xt7bzk55hm8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55hm8n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19100922 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 22, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 22, 1910 1910 2015 true xt7bzk55hm8n section xt7bzk55hm8n
IS OF rm: snrron m il
""““‘°‘“°" U niversity of Kentucky A A A l"
::,.;__L¢ . _, ,____,j"';_t` """ 7*7* ";··‘ 4——i•·· ;»>—----—-···--—-—--~----· A- —..-e . 7 .1;.
D I ll
. Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 22, 1910 No. 3 l
···—·-Y· ···· — ·*··—···* ···· ·· ·· 7 ·· ,___,___j._....*—i_... t:;;;:;‘ ..._...—_........_ »-Q-——....—... _____ll
Here Are the Fr1ends of the UHIVCYSIYY
2 the Merchants of Lexmgton
Whom Everyone of Us F
¤ Should Patromze
Q Men’s Outfitters. Cream Flour.
` (}r:u·¤·s. Fm & (‘o. I,+·xin:‘tm1 H<»Il<·1‘ Mills l`<».
(lrmlely & Bmtllvy. _
Killlllzlll (`lutl|iug_· (`4»_ CIKBTS Mid Tobacco.
l"’°\"°l'l““A· I,<·xing·t¤»n (`ig·:u· (`<», A
' lmlny zm¤¤ff*¢¤r¤- Amusements.
lE"'l"`Y "'“l """‘l‘*"‘Y- l1ipp·»·1»··»me· (\';uulseville·>.
l‘·‘<#·l l**l"""‘”’· Star 'IAllt‘IllI't‘ (Moving I’i¤·tur<·s>.
'l· l*· “"l"’"· 'I`h<· IAl'Ill('(*SS (Blowing IAl(‘llll‘(*$l.
I{aunl`mzm, Straus & (`¤».
S Furniture,
Drugs and Sundries
IC. I,. l\Iau·<·l1. `
('aulcu Drug (To.
(`o¤»pe—r uml Ilunm. Jewelry,
IA‘XIlI{j'llIll I)I'll{I I`0. _ ‘
I·`. .l. Ilvmtz.
barber Shops. _
Chna and Glassware.
Ilvml II¤»\•·l. SI1¢·1·n1a1u Strain. I’r·»p. _ ` H __
l"u').l,tl(.• ('Ug.S\\.0ll and B},l,"ll• I)l,U})S· I`4. ( IIIII\ I\l(I$<*llll*‘l}' £!`lliU`· has received the Rhodes Scholarship Law at Ashland. Ky. •
HINGE tl1<‘ lll Pllld ll<‘¥‘l]m-U€m and will leave for Oxford. England. Mr. G. C. Thompson is practicing l _ .
Sll%lDf‘-l Allfl illlilli tltlilm that where he will enter the Oxt`ord l`ni- Law ill Mississippi. M-im Street East
all of T-lll’S*‘ lllilde to Your versity. Mr. Hamilton taught in the Mr. E. H. \Vebb. Principal of Grad- ’
lll"a*lll`*° fo" Academy last year. where he nlade gd Sphlml at Sadieville, Ky.. and will l
$ 1 5 l)l103(;y friends among the student lnpgltp next Sljllg at Perio. lll.
"W 1910 GRADUATES. J _
_ Mr. P. R. (`assady. manager of (ll th·e student. body of Ky.
We alre the only houisc tin last years` class foot ball. l.ppllintell classical and gcleutllglc State University last. yealr
l¤‘Xl¤£!t0U 0i' (`F‘¤l1‘8l Kim- Mr. M. A. (`leveland to act as man- Mn R_ A·Ed“,m_dS.PreSld_llll Ul- lh;. had their pictures made at
tllU_kY “'ll0l`{‘ You gel the ager in his place. until the class elects lglll (glass ls prlnolpal of th`) l~l(,dl·m.(l h I u'
I.]ll~0D Label in every gaI‘nieHt a. manager. Mr. (`leveland and Mr. High S(,lmUl' R(,(lfm.(l_ K}-_ S u
Hart. the Junior Manager, are to set Miss Small lllmslmll is lmplltllg in
129 me M · sl. i thi; dm f"" ‘l‘° ‘l""""` *""‘ S*‘***···‘ l.llwllllll·l»lllll—¤. Ky. _ . . TH.ERlE’8 A mason
mn ' class gamg Miss Marietta ("assidy is teaching · h_cl W k
UNION LABEL W"' in Versailles Kv. tagzrvjcgr ,
Mr. E. H. Webb. ’11 graduate, was M. B Hwdpn lg taking posh P l
iii tcwn Saturday wd Slmdayl visit- ..,..,.l].?;l..(i;iliik lllnlc i’·li~···¤~ii>‘- O0uI;i>(;;u¢;1i'i‘rLe31i,AT1is
ing friends. Mr. Webb is Principal " Ml§ Llda _l0m.S is lpapllillg lll lllp To STUDENTS
of th° G”d"d S°h°°l at S“dl°"ill°· citv S('llOOlS. l341 W t Mai St et.
