_ M-R_1 1              _1

      The Board met in President Barker's office and in the
 absence of Chairman Nichols, Mr. Johnston presided with the
 following members present, Messrs. Johnston, Stoll, Brown
 and Brock, Mr. Nichols coming in later and taking the chair.

      President Barker read the following report which was
 ordered spread upon the minutes:

                                March 21, 1917

Executive Committees,
     University of Kentucky.

Gentl em en:

      Since your last meeting, everything pertaining to the
University as an educational institution has been going
forward in the most satisfactory manner.

      In undertaking to execute your suggestion with regard
to the spraying of the trees and beautifying the campus,
I found difficulty, which grew out of the fact that Professor
McFarland seems to have overlooked the rights and duties of
his superior, Professor Mathews. As soon as I found this
friction existed, I called the Dean of Agriculture, explained
the situation to him, and required, at his hands; a satis-
factory solution of the whole matter, which would carry out
your orders and at the same time get rid of all friction.
This he has done in a report to you this morning, which will
be read to you and which, I think you should adopt.

     I had the impression that the memorial unifying the
College of Agriculture, which was sent to you sometime ago,
had been adopted by the Board. I understand that it was only
received and filed. I am quite sure this Board intended to
adopt this memorial, and I have acted upon it as a law of
the University. I hope you will now adopt it as of the date
it was filed,

     In adjusting the matter of appointments in Extension,
I have ruled, based upon the memorial above referred to, that
all appointments of officers, agents or employees in Extension
work shall first be recommended to the Dean of the College of
Agriculture, who, if he aooroves theip, will recommend them to
me, and shall make them subject to your approval and, if
necessary, to the ap~)r6val of the Extension Committee. I think
there is a little vagueness as to the authority of the Extension
Committee which meets at Frankfort, and of which his Excellency,
the Governor, i.s Chairman. This Committee meets tonight, and