xt7c599z366v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c599z366v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1980 1980 1980-09-02 2020 true xt7c599z366v section xt7c599z366v V
wit. r.xxrri1 No. I3 Ker e] l'niversit) of Kentucky
Iuesdiiy. September 2. I980 m Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
W . . . -‘- ' II . - 515.9? 1 z 1 :. owe-m- - www‘-w"" ' ~ ’ . ’ . 1 , . _._ .1 . , :. .. ,_ .1 1 .

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Photos in l),»\\ll) (()\I.l1/l\ernel start FlBld work
\‘ith l l\5s first football game slated ftrr this weekend. much repair and on the stadium supports. In the other photo. John Smoot. left. and S( i sets goal at 1 4m
maintenance work is being done at( ornrnonwealth Stadium. ()n the left. 55\llk‘ll Bonner. right. ofthe l'l'l) engineering department. usestririg to la) I
a painter from the 15K l'hisical l’lant Disision touches up the paint job out the “ildcat design which will be featured on the field this year. f : r r E El istrati : n d riV E
i ' ll) DEBBII- M( l):\.\llll. sociolog\ and lllsltit) departments
l‘ -\11..1.1ois lrl‘ltil and dropped ott iorms tn protessors‘ 5
O 1.
o t ' ‘ . ttiailboses w htcb read. \\ould I\ou
n e InSI e .- . \lmtit "in l K 1tii1li-m1 11-r1iwig1i please .iririotince \otet registration iii
5 ,’ ' .- iliur 55ltillliiltlil\55till\tilt‘l registra» Mini Ll2i~~c~'55
Board ap roves honorary , 1 . . 1
week. 1i11otdirtg to \ttitierit (rtsxern: atttiottneettiuits ptobtrbl} helped
. _ l lllt'lll l’:r‘s.tiei‘l llt1itt \ttitgeot. but raise the number ol tegistettttg stti—
. . 1 1 1 . . t '_ 1,. r :I. 1 -. . 1 _ i 1 .1 . .
fl), Kent/10k)/ ’0’ ”Ha/[SIS Itckcts for the l k-l tali state game are being distrrh- l \" “‘ "* ““ "“ “"‘l‘ ‘Q "“‘ ““l 1"‘I‘ "”‘l “'d l“ 5:555“ ”m“
“ 5‘ ' ' ‘ - . : . ‘ \.. ‘1' ‘, :..‘ “tip,- .-.11 " 21"‘1rfllt‘1fltlsl'l'd't't1'll’l‘tt‘l'll'li'\ .
' uted today at \leniorial ( otiscuin horn it Hi. to 4 p.m. . ‘ . 55.1 5 L AL ‘ 1‘-
3iati\e assistant. l>ean (lilllllMVll. were the ones tiiost lll\L‘lI\ to he .
\l‘ltlk tits who tiitss::d the Illsl \lgllrlll‘ ititetested 55
B\ l).:\\ II) P \l l l \ ._ \ i‘s‘aht, 1. .._ t , .1,\1.1 look “"5 ”“5 “99‘5”” football prc\ 1"“ ‘llllillwhen! In \illlitr\1'\t‘»tl.:ltilll;'i\tl‘il‘tillllllllic'\ lo date. the highest tittrtiber ot stit-
N. -i 'l' II VI... . R ‘I “M...“ ._ 1 l‘ _ lo(la\5s Kernel. to ttgtster lliis wt‘L‘k. students tat: dents to register through\(r.ac1otd-
l1 H 1 l ,, 1H \ .1”. i 11,. H 'eeis'sgi .n riit \ti iiiiic-eiiitlie-hii1e- lllL‘ to \tur'geori. was l.ltitl iii the
. ri1 it til 1. s11. 1‘ It,“ it. , , . . . 5 5-. . 1
i1.i1;1k.{111i_\,..i 1" 1 . . .. “M (I. i Hrotherl) l.o\ e - a comic strip about identical twins merit oi the \l‘otltfi'tl ( etitet troin w i9 .\ lail semester \tur‘geoti said
1 risen”. zii11.1,_1.:11;;.i; ~_..1i1.1i:.1..I I named Bradley (the apple of his father‘s me and a leading a m t“ ‘ l‘ ”t ”1“ “1” \ EN! 1‘ 14"“ “WNW:
. ‘ 5, . . . ,1 sH I . 1" "'l . . s
\ kentiats. loitt! .iiisii~ ti .3: 1: e\1‘elit’t1 tr. 1’ 1~ f 5 member of nlfljtil' campus fratcrriitt i and l eota naturalist i \ “l \“ W” l“ l 1'“ 1“ 55i55 ‘I "’ [I h? “ l51515i5l55‘5‘li5i5 55555155555555 h‘”
1 1 .. I. , .. : ..- - . . 5 - ti llill'lll5l" llllll‘\1lll ill‘l out L‘oti ls .l(. tesiilc
l‘””‘5 n“ ““5” :"”"‘i"”'h'” s” l” ' b M “W ‘5" "” ‘ "“"‘~*| 1‘ W- ‘Ht' 5 looking for a more peaceful eustencei— is featuredonthe ‘ ‘ “‘ “" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ -
.- 1 ll .- 1‘ .. ,. 1. 1 l . . tHLilt'll/L‘tl campus eioiips._i1wellas ltr'iari \taples. a business admin-
1 Min or it t..s-arr~.i.is:-: .i. tkuli'li1l or 4-: .1 ' 11.. ‘~~1 \= “Ml editorial page todai 5 , 5 -
11., ., . . . 1 . , 1' -’ :iiote it .r.to rite doirns 5ll. three stratioti sophomore who is working
_ sit tht'se iii1l:\.1lti1i.s \slltrllit'.'1lll1ttl1 ""1” '"~ "W“ l‘ "it ‘t“”i‘ ' .1 1 ~~ ‘ ‘
it" t ‘tt iii b t r I“ 1"1 " r ‘ ‘ " ‘t ' ‘t‘ ' l [5' d f . l l h5 l . t5 . t . i, If weeks w:- it .taze on: her! oi adri\e. witii the \(i political titlatts eotnmit-
«..sit'.t.ite or ii:1iit"is l‘ ‘ -*‘ *“ ‘ "‘ “'1in - 1 . \ 1 - 1 -.
