xt7c862bc87r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7c862bc87r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19100113 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 2, No. 17, January 13, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 2, No. 17, January 13, 1910 1910 2015 true xt7c862bc87r section xt7c862bc87r itéi I \i&IIK£I$
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‘S'é;gK“M“§i‘;§°3 §°“ scnnnnsrs cnnnuv nnnncnnznn J- J. FITZGERALD Kinkead Coal C0.
MADE BY , nA11.noA¤ YARD-c. s. Frengm
LEXINGTON ROLLER MILLSCO. Ltxlngtun,. · · - Ktntnncky 269 w_ Short, Lnnnngtnn, Ky, Depot S_ Bmdway & mmm SL
LEXINGTON PHOTO SUPPLY CO. |=URN|]·URE 8, CARp[·|·$ work Called For and Delivered
Qygg Kirby] Ten Cent Sim-; 159 S. Limestone, Lexington, Ky.
Jnnnn. 8-K. VV. C. at Winnclnester. l` on' l{.—I4. K. W. C.—12.
Jznnn. I5—~Lexinngtonn High School.
Jann. 22—(}eorgetownn at Lexinngtonn.
Jam. 2—}——DePauw at Lexington.
Jann. 28—(`. I`. at Danville.
Feb. 4—Georget0wnn at Georgetown. c
Feb. 7—U, of Cinneinnnnuti at Cinnti. i
Feb. 8—Miami at Oxford.
Feb. 9——I)ePauw at (ilreenncastle.
Feb. I()—-Rose Poly at Terre Haute.
Feb. ]l—T‘l{11'llI{lIlI College at Rich-
unonnd. _
Feb. 18——l\Iiannni ant Lexington.
Feb. 23—Vannderbilt -1t Lexington.
Feb. 25-U. of Cin. atLexinngt0n.
March 4·—C. U. at Danville.
March 8——Georgetown at George-
itk yy
, Vol. II. LEXINGTON, KY., ]ANUARY 13, ll910 NO_ [7
+__ it _ s s s s _» V- A "VIVE LA COLLEGE spmn·!··
LL Wheu ns a horse not a horse? Tr _ } ———
_ . us ns tre proper time for all per-
to G0 Why ns a football banquet when? ms imbued with the right kind of
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ALL COLLEGES IN K. I. A A. bwthvrn h<>¤<>rS· Ml- uml rt will be the work nf the versitv is lllhl imemlptl FOR qt
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WORKING H,ARD.—K. S. U. I`h€¤`** Will YW? be m¤¤Y ef the "l*"'€l‘ b¤U€¤' <>l‘ lleeulv pitcher that l`uiv··r#itv :1l·me but OF Qmrg [mi
HOPES To WIN. nge:} ttln ninkelthe teamtacitttliéa- Wlll hlgllg Ulll his learn, and on this \`Pl‘#lt)" l`*ll` the benefit of a. 4lr;1n1atic
N. , n ne .1mpe reason 21 ere team t e pennant of 1910 w1ll pen-h_ •· U t€xmgt(m” as wen
W1th the cummg of Sprung the t, l_ Q; t ` I, .H _ b bl . ‘_ _“j;"— =¤* Yl¤<· u’¢·r¤¢·rul publxc of the city and
question arises among the college Ulf. .1 ei nm wu- pm an 5 X1]? Ktm- State- ut large. are intensely interest-
• • ·` { ( I ( (T ° ° ' •
men of Kentucky as to wluch Um- :8 k _1 PING Lam on le en *‘l **1 NW ·>ut0<>¤ue of tlus tleviation
versity Of the State yvill turn out the 1* }· ’ _ l tmm the n·eg·ulm· mutine (IHOIIUIUII-
championship baseball tgam of 1910. I\Ie`aduws patelnng last year held Mrs. ¤. artistic development and
prospects are that again this spring the team t0 solve: · Bridges _____'___ 87' lgllt CCL'}; the (`ll'2U\•l Old State of Keyytugkyi
the Blue and White team will make Trzmsylvama w1ll make a bxd for B,-Own __________ 90 1_1 1_1 —;—-;_
a strong showing in the Southern the championship again this season, Clarke .......... 126 s-5 10.1 NOTICE
Championship race, with Central, and has several new recruits in to ······-···· 115 2-1 1-1 • JUNIORS!
Transylvania and Georgetown coming take up the stick for the Crimson F;;n;(_l ''``‘`‘''‘ gi Yi ___
(.]0S€_ team. Shaw, one of the best pitchers G;lrv]n __________ 90 2-1 8,5 Tl . I _ ~·
Last year the Blue and White took in the League, is back iu school, and Hayes .......... 115 1-2 10-7 1 _l°t [Tm if °"m° N"` the class
at slump and was ned tm- second and with the assistam <~f two other *f““ ············ U2 ‘·’ *1 ‘“°’ " ’° °" "°t°‘l·. Th"“‘ has b‘*°“
_ _ t . 1 -1] k W d h · Rondo .......... 86 5-1 6-1 llllwll twulile expemeueed in past
{bud places by Tmngylvan1a and W1? °"S· Wl me ° a =·°°_ S Owmg Kuebler ......... 89 2-1 3-2 vears iu 1·uisiu¤· the qumtmt of ~
Georgetown, much to the surprise or =¤2¤¤¤St Mw bnttw that wm be pm- mgm .......... 110 1-2 1-3 LW W, wl { I _ ¤ __ ‘ , '“°’*·
the Other colleges in the L8&g·u6_ duced in the State. Captain Duguid Mills ............ 97 2-1 1-1 nl _l‘l T P °'} “°°"*°‘“`Y f"*` The All-
The prospects are that all the teams has returned to school and will prob- ........ ig; th"; JIU (1\l€`2¤¤Pf}>§<(>)¤{ ·
wnth Berea and Ky. \Vesleyan brmg- Coach Hmtou. of Gelwgetmvu. has This Pace is mr (aged ntmseg), 4 year ,l,l_t__wm_l_ \il_ *3 um "lu t" ‘““`
ing up the rear. been working out his material, and ··l'=* {wr 0}.2);:1 Mi`; tm t°lS°° °l`°"Y mm"'
. - ; · x ¤ ; v v ° U15]: ` x 1
they can get u good couch they