xt7bzk55hr1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55hr1r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1972 1972 1972-02-17 2020 true xt7bzk55hr1r section xt7bzk55hr1r I' O .
A {3 S faculty nearly accepts B.G.S.
iiytiiJoiuii: E. GIBSON
~ , ' m . Assistant Managing Editor .
. W" .~ 0919““) accept the Bachelor of General Studies degree and ' '
. .. I l A wym% ., _. passed two amendments pertaining to it. V
. VT“; I!“ .. VVV . -' A . M. Both amendments. which were presented by Dr, Michael
- 7 3 "M7” is MW "1- M J». A ' Adelstein of the English department. dealt with setting up . .
‘sv‘: " .: . a" I w: .3 .. M .. 7W5? ° I I . reftUirt‘mf‘mS fer the BUS program. ' .
4.3- Jc {Br 2 *‘WS 1“.“5. Si 91‘7“me L t, . ' ' . . .5 ,. . . .\meiVHlVlnents passed .- I
a . "1- . »-.. V3 ~.. . 4 5; a.» t a. g. 5"” Q - lhe inst amendment, which caught a ctmsiderable amount
”“2! ”it; n I 'ff‘ ” ’- ‘ ' “as . ""~' 0f flak from both students and faculty. involved setting up .
“‘3' .~ ” i?" fl}: .. » g :33 W gradepoint requirements for entering the BUS program. The ‘
.VVAM '.. . I”: v L I. :2? V‘ , amendment also included a provision for submitting plan W
‘ - ' . ‘5 1-5” 'V' " ék 3,37}: '53:" -- .. v _ As passed by the A 8; S faculty. the amendment states that
‘ . ‘ ' ' " a“??? ”‘3‘ fl " 3 fi“ ‘ a student must have a 2.3 gradepoint standing after his fresh- \
. _ man year before he can enter the program. After entering
V Dr. VMVichael Adlesteln proposes average be placed on the Bachelor of the program he must present his academic advisor with a
' ' "I restrictions as to Class and grade point (.eneral Mlldles' course outline. Adelstein stressed that these course plans ~ .
(Staff photo by John llicksi would not be binding. Continued on Page 10. Col. 1 .
' ' and get a light jacket and an umbrella. Th¢ Hen'u‘kg V
, ‘ Lexington is going to be mostly warm and _ _
. . cloudy Thursday with a good chance of .
, rain in the evening. The all time high for
' today will be 50 with a low of 30 Thursday
‘ night. The high Friday should be in the .
‘ 40's. The odds of your getting drenched
l are 20 percent Thursday. 30 percent
V lzfltfggrggxtEhfexgihér bureau does voi.. LXlll N0. 92 LEXINGTON. KENTL'CKY mam; ’l‘lll'RSDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1972 '
. i i
_. . H ' Students gutlty of not servtng on juries . .
, . e a r ., 8' but new rulingr may put more in courts 7 .
' . . lgy-(‘y'lellA WATTS its 1970 session. Since that time demeanor. not under indictment advise my jury commissioner to Meade stated. ".-\ great many
' Kernel Staff Writer several students have served and if convicted of a felony. has select voters from every precinct others have been summoned. but
Have you ever heard of a UK jury duty in the Criminal Division been pardoned." in the county. This would insure because of the hardships. since
' V student serving jury duty in the of (‘ircuit Court. Selection process people from every economic and classes have been scheduled.
'. _ Fayette County court system? The number of students eligible Names of potential jurors are ethnic group.” they beg to be excused." -
. The December ruling of US. to serve jury duty is limited by selected by the jury com- Meade said. “Since this is the (‘riminal court meets four '
, . - District Judge MacSwinford the .tUFOI‘ qualifications as stated missioners from the current criminal court. if I don‘t have a terms per year with each term .'
' ‘ allowing students to establiSh h." the Kentucky Revised Statute voters‘ registration records and true cross‘section of the com- lasting six to eight weeks~
V . proof of residency for voting 29.003.Thisdocument states. “No or the last returned tax records munity. my decisions could be Monday through 'l‘hursday. ‘
. ' .V purposes might changethe rarity person shall be qualified as a for the county as stated in the reversed in appealate court. the Dr. Harvey Hamilton. who was
. 0f student .iUFOI‘S- juror for service on a grand or Kentucky Revised Statute. court of last resorts." Meade Working on his Pl] 1). when .
. . . According to Judge Mitchell petit jury unless he or she is a However. Judge Mitchell wants to insure that “there is no summoned for jury duty in April. *
. ' V , Meade of the Fayette (‘ircuit citizenandforthe preceding year Meade said. in relation to jury question but that every person 1971 said. "It was difficult to .
