xt7c2f7jst9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jst9q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky 18930412 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 8, April 12, 1893 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 3, No. 8, April 12, 1893 1893 2015 true xt7c2f7jst9q section xt7c2f7jst9q . , ' f4? ' f , _ luluumimvunlll “I“ 9:";
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'Vol- 3. ‘ Lexington, Ky, Apr. '12 1893 No. 8
? ? ? ? ? our feet in a large room.” The op- Q
- ._... portunities and liteilities ol‘ the % x {in i E: 1 fig? 3} QIEAZQAF :zrs:
(An address delivered by l’ev. W: llan u) nir ; ' '_n ., ‘ ' ,1 “ 11‘ ' i .\fv
'1‘harpe,of(‘arllsle, Ky” befo‘re the l’ilitliiii- '3 _ U n I“ 1)] 111 “I” 0‘ tlllllg ()1 tllL j
SenLiterarybothyonMan-I131.) nineteenth eentury, are unequalled lN ALL GR-l DES AT THE
Ladies and Gentlemen:— for brillianey and etl'ieieney in any V i
After aeeopting to meet the (10- other period or place ol' this world’s or) \\
m'mdsofl> " " ' - " ""““ ‘ ' 1: l Kl '? 7‘ ‘ $rfi‘ j 7‘
‘ ‘ i tn lofty 11.01101 you (.011 histmy, and stiu as .i bark ground \,AL, I\ 1L1 l ()1\ P44.
ierred on me in asking me to ad- to throw up in bold reliet every tail— ll 1-; ““1 1—, W “1:“ <1
dress you’ on this interesting and tire, and to emphasize its odiuin. ‘ .
commemorative-oeeasion. I laid all The young man of today has the Balbriggan Fllil'lv“ Sit 37’- 35- '10-, 30. 73(‘~
the power of my soul under tribute wide, wide world for his arena, with ”Mill‘s: *‘llll'lr‘ 37*- 5”: 757 31: $1.35 = '
to furnish me for you a subject that lightning, tire, wind and water, and (illi‘ill‘t‘el liue "l 11‘ ”“12" l” ill“ W“1'l‘lc
would hrove interesting and prolita- the most splendid inventions, dis— D01“ l’ll." SHOES “Mil .\'”U “11"“ W‘“ "1'13“- “V‘ 5“” ”I“ l’t'n‘t
"Bible, and worthy ofyou, me, and the eoveries and mochanieal almlianees til-'30; $9; $3.59 $37 ‘4 ”ml 55 film“ i” ll!“ “lurk”. 1“)l1.‘—"lil-*' 553 Hi“ 5
occasion. The brief time I had at ever known, all forms obedient ser- to" $2.2». T11“ ”1005 1“ ”ll .‘J‘V‘il‘““- ,
Command, already so full of other vants, and ‘ . .
duties, cautioned me to work bur- ”The lives of great men remind him, - J, D _ PU R C E L L,
riedly., This I have done, and offer Tl He can “like his 1”? “Mime in "' i u l
' you the hurried results tQ-night. r n 1 le poet b‘lk tiu 3 0t Ourage “ he“ - ; ' ' ’ i
“ 1am to speak, as has been an- ‘i‘evsangi. . d 11‘ '. $ . o o A . o . ..
, J . . eare 1V1“ “/6 are “'6 111 In a ‘ ' CT ' l V
o _ _ - nounced, on “Interrogation I’Oints” g’ . . g , [ ‘foE - . z E - '
, . ' n 1 l' 1 I , . ’ grand and awful time; 1. {tiltilllilll‘ 7 '1 '
iy w in, i iiiean,‘points when and In anvage‘ou ages telling, to ‘be living~ ,- 1. ,_, ,, . '- .- ,. '
where avoung man should stop and » is sublime.” ' ' ‘ ‘. 'E‘fl 5- ‘ ‘ - _ ‘ ‘ J .
. . 1' « , ' ' ‘- ’ . . . ‘ oN_, ;-'1"..2E . Representing the makes of ’ ,1-
,» seriously question, before he goes Who then should fail, except him; \\ . ' -
‘ , i'i ‘ ”- ' Ir ' , r i . . ,7 ' ’- .,1’;{’<—3~\ I’M».Irn,-. . .