,1 ,. :.\,1 n . , It. .1,’ 11,1.‘ l ’ 5n .55 payingou ‘g‘f’u‘l 52) m“ .55 55'“ prltUs. (Lillilstill .itd tee on its \otct’ t'cgisttiittoti dine. is.t
1 «It l5s'555ll' 15i5555555t5i5 \ 1 5l ,.- II 1 I‘ i 1i, ‘l i“ l ,‘ so. you re not alone .\ lserm’l writer digs rrito the stor) \. H, my l 1H1“ “mks.“ st. hit more optiniistie "('iiinpiiswitle.
it sit crst its run". :‘1 i w ‘ ‘~‘ ' > ‘ 4771's ’ - - 5 5 . - ~- »
1 . 5 t. 1t _. 1 . . bl‘hlnd rocketing ilt‘kt'l (505's on p82.) 7 imii no: lCLk5l5sL5ll Pt'i iii;ss 1it) llnlttl’ic' l cl lllsL' ltl sL‘c kid)“. he sdltl1 5 \tl\-
lll1lll's5 tht .tfttiistttitz'tiit,t" lslllll\\ zit; _i \l.~ Hm \k \t 1th at itiit'ti'it iiit'o; 1 . I
.I H i" \ t ' "llthe‘wr I. I I . I lit . l homing..iii1.-iis11-:irritable-suture thttrg met l.\titl we can (all .i
1‘1’1l5iL'tt 1.‘.1‘e' L'C‘ ‘1'xll‘l "'3. .:.. it .iise '1‘.s. r-\.'1l‘ i - . . 1 . 1 .
. i ls H l 5i L ”l” , I I t keep an umbrella close in if plans include being out: 1.. 11,. “Mud”... ,I. (. ”Wm“ WWI.“ ~~
\‘i itic. on: ill tt.sl'1't's ftsa ,vtiiir'1tiihttm litmus it‘lllt55y\L5L . 5 5 ' “‘ . -‘ ‘ "
.1“ II ‘I . I I I, , I , .1 I.i,: :..I , . i . i doors — there is good chance of thunderstorms todas. I \hoiit is its _‘ti worm” ”Min-Mi .sraples will he iii eliatee oi [he
L'iiiegttletu'l. t‘51‘il'_5l “its. 1 L“«« Hour 1 .Hit111ii I . I I. 1 1 1
, 1M”..',m1P,H.,1I.h.UI I. .' ,. laws”. 1 in,” L. .s.',\ . “1“,, . Highs todat in the upper 80s to low 90s. Rain ending lllL lc'gislfiilit'ti table last week. help» dti\c when and ii it motes into the -
c'tiltllililiiic'iit 1st in it ”11 ii ,ti ..... tlltl"sltlll.t. 111.121.‘ .is \s -: 11s‘1ilslli’iL‘ tonight. with lows in the upper oils to mid Ills. in}. \lllkltlil\ :iil oat lllt toirris tor rcsidtnce halls
1 1 .1..i11.. 1 1 .,‘. i . . 11 s 1 .. .
ttit\ to traiti \ottt‘i‘ l‘eoPle Hit in.“ --l lll’.‘|l attorrtttiisiizrtstsrs \\'l! he 55ll5\ "n“ “”““””.L 5555b\|555)55\ i555 5mm?“ “ll” :‘Id'll 1“ lkl—INL' 5:;
. 1. . .1 11‘ . . . 1 1 , at t Ni ii! ti s-tt‘tii: it i la ' iti li' \ote iti 1t\ette iunt\ .itic 1i\ol
is.i.isin. \iliu‘t'ldl‘t sari: New? 1" ‘ \i := 1:: '1 ll-tlt Page 9 has gone to the (logs. -.\~ t ‘ ‘ L ‘ ~ l ‘5 ‘ - ‘ -
‘ 1 l I‘ ll it _ 1 r . . ._ -. "- \tudentt etilt‘t trairrtsoiitrieilasiii» returning to their home L‘Utltih on
lhc new llal. oi l .ii;'t‘ ‘kt‘ll‘sl :ei 1"” ‘1 -‘r " w“ ’ ‘~-- 1” “Ml ‘ (hcck’ It out. .h‘ ‘ '
, . i , - . ,_ I, l . . ‘ _1, ieient .iripio.icli to spreading the election da\ or the .ilterriatiie \otc
“lull/t both ice. ittai \ .itit.‘ i'lrt'ls‘ll “ ““4“” ‘ l h‘ liti“ ‘ (1’1 it'll s ' ' i ' '
. 5 1 l 1 .. l’ ,1 11 ‘ l . ' word about iii-e totei dine b\ absentee ballot can ttll out lorttis
.iil\ ptotitittctitiotitnatists,.ieiotthio: ~"~‘l--A“-‘”- *‘i \ ii't‘tttlstlu‘lt ' ,1 ~. ‘ ~ ' 1
i 5 i i ..1 1 . 5 ' \\1'tltit'sti.i'1 titt‘ttitiiu (iitttitstiii In the \(r tilllc‘c to ciiiircl lllL'll Pit.“
to lltttiald [.mht, ptcstdcti' ..‘. the o siii .rt Hi 1 ‘1i.1\1\.. ht 1" ask to l s I
l ls lotitrialisrti \lli‘l‘illli \‘\tlcl.llrtill ll\il‘l- tt'ctiiit'rt’s s... __.___..._-1-_W ”“1 h“ “H“ l" ll“ “‘1th “Wm? “"“‘ "F““t‘m‘”
Ilie lirst lllt‘lllht'ls to in Illtlilt'lt'tl lll'ltllli‘i' 'ss' ttw awards \\l5 m 1
into the Hall oi l Ll'llL will be litllllttl WW0 9“ tft's‘ l's luus'ttsilistu \isstrttt.