‘ . .. (‘ourt. students were made has been a resident of the county selection. “I prefer the voter has a true representative jury." schedule my work on my
V . . eligible to serve on juries wherein called to serve, at least register list because I feel I get a Several students have served dissertation with the jury duty.
. beginning June 1. 1970 by the twenty-one years of age. sober. better cross section of the on criminal court juries since pt‘lmiirih' due to the time
Kentucky General Assembly in temperate. discreet. and of good community.“ He continued. “1 June 1. 1970 Continued on Page 10, Col. 3
Is anybody there ?
' ' H ' ' ll
' ' ~' am radio operators aetlve at K
B)’(L\Yl.l§ McGL'IRE minute. The license is issued for two years
' ' Kernel Staff Writer and is nonrenewable. .
. . ' ~(‘Q . .('Q. _ .This is W4JP from Lexington. Once the novice license is obtained.
- Kentucky. (‘atljng (‘Q . VCQV“ Strange. operators then progress to the higher classes- V
. unintelligible nonsense? Not at all. technician. general. advanced. 0" extra. The ”lim- h L «a H
. . [TK‘s “Ham"radiooperators usefhis call to distinction between these classes is based :55: ' .... t ‘ VV '8' " . '
. inform other operators that W4JI’. the solely on the frequencies the F(‘(‘ allows each 5:.- !“ \ '
‘ l'niversitybased station. is free to send and operator ‘0 “5"- not 0” further demon- ,‘_,~;' ‘e' L 5 N u . * s 3 if
receive messages. strations “l “kl” ' n- h I. h ’ iii—Ml w 5.1 '
According to Jtnt Bruce. president of l'K's “llam operators aren‘t limited to any one «grams; ., “ a ‘ . '
Amateur Radio (‘lub. the limited number of region ”1' l’l‘llf’SI’Pl‘lf' “'1th 0f mind. People Tort-scam; i l ’4' ~-
. radio enthusiasts in the club makes it im- “lll‘ 1‘” ““9““ l“ ”I“ “‘f'lmlf'i‘l Sid“ ”I radio ‘9“! m: s: ' ' " ”“3
V' . tmssthhi to man the station as much as it or those fascinated with the challenge of w . M It ‘ f Ll. . 2
should be. Bruce osttmattis that [K has operating a station contacting exotic places-- 55.“ t! r" A; a» . l , ' ""°“ Q . ‘
‘ about tot) licensed operators. but said only It)» ltaly. “f“ inany»discover 1‘ common outlet in K. 3%.- ‘3' -; v- -. “W . .._ ... w"
15 are in the club. amateur radio." Bruce said. . ' i i ~. .. . : t
“:‘tmateur radio is a special sort of com ‘43”“3'hlf' WNW” . l.__ . l
municafions category authorized by the llam operators not only socialize with one -' M’?’. _ V e: -- .. .. /
l’ederal (‘om m unications Commission." ””“lllf‘lV l’lll ”l5” perform ““‘ll‘l “THC“ l” W“ 9’ ‘ "‘2' l. -. so; a ' ‘
I Bruce said ”To gain an operator's license. “'“f'l‘ts'W‘f'lf'S ll telephone “m“ 4”“ ”NV” “l an ' s W '— ifi
Y Wu have to pass federal exams on radio law. """"l“”t 5”“- ham f’I’f‘l'ilt‘WS ”WIN“ N‘SCUO " w I" I V
electronics. and Morse code -- teams to aid accident \ ictims . . . _ ‘- ~
. Four licenses llela) systems have been created to send ""lm l‘”"-“ H“. president 0‘ "Wk” frequent use "I facilities. '
V l"our classes of Licenses are issued to messages which would otherwise not be ‘1‘." ”m" ""di" Operator ('luh tStaff "I'm" l“ l" ‘l' (. ('ahillt .
amateur operators To earn the novice class “Ff"“tmlf'i'll5' llf‘itlflltlf‘ ”4m“ ti” A valuable
- “(0"st one must pass a simple t‘htim-y test seryice by transmitting messages from in
and be able to send Morse code at five words a ("'"linm‘d on Page 8. (‘ol. ::

 I I ‘ _ ~ I '1 .
‘ O
2 JI‘HE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, February 17. 1972 ' ° t
- . ev1s1ons o orgamze
I . O O 9 o . l l g W,
., 0 e 1'89 y ear 8 1” ma ,lng state s crlmina aws
l I E ‘ t t l tlul to (limil t ‘t
- n . i ., . .1 aiou w 11‘ “ ‘ la e I :5.