Kr- Mr- W<=l>b sradiwteri from the lll,. Hamm- wnsllll is ml-lliiiu in as m to ` 1635 X
Nl AN l E LS Law D·am*¤··¤¤*- ll,. li.-.lllalll·. ` F“"°°‘°° Ph°”° ‘,
-_'— Mr, John \Vilcox is t`arming. ___--T_;;__—-;__-—;;sg»;,?;;-_;—s_;_—;—_
Mri (llawlwe Bimuetk an ,08. Alpha Hubbard is takin: law in
M. E. graduate. is in town on a visit. the I-nlwl_Sll\._
M §;e\_;“Lllllf);v; fliggaewvoglxkllxlgltlelx Miss Katherine Schoene is taking A
Nllr. Azul}. lfiiker is practicing: Law E. l’ll&ll‘lIl‘&l(‘(¥lllll'&llS, Mlediciucs, {
"' ""*‘" "‘· Y· Iilruizs, |J·ru;:···isit Siumhws,
M Mr. (I`. Baldwin is practicing Law Inllorter and llealcr in l lnarflumls mil xlulguzucsl
at `eei hio.
° . . . . . 1 . , . 1 *s . l l
Mn ll .l._ pl"}. ls l,l.m,m,m: lm`, In CHINA cur ( 1 Ass sn vm BRAB l rGEN(,¥ ( .\l.l.- A I`- .
Lexington. Ky. AND PLATED WARE. l or °
Mir. 'I`. (`. (`arroll is |ll’Elt‘ll(lll{{ Ilaw
• in llouisville. Ky. LAMPS ELEC'l`ROLIl•]RS, FANCY mumll
(l11col`l>o1‘att.ctl;i Mr. \V. (i·.v(`lu£ston is nracticin;:‘ DISHES NOVPJIJTYS &(._ cuunrsiiouzu C()_
LEXINGTON _ _ KY l.aw in the \\est. °"}°•“}°£°°
Ml? J` (iX im`}? is lmwmmgi M", *17 W MUN N"' *`h°¤° 985 N. W. mr. Main illltl hlllle,
zitxll-·iiil·llc2`cillflll-klml ii Iimwlilling YOURTRADE SOLICITED _'_— Both l’honle—l23. ll
_· r TH E I I) E A
S i Waterman Fountain Pcns,SiIvor Poncil Holders, Pan and Pencil Safaty Clips
B1 est ·~ EIN Z JE ELER
l ( { e ` _ `
Q, I _ /iw. _ _ i »0i©$ i
Ml, rrr Q! §> 1H§5> IC l ri E
l »l · ¢~· Y é, _ ii . . Hfiil IIT PH ‘ Thai PIOHQG l
,¢:\ •;<§,~ i ii 1
T k » /_ g ;l ARE MAl)l·Z l
_;` v_ ig ` BY I
il l" im \ll' [ 1) l
[ il ill i / gy P. ,..(i Hf;. fi, ,€d}"Ql_ _ I _ “"l""'l‘*'l""· M 'l**‘ <**’<‘¤¤i¤¤;:‘wa» rmi, { ;
, l % ` _, ,lq;4i>.»ii .1 ma Mwlllf iii fl¢l,}¢HHllm¤~ut was soon nmqp rn {hp ' l
'rv » · ‘ I ·
I ‘I§ . . \ hqmig elif ‘l1l;• lill'g‘€Sl, llllH\b~‘l" uf flu' *l·ill||'i' llilll limi illv l'(*Hl2`llll(lf*|' nf [hg l
W 1;;, J ‘~ dents smcv Starter b€·¢·:1m9 21 lllll\'0l'#li)'2 hmv spent in q \·(·,·y jH[‘,,mm| (lmuw I QUALITY i
¤ / x if gmumg tlwm :111* lll2lll}` \\'lI<¤5¢‘ ¥i\l*‘lll* l)P2lH llzlmiltam spout S;i{i—y.l·;y qu,] l l
