  have to work just as hard as anybody else. hard to find a companion that can unders· been that type of person. But dating is
  We have the same big arenas, the same ex- tand that, unless she’s been involved in something that l do in my spare time, if I can
  posure, the same targeting public as other basketball. Most of my time is consumed with find the time.
= people do, so it’s all relative. At Western, we basketball recruiting and coaching. l’m busy Big Blue Basketball. weve mentioned hcvv
r didn’t vhave the same budget, but then we av lot of times from daylight to midnight. So timeconsummg [HS to be mpylight recruiter
werent going up against the same schools, its hard to find time to go out. And I m not because ycuye On the mad all the Mme, S0
either. We had Itve t|l;yH.toFg0 veut hand find a r;jln—around type of person, l don,’t get out do you See yeurseyf becoming 3 headmechv
sleepers-guys l e e IS ran ,w owasnt an about around town because l m aware and if SO, do you have 3 timetable for mat?
highly-reculted, and Clarence Martin, who and very concerned of the kind of image a _ . .
was a high school football All-American basketball coach should have l’ve never Dwang Casey Thais my go? And Coach
Those two guys are playing pro basketball I Sutton many pushes James (DICKEY) and me
W SO at that time We had to O out and to think in those terms. We’ll have meeting
llgdlsleepers and try to developgthem into » - · Where hem Say' “SOm€day’ when you
Dwane Casey 5 F3V()|‘|{€$ become a head coach, when you get your
, basketball players, where at Kentucky we . . v . ,,
have the luxury ot recruiting players that are H0bbies· ec uetball time to musi °‘”" "'°g“""“·”°“'““"”"’l°"‘?“"""°°“"l"°‘· ‘
so-called ready to step in and play physical- readin abou? successful eo le CI Hays helped Us Stan looking m those dmc-
i lm‘ ht em hasize " h sicall ’; because C rt g h ct ·Th ll) dp tions and thinking in moss mms l think
r {tee'.? ttf ml it Eel be yready but M“.,v?§“ri. "E;l§"l»l °l or ' ““““ ' when   a img m=¤» mr ***5* me
h . lvl th y g ‘ _ _ ‘ Q ' _ rpt _ of years back in the early 'BOs at Western,
p yslca y Gy are. Singing group or artist: Patti Labelle, Luther I never thought Of even thinking like that i
Big Blue Basketball: One more question Xa:;j'?”h La I h was just happy to be recruiting and be part
about Western: Was it difficult for you to tv enc 9*0* "V 0 “5°" ofthe Starr NOW ‘[hgugh_ {hg more you Start
coach €¢Q@ll7$Y UK in that ,86 NCAA game? Meah med °h'°k€"· mashed pY’tat°€S* green thinking in those terms—and coach Sutton
. · · beans, homemade rolls and ice tea . . . . . ..
Dwane CHSGY- No, li wasnt. DGCGUSG mY . - is great ln giving us responsibility and leeway
h K d · H’Ht d AS Book: "Season On The Brink" . 4 l ·
PWC €C Was V9 (65 lll _ l OPPBV V6 )· _ P f h _K k LA S I as far as coaching is concerned-—lmthlnk- v
rt ¤<>¤¤h» v¤ur alma mater ls greet, but vvu re M? ° ‘ ° °9“""Y· €'““° l· · ~ Ball ° lng. when coach sunon makes a decision, l
C03<3hl¤Q 8 tééimi you’ve W0Fk9d hard to 99l H°|'daY‘ Ch'i'StmaS l’m thinking, "What would I do in that situa-
where v¤u are and you have to pull for your Q"°‘°.°'-5°Y'“g*,‘l ll"'? *a*.d°€ "€*’€'°a*'g“‘ tlonvlr He always seems to make the right i
players- My emotions were mixed before the 3 “‘Pb">.2’ there 'T° ““€ 'FE °'€‘"‘“i 3* YO? decision, so ive teamed from him. But more
game but Once they threw the ball up I cantwhlpabear wlthaswltch; 4) You cant m goal rd like to have my Own Div/vsvon 1 _
wanteld to win like anybody else Then after Win the Kentucky Derby on 3 mule' YOU so ram, i haventtsgi aggmerabie gran lhin i
. ` have to have a thoroughbred; 5) You can’t   9 ‘ _ _ yi _g 3
we QOI beet. l was for Kentucky the rest of Seervmh eeevee in the dev and hem with like that, but lll lust WHII for the opponunity  
‘ the way for the rest of the tournament. Ovvle at mem to present it5glf_
Bly Blue Basketbe/l-‘ Being 8 maivr college lhree people, living or deed, that l would Big B/ue Basketoall.· we read merry ac- 1
basketball coach IS so time-consuming- like to sit down and talk with: John F. Ken- Counts or schools being placed on probation I
YOUTH always busy   I'9CfUitl/7Q, QEITIG l'lECly, lVl3l'lll`l LU[lW€l’ King, AClOlDl`l RUpp fgr rgcrujtjng Vjgfafjgnsv Of 3]] fhg   dgajs 4
preparation, scouting, etc. How do you find People l most admire: The President of the that go On in the recmjrmem gf 3 pmspect
time to get away from basketball and relax? United States, b€C¤U$€ of his 8W€‘$0m€ YOUITG out there every day how much
‘b‘l‘ ;tvtfh d dfth · · ·
Dwane casey; l usually try to rind atleast §;ffv';§ ejflfev veil; gig? HlQ;jv'§‘he:d`;f Cheating rs really happening?