' ' ‘ By TIM ii.\l.l..\ltl) Kentucky t‘rime (‘ommlssion and t‘(‘\'ls‘(‘(l... 1 hey re not unitorm at Pit-“Ill“ M ”l‘ “‘9‘- ‘l‘ ath.IIlltt I c ‘l p i t a l p unis h m e n t t 333;;
l ' - ‘ Kernel Staff “ritei' the Legislative Research all The t“outfit lack of imprisonment without plnl (gt llt(;g(lh(‘l‘ "l awson said “and it
I » ‘ ' “DH“R'S My”? I" ”W til'sl Commission. was drafted by four unitoi'iiilty is in the penalties. 0‘ Pdl0lt . find “0'“ 4’ Hal“ ht) was decided that it couldn‘t be
- . ~ .~ installment of a two-part series. people. including liobert Lawson. (“’lll'llt‘l‘lt'd l.awson. ““0 said “9 [”0 ”"annmmt‘ . . (ourt (lone now ht Kentucky " 5g
» " " ' -‘ Til" Ballard reports 0" aspects “f acting dean ot’ the l'lx' (‘ollege of (ll'illli‘d about “5 ”l ”‘9 :tti chap- proceedings concerning ( Id: -[ l 'iwson ‘idded that capital afi
' i . ‘ , . , . - - x 4 . I. (. v.5.
. . i ' . Kelituck) 's proposed penal code. Law It is based primarily on the “‘11“ ”l “W ”9‘" ("’d“ M "m“ would pt (ondIuctt '- m )un‘ishment is mostly 'in f?
, , I’ ‘, 'I‘UIIHII'I‘O“ Ballard “i” write 'u )(lt‘l P ‘ll'll (“do d(‘\'(‘l() (’d h\' Penalties slandarizod h“) separate ll'lLllS. 1ll(‘ llrfit l ‘I . II II~I ‘ 35%
. . * ‘ ‘ ‘ ' p - . ~ "l "h 1 '1t or emotional issue. since it has s.-
‘ . . ' . 1hout thy. g . ~ti u c ,t' tl . . 1. l . . .. l . . l . . , l nder the proposed code. trial would esta )lis hui . .14,
. .' £ -‘ ( ( L l H (0“ l H .\lll( i It gill 4d“ llbtltulL I . _ , Id l)(‘('ll '1 long “mp SlllCC UHVOHC li‘is "2-9
.' ‘ " ‘ ‘ dealing “it“ abortions "I'd dl'llt-IN- between 1953 and 1902. The code POW‘H'OS are standardized ‘0 ””m‘l‘lml‘): the second Iwou t nit] (executed ill Kentucky ‘fl
. . ; g z . - The Kentucky ”huge of la thmtghflt t‘, tlhmthath the eliminatedisparity ill sentencing determine the sentence if the M - . ~
I " ‘, liepresentatives is conducting unorganized condition of the H the penal code ‘5 passed Ill." detendant '5 "(’"V'CIted- r‘or(‘l'iss B t'eloniesthe penaltv "E;
f :' " ‘ = L f hearings on a proposed state present Kentucky criminal laws. ”‘0 (ieneral Assembly m "5 “mm" P““'“""“"“ _ . _ ill-"0 yiars and—or 1 fine- for 5‘
'- ‘ u . . '. ' . . l . it . 1 . ‘d . . . .. .. - present form. there will be four However. the death penalty is '5 - . ‘ ‘ ‘
. . . , . pina tt)( i. Lolnp (It last Lawson said. . . _ . . II (‘lass (‘ five—10‘ years and~or a 1';
f _ w y ‘ ' a - Nm’tlmhu. after more than three "Problems with existing classes ot telonies iA.B.(‘ and Di applicable to only three climes. .. ~ I I. . if???
*' " » ‘ . . ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . .. . 'l' h . w 'tim is line; and tor (lass l) one—five
.. . 5 - ~1 ' years ot research statutes t-tlsuh from the fact that and three classes oi minder. lapt i tIt \lt . , rs and—or '1 line . [:5
v ' . j The code prepared bv the thtlt- have never hpen misdemeanors (A. B. and under 12 or receives serious 5‘“ ~ \ ‘I l -
. ' ‘ : ‘ - . . . ‘ . ~ - - . . ' V ' ‘ ‘ A; _‘ ) " S ' ’ ‘ _::'
- . ' w . . 7 \'l()liill()lll. inach class would physical injuries and kid- (lass l mlsumcanors 4'; 2:2.
.‘ ‘ ' - _ . - - ~. - . h ' x l v . , 33:;
~ ' - ' . . carry its own penalty. nappplng unless the victim is llllll|§Il1dl)l( ’I} “(91“)”: .thl‘ dm t
‘ I I . . ‘ . , | . , r .V.‘ .. ,I. ‘A _
. . w . [- AII' Rldes Persons convicted of (lass A released unharmed. “l ‘l “'1‘ ~ “l“ ‘ “st ””1” up §
, L ‘ . ' ‘ ' . _ .f I I. h f L . felonies would be subject to three “There was some discussion to 00 days and-or a line. i."
