xt7bzk55hr3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7bzk55hr3x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1974-11-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 1974 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 06, 1974 1974 1974-11-06 2020 true xt7bzk55hr3x section xt7bzk55hr3x KENTUCKY Vol. LXVI No. 65 Wednesday November 6 1974 an independent student new r v“ I University of Kentucky spaper Lexington, Ky. 40506 Ford wins, promises 'oPen door' 5., an... 0. g .4» Kernel no" photo by Phil Groshono backslapping were common sights at the Democratic headquarters Tuesday night. ,\ jubilant. rowdy crowd in Louisville’s Executive Inn \\ est greeted (iov. H endell Ford. their winning choice for Kentucky‘s I’.S. Senate seat. llandshaking. smiling and By BILL STRAL'B Kernel Staff Writer I.Dl‘IS\'Il,I.E —- In a wild scene at the Executive Inn-West last night, Democratic Gov. Wendell Ford claimed victory in Kentucky’s U.S. Senatorial race. promising to keep ‘;an open door" to the state‘s people. With 99 per cent of the vote in, Ford racked up 397,810 votes. for 53 per cent of the total. llis challenger. incumbent Republican Senator Marlow (‘ook. had 326,960 votes for 45 per cent, AMERICAN PARTY candidate W. Ed Parker came through with 17,783 votes for two per cent. In his victory speech before a packed. rowdy crowd in the partially completed victory headquarters. Ford thanked Cook for praising him and his campaign during (‘ook‘s concession speech. "This has been a different campaign." Ford said at the conlcusion of the band‘s second chorus of “My Old Kentucky Home." “The pressure has been placed on the members of the Democratic Party more than ever before, and they have responded. “'I‘III‘I DIR Et'TIDN this state has taken the last three years has received the approval of the people as the type of direction they would like to have taken on the national level. “The challenge now is mine." Ford said. “to be Kentucky‘s voice in the US. Senate." Ford added it is his responsibility to express the "hopes and desires“ of his constituency. Ford said he plans to keep in close contact with the state. (‘ontinued on page l2 Cook concedes defeat, calls it ‘good campaign' Republican National Committeeman Ed Middleton said earlier Snyder was Ry WALLY IIIXS()N Kernel Staff Writer l.t)l'ISVI I.I.E (‘ook conceded his U. (iov. Louisville‘s Watterson Hotel. An emotional (‘ook congratulated Ford and said it was a good campaign. to nationwide House and Referring you." i floeoeov‘ 009' . 0' ‘ asked v Incumbent Marlow S. Senate seat to Wendell Ford at 8:30 Tuesday night at Republican headquarters in Senate gain (‘ook said he hoped overbalance would have no effect." (‘DDK SAID he was appreciative of President Gerald Ford's campaign stop and thought it helped his cause. When it be had been offered an “sweating it out.“ He said the congressman had worried that Hubbard might win on Ford‘s coattails. One half hour before Cook‘s appearance. Charles Coy. chairman of the Republican party in Kentucky. said it appeared Ford had won. “the IIE sun the elections offered “little comfort to either party. The political system is in deep trouble and the low voter turnout indicated lack of enthusiasm by the people." he said. GOP losses “puts the burden on the Democrats.“ He said they must “shun . h...‘..QQ. fi‘.-.§.§C. .. Kernel stall photo by Ed Gerald In the vote tabulation room of the Watterson Ilotel in Louisville Sen. Marlow (‘ook. somewhat glum from his loss of a l'.S. Senate seat. signs an autograph book for a young admirer. t‘ook said in his concession that he hoped the over balance of dem ocratic victorieswould haw no effect in the legislature. administrative position under President Ford. Cook said he didn't have “the vaguest idea.“ He would make no comment on the possibility of running for governor next year. (‘onceming Red River Dam, he said. “It's obvious now there won‘t be any bill to preserve it. Hopefully public opinion will see that it's stopped." In perhaps the brightest moment of a grim Republican election night, incumbent fourth district congressman (lenc Snyder appeared at 9 pm. and claimed a victory over Democratic challenger Kyle Hubbard. SNYDER WILL serve his third consecutive congressional term and the lourth in his career. He said be “thanked (iod for miracles." referring to his win in spite of substantial Republican losses nationwide the temptations of imposing legislative tyranny," (‘oy said. (‘oy admitted GOP losses left the Republican