xt7c2f7jr83v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jr83v/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1961 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 4, Spring 1961 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 4, Spring 1961 1961 2014 true xt7c2f7jr83v section xt7c2f7jr83v v01.uM11 ses spnxwe, 1961 NUMBER 4
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i It was twenty-seven years ago, in the winter of 1934, that
 . Jean Hollins first came to the Frontier Nursing Service as a
 Z junior courier. Her first impressions are given in her own words,
from a letter she wrote home while on Rounds: "The first night
we spent in Hyden at the Hospital. Two men were brought in,
  one had been shot and the other stabbed. The next day we rode
Ft? twenty miles over the roughest country you have ever seen, but
lovely, and finally arrived at Brutus. Next day we went on to
  Red Bird and yesterday arrived here at Flat Creek where we are
[ tide-bound. We had to ford eight times, with rain and thunder.
U The nurses at these centers are wonderful. The mountaineers
,1 are the finest looking people you have ever seen. The night we

4 1=·RoN·m.¤.:R NURSING smwicm ____  
left Wendover another colt was born—can’t wait to get back to [ 
see it. Never had a better time." ‘
These first impressions remained with Jean for the rest of j
her life. She loved the beauty of our hills; she was ever interested  .
in the Welfare of the mountain people, many of whom were her  
friends; and she was always trying to do things to make life t—
easier and happier for the FNS staff at all the centers. Animals C
greeted Jean as their friend, and gave her their complete trust. g
She frankly admitted that she found more to love in animals f,
than in human beings. Jean’s dogs were so much a part of her t
life that one rarely thought of one without the other. At Wen-  
dover, her first dog was Dare, a magnificent golden retriever, J
who was succeeded by his daughter, Lizzie. Everyone loved  
‘Lizzie who became very much a part of the FNS family. Jean’s  
last faithful companion was Sabina, a large black poodle, who  
never left her side. At Jean’s request, Sabina was put to sleep {
the week after Jean died. I
Soon after Jean joined the Courier Service she realized the
need for further knowledge in the care of sick animals. In 1937 _
she attended the University of Kentucky where, under the guid— .
ance of the great veterinarian, Dr. W. W. Dimock, Head of the
Department of Animal Pathology, and Dr. Charles E. Hagyard ,
of Blue Grass fame, a Trustee of the Frontier Nursing Service,  
Jean studied animal husbandry. The knowledge she gained at
the University stood her in good stead in the years to come when `S
as Resident Courier she was responsible for the care of all the 4
FNS animals. Jean became the backbone of the Courier Service C
and she had the respect of all her associates. Neighbors from I
far and near sought her advice on the care of their animals. — l
In 1943 when Jean was with her family on Long Island, after
her brothers had joined the armed services, she took her training l
as a Red Cross Nurses Aide, and became a certificated member of 2,
the South Suffolk County Nurses Aide Corps. She gave thou-  
sands of hours as a volunteer in hospitals near her home and in  
our FNS Hospital at Hyden. Her rare sensitivity for the feelings  
of others and her quiet gentle manner helped many sick people A I
on the road to recovery. Many were the difficult situations which  
were eased by a quiet word from Jean. She was one of the best pl
loved members of the FNS family; and, indeed, in the whole  
community. The poem on the cover of this Bulletin was chosen ;§

[  for Jean who always wanted to share her happy times with
l  others.
_ During Jean’s last illness we took her to Lexington where
iy, she could be under the care of her much loved physician, and
  where her family came to be with her. Her untimely death from
K acute leukemia was a great shock to everyone. But, once we
knew the diagnosis, we were thankful in our hearts that the end
* was peaceful and swift. We still have Jean’s spirit with us to
,E comfort and help us along our way. Her body was taken to her
l home on Long Island where, after a service in Emmanuel Church
l. at Great River, she was laid to rest beside members of her family,
  in the beautiful little country churchyard.
l "Oh! not in grave-yards rank and close.
y Within the noisesome town,
  Oh! not in gloomy cloisters dank
` Would I at death lie down.
‘ Give me a bed in open tield
, Beneath the breezy sky.
Where tlowerets bloom and torests wave,
_ And birds are on the bough
» And early winds are out at play,
_ There let me slumber low."
— ‘ —Anna Wharton
~ Ladies National M a.gazin6——1843
Jean’s friends were scattered far and wide and from all
· corners of the world have come tributes to her. We can’t begin
to print all of them, but we quote from a few letters that show
how deeply she was loved and respected by all who had been
associated with her in the Frontier Nursing Service.
W "Jean was so understanding, therefore would know the grief
_   her passing on means to all of us. How very thankful we all are
  that those she loved most were at her side when they were most
  needed, and in her beloved Kentucky."
l = "Jean was so much a part of the FNS and the beautiful
  mountains. I shall never forget the day she took me out to see
  if I could stay on top of a horse. We paid no attention to the
  fact that it was pouring down rain—at least Jean didn’t seem