an hour a day where l can go and play rac- because he helped Open Baseball to jackie Dwane Casey: I think a lot ot that is blown .
ouetball. I love playing racquetball. l still en- RObiI1SOn;Th€ heed basketball Coach at UK, out lol proportion. You hear those horror
joy playing basketball, but playing pickup because er all {he pressure mvelveey stones, but I dont thlnktheres that much ol
basketball games is very time-consuming that going on.lthink the integrityot the game r
and I really find 3 lot Of rglgxatign in com- Dwane On Dwane is Ihé highest lI’S b98l'1 in 8 long time. Astar
peting in racquetball. When l’m on the road Your New Years Resolution is to. . {spend as overall cheating, l’d say the NCAA has
sometimes l play with (Georgia coach) Hugh more time with my family? done a great job of policing. They have a
. Durham, who’s a great racquetball player, Y0u’ve never been able to. . Faccept success "Blg BTOll'l9l'SH program where they follow a
l and (former UK player and current or compliments very well? recruit through his entire junior and senior
Owensboro High coach) Randy Embry, who’s You’d give anything to meet. . ftvlartin year, and that makes it virtually impossible
one of the top racquetball players in the state Luther lV€¤l Out ot VWd€¤t L¤dB€ and gut rnviirst entire period of time. That has really helped
an outlet to get rid of a lot of tension. bill in the mail? clean up violations, even minor violations, as
. l` ‘ 'f h . · · ·
Big Blue Basketball.- llepperl to know that "‘f?;‘;;if;e°;QIQe'iv;;]]"i:f j'_vfefll Saw ’°" *3* és '€°'¤*“¤9 *5 °°"¤€'¤9d·
you and UK assistant Jimmy Dykes recently veur friends like you because ,,vm an Big Blue Basketball: Have you ever been
l were involved in a charity event where you understanding and Came pereen and recruiting a kid, and along comes
l and other bachelors were "auctioned oft" to elvvevs there when thev need me], ' s0mebody——whetherit1s a booster an assis-
young ladies} here in migzvn. iriokusgr Ziofgh, The vveret advice veur parents ever eeve tsajnrinegvereév grgglrygogyggheéfeilg? the kid
OW Ogsa Ormgr ’ Cat as Gt 8 paV€r 0 as. . J’Give up basketball, get a job" ·
· now coaching at UK stay single at 30 years $1: gist edviee ven, parents eve, gave you Dwane C¤59lli You know YOU hear about
Of gg/B? C I was. . !‘V\/ork Itarcl and good things will tlljahvbut Lhavensi $?9" 'ivlaappgné ltllrgmlclle
‘ HHS aseyi t’s tough. . .no, wait a Come {0 veujr 9 OSB Orror ones w IG ago u avert
minute, l don’t mean it’s tough. Marriage is Your greatest eeeempigshmem in life has seen it happen yet. Everyone likes to talk
something l‘m looking forward to, l’d like to bggrh _ yheiplmg Contribute to A national about that but l think most of it’s blown out
find the right person to settle down with. But championship? of proportion. l haven’t seen any of that in
; basketball is so time-consuming. And it’s my nine years, and l hope l never will.
_ ]'rlUt’ J'}