{ lj { ,r·,,;Z, will add murli to tho yem·`s pl<·a>=ur¢·. Smillav in |,.,,,j“-ill,. ` l PHOTOGRAPHER l
li ’/ l ~ {fr '7 • 4 r ' r · · · i · I
Q * , ‘¤·’ Miss l\[¢·( liesiieyt, of l)2\(lll('llll. is www [`Im is g},.. first ypm. [hm mt, giI_lS» 1 311 West Main Street. `
{ l' /ml,/F; ly •‘ if of our new pimimti. uhml Miss l,<>r<·<·n f`|·;1(_ri;i{ipg |,m·,, “.m.k(,d Hmlm, Paw l ______
l V%¤° ,4% Aimikm¥Y· "l i···¤¤~~‘¤ll¢*· l‘l"}‘ (IW lll‘ll(‘Ill¢' rulw. uml as l’le~¢l2‘<· DRY is ll. S.—·T;_V 2lSS|ll‘lll!` ns }’<>u
L - | ’·,`j ; / X _ vmlm. _ . lll? HIM nf Uvtnhor, rushing- pm-tips l HTG H. l>> Wl1¤>`¤l¥*l AUM ill`? lllll{‘ll in vngiio. l~];i4·h nfl glip fum- l SWW lvUlV<‘I`%lT}’. :1 9»'p¢‘013l
` Ilyy /7 ypruru are M1ss·Iul1Zz1l)€ll1 l‘¢*l'§'\l$<*l\· ll'2ll¢·|‘l11t1¢·s, _\l}»l|;|, (hmmm [)p|gn_ ' Y'2ll€ IIIHY lif? 0l)l`?llllt`·(l_
\ vis, lpiiligy C4»llu·r, NISSPS M}'1'11 mul Alllllil Xi l)e·lta1. Kappa l{;1pp;1 (him- —-—..—.
_,· { lmlnrx Chilton. V mil Hml Ep~H (_h_mi(__\l Wlm {IUPUI I tl Q, t _
E I, · · · eu ir . 41 0 mr m
e / 2 . -
§ X · § Z ‘l‘}°_ · _ . `_ _ _ NNI \\‘<*<·k. IS hawk an s¤·li·»¢»l, [Ip iii-- en°°°
/ , Nl1s> Sniuli Sllllldll, of Nlt. Sl(‘ll- . . .
f , _ _ _ _ _ __ (‘ll[lll'1l his suit 111 ll\`¢ll'illlll(‘< 'l`m·<—
g .¤ f mg, visited MISS »\l11W‘ N¥¤‘l'¥lll l*‘*l (].,\- MH] mmh, .1 . ll. ·t tm i l \rOll t·1l’•* "'l`l1¤· l;‘m ' ° at the Llll\`0l'S1l}`. W I ) _‘ _ I H
~/ / { L mss Lum S(_lmm_‘._ __I· HM, [-M_ _ .1 nb-} l¤.})l<-1 aninirll. ll M.·.·1.;..i- SHERMAN STRAIN,
7%%->.~ · · w- · · °i . ,2 " .` ` " " · 1 ‘ )• `•
·/ 724 3 gz, wi·sity nl l Ill(‘lllll1lll, hans <·n1i·r<·l?|l4·· l)[yg|y]q·$$
[IMT IS mn. HM`. --\·_H.Sh\. l HQ _" tho UH im,. M- Wim',] W1 1 l<*:lllll lllZl(ll‘ lUl' ll9 l ‘\‘l]()H;:' quy lgigf >'p;][">; g‘|';](l[[;\t(*$ ··I Elllllllllllh ll. x.lt‘('llLll|\-
H t S h & M ; “_(‘ find H ‘_HHlIN\\_ of svhnnl In;H_nlS; ('KI . U A|lli>\'l U, lh llU\\` \\lll| [ll(‘ • V
l FOR COLLEGE MEN. 1 sitiim in llaxriismi Scluml ·»l` this vity: l·""*"xi_ Qi *ll'*l‘ \i•‘¤')i #·>l‘¤‘i»’ rmt ilu . 9
uiss Mm_i·_ml ( ,u$Sm\_ is M Mm,u_m.l_t mw . r. .<·mmt m<·< witi us lllli P
· . l ‘ . · . , . .