" forward. ' who obsequiously courts abortion? «fieéfi All vamerlcan MaHUfaCturerS, . . — , A
Every young man, when he ar— And yet, flmld all these splendid “wiféf’i”\l§§\y€p At $3-00,$4-001 $5001 $45-50. $650, $960, $10. $15 13-50,
rives at an age when he can look Opportunities, with all these detiant fifii’,§j§i§q $20, :‘22, 3:231 m0 Mill “P“oml-
. . . . . . at mine}: " ‘Loztn-‘T- —— m
. life squarely in the lace, is eonlront- Challenges to rieli success, we are li‘iiilfxlui'l‘ 0
ed with one serious, earnest ques- absolutely surrounded every day ,C’cm, {viii/151‘“ FRED J. HEINTZ,
' tion, Viz: \Vhat shall I do with my With Wl‘CCkS, filllUlT‘S‘,SUICldCS, “11119 ”nub/0‘ ‘ MAXL 1‘4““ R13" JI»\\IuLIuR.
1110? Upon his derision impinges hundreds are still sighing,r the sad (fiséfii (“‘"mm ""“"" b““‘“e’ .
_ ‘ ' , . _ _ - . . .‘ inseam-329%. in" in;
., i. v - . . . , , . - . x . v v _ .T'i-‘tf‘agrl‘ffi fl . . .
hlh (ltbtlli) - It I“ the “1““ 50km“ “1.31115.“ LOIIgttllU“ 111 llls I‘}l1tll . “Egg, {ti-23'"Mail Orders Receive our l’i'oinpt Attention.
moment that has thus tar come to line bridge: -_—___________————————-—-.——=——————-——
him, and well may he invoke the ”HOWPflClL 011 110W OM“, hE}VCI _ . v -
‘ti 1 l' U ‘ '1.‘ . 1. 1 Wished that the ebbing tide, V 0 ‘bxt, "if-:7 ,g 1 $51;- gins.
‘ i _“ and” ”n ange b an( good \Vould hear me away on its bosom, . 90 ' -. '- " g"; :3
sbirits in forming his conclusion. ‘0 ”19 0095‘“ “'11‘1‘11‘dW‘dCIU I “U" . if: ‘ z 4i 7’5. .5 ii:
Up to this point in his life all i111. Absolutely selecting,r and pi'efering {$9017 -j (5' {i 3‘2}
portant questions have been ans— the fate and Odium of the fello do ‘ '}/‘= '3 —“-—————-——————————~——~>~ -
wered for him b ' a kind and lo ’ll] r so. rather than to hear the brunt of 'i c, , - -i
3 , ‘ 5 ~ _ .. - . That’s what we are determined to do and this
father, or patron guardian. \Veight, the burden that the battle ol lite x .x,_i will ‘llltl mu“, do it
work and care have been brooked brings. I I
and borne for him by other hands Life’s stormy Atlantic is one pro- '
and hearts, now there descends up- digious series of paradoxes and jux~ Elegant Business Suits at $10 to $12. '
.‘ , 3) . 1 ’ ‘. .7 w ‘7" A. ‘ ‘ “' Clay \Yorsted Dress; Suits at $15. '
on 1“” 0W1] lllltl Ed and tend“ t‘Llantmm“ The glk"ltL5t.bt‘Lt.”1nmn All \\'ool Cassimer Trousers; $2.75 to 55360.
shoulders the burden that has hith— are Juxtaposed bv blooming idiots ; Summer i'udei-wear at 50c.
‘ . '. _ . 1 .4 H. . 3‘ 1 , v, ,, llullillose seuuiiess and fast eolor 15C.
61 to been borne, fox him. » the biaust lhltlltdh'lJy the (nu tlltst \Vc haw good Suits as 10“. as $1
,- He must litt lite's responSibihties, cowards; the sturdiest yeoman by
select his pathway and—~what 9..- the veriest ltlggm'ds‘ the sweetest These goods are not low priced but they are elieap - they are for the intelligent,
_ ‘ ' ’ ‘ ' . ' ’, ‘ _ economical youngmeu.
whither ?---how well P—are some of faith by the rankest inhdelltv; the . , . . . 7 , . .