6 Fnowrmiz NURSING smzvicm ,
to notice. I started out on Peru, and Jean came back on him.  
Draw your own conclusions !" , 
"After seeing Jean for only a few days, I loved her. She was  
such a fine person, and I know you all do miss her, and will miss Q
her a great deal."  
"Jean had a wonderful knack with her couriers. Coming into  
` the world of the FNS from our varied outside worlds was quite  ·
a change, but always she was so easy to get along with, and so A
good with the animals and temperamental vehicles." it 
"There can never be another Jean. She was incomparable  1
and was a very large part of the enchantment of Wendover. Not  i
only will she be missed by all of you——the Wendover animals have
lost their best friend."  
"Jean was an unforgettable person. She will never die in  .
the memories of those who knew her. And I feel so fortunate  ‘
having had that opportunity. How well I remember the peaceful  “
morning down by the Middle Fork when we went fishing."  ·
"My heart goes out to you in your loss of Jean. How  
you will miss her at Wendover! Dear Jean, always so kind and  5
gentle. It is hard to think of FNS without her."  `
"All of us will think back and remember how Jean taught  
us, from time to time, to be intelligent riders and how to care for A
our horses. But what we will most clearly remember is the >_
constant kindness that ever flowed from her. These values time rl
does not change—it seems all like yesterday." ,— 
"The loss of Jean Hollins is felt by every FNS member the A
world over."  . ‘
"Jean was so friendly, kind and thoughtful to all her fellow-  

5  men and no less to the dumb creatures. It is impossible to
 j imagine the FNS without her."
Q "Jean certainly has left part of herself with each of us. I
G· think she contributed more goodness to this world in her quiet,
gentle manner than anyone I have ever known."
- "There never has been, and there never will be, another
Jean. For all of us who have been with the FNS and left, it will
, always seem that she is still at Wendover, just as when we left.
` Jean was quite the kindest and most gentle person I shall ever
know. The first time I saw her, she had just returned from some-
F where, and it was the evening of the day I arrived at Wendover.
I was feeling a bit worn out after a rapid five-day trip from
‘ England and we were all sitting at the supper table in the dogtrot.
I was over-awed by the buzz of conversation—and I couldn’t
- imagine I would ever be able to cope with some of the situations
— under discussion. As I sat and listened, probably looking as lost
‘ as I felt, I looked up and Jean was smiling gently at me from
  the other end of the table. Her kindness was so apparent that
{ I just felt myself relax all over——everything would be fine, don’t
y worry, she seemed to smile, and it was."
* "Jean was Jean, so much a part of the FNS that I just can-
7 not imagine Wendover and no Jean. It is now just over twenty
years since I left but it only seems as yesterday that I would
{ look out of the sitting room window at Flat Creek to see Jean
‘ riding in with a courier, a nurse-midwife, or a guest. She was
` always the same—happy, calm and unruffled—no matter what
q the emergency or stress would be; and goodness knows even in
X those days we all knew what it was to be up against difliculties.
To meet Jean was such a comfort, as in her quiet, unassuming
’i  way, she would listen, smile, and pass a little remark so that one
f . knew she understood, whether it was to do with patients, horses,
{ cows, dogs, floods, or just plain home-sickness."
 , "As little as I have seen of Jean for years and years, she
  has always been one of those people whom one is forever grateful