‘2 . g See the bean" u ig ts o exmgton _ 555;;
' ' : . 1 . ' . o ' °
~. ' > -- ~ 2 - by night Education a] system 1n lcte
. . ' ' " ,I ' FRIDAY 5-9 p.m.
. ' I’ ' " “”5 A DATE! SATURDAY , am _ 9 pm “-°° P" Fem" l tear the educational process attend that class. professors and grades." he added. speaking to
‘ y l . ‘ may become a gigantic students are rarely ill each about 2:0 people at the Koinonia
' ' ' ' AV 9 . .- 9 .M. . .. v . H :45;
I . .- . I , . I SUND a m p lalsehood. Dean of L n— other s presence. lhe student House, .5553st
" .‘ 'l‘ . . B k A. S - dergraduate Studies John could wait ili his dormitory for 8.“ it s k P I iéfgif
' . . - - . * * q s ' ‘ " .- - 2;:2
-. . j ; 11C eye 1r CI'VICC Stephenson Siiid in a speech at a the taped lecture to be delivered pl ’Il 0” PO K I0In Ilastu 3:123
. . : g . Wednesday luncheon lvy on “ails. the lniversity in 'f
f , ‘7' 3' V' Bluegrass Field 255-3388 lie said. universitv education Student demonstrations. and ”ML “”d made some future
‘- flrfi "9 7 h , looks real but isn't comparing it lobbying for the institution may tongue ”1 cheek PredlCUOHS- ii?
I". w, v. , ' If” to the artificial ivy adorning Ill" “CC“‘dm‘d and scheduled tar By 109] he predicted Student
4 ' '- " .5' g . ot'i‘ice walls. Ill advance (iovernment will be fully in- E
:- I.‘ i , : 1‘, ' , . ' - .;§§§§§§:§§; "It has little impact because of 'l‘h ta ulty ht said will be corporated. providing a full line ii".
' ‘ « ' ' = 5375;??? 'l 5 purposelessness. Sitt‘i n their committees while of aids. Pree liliversity will
' V’ I it 'l i ' REFRI‘ ERA I OBS 33535323 Requirements can he ends in h ”‘30. . t t' _ t k" th have between 2.000 and 3.000
t , . , . ' . . iii-:13 I . , 4 L‘ . S r e ‘ I .
. .I themselves ii the student works iutdr "“2391de Elsiemgmmg students. and free L. s lecture --
. .‘ 1 I. f . . j l'or.or rather against credits and I“ u ‘ u d ‘ ' notes will be used by most l'K
' " ' ' ' _ I out of a course. he still wouldn't It" a student had failed to test students. .
. v7 5 ; e 4 reduced rental $3425 -,
r. .' ; - ~ 1 I C harge ZANDALE LIQUOR DISPENSARY 1 Oday and tomorrow
' " i ‘ ‘ « .i A_ Complete Line Of Your Favorite U
-. I" ‘ . ' 1" ' ‘. . 5353'? Ext 8-5222 LIqU'd Retreshments and Party Supplies The deadline tor announcements is H a m. TODAY :5.-
' i - 1‘ ' l ‘ : .V'zij'fi'" . Eli-ff; “—_— two weekdays prior topublication Oi items in SLIDE PR ESENTATION of Moscow 8 p m if;
1" I' r _ ' _ ;.1.2,;i; Short Distance From UK. Campus lis column All announcements Will be run in room 214, Student Center. [(5.
' ' ' " ' ‘ 7 ‘ W‘ ' m“ "m“ “W “W9 W“ “at °‘ "‘9 FORUM °" "Cale“ Opportunit'es '0'
I . ,-.I . .r-.:::»:1---.-=-=:--=‘..-:. , ..-.:=3::;* I, I 2208 Zandale Shopping Center event and on the day 0, the event. polnical Science Maiors, " 7 p m in room
.I‘ c , -. ‘ _' J. E A ~ , .- . . -— . 206, Student Center
I .v I . . 7 p m in room 245, Student Center if};
.» I ~. . ~ I . CHEVY CHASE LITTLE MURDERS by the Thearre Arts
III _ . I , . department. Curtain time through Feb. 19 is
tIIi _ C . - LANSDOWNE 8 30 p m: Feb 20, 7-30 pm For reser
", I, . . I I . I vatlons call 258 3680 daily from noon to 4 30
., _1 .: - .t t.- . , WINCHESTER ROAD 0 m
I ." I-. 3 j ‘ l - N€ HOUR Dr DR BENJAMIN SPOCK presented by :3
.' f ' l - ‘ -. SOUTHLAND the People's Party 8 pm. in the Grand 5‘3"
II III . .I . . Ballroom. Student Center Everyone g
_. ' ' ~. .I-jr I welcome 1:5:
_ . l ,i DRY CLEANERS warm
" 7 ' ..- ' ; ‘ - , ._ WELFARE REFORM with panel hearlng
A "I i" ' I v‘» . 'v luv“: ’03” clothes full; as O rost VERSAILLES ROAD and workshop to a m. to 3 p m. Saturday.