. . ' Outing Shirts, Base Ball and Byeiele Suits, Belts, etc. We keep everything,r in a
the questions that (.‘I'Iiplizlsm‘ the SO- broadest knowledge ll)’ ”10 (lCIlSC‘St Gentleman’s outfitting line, and as low in price as you can get anywhere in the
lemnity and moment of the busi- ignorance; the wisest philosophers ““118‘1‘5‘“‘c-‘cl’95‘d95 a ‘llSCO‘l‘lt “f twpercem ‘0 Stu‘lcms‘
. «I l . . st .. , )1 . 1;, r, . of 1‘ SUITS To 011mm A’l‘ $20.
- 116.. ‘9 “1511“" abbum“ ' "3 {31111111115 00 S: _ _ You can‘t get these anywhere else for less than $35. V
Bl“ I dUSH'e t0 congl'atumte yon, 0” the. pages ”1 lllStory one may TROUSERS TO ORDER A'l‘ $5. You have paid $7.50 to $10 for the. same goods
young gentlemen, upon the large— see the picture of Robert Emmett, heretofore. HATS at $1.50 to 312.5(1) and as low as see. Cilmiel 111 and look.
‘. . .. ' . . . - ' ~ 1 1 n n1 '1 n 1‘ :t -e rooiisviti ) asure. '
ness of modern life. Israel’s sweet standing betore the parliament of Well show you through our new '1 N in 161 se 5 01 i ‘\ } LI.
noco Ionnooco song in of non nic connnoy oncnoncc to one, ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE - »
‘ n 1 v I a ’ ‘
daintiest songs, what was far truer pleading for his honor and reputa- , 7‘
for us now and here than it was for tion in terms that have stirred the M. KAUFMAN (SE 00., ;
him there and then in his thirty nobler instincts of .many a boy.l54 E_ hiain street, Lexington, Ky.
eenturie: ago: “Thou hast plaeerl Will you see the pirture and hear, A Speeiul Discount to Students. M‘mress Suits for Rent.
him speak ‘? “Let no man dare, that are almost drowned in the din, .. _ . .
when lam dead, to (‘llzu‘ge me with a series of cautionary Question gg‘i’gx'r’gész-TST th ;/ R/ th t P1 t
., dishonor; let no man attaint my Points. “:53, g j. :5: Ge 1 Du a es
memory by helievingfir that I could When a youhg man surveys the :23 a _
have engaged in any other cause white-capped billows of such aper— fi“§‘a" A SPECIALTY ,, , _
than that of my country‘s liherty turhed ocean as life in this view ’32 Old teeth (”11’1“1 Withp‘ghhl hhd illitlhhla] ttehl ‘
and independence. if the spirits of seems to be, there is one question _ H made “:lth‘mt l’h‘ths' bpeakers hhd Slh'gfi‘r? WI“ '
the illustrious (hm, participate in that naturally arises: hnd these a great nuprovement over the old way ot insert-
the eaves and concerns of those who WHAT DOES THIS WORLD NEED ‘? 111g teeth on llhlths- l hey d” lh’t‘ “wait the speech.
were dear to them in transitorv life That this maelstrom of wickedness, . . , , . . .
_(,ha mm. (hm. and venerated éhadé this heaving ocean of moral turpi- Fine Gold Fillings $| up. Fine Silver Fllllng 75 Cents.
ofmy departed father, look down tude, this Gallilean tempest of vice, Vitalized Air Administered 50 Cents O
on the conduct of your suffering this eternal and universal eoncate- f -
son,and see if] have ever for one nation of contradiction, is not what Teeth Extracted 25 Cents.
moment, deviated from those prin- the world desires; the tears, the NEW YORK DENTISTS, l,
eiples of morality and iatriotism groans the )rayers, the sighs of _ 7 V a T . , ..
which it was vour eare tolinstill in— broken, humaiiity evidently mani— R" 11' HOIXJLR’ D'I DES" MAMY‘LR' .. v
‘ . . . . lexington, I\Cntll(l\).