at the WM \pltl‘il l‘dllxltlt‘l ot ll‘it5l ls \““\ “WW:
* 1. _ .: _ . 1 . _ l n
totittialistn altiriirrt liiztialh. lti ititli: lti' "11x li‘li1tlltl"ti"\l t 11st: - ' ' I 1
\ltlllills\\lllht‘ltltltlclc'tltlilt‘ll‘il'lliill “‘1 555 ”'5 K5555” 555 5555‘ 55555 L55 555 an an0 V8 In saVln all 8 VlS/on
oi ldfllL'I Rm...“ i.iii;“I.i_;uhi, (t‘ll‘illliil‘ic1t’tt‘t‘llh '1 dirt-tin sillllt‘
the l l\ \cliool til lswttrsai‘wst: 1‘“; l l\ \_li1.s, ii: I‘ll‘ll'hll“'Il1isitlllig‘
I”IhHIHlHL.IIHI,I1I11I:,1I,I.HI”I,I.H1I ,le Wishing, ..1 ii“: gym“ ,1, is“... 1i .1 tilt in} \ \ii l one. It“. llc'liiillltlt'lll oi \eririsltsg\I1Imi tttted \esseltoe\parid lhe pressure
wi!’ be made \hssuM' s‘: W. ls- tn-nr. it sat B.‘ RUN H \l I- hurt "ss- :1 ' : tl‘lt 1" tL's'CIH' illt’ lllL disorder appears ill about the oi brought about h.‘ ”N swollen WI”
Rectprents 1,111: 11.I “fink-k: i..1:1~i1 \. ..i. 1:, ..'..1 t g s1: : s in w:- . 1.Is:\-_..i..,.-., :t1.. 1.1 that sand the my l‘.titili people admitted to the was responsible tor Beldon‘s intense
llill|\t‘\ Ul ”‘th ll.l\. 14“.“; I, \iill‘rll' ltsiitii,i{11;- \l- lllli‘ \\\,1I .111 if] {killltlr‘s ntllc' Slimoufflle \{sutl} ill H’- t It]; '\t \1L5dlL54ll (5L‘lllL‘l “uh \L'dl “ass \illkl llL‘JtldCllL‘s illltl hlllchd \lhlnn. Bass.
can! part oi tlieii i.i'"' :s Ill tht slalr‘ \ssti1;\s:""s:, 'l\"ll or. 3;: ‘11-.1z in mi information for this story lieldoii ';t\i‘i: llradloitlsnllc hall 1}“. llci‘l‘lh‘ with the disorder said
\i‘lL'L‘lltillltllllt‘lldllt-l l itl‘ii1'.\|i|Iltii MN“ “7 ’Fts is ,1 i.:stt:tt:otcss1ori iii “3‘ Efllhcred from the ‘un- was .ttltt‘ittett '«- tlls‘ \lhs‘l! B stiller at least partial blindness and ”1‘“ “”1 ”‘1” MW“ llowstlirough
be mum-‘1 to 1 i1 phuiihma .., ”Ht, lsem‘tt'i': \ str1ii:1t'.oiis 1iimiiil he day IIcm/t/~I,earli'r and ( handler \ledtca ( enter on ltll\ 7i distiguretnerit.arid 3s ;.(:,\,\:,,m,ctcn the ruptured \essel with such inten-
\idtials win. ..ii- no “in“, ll\ ”1L: tirade its the lsi iitiii k1 I..t:rii.i1isiii from the \ssociiitctt l‘ressi1 ior treatment ot sehcte lieadatlres pettnaiierrth blind slt\ that it produces a noise that can
\clet trot: \\.‘l bi hisett on .tt‘toriip ”I“ “l l sl'llt‘ \ ”\s lim‘ .; ll‘lilllill and l‘lHIH‘tl \Nt'” lb‘k'lt‘l‘ s” l K5“ llass said the disoitltr .s eatised b\ h“ hV-Wl h.‘ ““Nth obseners 5535”“
lislinignis in thy ’.ti]'lii\n] piwikt l\"l l tr‘\' 1 s Ml ts illlt \\ l t‘\tttIL' lliu’l‘ " ' tillll ttl'llltilt'ItW tlt'p1titt'1lt‘til tlitiIL'tllisL‘tl Ll lttpltllt‘tl l‘lUHtl \Lst-i heliliitl tho Ulllltl PM )01115 Ci” 1” [llk‘ \ILlL‘ Ul th‘
slit”.llicliiili11JI“\\)ik[iii[h-\\\;1I‘yr£>;\ t~r~ .k'. I ‘si spearhead: . fr it : _1 l i1'1 l‘t‘ltlttl‘5s \Ulltlllltlll as tittlllltl Liner cw in...“ ,1 “1,1“; m” llitoitL‘li the temple. and heat it going. w hooosh.
, * 1.
