xt7c862bb43p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862bb43p/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2014 bulletins English journals Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing University, Vol. 89, No. 1, Winter 2014 text Frontier Nursing University, Vol. 89, No. 1, Winter 2014 2014 2014 true xt7c862bb43p section xt7c862bb43p FNU FRONTIER NURSING UNIVERSITY Winter 2014 n Volume 89 n Number 1 75th anniversary 2014 marks the 75th anniversary of Frontier Nursing University. Details about our plans to celebrate this milestone year are inside this issue! * quarterly bulletin TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction to FNU ........................................................................1 The Journey – Dr. Susan Stone ..........................................................2 FNU 75th Anniversary .....................................................................6 Graduation 2013 ..............................................................................4 Alumni Spotlight..............................................................................6 Courier Corner .................................................................................8 Courier Spotlight .............................................................................9 Field Notes ....................................................................................11 Beyond the Mountains ...................................................................14 Wendover Report ...........................................................................18 Footprints ......................................................................................19 Notes .............................................................................................21 In Memoriam .................................................................................25 Tributes ..........................................................................................27 Board of Directors ..........................................................................29 Trustees..........................................................................................30 Your Gifts at Work .........................................................................32 US ISSN 0016-2116 Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin (USPS 835-740, ISSN 00162116) is published at the end of each quarter by Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., 132 FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hyden, KY, and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: $5 per year. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, 132 FNS Dr., Wendover, KY 41775. Copyright FNS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Frontier does not share its donor mailing list. Introduction to Frontier Nursing University M ary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world — Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the deaths of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of her class to devote herself to the service of families, with a particular focus on children. Mrs. Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925 after several years of studying and practicing nursing and midwifery in the United States, England, Scotland and France. It was the first organization in America to use nurses trained as midwives collaborating with a single medical doctor, based at their small hospital in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed of nurse-midwives trained in England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to Our aim has always been provide quality primary care, including mato see ourselves surpassed, ternity care, to families in their own homes. and on a larger scale.” In 1928, she recruited young people to serve –Mary Breckinridge, as Couriers and help the Frontier staff and Wide Neighborhoods, 1952 nurse-midwives in all manner of efforts. In 1939, Mrs. Breckinridge established a school of nurse-midwifery. The school provided graduates, many of whom stayed to offer care to families in Leslie County, Kentucky. “ Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastern Kentucky through Frontier Nursing University (FNU), which offers a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree and a Master of Science in Nursing degree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner. FNU has students and graduates serving all 50 states and many countries. How to Reach Us The Office of Development and Alumni Relations: Please direct questions, comments or updates to Denise Barrett, Director of Development, at (859) 899-2828 or send an e-mail to development@frontier.edu. The Wendover Bed & Breakfast Inn: The Big House, Mary Breckinridge’s home, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn located at Wendover. For reservations or to arrange a tour, call Michael Claussen, Development Coordinator, at (859) 899-2707 or e-mail michael.claussen@frontier.edu. Group tours can be arranged, and we are always happy to set up tours for organizations and educational programs with an interest in nursing history and Appalachian studies. 