'l`l1<· tl‘<>us¤·1‘s kw » in ilznvu l l`·»ll4·;·i·, \\·rs;iilli~s; Miss l·.l1x:ilwtli )"“·
. l ' . n i . . l ,.,. . .
I \\‘l1lm\lI s\ls[wl1l!1>¤¤ll ut l,illl(‘il¤lQ'l' 1»
l will :1 lrvll v\'<~!1. .\ml _\‘t)ll XIiS lll‘\'l‘lU`|> lllw ll;;‘\|1‘i‘, Miss Lo .lllll0 Slwlll {liv \\'t‘t*l{ vml Ml>*1>$¤}>}¥l \\‘:l# on llll‘ (uiiipiis [uq l \\__ ll ( IT U; 1 _
· · · · . · a ‘· : · { · i. ‘ i ·s
I S El Sllllllll lllEIl{l‘l', ` lllll ;\l Sl|('ll)y\'llll_ “'U(ik· Klllyllilll \\'(lS QI Illt‘[[\l)(*|' nl h _{_l .ll\( Il UH lvlll ll “ ll ln
lN‘S‘i. l`lllllg‘[1lUlI<* in vlolllvs- '|`|u· Smii-·r girls limi- miiir iiuilv Ylw Flaws •»l' HHH, “‘H H1" l" N `""""‘ ‘
' Illillilll! l‘<>·|' lilly _\'<·2ll‘N. ;i sl·iis;1ti·»ii this _ve·;1r. 'l`lIt*_\l :u‘¤· \l1<· M1'. -l. li. l·lst¢·s. `lll, (i‘ixil_ is mil,
i l . first plus; xxl.i4·li luis ulntanimwl $•·ni<>l‘ HS |`··¤’ il |'*‘~ ¤l:¤)‘<. __ FRENCH BRIARS AND
‘ l l)|`i\'ll(‘u'(’S lllllll lllill I' (`lll`l$l`·llll<• illlll \ll.· SlH·lll_\'. WN,. Nlllllllf, l(‘l·l
I *» l i - I ·r '1 ·`Il l»···»m¤· ·· »i·<·<·•·- i`·»¤‘ ll li;ip¤·~ ;iii.l ~i;.·$
' ‘ nl “‘l"*l l" ’·"l’l’.‘ .\"ll t|,(.l-0},)- ;ir..l.,iii;;· {Ip mivy uml laugh Nlv. l’. l'. ·|l·>¤l¤·s l¤·au‘i·< this work ;‘,·,,,,l Wim.}, I`, ,.h,,M._ /
**]*0 “‘ll‘ }""f' "l"ll‘*`* *""l i-i·;»;..·l1 of rlirir 1.·» ¤`··i·¤u¤·u¤·· t·» ¤···su¤m· his im-1; ui i1..· Nami ‘\ll l,m,._s ,-wm
1 “·mIm'|ll°iS‘_ \\°,` _ "r°._ h°`l_Hl` ;iss¤»<·i;1los. x\l'ili'l \'l>lI to luxe l;ui11l_\‘
0 l·`ri4l;1y, Sep'. lllll. l‘il1;ll\ [L lll. lllltl l‘l`ll‘IItl*<. M1'. Nlurks is with thi- Druggjgtg
'l`l ·la ‘ ~f Putter: ll llull was l¤·•·— \\'i·.·t *l'll l·ll•·¢·\i·ir l` »., ut l`|1i -:1: ». .
°°mP¤¤>'- " ""T`. _ ` . ., \`_` . , , _ _ `.,. Q . _` . .` _ l mn. u...i i<.·..l..i“-li
mqrlpql wil;] lillllbllls uml .l HI} .l!. lun)!. l.\!l. lh, . rw |llll<‘. l|.\>
‘**• plpugguil (’\'(*l\i|l;[ was slwlll ll)' lllt‘ l'(*[\|l'll('(l this \\‘q·ul{ In (`vl;|rl; l'|\l\`|*['·
girls g4·ltiii_,;· au·qu:•inl•·¤l uml vaitinu siiy .»t' \\'.»..;il·r_ Mugs,
the purpose of electing otlieers t`ot· —- A · A l .