”Lipdiimse i.i.i;1t.;1-le\g‘sitrri. tilL'.ill: \‘s‘ :1 ' ‘ ' 1 t' ad: in am “UP-Wt“ \s .‘t i that riotis listtila rupture at high pressure and cattscs whooosh, “hm“l‘h- ht “’ld ”19
“mum .i'id “IIII Mm” It. :1.::. eiiiploxt-ti iii. . 1- 1 r i.i1oi l)r \rsrrtian ll lltiss. chairman ot the win that conlttcls with the trip: (tintinued on page 5
g, l\ \l\ i;\\ s‘“ \\ ..l1.s win-1 1.1 t'iiairriiaii oi taint». l'ii-xs itroii oi the ptobabh warrt to tittit, btit tor oni- reason or another, era ittilolditig '5
11.,“ w .; \11o1s1itctl \ini llt.ll‘i ( .IllLt‘l Institutes 1hr) tlmt5l “We know now that a lirgli libcr. low tat diet ma} help
\c\\r'll will that 5sc‘|l~ptilltllltin through 55tt'\l\ le" \llL li " \o .ietne. tiltIL'ttlllIL‘ smoke cessation program run b_\ pre\cnt breast cancer ”‘ women and colon cancer '5" men
( .lllct‘l l‘tt\t'lllitil|. rather than tatrcct ttlll\(llltill w;li .is tttipropt‘t dict and cigarette smokrt‘ , sc 1i gtetiter Prtiit‘\\|UtI-Ils.55 Is the best potetilttil method to end stiiok- and women." \L‘WCll Mild ”'1' itddt’d that tuture research
be the iottis ol research into that disease to this deciiilv tl'sts‘i o‘ «..tllts‘l than 1'tiettiical P“ '~“‘" or '“WI‘W ”‘21 “H “ IMF" Will": \WW” “ml Howe\et. ‘UCh 1' P“" m“) “conltrm a connection hCl‘H'Cn ‘lli'mm‘ and cancer
ilk5ktlltl‘rtli.‘ to |)r (rm \cwcil director oi \.lllL5k5l P!L\t‘i\ .i1t iii: 's giant would ptobabh riot be instituted because “it would presentton
IIo'i a: the l t‘.t\L‘rsil\ ot lesas ( itllt'tl ( enter " I it: triosi sobering trier is the increase In llHlils-HIL'W-55 l“ ‘L5"~ ‘0“ Upcnsne." he added \ewell said he does nottigteewithtbosewhosupl’orta
\cwcll spoke l ridax at lltt \Ibett ll ( handler \ii-ii, said \t\\l'll ll 1 said that the number oi srriokers. espc» He said he does not anticipate .‘| legal ban on cigarette btiri ol sticcbtiriri. thought by someto beacarcinogen1“at
\tll( t-ritciintlii-iirstoiit:tirit-ttrii..»1tit|etl”( .Illxl’l l’tr“. 1I1t1‘\ an n. ‘-\“lll‘t ii is incrtasini‘ «Iml “WWW“ ”14" ‘t'lcV 'Cls’illtlls‘ss oi how carcinogenic the) are loiirid to tho tlmt‘ 55
- i . " - - - .1 ~ . _ ‘Jt . 1 . - - 1 '-\ -nte it ‘ltttt‘tll he 1. -- - - -
WW'“ I “‘UM” “’1‘” H“ “Um“ t" ‘l“‘”“"”1 "l 1'“ ”m” 1“ ‘l “”“H “‘“M h" p“ 5 ‘5 k 11' l n‘t tl k t‘ hl l . h l lhemerall findings. in m\ opinion. tridictitcthatsac-
~ ~ . s‘ ::~ - m iiti is is -r- g' - ' 1 _
l is (isllcgt oi Ntitiiirnt and lllt lplrrarm \lkl)t\\\ti. ~sL-tItlt st skit _c tridcd i I h I I n \ I I l: stI c ttIIIiIgisirItIe \tinltlylng t rat charm h not canecr~causing tor the population as a
I - .s~ its - - - -. i “ en. \ com tiri: Ct e e ti on o r -_ 1 ,r .“ ~- ' . .. :
tortimirriitx 1aii1tr \ttwork I s ll 4 Huh lslarrd lllltlt it run , p P IPI I i t ctr i\t1s ewe siid oti cant whole. Its the least potent (carcinogen) wew investi-
(.illlll}! carrier l‘lt'\t'lllltlll “an idea whose litlit' has 1 I'l w izi or is tar se one extra case 0' cancer l" 4‘ Sil'm’lt‘ lm“ puiplc “‘ 9“” “”h lfl‘“ ”“5 ‘lcwwm tquIt husltt gated 55 he said
tome." \t‘wcl! prcdittcd that trtarot \lllt‘lltdll 'ncdtcal t-Hltsts oi the iitiilctir reactor. according tt‘ \C“Cll h“ mi'd“ h.‘ lht‘ ImlHldUitl. ltt lllt‘ Cd‘s“ til Cigarettes. tht.‘
ectitcts tittltltlt"g' i1 would soon tit-x on" more :‘llott to \.-\o-i' sald ‘ie is “pessrniistre” that cancer will be pie MI" I‘ “‘0 lIt‘d Up In economics and pt)llllC\l()rilnI\lhlnfl \ewell said the arttticial sweetener mas somedav be
Plt'\(‘nll(vii .1,,,...t m [11”an an end to (lgflfCllC smoking to he done h\ the gtwernment." he stird shown to increase the risk ot cancer inthoseexposedtoit
“( irrrerith. “k helictc that the ntaiotm ol lirrriiar. ‘\. smoke: in this \tiliti'f) is tinziwtirc 0' the L'\trenie \chllII idded “diet is probtibh number two to throughout their Ines and "It so. something should be
tittltt‘ls are caused ht em irorrtnt ntal tat tors est-trial u tl:t"i':" :1 oi t igart-tit- smoking. but the number ol srriokers Cigarettes in causing cancer and called the possibilm ot done about ptisslhl} taking it off the market. then." But.
our bodies and are thus picteritablc wt \< well. w‘m k. it‘s t't‘lllIL' rip " be said. adding that “most smokers PH‘H‘mttig cancer through I'Tlpl'tl\Ctl diet "a whole new be .said. “it‘s too early to tell about that now "
‘ .- . I Q . ‘
o O 0
O _O . | . 1

Steve Mnssey
0‘ :KY Mltmr-m-(‘hter JI) Fossctt Anne (‘burles (in “illls John “I, ”and Maynard
Mark (lrecn (.hr“ ( nmeron I'flle'fIUlIl/Ht'lll hit/u! Spurn Alum l’l/t’llrll‘ HI l’humgtupht
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall
Kirby Stephens (‘indy McGee John Little
‘ "mummy Etluur AHUHUR’ fill/11m Vicki Poole Steu- ltunther
Barbara “ltd 5.1. Robinson Donnie “3rd Dmid ('0er
\t'ntm Muff H "I?“ ~ltmlum kltlt'rlumnu'nl Iz'dlmr Anitlunl .S/mrlt It/I/r'tt NIH/1' h/HW .