 s 1s·RoN·1·mR NURSING smnvicm
for having known—one of the true and the fine. Her death was T
untimely; but certainly it was a fulfilled life in that she gave so  c
much to the FNS."  ’
"My only regret is that I was never fortunate enough to \ ,
meet J ean—our paths simply never crossed. Nevertheless, I have
always felt as though I did know her for her name was so often
mentioned and always in a very lovely and respected way." ·
"Jean was so very sweet to me when I was there years ago A
and I am sure that all of the couriers thought of her as a good lg
friend and truly remarkable person." `
"Jean made all people feel at ease and she was always so
generous to all. Her wonderful ability with the animals won the "
respect of all who knew her." A
"Jean was such a dear, gentle soul that it seems impossible j
to believe that she has been taken from us so abruptly. FNS `
won’t seem the same without her in the Garden House. One ¤
thing is for sure, no one will ever be able to take her place."  
"Somehow, Jean leaves an unplugable hole in so many lives.  
But if it had to be it was merciful that it was quick."  
"Over the years I knew Jean as an associate and a neighbor. =
As an associate, she was an inspiration in kindness and courage. ·
Just to be near her always made me think of three words——gentle, I
meek and mild. As a neighbor, the nights were never too dark l
nor the days too stormy or hot for Jean to deliver our telegrams
or ’phone calls which came to Wendover, or to be ready with A
transportation for our sick children to and from the hospital. She Q
doctored our children’s pets and was a great help to me when  
I started raising iiowers." /]
Mrs. Rutheford Campbell beautifully summed up what Jean F
meant to her friends here in the mountains in the following trib- _

 1 QUARTERLY Bunnmsm s
  ute, published in The Thousandsticks, our Hyden weekly paper,
 `  on March 30, 1961:
p  Tribute To Jean Hollins
ii "Our people were deeply saddened last Sunday on learning
' of the passing of one of the FNS most beloved members, Miss
Jean Hollins. Wendover will never seem quite the same without
” "All who knew Jean had a genuine love and respect for her.
"Nothing could be more satisfying than the knowledge
" within one’s own heart of knowing you have had a part in a
{ program that benefits your fellowman. To such a program Jean
’ gave untiringly of her time.
. "As I think back over the years which number more than
25 that Jean has been in Leslie County, memories of service,
_ sacrifice, loyalty, humbleness and love flash through my mind.
"Her strength of character discouraged all forms of selfish-
ness, greed, malice and unkindness.
"She will long be remembered for her steadfast service to
¤ man and beast, but most of all Jean was a friend."
” —Pet Campbell
j We, Jean’s FNS family here in the mountains, have been
l greatly blessed by her selfless life of service to others. Her beau-
i tiful spirit, absolute integrity, unfailing courtesy, understanding
  sympathy and compassion, her love for all of God’s creatures,
? her humility and delightful sense of humor—all will live on in
our hearts forever. As time goes on and we face our inevitable
· crises, we shall feel the impact of our Jean—so much of her is
` still with us.

10 FRoN·1·1mR NURSING smzvxcm  {
You, our readers, will note that there is no column called g
Old Courier News in the Spring issue of the Bulletin. This is ,
because so many of the letters from old couriers were about the
death of Jean Hollins. We have used several of these in the story ,
about her. Jean left a legacy to Frontier Nursing Service. The Y
gifts sent in J ean’s memory by old couriers and by other friends
will be added to this legacy. We shall call it the Jean Hollins l·
Memorial Fund and it will be placed in our Endowment. —
A number of letters have come to us in praise of the picture Y
cover on our Winter Bulletin. The courier photographer, Vir- .
ginia Branham, is grateful. We are grateful too for the letters _
that have come from far and wide about St. Christopher’s Chapel.
We cannot begin to print under Our Mail Bag all of the glowing
things written us. But they have made us very happy indeed.
As of April 30, the close of our fiscal year, gifts to the Chapel  
had reached a total of $11,648.62. Of this amount, our own
friends and neighbors here in the mountains had contributed
$6,817.59 besides many gifts in kind. Since the Hyden Chapel `
Committee had pledged $6,000.00, it will be seen that this pledge {
is over-subscribed. Under Field Notes you will read of the mov- —
ing ceremonies that attended the dedication of St. Christopher’s ·
Chapel. ‘
We are often asked why Kentucky has so many floods. The
short article by Joe Creason called Ruxming Water gives the p
answer. With more than 14,000 miles of running water, Ken-
tucky is subject to floods. Fortunately for its citizens they never
occur all over the state at once. 3
If some of the articles in this Bulletin seem unduly personal, ,4i
please bear in mind that they were presented to the editor on  
her 80th birthday.  