1 * Frontier nursing university quarterly bulletin the journey FNU 75th Anniversary Weekend Celebrating 75 Years W e are proud to be celebrating 75 years of providing advanced nursing and midwifery education. We have many activities, events and communications planned throughout the year to celebrate our anniversary. When Mary Breckinridge founded the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery, it was to meet an immediate need for nurse-midwives to serve in rural Appalachia. As the British nursemidwives departed the United States to return home and serve their country the Frontier Nursing Service found itself with a shortage of staff. The plan to open a nurse-midwifery school was immediately put into action. Over the course of the next 75 years the University has evolved, including the transition to distance education, the achievement of accreditation, the addition of new programs, and the tremendous growth. However, the mission has remained the same, and the work of the University has remained focused on meeting the immediate healthcare needs of women and families through the work of our graduates — though now our reach is nationwide and worldwide. Today, Frontier Nursing University continues to educate nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners to meet our nation’s immediate healthcare needs. With the growing demand for primary care, the need for family nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives has never been greater. In 2013, over 500 graduates attained a graduate degree and qualified for the national certification exam. FNU graduates hail from all fifty states and are living in the rural and medically underserved areas that need improved access to care. In fact, our latest demographics revealed that 71% of FNU students reside in federally designated rural counties and 76% reside in Health Professional Shortage Areas. FNU is improving access to quality healthcare with each graduate. We have several activities planned to celebrate this important year and we hope you will make plans to join us. I look forward to seeing you! Susan E. Stone, DNSc, CNM, FAAN, FACNM President 2 75 Honorees: We are proud to honor 75 individuals and organizations that have served a special role in Frontier’s past and present. Honored individuals will be chosen on the basis of their: · long-term leadership and service to FNU · promotion of FNU · ongoing, longstanding stewardship of FNU · demonstration of personal commitment to the Frontier mission · dedication to serving the communities served by FNU · contributions to FNU’s academic success and impact in the field If you would like to submit a nomination, please email them to Denise Barrett, Director of Development at denise.barrett@frontier.edu or call 859-899-2828. October 2-5: 75th Anniversary Gala and Weekend Events Thursday, October 2: Arrival day for out of town guests Friday, October 3: Keeneland Race Day: Group visit to the beautiful Keeneland race track and facilities. Reception at the Bodley-Bullock house: Enjoy an evening at the beautiful Bodley-Bullock house in downtown Lexington. Saturday, October 4: Brunch with Silas House at Shakespeare & Co.: Join us for brunch and discussion with celebrated Kentucky Author Silas House. Day trip to Hyden, KY: Tour the historic campus buildings and enjoy a lunch nearby at Wendover, Mary Breckinridge’s home. 75th Anniversary Gala: Enjoy a sumptuous dinner, cocktails, and dancing! Hotels will book quickly in Lexington in October! We encourage you to make your hotel reservations as soon as possible. Hyatt Regency Lexington: (859) 253-12345; www.lexingtonhyatt.com Hilton Lexington/Downtown Hotel: (859) 231-9000 or (877) 539-1648; www.lexingtondowntownhotel.com; Group Code FNU104 Doubletree Suites by Hilton Hotel Lexington: (859) 268-0060; www.doubletree.hilton.com/lexington 3 * Frontier nursing university More than 500 degrees were awarded to students from almost every state across the nation. FNU Awards Record Number of Advanced Degrees F rontier Nursing University (FNU) hosted its 2013 commencement ceremony on October 26 in Hyden, Ky., home of the historic FNU campus. O ver the past year, a record setting number of advanced-practice nurses and nurse-midwives graduated from the University. More than 500 degrees were awarded to students from almost every state across the nation. Nearly 200 of these graduates are new nurse-midwives while nearly 300 are new nurse practitioners who will help to fill the national primary care gap. These graduates will provide care to women and families in their communities across the nation and will help to increase access to care in rural and underserved areas. Nearly 1000 attendees were present at the ceremony, including hundreds of graduates and guests along with nearly 150 FNU faculty and staff members. Dr. Charlie Mahan delivered an inspiring commencement address to nearly 1,000 graduation attendees During the ceremony, student and faculty awards were announced and scholarship recipients were also recognized. Jean Kerfoot Fee, 1959 graduate, was awarded an honorary doctorate for her many accomplishments and her tireless work on behalf of our students. Na4 quarterly bulletin tionally regarded expert in maternal and child health, Charles Mahan, M.D. delivered the commencement address. Mahan is a University of South Florida Dean Emeritus both in the Department of Community and Family Health, College of Public Health, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, and has served as an FNU Board member for 11 years. His message is inspiring to the new advanced practice nurses and midwives entering the work force as graduates of FNU over the past year. Those who