col-

leges are reeling from budget
cuts, there are several expansion
projects underway. The money
for the projects was allocated by
the state before the budget cuts
were announced in December.

Owensboro Community Col-
lege has two new buildings under
construction. Owensboro is
building a Campus Center, which
will include dining facilities (the
first on its campus), lounges, a
counseling center and an art gal-

A new classroom building also
is under construction.

Henderson also has two new
buildings in the works: a Science
Technology Building and a Civic

Lexington Community College
is in the process of building what
is currently being called the Aca-
demic and Technical Building, to
provide more classroom space.

Tuition has increased $10 per
semester at each of the communi-
ty colleges, with the exception of
LCC. Tuition will remain at cur-
rent levels at LCC, but a new
technology fee will raise the cost
of attending the college by $4 per
credit hour. The fee will be used
to expand computer facilities.

Summer Kentucky Kernel - 3



Additional $30,000
allocated to SGA


By Jay Phillips
Contributing Writer


UK‘s Student Government
Association has been given a
$30,000 injection could trans-
late into better student servic-
es, SGA President Pete No-
vember said.

The new revenue is included
in a $143,000 interim budget
passed by the SGA intean
Senate June 10. The budget re-
flects a 21 percent increase
over last year‘s figure because
of a hike in student fees that
was approved by the UK
Board of Tmstees in May.

Almost all of the increase
was given to the SGA Senate,
which next year will have a
budget of $67,000. The re—
mainder of $143,000 will fund
SGA‘s executive branch and
programs like the Student Es-
cort Service.

The full impact of the addi—
tional $30,000 won‘t be felt
until the senate begins allocat-
ing it for specific projects in

the fall.

“My hope is they‘ll use the
extra money to help some stu-
dent organizations that were
hurt by the budget cut," No-
vember said.

SGA‘s budget increase
comes at a time when UK is
slashing $11.5 million from it‘s
1992-93 operating budget be-
cause of a reduction in state ap-
propriations. UK also cut $15.2
million in December.

The reductions have hit eve-
ry sector of UK, and many stu—
dent programs. like the march-
ing band, are feeling its effects.

November said the interim
senate passed a bill June 10 au-
thorizing SGA to buy new
flags for the band‘s color
guard. SGA also is spending
$3,500 to sponsor in part the
Student Center Spectacular, an
orientation program for new
students. Previously, the spec-
tacular has been sponsored by
the Dean of Students‘ Office
but budget cuts made that im-
possible this year, November




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 4 - Summer Kentucky Kernel


Continued from Page 1

fection and commitment to the
institution. I’m not burning to

Hemenway has been a chancel-
lor at UK since 1989. He over-
sees academic programs and the
13 colleges on the school’s Lex-
ington Campus. He is second in
command at the University.

Hememway began his academ-
ic career as a UK English profes-
sor in 1966 and served as chair-
man of the school’s English
department from 1981 to 1986.
He then left the school to become
dean of arts and sciences at the
University of Oklahoma

The University of Missouri
system consists of four campus-
es, each run by a chancellor who
reports to the school's president.
The system has S8,(.00 students,
with 25,000 of those on the Co-
lumbia campus, said university
spokesman Maurice Manring.

This compares with about
24,000 students at UK, and an
additional 68,000 in UK’s 14
community colleges.

Manring said the University of
Missouri’s Board of Curators is
expected to select the new chan-
cellor by late July. The position
is being filled on an interim basis
by the school’s provost, Gerald

Brouder is one of the five fi-
nalists for the position, which
opened after Haskell Monroe re-
signed in December, citing dis-
pleasure with budget cuts at the

Other finalists for the job:

-Steven M. Cahn, provost and
vice president of academic affairs
at The City University of New
York's Graduate School and Uni-
versity Center

Charles A. Kiesler, provost at
Vanderbilt University

0David K. Scott, provost and
vice president for academic af-
fairs at Michigan State Universi-



Newman Center hit
by recent flooding


By Kyle Foster
Editor in Chief








When Pigs
Have Wings


Amid the destruction that
swept UK's campus last Thurs-
day after severe thunderstorms
dumped 4 1/2 inches of rain on
Lexington, a community spirit
could be found at UK‘s Catho-
lic Newman Center.

“The spirit has just been tre—
mendous," said Father Dan
Noll, pastor and ten-year resi-
dent at the center, located at
320 Rose Lane.

The water level reached far
beyond the height of the metal
chairs that fill the auditorium-
like church, destroying over a
million dollars in renovations
that were completed last Sep-

“The worst has been the
heartbreak of all the people‘s
work and pride in remodelling
the facility and seeing that all
swept away in 45 minutes, but
it took about 45 minutes for all
the people to love and work
and hope and to comeback in
and start over again — that‘s
the best of it," Noll said.

Lexington about about a

month's worth of rain in a
24-hour period.