party “not as sound as it once was in Kentucky. We must take the lessons of today and build for tomorrow." he said. PRESIDENT I-‘URD‘S campaign stop was good for the candidate and the party, (‘oy said and added. (‘ook did well in an ttphtll battle. Reporting on the tote board at Republican headquarters was a step behind all night. Network television had projected Ford the winner on the basis ofa 30 per cent vote count before 7 pm The Republican board at the same time showed only one-fourth of the voting. t 'ommitteeman Middleton said this was common on a bad night. Editormcniot, Linda Comes Managing editor, Ron Mitchel! Assoc-ate editor, Nancy Dalv Editoiul page editor, Dan Crunch" m t a Prevention best medicine Features editor, Larry Mead Arts editor. Greg Hotelicn Sports editor. '0"! manor- Photography editor, Ed Gerald for PLO and Middle East The United Nations has to rank as one of mankind‘s most reviled organizations. Communists see the UN. as an extension of American foreign policy; Americans think it is controlled by Communist bloc countries. and everyone agrees it is largely ineffective. That the UN. was instituted to aid the cause of world peace and to help nations resolve their differences seems to be forgotten amidst the ceaseless power struggles and empty rhetoric which mark the U.N.'s history. George Larmix Somewhere between 50.000 and 175.000 people depending on whose estimates one accepts) gathered in front of the UN. headquarters Monday to hear several of our astute politicians dispense some empty rhetoric. The occasion was a protest rally against the U.N.‘s decision to include the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the Middle East debate. The protestors heard Sen. Henry Jackson iD-Wash.) say that “terror has penetrated the halls“ of the UN. because of its decision. Ramsey Clark said the PLO should be brought before an international court for its terrorist tactics rather than before the U.N. to speak. Sen. Jacob Javits (It-NY.) called it a "craven decision.“ The crowd cheered as politician after politician ascended the platform to denounce the IKN. The speakers at the rally were incensed because a group advocating and practicing terrorist tactics was accorded recognition by the I'.N. But if these same moral standards were applied to all the countries in the I'nited Nations it is doubtful that more than 10 or 20 nations would be left to discuss the world's problems. Certainly none of the charter members would be there. The L7.N.'s decision to include the PLO in Middle East discussions was a Nicholas Von Hoffman Editorials represent the opinions ot the editors. not the University simple recognition that the HA) is inextricably involved in the problems facing the Mideast and therefore must be included in any proposed solution. Those who would deny the legitimacy of the HA is cause use the same logic as those who retwatcdly opposed the admittance ot (‘hina into the I'..\'. It is a logic based on maintaining supposed power editorials balances and its effect is to leave the militarily powerful countries iii control Some have said that recogmzmg the HM is the same as condoning terrorism. but it can just as well be argued that ignoring the HA) is the same as asking tor terrorism We would rather see the I ,\ practice preventive medicine stilllt' belated Ray of hOpe: Economists predict gloomy future By NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN WASHINGTON — Two head- lines on the back pages of a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal illustrate the kinds of contradictions our government faces with loud noise and failing verve. One read: “Recession is ‘Far Less‘ Threat to US. Than Inflation Is. Treasury Chief Says.“ The other told us: “Money Supply Jumps $3 Billion in Week." While the week-to-week money supply figures don‘t mean much — they bounce around according to the degree and nature of the panic seizing the Federal Re- serve Board in any given sevenday period —— the general meaning of the money supply going up is that the fellas are at inflating the money. But at the same time. the “Treasury Chief" continues to consecrate us to the fight against inflation. thus making the government look like the man who got on his horse and rode off in all directions. (‘ONFI'SION AND contradict— ion abound. Mr. Ford is attempting to jack up the prices the farmer gets while lowering those we have to pay at the supermarket. He tries to do this by discouraging food exports. which in turn unfavorably affects