_ ___ ..,.-   -l» 777 I7
  S I
I HOW °bOI.It Them ’C3tS, Jocko? ing full-court a lot. lf you’re not going to play I and we’re better for it. Just wanted to let you  
  Dea, SI,. your bench people a lot against teams like   know I really like the stories on Wildcats ofthe I
I I dent Care if Kentucky Wme enetner geme I UNCC, Cincinnati and Miami, theyIreFcIert§ln- I past. I
I this year (just kidding of course), Eddie Sut-   lv notooineto be roaontotalggggt 9 O" asl Robert Malone I
I ton and the Big Blue have already given me I LSg;I2;dE§§I;'%;;$SO Ighgan the kids Them   Dayton, Ohio I
I r[gII;;§IetV;?IdCI?Iré?grR;§ presgmswwms Over might come a night wlgenf one of them. will be   BBB N0- 1 On My I-Ist I
  Living here in Louisville is pretty tough SOISIY needed   Deal SI'; BBB M b , ,
sometimes with those Cardinal fans and Jock I Barry Ezart I Heres my renewal to I d. Iy su scrlptlon I
Sutherland, butlthink I can put up with them I Cincinnati, Ohio I 'SVII I£;"g;IIE;b;;;¥€2?gpO?IgtI;II"’;';;I;?II;°'§§
‘ for another year.   · - 9 an IS I
. I get amused Wm] TIOCKO the more he hangs I Why Not Rlchle I   thihace xf shastilrfenllrgrhen the most im ortant
I around those Loulsvllle fans. All I hear now is I Dear Sir. I I I I ere aI D I
i how close l_euieyille eenie le beeiing UK enei I Could you please tell me why Kentucky isnt   thing ln my llfe was Sports Illustrated, Ibut that
  being down 15 early in the game. I reCruItlngIFIlchle Farmer of Clay County? I changed when you starting publishing The
· If memory eeniee me well, ilie ine iinel Score I He s going to be Kentucky s Mr. Basketball Cats Ftause several years ago.INow, TCP is No. I
l which counts and Kgntucky nee new wen flvgl and one ofthe top 100 prospects ln the nation, 2 behind BBB and SI has slipped to No. 3.
count ‘em f-i-v-e of the last six games with UL, yet the only schools reportedly to be interested I bleed Blue every time I nick myself with a
nid be nice ii Eddie weuld quit eeneduling in him are the OVC level schools. I razor and that happens every morning the
I ine euiemeiic wine and p|ay eeineene wne Anyone who saw him play ln last years state I Cats play. This IS going to be Kentucky s year
I would ne decenl cenieeiilien piemenibei new I tournament knows what a great player he is   and a trlp to Kansas City. I dont expect Ken-
j we used ie bee; Kansas ee much we iinelly dull and he can shoot the lights out. Above all that, I tucky to Ioseover two or three games before
I Scneduling lneniq his highschool team won the state champion- tournament time. I I
I Everybcy lelke ebeul new tgugh Leuieyille ship which shows he IS a team player. The way I see lt, Kentucky will lose at Florida
I is at ine end el the eee$en_ Weir Sei-ne eee- I The onlything I ever hear is that he is slow. and at Tennessee (I thought Eddie Imight
I ele don} iellew beekelbell Vgiry inden wnen   Slow? ls speed the only thing that matters ln   change our luck there when he won his first
I Leuieyille had lie beet leeni, ine Cards were I basketball? He must have been pretty fast the I year, but you saw what happened last winter).
l iusl as impressive in December ee iney were I way Clay County has been playing this year, i I Nobody will beat UK ln Rupp Arena and the
I MarCh_ On|y eceueleliinee in C[um`S17yga[5 and they lust I gotI through Ibeatlng Don I Cats will Ieat Notre Dame alive ID Louisville.
neye ine Cards ecluelly been eubelenlielly bei. MacLean s California team ln the South Everything wIl|| be great lf Eddie will lust play
. ter at the end than the beginning. All that other Carolina Christmas tournament. I LeFion Ellis a little more and give him the ex- -
garbage is just a bunch of bull which   Tell Eddie to give this Kentucky kidachance   perlence he’II need ln March.
everybody keeps repeating. I I I I and he won’t be sorry.   James I;I_ Rey
Regardless l’ll take Kentuol