Noll said he was in the base-
ment of the Newman Center
when it began to rain.

“Water began seeping in the
walls and Sister Ellen (Kehoe)
started yelling about water
coming in under the doors up-
stairs," he said.

The next thing they knew,
the building and the street out-
side were flooded. Cars were
immersed in water. Noll said
some students floating along
on a raft stopped to help move
what they could to higher

N011 and Kehoe lost their
cars in the flood and so did a
man who left his unattended in
the parking lot to help inside.

The good news for Noll and
his congregation is that the
flood and ground water insu-
ranoe should pay for all of the
damages. .

“The official estimate is as
much to replace as it was to do
the original renovations,“ said
Tim Enoch, the Newman Cen-
ter‘s business manager.

“I’m hoping it won’t cost as
much, and we‘re hoping our




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‘ 1 _ lullsrlrs

-"ERI'., JUNE 26-

Thursday, June 25, 1992


Continued from Page 1

“As it dries, it may pop up. If
that happens, that‘s a major ex-
pense — over $100,000, I'm

The rain also forced UK’s Stu-
dent Government Association to
close its offices Friday while
workers moved furniture and
cleaned up the basement of the
Student Center, where the office
is located.

No major damage occurred in

the building, but SGA Vice Pres—
ident Lee Ann Davenport said
the building’s now-moldy carpets
smell “gross — I mean really
UK Police were swamped with
phone calls following the rain.
and Chief W.H. McComas said
extra officers worked through the
night to check out thousands of
false fire alarms caused by the

“We also dealt with a lot of
emergencies where people were
stuck because of the flooding,“
McComas said. “The house
mother in Sigma Nu (social fra-
ternity) was trapped by water,
and get her. She couldn't get
through the water, and she was

Blanton said 100 workers from
the Physical Plant Division spent
all night Thursday pumping wa-
ter out of campus buildings and
digging up niptured steam lines.

Most of the damage probably
will be covered by flood and an-
tomobile insurance, but Hunt
said it is too early to tell how
much liability the University will
have to assume. Any damage
caused by leaking roofs will not
be covered by insurance, he said.

Adjusters will spend the next
few weeks surveying damage.





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une 25, 1992

i Page I

nay pop up. If
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Thursday, June g), 1992




’Patriot Games’
a flimsy fantasy


By John Dyer Fort
Arts Editor


“Patriot Games" draws us
in, only to disappoint. Just
when the film promises to be a
fresh, “existential" spy thriller
with an intelligent here, the
whole thing disappears behind
a Hollywood smoke screen.

Harrison Ford is Jack Ryan,
a retired CIA analyst turned
history professor. Ryan wants
to be Joe Citizen — if he can
live down his CIA past. 002-
ing humble self-assurance,
Ryan accepts his lot in life like
a reluctant little boy.

While visiting London with
his wife (Anne Archer) and
daughter, Ryan unwittingly
draws the wrath of the Irish.
Stumbling onto an Irish terror-
ist plot, he single-handedly
body slams, disarrns, shoots
and kills one Irish terrorist and
prevents the kidnapping of
British royal family members.

The Irish promptly forget
their suffocating English yoke
and pursue Ryan in America.
They stalk him like rabid hell
hounds, shooting at children.
on streets and on the Inter-
state, nearly killing Ryan’s
wife and daughter.

Ford usually excels as the
self-mocking, reluctant hero.
This, along with his knack for
comedy, made Hans Solo and
Indiana Jones come alive.

But in “Patriot Games,"
Ford goes from reluctance to
relentlessness in a transforma-
tion more fitting for Rambo.

Archer is the model horne-

maker/mother/career woman
-— a surgeon who performs mi-
crosurgery before rushing off
to pick the kid up from school.

Ryan goes back to work for
the CIA, a good 01‘ American
company that cares for its em-
ployees and their families. The
Feds move heaven and earth to
find the Irish: Spy satellite fly-
bys are rerouted, a covert Ma-
rine operation is dispatched for
a late night kill-run in North
Africa, and all the CIA‘s high-
priced techno-toys are offered
him. Now that‘s a heck of a
benefits package.

Nonetheless, the terrorists
manage to sneak back for an-
other go at Ryan and his fami-

We know by now what we
feared all along: Another film
has sought the safety of formu-
laic, cathartic American wet
dreams (for Jungians. the
nighttime speed boat chase on
a stormy ocean is a must-see).
The end is all too predictable.

As an audience, not only are
we asked to believe in delu-
sions of moral, physical and in-
tellectual American superiori-
ty. we are to cheer about them.

“Patriot Games” is all fi-
nesse, big bucks and big stars.
There are some exciting mo-
ments, but in the end we are
unsatisfied. It's just another
Hollywood “kick foreign butt"
fantasy for closet heroes.