- the presen. year. 'l`he tollowing l I
Issued weekly by the students of Kentucky State University. "lll"*"`* “`*‘*`*‘ *‘l¢‘·‘l¢*¤li s Mr, I
L,l`l‘Sl*lt‘|ll 'l`om ltobt·|‘tsott_
o. ic. mmm, Editor it. Chief, S_lf_;___l,f_{Q"l‘;;Q__ """"· Ud€”t••• I
R. VV. Tinsley, Assistant Editor. ·|·I.(,I‘Sm.(;I,_ (. il.! S IiIIk_ l ` ·
S. C. EBBERT .................... . ................. Business Manager. "Yens" it-elim.], wits t·`|i··t ·| - I nvm. in mind that tho Mix- I
F' IA' · · · · · · · · · · · · » · - · . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , _ _ , _ _ u('.()l, ‘,t' vl"‘<` t·‘N‘; {t {Ill I (`()· I I
· · · · · · - - · · · · » · · » . . . . . , . . , , , , , , , _ , _ ·] _‘·lg$(.’ll |lIl` ‘|·`t JIM I I ·`
J. B. SANDERS ........................... Assistant Advertising Manager. hint tht. |p,,,.;,, i,l‘ ,|,,l,i,..·)il, iiiipll iii-Nin i .ml`d 8 lilmjtml ammml of il" I l
V. 1.. nowxixc- ................................... stiiistatpntm manager. mt. Stunt u,.,.,.·s 1,, Q", (;.l,.l.· (till t°""""t·i““ will l"` »*"`“"t"‘l L '
W. A. LURTEY .......................... Assistant Subscription Manager. mall],. Lmhl,. lo,.] gp,. {lim (ltr,.]-\-\|i·,.,ai:\. I you And that it is tl"` llli'"` 4 I
--————————·——-———- 'l*€‘* his lll'|!.L'S tor all there iis in hint I to buy your
Entered at the Post-office, Lexington, Kentucky as mall matter of h "l ""*`l`}' ¥'·"'l*‘ lllltl <'\`t‘¤'\' Miller time l ·
second class. t 9 that yelling is needed, l iS0DA WATER"
_ _______H__I___________________II_ }"¤‘vm a standpoint of the ntnnbet- ETABLETS, I
ni- M 7 M N l-llr in 'niw—'r""""“ i"";;T;_:;"i “";°i" iii of credits >resentetl_ the n·t·st·pt l
The following members got out this 'Dhe following members will get out l*`reshman clalss seems about the best IPENCILS and l
“;· it ll·‘Q¢‘\'. G. C`. Meadors, e\'€l'. 'l`here are t`ewer_ot‘ tlpni with IBTATIQNERYI
Y`. (`, llnncan. J, O_ l,ewis_ Vtllltlllllllls than has ever been the case ‘l
Wi. H. 'l`ownst·nd. F, L_ Nlrtty in the past ami the dtans ot` the l \,\,’jl] also Cash vom. (.he.(.kS i
Miss Addie Dean, A,IBall_ I various I dr·oartments are expecting I whpn they are g0(;d_ pomp in I
Miss Mariam Taylor, great things ot' them. ' and we will certainly do the li
T;-;_-;-_-iiié;--_-;T-;-_I ’”`“““‘_‘_·#·—·——- best W9 can for ytill, {
Mr. (.`. S, litnnett. an old li. ntucky Rcspoptfullyi
The paper is subscription list is not rl`llt'l‘e are at tltttnber ot` stutlnts who Stal? lv|ll\'€‘l'Sil)’ lllilll, is in town for
increasing as it should. Manager l\il\`e Work all through the day. some 3 f9W days. Ml'. Bennett is eniployetl L • t D C