Jacki Rudd Paul Mann
. l .t g I & t but Lduur Eduunal L’duur
\ cstcrdn‘x l uhttt l)‘1\ lC\l|\lIlC\ tn ttltcd thccclchrw ldhm “mm“- although ”3” 13‘1“”) dc‘md 0‘ CONUP- untotts. thu unrkcn 1h ucll. tttcltttltttll u Pledgc to IC\lt';11n ccn-
t tt th b tt \m fl .t' It ant rpm \\\Itlll llx ttttn hau- ht‘mmc u mung \ UIL‘L‘ tut labor W tth such a \ust “otltcr holdttut. thc l’oltsh ccnttnnn whhlp and 1“ UPC" ”N ‘WW—Cttmmllcd ttctu lllCLlltl ttm
' [on t C (not ' C C' \ cc ‘ C C , 3 ' . I I I
‘ workers l‘l tttt thc ot'twt out n t'ttttt‘x \mrktng cl‘m \\m'kct‘\ L'Umpcthttltttn. \Jttxl-Ol—lnlng tncrcascx. “as dlmU-‘I til it ‘lilndmllt And “1”]ch dd) Ihc strtltc \Hdc \Ltt 1c!) 01 ()plllltllll In L‘mpthl/L‘ thc lattu. thL
, _. \ t . t ~ t . . . « t. . . .. -~ ,
. h hccn th , r ‘ H ,1 .m “a. uni dcnmcr‘tttt; \Aagc gutdcltttcs and cmplmuc hcnclttx arc somc ol the conttnuctl thc ( ttmntuntst l’arn (cntt‘ul ( UlllmlIICC. actual \tgnmg nt t‘tc tlglLLllanl bgl\\LLn Mun/ML!“
as C 3.1.1“ t t x t t t . ‘ - ' . I .. t . . . ’
V \ t m 'ld\'tnccmcnlx unmm hug hutlt tltrccth and tndtrccth thc gmcrtttng hum tn l’olttttd. lttttnd Il\L‘ll hcmccn a .lugtclskt. the dcput) ptcmwt. and [uh \Mtlud. ”M
m s s c . ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ' ‘ I
' I l )r mm mt tr mg u trktttv '11“ our cmntttm tmplcmcntcd rock and a hand plucc, strtkc hunter and hcud Ul thc ncu unmn tllgdlll/illltlll.
‘( t .1 s \ t IL a t 3 . _. . I . , . , .
and thts l’IdII tn u tttld \l‘llllcr Htl cxcntunlh dlL‘ lhc Cttmmulllxlx tlllLl \tlthlll\l\ llltllnllllll that thcu' lt cttttld ctthcr CtlllCL‘dC to thc \mtkcn tit-mantis or “us IClL‘\I\L‘(l «tn l’tlltllld x tmttmml lle\l\lt)ll
. ' k . k I \ ' v - ' V , ' ‘ ~ ~ -
I l V Yet our nxt *nt his utntc 'mdct 'lll sch h\ dtttcrtng \utcm at \ltllc thux pllhltt'. \lWIlK'l\l‘-lp IN dL‘HHd 01'1"“ ‘9'“ 1“ ”W‘P‘ “W ““1 “““ld 1mplcmcnt $3 Chimi—‘K‘ ”1 ”‘9 Ch‘mb’c "‘ Wm“ 1‘” " Mm“ bl“ “mm” '1‘"
- l l_ t l . ( l . ‘ » I
' . Q ldCOlUglC‘tl nun-nu “HM n ,Hhh communtxtx‘ dmt pmxthtlm ut \Htllu‘l upltttttttttttt lhc\ \..l\ thc \utrltcr. part} tlt>Cllll1L‘th\Cl hcttttcwcn tnuSmtt-t blUCCOUnII) man) llllpllLtllltllh
‘ a ‘ - . r ., . wt .
I ‘t ldll t lh \ htt tt 1 th pr tttt mtlll\t:\ tl le'llL‘ tn canu' l\ tn tunc \Hllt thc \t.ttc Ll changc “htt‘h Clth at thc \cn Ilium ttl the NIJIC ll mm“ ”11H ”0 t‘l‘lllikdl dnd 'dWlOF'U'I ““Lm 1‘
I st C ’ s \, C, . C M L L‘ n t x ' . ‘ _ . . . .
’ Lllltrpl’h und ttttttt x ml \PlUll\ lllt. m t'lttnu L‘ll\\ lh.~ \\\ll’l(l\ \utmlcrlttl But My tht l ttttcd 5.1.110 R‘PICSCHHHEHW “WM“ \IHWWHH‘ lltcwcnnd t'ttttld “1mm” PWMV'I“ ll“! 4‘ ”l” “U" ”m'lm“ ‘-““m
3 ‘ ‘ C C , L’ t \ L‘ ' ‘; a . . . I I I
lhcx haw \lel 't tttttutt Ctnt‘tll \mmtn PI"\‘llc Iltlk‘tcxls tuttttd .tt thc 'ltk. .dwtnut and n-ttltu .ttctwtdtltct‘cnt lt‘iid l0 “Idcmtk‘dd chum and mum] tcmlttlmn ttt “cm Uthlcr \éN thunyw ”1 1hr 30* d'td ”H.‘ ht
‘ t t l t t t t A , V
andhm lllll tttt \\ ttlx t vttp tI‘hlllH tt thy llllL link ll‘tltlp P‘Wmd hcztdcd lUl mum tttttt'c ttt tht' lUlLHL' \U.lUU.lllu\lll1L‘
’ ' ' k t \ C (U. . . . ‘\. ‘ ‘ .