attended the ceremony heard the message loud and clear. “As you walk out of this ceremony, I would like you to seize THIS day and EVERY day for the rest of your lives — to help move our country from near the bottom of all developed nations to the top in the health and safety of babies, children and families.” Dr. Mahan shared tips for seizing the day as he expressed his firm stance that nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners will help to fill the primary health care gap. “ As you walk out of this ceremony, I would like you to seize THIS day and EVERY day for the rest of your lives — to help move our country from near the bottom of all developed nations to the top in the health and safety of babies, children and families.” You can view the full commencement address at http://www.frontier.edu/ webdocs/2013_commencement_address.pdf. 5 * Frontier nursing university alumni spotlight A quarterly bulletin local group that is trying to establish a birth center in Louisville. Being a part of the “Friends of the Birth Center” group is a first step to increasing birth options for women in this area. Damara Jenkins, CNM FNU Graduate, Class 48 fter contemplating medical school, Damara Jenkins stumbled upon the idea of midwifery. She discovered that midwifery fit more with her personal philosophy, and so from that point on she knew what she wanted to do. She chose to pursue a career as a Certified Nurse-Midwife. A family history tied to Frontier Nursing Service as well as the distance education program format were two big factors in her decision to choose Frontier Nursing University. Her grandfather was a surgeon who had volunteered with the Frontier Nursing Service. Also, as a mother raising four children and working, she found FNU’s distance education format a very attractive option. Most importantly, though, the mission is what led Damara to Frontier. “ With her personal passion and goals closely aligned with the mission that Frontier has had for 75 years, it was an obvious fit. “My goal was not just to produce more nurse-midwives in Kentucky but also to focus on serving women in my local community,” Damara stated. Damara has now been practicing as a CNM at Woman Care in Indiana (just outside of Louisville, Ky) since July of 2011. Woman Care has an ideal practice set-up; it is a collaborative environment with three nurse-midwives and three OB/GYNs working together to serve the local area. One unique thing about Woman Care, is that more than 50% of the patients at this practice are from Louisville, although the practice is actually located in Indiana. As the largest city in Kentucky, Louisville unfortunately has no midwifery care options available in the metropolitan area. Damara shares, “Women who seek the care of a nurse-midwife travel up to an hour away to our practice in Indiana. Most patients are just grateful that they have this option available at all.” At Woman Care the CNMs attend approximately 500 births each year at the local partner hospital. Damara’s story is one that clearly follows the mission of Frontier and hopefully she will inspire others who are contemplating the idea of becoming a nurse-midwife. “I love my job…yes, it’s difficult and you have to have the flexibility to change your plans at any given moment, but it is so rewarding just witnessing women’s strength. “ It’s also amazing just being a part of the midwifery community and connecting with people from all over the world as we support and learn from one another.” My goal was not just to produce more nursemidwives in Kentucky but also to focus on serving women in my local community.” Damara is not only following the mission of Frontier by providing midwifery care through her regular job duties, but she is also serving as a preceptor for FNU midwifery students. In addition, she is very involved in a 6 7 * Frontier nursing university quarterly bulletin courier corner courier spotlight By Nancy Reinhart, FNU Courier Program Coordinator T he Courier Program is in full swing for 2014! I have spent the winter making improvements to the program and refining things so the Couriers and the clinics in which they serve to meet critical needs will have the best experience possible. It was a success last year and I know this year will be even better. As one mentor said of her 2013 Courier: “We have loved having her here… Her help has been amazing. I have been really impressed with the initiative she has taken on whatever projects we have given her and her ability to push forward on these projects independently. I wish we could keep her longer!” By the time this arrives in your mailbox, we will have selected eight young people from across the country to join us as Couriers this summer. We had a strong pool of applicants this year and I’m looking forward to welcoming and getting to know the group at Wendover in June. They bring lots of ideas, plenty of enthusiasm for Frontier’s mission and a willingness to learn. We are thrilled to welcome Mountain Comprehensive Healthcare Medical Clinic in Whitesburg, KY as a new Courier Program site this year! The Courier at this site will serve under Frontier nurse-midwifery graduate Melissa Newell in addition to other practitioners. Couriers will return to Mary Breckinridge Hospital, Little Flower Clinic and the Hazard Clinic in Hazard, KY, Lisa Ross Birth Center in Knoxville, TN and Women’s Wellness and Maternity Center in Madisonville, TN as well. Connecting