the balance of trade, which next causes him to urge us to cut down on consumption of imported gasoline, which naturally de- presses car sales, which results in lay-offs and so forth and so on. buy automobiles but not to drive them continues. the government will end up trying to put a ceiling on half the prices and floors on the other half. But it won't go on. In lumber. oil. chemicals, autos and now even a bit in steel the line of customers waving dollars has thinned out and in some instances disappeared. Instead there ap- pears to be a sinister inventory pile-up. Disaster and distress in America have a way of staving themselves off until after Elec tion Day. so watch what happens to Christmas sales ~ not the dollar volume, which has been wrecked by inflation. but the number of units of merchandise that get sold. A poor retail done his best to guarantee one will mean a lot ot businessmen are going to go into January w itli a lot of debt and a lot of unsold inventory .\S TIIF (il.l"l‘ piles up in the stores and backs up into the warehouses. factories and raw material industries. what hap pens'.’ The post-World War [I experience has been that as jobs and profits fall off prices hold, thanks to infusions of inflationary money. and then things pick up again. That's why many are predicting this slump will be followed by another large iiil'la tionary surge not that we're over this one yet . and then an irresistible demand for price control. as we take another full the printing presses again, If this policy of exhorting us to 'HUIIY IT UP, WILCYOU, NOAH? Christmas -» and Jerry Ford has ( I‘,_r--4 l .. . . I I 1 JL A: /. swing through the business and politics This idea that tomorrow 's economics will be a repitition of yesterday's presumes that. it desperately pressed creditors start asking their customers to pay their bills. a chain reaction of bankruptcies and defaults can be averted because the government can save the banks and use them to save the large corporations. which can save the smaller ones. and so on until we wiggle out of it. Not that this would be pleasant ,_ a permanently higher level of unemployment and continued inflation _, but it‘s better than the doomsday forecast being bruited about by a small number of analysts. They say the inflationary cure for recessionary dips works less well each time. and this time they cycle of think point out work at all that recessions by don t it can 'l‘licy correcting intla tioiis has had the side et'tect ot eliminating the principal benefit ot a recession. which is a tall in \llt't't'SSHt‘ prices \\lll~i\ l'ltlt'l-iS tall the consequence is the elimination of debt. usually through bankrupt cy Total debt. government. corporate and private. is now $2 .3 trillion. or so large that merely paying interest on it has put us in such a precarious position that the government may not have the mechanisms to prevent a chain reaction of distress sales. de- mands for loan repayments and bankruptcies This prediction that inflation is about to be wiped out by a murderous deflatioiiary drop beginning in January is a minority one made by business- men with good forecasting records. Almost no economists. With or without good track records. agree. They think the government can and will inflate fast enough to prevent prices from falling and bringing on bankruptcies. Even so. times will be hard with prices high and many looking for work. If all of this is too depressing. there is one ray of hope. In economics. when there is near unanimity about which way things are going, they almost never do. Nicholas Von Hoffman is a columnist for King Features Syndicate. opinions from made and outsude the universaty community comment liVest Virginia textbooks Fighting for democracy in the hollows By Carl Marburger COH’MBIA, Md.-—l'm an old-fash- ioned liberal. Prick me with a word— poverty, prejudice, pollutton—-and l hleed. On reading accounts of the school violence in West Virginia. all my reflexes began twitching to the is~ sues of "censorship" and "hookburn- mg" and “academic freedom." Professional employes of the Kat1~ awha County school system. which includes urban Charleston and the surroundine, rural area. had selected new textbooks from a state list to comply with a state reqmrement that public schools use textbooks showing blacks and whites in illustrations. Even before the school hoard ap- proved the selections last .lune. work- ing-class white parents had objected that the proposed books were “anti- American. anti-Christian, Communis- tic