to my youthful mmd, and for ad- test. What then 18 needed to speak , .
herenee to which I am now ready this Gallilcan tempest to rest? To Office Open Evenings' Permanently locate‘l 0"” Opera House
to offer up my life!” Such a pic- utter the talismanic and magic —__+.~__——
ture is nothing short of suhlimel “Peace, be still,” and see it go to _ _
It starts one’s tears and stirs one’s sleep like an infant on its moth- LeXI n gto n PI u m bl n g CO m pa ny ‘
heart; but ere your tears could dr 7 er’s arm '3 To turn the )aeitied
or your heart he stilled of its 11f]: hillows into useful and happy ac» H IG H G RAD E PLU M B I N G-
wonted activity, the memory of an count? Let me help you to find HOT WATER. AND STEAM ]--ntj‘\TI.\'(;,
Arnold hargaining to betray his an answer. Permit me to say,
eountrv intrudes itself in time t younk 2%: =l= ti: =l< told to sparkle with heavenly splgn- the demand is greater than we can supply. Endorsed by Benn l’itnian and Jer-
. ” . . ome B.:Howar(l. -
How important, then, that we dor. Did you ever sit down to TELEGRAPHY
have men, who are men, as 0111' City count how many real friends you The best way to railroad promotion, practically taught by an cxeliicf :lll-{Ofiltl
u _ ., n ( . ' _ ., . ,9 . , ' ‘. , ' ' , 2 . , . operator. All Diplomas Signed by the Governor of the Coinmonwea t i. _ Cllt or
fathers. . Take your own Lexmg liait. Tiy 1t, and ll you 11 m. meie catalogue and make arrangements to enter at once, . '
ton, and if the papers eorreetlv re- than three, you are a favored man. C. C. CALHOI'N, Prunppal, t .1
. .°. . ‘ . . * ) . - M‘ .2 Ht. 2:.' ran 'v-
port you, the ordinance pertaining \ oiriiiay eount your ii'iother. and or A2 1“ ”formal" ”cram-L ‘35 '37 I “t 1“" qr“ ' “m" ’ \'
.W _WWMWM: _____.__m,.m_- , “we-..“ .,
[3% "13 2-2? *1 . $50.12 iii]. SHORT ST.
, _ . a . .
l . , t I Regular Meals Only 25 Cents.
"43;; . '1 i Meals to Order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring.’- (‘liickens a Spec—
, . 5-, ' -_ I I ialty. Seatingr capacity oi'hall 1:30.
Gus Luigart, Proprietor.
THF STATF CO] I EGE CADF’I‘ Pole-vault, high-jump, broadiits “linkedsweetnesswaslong drawn1 There was some very good indi-
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ; jump, putting shot. hammer throw-put,” even to 5:40 pm. 01" course vidual playing: on both sides, but
Published Monthly during the Collegi- ing, tug-ollwar, 100 yard and ZOOlit requires a long time to make big much that was very 1oor, errors
ate Your only, in the interest of every yard dashes and one—half mile and scores, but two hours and forty-live were made so frequently by both
_:eha_rfmcm Of the State College. mile runs. minutes is almost too long even teams that it was impossible tokeep
TERMS. Danville was intending to come when the score is 31-29. an account of them.
QM Year------.-.--.~.-~-~--.----75C into the league but withdrew, and The Central team was first at the A little quicker base-iiinning,
Tlhgclhiziiihsggt Kentucky University was not al- bat and faced Cyclone Burch in the sharp practice on eroiindcrs and a
Single COPY 10¢ lowed by the faculty until recently, box, who by hard work, kept the field captain will help much in fu-
——~~—*—E—— to enter the league but may come 0. U’s. from making more than ture games.
EDITORIAL STAFF in as regards base-ball. three scores. Then “our valiant We hope that thisgzame, in which
. . Some of the events are new to ”1011 ("111d tl‘UG’ SCOl'Hl six times be- honors were about even, will not be .
H' M' Gunn’ EdltOI‘. many and have excited considera- fore called “’3 halt. 1h the second repeated.