I.;. -.' ,I, I ., --—---- . _ Hl-ACRES Feb. 19, at the YMCA on Second St. Spon
" .' “ '- j sored by the National Welfare Rights "k
.f‘ a: . Organization. Everyone welcome. "2
" ' ~," . . . MISCELLANEOUS
. " ._ . ‘ ' VENEREAL DISEASE information and
'. ', ,1 I ‘ ’. ' . referrali Call Operation Venus at 255-8484 gIIIII:
.. . , . ec, a s or u en 5 weekdays from 4 to 9 pm. and Saturdays 9
.I ‘. '-. ,' . . a m. to noon
‘ .' ' ‘ PROBLEM PREGNANCY and abortion
, ’ I ' .‘ . retierrral. Call Kathy at 254 9855.
vit'. -* .' FOR ANY lNFORMATlON call the so
g = 7 ‘ 3 Referral Service at 258-8531 weekdays from
j . " _' ‘- , mt 3' 103 m. to 8p.m.
7 i: '2 I 1-. ' 1‘ ‘ ‘ "'1".‘v-s‘-t::-::::¥:‘r1::.+.;r.:::1+I:::‘-‘e=:;:_¢;:j«.<§:§.<-I.~jss?--5:5:5:::§:§:§$e::gggzg:§:§-WZ’1‘..."
. : -, " ‘ " .. .f Australia, Europe, 5. America, Africa, ’:
lil‘r ’ ‘ All professions and occupationsagf; , gig:
. .. " - 3 -‘ :gzjvoo to $3,000 monthly. Expenses paidllig .
‘ 5 ‘.-' ‘ I -' . 's'Ifjsovertirne, sightseeing. Free intorrnation -'; 5 i552?
.. I . .I I Write JOBSOVERSEASDept.81.30ng “ $255;
. . ‘- , DRESSES 5-I15071,San Diego, CA. 92115 *3 E33:
_ -_, 2 Piece SUITS c 5L A CKS ( The Henlmkgflcrncl
. . . . I. .' - :3ng
.’ t. " ’ '- ‘ ' , The Kentucky Kernel. University
,. ' . ’ . -‘ ’ SWEATERS Station. University of Kentucky. Lex-
' - 'l ‘ ' AT ington. Kentucky 40808. Second class
t ' ‘ fl. . - 1" . postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky. .5
,’ 3 : ', .. . > ; SKIRTS Mailed five times weekly during the
I . . i . , . _ school year except holidays and cm 2‘37
.' ., .1 . . eOCh periods. and once during the summer ':::‘
’ L . ‘ ., . " J .Published by The Kernel Press. Inc.. 113 if
_ ; .II . - Journalism Building. University 0! Ken- 35
' I '. "w I , lucky. Lexington. Ky. 40506. «5:;
' , I .. I I I. Begun as The Cadet in 1394 nnd published
. ’I ' ' , H continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since
. - , . ' ' 1915.
' '. . .- 1 '. Advertising published herein is intended to
I II I _I . II . II . help the render buy. Any false or milleldlnj <
' 1 .' '. . I I rts - a u n ere advertising should be reported to the editors. III;
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. ., ..-- w

 Tm: KENTL‘L‘KY KENNEL, Thursday. February 17. 1972-4; _. i, . j!
gill -.;r.-.;-y...‘........»,.a,... .. . 3 ,9. WWW :33... .. .mmewwéfie..;.-,::.44.,::;;;:32......,...;.:,. .-:=-' -3 ' 33' 2".
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ndit f; '_ :3 g
't. be . if"; '- ‘1 .1.
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Lil: >3 These merchants in the campus area have pledged , for the next ten 3 3
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.5223 5;le 3 139%}? 1.5"
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 ' ' i—Tiir: KEN’I‘l't‘KY KERNEL. Thursday. February 17. I972
. ' 6 Q 9 O O
- lit 8 ”1' ers "'88 —p0"lt an
‘ - ( . .. _ \l .'_. (_ _( l' . ( . pastime 7\‘iolence--and tires at nightmare is missing a few violence with such a bang that in Murders" is disturbing. despite
. ‘ . tdg.ll(l;l:;igml,lll(Ifh'ém.:§p}:.fiij‘gift? point blank range. Violence is important pieces. What is hap- the ‘70's we are still feeling the lI‘eifter's tendency to sketch a
' ~ . .- . ' senseless and so. unfortunately. pening here besides chaos and shock waves. character ”(istead of developing
‘ ‘ -‘ is most of the play. why is it happening‘.’ Violence has become a fact of it. because t 1e actors given these
. f ( ' .\ . It) l’.\.\l lIIl..\.\l r‘t-il't'tIi‘tli'avy'sthecharactersin “Little Murders“ is an un— life-~and death. Pretending it cardboard cutouts live.