and filthy " Nevertheless. $440,000 worth of texts were handed out to students when the fall term began. The objections became heated. En couraged by Fundamentalist preach- ers, the offended parents declared a boycott. Pickets closed the entire 44,500-student county-city school sys- tem for a time. The coal industry has been sporadically paralyzed. and there have been shootings and damage to school buildings. Objections have focused on rt~ ligious. racial, sexual and patriotic contents of the books, After a shaky truce was reached between the school authorities and the dissident parents, students returned to classes and lht school board withdrew the hooks pending a report from a citi7ens' re— view panel. My long experience as a profession- al schoolman tells me that disputed textbooks are probably harmless at worst, whatever their effectiveness as learning materials. And it is easy to dismiss parents stomping about in their tee-shirts and workhoits as ig- norant. rural hardbats. But like many other liberals on many other issues these days. I am re-examining previous certainties and thus have had some second thoughts about those textbooks, those angry parents. that school system, and what it all means. in the holloWs outside Charleston, God comes simple and unvarnished. Family is family, and blood ties bind. People love flag and country. Rightly or wrongly, the working-class parents are convinced that the new textbooks would have been used to teach their children that the basic \alues they have learned at home are worthless. The beliefs of rural people. are guar- anteed to win disdainful shrugs at cocktail parties from Charleston to New York, and that, app -rentl_v, is all they were good for in the power struc« ture of the Kanawha schools. In short, there was an astonishing insensitivity to local cultural values hv the public- school system, from the board down to the classroom teachers. What would happen if the Newark school board decided to issue Littic Black Sambo as a third—grade reader? Thomas Jefferson counseled leaders in a democratic society to trust in the informed wisdom of the people. and 1 think that‘s sound advice. Sometimes the people are wrong. but in the long run common sense and considerable wisdom nearly always prevail. Despite this, our public leaders too often exhibit the attitude that “the people are children. and we know what is best for them.“ This is not leadership but the arrogance of power. and the entire nation has suffered its devastating results. The committee that selects text- books for Kanawha County schools for a long time included pare‘tts, until the committee reiected a proposed set of “learning packages" as too com- plex, too expensive and of uncertam edttcational value. At that point, the parent members were dropped. and the all-professional committee’s next major decision was to select the text- books at issue. It seems to me that if parent par- ticipation had continued in Kanawha, it is unlikely that the situation would ever have become so aggravated. To be sure, parents might have insisted on a different set of textbooks or maybe none at all, but either way their decision could not have had such damaging consequences. As it is. the Kanawha county edu- cational system must now deal with a new set of highly corrosive issues. To some, the ugliness in Kanawha County may pass as just another re- minder that mindlessness is alive and well in the Bible Belt. But among the issues involved in that one corner of Appalachia are the role and function of democratic institutions, the arro- gance and insularity of power. and the nature and purpose of public education. Carl Marburger. former New Jersey Commissioner of Education, is senior associate of the National Committee for Citizens in Education. By Jean Ranc Why doesn't Boston bus grown-ups? The courts could order bankers. businessmen. editors, professors, doctors and lawyers to queue up by color each morning on corners to be transported to jobs selected by Federal computers. guaranteed to produce racial balance: no more than half whites in any vocation or location. Why wait 'til 1984 for-mass—transit-and anhomogenizedsociety? Bus grown-ups .lean Ranc, who lives in Hanover, NH. has been a local neWspaper columnist. t—THE KENTUCKY KERNI‘IL. Wednesday. November 6. I974 GENERAL CINEMA CORPORATION n. IURHAND MALL n. IAYEIIEMALL . FAHYIEMAIL 4'. i566} ON IN! MALL yinuugg-mui. - a? o.L’1I-‘4__t~ NOW SHOWING ONE WEEK ONLY Now Showing! and Now Showing! Found-Mm navalofdiovou. BEES It 3 Starring. . . Jon Voight YimnIISISS In '6 SURE YOU'LL LAUGH —ITAIN’T HAPPENING TO YOU! “MIXED COMPANY" Times: 2:l0, «55, 7:15, 9:00 PG l “EXPORT YOUR IMPORT to Ron Royse We Repair All. Foreign Cars! WtIh this ad ”my $ 1 8.50 including tax and labor Get Your VW Tuned - Up, the Oil Changed and Greased. 