l  Dedicated to Mary Breckinridge on her 80th Birthday
i by
, GRAYCE MORGAN (Mrs. Merrill L. Turnbow)
_ Introduction: Our nearest neighbors across the river from Wendover were
P Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Morgan. Their daughter Grayce, a young girl then,
V was an excellent horseman. Before we had our own post office at Wendover
in 1926, Grayce often carried our mail to Hyden and did many errands for
us. After we became an institutional post office, Grayce was a sworn-in
`· postal clerk. This meant that she could carry the U. S. mail in its own
_ bags when the river was up too high for the regular mail messenger to
ride through. The horse of which Grayce writes the most was my own
· Teddy Bear but all of the horses she mentions live on in our aifectionate
` remembrance.
. VVhen I first saw you, it was late in the evening. Dad was
down at the barn feeding the stock. A big storm was coming up
and I went down to see if I could help him before it began to rain.
He told me to take one of the mules and go to the upper pasture
` and let the yearlings out and drive them into the barn, as he
V was afraid the river would get up and he wanted them where he
could feed them. I rode over, opened the gate, rode down into
· the iield and drove the yearlings out onto the road. Just as I
; was leaving the field you came riding down the road on Teddy
Q Bear and the cattle scattered in every direction. Suddenly, it
» was so dark that I couldn’t even see the cattle! Then the light-
i ning flashed vividly so that I was able to see and round them all
up. When I got back to the barn Dad wanted to know what kept
me so late. I told him a lady on a big horse came along and
I scattered the cattle. He said, "That must have been Mrs. Breck-
inridge. I saw her go up awhile ago." I had a premonition that
y I would know you and your horse better some day——and I did!
  Lillian and I went into Hyden on Major and Teddy Bear to
post the mail, go to the clinic, get Roddy and Ricky, return to
 i Hyden, pick up the incoming mail and go back to Wendover,
 , leading Roddy and Ricky. We had gotten the mail and were
  mounting, when Lillian had a slip and Roddy got away. She
. called to me to say, "Quickly, Grayce, you let me have Ricky’s

 12 FRONTIER NURSING smnvrcm  i_
bridle and you catch Roddy before he rolls on his saddle. Teddy  
Bear can catch him but Major can’t." I quickly handed her Y,
Ricky’s reins and dashed off through town on Teddy Bear-—we I
scattered a few pigs and chickens. Some men gave chase but ( 
Roddy just kicked at them and went merrily on his way toward I}
Wendover and, of course, to roll if he got a chance. Then all of l
the little doggies in town came snipping at Teddy Bear’s feet ‘
and we clattered down the clifty rocks and around the Pace
Corner where all of the men and dogs gave up the chase. With
Teddy Bear willing for a good run we found Roddy at the Shep- ii
herd Sand Bar, getting ready to roll. I caught Roddy and got x
down to inspect Teddy Bear’s feet to see if he had been dog .,
bitten. He had not, so I waited with the two horses until Lillian f
caught up and we came on to Wendover.  
It was a very hot summer day. I went to take the mail into <
town, leave Major at the clinic and bring Ricky back to Wen-
dover. I picked up the mail and, for some reason, I felt so uneasy
on Ricky that I took the middle of the road, riding along very *
slowly. We reached the overhanging cliffs when, suddenly, Ricky
fell down flat on all fours and lay still! I was so stunned that I
wasn’t even scared. I thought, "Well, what next!" and pulled *2
up my feet close enough so I could get up on them. About half _
way up I tripped one foot over the saddle and hit the dust. I got Y
up again and shook off the dust and persuaded Rickey to get up I
too. I walked almost to Muncy’s Creek before I got up enough ‘
courage to ride him again. ~'
As usual, I took the mail into town and the messages over ,
to the clinic. I stopped at the post office to post the mail. As I
started to leave the post office a tall man stepped in line with I
me and said, "Miss, if you will hold that wild horse, I will take j  
that tin can off his foot." We were at the door. I glanced at A;
Teddy Bear’s hitching post and, to my horror, he was practically ·
standing straight up, holding up his fore foot with a big tin can  
on it! I ran down the walk, the steps and across the street,
grabbed the reins as close to Teddy Bear’s mouth as I could  S
with one hand and began rubbing his forehead with the other.