.' .. . ‘ (Kernel Stafffllt'riter “LittleMurders" as thinly as he comfortable play to watch and doesn‘t exist is more than self- The ((010 01. Patsy. the life force
.~ (I ( ( . ( ("Little Murders (15 a scream. does his cartoonss'l‘he result is that is its greatest strength. deluding._ it's dangerous. For that motivates the others toward
. (1". - ( 4 . \ou may the laughing. one elongated. animated comic Violence (‘XISIS and Americans soon it will explode again faster “(“0” and in some cases inac-
.' .~ _. (. ( ( lhe Jules reitfer play. now strip with laughs-Iyes—iand seem to be better‘at developing than a speeding bullet. ((I h tion. is a difficult character
.( ( (_ . . , )eing plt‘Stllifd by the l l\ social commentary--certainly. varied uses for it than most. Is this the stuff of V» 11C which Diane Irwin handles with
:( . _ I, - .. Department of lheatre Arts. sets But it also contains a nagging lI‘eiffer wrote the play in the late comedies are made? \es. \ou iinsinkable spirit.
. - , r -‘ . its aim on America's favorite feeling that this puzzling. urban ‘60s a decade that defined can laugh until it hurts-mentally . .
. _ g i. ( . and physically. “Little Murders” Bl” (‘arpenter ‘5 a ”0‘ as
. y . 5 . , ‘1 _ l is paranoid humor. Feiffer isn't l’atsy's brother although most of
-. w .. K lrwan ounge reopens .
. . . . , the play to Offend everyone and considerably with no real loss to ‘
l ( . ~ _ . ‘ .. _ y , . ”asionallv somethin to make the character. Kathleen lI‘oley as
. . . . ( .' - H Tlie‘llrpltsoor loungedof krlirwan Will be ruined.“ were improved. the reSidents 3::Iryone think. g Patsy‘s mother lends the play a
’. -. ' “55:;(‘12 :tgglpenh (to (owtr {\lartin sa'd the Tower would take care Of It' In “Little Murders." the laughs passing touch of sanity with an
.( . ( x. .( it: (“10‘ m frv‘bbdvdfo; r” en ”1% gm “WWW.” closedthe lounge 10 Schwartz said. “The damage come often. but the laughs come intelligent performance.
. v. . , ( ~ . . , w'txel:(The 1 ((116 :“Tag -los]>dF1):SIt show ascriousnessinour effort to has been slight this .\'ear." in cheap. When first produced. the Production-wise. W. Gay
.( . (I G ‘ week-by ill(‘(Kll‘g\.:an Tozvertllousbe protect 01" llllng and studying comparison to the situation three play must have understandably Reading‘s 59‘ is for the most part
’.' i. _ _ . (‘ouncil 'ifter curtains and "“‘l‘lnlm‘mr _ and four years ago. According to raised morethan a few eyebrows. cleverly used by director
. , _ '7, .1 , .V . , 11 mm “(1mm were stolen from f\(l(a(itin( mentioned the Schwartz (who is now in his third But by now homosexuality is Raymond Smith as an arena for
. : ~ . (ht: nei'lv remodeled buildin lWSSlDlIIU 0f cancelling 0P9“ year in the Tower) “There was getting tiresome as a source of action and reaction. But with the
'. = ; .I , I ' “to u; ”m incident .. saigd houses (the curtains were 5‘019“ always something torn up; it was gag material. Hippie-ish wed- possible exception of “God Bless
f ' . ,. .l _ ' j ‘ ‘ . ' allegedly-during an Open house) like a zoo.“ dings without God in the America."the musical interludes
. .5 ' . - hirwan Tower PreSident Mike and closmg the 23rd floor in- . - . - -
y ,. ,( ( . . \lartin “this dorm had ex- ( f' ' l . Tl "d f h T ( marriage vows are old hat. in the play are intruSive rather
j ' . . . serienced no‘serious vandclism H .llnm 3,1 .. ( th 1e re“ entsugdt e 0g?" My God (you should pardon the than effective.