253.0551 655 South Broadway Imports BLOOD IS LIFE . . . SHARE IT! Where to Donate Commons - Rm. 308 Thurs. Nov. 7 4 pm. - 9 pm. By donating one pint of your blood you can assure the total blood needs of yourself and 4 other people of your choice for one full year. Sponsored by Student Health Organization and Blending I, II, III, 8 IV CENTRAL KENTUCKY BLOOD CENTER Iii ”trunk/trunk” .iizlii tiliNt.lHN HENMHHV Jvl‘itIH . s rs mini news briefs f FBI agent testifies at cover-up trial WASHINGTON (AP) — An FBI agent testified today that former Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell and former White House aide John D Ehrlichman told him in the days following the Watergate break-in that they knew nothing about the break-in except what they had read in the newspapers. According to earlier testimony in the Watergate cover-up trial both Ehrlichman and Mitchell held several meetings to discuss the break-in before they were interviewed separately by the FBI. Mitchell and Ehrlichman are among the five defendants in the trial. They are charged, among other things, with making false statements to the FBI. The violation carries a maximum penalty of five years in jail and a fine of $10,000. Special agent Daniel (T. Mahan said he interviewed Mitchell at his Washington law office on July 5, 1972 and was told, “the only thing he knew was what he read in the newspapers." Mahan told of a similar interview with Ehrlichman on .Iuly 2t. 1972. Mahan quoted Ehrlichman as saying he was seeking no information about Watergate and had received none except what was known to the general public. Kissinger proposes food stockpiling ROME tAPi —- Secretary of State Henry A Kissmger today asked the other major grain suppliers to jom the I'nited States in a food bank to ensure that “within a decade no child will go to bed hungry...no family will fear for its next day‘s bread “ As the World Food (‘onference convened. with Kissinger as its main openingiday speaker. thousands of leftist students marched in downtown Rome to protest the American's presence in Italy Terrorists attacked an American target for the fourth day Four young men stormed the Rome office of Honeywell ('orp . the electronics firm. beat up a woman telephone operator and set the place alire with a homemade bomb The Honey wcll offices are about two miles from the t‘olosseum. where a rally by a dozen Marxist splinter groups ended about half an hour before the attack Kissinger told the conference that the aim of tlic I'nited States is a bold objective to cope w ith the source of hunger around the world. the lack of grain stockpiles Bright, others compete in national moot court I'K's national moot court team won second place honors in regional competition last weekend In addition. one team member. Steve Bright, won the “Best t)ralist" award. Bright. along with Dwight Washington and John Bit-kell. argued the case of Iloward A. Lincoln. a black man who was refused admission to Sweetwatcr (‘ollege. a private school In the fictitious case. the team must be prepared to argue either that Lincoln was or was not discriminated against THEY “RE“ THE position that Lincoln was discriminated against in the final round, which they lost to Duke Both LR and Iluke will now go to national competition in New York the first week in December. where 26 teams will vie for national championship IYKfinished in lhctop tour III the nation last year National Guard iet crashes in Louisville LUI'ISVILLH (AP) A Kentucky Air National (luard photo rcconnaisancc jet crashed Monday while taking off from Standiford Field Monday on a routine training mission, The pilot. Isl lit. Kenneth Voelker of Lanesville. Ind. ejected from the RI‘ItiIC seconds before it smashed into the ground and exploded. leaving a crater 23 feet in diameter and about to feet deep. I Illa I\ In \ It (1le It Iu'lt \ Iu‘l, The Kentucky Kernel, HA journalism Bidding, ttniversity of Kentucky, lcxmt'ton Kentucky. £506, Is mailed five times weekly airing the school year except during holidaysand exam periods, and Mice weekly airing the summer Rf‘SSIOn Third (lass postage paid at Lexmgton, KmiUdKY, 41511 Published by the Kernel Press, Inc. founded in 