"Patriot Games, " rated R. is
showing at Lexington Green,
Lexington Mall and North
Park cinemas.





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‘lii‘ ii'.'i \ HNLY

Summer Kentucky Kernel — 5


Outdoor jazz and bluegrass
featured in this week’s events

by John Dyer Fort


Today at noon. Lunch with
the Arts presents Bob and Susie
Hutchison at Cheapside Park.

The Hutchisons, dulcimer art-
ists, kick off a weekend of Blue-
grass music at Woodland Park.

Summer Sounds '92 presents
“professor jazz.“ Orville Ham-
mond, and the Orville Ham-
mond Trio tonight at 7:30 in the
old UK Botanical Gardens (be-
hind the new Student Center).
The program is free.

Tonight, the Headley-Whitney
Museum opens “Southwest Vi-
sions” with a free reception from
6 to 8 pm. The three-part exhibit

~Photography from the Ameri-
can Southwest by Willi Wood, a
former Lexington artist and cur-
rent art director for Taos Maga-

"‘Contemporary Works”
from more than 30 Southwest re-
gional artists.

“Traditional Native Ameri-
can Art,” including pottery. tex-
tiles, jewelry and sculpture. high-
lighting the art of the Hopi. Zuni,
San Ildefonso, Santo Domingo.
Apache and Navajo people.

The exhibit runs until August



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Lexington's I 1th annual
Woodland Jubilee Festival
brings Bluegrass to Woodland
Park starting Friday at 7 pm.
and lasting through Sunday

The festival will feature Chero-
kee folk singer Walker Calhoun
and the Raven Rock Dancers:
the Appalachian Association of
Sacred Harp Singers: Edna
Ritchie Baker: Homer [.edford



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and his band; The Yonders:
plus string bands. modem-day
balladeers and various folk-
dance groups from around Ken-

Other activities include folk
music workshops Saturday af-
ternoon and a boots-or-bare-fcet
folk dance scheduled for Satur—
day night.

For more information call

Arts Editor John Dyer Fort 13'
an Englirh junior and (1 Sum-
mer Kernel columnist.





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 6 — Summer Kentucky Kernel


Continued from Page 1

“It is the policy of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky Hospital that all
employees will use Universal Pre-
cautions with all patients, and that
additional precautions, other than
use of a private room. will not be
employed for AIDS patients. UK
Hospital follows the CDC guide
lines for the care of patients with
communicable diseases.

“It is also the policy of the UK
Hospital that HIV positive em-
ployees should report their condi-
tion to their supervisor or to Infec—
tion Control."

Universal Precautions include
the use of sterile gloves, protective
barriers and care in the use and
disposal of needles and other
sharp objects.

A related area requires appli-
cants seeking employment in areas
that deal with blood and body
fluids to meet all the occupational
requirements as specified in their
job descriptions and to avoid caus-
ing verbal or physical disruptions
in the work environment.

The last area states that routine
testing of University employees
will not take place.


Also in 1988, UK Hospital offi-
cials developed a hospital policy
that paralleled Roselle‘s AIDS
committee guidelines and the
CDC recommendations.

The I l/2-page policy requires
compliance with recommendations
by the CDC and the American
Hospital Association when using
Universal Precautions.

“The universal blood and body
fluid precautions must be taken by
healthcare workers to protect
themselves from potential infec-
tions," the policy states.

The hospital policy also touches
on the posting of Universal Pre-
cautions and monitoring of em-
ployee compliance with those pre-

A Medical Centerwide policy
detailing precaution instructions
and specific areas of interest —
AIDS education, mandatory test-
ing and the sensitive ethical and
legal issues involved — was not
researched or implemented, and
the 1988 policies have remained in
effect for four years.

“This is not a one-time thing."
Nash said of the current commit-
tee. “We're going to have to have
an ongoing group because things
keep changing."

In the four years since Roselle‘s
AIDS policy committee developed
UK's guidelines, there have been
rapid changes in the bealthcare en-
viromnent, federal guidelines and
knowledge about the disease and
the human immunodeficiency vi-
I'US — HIV — that causes AIDS.

Last summer the CDC updated
its AIDS guidelines for healthcare
workers — the first revision since

Currently, those guidelines are
under revision again, said CDC
spokesman Tom Skinner.

With so many changes in AIDS
statistics and guidelines, Nash, who
was named vice chancellor last
spring, said, she immediately rec-
ognized the need for an AIDS poli-
cy and began forming a committee
in March.


The University of Cincinnati be-
gan similar policy-changing proce-
dures last summer following a
1990 Florida incident that is the
only known case of HIV being
transmitted from a dentist to pa-

The case prompted the UC Col-
lege of Medicine to notify 720 pa-
tients that a former resident in ob-
stetric and gynecological surgery.
who had treated the patients from
1983 to 1987, died of AIDS in

In a similar incident, the UK
College of Dentistry last summer
began notifying 49 former patients
of 1989 dentistry graduate Ronal
Marasco, whose license was sus-
pended by the Georgia Board of
Dentistry after a report that he had

The test results of the 46 UK pa-
tients who chose to be tested for
HIV were negative, said David
Nash, dean of the college.