1’- C- ELKIII? BI:1:1111)1111S li‘limr- blc iiiterest, especially the vaulting, inning Central added eight and S. _—_“‘—
Associate Editmhandi litigincss Manager. shot-putting, hammer throwing.r and C- SCVCh' Ahd 5“ the merry “7h. "T TTTTTWTWT
W. ’l‘. DRlTRY, . tug—oilwar. liut more men must went 0“; no“ 0110 Shh" h‘Wlhg the _\
Correspondent Patterson Society. come out and take hold “1' these advantage, 110W the other, till at the C I-IE‘W E ~~ 7— -’ J
, ‘ WM. I’a’r'ricaSON, ‘ things and practice il‘ they wish the close the weary score-keepers count— W53 R ' Lu
Lorrespondt‘m Unto“ $00161» State t'olleU'e to come oil with first ed and found that Richmond had "Shaikh H B E
MISS LIME SCOTT’ b 31 scores and the Lexino'tonians ‘\“~\‘h\“‘5 E
Correspondent from Hamilton College. honors. b - ¢§'=\“§§‘\‘“w‘5; if{ e
. ’1‘. R. DEAN a The athletic ground has a first- had 29- ‘ “‘\\\;C;e\“§.
correspondent Y M- C- A- class diamond laid out and the base Burch in the second inning when if: Mimwiéli
‘ “-1111”an _ . ball men are well fitted out. There he scored smote the earth like, a E0 \i&§®§\i§7
LOITCSPO‘ElCSté‘thhfilf:Ayssocmtlon' is also plenty of room for the other hurricane, no, cyclone, and hurting BA \N?
Correspolldelit 6:13:32:'Departmeuh sports, butas yet nothing has been his big toe was obliged to retire CCO‘ ‘3”
R. A. BURTON, done on a track for the races except from the game.
General COYFESPOHdCIIt- to stake out a quarter-mile track. (teary, Hobdy and Roberts, in i >
jjml;:icz;mugm; Th“ attempt to 3'0”. the grounds turn, pitched the rest of the game ; M‘hihhmih‘rc‘g‘hYIth‘f (131.119 KGYRASS ‘” l
State College Cadet, A. & M. College, by thh “ hhlms‘““hll’us “"35 given Redmond and Roberts caught. l “BM ( (i 0" aunt, 011’ 5" 3
Lexington, Ky. up as the ground was too soft. ————'———_—_——_ ,
‘ s———~———~—~—— It is hoped the association will
THE ORATORICAL CONTEST. be allowed to make a. dirt track as St r t C 1 1 O. f I{
— it mnnotixllonl the cinder track at Cl 8 lo @238 O y'
()ne. ol. the events in the history present, but intends to have one as l
ol'licntiiek ' colle'res was the lntcr- soon as ior-sible. ll’ not. some of - - - - - fl ' , .'
collegiate (ii'aiorhEl (,‘ontest held in the most interestiinr events will be Agrl-CUItural’- BIOI-Oglcal’ _C.Vl.l Tnglnzfl-l lag, NIEChan- é
. . _ ,. . .. *‘ ical Engmeermg, Sc1ent1fic, Classmal, Veter— ~
this city on the. 1th. lliis college rather tame. atlairs. . inary, Normal School and Commercial COUI'SCS. ‘
was not represented. The prize All of the students who desire to
was awarded to Mr. Swango of Cen- enter aiiy event are respectfully . _ _ , _ . .
tre College. This is the fourth of asked tojoin the. Athletic Associa- TWENTY'BIGHT PROFESSORS
the, six contests that has fallen to tion and begin practice at once. AND INSTRUCTORS
Centre. Mr. Swango‘s speech show- — i i i ' .‘
ed the ell'ect of long, painstakingap- BASE BALL- ' . . , . . .