1971 Bmun as the Cadet in IBM and publishedmntnmiistyastheKmtucky Kernel since 1915 Nivenmnq piiUished herein is interned to help the reader huy misleadinu actvertasnnq should be nimy,“ to the "Chin’s Any false or K ITnN Il‘It‘mmc-l) I (my Editorial «tutor )S/ I/‘x‘i Advertisinti, IHJ'SIHQ'S‘), mutilation PB 4646 Winntimu odvtrir New drink )9) tun mm /\it'. )5? mm By JIM Dl'NNl-I Kernel Staff Writer l'll never forget that terrible feeling. It was late Thursday night. in the third floor hallway of the Fine Arts Building. I was alone, very frustrated. and helpless. standing in the center of a dark and empty corridor. ’l‘tH't‘llthi Till-I FLOUR with my cane in one hand, i slowly inched down the hall, endlessly searching with my outstretched hand for a door or stairway Last Thursday 1 was blind; I purposely patched my eyes to feel for one day the trustrations and emptiness of what it is like not to be able to see I woke up that morning. and walked out of my door to see the sun shining on the front lawn. and the red and orange leaves of an autumn tree coyeretl the ground and rustled in an early morning breeze I \\ HVI‘ It \(‘K 11) my room. put the patches o\ er my eyes, and dingIsed myself with a wig and a pair of dark sunglasses Alter n alkmg through the campus and going to my classes. the main thing I noticed was the emptiness and isolation of a blind man's world. At tirst l was constantly paranoid of eierything around me l was afraid of walking alone or just talking to people. But after awhile. l adjusted somewhat to being blind. and chores such as crossing streets by myself didn‘t seem to bother me anymore \H' f‘llis‘l‘ IMPRESSIUN was that you couldn't enjoy many things in life. but I suddenly l't‘itltlt‘d that the trivial aspects of everyday life are the basic enjoy merits of a blind man. The beauty of an autumn day seemed so much more alive, and talking to people was much more ot a necessity lint being blind for just one day can’t compare \\ ith someone who has never seen or will never see again Commentary l KNl-I“ THAT I could remove the patches .my time, open my eyes and see; but the thought ot ever seeing again doesn't even enter a blind man‘s mind When I was standing on a sidewalk with no idea of where l was. I felt like pulling off the patches and quitting; but then I would remind myself that the blind have no meaning for the “tint seeing or quitting. l was in a constant struggle with everything around me. and my primary objective was to get the day over with and to be able to see again. I ASSl'MEl) THAT merely existing or surviving was the only real goal in a blind man's life. Mike Wagoner. a sophomore telecommunica- tions major. has been blind since birth. He knows he Will never be able to see. But Wagoner is very ambitious. striving to be independent. and is constantly talking about his future and goals. “I don‘t look at blindness as a handicap. but as an inconvenience," "I LOOK .-\'l‘ MYSELF just like I do anyone else. but it just happens to be that I am unable to see." said Wagoner. F“““““‘““““““““““““, . Is this your auto inspection month? ““‘“‘“““““““““““““‘ Draw in NOW for . ‘ Lillflflm campus ‘_______ Frustration, emptiness common i in daily life of blind student Kernel ston M by Chuck Combos Jim Dunne. author of this commentary, crosses Rose Street in front of the Fine Arts Building during a day he experienced as a blind student. With patches over his eyes and a red-tipped cane. Dunne attended classes to encounter the darkness relegated to the blind. “Some people who go blind later in life just give up the ship. they just don‘t try to do anything with their lives.“ he said. ”But the way that I look at it is. you can‘t do anything until you try, and I‘m going to be more than just another person in this big world." After talking to other blind people and trying to relate to their lives. l tried to compare myself with them. .\SSl'Ml.