v01.uM11 ses spnxwe, 1961 NUMBER 4 l M 0 7* ‘~ '·»=• ` ef .. M P 2* Y , Q glu w s THE PASTURE *25 ighgfii » O Q 6;;* l`rn g0ing 0u+ +0 clean +he pas+ure spring; é " I`ll 0nly s+0p +0 rake +he leaves away Ky? {A (And wai+ +0 wa+ch +he wa+er clear, I may): Q ir? ,8 I shan`+ be gene l0ng.—Y0u c0me +00. iil+€~`i3 Q TU i Jige Q xz |`m g0ing 0u+ +0 +e+ch +he li++le <;al+ “ (7 · —l-ha+`s s+ancling by +he m0+her. l+`s SO yOUl'l<§ l+ +0++ers when she li<;l