plication. Mm], (“1.0 has hem m CENTRAL rmvnaswv AND STATE County Appointees admitted to tl-hh Tuition. Board in l)or-
km by the. faculty 01. the Danville ””1me“Ammmwmw mitory $2.05); in ‘lll'lVZlit‘ tamilies $3 and $4 per
institution to see that the one who The first game of the season in week. . B311 ll “‘11“ “03-1“? (In “Tim-(1 “th05"
represents their college shall always the iliter—colleeiate series. between ah)" 1“ k"Cllui‘m‘w‘h- l‘ill ("l‘tilll’glwb ”ml
1)“ t1.1(”'0uhhl-y l’l'ftl’tlmd- Litera— Central University and State Col- “111m llitoi‘iilzltloll “Wily t”
ture'lis iliiade onle ot the departments 19.90 was played Friday, Al’l'll 7th. JAMES K PATTERSON, PH. D” PRES
tiidi,‘ :3“: 3’1”“) itiiisntiiilriiiil\(ltli'i)t Notwitlistandingits beingaiiiatcli Lexington, Ky_
. . _- game, It was a very poor exhibition ——————————-—————
their success in the contests is due. of ball-tossing.
The weather was pleasant, the
SPRING ATHLETICS grounds in line, condition and alsTUDENTS CALL AT THE ’
— larce crowd ex )(‘ - .' u- i «r a; m ,‘
Th“ ““15”“ "l"“l(“l""ll'l.l’ ”h‘l “'lth “1:50 should lii(\tenlii(ii“(iiiilcii‘tliliiiisI 037C1O 11 e StO 1 e I
it [“h’f'HHIifrifll =1'i'm1stlfl' My?“ “’1' enough for the boys. Richmond and see our bargains in Dry Goods, Spring; \Vraps, ("lotli-
ll”‘\":‘_"‘}"{”: hm‘f "l “Ht—(hf)? SI’m't‘g- had a good number to “Sis-honin- ine'. Notions. Ladies and (tents Furnishing Goods. Sho'es. ac.
“li‘ddll;(i):(gfn‘ljli‘3.)](;(,]I]]C]11:11:);22tt3311it; ah’flloi' ”ii. lila,\'ers but the, boom. Bargains :1 Slit‘clzllly.
. . . . wea \(‘IH‘t .i git-at deal toward tliei
tron] Central University will strive l close ol. the game; the Yellow and‘
against our cadets tor the first placel 131m 131(1in a great (1931 100. l CARTER (ST. GILLESPIE,
lli several ('\'('lii.‘<. i (lump \\‘:l.< ('tlllt‘tl :ll ii:(l51l.lii. nml] lit) Follill l.illl(‘. ‘ -. . l': J ', . I i-“.w , i- ‘2 '
come, and we men Wlll be more (it 91131116 Chll’t hctlilsfidle‘l I“ 1 11" “1‘ l Ihoenix Hotel. t Iltltl 1‘ liytttr hat. lillllx.
. . . . . is a eminence a ainet.
for their delightful companioiiship. BARBERS’
litt tl ’ ' t' . SELiic’i‘ A mourn. 1 7‘ r 5‘. , ,
, 1 ‘11“) lCl' L [10$ 710]] ‘ll‘lS(?SZ , . . ‘
1 1 i In choosnig him “hitch your wagon I/i '4 ;l l I I N I 5, AN D 14‘ O FSL/ 1-1
H l” r . .,-M ,0 H . . .
\VIIAI nous iHia wouLi) lukl’hCI OF\0U; to a star." “1ch 15 131111050131“. 1,, work— ] FXIYFTOV I'V
Manifestly, from what I have been ing‘r by models. God gave Moses aiuod— ’ 1‘ * I ’i 7 x x "
. . . . 'i ”I ' ' ' ‘ ‘
tauulit in what has 7one. before, it ex— (2‘. b ,- Which to build the tabernacle, and &a§‘“bpec1al attention paid to Ettldcnts.
h is 3 .
peels each to be a man. Out of this instructed him to see that it was made ._-_.;—————————-—-———‘————————-'————'—‘
there comes another natural question: “like the pattern that was shown him in
How shall I be a man? And just here the mount.” Jesus gave a model for the -
let me offer you one word of caution. construction ofa far grander and more N Ottn a g ie & B [‘0'
Ile. not ovcichaiinul with (llllldilOll, but important edifice when he set a little '
rather be warne