\nd p m l” t m. t‘ h hum ”m t; [OR IN ”WIN I hc l'Ht’hl‘ “tutu-v \mkcx pmm tlm um 41] mm ()tt Stttttt‘dm. thc \tttttttttttt \Mh .tpputcnth t'cmhcd Sttcttthxt dttctttnc t‘ltttttgt- \\tth tttttc to ttt‘t‘tttttmltttc lllL'
, - t . L' . x . \ ' ‘ C ' t t > ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' _
fl tt tn tt “ H “L Pult ‘1 \ ttt“ \tttktttg Ul't\\ lk'ltll'nh tn ttw t3: uh “k” ”WW“ 1:”! IhCIr “le1 tot lhc ltrxt ltlllt.‘ cwr. a IIL‘Ctl\ of (h \mtktttt.‘ cltm
- ' t t L‘ t' ‘ k C t t. ‘~ t . ‘ 3
‘11) tut n m m‘ lth t!" u 1\ uptmmj mt k u \lt“t' th Ht Wt Mitt \\tttl\ct\ ttt l‘.tl.tnd “will on \llllu' 5mm hluc CUUHIH “m planted the ttght to \ll‘llu‘ and ll\lltt\\\ll1t!l \MH‘MH t-tctttthctc. ttn nldllt‘l'\\ltttl thc
.t \.( . t \ t \ .l'lkk' t. ‘ ' .' L " 3 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ I
‘ " \x r d nt m tn [ht- pm tun \\L‘L‘l\\ ()nt' ttt t’tc tttutm .tt'uumcnts itttttt tndcncttdcttt \clt-gttu-tntng unmm rttltttg L'lttsx. tttc tht- tntttttlutttttt l0! an) cuttttttntt‘ yu-
. . c t txut c - .- . . .
' ' ’4 But “n“. thc qt,‘ 1 mm h,“ "I IItI.IH.,m.m1I,,.Ih mm“ 4”“va [n5 \mltcu um thy llt'L'd tttt ltttlL‘DCIlthltl luhnt ‘xttd thc ( cttttul ( tttttttttttcc concudcd nthct ttghtx to tcm.
. .
3 . UK VIPs thl be spared
' ' - {IN \pmm \tmn mmt 3.3 _t\ new l’m/tt ‘ 5lllt’.l_fll' t w n mth tnth» that thc \tthmctgcd km 1\ lltl tttttdwt. .; 3,1333“; h“ I
“ Prcumtir‘trd uttt rttt.tt mum and 3 \t‘ (llilkl‘ 4‘ .t Kt; f‘":;'t t:.t:httt\ mutt \lll\!\ttl \ttttt‘ttttt~ \\ DHL' Pcr- l'3':7%.8‘391:»v:%2é==g€r--:.::. '- ' "
. , " '. mtttttg tttzt at l L‘\‘Ytg'tt3li_ :rx I lt:\;‘t :m t wg‘l’, \tlllxl‘tdl} l 'tt' : tt\\ltlll.'" wt‘t “htt ttr‘ltm‘d IO M tdcnltltcd “it:
- ' \tl\ ttt KL‘tttttclu \\.l\ hum t‘nthttttt't» t'tttt~ U377] llV'l 3h: murtw; tw-ttr pu‘tttul ttttt, "lhm put an tmttt} lttt ‘ .
, ltlL' (l 3.1!Ittttt \llL"'lL" :tmttun hk'lHL‘L‘H \-’f;1U \t.tt It 'tmt «tutu-t! ttr-lttttt: ttt ttmc. tttttttn tllltl Pltttttttttg tttttt ~ "I l» ' .3 v W“ '
, . ‘ t :3" " ”www.»
, I' (lttx Mayan“ \ my.“ mm: tt- 1: ;' Hrlf>"_';:*\\31'.l'rlL'_.\4lloL,'.l"‘ll[.tl(! 2 :\\ t lllttllll\l\ttltllllLrlhl.1llrl\g’\\‘tI\ -. I:- .. WE? “I," 3.1"“ ~
' . ‘ hhtdtxt and HM; ‘t‘ mu l.tt' H Hy? ' t’l’t‘ ~r»tt!tt:ttty wtcttt fl;='tt!".~ It' it»: A \ ullwuagttt‘t lhttxt-t‘ttttut-tu ' ' -':._,»- .-- . .,. . .. .. ,3:
, .t . I , . .. .I; v " ‘31- ' . .
. mm: It“ \\ “gm: 1 N133» \ Nd‘illl. w m :_ I,«lx\ tt.>ttttttt' \ttt.l\ tll‘x' tmt the hp ttt llll' ttt‘hctg ' ,. . " .--:~«- zmm- .1 '. 3
. ' Hit it p \t-t'cf tw'xttt m: It:u :,.tt tt‘: t3; '3ut". 3t .,tts tltt sum. lt.tttl:\ \\.’l:‘ltL'\t‘l .1 {‘tlhllu wtmttt mll‘ /,,W-.-W'ZWW’{W/W . I"'::3.. ,. ( “ " ‘ " . ., .. _
.’ ’ ' 3 H t n "yr-w" . " -. 3 .- - . ' - I," 'I ' , m,
- ’ ,. ,’ httrtiz'r gt-ttt :ztxtttzt‘. 'l‘t wt: l JL‘ t-ttttttgt‘ \l\;‘l‘.tt.l t.- .3: a'\ ,1 "Km pm .ttnthttig it‘tz' ttp .tt thy tu‘hctg. l ”W / " . _ ?_ - - .- 3 MW“
. .. ,- V ’ - ‘ ~ tvx, "nut in ~t,t', t:t_ nun llt'vttn? trttx ~t ttttt' tutttttl hcuttt thL’ 'tlt' tlcc ct \tt .ttttttt\ttt~ W m . 12517122.."If":”3"“:7-2::53222}iigéé'ar'i‘l-S:35?,Z:f}iiiiifiéiigiéiifgil
.. - r. , t 3 A. . W V x-- - " ~ ' . v -. " v
,- ' nut rm w: mt t: t «tn tn~ «w WM- 3% wn~tt~~ww ”MI-hm rmuttw mmewW ' - .. ~ . ,. ' 42:33,:
I .' ’ \Ifdltth \\ 1l\lk.:l'kl.lt l\t"t_' titll‘llt. tcxtttthttttg thc pltlltll\ w ltlllkl‘t Ill .1 mpmttm! thttt thc nutmmt) C\L‘.t\’d~ .. _,.-. .. , _ 3:12 , ; ,:»‘- 3 ' ‘ “55f;-'12.?“3'7*’5"f7":'5523';:j§?fi§3;3:."'?§3§ii:3:396.a¥§§§§§§1§§€h==35,1“=2':I:"15322:§§i'§:}j§§3§f'_iv_ __
" ‘ , lhc htl\ht'lntttl (tum am: \tlt’lt‘LtW mx _ ttttn .tttd hthlk \Htll pldL‘L'mL‘nl C(lllld . ' g - . ,3: _ 533:5; 2s:f.:;i:s:t-~;§;.