with Couriers I’ve enjoyed connecting with so many of you former Couriers by phone and at recent events. The chance to capture some of the program’s fascinating history by interviewing you is a top priority for me. It both enriches the program’s development and keeps its history alive. If you are a former Courier who has not yet been interviewed and would like to be, please email me: nancy.reinhart@frontier.edu. 8 Jess Rice Jess Rice served as a Courier in 1994 and says that the Courier program has always stayed “with her.” She joined the Courier Advisory Committee in 2013 and is currently pursuing a nursing degree. Briefly introduce yourself. I was raised in Pennsylvania but I spent my twenties and early thirties on the West Coast, living two years in Portland, OR and twelve years in Oakland, CA. I’m a second-career nursing student at the University of Pittsburgh — in the one-year accelerated BSN program (with prerequisites of course!). I have an undergraduate degree in Biology but I have worked in education (Oakland Public Schools), publishing (Ten Speed Press), and in the solar industry (SunPower Corporation). I also fancied myself a singer-songwriter at one time and got involved in the Bay Area arts scene. Briefly describe your experience as a Courier. Here are the things I remember the most: watching Sherman Wooten decapitate a copperhead snake with a shovel. Doing home health rounds in a tiny Yugo down little dirt roads that seemed to actually be hiking trails. The fourth-of-July celebration in Wendover with The Greased Pig Contest and Raccoon-On-A-Log contest. Bluegrass. Moonshine. Kudzu. X-ray runs. Learning to drive a stick shift to go on said x-ray runs. Observing my first surgery while trying to hide my shock that the surgeons made jokes and listened to Pink Floyd while operating. My fellow couriers were probably the most memorable — Dascha Wier, Anne Kelsey, and Michael Todd. They were college seniors and I wasn’t even a college freshman yet. I vividly remember late nights on the Garden House porches — listening to The Cowboy Junkies and Tori Amos and talking about medicine and politics and the-meaning-of-it-all. 9 * Frontier nursing university quarterly bulletin field notes How did it impact you, your life and your vocational direction? I’m in nursing school now but being a Courier probably had a bigger life impact than that. It was like being in the Peace Corps for me — it forced me to adapt to a culture that was strange to me and to find a way to connect and contribute. What is the legacy of the Courier program from your view? It puts things in sharp relief — makes you appreciate technology, medical and otherwise, for all its wonders, *and* it helps you identify the parts of life that are important that have nothing to do with technology — caring for people, working hard, sticking your neck out, making a difference, and enjoying nature. Why do you remain involved? I lost touch for a while but I saw something about Sherman Wooten come across an e-newsletter and that’s when I jumped back in. He really made an impression on me. And now as a nursing student, I’m interested in Frontier in a new way— professionally — as a case study of sorts. I hope the Courier Program continues to flourish. Coming Soon: Unbridled Service: The History of the Courier Program Delight in a fresh perspective on Frontier Nursing history told through pages of colorful and rich stories and photos about Mrs. Breckinridge’s famous Courier Service. FNU professor Anne Cockerham’s book Unbridled Service: The History of the Courier Program, to be published this spring, will serve as a companion to Rooted in the Mountains, Reaching to the World. The book takes us through each era of the 85-year service learning program, detailing Couriers’ support of FNS functions throughout the years and the evolution of the Courier service up to today. If you are a former Courier, this book will surely connect with your memories of the time you will never forget. Told primarily from the perspective of Couriers like yourself and accompanied by hundreds of striking photographs, you will surely find yourself in its pages and relish the experiences of which it reminds you. Unbridled Service: The History of the Courier Program will be published soon and sold through our website at www.frontier.edu. We’ll notify you by mail as soon as it is available for sale. 10 Frontier Nursing University names new Dean of Nursing and Associate Deans D r. Julie Marfell, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, FAANP has been named as the Dean of Nursing at Frontier Nursing University and recently began serving in this new role. Dr. Marfell follows Dr. Susan Stone who has served as both President and Dean for twelve years. With the increasing growth of the University, the decision was recently made to split the roles of president and dean to better serve the educational needs of the increasing student population. Dr. Stone will continue in the role of President while Dr. Marfell will take on the role of Dean. Dr. Marfell has led FNU’s family nursing program for 14 years serving as Department Chairperson of Family Nursing for 10 years and as Associate Dean for Family Nursing for 3 years. Dr. Marfell has an extensive background in nursing education, nursing leadership and as a family nurse practitioner. She earned degrees from Barnes Hospital School of Nursing in St. Louis, MO and Rush University in