[Downing ript rts a startling decrease ltllltlldlltll'}'. st nie shop work and other by the (ielltral l‘lleetric (`o,, at Selle- 0n
over that ot last year. Why is this kinds ot' work. and cannot read dur- nt*<’t¤\lll'S in t`ortn tho habit ol` spetttlitlg their i\`\_ ' qua ny'
the at`tcrnoous. 'l`his year we have vacant hours in our lN‘ll\llll.ll library V ` _ - { I
the promise that it will be open all building, instead of loat`i·i;: •·i\h•·r l `~\
day. 'l`his is tptile an 2ltl\`il|lli\};t‘ o\'t*t‘ around the tlorniitories or tl·»\\‘li town. `·¤.` II I I
llt\\'iitg‘ it open only two oi three -——~—·—— —·»rr— · V · I 1
hours in the ai`ternoon. lint still il is FRESKMAN CLASS MEETING. I I
not patronized as much as it would 'l`ln, present l·`reshinan class. num- i
bc il` it were ke vt open at night and bering about two hundred, held its
on Sundays. i tirst nieeting l·`ritlay, the sixteenth. lor Chas' I" StrauS• ,989 Manager
T ll Iz' I I) IJ A
l`—__W-I I W _ U I i'll'l•'Il(' ltlllrllnlts wo-ru Iu·•·`•·utItI_ _" ‘ e ""·’*··’···
I , ·I·III_ WIII I. II __I .I. ____ II I
#"` I · ‘· 1 " """""~‘ "' "* ""‘ """ ""*°"""‘ """‘*"'“’*" '*‘ ‘‘‘‘ "
ff III I\\I» II l)ll<·l{ Ilnwltts llt Illll l‘.¤lll¢·:lIl••lt Ing', Iwlll lll Ilt•· Y_ Nl. (I. A. Iwwltt ttttcl ,,_‘
I I · )IlllI( Ill}!. Wlllt lt•»I Slll'l‘<>IIll.IIltus ¢¤l‘ r·utt¢ltu·It·¢l lly l’l‘¢•II. l":ll'I•tl:tlt!’. 'l`lt¢‘l'(* I
` " Ir ‘ wlmlmllnl IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II". l"`I’l'I"' WIN PI u···<»·l llII(‘ll•l2lll4*4· lll lltls Iltwt
_I I · I |N·l‘l¢I»l‘ItlHll’*¤* nl` Illv \\’<»l‘l<. lll l`zt¢·I wllll ntlwtlug uml all llslvttowl 2liI•‘lIIl\`|'l\` I
,7 I lwllllllg SHIV IIWISIHIII lt•*;ll‘I illlll lll'ttt Hull with I»Ie·;|sttt·4· tn tIt•· l·1·ttt;1l‘l{s nl` I
IY I I ·'¤‘I<‘¤‘ttt¤¤t=\tt••¤t MI the |>•·:¤t¤. liu- |.:¤w I’•··»t'_ }·';tt-t¤tI»mltt·, \\'t· ..t‘ the Y \l »
} II/ yl / I I ""l"_"""""" "" '{*"""*"<)' SIMM l'lll- I'. t\., ¢·mtsilI\' l)(‘2"lll Its (’{II'('(‘I' |· -' · · · • I
I II / I - · I I¢I\lIt! El l}l('lIIl)(‘I' nl Iltl· t;u·:tlty wltn
, I /-' I "·""" ""` ""’*' **"'!"""‘ *"l*l***Y'I*"‘· takes sttvlt at llwp ittt¢·r•·Ill(‘|'S. SIIIS ('illltl. (‘(|llll(l.III, uml sl·|‘l·t|l~ TIN. YI M" (‘_ I\_ I·III,III is I,III.II III I €
lII' IIN in IIN IIWIIIIMSI I'IIIIk IIII SIIIIIIIIIVII (l2|\' Zlllll (‘\" •\` lvltv ls \\'t·ll·••ttt•· to ttmkv I
IIIIII II uul\‘(¤r5Itl(¤s, It tl1»\\'u(•1·t|I)ll·s s|>2l(•l tttttl t·lt_I•>)' tlt•· I