:- ’ I hi'lhtlll \ttDpt‘H Pk‘t'vlllllk't ht ttt'ttttttpltshcd ttt sm Cldl htturs ’ '9' W” ~ v - v » .WW 3-53 , Inf-WW 2“=‘”"'1:'i-f"' =-':"-i;:~ '..2-=-'-'=Z".*""' a“: *W..fitw.,.v
V :‘v lhc \«‘:t\L‘l‘l‘Clll lt‘LxIllt‘l‘ ttt 1‘s; ames \«tthttut tttttat’ttttg Ltttcnttutt. Ulllll: V ., H ,._3.l,.,_.I,..,3.,..1.zg...35%:gi.l.g..;,.z.;5.:ggt3;;.-,;l....4:1I;:;;;V,.-.-.-.i.4.:.«3.22,..4...41.:.-,-...4.4;;”2:15:.;'3.....,v...I;=€395.:.;l;;,_33§§i:;-,.13l'»1I,:-3;t-.-v=I;i1:f}35:25t:55-;5;::3;its?g:g=g=-'I:_§:«-L_i~3;r-52z-iiege:35:-§;§f§' »- , ---v . I i A .
. . ’. huh-.mtt} \tttl .tfttm gnu .utcw m: «t tttg hctn} cqtttptttcnt. pt’c-tuhttctttcd :. , ' ' -, , . " I; i , V 1‘ '1 : .Iiz‘flizfx'.
, 3 ‘ :m/t- tut tunttcw l't :ttc mm: .-t .3 1m! ' - mutcttzih and mttit \mrkcrx ,, ' " ' . ' '
. - 3 .33 l ~U;tll\ :chdhlc JUL: tibptt.» I utmplt‘tcd d! ntght. pcthurn tlttrtttgtt ” 3. 2' ,; ,, ' 3 , V ,- J" Q . / ”hf-311:. .;. v a '3.
', ' ". 'tct~:t\ xtttztt‘m turned It t’tztt _ tltwnmtt \llL‘ll m thc ltll'L‘t’IlllPlh B) ”AND ((Hll Kenn-l Staff
, 3- . ‘I “km,“mj w ,m ;H'tt_\ Mm: mm; \tthm‘mm ltn‘tlh tutt uxkg'tuhllfi \LL‘HM \U bu" Nd”. l“ tttxtttlhtty tt\ttttc .ttttl ctcctctl .t ttcu «my lt‘lllllttlhlll t huttu‘ctt thy \\.ttt-t ttttttt- LlhlllH tt» t.ttw lll[l«l\. tllltl mhtt tx
, . L- l t . , l l
, . ' ' tho hum“, trawl.“ mg. n my}; ,HULmtt 3.3 m, butt-Mm t“ hula htyt: tl‘llt‘ll‘tll} ttghtx \x ttt lthl tuck. It 1\ mm In hchmt‘ thttt tupttttxhlc l;tIH that \\;t\ not xxtttctpttttttrd tllltl \\tll (llllllllL't \( \v\ t'h.t:tttt -ttt~httt.
. I ,v , ,. \l.1!lll?1‘rtgilt: :‘llllllL tittttl ttfta'tt "'h mtttctc ttttttt m :Jt'ttttttt tn At tht‘ lt‘llll‘t‘ltlH ftuhttttg \\.l\ \llll ttt Cttytttcctx tllk'llllL'L‘l\ ttt2d ctttnttuc tht; tl.tg plum \\llllttlll thty ml! ttiw hp \K‘klttt‘
It . . ‘wy “It“.nw “I“ ,m-nt;.t.mg my I; “I 21’3“ mum: PM“ “mtg“; twum-h [hy (titty-g ink! ~ t tttg (Ulhllllt'lltllt \tlt‘ llttll llt‘tttx ullllkl ttcplt-t‘t ttt \Mt'tk'l' lt l\\tlltlllltlllllL'pl.tl1\l||l”lhtttt'kl I tkt lllt‘ lk'tlt’lltltt|\ l’tttwtttx htttl,
:‘g 1’ " ,- FI.1t-_'tl~v;tttur ,ttj'2tz‘.:~3',~‘ t ~ t ,‘thutt. .tmt t!“ \\‘t;ttL-};_t13( “Hwy”; l: tht 'lllLl\l tt' lllL utttttmtttt \ll' [)1‘)‘l1ki\\ltli>!:“i][1‘tlt!1 \tttl tt l\ \Itll lint; [mu/[fik-I‘H 13., ,(vhmldtng .3; I,” lllk'l HIWDIH ”I kt‘tttttt'm \\.t’.‘ m“
. . t ‘. \ ttt'tt- tctl :.v ~t Jut: - Knuth; \\ x: t» t't'um ‘ in: I tt, 'tttttttltttt: "l’tttmt l My l’ltt/tt.“u>tti tlltlL‘tllhlL‘ that llt‘llt' at thcttt hwtt‘l-‘tk' llll\t‘1\ll_\ t'wtt ttt :hc i'\llL'lll\ “IM' tllt\ m.» lttttttli‘t:.t\ltt’\.1tltltt'hlltKl
“3 , . I4 II)“, PEI,“ I1. II. \13... I, t-tIL I . , 33., I ‘33! l\ HM 31mm“, ,;_ mp \lllltltttll um taktttg pldkL' Ul‘t .t L'\p\ ttw ttt tuttzxtttg thct! ttttxtttlt‘ .tt nu.“ tum! duL-q‘nflm '—