\‘(i THAT ()NE'S ultimate goal and purpose in life can be explained in terms of understanding and accomplishment. it seems that the blind in general have a much clearer picture of life than 1. A blind person has a perfect excuse to care merely about existing. and not to be concerned so much with success or understanding. But ironically, the blind I encountered were constantly looking for challenges, demonstrating their responsibility as a person. IN CONTRAST. MOST PEOPLE who can see are always looking for excuses. waiting for the chance to give up, and refusing to face up to their obligations. In a world of anxiety such as our twentieth century society. there is a definite tendency to withdraw from its pressures. Discussing the nature of one‘s existence or striving for some type of abstract accomplishment can seem worthless in view of our pure survivalistic problems. th blind people who have to face many more daily frustrations try to get more out of their lives than just mere existence. Those who have their sight can learn from this, and possibly strive to accomplish more during their lives. IN A WAY. I'M embarrassed to have my eyes. in that I take my Sight so much for granted and don‘t really appreciate or use the gift that I have. For one day I tried to become a part of the innocent world that i thought Mike Wagoner lived in. But maybe we‘re the blind ones after all. ‘4 hows ew Circle 8. Winchester Rd. The Backdoor Trots “A Colorful Blend of Bluegrass and Folk Rock” APPEARING NIGHTLY 9 P.M. UNTIL l A.M. SM In The. Beefseekers THE KENTUCKY KEBNEL, Wednesday. November 6, 1974—5 --. , \ a) -c?;' 22‘ ' >~A~ 31’7“ t ‘i SYGAMOR A DIVISIOn of L. S Ayres and Company Coat Sale (ti.il'~ a" tween .‘vi' . :itii . nit ketu We: Orig. 53.00 to 93.00 hikehw: vyiiti's blushes i‘wn. : iitu tow mitt» A' u "mt ‘\\\“ij‘t’i\“ {\(i‘lti jwr‘uit, t‘l'lt‘t l t‘i‘it‘tl ' (trill:- ind itlt ‘KOl‘? '*..i'1.t .i.ii~,i\{i,:d.(i't) 341,. t it? 1( Use Your Ayros Charge Sycamore Shop Fayette Moll ‘1» .~ .- : (,ch 6—TIIE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. November 6, 197»! theatre ,'Jlk‘i'MAiN ' ‘4: HELD OVER! —2—- ADULT HlTS! afi/W/ The most talked about stage play ever is now a movie CO-FEA TURE COME AND HUDDLE WITH US. NOONE ADMITTED UNDER 18 YRS. PLEASE BRING ID. MON. IS BARGAIN NIGHT Kernel Arts 257-29t0 state elections Breckinridge wins district; Barlow keeps school seat By MIKE CUNNINGHAM Kernel Staff Writer John B. Breckinridge. Democratic incumbent from the sith Congressional district. which includes Lexington and Fayette County. was returned to the House of Representatives for a second term Tuesday. Although Gov. Wendell Ford carried the state as a whole in his bid for the Senate seat. in Lexington and Fayette (‘ounty incumbent Republican Senator Marlow Cook received the support of the majority of voters. (‘OOK RECEIVE!) 55 per cent of the votes. compared to Ford‘s 41 per cent and four per cent for third party candidate W. Ed Parker. In local school board elections incumbents J.M. Broadus and Jim Barlow amassed enough votes for plurality wins. Breckinridge. 60. a local attorney. easily outdistanced his opponents. Republican Thomas F. Rogers 111, 56. a former Lexington school teacher, and Fred Kerestesy. 35, an electrical engieer from Versailles and the American Party nominee. AFTER ALL precincts had been counted. Breckinridge totaled 62.384 votes; Rogers had 2074?; and Kerestesy had 3,339. in Fayette County. as in the whole district. Breckinridge received two of every three votes cast. Prior to counting of absentee ballots. Breckinn'dge had received 21,153 votes; Rogers had 9,369; and Kerestesy had 1,478. Breckinridge attributed his line Fayette (‘ounty showing to his lifetime Lexington residence and his opponents' political anonymity. "I LIVE Ill-IRE and that‘s why 1 carried the county and my runningmate for the Senate (Ford) didn't. The history of this county shows that for the last years they‘ve gone Republican in national elections. If I hadn't lived here, lprohably wouldn't have won.“ said Breckmridge. Breckinrdige said his primary goal this term would be to set up some kind of system to relate the resources of academia to real politics. “I'm working with the University of Kentucky to try to begin an academic internship." he said. III-1 S.-\|1) such assets of the l'niversity as its taculty libra ries. departmental expertise and the treshness and aspiration of its youth. should be used in “Klentilication and exploration of the issues ” The most important policy issues to be faced next session are int'lation, recessiondepression. stabilization of the agricultural economy and maintaunng a strong national detense. he said In the second district Fayette (‘ounty school board election. incumbent .l M Broadus collected 1.400 \Ult‘S. Sallie Terrell ran second “1”] 1,010, Robert .lelterson “as third Wllh 1.004. and Viola (it‘eene came in last \Allh (Hit election machine votes 1\ TIM“, toui'th district school board election. incumbent .lmi Harlow received 4,038 votes, Ann Ross had 3.3%, and Joe Finn) had ”2.148 How the 810 OX protects records and cartridge