_I I I I illltl \Y(‘ll—"(IltlI)p('Il ;|I>;tt‘ttttl·ttts_ It QIIIIIIIS IIIIII IIIIIIIIIZIIIIIL IIIIII ,II·I. III III. I S I
III*‘• ` llZlS tl I`2l(‘lllI}' t·nltlIms1·1l nl. I'll*lt I)l'tl- fIIIIIIII III(.I.I.I “’I. IIISII IIIII-I. IIII. III.“- I
2 . T , I , II i '•f " I fUu"I";\; 'P"'•"I`II' "' I" k"I'“"'°'}:(I I". plllllll', \\'lll('ll (‘\`t*l'}' (lll? \\'. l(‘(>lll(’ IU Men,
I "" " '°·°*‘ B ·“ '"°=*¤¤ I"“" II"` """"‘*""‘· I" l"""""'· """· use We w··m the t··»·»m it ·tl1 limt·~
, I, I . {III l 'I I I i. _ • · |· 4 4 I ,
;'”' ‘I"· """I I '··"""'}· "'*` I'*·"' ·""' to pre~se·ttt ;t< twat uml 2llll'il('Il\`(‘ aut- _..._
0 \\'lIlll1 Ill lnltul‘ ls lltw I`·»!' lt:t\'llt<·’ . .. , . I .,‘I * . . ·
I I -— ])t'.lltlll(t‘ .1» INl>§I)l(‘. \\t· ttt·t·tl youu I
"'('(l(‘ l"(‘ ( •'ll(‘£'(‘ I\\’lt=lI 1I N- ·lUIl¥'—‘ (m-t•I)pr;ttIntt tn ktup It sn. \'».¤- elw ll¤·I I
(ajltlllk)'. zllt itllIIll4>l‘lI)’ ll}N1ll (`UIISIIIU- pxllppt tu Ituvp rules llilllflllf 2ll'•>ll|l(l
.i ll(I)llZ\l Law. llmt. 'l`lt<»m:ts Nl·»·»l‘(·. mw all IIWI- thu walls, to start- yov in the GYMNASIUM SUITS, I
lil Illv lwst lt*&ll t*SI2ll<* lzl\\’)'t;l'# Ill Ill(* {QW`] (nyppy I]uu· yuu putpy tIu· rtmttt, I
, Bullllll zllltl Ill-(lll. (ll&\|‘l(‘$ l}(‘\'\'. WIIU ]·t·tuu·gtiug you tu llu Iltls nl tml IM I
""*I"" "'l' I``` I"' ‘*" I ""l“"""""'*· tlo tlmt, hut wv tlo tallw tlti~ tm·:ttt> ··t` I
d }‘A}vIlI'y IIIHII IIWIII IIIIWII UI Law IIII` VIII-}, I.I""'°"'y ""Il *"'('("`—l)` \`(‘(|ll¢·sl-
0ll)e· tw (·ltt‘u Illl'lII ut. llw \‘t·;tt· III. WIII III III‘ . .‘ . . . . I
_ _ I · 2 I .I>(*l1>t* \\lIll }l»llt >lll(ll\-
l'I`°"'I"'*· I“""""kY ""Y* “"'·'I "' l"'*' lug wltllv tltorv, not to ¢·xpt·l·t·n·;ttt· on SUPPLIES,
. yI`III`S‘ IIIIW I'I"" """'l“"'°" I" *""""' the watlls uml tllll` e
UTHE I SIOIIIIIIIS III. I'IIII`I' `I‘II"`· """' """""‘ nssistttnt·t· Et l{I(‘\)ll|;_f ut,. I-...,III I.,-- . BASE BALL GQQ])3I
I ttul to i\(‘(Illll't‘ :1 tltomugh legal I]I,I.I\. .IIIII .IIII..II.III.I, I I
COLLEGE ""‘I""‘**'· ""`Y """" ""'Y """""' "'* Remember Tuesday night is the reg- I and
FELLOW’S SHOP." I """" """"" ""*""- ·""""¥' "'*‘ '*"°¥‘° ular weekly meeting night and that l COLLEGE Z
I tttttttlnt tlttt lttx lll tlx t lt i I I
I " ~ ' "‘ ‘ `*‘*‘.' "* """‘ every one is more than welcome! I *
I laltvtl xtra- sttttlvttts t`t·l`I‘ illlllllllttlli lII(‘lI ill'l‘ 7 V ` ` I I I
I t‘llll’l'lll*" tlto l.:t\\‘ xls Illt· lw>{ :l\`t·tttt¢· I
For the S t college FGIIOWI In Sllvvvss illlll lt•>llul‘; t·;tl·lt }'('i\I' Illv P LL
I l.l\\V Svltlmls Ill. otll' <·ullttIl'\`. \\‘lIll ¤•lll' ————#— `
I Now on Display , I , . , ' .