Chicago, IL. She has been a certified family nurse practitioner for 19 years. Dr. Marfell shares, “I am very proud to have the opportunity to be the Dean of Nursing at Frontier Nursing University. Nurse-Midwives and Nurse Practitioners are needed now more than ever to meet the predicated shortage of health care providers and increase access to quality health care. We are continuing our tradition of preparing registered nurses to provide excellent care to women and families with our new MSN+DNP curriculum that began in January of 2014. The faculty members at FNU are leaders in education and are all certified in their professional specialties. I am excited to be leading this faculty as they educate our students to begin their careers as nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners.” With the two separate roles of President and Dean, FNU is better poised to serve its increasing student body, with current enrollment at more than 1500. The leadership transition will allow the University to focus more on strategic education goals in addition to fostering the innovative, student-focused, community environment that it strives to provide. 11 * Frontier nursing university Dr. Anne Cockerham, PhD, CNM, WHNP-BC, has been named as the Associate Dean of Midwifery and Women’s Health. Dr. Cockerham has served as course coordinator and FNU faculty member for four years and will also continue to serve in her recently appointed position as Professor of History where she devotes a portion of her time to preserving, recording and disseminating the unique history of the University. Dr. Cockerham holds certification as both a nurse-midwife and women’s health care practitioner which uniquely positions her for serving in the role of Associate Dean for the midwifery and women’s health programs. She earned her Master of Science in Nursing from Case Western Reserve University, certificates for nurse-midwifery and women’s health from FNU and a PhD with a focus in nursing history from the University of Virginia. As Associate Dean of Midwifery and Women’s Health, Dr. Cockerham will ensure that FNU’s community-based nurse-midwifery and women’s health graduate programs continue to excel and attract the most qualified students. Dr. Lisa Chappell, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, has been named as the Associate Dean of Family Nursing. Dr. Chappell has served as an FNU Course Faculty, Course Coordinator and Clinical Bound Team Leader for five years. quarterly bulletin Mary Breckinridge Festival hosted in Hyden The annual Mary Breckinridge Festival was held Sept. 30-Oct. 5, 2013 in Hyden. FNU hosted a booth and gave out FNU brochures, pens and note pads to hundreds of people. The “I Am an FNS Baby” pins were given out to many who were delivered by an FNS midwife, some at home and some in the hospital. FNU staff were honored to meet the younger sisters of the “Baby in the Saddlebag” photo. The baby was Arbert Asher and his mother was Nellie Asher. They’ve been told, by family members, that he was the first baby delivered by the nurses, when they came to Leslie Co. in 1925. FNU had a free drawing for a copy of “Rooted in the Mountains,” which was very popular as well. Donna Nantz, from Stinnett, won it. The FNU float won 1st in heritage and 2nd overall. FNU staff also participated in the Relay for Life “Amazing Race.” John Wooton and Chasity Collett represented FNU as a team and the FNU booth was one of the pit stops. FNU faculty and staff enjoyed the festivities and look forward to next year’s festival! John Wooton and Chasity Collett participate in the “Amazing Race.” Dr. Chappell has been a certified family nurse practitioner for eighteen years and a nurse for 38 years. She also has sixteen years of teaching experience. Dr. Chappell’s teaching and administrative experience combined with her drive for excellence certainly positions her for serving in the role of Associate Dean for FNU’s family nursing program. She earned her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Alabama in Birmingham where she received both her family nurse practitioner and maternal infant clinical nurse specialist certifications. She also earned her Doctor of Philosophy in nursing from the Medical College of Georgia. As Associate Dean of Family Nursing, Dr. Chappell will ensure that FNU’s family nursing program continues to successfully attract the most motivated and mission-driven nurses. 12 The FNU float won 1st in heritage and 2nd overall. 13 * Frontier nursing university quarterly bulletin beyond the mountains Helen Rentch, Fra Vaughan, Lindy Karns, Vicki Tobin, Selma Owens, Ann Evans, and Martha Copeland. Annual Fall Committee Events held in Lexington, Louisville, Cincinnati and Boston Bluegrass Committee hosts luncheon and awards first Bluegrass Scholarship FNU faculty and staff gathered with friends and supporters at the annual Bluegrass Luncheon event, hosted on Sept. 25, 2013. Bluegrass Committee members Linda Roach, Selma Owens, Helen Rentch, Vicki Tobin and Musicians Anna Harrod and Lindy Karns present the Bluegrass Committee Darrin Hacquard, students at Scholarship to FNU student Lana Little Berea College, opened the event by performing Bluegrass tunes for our guests on the patio of the Lexington Country Club on a beautiful fall day. FNU President Susan Stone and Dean Julie Marfell led this annual gathering of our friends, many of whom have longtime connections to Frontier