 ] He laid his head over my shoulder and stood ever so still while
it two men cut off the can with a pocket knife and the other men
A kept back the crowds. When the can was off we gave Teddy
{  Bear’s foot a. thorough examination. There wasn’t even a scratch.
It was a chilly rainy day in late spring and the river and
creeks were up and very muddy. A neighbor was riding along
, with me and we were wondering whether we could cross the
= river as it had risen some since we last crossed it. Suddenly,
—* Teddy Bear jumped forward like a rabbit and started running
·~, as hard as possible. I tried to rein him into the bank but he
ij took the reins right out of my hand and ran on. I thought, "Well,
  you’ll have to stop some time so I may as well stick on." The
landscape was a blur and the pounding of his hooves was the
Y only real thing to the ride! We came through that deep mud
‘ hole at Dixon’s without a pause and when we got to the creek
Teddy Bear stopped and stood on his rear feet and began pawing
_ the water with his fore feet. I was given a very cold and muddy
5 shower. I had jumped off on an old stone wall with the reins
in my hand, wondering what to do next when Cook Morgan ran
_ up, jerked off his cap and hit Teddy Bear on the chest with it!
‘? Teddy Bear reared up for the last time and when he came down,
{ he was calm. Cook said, "Nit Fly." I looked and indeed, there
I was a big fly iloating off down the creek and the blood was
{ streaming down Teddy Bear’s chest. A curious crowd had gath-
'V ered with the neighbor I had left behind! They all were excited
‘ about Teddy Bear running away with me and were planning on
° who would lead Teddy Bear home and whose horse I was going
to ride. I thought, "Oh! No! You won’t take Teddy Bear like
. that." I leaped from my perch on the wall into the saddle and
Teddy Bear and I were off up Polly Anne’s Bank and I heard
A one of the men say, "I am going to tell Taylor to keep that kid
  of his off en them thar wild horses!"
  It was a rainy day when I left for the mail. I was on my
 , way back to Wendover, just below Centers Revis’ home, when a
‘ big hailstorm hit us. Teddy Bear was just a little nervous. I was
talking to him, trying my best to calm him when the hailstones

 14 FRoN·1·1ER Nuasmo smnvrcm .
began coming down as big as thimbles and getting bigger. Sud-
denly, Teddy Bear started running and I knew he was running i
away again. We came through the water at Mosley’s field and  
across the river. Teddy Bear didn’t pause for water this time. ~
About half way across the river we saw Parky, the Wendover —
nurse-midwife, on Remus not ten feet from us. She called and all
I had time to yell was, "Follow me." Remus tried his best to  ,‘
keep up, but keeping up with Teddy Bear running away wasn’t  ~
easy for the other horses. The hailstones stopped falling some-
where along the upper pasture and then Teddy Bear slowed
down. I was able to open the pull gate and ride in like a lady ·
should ride! I
I think this was the last adventure I had on Teddy Bear A
but not the last ride. The summer I joined the staff, Teddy Bear ·
died and I rode whatever horse was available. But none was j
ever as good or had as much personality as Teddy Bear.  
One morning in early spring the mail messenger ’phoned  
from Hyden that he couldn’t cross the river and would we please i
come to get our mail. Through the years this seems to have been  ‘
quite routine when the river was up. This particular morning .
we were all extra busy. The river wasn’t extremely high and the  _.
sun was shining. So I decided to wait until after lunch. By that  
time the river would be down enough for me to cross at the 2
Muncy’s Creek ford. It wouldn’t take as much time as going the {
long way around—up Hurricane and down Hurts Creek and  
across the state bridge into town. When it came time to go  
Bucket (Dorothy F. Buck) was going to the Hospital so we Q
started together, she on Big Joe and I on Lady Ellen. We crossed  
the ford safely and were going through the river by Mosley’s  V
field. Bucket was ahead and Big Joe was going a rapid pace.  
I came tripping along on Lady Ellen. Suddenly, Big Joe hit  
quicksand with both fore feet and Bucket went over his head.  
I had never, in all of my life, seen anything so frightening. I  
pulled Lady Ellen to a stop and jumped down. It didn’t occur i
to me that she might get away with the mail. As I passed Big I
J oe’s body, to reach Bucket, I remember thinking, "What a white ~
belly he has to be such a black horse!" The reins were caught i
on Bucket’s right hand and foot. I grabbed her with one hand  ‘

