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Lonfidenee Lodge, h o. J3, anti Mason Lodge, \o. ,542, -;\. li . and -.·\. M.
(ll? Mi-\YS\~’ll.l,li, l\l€Nl`l Clit
Yb Mr (}rmuz’ wm' esi/ld(}7'(`{/ZIIZKZLIC /.00fgm q/i/Cwzinrliit .·
\\illlil{lii\S, lt has been proclaimed by the Grand Master, under instructions of the Grand Lodge, and upon
vote of less than a moiety of the affiliated l*`ree l\lasons of the state, that each lodge in this jurisdiction be
required to pay a sum equal to one dollar for each of its actual members for the benelit of the "\Vidows’
and Orphans` lrlome," at Louisville; and whereas, we deem the above—mentioned action unmasonic and not
· binding in conscience for the following considerations :
/QM/-—\\’e do not recognize the right of any one Mason, or any combination of Masons, to dictate to us
an act of charity.
Sym/1o’—\Ye do not recognize the right of the Grand Lodge, or any number of subordinate lodges, to
dictate to us as to when, or where, or to what amount our charities shall be applied.
;/yl!./'zl/—\\’C do not recognize the right of the Grand Lodge to tax subordinate lodges for any amount in
excess of a sum sufhcient for its current expenses.
/i`!}//i'//I-'l.`l`lC " Masonic \\`idows` and Orphans’ Home " is in no sense lawfully connected with the tirand
Lodge, nor is the Grand Lodge in any manner responsible for its success or failure.
/fy?/z—\·Vl1en the brethren who had the matter in charge, came before the Masonic bodies of Maysville,
asking subscriptions to build the llome, they promised, in answer to the ttuestion distinctly stated, that " it
was it private charity, and that the (iranrl Lodge \\`t>llltl l1e\‘L‘1‘ be Cillletl Upon to give any moneys to its sup-
port," and with this understanding and promise upon the part of the agents of the " lloine " the Masonic
bodies here did subscribe as liberally to said object as they could.
.S`1ir/h—'l`ltere is no right in the Grand Lodge to establish or maintain any eleemosynary institution what—
ever. The founding or keeping up of a lunatic asylum, st deaf and duml` institution, an institution lbr the
g blind, a college, or any other institution tbr the benefit of Masons. their \‘dows and orphans, would be just
as much and just as little within the purview of the Grand Lodge as is the " \\’idows` and ()rph;ms` llome."