or who trace their roots to Hyden, Ky. Alumni Shirley Pollard Ramsey, a family nurse practitioner graduate, and Kendra Adkisson, a nurse-midwifery graduate, inspired our guests by speaking about the work they are doing to improve healthcare in their communities. Lana Little, a current family nurse practitioner student who lives in Paris, Ky., was presented with the first Bluegrass Scholarship, created through efforts led by the volunteers on our Bluegrass Committee. Our guests with Hyden roots included Elizabeth Kramer, who grew up in Hyden and who serves on FNU’s Leadership Council; Tibby Adams, whose mother was a friend of Mary Breckinridge’s; Martha Copeland, an FNS baby; and sisters Erma Kemble, Teresa Stacy and Deanna Stacy, originally from Hyden. Louisville Committee Hosts Annual Luncheon On November 10, 2013 a group of 30 Frontier friends and donors gathered at Louisville’s River Valley Club. Organized by the Louisville comPresident Stone presents mittee and hosted by committee chair Sandy Betty Brown with an FNU Schreiber, the luncheon was enjoyed by all. Guests pin in recognition of her were moved by a presentation by former Courier support of the endowment Kaleigh Hire about her experience serving and campaign working under Frontier midwives at the Lisa Ross Birth Center in the summer of 2013. Frontier donors Mary Clay Stites, Betty Brown and Donald MacLean Bell (MacLean Foundation) received pins honoring their contributions to Frontier Nursing University. We were honored to provide updates to supporters, re-engage with longtime Frontier friends, and introduce new guests to our work and mission. Marian Leibold hosts Cincinnati Committee Dinner FNU wishes to extend a special thank you to Neace Lukens insurance company and company executives Mark Bizer and Dino Lancianese for generously sponsoring the luncheon. We also are grateful for the continuing support of our dynamic volunteers who serve on the Bluegrass Committee: Linda Roach, Long-time Frontier supporter and former Courier Marian Leibold hosted a dinner on behalf of Frontier Nursing University on October 16, 2013. Marian hosted the dinner at the historic home where she grew up, Former Couriers Kit Wysor which is currently for sale. The home was and Marian Leibold built in 1906 by Mary Hanna and purchased by her parents in 1957. With a view of sunset over downtown Cincinnati surrounding the thirty-five guests in attendance and a miniature horse complete with saddlebags grazing in the front yard, the location was a spectacular setting in which to discuss Mary Breckinridge’s far-reaching perspective on healthcare and service. Mrs. Leibold, FNU President Susan Stone and Courier Program Coordinator Nancy Reinhart were able to introduce several individuals unfamiliar with Frontier to our 14 15 * Frontier nursing university quarterly bulletin history and work. Especially meaningful for Mrs. Leibold was the presence Kit Wysor — a fellow former Courier with whom she served and later became lifelong friends. As always, we were honored for the opportunity to visit with friends in the area and share updates from FNU. mountain people staying in the area and those moving to Lexington, KY. Mary Breckinridge was named a lifetime member of the club. At its height, the club had as many as 1500 members. The December 2013 meeting was a historic one as it represented the last official gathering of the club. President and Treasurer, Elizabeth Kramer, supported by thirteen other club members present, awarded FNU a portion of the remainder of the club’s funding — a sum totaling $85,000. The money will be used as a scholarship corpus to offer an annual scholarship to a student from one of 52 named Kentucky mountain counties. This scholarship is given in memory of former Mountain Club members and in honor of the current Mountain Club members. Frontier Nursing University is honored to invest this funding and provide annual scholarships to deserving students. Boston Committee Hosts Luncheon and Names Lees Breckinridge Yunits New Committee Chair Mrs. Patsy Lawrence, former Frontier Courier and longtime supporter of Frontier Nursing University, has served as the Chair of the Boston Committee for many years. Annually, Patsy coordinates a beautiful luncheon at the Dedham Country Club in Dedham, Massachusetts, and invites fellow Couriers, friends and supporters of Frontier Nursing University to gather for fellowship and updates from President Susan Stone. The 2013 luncheon was held on a beautiful fall day in November. Couriers Frances Keene, Deborah Smith, Sarah Steck and Lois Cheston attended, along with supporters Peter Breckinridge Coffin, Lees Breckinridge Coffin and Caroline Standley. President Stone reviewed the latest updates and achievements of the University and Denise Barrett informed the group of our success in the endowment campaign. President Stone presented Mary Breckinridge Society lapel pins to Patsy Lawrence and Lois Cheston, in recognition of their contribution to the endowment campaign. We are excited to announce that Lees Breckinridge Yunits, great-niece of Mary Breckinridge, accepted the position of Chair of the Boston Committee. She will work with Patsy and FNU staff to continue the Boston Committee event and outreach in the area. We look forward to our next trip to the Boston area for Peter Coffin’s annual Kentucky Derby Party and another luncheon next fall. Mountain Club of Lexington Endows New Scholarsh