I; (.4 :f .- . Eh“ year However this “(9:15 to (,1 “(.1 hirwan- 1‘0“” 30958 ( ree (yesrs ag: ll evegyt (mg. expression). by the 1970‘s even “Little Murders" is certainly
.(z . . , . indicate flm u swin L Km van— ,"‘,‘"" is particularly worried Saw t umdt : Sac: l’ ownli( Erich Sega] a la “Love Story“ not the most eloquent statement
7: ~ (.1 dalism .. ‘ p. g (1!)?qu vandalism. Since the c “3r :hbfil d ‘ (mfg itfera y had gotten around to it. And ofthe American way of death.but
(, , . \lartin continued “We are not "‘3 (“”3” presently undergomg rippet th oors f) 0 ((929 people have not been surprised to it is still one of the most con.
1 .- . , : (UAR: that anyone in this dorm 20:09“ worth'ofremodeling. Dan elevator (ree years agio. 'h e learn that love andlife are not the temporary. I doubt if any other
. -( ' ‘_ .. -( _ ‘L “5”“ “ma“ Tower ”Fe ‘ ua or was unoccupie W 9" only four-letter words in our country except the United States
, , __ , 4 st()lethedlapes.ln fact one would preSident who played a major the bomb exploded.)
‘ .’ " ' - '- ‘.' think that it was an outsider But . l) ‘ ’ .' ' ' S'hW' t 'd l ' th 23 d language. could have produced a work 0f
1 ._ ( ', ‘- f , " . . .( _ ( . '. m t m getting the (LanGI‘Slty to , L ar Z sai C osmg e r. Yet this production of “Little such harrowing reality. ‘
~ ( it this woit of thing (vandalismt remodel the budding. said the ”00F “'85 unfortunate. but. ”It
- -' . . ' . continues to happen. this dorm 1'niversity felt that if the building was the only thing we could do." . o .
, _ , V D contlnues to use ‘
~~, , '_ GRAN D a teens affected most
‘ '1' .- y x, .~ . A::::.'.I;:::&:":-. " a; " .‘.i:"‘*a. .:;-1""‘5$355 ;:--=I"“:§§&I (_..-.---~'-.. ..~
. (1; .2 (' ~ (- .:f (:- ,-;I- 3:2. 3: (I.-(-" -_v""_( If venereal disease continues to cording to statistics. Forty-one
.~ ~( , _ g5 g: I z 3 1 rise at the present rate. it will percent of the cases fall in the 20-
' ‘ .‘ , _ - ("it =2; s ( :1? ’5; g affect one in five teenagers, said 25 year age group. The under-25
. , ( (1 , ( -' 2522's” ‘=:;;;.((.§g;. a * '==.;5:,;.:2§§.. as...” i,“ .f‘ Bailey Orton. state public health group makes up 75 per cent of all
.. , .( .,( \( _.( ...-.rg-((( '.‘ representative for venereal cases in Fayette County. Orton ‘
. " . ' . ‘ g 5331’? ® I: :‘Ig.((:‘f‘5¥=:;’.',-.-I disease control. Tuesday. said.
(; j , x fi fi" “1,“; Speaking at a forum onvenereal Orton said gonorrhea affected
(.( ._.~ ( . FRI_SAT _SUN #5 \-.. " ._ r disease at the Christian Student 585 per 100,000 in Lexington.
.( (' .( . (_ ( -| ( >,( (Qty? Fellowship Center, Orton said Syphilis affected 9.5 per cent. in
.- ( .- FEB 189 199 20 FREE 3553(_((((g ( \'.D. is reaching an epidemic Lexington. “This." he said. “is
r. , .. ( , 0N5 proportion.l\’ew cases 0fV.D. are the highest in the state. and
.4 I, I . 9 7 » COME SAM PLE THE BALL0 -:. reported at the rate of 5.600 per higherthan the state and national
[I . . v _. . dav. avera es."
_> WORLD’S TASTIEST %’ FOR T (‘ Of the 20.186 cases reported A concentrated effort to
. ,~ K‘DD\ES " .( statewide. there were 50,000 eradicate syphilis began in the
s ' .. I '3 DONUTS ALWAYS cases not reported in 1971. ac- early sixties. Orton said.
. _ ‘ -‘ '7' ' o o o . * ~ ~
- .( _. ( -' :5:§55:;;,~:._ :3:;::- ( . ‘
-_- — e 4 -HOUR FRESH - . ~~$ . , —m®m
._ , . . .. Is ' r a ' g; -
~ - - ~ AL AYS . *0: ~ -
a .. _ g m 9 ’ G CO \~ $555
. - . 00 Up ~
DELICIOUS' ' I ° F °~ " -
~. ‘- .- = ° ' 0c 0" I 1‘?
.' ~ ' .' ’ ON OF I -
.1 . . '- _ o I .