‘ -. -’I um {mm tut} plum ,\ Mutt“ 3L.“ 1., \ v;;;\t~;‘, ~tttttt.tt, pmxthh IClt'llL’tl \t‘ttttttt‘ lllk l H:\t,‘l\ll\ ttmtut thy htlltttt .t \\tth thy tap ‘hjyttttmutt‘vu ..,t‘.\_
. i " 0th .p'\ k ttv :3 r_» v qua A Ht 1“,“ ‘1‘; 4‘ {‘KHI‘WN HA1 4‘ d 79:: 't'-htzthltrt; t»! tht' l’dllL’l‘tlll 31C“ 'tttt'tmttt. \Httlc wu'tul lltttllllh my ink-1““ H1 mam: Uttpttmtwm
l ‘ t} ‘dt: tlt.1‘ it: ~t't.;.‘t .f' Amt. -\ aunt t_ ‘.m \» ‘.\« Il't‘t .t! ,3 (hum lttut't l \lllllldllt l.tlt‘t’ nut SW Htlll‘n'h “‘1‘ km 71“”3 “WNW“ 3“”ll‘3mll" 3““: ("“1 ”9“" . - 4
I . ' ' t ttm \l\'."»t.'3.:. (wit-tuna :ttx‘ mum: ,_» Utt thy ttt‘tut ttf liltlL‘lllutl “JIM lllL‘\Idli’\.lllt‘llllL‘llllt‘lltflllL'li'tlllxt’ It\l\\\lli \thk|\g‘.t\\\t‘ll \ml ',\:1l‘,tl.;- J“”“""””””‘“s""“”"‘“1””n2
, 3 t 3 .t» t t
- ‘ ' . ' .~ )r . I 4 . .
I ‘. I ,t ’ thy rtc“ l ‘m- \tl\( ‘1'.th Hy“, 5- [hr htILY't .t::t: gaunt-It \tthIE httttt!.1ttt that h.ttl HUI mutt \Mtlt‘l lltll‘. llttt \ttt‘h [‘t’\\lll‘tt\tl1l‘.llt\l tttm h‘txkuttmll lulu] \utt ‘mtj warm} ttu ”l “(in 41"”14' l “AV"MU’IWD-
w I k ”3;“ ti-jk-mto I, I,“ j .1; wk: [tummy Hug Nut-,1 tl, ”NW“ pttmfut. “wit-ts tmpcd HUI thc old hc wt tl\l(lt' ttt ttght tt 3hr .tl‘;‘,:lL'lll __.__________
. ’ , ‘ J I I I I
Anderson 8 campaign termtna YI L it P I'
3 .I I I
I. . , i l l\ utt’tllttttlttH ttt lllthltttllu'l: \‘ll tht C(ltll'lldl ttml ttptttttttt
't ' l .
”-1 it‘ I' ,« . t3 ., tm; '.t ,t ‘, t‘ L \3 \ 5 ,\ “'de H, ”=3; \t.tt \txttttt- \tttlL'!\Hll ll’ltlltj lllL‘llt llt' tmlm tttt Ihmt' htttttpt'tt tttt am ‘ P-iflk'
' “ ' W‘ i I“ I‘, I A.“ -. 3 tI 3 a ”firm 5tY3‘_ A ftIHIt‘ \llll:lL‘lltl‘l‘ttlllllltttttltt (Ax \ttt “Hunk l‘tllttl‘.\,lfix‘l\ H: i\ Lttl p.133 : lt-ttst‘ t‘I‘t’.1'lt\.t’ltltttlltlltt'll.ll‘t\ll‘JHll‘rk'l\pi“\ltlllklllll‘lL'
" ‘ \\ w I,” .I I“ it“ “II,“ It \‘t; v»; \ H d H_ ‘ ~t ‘l - h t“ t: t1Mtttilctttfttchtt‘ttltt \Kt‘lltxttflk‘lllllll.’ t'l thy t'lttt-ttt. hut: t :htx \tntt llt w ’ \tmtmt tttttl tttmt ttttittttt‘ thy \\t:tc3\ ‘tIL'tlJltllk‘ .t\l«llt'\\ .ttttl
~ 1' ,-' ‘3 IIIIIII II f.\?.t’t~.‘ll mt! , I t,.:::v' . . _ ,,,\ kIII,I,I,It,, ,L'K” III. an“ wit ,II‘ tn Aw; :I] ht\ ttt hm Hut] plttix hm .t \\.t\.tlll.ltl \‘t :ttt‘\\ttt.tttl<-tl lL'll n3 ‘ plmttt‘ ““th l l\ ““13”“ «NAM “bug‘- :tm- WI” In“!
‘.i (I 3 I' MU .d' l “W“ uh; my tvt , a ttllt“.t~\ ttttttxtttt‘ I» I m tt.~ ;' t:\ “‘1‘“ “‘3" "" “MUN” ““1"" ”l ”’7” “Hm“ I tt..t;ttt .ttttl l HHL'ME'K ttttt‘wnt‘x \ttttttttf ltxt llit'ti [‘t‘\l|ttll .illtl .
' '1‘, 4" ,".t't‘ H. K tm‘, (‘t't t3 \ t t,‘~\»\ " t' n "’ :t‘ \ ftljtttt 't‘tw Jl‘: ’ ,\ tt\\H lttCtl lttuttphdxt/t‘thnt l tum \\d\ lti‘ lI‘Hl I‘ “l“ «”31?le “:1“ h”. ‘3‘ tlt‘plttlttk‘ttl
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