Fnonrxmn Nuasmc snnvxcn 5
three days, her toxic condition was much improved but, unfor-
tunately, the baby was born dead. A real emergency case—no
‘  prenatal care, therefore no treatment for the early signs of
  texemia which may have ee- _     -       ,,./yr   Vv,yr   .,
A A curred sometime during the “      
·§ pregnancy- A · »   {QI? ,aii;di QQ. aaaa   ei-,        
Normal patients who uva     . p _   *%.:3.;   eeen   n‘*y  
near the Hospital usually do i_   pird ’ `   5 ii.   tpyep  f  »e¤d    
not come in until labor has X   f S   W] ,p     
started; but those who live W · i S r V ti` “ r   ’   ·y’er»yp’    
some distance away come in , p p e   ° yiel gi. be _tdl Q pvvpl QW  
for a few days beforehand. As   `   p,pd ‘ ii     . j g [ ‘eysl Y eipn   l ? iii?
the years have passed, travel ,  r g_$A_     A V     1
has become easier. At first Q       Q T Q  
most of the patients came to e   `i``‘‘`’'’ A ,  
l the Hospital either on a mule  T  p_     aeea.
or by stretcher, as their condi- _       ,.·’ "  
tion allowed. Now most of      
them can get the last part of _p     M
the way, at least, by car or    ‘ i“  . - ce  é .
truck. Of course, they may  A    
. have to go back altogether to   · _  
_ the old method of travel since { Q,. r '°“`*£,i”`;*Q ~z~g;·»»·g»-» ·.a..    
gasoline and tires are hard B'!   9 A `° i   `
to get. ”"f*\,. Q.,-.,,__ g   -»a * `
i Keeping the expectant ‘··~.\`§`     i%iu`i`Mi
mothers occupied during their   »
i stay in the Hospital, so that  Q i  QQSW _
{ they do not get homesick, is   l i .,. A .
I quite a business. Some of them   A/i M o n V *
  Say   Hcan hardly Stand   And u Student 0fIti1{:}Fi¤?n{i?:??}raduute School of
E to be away from the young Midwifer>A{iw;¤5;L_r·;\%Ie)rgl§;;·3l§\‘er»’ Care
— ’uns so long". They make baby ` A
quilts from scraps of material, a few of them have made Red
Cross sweaters for the Army, and some help mend the baby
5 shirts and sew on tapes. Reading is a pleasure to many of them,
“"} "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" being one of their favorite
g 1 stories. ·
0 ' After a normal delivery the mother and baby stay for ten
  days unless they have a long mule ride, in which case the mother