Although it never was formally
confirmed to the media that Maras-
co was HlV-positive, he died last
month from HIV-related illness.

Nash, who dismissed the Florida
case, said he will not contact the
patients again to inform them of
Marasco‘s death.

Although UK’s Medical Center
Infection Control has no record of
current healthcare workers infected
with AIDS or HIV, handling such a
situation is one of the topics being
addressed by the AIDS policy com-


Mrs. Nash said the AIDS Policy
Committee covered about three-
fourths of the issues the members
want to address and has su'uctured
the policy around four major areas:

-A patient who enters UK hospi-
tal to obtain care

‘The Medical Center‘s responsi-
bility to society

oT‘he Medical Center‘s responsi-
bility to protect the University and
the University's reputation

oHeaIthcare providers, whether
or not infected with HIV

Mrs. Nash said the committee
has been in contact with medical
centers and clinics across the coun-
try. gathering information about
other policies.

The AIDS policy committee con-
sists of 20 people. representing the
Medical Center‘s five colleges
(medicine, dentistry. pharmacy. al-
lied health professions and nurs-
ing); the UK Hospital, faculty.
staff. students. patients. and health-

See AIDS, Page 7

Thursday, June 25. 1992

Thursday. June 25. 1992



exposure category

Men who have sex men
Injecting drug use

Men who have sex with

men and inject drugs
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder
Heterosexual contact:

Sex with injecting drug user

Sex with bisexual male

Sex with person with hemophilia

Born in Pattern l| country

Sex with person born
in Pattem-Il country

Sex with transfusion recipient
with HIV infection

Sex with HlV-infected person.
risk not specified

Receipt of blood transfusion,
blood components, or tissue


Apr. 1991
Mar. 1992
No (96)

24,729 (62)
8.293 (21)

2.412 (6)
313 (1) 341 ((1)
1.162(3) 1.337(3)

548 596

2 5
291 327

. 1990-
ar. 1991
No. (16)

24,029 (64)
7.708 (20)

2.435 (6)

25 1 7
27 29
269 41 3


454 (1)
2.465 (6)


Apr. 1990
Mar. 1991

No (it)

7 (0)
1.819 (36)



324 (6)
430 (9)

Apr. 1981
Mar. 1992

No. (96)

2.727 (47)

2.153 (37)



269 (5)
647 (11)

AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and sex, reported April 1990 through
March 1991, April 1991 through March 1992; and cumulative totals, by age group and
exposure category, through March 1992, United States

Apr. 1990
Mar. 1991
No. (it)

24.029 #56;
10,165 24

2.435 (6)
320 ( 1)
2.931 (7)



817 ((2)
1,992 15)


Apr. 1991 Cumulative
Mar.1992 total
No. (96) No. (95)
24,729 E54; 124.961 (58)
11,020 24 48.312 (23)

2.412 (5) 13,323 (a)
351 (1)
3.540 (a)

1 .883

890 2,167

723 (2)
3.112 (7)

4.537 (2)
8.283 (4)


Adult/adolescent subtotal

2 See technical notes


37,702 (100) 40.081 (100)

5.037 (100)

5,806 (100) 42.739 (100)

1 Includes 3 patients known to be infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2). See MMWR 1989;38:572-580

3 Eighteen adults/adolescents and 2 children developed AIDS after receiving blood screened negative for HIV antibody. Five additional adults developed AIDS after receiving
tissue or organs from HIV-infected donors. Two of the 5 received tissue or organs from a donor who was negative for HIV antibody at the time of donation.

4 ”Other" refers to 3 health—care workers who developed AIDS after occupational exposure to HlV-infected blood. as documented by evidence or seroconversion; and to 2
patients who developed AIDS after exposure to HIV within the healthcare settin . as documented by laboratory studies.
‘Undetennined” refers to patients whose mode of exposure to HIV is unknown.

, 1 , is includes patients under investigation; patients who died. were lost to follow-up. or refused
interwew; and patients whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.

Saree: HIV/ADS Million Rqrort(Crnbr for Disease ma)

45.887 (100) 214.609 (100)



ROBIN JONES/Kernel Graphics

New AIDS drug approved by FDA
following accelerated testing period


By Paul Racer
Associated Press


AIDS drug, called zalcitabine or
ddC, was approved Friday by the
Food and Drug Administration in
the first use of a system to make
drugs more quickly available to pa-
tients with life-threatening illness.

The drug will be marketed by
Hoffrnann-La Roche Inc. under the
brand name H