 . QUARTERLY BU1.,1.E·1·1N 15
and reached back to unsnap the reins with the other and then
` pulled Bucket out of the way just as Big Joe pulled himself free.
` Bucket assured me she wasn’t hurt. We wiped the mud and sand
~ off the saddle as best we could and I helped her mount. I then
A went back to get my own horse. Bless Lady Ellen! She hadn’t
moved a step from where I jumped off her.
' p About a year later Bucket was talking to someone in the
Dog Trot and I heard her say, "My horse got in some quicksand
and when I got out my finger was crooked and it has been that
way ever since ! "
One winter after work started on the Hyden—Harlan road,
I was again waiting until after lunch for the river to fall-so I
could go get the mail. I was riding Penny quite often that year.
We reached Short Creek. There we had to cross and go down
yon side and cross the river again (near where the new school
i is located) and come onto the road just behind the road crew.
  When I started to put into the river the whole crew left their
machines and tools and began yelling at me not to cross. I could
_· see that the river wasn’t too deep for my mare Penny, and I
wasn’t going to come all the way back or make some other
A arrangement-so I rode across. The whole crew ran down to the
° river and as I came out, dry myself but with Penny dripping with
A water, the engineer said, "Didn’t you know we pulled a man out
L of there this morning ?" I replied, "That must have been the mail
I messenger!" The engineer just took off his hat and scratched
his head!
_ The river was really up one cold morning in March and for
I. good measure the weatherman threw in a big snow during the
gi night. I had to go up Hurricane Creek. As soon as Kermit had
  put ice nails in Gloria’s shoes we were off up Hurricane, through
  the trail across the mountain and down Hurts Creek. By the
j time I got to the trail the sun was up. Ice was frozen on all the
I trees—limbs and trunks. Icicles of every shape and size were
· hanging everywhere. The sun was shining brightly and many
. of the smaller icicles looked like little bells or tear drops. The
 V forest seemed full of thousands of jewels and with a breeze

 16 1·*RoN·1·1ER Nunsme smwxcn
blowing faintly, the sound was like myriads of little bells. Then, _
to add to all of this beauty, there were cardinals and other birds ,
Hitting to and fro and Gloria padding softly through the snow. p
It was paradise! ¤·
I decided I would quickly collect the mail and return in time _
to see the Enchanted Forest again. When I picked up the mail i
there was more than would go into the bags so Roy said, "Leave ‘ ‘
the papers." I said, "No, Mrs. Breckinridge would miss them so
·I will have to take them some way." He said, "All right, I will ,
hand them up to you after you get on the horse." I reached
Hurts Creek and dropped one. I jumped down to get it and just
as I stooped over to pick up the paper, Gloria took a nip at the
seat of my best pants and left a hole in them! However, I
remounted with all papers intact and was soon on the trail. Alas,
the Enchanted Forest was no more—old King Sol had melted the
icicles until great slivers and chunks of ice were falling every-
where. The trail was now full of snow and ice slush and muddy »
water. Gloria became frightened, so I tucked my pullover
sweater into my belt and stuck the paper down my back and I
bosom and took both hands to the reins to guide Gloria safely
through to the Hurricane road where the timber was not so thick. `
We made it home to Wendover safely.  
We want all of our friends to bear in mind that we are
always in need of qualified people. ?
1. We are short every year of couriers for the fall, the I
winter and the spring.
2. We can use registered nurses at any time. We like to I
have extra ones so we can let them have a varied experience, ·
including work on the district.  
3. The very fine head of our record department, Mrs. Cecile A
Watters, has to leave us in August for family reasons. We need ·l
someone to take her place.
4. We need another stenographic secretary. .
5. We must have an assistant to the medical director. It is  ,
a wonderful experience for a young doctor with AMA quali-  ~
fications. 1

This consists of a number of buildings located on 37 acres of mountain
  land. The principal buildings are the Hospital; Joy House (residence of the