‘ lx. S. l ,:tt lltotr Il‘nlll, are ttt;u·<-ltt1t;; _ _ _ I
I ttpwalrtl to rt ltl;;·lu·t· slzttulzml ··t' vlli- IIIIIIII _H`mIIIIIIII wu" IIN. IIIIFI, III II I I
·······~· · .. n . _ , . _ · S(‘l`lt‘S nl l:·t*lllt't·s, nt' l':ltltl·l‘. lttI•»t‘ltt:tl I ·t···
l'lt*llt*). (‘il(‘tl )t*al| Illlt |>•mll\ Italtltvll I Ik I II _ I II_I I I I _ I
nre time pellet mt tltt· ut. mt " ‘ "_ "' “"" ""*‘ "·‘ """""“· . ..
ASK y-pppeette I`,{‘lI])Ii\·II,II III:] .III .II.:,UIIII_ HV" *'l'),l(‘(’l WHS "ll;ll'ttt•>tt_\',°` uml I i|l\\'il}'S llt· Qlettl In 509
_· II _' ·I I _ I I · ·- lwr tl·<·zttttt·~t’ nt` the *|ll}_l‘(‘I slt»w·l }""'·
THE "F·'·'·°WS AB°U"` Us- I ‘'‘'‘ "‘f "‘ ""‘ """‘ "' “"‘ I ...- t. .·.— Intl. .t... .f.t»`...'.`..I.It`I
lam ’ltt`.< <·t·ll·l>t·;tlt·tl wotwls: "(lt` ` `· 'I · " ‘ `
, . . , , ill l ’tt·lt lll'l‘l'.'li\llllllf t` girls. ;t»
H1"·u)·S |l\·‘n(1 lZ\\\ IlI(‘l`l‘ (‘lIll lN‘ lltl l llI’l\ll(*\\l· I` IQVIITIT Il (I\IiII\IIIlII(I ` IIISIQIIII IIII-
(Hu- “v'()[·d “*ith thu (°()Il(»tr(l {‘(lI2'\'(l Illilll Illill lIl‘l' $('tll IS IlI(' lltlhttlll ( l` I I ' I I II 5 II I
I I I · ¤ , .· _ _ , · M \\'l I lt'¢*tl lvss :t (‘ll llllt illll \\‘t
Bello ·· 'l1·t It trlt It Mt (unl. lwt \··l<·¤· the |t.nttt•»tt\ ot tlt•· I II I III II I _I II . .
\\ h. lll III., I I . _ . _ _ _ I
WWII •• l¤»¤»l\ Iul'\\.ll'•l In t‘\1l'} I;lll\ tlt Iltt·
(‘(lll!lI. some. -2 *· _III_IIIS & CQMPANY
“ lhuttt llauttiltott ltats tatlwtt ·l suite ··t` I IgIII.I.L.SSm.S
CHARGE Y. M. C. A. rlmttts All l’;tIl\l·rst•tt ll;tlI atttI‘ll(‘l‘ \‘I‘tll lw attt lltsplltlllnvtt I·~
SOLIOITED 'l`lu· oputtttt; ttt•»t¤·tttl·ttt Ittt Nl. (`. tltt»»t· girls vtlto ;u·t· ttyittg In lt t···ttl··. WEST MAIN STREET
l"]'l)l|l l·(`N[N)|lI$il)l(‘ [unt'- A. W(•|'li HI Ill\> lIlSllIlll|<>lt l•¤l' lltl· us slw t·xI»tt·»`t·t\ tt_ "'|"u· l.l.»;tl
tivS_ pl‘t*>•·ltI )‘l·.ll‘ \\';l> ltvltl lll lll‘· (lylllllil \Yt»l|t;tlt_°°
siuul }•`l·illa)· ‘.\·(•niH!I Sltlnvlllh I- ' }°"'°""°`°""’
(I()Xll*l IX, (lvl ;lt·l|tt;tmt.•_~tl_ It was in lll(‘ llilIl|I'\' ot' tt lt»ml»im·tl SEE MR. DOWNING OR MR. -·~··—···-`·*
. Y. M. (`. .\. uml ;llltll·lit· l`&lll_\`. in LURTY AND GIVE YOUR SUBSCRIP-
I "i"i`”""‘“ ‘“ i’ """ wltivlt lmllt tltv Y. Nl. I`. .\. uml TION TO THE|DEA AT ONCE. L...,.-. o,_.
as .. ,. iv _ ,
A°ll Ylllll Gll°°°l fm" LITERARY SOOIETIES- the transmission under the \’Rl'l0ll§ CIVIL NOTES.