.' . v . ,- " o ‘r p ' " ...-54;,
.- - A5 0 I 10/ (04/0,? I 3 11:30 ' 2‘00
g; - _.. :. ,A ‘. DONUTS ., I.‘ ['53 4L3” (a a. Buffet .135
:( . (._ ; ' - \ ~§~,8,]9 ” I “TIE?"
. ' ' ' ' q i. . i; ~~420 ” “r Lobster Salad - Omelettes
(.t ., (V (_ ~~l Rusty Burger - Steak Sandw1ch
( . .( ., - Soup and Sandwich
; -. t . (luncheon menu)
(r. . .' ( .34; /‘ Movie and Ballgame goers!! '
_;_ . (ti . 835 Euclld Ave. (,4 W We will be serving our lunch menu
. -. -. (_- film Iiiinm excluding Buffet, from 1] pm. - 12:30 a.m. '
i . . I, ’ ll
7 :3. . , ' f "if I’ll ! - - i
( .i . . , inn-r I l Wed.,Fri.,Sat., Piano 7-11 1‘ ‘

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'l'llli ki:\'i2t ( ki‘ ki;it\i:i.. Thursday. February i7. ism—r, - ' .‘ '-
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A b Ck S udent lStS 1161' I'lCVaIlCBS =
1. despite g .-.- '2
ske~ ' . . , . . tr -3'
t tttht d .Dm to some recent occurrences at this My grievances are manv: t t“ I A . ’ ,. . t" " ‘
E” oping liiiversity I have felt compelled to write ti; You dare to expect blacks to be I)“ "l I“ anything. but Wu’mldl ”CNS inkling about our black heritage ~'."'7,.‘"‘. _~ “3 »
yen these your paper and "educate whites" (from grateful to attend this l'niversity' with tit \ou dare suggest that we confide in ‘12» Last. but not least. \ou dare to tell ’2 . It? '7 JV“
. . . _‘ / ._ .-. t i-. ,. __ .. > 5.,5‘ {1‘
. your editorialof Peb. 7t as to the problems little finances and be happy" the saint people who leaye coon and me that my ditty as a black student is to
life force and grlevances I have encountered at this (2) You dare to ask mt: to encourage Nigger notes on our» doors as w e sleep. educate whites to theabme conditions [hut .2 t2: , .‘t‘t't't:
."s toward place. other black students to come to [K under t8: \ ou dare ask us to ”‘y to understand am. Hi} to opt You dare to suggvst that 3 ’ ,ti . .IZ . t't;
. — 2 . . . ‘ . ‘ ‘ . ’ {”1" M‘ patient With those who eat or s .. st l . i 'l - . -~ 13' 'i ‘42' '»
5:5 Inde~ My mam problem is getting an piesent conditions. in the s’llllt‘ 'll‘("i with us or 'itteidktfp ”p N ”Hi dIvmmlmt Ultllttllls’ MI W blmh .2» "I: : '
| . . i v » L e e . ( I 1 '1 it I t \» \ ~ . . . ~. ,v . . . 2, . "w "
tttaracter education at this confectionary sugar t3) \ou dare ask black women to endure tht, cl'iss but l'lll t0 I‘teo iii 1 i it t til it ttliil y I.o l 1. (List tht pio iltni whti '-.’.- . : -..’
t . .' . -c e... ( *' 't1 t‘ ' i i_ it . - .v .. i‘y. -" n.1,.
es “1th colored l’niy'ersitv. Somewhere within snide. sly remarks from white male they are with friends g H as “ Kn Wt}. \ H H l touldt 1‘“ working W l .1“ fl it .
this liiiversity there must be some useful laeulty. staff and students, \ou even dare to, You dare to Ill'lk( it in 1nd I th o ll tioi o I 1* pro ) t in. w .tl other )itl‘ n .2-‘42 ’_ .. ,
' - . ' _ - ' v» ’ :1 ii (I'\ ’ ‘ ‘ 1"? ., ‘t " .
riot as information here that whites do not want [0 eondone "2 “t lollow the iul l j ' at Wt?“ l v. . '.
h most of blacks to know that is vital to the black t4; \ou dare insult our black men and down ly tl . B . ttts inc iegulations laid .H“ ( lIt you t \pt tt oi ask an t.. ng o2 2'. tt ,. .- ;‘_. an
d d community ”‘10" [0 them as “boys" and accuse them ’. l‘ 0d” oI litistees which has llit How can you dare tell i:.e who? :i.. ‘2?“ : 2). . .~ j‘
Kt) l own 1 . ‘ ' _ of raping y'our y'irginal Southern belles ”0 “Mk ”'lmentdllOn- ioli is when I can see that your work 2» ii: ‘ If: _. »
attt loss to . . I iealize that in order to find this in— t5, you dare to expect us to relate tothe tint \ou dare to ask us to endure the min